It’s a terrible book :V
Anets’ biggest mistake it seems was creating these forums in the first place. Those people enjoying the game will probably never bother posting here, so all that’s left is a lot of noise from people who think the devs should cater solely to the conspiracy nuts, gankheads and the so-called “hardcore”.
This is the most arrogant post in this thread.
There have been lots of constructive discussions in the past. Plenty. Not everyone who comes here is a big mouthed blithering fool. There are plenty of people who post reasonably intelligent debate, and pretty interesting discussions. I won’t lie that you get the odd real foolish person, but most people on these forums have a reasonable amount of smarts.
If you feel that hearing other people’s opinions is unnecessary, I recommend you look for the little “x” at the top of your browser and practice what you preach? If you have nothing about this game to complain about, criticise or feel needs to be improve upon, and the only people who come to these forums are complainers of various flavours, than why are you even here? To show off your pedestal?
Edit; regarding the OP itself, I am inclined to agree to some degree, but I feel the lacking is in action more than it is in response. It’s past 5 am and people have already posted what I’m essentially talking about so I won’t go into details.
(edited by Seven Star Stalker.1740)
You know what at least in my eyes seems absurd?
The fact that unlocked dyes can’t be used in Hair accessories :CCCC
Why is this even an issue?
Maybe in the feature patch?
I really dislike how there’s little things like this that really shouldn’t exist >→
You know what at least in my eyes seems absurd?
The fact that unlocked dyes can’t be used in Hair accessories :CCCC
Why is this even an issue?
The only thing I envy is your dye system.
Only because as it stands, all the new dyes are coming out in the RNG bundles, and old dyes were available in the gemstore regardless.
“Holy Trinity” is a Christian thing.
“The Trinity” is a gaming thing.
“Trinity” is a Matrix thing.That is all.
I don’t get it .-.
I don’t think she is. Blame the stupid clipping.
And in these four roles, support and control were king.
Brutes and scrappers would have had something to say about that.
/e pours another 40 for my SJ/SD scrap, she was so much fun.
If, while playing the game, the only way you can describe yourself is that you “do damage”, then you aren’t doing it right. You can do a lot of things. Why is it that you should have to sacrifice damage for utility, or vice versa? So many people insist that this must be the case, but I can’t think of a good reason why.
This. As for why, the DPS boat race meta is – from what I have seen – all about facerolling dungeon speedruns.
My highest DPS was a stalker. Kinetic Melee after the assassin strike rework and the release AT specific IO enhancements turned me from a cannon into a mass driver. That said, my strongest toon bar none was my ice control/storm summoning controller, as he was the only toon I was able to successfully solo Ghost Widow on as an Arch Villain (+1).
The PVE DPS race is a bit more than just dungeon speedruns. I made a few elaborate posts on the matter, which are currently my highest rated posts, but in short the way it goes is like this:
Damage and durability share a direct relationship with each other. The more damage you do, the less damage the enemy can fire off before they die. The more durable you are, the longer it takes for you to die, and thus the more damage you can do in the long run. These currently are fairly well balanced, except that the plethora of active defenses in the game that mitigate damage no matter what. This makes it so glass cannons can defend themselves and do a load of damage, whereas the tankier builds don’t as much of a benefit. Since PVE was designed fairly generically, there aren’t many situations that fight against active defense, so the tankier builds are left with little to no perks.
Once you reach a certain level of competence, glass cannon is objectively the best way to go in PVE. Almost regardless of situation.
Woodenpotatoes said the same thing on his recent video “Why Healing power Sucks” except obviously it was in light of healing.
There is no incentive to take toughness and vitality outside PVE. And due to the Conditions fiasco, there’s no reason to that either. Everything is painted in a single tone, and therefore any other role aside from Damage-Dealer is largely pointless. All the boons you need? You can spam them yourselves. All the healing you need? You already have a strong heal in your 6 slot. All your utility? 7, 8, 9. Why would you need someone else healing you or sucking up heavy blows for you at all? You don’t, it’s that reason itself.
And, like Mudbone says, and I’m inclined to agree with him, this game really is for the major single playered. It’s ironic that this is the case because GW1 was more single player-themed than this and yet there things were actually more difficult even on a mass scale with requirements for multiple different roles even if you were the only person playing, using Henchmen instead. In GW2’s case, you’ve an open world, and yet you yourself are sufficient for the game. You could really beat everything in this game with no armor or assistance at all and it’s plausible to say so.
