Showing Posts For Sirbeaumerdier.3740:

The world is too small

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I remember a game I played some time ago, where I was placed in this massive world that was just waiting for me to explore it. I started running and exploring and it feelt like a never ending world. But was it really? No of course not. Was it huge? Maybe, but compared to other games not that amazing. So what made it feel so big and massive? Well I remember looking at the map and said “I want to go there”. So I did, I walked all the way over there, it took some time but it was worth it because that place had something new and unique for that part of the map.

Surely, you think, it must get annoying having to walk everywhere and that was true to some extent. Walking and riding was the primary way of transport. But then there were taxis, where, for a small sum you could get tranportation from one city to another. That took some time aswell, you still had to move all the way to your destination, but at a faster rate. I specially remember the train, yes the train. There were an in-game train with a trainstation and timetable for transport between citys.

My point is that even if there were a vast amount of different transport possiblitys none included teleportation. There were teleportaion but under strictly limited use. The fact that if you wanted to go somewhere you hade to actually go there and that gave substance and a feeling of how big the world actually were. In gw2, that feeling does not exist. Even if the world is massive there is no feeling of scale or size. Teleporting to where ever you want when ever, takes away that feeling of size. For example, who ever uses the portals thats placed here and there in gw2? No one, because it’s just faster and simpler to open your map and klick where you want to go.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask if gw2 removed all waypoints IF they were replaced with alternatives like hot air balloons, azura trains, sylvari ships or char subways and of course azura portals. It should of course be easy to travel, and it should not take a huge amount of time. Would it not be sensible to offer some of the overwhelming amount of convenience currently in the game for a bit more substance? Would it really hurt if it took 2 minutes to travel from divinitys reach to black citadel in a hot air balloon or the ship from lions arc to the groove?

The way points are guilty of this. Everything is pixels away because of them. You completely loss that feeling of being far from civilization with so many wp. I really miss gw1 for this.

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I have practiced watched videos and improved done all you have suggested since the season started but unfortunately cant carry whole teams and with MMR tanked I cannot show my improvement – and oh yes – it is a team game no matter how good an individual is!

What are you talking about. It’s a one man team game. The other 9 players are fillers that are incapable of the same thing you are advised to do. Get real and good end of the story. 20% = 100% and don’t you forget it. If you always win it is mainly because of your 20% not because of something about the other 80%.

When a metric apply to a team of 5 or less (or is it 6? or 7…) we apparently appropriate that metric individually. It a state of utter pro-ness where you managed to canibalize your team performance and make it your own. Stop trying to find excuses and get gud.

I have no idea what you are trying to say – I will explain it again in simple English – its a team game 5 players vs 5 other players !

“..A one man team game…” LOL !!!

“get gud” – that’s the answer! right problems all solved ! why did I not think of that

I think you missed the sarcasm.

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I have practiced watched videos and improved done all you have suggested since the season started but unfortunately cant carry whole teams and with MMR tanked I cannot show my improvement – and oh yes – it is a team game no matter how good an individual is!

What are you talking about. It’s a one man team game. The other 9 players are fillers that are incapable of the same thing you are advised to do. Get real and good end of the story. 20% = 100% and don’t you forget it. If you always win it is mainly because of your 20% not because of something about the other 80%.

When a metric apply to a team of 5 or less (or is it 6? or 7…) we apparently appropriate that metric individually. It a state of utter pro-ness where you managed to canibalize your team performance and make it your own. Stop trying to find excuses and get gud.

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Forum bug

15 chars

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


The concept and logic you are using are your opinion here.

That is some solid argumentation right there…

Care to elaborate about what is my opinion and not a fact here?

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I hope that however ANet decides to change matchmaking for S3, we will maintain being placed on teams of self-similar MMR.

This is the minimum acceptable including matches versus similar MMR opponent team.

This very condition is what was a problem to all whose MMR was off mark this season. The MMR metric for individuals in a game mode where the unit is the team will always carry imperfections making happy and unhappy players. Specially when that team and the build is ever changing and your contribution to the outcome never the same.

Nobody should say it’s their MMR anymore than WvW players do. It’s the team or server MMR. When you change server on WvW you do not change your individual skill level. Why do ppl think this concept change when the scale become 5v5? Your contribution has more impact due to scale and the fact it’s 10 min, true, but the concept remain the same.

20% vs .1% are pretty big differences so no the concept is not the same. WvW is not the same.

Are you a socialist?

The concept you are suppose to grasp is that the metric isn’t even majorly yours in both cases. 20% or 1% is indeed a big difference, like I already said myself before if you cared to read, but the idea expressed is the same regardless of the scale: the metric is factually not yours but the team/server.

BTW, I’m more of an individualist than a socialist even if it’s blatantly obvious I’m more socialistic than you are.The army is the most socialistic structure that exist and the fact you are a platoon of 5 instead of a regiment of 100 changes nothing to it. My argument here is not based on ideology but on logic.

Why are people so afraid of raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


The comparison to spvp is a bad one. Nobody can prevent you from soloqing spvp. Ppl being elitist kitten bags is an annoyance but never a real hindrance. Finding a group to raid on lfg has an entirely different dynamic when ppl start asking for 10 insight to even consider you.

No you just have people in sPvP that send the entire match berating you while sitting afk.

But you did find the big problem raids have: the way you form them.

sPvP works because you hit a button and you get queued in. Raids require you to find people yourself. If we had a impartial queuing system this wouldn’t be a issue.

Also raids probably need a “entry level” difficulty setting that gives less rewards. The current difficulty is a pug killer.

Agree with you there. It is so hard and long to get a party up that most will be turned off. The fact it’s a refuge for elitist control freaks is just the cherry on the cake.

Long story short, I raid with my guild or when the lfg planets are all aligned (like it did this week hopefully).

Why are people so afraid of raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


The problem with raids has nothing to do with time, gear, or elitism. Heck sPvP is elistism personified yet sPvP is still popular.

The problem with raids is how isolated raids are from the rest of the game. Raids are this side content that’s only at endgame, and moreover it’s content you can’t just step into.
This means that new players generally don’t understand why they would want to raid, and since it’s not immediately apparent how to get a group for raids, most of the new players will probably give up.

Right now the only way a player gets into a raid is if they already know people that raid. If you don’t know people, you’re not getting it.

What Anet needs to do is have a queueing system where people can sign up for roles and the system automatically creates groups and ports them in. This would make getting groups way easier and it easier for new players to transition into raids.

The comparison to spvp is a bad one. Nobody can prevent you from soloqing spvp. Ppl being elitist kitten bags is an annoyance but never a real hindrance. Finding a group to raid on lfg has an entirely different dynamic when ppl start asking for 10 insight to even consider you.

