Showing Posts For SpehssMehreen.5897:

8/23 Jade Quarry/Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Thank you to SOR and FEAR (using troll guild tag) for interrupting the DA vs ONS GvG several times. We took the time to set up a match on a map that was completely overrun anyway and you felt the need to troll our fight not once, but several times.

We had to call the match early because we were unable to finish a fight uninterrupted.

GvG’s take time to schedule and coordinate. We had members rearrange their schedules to participate. If you don’t GvG thats cool, but please respect the time of people that do.

I’m sorry to read this. This is unacceptable behavior; please do not believe that this is the behavior or mindset of the general server.

there’s no need to be an apologist dude, I doubt it will be appreciated cuz of all the bags that likely spawned, Assuming both bg and jq were wiped of course

8/23 Jade Quarry/Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Thank you to SOR and FEAR (using troll guild tag) for interrupting the DA vs ONS GvG several times. We took the time to set up a match on a map that was completely overrun anyway and you felt the need to troll our fight not once, but several times.

We had to call the match early because we were unable to finish a fight uninterrupted.

GvG’s take time to schedule and coordinate. We had members rearrange their schedules to participate. If you don’t GvG thats cool, but please respect the time of people that do.

lol,were u gvging in Sors home bl, on NA prime, with FEAR on? hahahahahaha,get rekted

thief alert

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


wow, just wow, I seriously going to screenshot this post, just wow, utterly amazed

Soul bound WXP booster gift 8/22/2013

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


just as I have predicated people will spin anything backwards, 2 more complaint posts and I get 5gs, go figure

Thank you for wasting 20 omega golems Anet

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


assuming your telling the truth, I would recommend you take it up with support and not post on the forusm accusing anet blah3x, if its true and your omegas somehow disappeared support will help you

Suggestion on WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Disrespecful sarcasm is unbecoming of you brother, wont get you much credibility let alone a dev response, be constructive at least, also your idea will not a very good one

this is a sarcasm, why should i be constructive at it? Beside, it’s the truth, and it hurt. More important is, I doubt a dev will look at this, well maybe after a few day or so.

um? because something constructive will actually have a better chance of getting a reply? or being considered by your fellow forum users? especially since you know ,this is a suggestion after all

it is not constructive and you are replying.


Suggestion on WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Disrespecful sarcasm is unbecoming of you brother, wont get you much credibility let alone a dev response, be constructive at least, also your idea will not a very good one

this is a sarcasm, why should i be constructive at it? Beside, it’s the truth, and it hurt. More important is, I doubt a dev will look at this, well maybe after a few day or so.

um? because something constructive will actually have a better chance of getting a reply? or being considered by your fellow forum users? especially since you know ,this is a suggestion after all

Suggestion on WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Disrespecful sarcasm is unbecoming of you brother, wont get you much credibility let alone a dev response, be constructive at least, also your idea will not a very good one

Fissure of Woe rising?

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


its prolly just the rating system lol, they somehow have gotten a higher rating by doing better than expected

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


I can tell you this, if SoR and BG 2v1’d JQ during SEA you would see the same result as we’re seeing this week, happens to all of us.

JQ SEA is not as big as people believe, JQ gets away with a lot through the BG / SoR hatred and the fact all JQ flock behind Waha and it is a map zerg no matter the time Waha could command a map queue through EU into EST NA if he chose to. All our SEA’s are the relatively the same size you delude yourselves into thinking they aren’t.




I’m sure this is in incomplete list, but I’m going off the “Appears in WvW more than once a week”

If you ran through the numbers on any given night one can queue more maps than the other. From what I’ve seen the only map BG has been capable of a queue on all week has been the map with the MERC float in it.

NYS, MERC, ATM et al are big guilds capable of fielding big numbers but all it takes is a 2v1 during SEA to make it all come crumbling down, this isn’t because numbers but because these 3 guilds are incredibly skilled and the numbers issue comes into play because sure you can wipe one of them, but you cannot wipe them both effectively in order to defend your objective, you engage NYS outside Woodhaven, ATM is already hitting garrison or Cragtop, the same would happen on any BL.

