Look on the bright side, alot of people and guilds got “rich” with the rampant guild buying.
EB jp changes will hit by the end of the month and the edge of the mists early next year, so its not so bad
Sanctum of Rall is probably your best bet at finding a stable 24/7 and very organized WvW server, you can send people over to scout the server and talk to any of its people at any time, its a good choice if you want a really good fight being both organized and the perpetual underdog.
Other servers will be happy to have you though, in fact you will or already have received an offer for several thousand gold +transfer fees covered to transfer to one particularly stacked server but in the end its up to you, from what I know servers like Sor will be against paying you to come over to the server outside of requested assistance with transfer costs, other servers will be the opposite and use gold as one of the primary incentives regardless or the circumstances. Sor will not pay to to transfer to the server though outside of requested assistance for transfer costs in case of many stuck members.
GL at finding a new home though hope to see you on the battlefield whichever side youre on hopefully you make the right choice
(edited by SpehssMehreen.5897)
The balance of classes in this game is a joke. Just mention the stealth system to any hardcore MOBA or LOL player and they will laugh.
lol, noob cant handle thieves
I pretty sure lvl 50s being matched with level 1s is an exagerration and the population, especially playnig right now (between OC and SEA time) is very low, much lower than a game like League of legends.
And Ive played so many many normal and ranked games where ive had Afkers, leavers, trolls and intentional feeders, In fact, I just had one this morning when I was trying the new heimerdinger
before you start mocking people, can you please give details on your game? when did you play for example? because if you played just now then you get what you get because its OC time and there are very very few players at this time.
also why do you stress the rank in a game? especially with the whole glory farm thing, it seems part of the problem is your perception
whatever system you put up, however perfect you will not always get what you want, why? because games like these in the end need a human being playing on the other side, if that human quits, goes afk, or just play kitten or feeds the enemy, well, thats life, you can put all the checks in the world to know a player will play but when the game starts and they leave/dc/go afk/ fall asleepon on the keyboard, what can you do?
The biggest games like League of Legends, Call of Duty and Dota all have this problem even to this day, thank fully for gw2pvp its still a relatively good experience just playing the gameplay and the games themselves do not last long and are not as penalizing like death and feeding in Mobas, a 5-10 minute game with 1 afker is not as bad as a game that lasts at least 20minutes with 1 afker or more with the enemy gradually getting stronger while you weaker.
go play some cod dude, the game is not balanced against simple deathmatch
In the long run the league and buying guilds will be the death of wvw if not the game. Yup, people are going to say I’m exaggerating, QQ, or I must be on a loser server but just look at the score in the first few weeks. 90% of all matches are blowouts due to natural server imbalance, transfers, and buying coverage. So let me ask you…how fun will wvw be when nobody else shows up? You own all 3 bl’s and there’s nobody flipping anything for you to flip back? Do you really think people on us “scrub” servers are going to keep just being bag farmed or will they eventually just go play pve or another game? Its not like any amount of skill can overcome being outnumbered 2 or 3 to 1. And if people on these servers want to think its there superior strategy or skill causing the scores you delusional. The way I see it unless something changes very soon it will be very lonely at the top.
what makes you think the people participating in this even care? not the matchup, not the competition, not even common sense, oh no wvw is blown out of proportions, dont worry, theres Wildstar and ESO and whatever coming up, no barriers, complete freedom. DB devoured, Kaineng devoured, other servers being chompped of and that was b4 the rampant guild buying going on right now, and now even eu guilds.
What guild, especially a pvx one, refuse 10k gold and transfer fees covered? thousands for commanders, yes Qs will be affected but just take a look at that servers history, more guilds came in and out or just outright died on that server several times more than any other server
(edited by SpehssMehreen.5897)
Sticking to the lines of transfers, what are reasonable restrictions to place on players after they transfer? No WvW for the rest of the match? No WvW for 24 hours? Would that help any or would it actually exacerbate the problem?
I think that if there are any restrictions, they should change based on if you are stacking or unstacking. There should be a penalty for stacking a server. There should be no penalty for unstacking. Basically the penalty should promote balance.
One easy way to do this would be to use queues:
- For one week after a transfer, you always have the lowest priority in queues.
This penalty will hurt a lot on a stacked server, and not at all on a unstacked one. It doesn’t have to be a week, just adjust it so it hurts without being draconian.
