(edited by Serophous.9085)
what are your main weapons?
Hm, I don’t have a male charr mesmer, I can look at the look I have for my fem though and see how it works.
Now, you mean Mix n’ Match? Or just one armor set?
I know I shouldn’t compare, but since this is about story mainly, I think it can work here.
Lets look at Burning Crusade in WoW. The final boss was Illidan, but throughout the whole campaign, you really never knew that till the final patch. He was absent from the ‘main story’, so no one really saw him as a big villian pulling all the strings.
Cut to Wrath of the Lich King where we see the The Lich king at times as we travel, eavesdropping in on his plots, his commands, his presence is know, the climax is building up to the final confrontation.
We don’t really get that with the Dragons. We know they are there, but yet, that’s it. Sure, we got vines now, and see undead minions, etc, but that dragon’s presence isn’t felt well.
In all honestly, and this would be cool AND make sense, Trahearne is captured and taken before Mord, and Mord basically possesses him. Thus, the dragon can now walk around and amongst the troops, giving commands, and giving us more interaction. It would also give us something to think how to save him.
As cliche as this would feel, Mord’s spheres of influence are Plants and the Mind, so possession should be within his powers.
that said, it’d work better if it wasn’t trahearne. some other sylvari, with less of a good-friend-turned-evil cliche going on.
I know its cliched but…it makes more sense than an unnamed sylvari. I mean, one of the first born, wielder of a powerful sword? It just makes sense. Not to mention, he’s the leader. How much demoralization could be caused to the troops if mord’s power can corrupt someone like him?
Think of it like this:
If a ptr was up the whole time, it would be stuck where it was this beta weekend still. Broken events, skills or traits needing fixed or buffed, etc. It would stay that way the whole time, till they got enough feedback to code and change what they feel needs changed and fixed.
So, what would be the point in leaving up the servers stuck on the same patch? None really. People are going to keep posting the same bugs or ideas till the next patch. So instead of keeping it up, shut it down, re-open when next patch rolls out. Gather feedback again.
I know I shouldn’t compare, but since this is about story mainly, I think it can work here.
Lets look at Burning Crusade in WoW. The final boss was Illidan, but throughout the whole campaign, you really never knew that till the final patch. He was absent from the ‘main story’, so no one really saw him as a big villian pulling all the strings.
Cut to Wrath of the Lich King where we see the The Lich king at times as we travel, eavesdropping in on his plots, his commands, his presence is know, the climax is building up to the final confrontation.
We don’t really get that with the Dragons. We know they are there, but yet, that’s it. Sure, we got vines now, and see undead minions, etc, but that dragon’s presence isn’t felt well.
In all honestly, and this would be cool AND make sense, Trahearne is captured and taken before Mord, and Mord basically possesses him. Thus, the dragon can now walk around and amongst the troops, giving commands, and giving us more interaction. It would also give us something to think how to save him.
Beta crippled by bugs, lack of info & devs
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Serophous.9085
Happy Monday, everyone! I thought those of you in this thread would be interested in the update I just received. We’re going to extend the beta weekend event by an hour today so we can gather a few extra details on the stalled events. You don’t need to do anything differently than what you’ve been doing all weekend.
The gameplay and feedback from all of you this weekend provided a lot of valuable information to the teams working on this part of the map and this content, so thank you!
Extending the beta was very helpful, but also cruel.
I don’t know who did it, or if you guys stepped in to fix it somehow, but the event with the frogs got pass the “gather and protect bugs” event. In which case, we were able to do the hunts, the fire event, and then the chain for stopping the zealots started….
UNFORTUNATELY, nightfall came, and we never got to make it to Wyvern :’(
Now that I am awake, I can remember better also what I liked:
- Our characters talking. Yes, I feel so much better now that I am no longer a silent protagonist! TY! Even running in the world it feels nice.
- Props to the first story basically “introducing” the new mobs to us.
The spec just felt weak to me, and trying to use the other two slots to support it wasn’t doing well either, I just couldn’t find a good combo.
As for the DH line, it seemed if you wanted to go damage, get the cripple when you knock back, knock back when so close to you, and deal increased damage to crippled targets. Tried that first, didn’t seem to work all the time with knock backs. And since this was just a straight damage build, I went zerk and basically only cared about getting the “crits give you might” talent.
So then I thought “lets go condition damage, how good is that?”
Its atrocious. Sure, traps add bleed, and bleed is more deadly, but I don’t think any other skill on the bow cause bleeding. Its only traps. So I thought “ok, fire then”. Well, one skill for fire on bow, and then traps might as well be ignored cept the blade one. But then I’m going to be going into melee to spread more fire damage, and this is meant to be for range…so why am I not just going GS?
And then I was confused with the virtues with “ok, this talent effects the original virtue, so does that mean it effects the new ones as well? or no?”