I note; notice nights if MERC, ATM or NYS don’t show up (very rare) which ever of these 3 doesn’t turn up the respective server usually gets rolled.

Most of SoR’s SEA will play 3-4 hours and half the list is of 20 mans. BG and even JQ’s SEA are all larger guilds that put out at least 40ppl and play at least 6-8 hours with MERC playing 12-15 hours. The point you are trying to make is invalid.

And you left MEOW off your list of BG.

He also left out AFS from SoR.

AFS is basically GC. So he got it right the first time for the SoR list.

That’s too bad, sad to see the internal drama spreading throughout the SEA guilds on SoR.

Please substantiate your claim with evidence.

Lol, another dude caught lying for bg, hmmmm, his name seems familiar though a_a

LOL. I think it’s pretty well known that GC was originally a group that left AFS.

Just think of that situation for a minute.

Now tell me that there was zero drama involved with a group of people leaving a guild and starting their own. I would like you to tell me with absolute honesty if you think that can happen without there being any drama being involved.

you misunderstand what I was refering to, It was that the “drama” is supposedly spreading to “other SEA guilds” when there isnt even that much drama to begin with, let alone anyone understanding what they are talknig about, only a member of that guild can tell you the truth, and only the more senior ones or leadership too

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


I can tell you this, if SoR and BG 2v1’d JQ during SEA you would see the same result as we’re seeing this week, happens to all of us.

JQ SEA is not as big as people believe, JQ gets away with a lot through the BG / SoR hatred and the fact all JQ flock behind Waha and it is a map zerg no matter the time Waha could command a map queue through EU into EST NA if he chose to. All our SEA’s are the relatively the same size you delude yourselves into thinking they aren’t.




I’m sure this is in incomplete list, but I’m going off the “Appears in WvW more than once a week”

If you ran through the numbers on any given night one can queue more maps than the other. From what I’ve seen the only map BG has been capable of a queue on all week has been the map with the MERC float in it.

NYS, MERC, ATM et al are big guilds capable of fielding big numbers but all it takes is a 2v1 during SEA to make it all come crumbling down, this isn’t because numbers but because these 3 guilds are incredibly skilled and the numbers issue comes into play because sure you can wipe one of them, but you cannot wipe them both effectively in order to defend your objective, you engage NYS outside Woodhaven, ATM is already hitting garrison or Cragtop, the same would happen on any BL.

I note; notice nights if MERC, ATM or NYS don’t show up (very rare) which ever of these 3 doesn’t turn up the respective server usually gets rolled.

Most of SoR’s SEA will play 3-4 hours and half the list is of 20 mans. BG and even JQ’s SEA are all larger guilds that put out at least 40ppl and play at least 6-8 hours with MERC playing 12-15 hours. The point you are trying to make is invalid.

And you left MEOW off your list of BG.

He also left out AFS from SoR.

AFS is basically GC. So he got it right the first time for the SoR list.

That’s too bad, sad to see the internal drama spreading throughout the SEA guilds on SoR.

Please substantiate your claim with evidence.

Lol, another dude caught lying for bg, hmmmm, his name seems familiar though a_a

Guild Wars 2 in the years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


have you been listening to Dontain? these posts seem to pop up once or twice every month, I just wish a dev or someone with a more objective view of life finally answer these threads and keep them closed for good, they give nothing constructive and spread misinformation

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


right click item
click “destroy”
problem solved

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


So it looks like BG’s SEA population gives up once they face a little bit of adversity. They can’t pick on SoR’s smaller SEA population anymore and they have to actually try and fight now that JQ is back in the picture.

Some people show up and fight it out no matter the odds (SoR), and some people crumble under the pressure (BG). Shame.

Shots fired! Also, you have a short memory dude.


But seriously, at least our SEA was able to tick higher than 100 PPT.

Well we will see what your ppt looks like when all SEA guilds focus SOR only.

they already did a_a

The Queen's Speech: WvW patch

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Torture you because the wxp ranks arnt account bound? a_a they arnt for many reasons I think anet stated before, and it would be pretty weird seeing an upleveled bronze general running around, theyre just titles too, they dotn actually mean anything and will simply repeat with the new valuable mineral at the start

Please show some respect..