What's the Appeal of Alpine Borderlands?

in WvW

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


The appeal?

The map being open instead of full of choke points. There are as many roads to an objective as you care instead of 1 or 2.

The map is also a lot more agreeable to navigate. A lot… The new one was made as if gliding was going to be part of it but isn’t. If you want to go from A to B on alpine you just do it. On the DBL you have to pass D than go down to Q and back up to E before getting to B. kittening annoying.

The objective have a real strategic value as opposed to the DBL who are merely PPT objects.

The maps are not saturated with pve gimmicks.

The map size is more suitable to the game we like to play.

Much easier to scout too.

And this is someone who doesn’t like EoTM and karma train who say this.

Did Anet secretly fix population?

in WvW

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


When did DR get such a population boost?

I don’t think they got a pop boost so much as the other servers being dead.

Hackers Capping Towers

in WvW

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


It is the same guys from HoD.

Please fix my MMR.

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


For those who are really stuck with players that are obviously below them because the metric is off mark for them or the new players they are paired with (often both), it’s not merely a matter of switching build or getting keybinds. Yes, you can always do something to get that little extra in your favor but if ppl insist so much it is because it really is obvious and out of their control too often.

To those that pretend it will eventually get better let me express my sincere skepticism considering it’s not better yet and the season is almost over. If the formula doesn’t change and the ladder keep it’s safe guards why should I get different teammates when I soloq and expect different outcomes?

I’m glad for all of those ppl that enjoyed their experience, deserved or not, but I really did not enjoyed mine and will not submit myself to anything remotely similar ever again. If the algorithm continue to use the same metric and the same logic to assign teammates, soloq is over for me (which means pvp is nearly over period in my case).

Season 3 MMR Reset?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


One thing is for sure, I’m not even going to try S3 if nothing change.

What you get for accepting feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


It makes me angry how these people doesnt want to help you but just say that you “belong to sapphire div”. So your left hand doesnt work well? How about getting one of those MMO mouses? That holds like 10+ buttons. Then picking a character that doesnt need so much movement on points (ranged). So you could spam skills and utilities with one hand and practice to be good with it. Im sorry to say you this, but I doubt you can be pro (I hope Im wrong) but you can be better than average with practice and with right gear (mouse and keyboard). I hope you still enjoy playing GW2 even that PvP is super toxic.

I also have a problem with my (right) hand preventing me from optimizing things in some ways and still play with a regular mouse but it is painfully obvious the problem isn’t he mouse nor the keybinds in the matches we loose.

Despite pointing and clicking all my skills with my mouse I win most of my 1v1. I just needed to take different habits. Bad rotation is by far what kill the most, yet ppl will stick on keybinds and the like if you show them vids of you playing insisting you are responsible despite the fact it had no significant bearing on the outcome. It’s just sad.

I can promise that using your mouse to click skills is hindering your gameplay. It’s just a simple fact. You can’t go from clicking one skill to the other as fast as someone who has them keybound. I haven’t seen you play so idk what other mistakes you make to keep you in a lower division than you feel you deserve, but I can guarantee clicking your skills is one of them. Making the switch to keybinds will take a while to get used to, but it will help significantly. You should try it.

You pretty much prove my point here.

I don’t understand. Regardless of what the OP’s point is, I’m trying to help you get better so you can improve at the game and climb divisions faster. It doesn’t matter if you win most of your 1v1s (which makes me seriously question the skill level of your opponents), using keybinds will DRASTICALLY improve your gameplay. Just a fact.

That is nice but irrelevant is my point since it is not what is responsible for the defeat most of the time.

On one hand we have a population that seeks to have it’s misfortune acknowledge while on the other hand we have another population that seem to avoid giving that acknowledgment because it indirectly cheapen their own achievement which I think lead to fingers being pointed more than helping hands.

Why are people so afraid of raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I do raids and I like doing it but the immense time investment is something that can put me off a lot.

Just look at all the absurd amount of time you can easily waste putting parties up and how quickly it can all fall if just one of the member leave for whatever reasons.

There is also the never dying syndrome of elitist pre-selection that sometimes get to ridiculous levels. I’m fully ascended myself and have killed a few bosses a few times but when I see requirement like must show at least 10 proofs of boss defeats I’m like, really?

This reminds a lot of the time you wanted to do Hall of Heroes but most only admitted rank 6 or higher. You needed to play to get higher ranks but no one would take you because you couldn’t play…

I know Raid guilds is the “solution”, and I did just that, but I can easily understand what many find repulsive in raids. You have to be ready to waste a lot of time… a lot of it.

What you get for accepting feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


It makes me angry how these people doesnt want to help you but just say that you “belong to sapphire div”. So your left hand doesnt work well? How about getting one of those MMO mouses? That holds like 10+ buttons. Then picking a character that doesnt need so much movement on points (ranged). So you could spam skills and utilities with one hand and practice to be good with it. Im sorry to say you this, but I doubt you can be pro (I hope Im wrong) but you can be better than average with practice and with right gear (mouse and keyboard). I hope you still enjoy playing GW2 even that PvP is super toxic.

I also have a problem with my (right) hand preventing me from optimizing things in some ways and still play with a regular mouse but it is painfully obvious the problem isn’t he mouse nor the keybinds in the matches we loose.

Despite pointing and clicking all my skills with my mouse I win most of my 1v1. I just needed to take different habits. Bad rotation is by far what kill the most, yet ppl will stick on keybinds and the like if you show them vids of you playing insisting you are responsible despite the fact it had no significant bearing on the outcome. It’s just sad.

I can promise that using your mouse to click skills is hindering your gameplay. It’s just a simple fact. You can’t go from clicking one skill to the other as fast as someone who has them keybound. I haven’t seen you play so idk what other mistakes you make to keep you in a lower division than you feel you deserve, but I can guarantee clicking your skills is one of them. Making the switch to keybinds will take a while to get used to, but it will help significantly. You should try it.

You pretty much prove my point here.

Even if your rotations arent on point you can get to diamond easily if you have superb mechanics.

Main reason why the OP is in “MMR hell” is because her mechanics are just really really bad.

This get better and better…

You all answer beside the point I try to make. My point wasn’t aimed precisely at this one example where mechanical skill might indeed be the problem and what cost the match.

I was addressing ppl who will nitpick at all the personal mistakes the player will expose on the forum to try and discredit her MMR hell claim. And that, too often regardless of the role of what has been the focus of the critics.