So finally, I tested “ok, what about a spec that doesn’t use the bow, but still takes dragon hunter?” Still doesn’t work. I mean, I guess it’s not suppose to work that way. If you pick Dragon Hunter, then the other two trees need to build around it and the bow, nothing else. Which leaves that weapon slot being unused….cept for, of course, staff…
In the end, it’s just too clunky on what it wants to do. It has DoT potential, but its not that great, and it has power potential, but the talents in the tree don’t support it that well.
So maybe some fixes:
- The auto attack, if it hits two, pierces, cripples and bleeds. Will help with multiple foes, still hurts though on single target boss fights.
- 5 skill – my god that is a long cooldown. I mostly forget about this skill I rarely use it.
- Clarification if other virtue talents affect Dragon Hunter virtues.
- Reduce trap placement speed, I felt so slow putting them down.
- No trap that does fire damage?
- The knockback when in range seems a bit buggy still where it won’t work, and could knock them back a bit more. I understand this needs to be balanced for pvp reasons though, but this is basically the only “escape from melee” mechanic the spec has.
Its really kinda hard to say “what I like” when a lot of stuff is still missing it feels like, or the restrictions make it feel so limited.
What I like:
- I like the map bonuses, they help with getting mats. But not sure if I am suppose to get one every event, or if its a chance. Sometimes I do and other times I dont, and I don’t know if this is intended or not. Also, it doesn’t really solve the problems in Orr where defending < assaulting.
- I like the monster abilities and variety. They make you think, aren’t easy, and you have to learn how to defeat them or when to dodge. The snipers though, need tuned down a bit, as in the heat of battle, you aren’t going to see them aim and basically one shot you, even with defense stats. Its like the karkas, except they had a good tell to know when to dodge or prepare your defense skills. Second are those mist dodgers or whatever, that do the Rev skill and blink around. Holy crap that needs either a long CD for them, or damaged tweaked, since if you don’t have a stun ready, its not going to end well. And don’t get me started on running into two Vets of them…
That’s really it. I can’t talk about anything else because the bugs really prevent me from doing so.
- So far, Mastery training is a drag, that I can’t properly say if I am leveling at a well enough pace, since most of the time I’m just grinding mobs, since barely any events with them bugging out, and night time having barely any.
It was only meant to be for that one particular beta access period
well thats just really really disappointing. I wouldn’t even have called that testing period a beta…it was just what? Two few hour sessions?
So people with the Portal to the Heart of Maguuma don’t get beta access anymore? One shot deal?
That’s fine. A beta test isn’t suppose to be for just playing and thinking of progress. You are suppose to test ideas, builds, abilities, and BREAK THINGS. This is the time where if you find a cheat, see how you can exploit it, then report it so Anet can fix it.
Not only that, if an ability feels weak, an ability doesnt fit, or a profession is missing something, then writing about it in a constructive and concise manner can help make a game better overall.
So again, for other people, if you are planning on walking into the beta to just play, think about the above.
You aren’t being forced into the specialization, if you don’t put it as a spec option, you aren’t it (correct me if wrong).
So say for warrior, you take arms, defense, and “dragon slayer” (calling it now, also to still mock ‘dragon hunter’). Then you spec how you do now.
Is this system good? Yeah, I think it is. Is it great? Eh…it’s not on level of path of exiles character creation, but implementing something like that in gw2 would destroy pvp and wvw balance.
I have 3mill karma i’m still trying to figure out how to get rid of….
I usually play with my soldier gear in zerk runs. They don’t see the difference..
You don’t know that.
Just because they aren’t calling you out for it doesn’t mean they don’t notice something’s wrong. They probably just don’t know who’s at fault.
I doubt anyone would notice something is wrong.
100% guarantee you I would notice something wrong, I always do. This is why I don’t pug. You also have no idea if they notice or not, because they might just not want to hurt your feelings by outright calling you on it.
To me, there’s no point to pug when there’s such a high chance of getting burdened by having people using tank gear/traits expecting others to carry them.
If I’m ever in a pug, I just expect them to be clueless because even if somebody asks for good players there’s no way to guarantee they will get what they want.
It’s really unkind of you to disrespect people’s wishes on their LFG ads instead of just making your own groups with likeminded individuals.
Griefers gotta grief I guess…
To add to what Purple Miku said, runeblade, it’s players like you that make this problem worse.
Technically, how is it worse? He has a right to post in his LFG definition “zerks only.” If someone joins that isnt zerk, they have a right to kick. Its what the description is there for.
As for telling if someone isnt zerk. There are ways. First one is looking at HP. Find out what base HP of each class is at 80. If its over that base, they are using a non-piece of zerk gear. After that, if you are use to speed runs and doing them so often, you start ot get the feel and timing on how fast something is suppose to die. When you notice it taking longer, first can be said that another zerk just isnt as good as someone before. Next would be “not using zerk gear”.