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


the gaming market has some of the toxic customers in the world, the protection they get from the internet gives them safety to do it, I suggest you stay away from other mmo forums because the ones here are actually quite tamed compared to them, you cannot stop ignorance or entitlement, true, anet does not give wvw the attention and updates it needs but people tend to forget the difficulty and reality associated with it as well, wvw players are only a small fraction of the entire community and do not give anet any revenue directly aside from keeping people in the game it consumes a huge amount of resources to keep up and even more to make any major changes

people seem to forget or simply dont understand how difficult it was to remove culling from wvw or that wxp ranks are not account bound for very good reasons

Anet doesn't care about WvW edit pg3 INFO

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


just goes to show Devon How toxic some of your wvw player base can be on these forums, Im sorry and ashamed, so deeply ashamed

things are getting repetitve in gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


perception =/= reality, I recommend you try something like wvw, proper organized semi hardcore wvw

Why doesn't Anet Close Low End Servers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


1: Wrong forum
2: gw2s player population is steadily growing, including wvw
3: even the least populated server has thousands of players in them
4: it only ever takes 50-100 people to make wvw interesting, get together, get organized
5: Gw2 is not “closing” any servers anytime soon, in fact, new ones in china and eventually Korea will open
6: I think you mean low populated not low end in your title

How about some QoL changes for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Fyi, Wvw player base is only 7-10% of the TOTAL playerbase, also, so what if another mmo is coming out? there are lik 4-5 coming out this year and next

and WvW does NOT GIVE ANET ANY DIRECT REVENUE, only indirect by people who buy random stuff off the tp because they continue to paly the game

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Posts like these make me happy anet ignores many of the posts in this forum, so much ignorance,so much presumption, Killing the game, lol, does not even compute with a basic objective view

Numbers Game

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


me thinks you focus to much on ppt and winning, I would recommend you work in the long run, organize your guilds together in a single teamspeak, do things such as assigning bls and most importantly train,train and train to run hard and tight, turn your blobs into solid blocks, you have to plan for the long term and not count on anet to fix your problems cuz frankly they simply cannot

So why aoe cap?

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Simple question. Why is there an aoe cap? And no, please do not come up with that “technical limitation” lie. There has been thousands games before this with massive pvp and no aoe cap, why would your engine be somehow so infernior to that of these older games?

Lie? a Lie? thats quiet a big accusation to state, especially when the answer to your question has already been communication many many times by other forum users and Anet employees in the past, I hope your capable to back up your claim of those anet people “lying”, taking into account that devon himself already gave you an answer to your question in the past

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


sigh, here we go again, such ignorance, such insolence and ingratitude, tired of telling people to get together, organize your guilds, create a server wide comms, WRITE down your wvw guilds and their timezones and etc, have server meetings, but no, im tired, might as well make an “I QUIT” post for all the constructive value youre creating

While there is some truth in this post, it’s clear you come from a place where you have WvW players online 24/7, and where there are mega guilds of 50+ people who queue maps every day of the week.

if you think there are 50 man mega blobs everywhere, even on tier 1 youre sorely mistaken

That’s not at all what I said. Good job going all defensive and proving my point though.

*facepalm, what in the world are you talking about? a_a, there are neither 50+ man guilds queeing maps nor are they on 24/7, oceanic to asian timezones can only ever fill a borderland if they stack in one map

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


sigh, here we go again, such ignorance, such insolence and ingratitude, tired of telling people to get together, organize your guilds, create a server wide comms, WRITE down your wvw guilds and their timezones and etc, have server meetings, but no, im tired, might as well make an “I QUIT” post for all the constructive value youre creating

While there is some truth in this post, it’s clear you come from a place where you have WvW players online 24/7, and where there are mega guilds of 50+ people who queue maps every day of the week.

if you think there are 50 man mega blobs everywhere, even on tier 1 youre sorely mistaken