Enlighten me how that massive Russian guild Blackgate got in a timezone which none of the 3 T1 servers have any coverage (almost or no players in wvw) thus no queues. Make them wait 1 week? No problem, the next matchups will be the unbalanced ones. There are 3 categories of suggestions I have seen by players…
1- Very small changes on ANET’s side (like the Transfers solution)
– (good) very easy for ANET to try out & can improve things on some ends a little
– (bad) High probability of not generating good enough results
– (bad) Does not give ANET more tool to accurately measure population2- Changes to the game mode
– (bad) no sense of accomplishment even if you win (while getting overrun)
– (bad) does not change the problem of population3- Dissociation of PvE & WvW (generally implying a large change)
– (bad) it will take a lot of time to implement
– (good) ANET will finally have ways to measure with accuracy WvW population
– (good) ANET will have a much easier time addressing population imbalances with tweaks to the system they chose to implement based on the trends they can observe in correlation with player dissatisfaction of their match-ups.
25k+ gold and transfer fees covered
can a dev please close this thread? its hardly constructiveand has been answered and reviews, discussed, debated, blah3x etc etc so much already
I personally find it quite pathetic.
But then again, if guilds are willing to sell themselves it is their loss I suppose.If some server want to buy your guild then you did a good job.
like an apple in a basket, goodjob, especially when the server buys the guild for the sake of numbers and timezone not the guild in particular
Arenanet has the statistics, these numbers are compiled on a daily basis and used by arenanet for various purposes on top on basic data auditing
No they will not release statistics although you can bet they is talk at arenanet about the rampant guild buying and server stacking that seems to have been getting worse over the past few weeks
Transfer numbers and WvW activity are not also aligned meaning just cuz a server has a high amount of transfers this one time doesnt mean all those players play wvw constantly or even at all making any release of the statistics very vulnerable to miss interpretation.
A hardcore 25 man WvW guild that plays almost everyday has a better chance to succeed that 100 randoms pugging it in WvW further skewing the interpretation of those statistics, the opposite can also happend if those 100 people decided to zerg everyday, or in timezones where there is little opposition, so many variables that people very rarely consider and even take for granted.
And no Anet will likely not do anything to directly mitigate that as the guild transferring thing, whether purchased or not is part of what you might consider as “free will” for the player, it sounds and feels wrong that guilds purposely stack or even get bought for thousands of gold, and it is sad but you have to remember that although people may not like what you say,think or do, anet will fight for you right to do them so long as they are within certain boundaries of course.
(edited by SpehssMehreen.5897)
a bit of the blame also falls on the guilds for taking the money and stacking the server, then again many of the purchased guilds are pvx so I guess they dont care about wvw as much or the Qs
The problem you are experiencing is called ‘fair weather player syndrome’. The server starts losing (usually after a good comm/guild leaves) and people get disheartened, preferring to spend their time in mindless zerg trains of champ farming/scarlet/LW which yields them much better returns with little to no risk of having to play their toon properly or learn how their class works.
Less players= less wins= less players..you get the idea.
If your server suddenly started winning then I guarantee the fair weather players would all be back in wvw zerging away happily- right up until you hit a hard match, when they all disappear back into pve.
It would help if commanders were more realistic about their targets, and more people stuck with them rather than wondering off to do their own thing (being wiped time after time trying to take Bay will make roamers/quitters out of most people). Too many commanders tend to focus on the most obvious big target even when there are 10 of you and you know there are at least two groups of 20 of the enemy just waiting to stomp you after you deploy the rams at the outer gate. Playing smart and avoiding battles you cannot possibly win makes for a much more enjoyable time than being stomped all the time. Some of the best fun I’ve had in wvw is with a small group of 10 vs an entire full border of enemies- porting, splitting into two groups and timing attacks on the two top camps, reforming, ninja attacks on towers and generally outwitting the enemy.
Most lower tier servers don’t properly utilise a server ts and don’t have strong wvw guilds- but can easily muster 80-100 people for a Jormag.
Exactly, also WvW a playground not a structured game like spvp, theres no way to ganrantee tht every server will have the same number of people everytime, even if they did, what if one group doesnt use ts? or you have40% of them kitten ing in spawn or the JP?
what if a guild decides to not play for the night and your suddenly outnumberd and complaining about the enemy having zergs all the time.
one day you can be winning and steamrolling the enemy, another you are being steamrolled and you have no people on, why? fairweathers, on when your winning, gone when youre losing and honestly I see alot of that in your post.
the “problem” is exasperated when your server doesnt have a culture of using a server wide teamspeak and dedicated wvwers and guilds
(edited by SpehssMehreen.5897)
I think the correct word is Toxic, theres little anet or people on the forums can do, its primarily a community problem
sounds like a personal problem, but you could just join a winning server as it seems you dont want to put the time inot building a wvw guild or community, there are servers who will pay you to move to them especially if you have a guild that even slightly wvw’s
Dont forget this will make GvGs horrendously bad for the server and will likely cause even more problems for the people who wanna win or wanna play or both, also kill trading
decent combat system? did you even play gw1? seriously? you couldnt even jump or dodge in that game, it was point click and cast like the old mmos, troll post?