So again, it comes down to people. If a LFG says “zerks only” people not in zerks gear shouldn’t join. And zerks who join a pug without a description or something that says “any spec welcome” should realize what they are getting in to and not complain.
But again, good luck changing people.
First off, you will never get rid of the meta. You break one meta, another meta arises, the cycle continues endlessly.
Second, the best option is to yes, create your own party, dont be lazy and put nothing but type out “all welcomed” or to get back at the filthy zerkers, put “non-zerker’s only”.
So in short, because when one meta dies, another rises, the devs can only do so much. Its not only the game that has to change, but those players too. And good luck making that happen.
we still dont even know all the specializations yet…
(Dragon Slayer for Warrior. Calling it now)
I’m still waiting for them to work on getting us to ludicrous speed
Dry top is definitely less popular now which has led to a drastic drop in quartz supply. I’d bet that most of the supply now comes from home instances which realistically only gives 3-8 per person per day whereas charging it up requires 25 quartz.
Looking at the graph, over 300k supply burned this week with only 300k left, ruh roh.
dont forget, there are people also like wanze who keep some back in stock. That stock will flow when they feel the price is right to them.
I poked Magnus’ eye out again. I hope you’re all happy about this, because he sure isn’t.
You should have knocked out a couple of teeth while you were at it.
Why stop there? Cut off a hand, get a hook. Chop a leg, give him a peg leg. Then sew a parrot on his shoulder.
Can make a show out of this…..
“So you want to be a Pirate?”
“Pirate eye for the landlubber guy”
Dude you are the same. You just spewed hate and expect a more tolerant community (ie segregation). Them and us logic is as poisonous as bigotry. “If this person doesn’t agree with me I should force them to leave.” is a very dangerous thought. You see a tolerant community lets those that disagree stay in their ranks and tries to come to peaceful resolutions. If you kick players out or try to get them to quit what makes you any better?
The fact you mention religion might make a believer no matter how accepting they are feel they aren’t welcome here. Does that really make you any better because the tide shifted in your favor? It is a real question. Should hate be accepted as long as it is pointed toward those with the minority opinion?
Additionally this is game where players will tea bag each other jump and send nasty tells. Its a mmo so …../shrugNo. Us and them is not as poisonous as bigotry. I can love my neighbour even though I am me and she is her. Or the family of a different ethnic background that lives opposite me. Their culture (them) is different than mine (us). We are different but equal. I do not despise them or their culture, therefore am not bigoted towards them. But thanks so much for trying.
As for religion, I do not feel that religious people should be hated or shunned. I do think that many of them require treatment for their unfortunate delusional state that restricts their ability to think and act of their own free will.
And where did I say that anyone should be forced to do anything?
Again, thanks for trying.
Maybe they can start by saying “what would Jesus do?”
I’m at the point in conversations that if someone interupts me to tell me their gay, I just continue on with the conversation before.
Wouldn’t that be an odd thing to do, though? I’ve never had a convo with someone that made a point of telling me they’re straight or hetero or whatever.
Here’s a part of the conversation that it did happen.
Me: “…so this gay guy was talking to his boyfriend-”
Friend: “oh, I’m gay too”
Me: “about how he thought the last airbender wasn’t that bad of a movie. I started to feel my brain melt”True conversation, just cleaned up because I do have a potty mouth.
And looking at those tweets. Did I seriously read a guy defending his parenting by denying his kids a game cause of the same sex and trans stuff? Alcohol, violence, hostile threats, swearing, those are OK.
Kids learning bout same sex stuff? Whoa whoa whoa! Let’s not get crazy here!
My brain is melting again.
Maybe the guy was saying he’s gay because sometimes people start saying stuff and what they’re going to say could easily become offensive, and thus he’s giving people warning that they might get a reaction. However, if the conversation were like this:
Party 1: So anyway this guy is a huge Yankee fan and he said…
Party 2: Oh I love the Yankees.No one would have said anything about it.
And that’s how I treat it. I just keep going. Because once you announce that as the warning, and the first party shuts up, then something offensive was going to be said. It’s a lose lose for party one. Whatever would have been said, the tone would have to be taken into account. Was it said as a jest or a joke? Or with hate?
And yes, I have made jabs at him for being gay, only as a joke. He’s done the same back to me for things I’m part of. We’re still good friends!
I’m at the point in conversations that if someone interupts me to tell me their gay, I just continue on with the conversation before.
Wouldn’t that be an odd thing to do, though? I’ve never had a convo with someone that made a point of telling me they’re straight or hetero or whatever.
Here’s a part of the conversation that it did happen.