I was hoping the title would end with “On me.”
Yes and no.
Was the Trinity bad? I wouldn’t say it’s bad or ever was, and was very meritable at the very least in conception if nothing else. However Anet’s decision to remove that trinity was whilst unnecessary, a nice attempt at revolutionizing the MMO gaming style.
The problem is what has replaced the trinity. CC is useless on bosses. Conditions don’t work at all. Every class can support themselves to the point where they don’t need anyone else. What you have is an MMO, where no player needs another player in a sense, which is contradictory in a game which requires teamwork on a fundamental level. The only time where this is different is in the case of fights like Tequatl, but that’s mechanical teamwork i.e. you need x amount of people on this and that. There’s no roles per say in terms of player-player interaction, but rather, roles in the functionality of what takes place in the fight.
I think they’re trying to change the way things work but.. Eh. The game is already so far what it is. And without doing MAJOR overhauls, which would have to be done independent of LS or the like with lots of resources, I doubt they’ll ultimately finish it.
I hate trinity,thanks Anet for not putting this unfair feature in game that always make certain classes welcome in groups wile others (usually assassins) are not welcomed and cant find pt entire day for a dungeon
Meanwhile, “LF 5 Guardians”,“LF ZERKS ONLY 10K achievement points”.
This is the stupidest argument against the Trinity I’ve ever heard. People will always find qualifications required for other people to join them. ALWAYS. Don’t kid yourself that Trinity or not makes a contributive difference to this.
Class stacking will also happen in other games that do have the trinity too. There was a boss in WoW Pandaria that had a weird mechanic for melee attackers that made rogues do quad damage while hunters only do their baseline. So people would bring 10 rogues.
And remember the state of Shamans in the Burning Crusade? Shamans had hard times getting an invite as dps in dungeons because they were the one class without a crowd control ability. Everyone wanted mages and warlocks for sheep and banish. They solved the CC issue by making all the tank classes have no brainer aoe attacks for tanking. So AoE tanking became the new way to tank everywhere. So now AoE attack dps classes were the new hotness, and single target builds had to be changed, or those classes had to be given multi target attacks (Bladestorm Warriors, Flurry of Knives Rogues). And since Paladins became the absolute best at AoE, for a while people only wanted Paladins as their tanks. It went on and on…
Things will change over time if the Devs are responsive.
The problem is this is an issue of multiple game design choices.
It all comes down to things like;
StatSynergetics. (i.e. The power of healing vs the power of damage, effect multipliers – Crit-Healing, Crit damage, etc.)
Inter reliance (How players rely on one and other, and how different roles, class designs and tasks function)
Function of roles and skills (Can’t use stuns on bosses much, because lol-defiance, healing is useless due to most damage being able to nullify your healing or health to the point where dodging is much more useful and healing is just icing on the cake.)
Contradictory skillsets (All classes are equal but some classes are more equal than others – All classes should be able to support, yet in a game where everyone can do everything, supporting by some classes are god-tier, and by other classes, useless).
Interactive skills (i.e. Skills that don’t interact with eachother. To give an example, Warlocks in WoW have an ability that increases the damage applications of already applied DoTs. GW2 hasn’t got very many of those overall, save for directly functional class mechanics like Mesmer clones).
Condition issues (Unless you just joined last week you should know what this is)
And finally, obseletion of stat combos within single game modes. What I mean by this is like how for example, Zerks doesn’t work on World Bosses. Therefore you need two sets of armor for the same role in PVE, which is in some sense fair, but also silly and feels time-consuming especially for certain stat-sets that are a bit more rare when your playstyle and actions are fundamentally the same otherwise.
I think those are the ones I see personally of the top of my head though I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more..
Yes I miss it.
It it the reason why I don’t play this game any more and only come to the forums to see what the “scoop” is every month or so.
It is also the reason why I have been playing Rift lately and will be playing WOW again when the new expansion comes out. Unfortunately, that means I’m going to have to buy MOP as well:(
This is a bit off topic but whenever they release a new expansion, the previous expansion becomes merged to the main game.