When I say the reason I loose my match is too often due to ubber bad rotation, telling me not using keybinds is the problem, despite the fact I said I win most my 1v1, is kinda disingenuous.

The forum is, sadly but not surprisingly, a bad place to expose yourself and hope for honest replies.

Where do i tell you to use keybinds? I don’t (you really should though). If you win games by being the best clicker in the game then kudos, more power to you. I am saying that you do not need perfect rotations as long as your mechanics are on point.

She is in “MMR hell” because she doesnt belong in sapphire. But since you cannot drop divisions she is stuck there and cannot drop down into a division which reflects her gameplay.

Like I said, her case isn’t what I was aiming at nor your point relevant to what I said. My mechanic or rotation being perfect is not going to win the match on it’s own if my teammates suffers from tunnel vision and always die in 2 sec.

The point that continue to get lost apparently is ppl will too often nitpick at the poster regardless of the actual and contextual importance of what they nitpick at.

Beside, what you describe is not MMR hell. It’s merely someone who has reach beyond what she should have. That’s different.

MMR hell is when “your” MMR poorly reflect your skill and you get stuck with ppl that makes your life much harder.

What you get for accepting feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Don’t really see the issue here.
Just the usual toxicity you get when running soloQ.

The way I handle this is by having a separate chat tab without team/say chat. And since the toxicity is rather high this season, I have temporarily disabled any /whisper.

However, this is just my solution – everybody has to decide for himself how to deal with other people lacking manners. Much easier in this game though than irl.

This “solution” comes at the cost of communication, which in turn can cost a match and further contribute to toxifying the game.

What you get for accepting feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


It makes me angry how these people doesnt want to help you but just say that you “belong to sapphire div”. So your left hand doesnt work well? How about getting one of those MMO mouses? That holds like 10+ buttons. Then picking a character that doesnt need so much movement on points (ranged). So you could spam skills and utilities with one hand and practice to be good with it. Im sorry to say you this, but I doubt you can be pro (I hope Im wrong) but you can be better than average with practice and with right gear (mouse and keyboard). I hope you still enjoy playing GW2 even that PvP is super toxic.

I also have a problem with my (right) hand preventing me from optimizing things in some ways and still play with a regular mouse but it is painfully obvious the problem isn’t he mouse nor the keybinds in the matches we loose.

Despite pointing and clicking all my skills with my mouse I win most of my 1v1. I just needed to take different habits. Bad rotation is by far what kill the most, yet ppl will stick on keybinds and the like if you show them vids of you playing insisting you are responsible despite the fact it had no significant bearing on the outcome. It’s just sad.

I can promise that using your mouse to click skills is hindering your gameplay. It’s just a simple fact. You can’t go from clicking one skill to the other as fast as someone who has them keybound. I haven’t seen you play so idk what other mistakes you make to keep you in a lower division than you feel you deserve, but I can guarantee clicking your skills is one of them. Making the switch to keybinds will take a while to get used to, but it will help significantly. You should try it.

You pretty much prove my point here.

Even if your rotations arent on point you can get to diamond easily if you have superb mechanics.

Main reason why the OP is in “MMR hell” is because her mechanics are just really really bad.

This get better and better…

You all answer beside the point I try to make. My point wasn’t aimed precisely at this one example where mechanical skill might indeed be the problem and what cost the match.

I was addressing ppl who will nitpick at all the personal mistakes the player will expose on the forum to try and discredit her MMR hell claim. And that, too often regardless of the role of what has been the focus of the critics.

When I say the reason I loose my match is too often due to ubber bad rotation, telling me not using keybinds is the problem, despite the fact I said I win most my 1v1, is kinda disingenuous.

The forum is, sadly but not surprisingly, a bad place to expose yourself and hope for honest replies.

What you get for accepting feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


It makes me angry how these people doesnt want to help you but just say that you “belong to sapphire div”. So your left hand doesnt work well? How about getting one of those MMO mouses? That holds like 10+ buttons. Then picking a character that doesnt need so much movement on points (ranged). So you could spam skills and utilities with one hand and practice to be good with it. Im sorry to say you this, but I doubt you can be pro (I hope Im wrong) but you can be better than average with practice and with right gear (mouse and keyboard). I hope you still enjoy playing GW2 even that PvP is super toxic.

I also have a problem with my (right) hand preventing me from optimizing things in some ways and still play with a regular mouse but it is painfully obvious the problem isn’t he mouse nor the keybinds in the matches we loose.

Despite pointing and clicking all my skills with my mouse I win most of my 1v1. I just needed to take different habits. Bad rotation is by far what kill the most, yet ppl will stick on keybinds and the like if you show them vids of you playing insisting you are responsible despite the fact it had no significant bearing on the outcome. It’s just sad.

I can promise that using your mouse to click skills is hindering your gameplay. It’s just a simple fact. You can’t go from clicking one skill to the other as fast as someone who has them keybound. I haven’t seen you play so idk what other mistakes you make to keep you in a lower division than you feel you deserve, but I can guarantee clicking your skills is one of them. Making the switch to keybinds will take a while to get used to, but it will help significantly. You should try it.

You pretty much prove my point here.

What you get for accepting feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


It makes me angry how these people doesnt want to help you but just say that you “belong to sapphire div”. So your left hand doesnt work well? How about getting one of those MMO mouses? That holds like 10+ buttons. Then picking a character that doesnt need so much movement on points (ranged). So you could spam skills and utilities with one hand and practice to be good with it. Im sorry to say you this, but I doubt you can be pro (I hope Im wrong) but you can be better than average with practice and with right gear (mouse and keyboard). I hope you still enjoy playing GW2 even that PvP is super toxic.

I also have a problem with my (right) hand preventing me from optimizing things in some ways and still play with a regular mouse but it is painfully obvious the problem isn’t he mouse nor the keybinds in the matches we loose.

Despite pointing and clicking all my skills with my mouse I win most of my 1v1. I just needed to take different habits. Bad rotation is by far what kill the most, yet ppl will stick on keybinds and the like if you show them vids of you playing insisting you are responsible despite the fact it had no significant bearing on the outcome. It’s just sad.

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I hope that however ANet decides to change matchmaking for S3, we will maintain being placed on teams of self-similar MMR.

This is the minimum acceptable including matches versus similar MMR opponent team.

This very condition is what was a problem to all whose MMR was off mark this season. The MMR metric for individuals in a game mode where the unit is the team will always carry imperfections making happy and unhappy players. Specially when that team and the build is ever changing and your contribution to the outcome never the same.