Me: “…so this gay guy was talking to his boyfriend-”
Friend: “oh, I’m gay too”
Me: “about how he thought the last airbender wasn’t that bad of a movie. I started to feel my brain melt”
True conversation, just cleaned up because I do have a potty mouth.
And looking at those tweets. Did I seriously read a guy defending his parenting by denying his kids a game cause of the same sex and trans stuff? Alcohol, violence, hostile threats, swearing, those are OK.
Kids learning bout same sex stuff? Whoa whoa whoa! Let’s not get crazy here!
My brain is melting again.
I don’t care how many people agree or disagree with the court’s decision but I do find it annoying when a company takes a position on political issues.
There are a bunch of reasons why and I’d rather not get too deep into it. To keep it simple; just do your job ANet, which is making Guild Wars.
They’re already taken a position with Jory and Kas for years and recently added a transgender NPC.
These things shouldn’t be in the game for the purpose of taking a position. They should be there for the purpose of making characters deeper and more interesting.
Anet never said they were in game for taking a position, even if someone on the forums said. Of course, art of any kind was always meant to challenge preconceptions and stereotypes and that’s as valid a reason for including something in a game as anything else.
What are we doing now? Talking about it. That’s publicity. That’s another reason to put something in a game.
But I don’t see the stuff Anet has put in the game as being there just to take a position. As a writer, I know that characters sometimes just show up, and when they do I welcome them in, unless there’s a compelling reason not to use them.
Now that I think about it, what really annoys me is people like that person I was responding to who get so excited about seeing a token NPC like Sya or a homosexual couple in a story. It makes me think that they are obsessed with these topics and that they put LGBT people on a pedestal.
I grew up in the SF Bay Area. Some of my best friends are gay. They are literally just normal dudes and you wouldn’t think they were gay if you met them. Then you have those guys who do the lisp and dress specifically to make sure everyone knows immediately, and that’s their entire life and identity. Those people make normal gays look bad. I am not gay but it’s an opinion all my gay friends share with me.
So anyway that’s kinda why the obsession annoys me. I think it encourages more tokenism because the unnecessary enthusiasm looks like positive feedback.
I’m with you on this. It’s like someone jumping up and down saying “notice me! I’m different! But treat me like a normal person though I’m making a spectacle!”
If I’m going to treat you like everyone else, then I don’t care. I don’t hate you, I don’t care what you call yourself, your personal life is your personal life, I don’t need to know about it.
Grats on the win, grats if you came out today or whatever. It should’ve happened sooner.
I’m at the point in conversations that if someone interupts me to tell me their gay, I just continue on with the conversation before. It’s no longer an OMG moment to me anymore.
It’s true, you can’t do whatever you want anymore. They did their best at bringing the core values of the professions over.
But the fun of gw2 as a new player, part of it was discovering new builds, thinking it’s amazing, then find out something better later.
But it depends on the game type, if you look at a moba like Dota, there’s pretty much 0 variety either. Then if you look at Path of Exile, its build variety is through the roof, and people love it.
So I don’t know what expectation I have for MMOs, builds are meaningless if the PVE maps are boring as heck.
I agree PoAs system is nice, but anyone looking at it the first time just head explodes.
Back on topic, there will always always always be unbalance and a perfect way to deal the most damage. If your goal in the game is to want to do that, you’ll find it. If you just want to experiment and have fun, then do that. But don’t expect your build with no damage armor and traits to be on par with glass cannons.
How is this system fairing out so far? Too soon to tell. Still need bug fixes, tweaking (dots), and continual build ideas.
As for me, I’m enjoying my plague support necro. DISEASES AND HEALING FOR EVERYONE!
Next thing you know, people will be expecting free content after purchasing the xpac!
The one thing I just take issue with is with your mention of the dungeon.
This is not anets fault, and really cannot do anything to stop it. This is the players themselves. The description said lv 80 experienced. Even if there were no levels, it would’ve said, “exp only”. And chances are when they saw you dying to bosses or asking what a boss does, auto kick anyway.
So again, don’t put this dislike at a net, put it against picky players.
Look your asura looks like it has a raisin, all scrunched up and weird. Not our fault chart just tell it like it is.
Deal with it.
So i ended my test a little early, not there the whole time of course, just missing 15min. But this is what I gathered:
Personal Story:
Defending Amber – Really not sure if this was actually part of the personal story or living story (whatever this is being called.) since i had other players around. And maybe its because I did silverwastes so many times, and the wanting to just jump into the new zone, that 5 min felt too long and boring. If anything, I would suggest cutting it down to 3min, or 4.
The rest – I can’t complain. I liked it. Continuing story, and although only one path to choose, it was decent for what it was. Standard really. I wouldve liked to see what the choice differences wouldve caused, but its not in yet.