So if you buy WoW when WoD comes out, it should come with MOP.
I hate trinity,thanks Anet for not putting this unfair feature in game that always make certain classes welcome in groups wile others (usually assassins) are not welcomed and cant find pt entire day for a dungeon
Meanwhile, “LF 5 Guardians”,“LF ZERKS ONLY 10K achievement points”.
This is the stupidest argument against the Trinity I’ve ever heard. People will always find qualifications required for other people to join them. ALWAYS. Don’t kid yourself that Trinity or not makes a contributive difference to this.
(edited by Seven Star Stalker.1740)
I miss roles,
melee dps, range DPS, buffer, debuffer, crowd control, healer, tank.
if you don’t like the term tank, it can be replaced by “control” or “bunker” whatever…each role is lacking but together they supplement each other.
we were promised ROLES not role…
i am still waiting.You don’t have a ROLE. You can do whatever you want to do.
This game will never have dedicated roles like the ones you want. It won’t because that’s not what they are aiming for.Also the " we were promised " doesn’t hold up. A lot of things were promised or promoted and never came to be. A lot of things weren’t promised and we have them.
We were actually supposed to have Control, Support and damage roles. It’s just that defiant makes control useless, all classes have some CC, support is also largely useless and self-designated and damage is great because every class can do that and the other three for themselves well enough that other players aren’t really needed.
That’s why people can solo things like Lupi.
Whilst I don’t miss it per say, I feel like what we’ve got in it’s place is really imbalanced. In some regard, this system is better, but where this system fails it feels pretty cruddy.
Its always been this way on Asura. It’s only on the chest piece (Which I dislike on them) as opposed to the shoulders where it should be(?)
This is really stupid design incarnate, IMO. I can’t fathom why this differs over gender. Really I can’t.
Pre Cursor prices have been stable for over 6 months now and I dont remember anybody from Anet stating that they think they are overpriced in the last 6 months.
Legendaries in general got more expensive in the last 6 months, that is true. But that is due to the ingredients for the gifts in general rising in price, not because of precursors.
this was over a year ago, when they started to hit 300g and kept rising some are more than twice that now. they said they were going to address it and haven’t. they keep stringing us along with posts like
" you will see a specific way to build precursor items on your way to a legendary. On top of this, you’ll also see new legendary weapons and new types of legendary gear in 2013."
and then do nothing
I’m quite certain they said they’re changing it because the current method is just incredibly cheesy, not because of the price. And many bloggers and stuff for GW2 have said that apparently they’re going to make the whole quest thing rather long and difficult. It’s not going to be some 24 hour thing. They’re going to do in a way where the prices don’t drop too much, but the acquisition is more consistent.
What I’m hoping is each boss has a unique sort of legendary “Tome of Quip” (I believe some items were datamined too) item it drops, and that acquiring it requires you to do certain conditions for the boss or pre-event. Meeting those conditions allows you a reasonable chance at that tome or whatever, which starts a story chain towards that item. Then, certain events and bosses will have special drops relevant to that chain and you’ll collect those and assemble them into a number of stages ending in a precursor (Like spinal blades chain) and that the last step will be the gifts and items that fuse together into ________.
I also imagine they’ll introduce it when they introduce new legendaries.
i disagree , Current system is perfect. I own 4 and soon a fifth legendary. All those whining about the current system are lazy persons who want all for free with minimal efforts. If one day they make it easier to make legendaries this will be a major insult to anyone like me who really crafted them. Killing teq or Zhaiten for a piece ?? no way .. press 1 to gain a piece .. pffff come on. Actually i want them to make it harder Actually it’s a bit harder because of the Karma nerf but it’s not enough. Just remove them from the Trading post and it will fix a lot of problems.
Allow me to translate this for everyone.
“The current terrible system works for me, therefore it should still be terrible and everyone who disagrees is lazy.”
There should be 2 gifts. Gift Of Grind and Gift of RNG. To make a Legendary you need 3 Gifts of Grind and 1 Gift of RNG. Gift Of Grind = Farm 1,000,000 of anything. Gift Of RNG is a random drop from a random champion mob that has a chance to appear with odds of 1/100,000,000, in a random area, random overflow, on a random server. Then the game should tell what class you are and automatically give you something you can’t use.