Nobody should say it’s their MMR anymore than WvW players do. It’s the team or server MMR. When you change server on WvW you do not change your individual skill level. Why do ppl think this concept change when the scale become 5v5? Your contribution has more impact due to scale and the fact it’s 10 min, true, but the concept remain the same.

Remove solo queue from Conquest

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Remove you from this planet.

Man people are freakin stupid…

You sound pretty tough. Should I be fearful of you?

As with many on the forum it sure isn’t their argumentative abilities that are to be feared…

Lets change exalted legend

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


“Don’t you care a lot about me being Legendary?”

“Gimme a cookie Legend”

“Too Legendary for my Legend”

“Legendary Metabattle copier”

“Legendary MMR passenger”

“Praise me cause I’m Legendary”

“No autographs ty,Legendary”

“Touch me I’m Legendary”

I’m pretty sure none of them will get taken but they are very funny and deep down not that inaccurate for many.

What you get for accepting feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


At the request of some of the forum, I posted a video today of my gameplay. One particular high level player had agreed to review it and give constructive criticism. So far that person hasn’t responded.

I did get a good, if harsh, evaluation and several very good ideas. However, now being identifiable in game I’m asked to stop playing and told to “kill yourself.”

I took a risk. I knew it was a risk when I did it. Still, this hurts. I do not recommend anyone post video or even ask advice if you are identifiable in game. Check out the feedback I’m getting in game:

I sorry you had to try it to figure it out. Sadly, there are too many ppl just waiting for any munitions you can get them. They are not here to help you but to validate the POV you are challenging.

Remove solo queue from Conquest

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


To be honest, the OP sounds like an Idea that we could expect from ANET staff based on their history.

This is a good example of how dangerous the twisted logic of some ppl can be in the long run.

So if you really want to complete the last step on killing the game mode, just do what the OP says…

L o L

What he say isn’t bad or false. The problem is we do not have the population to pull it off.

Remove solo queue from Conquest

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Ideally there should be a team and random arena like GW used to. It would indeed make a lot of problems, including the validity of rating, far less important or even disappear.

WvW also use such a rating but I don’t know of any player that will claim his individual WvW rating is that of the server he is on or think his personal rating goes up or down if he transfer up or down. He is, after all, the same player regardless of the server.

For some reason, when the scale become a team (5 v 5), instead of a server, individuals start to attribute to themselves what belong to that collective called team/server.

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740



When you get a new BOX (play HOT), you have more chance to go to Legendary than if you have a main BOX with thousands of matches…

Buy to WIN!!!

More seriously… the MMR just for your TEAM is so bad.

Please get rid of MMR entirely if you don’t want to pair MMR vs MMR team.

So we can have pro players QQ on forums about playing with bad players instead of saying the game is completely right (to farms 80% of the players bases because they are on the top 20% MMR).

So grind based ladder !? Why not just pure MMR based ladder ? Cmon.

Random team generation within pip range is not grind.

It’s still grind if you need WINS to advance the ladder.

A real skill based ladder board don’t work on counting wins. It work on giving more rank points if you win versus a better rank than yours.

For exemple, into any Elo or Glicko2 system… 1 guy with 10k games (like me) can be position on the skill board at 400. While a better guy like Chaith, can be position at 20 on the board with 3k games.

Actually, at the end of the season, we will have hundreds of legendary players that don’t play into the top 200 nor top 500 players. But still they will get there with enough grind of wins.

Outstanding players will get there with around 150 matches, Average player with 500 matches and really bad (or unlucky players) with 1000.

But over 2 month, grinding 1000 game is too much for most of the casual gw2 base players (we put 10 hours a week into it, around… right?).

Wait, what? What do you use to determine if you deserve to advance if not wins?

And how can you grind such a thing? I mean sure you can asked to be carried but that is always going to be on the table anyway. But seriously, I do not consider ppl grinding lottery tickets to be sane. How many have won the lottery that way anyway?

Explain it to me how a solo player of Amber level is suppose to make it to higher level in a random generated team MM? Ok, he gets lucky, once, twice, 10 times? You think he can reasonably keep getting carried without losses making him step back? What kind of “luck” and “odds” are we talking about in your opinion?

All this sounds more like an excuse to keep your privileges. The way you seem to speak, just give legendary title to the highest 500 MMR ppl via mail without them having to lift a finger and assume all other players didn’t got better and be done with it. It’s ridiculous.

Well… wanna have a valid answer or simply kitten on me?

Here is how work all competitive skill based leaderboard on Earth.

And Before you say it’s only good for single player game…

Google for all Major PVP team based games, they all have their implementation of it.

Why trying to re-invent the wheel, when the wheel is good enough?

It’s because the old senior pvp game dev left Anet and the little guyz wanna get their own “new” things into it.

“Wait, what? What do you use to determine if you deserve to advance if not wins? "

It’s win but versus WHO. A win versus you give +3 rank, a win versus chaith give +30 rank. Now, next match you are pair with your MMR + 30 and roll again…

With that system, if you loose at 400 versus The Abjured, you still gain RANK.

It so real… that it’s current in the game.

This is how they do MMR.

Not perfect, but way better than grinds wins versus ANYONE to Legendary to show skill.

“And how can you grind such a thing? I mean sure you can asked to be carried but that is always going to be on the table anyway. But seriously, I do not consider ppl grinding lottery tickets to be sane. How many have won the lottery that way anyway? "

Why do you need to grind to show you are GOOD?

Skill based leaderboard show you are good.
Grind based league show you got time to play games.

“Explain it to me how a solo player of Amber level is suppose to make it to higher level in a random generated team MM? Ok, he gets lucky, once, twice, 10 times? You think he can reasonably keep getting carried without losses making him step back? What kind of “luck” and “odds” are we talking about in your opinion?"

You got confused.

Random team generation into a grinding league is better than using MMR.

But having a real leaderboard glicko based, you don’t need to grind it.

You can play 100 games and be top 10. You can play 10000 and be 22227­.

“All this sounds more like an excuse to keep your privileges. The way you seem to speak, just give legendary title to the highest 500 MMR ppl via mail without them having to lift a finger and assume all other players didn’t got better and be done with it. It’s ridiculous.”

It’s your affirmations that are ridiculous.

MMR reset is important before each start of a season. Season should be long enough to get a stabilized version of your MMR. 6 months would be great.

This is a skill based ranking system.

Now for your rewards (title, items or whatever useless thing you want), separated grinding rewards and skill based leaderboard to have a great system.

So people come play to grind rewards and got SKILL RANKED BASED accordingly.

En passant, faire chier le peuple sans jamais ramasser la marde, fait que tu sens mauvais en criss.