Voices for your character. Loved it. I felt like I was more involved actually now and brought back memories of GW1. Only recommendation, bring back the personalities again (ya know, the fist, crown, and heart), and whichever one we are, depicts what we say. Sure, more voice acting needed, but in the end, better product and diversity.
Look more at the cutscene with rytlock’s appearance, definately doesnt seem to have rendered right.
Map – It seemed interesting enough. I did get lost a few times, or stuck trying to find the path, which isn’t unusually in a new place. The frog race village was cool, and I felt a bit onedge being on such slim bridges. Overall, I enjoyed what I saw so far.
Events and Bugs – Yeah, there were some weird bugs at times. Once my traits wouldnt load in, so I couldnt see what they were except for the numbers, sometimes a skill didn’t activate like my hammer 5 with mace offhand on warrior., and enemies tended to teleport around, like to the side or something. This happened near the crash airship by the first base that was claimed, where the vines would shift to the sides, and some of the mobs during the night event moved too. Same with during the plant explosives.
With the assault the ruins map, sadly I didnt get to experience it, as I had no idea where it even was. So either an arrow pointing or a star or something to say where it was happening wouldve been nice.
Revenant – I didn’t play much, only the story part. But 2h hammer felt so slow and weak. The skill where I would leap forward and back confused me, as I saw a mist form leap forward, and not me (unless I misread it). Drop the hammer didn’t feel impactful or look it (damage wise I mean), and I felt I was opening myself up more in queing up swings. Once I swapped to mace and axe OH, I felt like I was a real damage dealer down, and it felt those abilities flowed better together. Hit 5, pull all together, then either throw the axe and hit all in a line, or do the number 2 with the mace and deal line damage. Activate with the dwarf hammer, and its aoe everywhere. And I liked it.
Atm, the demon spirit felt underwhelming. Though, I feel I want to reserve judgement on that, as I feel its more group based and requiring a different build and gear to really make effective. So I cant say its bad or good yet. But during this test, I just avoided it.
What did we think so far? I still felt pretty ‘led’.
I only got to the personal story, and really, when you are given a mission on what to do…yeah…its not being led as being told where to rescue.
I mean, if in RL someone told you that the hostages were in these specific buildings, would you realy say “stop leading me, lemme run around and check everywhere! geesh!”
On a good note, my character talking, love it so far.
Yep, someone pressed a button at the wrong time, got to play a bit of the story though :p
Except for the fact that the NA players will be at work or school during quite a bit of the tests you mean? I suppose they can just skip work and/or school then? What is stopping EU people form doing the same? Just skip work one day and stay up all night, problem solved
Anyone that thought that it would be a weekend do only have themselves to blame. Did you really think that they would order people into the office during the weekend just so that you could beta test for them?
No no no. Anet and employees should be staying up to or waking up extra early to help these players beta test. GOSH!
Seriously people, they picked their time zone because its where THEY work. Someone in the world is going to miss out.
I suppose reverse was a poor choice of word. I meant purchasing or crafting like you mentioned although I do remember never touching the professions at all when I used to play. Looking at my actual bank it has a ton of these transmutation stones/crystals, experience and skill point scrolls, crystal/onyx/destroyer/ fragments, a bunch of sigils and marks that I don’t understand, mystic coins, gold doubloon, a couple blueprints and my character inventory looks the same. The boxes are these black lion chests.
I’m scared to equip any of these sigils because I don’t really know what looks good. I am unsure of what my character is supposed to do. I originally though I was going to do the whole tanking thing but thats not the case as I found out.
Guahhh this whole process has got me flustered
First, can I ask, we talking your guardian or your ele you want geared? And we talking JUST pvp? or pve and pvp?
(edited by Serophous.9085)
Only response.
Create a level one, do city map completion, get a free charge.
My asura sent his mom a cleaning golem…
It blew up and took off half the house.
My charr finally found her mother…
She sat in the stadium and watched her be sentenced to death for being flame legion…
PvPer 1: “Hello opponent, may I politely kindly end your wonderful life so I may go about my tournament experience of lovely compassion?”
PvPer 2: “Why of course my gracious fellow player who partakes in the medium of competition. May I also say how grossly resplendent your outfit looks on your well played character?”
I have no idea what you’re talking about, this is how every interaction I have ever had in Spvp has been.
You sir, have won my respect.
Hi everyone!
Before I get to my question, that’s what this topic is about:
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category:Unobtainable_armor_setsLately I was combining lots of skins and after a short time, I’ve stumbled over a few armor pieces I’ve already forgotten that they even existed before, though I saw them quite often during the first year of Guild Wars 2. So I was wondering, are those skins “lost forever” or will they someday come back again? Especially the Tribal and the Stalwart armors look really good (perfect for necros and engis imo).
It’s a shame those armors have been removed in the first place :/ But it seems like nobody cares about that anymore.