The sad thing is it’s already like this, more or less. Some of the gifts are pretty grindy, and precursors are 100% RNG dependant.
They can improve the average player skills by disabling many abilities until it’s been drilled into their heads after many repetitive actions.
They should do something like:Disable Weapon Skill #2 until level 2
Disable Profession (F1) Skill until level 5
Disable Offhand and Two-handed Weapon until level 7
Instant death until level 9, where they unlock Down State/Rally
Cannot wear Masterwork Equipments until level 14
No Traits until level 20
Unlock Elite Skill at level 50
So basically Chinese GW?
To be honest, there’s only one 1 Magumma-esque zone. I think you’re refering to the Tarnished Coast (Though even that’s kinda awkward because that also includes Sparklefly and Mount Maelstrom despite them physically not really being part of the Tarnished coast.)
BLCs need to seriously be reworked if you ask me. They have so much junk in them, and the majority of items aren’t useful for the major part, nor desirable. Given you’re paying, and it’s a gamble, they should at least make the rewards somewhat likeable.
I applaud GW2 for being better than most games out there in terms of offering non-sex object armors for female characters, but I would definitely like to see more.
My female norn ranger is using a combination of the WvW chest, Duelist pants/boots, Leather gloves, and Rawhide shoulders, which I’m pretty happy with. I’d post a pic, but I’m at work and don’t have access to the game.
I would have to agree. Honestly, every other game is full of innuendos and armor that looks like it was bought from the local Adult Shop.
This is really the biggest issue with the way LW functions. If you miss something, it’s gone. And it’s never coming back, in the vast majority of cases for things that leave or dissappear. Achievement points, skins, content, whatever if may be and for whatever reason, if you don’t get it then, you don’t get it ever.
x: Pretty cruddy system.
I would suggest something like WoW’s proving grounds, where you face against practice enemies to defeat the targets with actual skills (Interrupts, dodge, positioning, ect.)
The double edged sword, though, is that there is no way to prove weather someone has done the actual trial per say. Unless you make it obligatory, but then my question is how would you even go about doing that given the way the game is structured?
(edited by Seven Star Stalker.1740)
This is a new issue.
Male light especially is outright ridiculous a lot of the time.
Meanwhile, Asura.
Well, here’s a suggestion. Practice your ignoring skills by starting with me, since you probably should start for when and if they release dueling without an Auto-Decline button! You know what they say right? You can never be too prepared, and practice makes perfect.
Knowing anet it will be much like the current costume brawl mechanic. i.e. you’d need to make yourself available for duels for them to happen.
I’m not sure I understand why everyone is so kitten about the concept of dueling. Some of you are behaving like they’re implementing open world PvP… like you’re going to get ganked while using the TP.
i find that, any feature that isn’t already in GW2 that WAS in WoW usually meets opposition. If it was a feature that WoW had that already exists in GW2 then there are no issues. It’s weird, but people actively fear the “WoWification” of the game, while at the same time ignoring all the ideas used in GW2 that were originally polished by WoW.
Make a thread about duels, inspect, improved combat log/parsing, mounts, etc, and people will be up in arms. I don’t play WoW and have no plans on returning, but i can at least acknowledge what an enormous, positive influence it’s had on the MMO landscape.
It goes even beyond that. Some people go as far as ridiculing people who find value in a game like WoW and are willing to pay monthly for it. And if you say that you prefer that game over GW2 then you must be “brainwashed”. It’s really pathetic.
Anyway, I don’t see why people hate duels. Preventing spam is an easy fix, so why don’t you duel haters let people play how they want?
I have to agree with this. I think it’s pretty low that people abuse people who
A) Played wow.
B) Suggest things for GW2 that were good and in WoW (Such as this. Even mounts, while I don’t agree, don’t deserve ridicule by any means).
C) Got bored of GW2 and may have went to WoW.
I mean good grief. It’s another game. Leave them be. What difference does it make to you if you don’t like the game they like to play?
Tommorow, ANet announces on the March 18th patch, DUELING HAS ARRIVED TO TYRIA. One of,the main features. There is no auto decline button. There are no meta Achivements or the like associated either, so no one has to duel anyone for any reason other than their own leisure, but as I mentioned, NO AUTO DECLINE.
What are you going to do then?