If the MMR is reset it’s already more acceptable even if making team based on it will yield the same inherent flaws it does this season. That MMR is never yours alone. It is an amalgam of all the teams outcome you had on your way. So if the system still put winner and loosers together you will severely nudge that amalgam in one way or another. The only way MMR is ever going to be a legitimate individual metric is if the team getting rated remain the same.

En passant, puis-je savoir en quoi es-ce que je fais chier le peuple? Si remettre en question certaines choses dérange sur des base légitime peut-être que celui qui pue en criss n’est pas celui qui dérange…

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740



When you get a new BOX (play HOT), you have more chance to go to Legendary than if you have a main BOX with thousands of matches…

Buy to WIN!!!

More seriously… the MMR just for your TEAM is so bad.

Please get rid of MMR entirely if you don’t want to pair MMR vs MMR team.

So we can have pro players QQ on forums about playing with bad players instead of saying the game is completely right (to farms 80% of the players bases because they are on the top 20% MMR).

So grind based ladder !? Why not just pure MMR based ladder ? Cmon.

Random team generation within pip range is not grind.

It’s still grind if you need WINS to advance the ladder.

A real skill based ladder board don’t work on counting wins. It work on giving more rank points if you win versus a better rank than yours.

For exemple, into any Elo or Glicko2 system… 1 guy with 10k games (like me) can be position on the skill board at 400. While a better guy like Chaith, can be position at 20 on the board with 3k games.

Actually, at the end of the season, we will have hundreds of legendary players that don’t play into the top 200 nor top 500 players. But still they will get there with enough grind of wins.

Outstanding players will get there with around 150 matches, Average player with 500 matches and really bad (or unlucky players) with 1000.

But over 2 month, grinding 1000 game is too much for most of the casual gw2 base players (we put 10 hours a week into it, around… right?).

Wait, what? What do you use to determine if you deserve to advance if not wins?

And how can you grind such a thing? I mean sure you can asked to be carried but that is always going to be on the table anyway. But seriously, I do not consider ppl grinding lottery tickets to be sane. How many have won the lottery that way anyway?

Explain it to me how a solo player of Amber level is suppose to make it to higher level in a random generated team MM? Ok, he gets lucky, once, twice, 10 times? You think he can reasonably keep getting carried without losses making him step back? What kind of “luck” and “odds” are we talking about in your opinion?

All this sounds more like an excuse to keep your privileges. The way you seem to speak, just give legendary title to the highest 500 MMR ppl via mail without them having to lift a finger and assume all other players didn’t got better and be done with it. It’s ridiculous.

mesmer nerfs better be in order

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Dude why are you being so defensive, we are all giving you advices; if you want to improve, please use a meta battle build, ok???

Lmao, I guess the op doesn’t want to beat mesmer after all … LMAO

Ok you know what, if you don’t want to use a Mettabattle build, post a video of your fight against a mesmer, so we can show you your mistake. Like you might have wasted a dodge and the list goes on!!

Post a video and I’ll help you.

Don’t be trying to help people unless you’re legend or at the VERY least high diamond.

Also, I remember playing against you for like 3 matches on my way up the ladder. Simply put, you shouldn’t be in the position to give anyone advice.

this guy thinks a grind race is indicative of skill


didnt know that playing 100 matches counts as grinding

along comes someone in legendary who played 500 matches and sucks and gives advice and then what?

legendary in 500 matches isnt that bad either, some people get bad luck climbing the ladder but they still climb instead of going on forums and whining about “always bad team”

Unlike you, you mean?

All genuflect to his majesty Lexander Prime. If a Legendary Thief figure such as he say Mesmers need nerf it is because they do! Unless you are an exalted legend kitten you have no idea what you are talking about! :P

Lets change exalted legend

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Frankly, with attitude some ppl thinking themselves the next best things since slice bread because of that achievement I think Legendary kittenbag might be appropriate.

mesmer nerfs better be in order

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Dude why are you being so defensive, we are all giving you advices; if you want to improve, please use a meta battle build, ok???

Lmao, I guess the op doesn’t want to beat mesmer after all … LMAO

Ok you know what, if you don’t want to use a Mettabattle build, post a video of your fight against a mesmer, so we can show you your mistake. Like you might have wasted a dodge and the list goes on!!

Post a video and I’ll help you.

Don’t be trying to help people unless you’re legend or at the VERY least high diamond.

Also, I remember playing against you for like 3 matches on my way up the ladder. Simply put, you shouldn’t be in the position to give anyone advice.

Wow, you guys take yourself a bit too seriously. Really, that sound idiotic and a bit scary…

Beside, I think you missed the irony of his post which I thought was well deserved.

This isn't "competitive", this is babysitting

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Ok buddy so its better for the system to have the best player in the world possibly group with the worst if the queue is small enough theoretically and the worst player to get wins based on that. Having people of the same skill level group together is 100% sound idea. Its up to A-net to tweak it so its not so problematic for the lower skilled player. We either want league placement based on skill or we don’t. Forcing experienced players to have to group with complete noobs, Im not even talking about skill level totally just players with thousands of hours of experience being matched with complete beginners as teammates, how is that fairer? It’s 100% not fair. You are one of these I’m suffering people so I want to make it so everyone suffers. That’s ridiculous. The idea season 2 is crafted around is 100% sound it’s up to A-net to tweak it to most reduce or eliminate MMR hell. Going back toward MMR averaging to help lower skill players get carried through more games by luck of the draw getting the best players in the match there is nothing competitve about that. That’s how tons of bads lucked there way to diamond and legendary last season through sheer grinding.

It is not a sound idea to provide different competing conditions that makes it harder or easier to advance nor putting team randomly a problem.

Beside, if random, eventually all these guys will have to play together anyway since they are the only ones who will logically make it to the top. So the higher they go, the more the skill get refined.

mesmer nerfs better be in order

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


What’s your screenshot supposed to show? One team had two Mesmers and another had just one. The final score difference was 58 points.

son this is legend, 58 point difference here means more than 0-500 in your average ruby match, besides enemies have made plenty of mistakes including us stealing beasts and stuff but simply pressure from 2 mesmers was insane

when you have a class that can be present in 2 places at once while being one of the best duelists in game you cant really do anything about him decap-skitten outside of swarming the mesmer with 2+ people which puts your team at a huge disadvantage

Oh please…

Lets change exalted legend

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Rename first season Legendary grinder and the subsequent season Legendary whatever you want.

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740



When you get a new BOX (play HOT), you have more chance to go to Legendary than if you have a main BOX with thousands of matches…

Buy to WIN!!!