We do, many of us just know this was answered already that they will return “in some way” but its unknown when or how. Most likely its a back burner project.
Guild Wars was released on April 28, 2005. In celebration of this milestone, we’re offering a contest: 10 questions for the 10th Anniversary, with, you guessed it, 10 winners!
Prizes? Of course! We have some tasty Guild Wars swag we’ll be sending off to the winners, each of whom will be randomly selected from those who answer all 10 questions correctly.
Head over to our contest page here and take your best shot at the answers to questions based on Guild Wars history, from characters to geography, good guys to bad.
We’ll post the legal stuff (rules, eligibility info, etc.) in a forum post immediately below this invitation.
Now, don’t waste a minute! The contest ends at 11:59 PM Pacific Time on April 28, 2015!
Huh, so GW1 was released on my birthday….
Do i get something special then?
(edited by Serophous.9085)
If anything, can we get ‘Glarrgh’ added to the filter? Even if its a foreign language, having characters in game speaking it is bad enough.
I think you’re right about me not fully understanding as I just got back into the game, haha. But, in dungeons, who WANTS a Mesmer? lol I’m not saying it’s not viable, what I’m saying is that it’s not wanted, OR as effective as Warriors, Elems, Guards, or Thiefs. As for the weapon builds, I again agree with you on the support of using the blind fields with your pistol as a Thief for example, but again that’s just necessary filler between DPS. There is no other SPECIALIZATION as effective as damage. Not “specialization” as in traits, I mean as a character as a whole.
There isn’t a specialization as effective as damage, but I’m not sure there can be. Without the original trinity, most of the focus has to be DPS. How could a control build compete with DPS? And I don’t mean within the possible control in the game. I mean how could you change control to be as effective as DPS? You’d have to both redesign classes to be able to fully be dedicated to control, and also have encounters require that control. But that moves in the direction of required builds. And despite what some people will say on these forums, zerker is not required to play this game. Required to join some groups? Sure. Optimal? Sure. But not actually required. And that’s one of the huge selling points Anet tried to get across. You don’t need healers. You don’t need tanks. You can bring the build you want. It may be extremely suboptimal. But you can get through content with it.
I’m honestly just unsure if you can both set up a game that offers a “play how you want” and also require classes other than DPS to be extremely effective. They seem contradictory. I think what the game needs is a sort of hard mode. Where groups who are willing to fit into more specific roles can have that higher level, required build content. And normal mode can still just be done with whatever. But I honestly don’t see that happening. The attention dungeons have gotten in over a year have been extremely minimal.
The way to make control build and support builds as effective as DPS is actually pretty simple in my opinion.
For control:
Skale Venom for example, have the duration last longer the more X stat you have. Same with blind, or any conditions. Conditions are a joke (so I hear) so why not have those scaling abilities? (Besides “condition DAMAGE”)Support:
More/longer stacks of might with X stat, longer stability with X stat, etc.This way there’s a much greater reason for a Guardian to put points into “Healing power” which would increase the intensity and duration of his boons for example.
I’m not being rude, but it is a pretty simple idea lol :P
It’s simple but it’s not (more) balanced. Coordinated groups can already CC bosses a good chunk of the time. To allow them to do it even further would make already fairly easy dungeons an even bigger joke. Boon duration being tied into healing power is an interesting concept. I’m not sure how I feel about it. Though I think with metas being focused around 2 eles + 1 warrior, you’d have to nerf boon duration into the absolute ground to have them not be able to reliably stack might. And at the moment both ideas are unclear to me what all the reaching implications would be out of dungeons, which Anet has a far bigger focus on.
Agreed, however with the scaling of boons and such, the coordinated CC on bosses would be more dependent on the support/control classes. So the DPS players who spec fully into damage all around wouldn’t have any CC worthwhile with extremely weak CC scaling
ex: .2 second stun with 0 spec into X trait/stat.
2 second stun with 200 spec into X trait/stat.Therefore the support/control roles would FINALLY be WANTED lol
No, they would be REQUIRED, which isn’t what anet is looking for. They don’t want people sitting in lfg saying “lf Control mesmer gtg” for an hour. [shudder] oh god the BC memories in shattarath just came back…
More/longer stacks of might with X stat, longer stability with X stat, etc.This way there’s a much greater reason for a Guardian to put points into “Healing power” which would increase the intensity and duration of his boons for example.
I’m not being rude, but it is a pretty simple idea lol :P
Hmmm….maybe something like a stat on armor called “boon Duration” could work?
So, I like to run dungeons, I just started doing Fractals, and I occasionally do some World Boss Farming. I’m a PvE player and these seem to be the best ways to get loot and have some fun group challenging content.