Play the game as I normally do, and enjoy the duelling, but maybe enquire about it on the forum why they didn’t implement an auto-decline feature, then wonder why people like you are so against it, when it seemingly doesn’t affect you in any way whatsoever! Feel free to tell us why it does matter to you that one wouldn’t be implemented, though, as it clearly matters a lot.
My issue is that people treat it like it’s an absolute requirement, solely because they can’t just ignore it because of their own reasons. It’s not something that needs to be part of the system. If it happens? GOOD FOR YOU. Great. Go pop a bottle of champagne over it, clearly you deserve to celebrate your getting whatever you want. But don’t expect it to happen, and don’t use the reason, “Oh, because I can’t bothered adjusting”. You have so many things in the game you’ve had to adjust to, which you may not like. Why is this such a special situation?
For the umpteenth time, if this is implemented put a toggle for players to disable the option to participate and I won’t care.
Who would make a dueling system save that it have an accept and decline option respectively? That would be broken and lazy.
The on/off toggle would be an auto-decline, I don’t want to have to click a decline or accept option when I have and never will have the inclination to duel.
This doesn’t sound like much more than a case of laziness, really. x:
Also I’m pretty sure when it comes to things like trading or group invites or such in other games, after a minute it just auto-fails. In the case of which they can just implement that and be done with it.
All I can say to this reply is, PFFFFFFT. I don’t want to even see it, PERIOD, that’s not lazy.
Laziness, right.
Are you one of those guys that like to troll and harrass those who decline duel invites? THAT is the MAIN reason why the auto-decline option for me.
Or you could ignore them? The invites that is?
I mean it’s not hard. Personally I don’t go around hunting for duels. And I don’t see how you can troll someone by just inviting them for a duel when they can pay no attention to it and focus on whatever they’re doing.
This is really an issue of you not being able to deal with it, not the design being bad. That’s it. Fix yourself, don’t complain about a mechanic when you don’t have the patience to deal with it. x:
Then you haven’t played many games with dueling(IF ANY by the looks of your response). The fix for myself is to turn the CRAP off.
I’ve played plenty of MMOs, which are one of the main games you’d find dueling in. From Aeria P2W junk to Nexon stuff to WoW GW1 and plenty others. I don’t need to list my entire game library for you. The fix for you is to.. Oh I don’t know? Ignore it. I doubt ANet is going to make it Particularily obnoxious when someone asks you to duel them with some ridiculous icon and emote and prevents you from pressing any buttons or the rest. If they do, well that’s another issue all together.
Your point is moot(of little or no practical value or meaning; purely academic), but, feel free to continue, everyone here can see what your doing(last bit of food tossed your way by me).
Well, here’s a suggestion. Practice your ignoring skills by starting with me, since you probably should start for when and if they release dueling without an Auto-Decline button! You know what they say right? You can never be too prepared, and practice makes perfect.
Or you could ignore them? The invites that is?
I mean it’s not hard. Personally I don’t go around hunting for duels. And I don’t see how you can troll someone by just inviting them for a duel when they can pay no attention to it and focus on whatever they’re doing.
This is really an issue of you not being able to deal with it, not the design being bad. That’s it. Fix yourself, don’t complain about a mechanic when you don’t have the patience to deal with it. x:
I don’t know why you would even bother posting such things. Some people find it annoying to have flashy things pop up on the screen that don’t interest them, especially if it’s “player xxx wants a fight with you”, something which they were against being included in the game in the first place. It’s not your place to tell people to work on themselves or their personalities, especially when the obvious answer would be to have the option to switch it off completely.
If anyone here needs fixing, it’s you, and the way you think. Really bizarre.
In this game you can guest, you have overflows and countless things to do. If someone is really annoying you there are so many ways to get around it, it’s truly ridiculous.
If he can’t be bothered getting around it on his end than it’s really noone’s fault but his in the way he deals with it. And if it’s his issue, he needs to change the way he reacts to it. Not the game needs to change it.
I mean what’s the likelihood of this even happening? I imagine a month after dueling is introduced, only a handful of people would still do it for RP purposes or for fun. And if there’s no Achievements attached to it then I bet only a handful will do it regardless.
Listen buddy(if I may be so bold), I don’t guild-hop or server-hop I consider those two things traitorous so won’t do that when I shouldn’t have to in order to play uninhibited. I think you post just to try and get a rise out of people(insert appropriate word here).