More seriously… the MMR just for your TEAM is so bad.

Please get rid of MMR entirely if you don’t want to pair MMR vs MMR team.

So we can have pro players QQ on forums about playing with bad players instead of saying the game is completely right (to farms 80% of the players bases because they are on the top 20% MMR).

So grind based ladder !? Why not just pure MMR based ladder ? Cmon.

Random team generation within pip range is not grind.

Still going to be grind. I mean everyone will end up at desired destination in the very end. It’s not like i care or something. But PvP section will turn into salt mine. Can’t wait.


I mean, you get randomly paired and winners advance while losers make a step back. Rinse and repeat in a ladder that has no safe guards and the higher you go the harder it get.

It also has the added advantage of being fair and more prestigious since what you achieve you did without any pampering by the system.

My idea is only bad if you want a grind based reward track. Anybody who want to be rewarded for his skill should adore that idea.

Well, losers will advance sooner or later (amount of matches played determine how far you will go). That’s the point of me saying everyone ll end up in desired destination. And again, i don’t really care. They can’t make anything worse then what it is now.

You only advance if you win more than you loose. How do you expect weak players to win more than they loose all things being equal?

Because it’s random. For every game where you are below level of other 5 players in opposing team you can have in your team 2 guys who can 2v4 or 2v5 entire enemy team. Then you ll get an enemy team way below your own ability and go further.

As everyone else progress sooner or later you will progress too in that kind of system. At some point you will be good enough in your pip range to make yourself a positive win rate.

Luck/Grind based system. Why u assume i m against this system ? As i said they can’t make it worse then it is now so i don’t care. I would buy old Leaderboards based on MMR anytime instead of any abomination Anet tries to spit out every season. But that’s no way going to happen.

You would have to win the loto to make it to legendary that way which is an improvement to what even S2 provides by a looooong shot. Otherwise, the weak player would advance once then loose twice most of the time resulting in him not progressing (not saying it is a good thing for the game btw).

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740



When you get a new BOX (play HOT), you have more chance to go to Legendary than if you have a main BOX with thousands of matches…

Buy to WIN!!!

More seriously… the MMR just for your TEAM is so bad.

Please get rid of MMR entirely if you don’t want to pair MMR vs MMR team.

So we can have pro players QQ on forums about playing with bad players instead of saying the game is completely right (to farms 80% of the players bases because they are on the top 20% MMR).

So grind based ladder !? Why not just pure MMR based ladder ? Cmon.

Random team generation within pip range is not grind.

Still going to be grind. I mean everyone will end up at desired destination in the very end. It’s not like i care or something. But PvP section will turn into salt mine. Can’t wait.


I mean, you get randomly paired and winners advance while losers make a step back. Rinse and repeat in a ladder that has no safe guards and the higher you go the harder it get.

It also has the added advantage of being fair and more prestigious since what you achieve you did without any pampering by the system.

My idea is only bad if you want a grind based reward track. Anybody who want to be rewarded for his skill should adore that idea.

Well, losers will advance sooner or later (amount of matches played determine how far you will go). That’s the point of me saying everyone ll end up in desired destination. And again, i don’t really care. They can’t make anything worse then what it is now.

You only advance if you win more than you loose. How do you expect weak players to win more than they loose all things being equal?

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740



When you get a new BOX (play HOT), you have more chance to go to Legendary than if you have a main BOX with thousands of matches…

Buy to WIN!!!

More seriously… the MMR just for your TEAM is so bad.

Please get rid of MMR entirely if you don’t want to pair MMR vs MMR team.

So we can have pro players QQ on forums about playing with bad players instead of saying the game is completely right (to farms 80% of the players bases because they are on the top 20% MMR).

So grind based ladder !? Why not just pure MMR based ladder ? Cmon.

Random team generation within pip range is not grind.

Still going to be grind. I mean everyone will end up at desired destination in the very end. It’s not like i care or something. But PvP section will turn into salt mine. Can’t wait.


I mean, you get randomly paired and winners advance while losers make a step back. Rinse and repeat in a ladder that has no safe guards and the higher you go the harder it get.

It also has the added advantage of being fair and more prestigious since what you achieve you did without any pampering by the system.

My idea is only bad if you want a grind based reward track. Anybody who want to be rewarded for his skill should adore that idea.

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740



When you get a new BOX (play HOT), you have more chance to go to Legendary than if you have a main BOX with thousands of matches…

Buy to WIN!!!

More seriously… the MMR just for your TEAM is so bad.

Please get rid of MMR entirely if you don’t want to pair MMR vs MMR team.

So we can have pro players QQ on forums about playing with bad players instead of saying the game is completely right (to farms 80% of the players bases because they are on the top 20% MMR).

So grind based ladder !? Why not just pure MMR based ladder ? Cmon.

Random team generation within pip range is not grind.

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


The risk is higher for good players, because they are less and their chance on getting another good player on their team is a lot smaller than to get bad players.
It would result in good players duo-queueing and just destroying every team that gets put together randomly out of a pool of average to bad players.
Random might work if the distribution of skill level were evenly, but it actually really isnt.

I’m sorry but that make no sense. If you are the best no player is your equal but you aren’t disadvantaged to get less talented teammates anymore than any others nor do you have less probability than any other to get that same other teammate. That argument is just pure nonsense. The way you speak it is terrible to get the second best player in your team when you are the best but a blessing when you are a kitten . It is the same player and you both have the same odds.

As for the good players teaming together to demolish all, they can already do that now cant they? I’m addressing soloq problem here. As it is, strong MMR players think it is an achievement to make it to the top as a soloqer when it might actually be easier for them than if they where on a premade this season.

Uhm, yes? Because players with lower mmr are usually not as good and why should they get an easy ride to legendary? Pity for being so bad?
And those players that for whatever reason have a lower mmr than their actual skill… it is possible to get back your old mmr. You just have to work for it. But then… loosing that mmr in the first place was kinda their own fault… so having to work for it might sound harsh, but even I had to accept that I deserved it.

Whoa,whoa,whoa. The point is, why oh why should anybody get an easy ride? Or rather, an easier or harder ride? If your ride is easier because your are better that is fair but if your ride is easier or harder because of systemic bias that is quite another matter. You can’t seriously pull a Donald Trump or a Paris Hilton on me by telling me to work hard to earn what you have like you did when your daddy left you millions to pull ahead. That is disingenuous.

Let’s all start in the same conditions and let our skill decide who goes in front is all I’m asking but for some reasons that idea seem outrageous.

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


It is a step in the right direction. Good players shouldnt have a more difficult time reaching legendary just because they are good, while bad players get the easy road. Thats just plain wrong.