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


sigh, here we go again, such ignorance, such insolence and ingratitude, tired of telling people to get together, organize your guilds, create a server wide comms, WRITE down your wvw guilds and their timezones and etc, have server meetings, but no, im tired, might as well make an “I QUIT” post for all the constructive value youre creating

Finding a solution for the ZERG (Support)

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


what makes you think zergs are game breaking? and your idea seems like a huge implementation issue, no such hardcoded dmg reduction exists, the devs have to make it, unless you want all players with nobody near them to have perma protection, making guardians and such more impossible to kill

Commander tags not working

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


To speed up the very slow process of fixes, I want people here to know esepcially those in anet that many of the commander tags in wvw are not working even after turning them on and off, we have already submitted various bug reports, I would give the wvw servers name but Im worried this might be a server only problem

I feel utterly Ripped Off.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Guys the argument “you dont need it therefor you cant complain” is tired and childish.

tired? and childdish? what in the world are you expecting? a different answer from the most common sensed one?

Cannot find people.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


not sure if serious or troll post, even Eredon terrace or any medium pop server has many many people up there

Aetherized Weapon Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


worknig as intended as this has nothing to do with the manifesto, grinding? excuse me? you just spent money on BL chests, hardly a grind and tbh I dont beleive your story, I think your exagerating because with 60g you could have BOUGHT an aetherized weapon since anet was nice enoguh to make the trial versions sellable.

and FYI, scraps are common but so are all the other stuff from bl chests, so suddenly common is not so “common”

I think it's time to end RNG matchups

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


tried Eso, its kinda….. well if you liked skyrim you will like that, but its alot more clunky, like fallout 2

Is it poss.. to just say thanks?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


lol thats not how the gaming community or the internet worsk bro, thanks alone is way too difficult for us, and when anet or any1 else deserves it we simply dont say it

Survival mini game is horrible

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


-the trap is ok but it should cost more death motes
-the torment light trap should not apply torment, only the living version should do that, the dead one should just draw attention and ping u
-the summon karka is ok as well but give the living more time to react, it is an instakill afterall, giving the karka more time to “spawn” should help remedy the problem, the karka skill is a very effective area denial and can be used by all dead players

Ranger axe main

in Ranger

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


the primary reason i use mainhand axe is to match it with the offhand axe as I like the way it fits the theme and its the only ranged mainhand weapon rangers have

Ranger axe main

in Ranger

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Im currently trying to get ranger Mainhand axe to work, using a high dps knights build for wvw with the axe mastery trait giving plus 10% crit, so far the damage has been far to low for the effort given, axe 1 although has a cool bouncing attack cannot scale dmg even with high crit to other weapons, axe 2 split blades damage is also horrendously low, the onyl way to get any damage with it is to throw it point blank and even then the dps is minimal with a bit of bleeds to help compensate, axe 3 seems to be the only decent skill with a reliable freeze although it only hits 1 target but gives your pets the power to inflict weakness, good for spvp I suppose.

what are your thoughts on the ranger mainhand axe? any advice?

Servers paying for guild transfers...

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


youre blaming the “flawed mechanics” of wvw for guilds transfering out of your server? guilds are free to do as they please, some servers or guilds or individuals will donate gold to help cover the expensive transfer cost

Nothing is being done about flawed design

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


you cant stop guilds from moving servers, if they want to move, whatever their reason, esepcially if its finding a server thats more into wvw rather than say pve then they are free to do so, it is not wvws fault per seh but simply human nature and the ever changing reality we live in

break the build game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Hammers for Engineers and Torches for Necros are also very good ideas but Ive yet to think of a good skill set up for them.

Offhand Torches for Engineers and Rifles for Thieves should also be quite interesting

(edited by SpehssMehreen.5897)

break the build game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Hello guys since the announcement of weapons becoming available for classes that dont use them is in the works how about we help the developers and have a bit of fun?