You can call me buddy if you wish, in that regard I’m indifferent, though know I won’t return the favor with any particular names.
Now, on the topic. You don’t have to guild hop. No one said you have to leave your guild and if anything, I merit you for sticking to it in that regard. Same with your server. If you don’t want to guest, that’s great. But if you’re limiting yourself over your pride or loyalty or whatever it may be, that’s not ANet stopping you. They haven’t barriered you. You’ve taken that choice to say “My pride and my desire for representing my guild and server overwhelms this, blah blah blah”. And yes, yes it is pride. If it wasn’t pride you wouldn’t consider it traitorous. Who would you betraying? No one, except that sense of pride and loyalty. So yes, it’s from you, not anywhere else.
You’re not being inhibited by the game. You’re inhibiting yourself. Let me ask you this.
Tommorow, ANet announces on the March 18th patch, DUELING HAS ARRIVED TO TYRIA. One of,the main features. There is no auto decline button. There are no meta Achivements or the like associated either, so no one has to duel anyone for any reason other than their own leisure, but as I mentioned, NO AUTO DECLINE.
What are you going to do then?
Edit: I cut out a bunch of stuff just because it felt overall more dramatic than I wanted it to be.
(edited by Seven Star Stalker.1740)
For the umpteenth time, if this is implemented put a toggle for players to disable the option to participate and I won’t care.
Who would make a dueling system save that it have an accept and decline option respectively? That would be broken and lazy.
The on/off toggle would be an auto-decline, I don’t want to have to click a decline or accept option when I have and never will have the inclination to duel.
This doesn’t sound like much more than a case of laziness, really. x:
Also I’m pretty sure when it comes to things like trading or group invites or such in other games, after a minute it just auto-fails. In the case of which they can just implement that and be done with it.
All I can say to this reply is, PFFFFFFT. I don’t want to even see it, PERIOD, that’s not lazy.
Laziness, right.
Are you one of those guys that like to troll and harrass those who decline duel invites? THAT is the MAIN reason why the auto-decline option for me.
Or you could ignore them? The invites that is?
I mean it’s not hard. Personally I don’t go around hunting for duels. And I don’t see how you can troll someone by just inviting them for a duel when they can pay no attention to it and focus on whatever they’re doing.
This is really an issue of you not being able to deal with it, not the design being bad. That’s it. Fix yourself, don’t complain about a mechanic when you don’t have the patience to deal with it. x:
Then you haven’t played many games with dueling(IF ANY by the looks of your response). The fix for myself is to turn the CRAP off.
I’ve played plenty of MMOs, which are one of the main games you’d find dueling in. From Aeria P2W junk to Nexon stuff to WoW GW1 and plenty others. I don’t need to list my entire game library for you. The fix for you is to.. Oh I don’t know? Ignore it. I doubt ANet is going to make it Particularily obnoxious when someone asks you to duel them with some ridiculous icon and emote and prevents you from pressing any buttons or the rest. If they do, well that’s another issue all together.
In this game you can guest, you have overflows and countless things to do. If someone is really annoying you there are so many ways to get around it, it’s truly ridiculous.
If he can’t be bothered getting around it on his end than it’s really noone’s fault but his in the way he deals with it. And if it’s his issue, he needs to change the way he reacts to it. Not the game needs to change it.
I mean what’s the likelihood of this even happening? I imagine a month after dueling is introduced, only a handful of people would still do it for RP purposes or for fun. And if there’s no Achievements attached to it then I bet only a handful will do it regardless.
So many holes in this post you may as well be a hippy’s jumper.
You are suggesting that, during say a meeting of a guild at one particular place to start guild missions, if people don’t want to take part in duels while they wait, they should split the crowd up and somehow force an overflow (lol?) to stop it? Or maybe he should use up one of his 2 guest slots to go to another server (while the rest of his guild does the mission on their home server? lol?) what if he’s out of guest slots? And more to the point, why should anyone have to guest or change server or magically force an overflow from nowhere (lol?) just because they don’t want to duel? Would it not make sense (it does, complete sense) to just add the option of checking an auto-decline box when implementing the whole duel feature in the first place?
Am I being trolled? lol.