And yes, the current system has the drawback that every good player carries several bad players to positions in ladder where they dont belong. Winstreak and mmr exaggeration make it possible.

Solution would be a mix of season1 and season2 mechanics, as pointed out already numerous times. Placement matches during pre-season would be a huge step forward. So would be removing failsafes. Removing winstreak and comeback pips, reverting to season1 pip mechanic instead since it promoted fighting until the last. Season2 matchmaking with added brackets to allow lopsided matches, yes, but not too big a difference in mmrs between teams (to keep blowouts to a minimum).

Benefit of season2 mechanics, is that players that clearly belong into legendary, can get there fast.

Random team generation is NEVER fair. Dont delude yourself into thinking that. You are thinking that by randomizing teams, at least one or two “good” players will end up on each team. Thats just not correct. Im not really in the mood to get into that in detail, but since there’s WAY more bad players currently in leagues than good players, your chances of getting 4 bad teammates are actually higher than getting 1 good player.
Also, good players would just team up and stack the cards in their favor by doing that.

The risk is shared equally by all. How is it unfair? As it is, the risk of having a good team or a bad team rely on MMR not luck. It is a systemic and systematic bias that make ppl compete under different conditions.

Also, you say it wasnt fair for good player to have it harder in season 1 but you are ok with lower MMR people having it automatically harder this season? That is IMO even worse since their carrying potential is even less.

I really do not see the problem of going with random generation or how it is going to be less fair than it is now. It currently really isn’t at all.

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Having to fight every match uphill because you have high mmr – starting in amber all the way to legendary, while players with average or below average mmr get easy to win matches…. thats what was wrong with season1.

Basically, good players got legendary niveau matches from the start… while bad players could grind their way easily to legendary.

Now they have done the same but reverse. Random team generation within pip range would avoid all that and be fair.

No MMR Hell? Prove it and WIN

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


i think this contest is “stupid” : in post
Evan of anet admits clearly that there are some problems and that they are working on them If a company spends money on a problem , it is becouse the problem is real … otherwise none want to throws away his money … MMR hell is something real and known to ANET also ( they said it, not me )

OP was created before the topic you refer to, Tenebria proved it exists even before the topic was created, so the contest is not stupid for the time it was created.

Except Ensign’s model was more toward proving it didn’t exist. Read the whole post don’t cherry pick want you to see. A-net has acknowledged there is a problem that doesn’t mean anybody is 100% right. We’ve had leagues for what four months now of course it will be constantly revised over time. While MMR hell might exist most of the people that think they are stuck in it really aren’t. If they keep leagues solely skill based as they plan is there goal there will always be a lot of people that can’t advance past the first few leagues. If your someone that has lost 20 games in a row or more I wouldn’t wipe my brow going whew A-net is going to make things all better for me with the next iteration. That would be a gigantic mistake imo. People should always be trying to improve and stop trying to blame everything on things that may or may not be effecting them like MMR hell.

I’m glad there are people that have this attitude. If more people did the forums would be more constructive less blaming the system.

Yeah, if the forum was always agreeing with me and complaining about those complaining it would be way better!

I’m glad more people don’t feel entitled to everything because they paid for a product. Better?


Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Parrot mentality. Be original… From another post I made:

Matchmaking from the perspective of a season 2 legendary player:

“Look, I know matchmaking isn’t perfect. I had two loses on my way to legendary. TWO!! It could be better but it is better than last season. Last season was a struggle and had nothing to do with skill. The reason I couldn’t win last season was because of my teammates. I don’t understand why people are complaining. All my teammates this season are awesome. It’s so easy and nothing to do with matchmaking. Git gud punk.”

Wow someone actually said that?

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Be honest! How many of you that think they are stuck in mmr hell manage to not die more than twice in each match?


No MMR Hell? Prove it and WIN

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


i think this contest is “stupid” : in post
Evan of anet admits clearly that there are some problems and that they are working on them If a company spends money on a problem , it is becouse the problem is real … otherwise none want to throws away his money … MMR hell is something real and known to ANET also ( they said it, not me )

OP was created before the topic you refer to, Tenebria proved it exists even before the topic was created, so the contest is not stupid for the time it was created.

Except Ensign’s model was more toward proving it didn’t exist. Read the whole post don’t cherry pick want you to see. A-net has acknowledged there is a problem that doesn’t mean anybody is 100% right. We’ve had leagues for what four months now of course it will be constantly revised over time. While MMR hell might exist most of the people that think they are stuck in it really aren’t. If they keep leagues solely skill based as they plan is there goal there will always be a lot of people that can’t advance past the first few leagues. If your someone that has lost 20 games in a row or more I wouldn’t wipe my brow going whew A-net is going to make things all better for me with the next iteration. That would be a gigantic mistake imo. People should always be trying to improve and stop trying to blame everything on things that may or may not be effecting them like MMR hell.

I’m glad there are people that have this attitude. If more people did the forums would be more constructive less blaming the system.

Yeah, if the forum was always agreeing with me and complaining about those complaining it would be way better!

No MMR Hell? Prove it and WIN

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


In the end players who soloq in a team setting do so because they feel/realize they have the choice between trying alone or not at all a lot of the time. Why do you think soloq is so popular? It answer an obvious demand.

Reasoning the way you do is akin to telling a homeless person to get a home to change her life. As if she didn’t wanted to. The problem obviously isn’t her not wanting.

As to why solo q is popular, in season 1 you actually got punished for teaming up with people if you weren’t already good as a team, as the system whould pitch you against high mmr teams.

Season 2 should have destroyed soloq. Yet sill people insist in banging their heads against the same wall while complaining it’s too tough. Yeah, it’s too tough alright… it’s a wall!

I know it’s not always easy to find a decent group to play with. I almost always play after 1 am, so go tell me. The players i knew that got me out of the mmr hell in amber are no longer playing, and my guild mates completely passed on pvp since HOT came out, and they just hit sapphire in a week of playtime, but never played with me.

So I know it’s not that easy, but you have to factor what is worse: playing one more match with the ugly thief that suicides far at the start of the match, or spending the same time looking for a group.

the difference with the homeless, is that the homeless actually cannot get herself a home. Any player can get himself one or two players to team up with.

To be fair, I now mostly do my dailies and that is it.

I don’t do this for the back pack as I’m already assured to get it. I do it because every time I hope I’ll have a taste of the fun part of competing in pvp. I like the competition. I’m competitive. But to play what I used to do and like I have to do some serious gymnastic or just don’t play.