1: you have to use an existing weapon on a profession that is yet to use it
2: you have to create and full 5 skills slots of 2h weapons, 3 for any main hand and 2 for any offhand
3: weapons and skills must be thematically correct ex. warriors not using staff with magic

I will go first
Ranger 2h Rifle
Skill 1: Shatter shot
fire a powerful shot that shatters armor
inflicts vulnerability each hit
Range 1200
1/2 cd

Skill 2: Ambush
Invisible 3 seconds
your next attack inflicts 5 stacks of vulnerability
cd 20 sec

Skill 3: Mercy Shot
does more damage the lower your targets health
8 cd

Skill 4: Combat evade
roll forward evading attacks and gaining 2 seconds of swiftness and quickness
Crits reduce this abilities cd
Cd 14 seconds

Skill 5: Package shot
fire a powerful package of explosives from your rifle
explodes when hits target
explosion creates a cone of damage
1200 range

this weapon theme is to create a high dps weapon set with alot of mobility and solid dps from the stacking of vulnerability and weapons skills.

this set has very little stealth tied to it and is a single target weapon when untraited

good players will learn to make use of the skill 4 for high mobility and dodges while managing its cd by synergising heavily with crit builds

how involved are developers in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


i just wish that one of the developers,even devon carter would just sit in, even just on teamspeak in one of our server meetings and hear how the server deals with overall strategy, the different guilds asigned to different maps, the timezone coordination between different guilds in different countries, the overall development of the wvw community, right now im so worried that the few developers of wvw, not only supported last by anet but also spend their time cooked up in their own offices and groups becoming more and more detached with the wvw community.

it happend with arrow carts, it might happen to something else

how involved are developers in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


if thats the case why doesnt anet at least consult with people especially commanders and leaders from all servers to help better shape the wvw environment?

how involved are developers in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


as the titles says are involved are they? so far especially in tier 1 I’ve yet to see a member of anet command a group for example or get on the servers teamspeak, the streams I found show little of anet participating in these things, neither feeling the pressure and stress of commanding a group of people both on and not on comms and the different strategies and tactics that go on.

for example, are wvw developers aware of the different tactics going on, such as the use of a hard melee train, moving as a solid block rather than a clumsy blob or separating the zerg into melee and ranged under their own commanders etc.

another one would be “are the developers aware about developments within the servers wvw community” are they aware when a guild, particularly a large one leaves or enters a server? dimishing or increasing their power, if they do, do they take into account the number of players they have or their activity in wvw or the timezone they play in?

final one would be are the developers aware of the different developing communities of wvw,do they know the respected leaders of those servers? the leaders of the large guilds who make a big difference in wvw? or the server meetings that take place before the reset happens?

so far my greatest worry is that the developers are detached from the reality of wvw, many of their streams are small man raids and pushes with their warriors,actions that can be done by any Havoc group and more, they are not talking about the warfare, the varying tactics, pushes or strategies going on in the big picture, and most importantly little about being on the servers comms which is one of the most important tools in something like wvw.

Note: many of anets wvw activities seem to go on in the server of SBI, which I know has its on server wide ts. have not seen many if any wvw developers going to something like tier 1 or tier 2 where the wvw can be hugely different from tier to tier

Hey SoR, notice any new guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


you sound bitter, but those guilds came of their own accord and all guilds are free to do as they wish

Sudden FPS drops due to certain Effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


This has been a long time problem, anyone else getting this? in certain abilities with “smoke” effects there are huge fps drops, engineer grenades particularly skill 2 as well as Thieves blinding powder cause these sudden FPS drops then sudden FPS spikes creating a slow down and speed up effect, lowering all options to the lowest still doestn fix the problem, and it seems there isnt a particle effects option

All classes all weapons, or more weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


the devs have stated in the past that when it ever happens, current professions will receive new weapons that we currently already have, so maybe
Hammers for engis
Rifles for Thieves and Rangers
Torches for Necros and Warriors

Jade Quarry Unable

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


lol this guy above me clearly does not understand whats going on in the upper servers

Huge amount of people wanting to play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


post makes very little sense. Fail Troll? a_a

Jade Quarry Unable

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


you should ask your commander waha who in the past has gotten you a large portion of your objectives and ppt can no longer get the points he did in the past

Weapons before Professions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


lol GS necro? doesnt really match the theme, maybe Necro Torch so condi necros can have an offhand direct codition weapon more cond based than the offhand dagger, ghostly fire should be pretty cool