If these are members of a guild, why would they be dueling during an event they’re all supposed to be engaged in? I mean sure, if they’re just there to watch, in the case of I can’t imagine why you would care. But if they’re there for a legitimate reason, shouldn’t the guild leader be able to say, “Stop, we’re doing ______ now.” ? I mean surely he can tell the people participating what to do. And surely if you’re all part of a guild, you can discuss who’s dueling, not dueling, tell trolls/duel spammers off or the like?
That example is dubious and laughable at best. And even if it’s just waiting , I mean holy s@!% there’s a whole flipping map for you to be in. You can just way point when things are ready if people are annoying you at the time. They can’t exactly track you if you’re not in their party. It’s not that hard to deal with if you take your own initiative. Heck, you can just stand on the other side of the lake or road or w/e and you should be fine.
You can have the auto-decline feature if you want, sure. But don’t make some sort of requirement. You don’t need that at all. It’s not hard to get around it, good grief.
Or you could ignore them? The invites that is?
I mean it’s not hard. Personally I don’t go around hunting for duels. And I don’t see how you can troll someone by just inviting them for a duel when they can pay no attention to it and focus on whatever they’re doing.
This is really an issue of you not being able to deal with it, not the design being bad. That’s it. Fix yourself, don’t complain about a mechanic when you don’t have the patience to deal with it. x:
I don’t know why you would even bother posting such things. Some people find it annoying to have flashy things pop up on the screen that don’t interest them, especially if it’s “player xxx wants a fight with you”, something which they were against being included in the game in the first place. It’s not your place to tell people to work on themselves or their personalities, especially when the obvious answer would be to have the option to switch it off completely.
If anyone here needs fixing, it’s you, and the way you think. Really bizarre.
In this game you can guest, you have overflows and countless things to do. If someone is really annoying you there are so many ways to get around it, it’s truly ridiculous.
If he can’t be bothered getting around it on his end than it’s really noone’s fault but his in the way he deals with it. And if it’s his issue, he needs to change the way he reacts to it. Not the game needs to change it.
I mean what’s the likelihood of this even happening? I imagine a month after dueling is introduced, only a handful of people would still do it for RP purposes or for fun. And if there’s no Achievements attached to it then I bet only a handful will do it regardless.
The problem with dueling is, it wont be skill based or competitive.
Because the player who has the best PvE gear and access to all traits and skills will have an advantage to change tactics against the player who doesn’t.Most people I know who take PvP seriously wont duel anyways, unless it’s in the sPvP arena where all players are truly equal in terms of having access to everything they need to strategies against their opponent.
So the issue of gear, traits and masteries is non-existent given they’re not serious, right? Problem?
For the umpteenth time, if this is implemented put a toggle for players to disable the option to participate and I won’t care.
Who would make a dueling system save that it have an accept and decline option respectively? That would be broken and lazy.
The on/off toggle would be an auto-decline, I don’t want to have to click a decline or accept option when I have and never will have the inclination to duel.
This doesn’t sound like much more than a case of laziness, really. x:
Also I’m pretty sure when it comes to things like trading or group invites or such in other games, after a minute it just auto-fails. In the case of which they can just implement that and be done with it.
All I can say to this reply is, PFFFFFFT. I don’t want to even see it, PERIOD, that’s not lazy.
Laziness, right.
Are you one of those guys that like to troll and harrass those who decline duel invites? THAT is the MAIN reason why the auto-decline option for me.
Or you could ignore them? The invites that is?
I mean it’s not hard. Personally I don’t go around hunting for duels. And I don’t see how you can troll someone by just inviting them for a duel when they can pay no attention to it and focus on whatever they’re doing.
This is really an issue of you not being able to deal with it, not the design being bad. That’s it. Fix yourself, don’t complain about a mechanic when you don’t have the patience to deal with it. x:
For the umpteenth time, if this is implemented put a toggle for players to disable the option to participate and I won’t care.
Who would make a dueling system save that it have an accept and decline option respectively? That would be broken and lazy.
The on/off toggle would be an auto-decline, I don’t want to have to click a decline or accept option when I have and never will have the inclination to duel.
This doesn’t sound like much more than a case of laziness, really. x:
Also I’m pretty sure when it comes to things like trading or group invites or such in other games, after a minute it just auto-fails. In the case of which they can just implement that and be done with it.