WvW is mostly kapout, the new legendaries are on the ice and ranked soloq is a toxic pit of utmost frustration instead of a source of satisfying matches… maybe I should just find a new hobby…

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Hey guys, did you really actually look into OP’s report before blaming everything on MMR hell?

Please note the few things on OP’s report:
1. Matchup systems from both season 1 and season2 have problems. But season 2 matchup is better in terms of reflecting true player skills(even with MMR hell existing)

2. MMR hell is mostly due to login randomness. I interpret this as at certain times the system can’t find good meaningful games with limited amount of player in a certain pip region.

3. Uneven matches are bad but they shouldn’t affect MMR by that much. When you are in a losing streak against vast superior teams. It really shouldn’t punish your MMR ratings that badly.

I mostly agree about the first 2 points. It’s the third one that I have an issue with when most of the PVE horde, that hardly ever play PVP except to get AP or goodies, are defacto of average MMR but of clearly WAY below that actual skill level most of the time.

So if you get paired with them because you are around 55% win/45 loose (an average ratio like them except your is real) you might get demolish because you team didn’t perform anywhere close to what they are supposed to and then the spiral starts or at least become a tar pit for some unlucky ppl.

If you were randomly paired this would simply not be an issue at all. But so far the silence about that suggestion is speaking a lot despite the utter lack of valid argument against.

No MMR Hell? Prove it and WIN

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Well, Tenebria, the thing is, that, while MMR hell is real, it’s 100% the player’s fault.

Because, as you state, your calculations are for SOLO QEUE players. So yes, for a stubborn player that refuses to team up even after seeing how his teammates’ quality quickly deteriorates after a 10 losing streak, it can be hell, but a hell of his own making.

I am now in such a position, after reaching ruby t3, i am now back in t1 with a 10 loss streak. Some of the games i lost were really close calls (5 points), so not all hope is lost, but it’s obvious for me that each game is going to get worse than the later, so I am in this difficult position where i have to either:

a- play one more game, knowing i will be fighting against odds.
b- quit playing. I am not going to reach diamond a this rate so, who cares? i can always go unranked and train my revenant. it’s said they are op, anyway.
c- find some decent players to team up with, so I won’t care what my MMR is.

If I choose option a, I am clearly sealing my fate.

If i choose b, i will get better for next season, and it’s likely i’ll get more wins by adding some offensive support and quick rez/stomping to my team, while right now i can only efficiently play defense (elementalist) and offense (necro), two roles that are usually covered easily.

If i choose c, i will have my destiny in my hands, and not in the hands of the MMR. My mmr will improve as i win more games and eventually i’ll be able to solo qeue again.

i think it’s a no-brainer.

Not only is this all deja vu on the subject but that is quite the oversimplification you got there. In theory what you say is something everyone knows and agree with. The problem is, making teams at the moment you can pvp is not always this simple for everyone.

Finding reliable teammates can often require a lot of time and synchronization and time is not equally available for all. How many times did I asked any of my 5 guilds in all guild chats for partners and get nothing in return? I even joined ETS to help me but when I ask for ruby partners 85% of the time I get crickets as an answer.

Of course when I play and find good teammates I add them to my friend list and they do the same but you would be surprised at how not easy at all it is to time your play time. Some also have been playing more while others less and the rank we shared no longer is.

In the end players who soloq in a team setting do so because they feel/realize they have the choice between trying alone or not at all a lot of the time. Why do you think soloq is so popular? It answer an obvious demand.

Reasoning the way you do is akin to telling a homeless person to get a home to change her life. As if she didn’t wanted to. The problem obviously isn’t her not wanting.

No MMR Hell? Prove it and WIN

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I carried myself to legend; so can you, if you DESERVE it.

Yes, you did… along with 4 other ppl… but hey, who care about them. You are the hero and this is your story.

No MMR Hell? Prove it and WIN

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I’ve lost 2 games, in my past 30 games or more. From amber to almost diamond 3 right now, in less than 7 days of actually playing pvp this season. I probably started like not even 3 weeks ago. There honestly isn’t a mmr hell, but you really need to hump the meta or you’ll simply be at a disadvantage.

I started by playing aura share d/d, to adapt my favorite d/d to the new meta. but I was only getting a winrate of like 70%, which obviously wasn’t right. Once I sucked it up, and started playing D/F I just stopped dropping hardly any games at all. I guess it helps that I know and met skilled people to team with at times, but I can honestly say I went through emerald and sapphire alone, by relying on a teamfight oriented build, and actively trying to command the pugs in team chat. When I didn’t care to type, those were the few times I actually lost. Facing 2 or 3 necros helps them too, but still :p

There isn’t a MMR hell. You just need to adapt your top tier class and build to what you’re facing every match, and have the moves to back it up.

Got a high MMR and conclude there is no MMR issue with MM. Typical.

Are you the kind of person that goes into a poor country and stay into a luxury resort only to concluded that what you saw was representative of the country?

If you want to see the reality ppl are talking about get out of your high MMR resort first. THEN and only THEN your comment will begin to have some credibility.

You’re acting as if it’s a bad thing that I have a high MMR. MMR is something you earn not something that is given. I just explained to you how I earned that, in multiple facets pertaining to skill and actually commanding your team of sheep. Sadly, you must be one of the sheep. You actually have to be good at this game, there is no getting around that. If I can get a 70% winrate on a non meta weapon solo, then what is your excuse?

No, I’m acting as someone that is amazed to still see someone with a high MMR saying there is no noticeable issue for them. No kitten! Of course you won’t see any issue in the conditions you make your journey in this season knowing how the MM works. You have to try it with average/low MMR to see it.

My beef with MMR being used to make your team is twofold:

First, it used to be irrelevant in making your team but no longer. My gaming behavior in ranked would have been very different a long time ago had it always been like that. The least they should have done after such a change is to reset the metric and warn ppl it is now going to have lasting consequences.

Second, and much more importantly, it provides different conditions under which players are competing. If you have a high MMR you are blessed with the best teammates available (far easier to carry) as opposed to average/low that can/will inherit bad/new players within the pip range (much harder to carry). The people with the strongest shoulders are given the lighter weights to carry while the weaker ones the heaviest. WTF do you expect happens? You simply manufacture condition that will confirm your metric and polarize it instead of testing it (it should be randomly formulated). If your MMR is significantly off reality skill-wise (for a plethora of reasons) you are either laughing or crying ATM.

The real excuse here is why do you feel it is fair to compete under different conditions as others? Why that sudden VIP treatment (or persona non grata on the other side of the medal)? What is so bad about formulating team randomly within a given pip range? You can’t possibly fear fighting on equal footing as others if you are THAT good.