However… DPS, DPS, DPS. I get not having the holy trinity (feels like I’m swearing by saying “holy trinity” here) but seriously, everyone is just DPS, that’s it. It feels like there is zero versatility in PvE that can be taken seriously. Yes, you CAN do support builds, and yup, “control” builds too, I just wish that other builds besides “ZERKER ONLY” could be as rewarding as DPS. When I say rewarding I also mean having equal and/or reliable impact.
I can’t even blame all LFG descriptions saying “zerker only” because that is IN FACT the best and fastest way to get through a dungeon and get your reward.
I was just curious about the community’s opinion on this. Thanks
Well, when I run dungeons on my hammer guardian, everyone seems to love me as I give constant protection, wall, constant heals, might, and heal myself, along with having knight armor and zerker trinkets so my dps isn’t hit too hard, since I have no dmg increase traits.
haven’t been kicked yet.
Censorship – the principle that adults must live on pablum because baby can’t have steak.
That said, while I’m opposed to censorship of any sort, (with military disposition and technology being the sole exception), I have zero issue with people who comport themselves with such poor taste getting a permanent invitation to the world. (IE – hate speech = permaban, with no exceptions.)
I’d say get rid of the filters altogether; in-game and forum both. If someone behaves in a way that is deliberately hurtful to another, ban their account. If they love Tyria enough to buy a second account, they’ll likely think before acting from then on.
If people want to let their children play in a bubble with text in a game that promotes drinking, violence, death, etc, then fine, let them have their filter.
But hate speech is a different story, as thats a total speech, and not a word in itself. I mean, next time I pvp, and someone says in map chat I suck, should I report them and expect them to be suspended or banned immediately? And if not, should I come to the forums and complain about it then?
That’s not the point. The article clearly says where the modern use of the word gay to mean stupid comes from and it further implies that the assumption that gay as stupid is not taken offensively is incorrect. And even if I’m reading the article wrong, I am telling you, through lived experience, that it is harmful.
to you, its incorrect, because you take it as its different definition. Again, words have many different definitions, hence why when you look in a dictionary, you see the 1. 2. etc.
Because you feel its still going by the definition you know it as, you ignore the context, which is what i see is wrong here. Whats going to be next to be censored? Melons? Balls? Jugs? What do I mean? Do i mean something perverted, or do I mean something you eat, something you bounce, or something that holds liquid? You don’t know, I don’t know cause there is no context.
So when i say “Gay”, what do I mean? Do I mean Happy? Homosexual? Or stupid? If I say “Oh, that’s gay.” you shouldn’t feel insulted at all, as whatever i’m talking about I’m saying is stupid.
If I say “oh, you’re gay?” then that there can have two meanings already depending on the situation. Do i mean happy or same sex? Again, the whole conversation or scene would have to be looked at.
Let’s put it this way, you are going to have to censor A LOT more words if you decide to just ignore context. As human beings, its what we do when we can’t find the correct word to describe something, so we either find a word that is closest, or make a new one up. Censorship isn’t going to keep up with this, and if people keep promoting it to do so, you’re going find your vocabulary is vulgar suddenly.
Word meanings change. They evolve over time. I know that at least some of those using words like, “ghey,” are not intending any reference at all to homosexuality. Gay did not originally mean homosexual. Similarly the term, “loverboy,” predates Zaoda’s presented definition of, “ghey-submissive-slaves.”
Of course we should combat personal attacks, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. but, “your definition of a slang word is different than mine so you should be punished,” seems like a bit much.
Interesting article about the word gay and how its meaning has changed over the years, including that the word is now starting to mean stupid or lame without reference to gay people.
See Southpark’s episode on another word that has changed meaning over time, and was basically hitting at this.
Look, I’m fine with the major curse words getting filter. Some people still have a problem with it if a kid hears it. And that’s what i saw a profanity filter and beeping on the radio and tv over those words was for, because kids might see it. Well, kids don’t stay kids for long, and they are gonna hear it, and be able to replace those beeps with what the actual word is.
Fact is, you can’t go on your whole life living in a bubble, be it playing an ONLINE game or going to work. You’re going to be exposed to it, and its not the end of the world. Its time to get some thicker skin and just learn to ignore it on your own.
I’ve learned one thing playing video games my whole life, and that is they are just games. Oh no, some nameless person said vulgar language to me as an insult that really has no impact on me in real life, whatever shall I do? Oh, not care? Suddenly, I feel so much better! And then you can actually see these little taunts or tantrums as being pretty hilarious. Now, of course, if it goes so far as stalking and harrassment, then you should report. But a one off brush? Pft. Big deal.
For the record, no, I’ve never run into what the OP is talking about. I had one guy taunting me and insulting me in spvp cause i was so bad, but yeah, I was. Big deal? After the game, he was gone, and I played another game.