All I can say to this reply is, PFFFFFFT. I don’t want to even see it, PERIOD, that’s not lazy.
Laziness, right.
For the umpteenth time, if this is implemented put a toggle for players to disable the option to participate and I won’t care.
Who would make a dueling system save that it have an accept and decline option respectively? That would be broken and lazy.
The on/off toggle would be an auto-decline, I don’t want to have to click a decline or accept option when I have and never will have the inclination to duel.
This doesn’t sound like much more than a case of laziness, really. x:
Also I’m pretty sure when it comes to things like trading or group invites or such in other games, after a minute it just auto-fails. In the case of which they can just implement that and be done with it.
This is a conspiracy?
Anyway. Lazy version is you’re getting bothered by things that have largely nothing to do with you.
Well, it WILL have something to do with me when it stops me from completing content due to people either scaling it up (in case of World bosses) or making me miss jumps due to flashing lights distracting me.
You have guesting, you can ask them (Heaven forbid anyone asks for anything) to stop politely. I doubt someone will outright spite you and not move, and even if they did, that just means you should play the bigger-person. Furthermore, given the size of the whole map, and given the remoteness and tediousness associated with Jumping puzzles or the like, what’s the likelihood of actually finding people there? Don’t forget you already have many jumping puzzles with mobs. Don’t they have flashy lights and effects?
And as for scaling, lol.
If you have two people dueling during a world boss (Which I doubt most people would do more than once just because the novelty for these sorts of things would run out fast), and 30 people at the event, I honestly think the duelists are a minor issue compared to all the other people there regardless. Even still, what about AFKers? What about the fact that dueling does them harm? You realize if someone is dueling right under Tequatl or Jormag, they’re making themselves more vulnerable to getting killed, in the case of which you can just not res them?
Just Woodland Cascades+Magumma+Magus Falls would suffice for expansion level content.
What would making duelling fun in pve is not the fact that you are fighting 1v1 with another player but that you are fighting in the huge open world and you can do thing you wouldnt be able to in spvp. For example, if we could duel in pve we could duel while doing a jumping puzzle, we can duel around a champ, you can duel while fighting Jormag, etc. It is the options that come with duelling in pve which makes it fun not only the fact that you can duel.
Not much fun for the people who are trying to do said content whilst putting up with two idiots getting in the way, eh?
Edit: I actually wrote something here and it dissappeared but I can’t be bothered to write the whole thing again.
Anyway. Lazy version is you’re getting bothered by things that have largely nothing to do with you.
(edited by Seven Star Stalker.1740)
I’m rally surprised their isn’t one already. But I doubt we’d see it outside the gem-store
Dueling is not needed,is just an optional feature.Is true that many players want to duel and is not a bad thing i can gladly accept dueling in an open world arena like the one in black citadel or instanced arena.If you want to duel with your friends i don’t see why would you be against instanced,arenas etc.But usualy the players that duel in open world are dueling to show that they are better than someone else,that leads to verbal abuse many times,trolling etc. and if you say that’s not true,it means you haven’t played that many mmos.
I say NO for open world dueling but YES for instanced/arena dueling.
Am I the only one who understands this mechanic is already in place.?
It just doesn’t have a /duel command and requires you to go into an empty instanced tpvp room and you can duel your heart out.
And for people who don’t want to duel there? I would like to think that the vast majority of people into dueling wouldn’t like to duel there, in fact.
For the umpteenth time, if this is implemented put a toggle for players to disable the option to participate and I won’t care.
Who would make a dueling system save that it have an accept and decline option respectively? That would be broken and lazy.
Diablo 2… Walk into game, use party’s tp… Set up own tp… Go back to town and set self to hostile… Destroy everyone.
And no inspect option because it’s no ones business what I have equipped. They can see quite plainly what skins I’m using and that’s more than they should know anyway… I liken the inspect to someone peeking over the wall into the next changing room at a department store, it’s just creepy.
Inspect option has nothing to do with dueling. And Diablo 2.. Good as the game may be, I’d like to think every online game since has improved itself.
You could also go back to World of Warcraft.
Are you promoting another game in the GW2 forum?
Probably exotic, knowing ANet.
They’re most likely going to be skins, if that.