Edit: That article is actually how me, my sister, and friends talk now. We don’t mean same sex, or happy, but now stupid or lame. If anything, its a GOOD thing, because, to me, gay with the same sex meaning was starting to sound more negative anyway with how it was used, and people thought “lets just change the definition to a negative then anyway”.
This argument makes me lose my mind.
Hearing people randomly shouting Fort Aspenwood Garbage (that’s clever, thanks!) or gay is not directly an attack on any one person, but it’s a reminder that, no matter what you think, we queer folks live in a society that persecutes, belittles, and harms us on a daily basis.
Using “gay” as slang for “stupid” comes directly from using it to demean people by labeling them homosexuals. You might not mean it that way. But what happens when people keep saying “words change” and slowly people think it’s okay to use whatever words they like, as long as they meant something else? I might want to break out a whole kitten nal of racial slang that I am using in completely tangential ways, but does that make it okay?
I have a bunch of “nuclear option” real life examples that have happened to me personally because of the world that enabling slang creates, but I’ll save those since this is clearly not the crowd. Just understand that while you might not mean any offense with the words you use, you are unintentionally allowing, enabling, and perpetuating harm against others in doing so.
On the other hand, I hardly ever see any actually obscene or explicit chat. I grew up in the age of teh intarwebz and I know what to expect. I am consistently impressed with how mature the GW2 community is overall. I see some kinky stuff from time to time and people can get vulgar during big events, but it’s not bad.
OK, then why does gay have to mean homosexual? It meant happy before (see Flintstones theme song), now it means homosexual. How is that fair?
Again, you are missing the point of the article, and dismissing the episode. I can’t say the word because of the filter, but let’s say it was another derogatory word for same sex people, except now they were using it for annoying Harvey bikers.
(edited by Serophous.9085)
Word meanings change. They evolve over time. I know that at least some of those using words like, “ghey,” are not intending any reference at all to homosexuality. Gay did not originally mean homosexual. Similarly the term, “loverboy,” predates Zaoda’s presented definition of, “ghey-submissive-slaves.”
Of course we should combat personal attacks, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. but, “your definition of a slang word is different than mine so you should be punished,” seems like a bit much.
Interesting article about the word gay and how its meaning has changed over the years, including that the word is now starting to mean stupid or lame without reference to gay people.
See Southpark’s episode on another word that has changed meaning over time, and was basically hitting at this.
Look, I’m fine with the major curse words getting filter. Some people still have a problem with it if a kid hears it. And that’s what i saw a profanity filter and beeping on the radio and tv over those words was for, because kids might see it. Well, kids don’t stay kids for long, and they are gonna hear it, and be able to replace those beeps with what the actual word is.
Fact is, you can’t go on your whole life living in a bubble, be it playing an ONLINE game or going to work. You’re going to be exposed to it, and its not the end of the world. Its time to get some thicker skin and just learn to ignore it on your own.
I’ve learned one thing playing video games my whole life, and that is they are just games. Oh no, some nameless person said vulgar language to me as an insult that really has no impact on me in real life, whatever shall I do? Oh, not care? Suddenly, I feel so much better! And then you can actually see these little taunts or tantrums as being pretty hilarious. Now, of course, if it goes so far as stalking and harrassment, then you should report. But a one off brush? Pft. Big deal.
For the record, no, I’ve never run into what the OP is talking about. I had one guy taunting me and insulting me in spvp cause i was so bad, but yeah, I was. Big deal? After the game, he was gone, and I played another game.
Edit: That article is actually how me, my sister, and friends talk now. We don’t mean same sex, or happy, but now stupid or lame. If anything, its a GOOD thing, because, to me, gay with the same sex meaning was starting to sound more negative anyway with how it was used, and people thought “lets just change the definition to a negative then anyway”.
(edited by Serophous.9085)
Direct gold would be bad for the economy .. but instead they should maybe throw in
some crafting mats as reward.The sad truth is at least that the main seeling point of GW2, dynamic events, are
something that are simply not worth beeing done anymore. Beside the events in
the new zones that give better rewards.Until expac when core zones will start rewarding mats and other rewards as per last weeks blog
Pretty much this. They saw how the rewards in the new zones were working, and now expanding it to old zones, which should reduce wanting to fail events.
As for the inflation, there’s more to it than just increasing the money from events would cause it. If people don’t believe there are those out there turning gems to gold, then you aren’t being realistic. Basically, John would have to be looking at the numbers to see how this would impact the economy, how much this could add to inflation (because gems to gold causes inflation as well), and would have to implement new ways to remove gold to help curve inflation. Right now, the biggest gold sink is gold to gems.
Mmo economies are actually studied and watched nowadays, with some people actually working to find a way to deal with inflation and stuff and actually apply it to the real world. Its actually quite interesting.
I got everything 75% off on steam.
I’m sorry, what are you rubbing in my nose again?