1 week later, wvw becomes a turtlefest with ninjas the only interesting thing happening, commanders shouting at people on map to stay with the zerg or gtfo, wvw is even harder on new people and promote an even more toxic environment, when a match ends people blame “pve scrubs, noobs, trolls, gravity, lag, newbies, etc etc” for losing the match up in ppt
dont forget this will make GvGs horrendously bad for the server and will likely cause even more problems for the people who wanna win or wanna play or both, also kill trading
(edited by SpehssMehreen.5897)
didnt know you were in all NA servers and EU at all times giving you the needed experience to make such a judgement, good for you
passing judgement based on personal reasons and speculation is not a wise decision
Fyi to the OP, its a “tax” on guilds and members paying an amount every week on top of a weekly raffle, If there is cof farming its only ancillary
What do you claim is buying guilds? Is it paying for their transfers, either in part or wholly? Is that buying guilds?
Is buying guilds paying gold in excess of transfer to fees? or would it be buying guilds if you paid them 2 transfer fees for their entrance and exit from a server. and gold on top of that?
define buying guilds please.
I’ll do you one better, I’ll describe the situation.
SoR dominated BG through the first 3 days of its match up last week. Sunday night going into Monday morning Blackgate paid a Russian guild an extremely large sum of gold to transfer to their server just for the league. The guild has already stated that they have no intentions of staying on BG and are only be paid to help them win league. As SoR has no players in their particular time slot (9aPST/12pEST) the guild continues to flip all borderlands uncontested.
Now SoR players are quitting the game left and right. The league was viewed as the savior of WvW for a large section of the base but now that one server has gone to the extreme to literally ‘pay-to-win’ a lot of the player base has lost faith in leagues and ArenaNet.
Now I know what people mean when they talk about SoR drama and propaganda… Funny.
woah? wtf? propaganda? Its been openly known that servers (not just bg but its the biggest example) have been purchasing guilds, for the example of BG its devoured Kain, DB, parts of smaller servers in the form of several PVX guilds and now guilds from EU, although BG is not the only one encouraging guilds to transfer to the server, the Fundraisers, guild taxes and the Warchests are very well known, you dont even have to be from BG to know this , so i have no idea where this is coming from
right now the amount of numbers purchased by BG greatly outnumbers even other Tier 1 servers on the same level if not greater than the old JQ, every week will be an “easy” week simply due to sheer numbers and coverage as well as the mechanics of the wvw seasons
were you originally from bg or moved there?
If you want a challenge and a stable community thats been there from the start on top of a challenge in wvw you go sor, if you want something more relaxed with good pay you can go Blackgate or to a lesser extent Jade quarry
Wow, pve needs balance? why? are you complaining that the 100b zerker warrior can kill some mobs a little bit faster than your profession or imagination can? oh the humanity
Wtf? Nerfing S\D so much would destroy the thief class . Maybe you want all thieves to go D\D free kill suicide mode? They should just redisign alot of things in this game that are a complete disaster . You also forgot necro’s death shroud duration is ridiculous .
the OP cant deal with it, therefore needs a nerf, makes sense right?
So you can deal with it, therefore it does not need a nerf? Makes sense right?
Exactly, thank goodness not everyone here is a scrub
slow day at work?
hopefully arenet net allows more mobs to combo and give them more abilities, so they will be at least up to par of those npcs in the heart of the mists, killable but deadly and require a bit of skill and thinking
excuse me but can you explain whats so funny? whats wrong with Arenanets custom servers?
The whole deal, back before they released custom servers, was that people wanted ways to tweak the game since Anet was doing a bad job at it, they wanted ways to form new game modes and whatnot…
So Anet decided to make custom servers…
Except they added in like no feature that achieved that, their big sell was that you could ‘adjust respawn timers’…
I mean short of for deuling and nostalgia it was impractible to even consider buying a server, oh and later, to avoid, skyhammer… laughably one of the bigger reasons people go to custom servers is to avoid a terrible map Anet forced into the Q rotation.
that sounds, opinionated and reading it from over here sounds all very meh
Wtf? Nerfing S\D so much would destroy the thief class . Maybe you want all thieves to go D\D free kill suicide mode? They should just redisign alot of things in this game that are a complete disaster . You also forgot necro’s death shroud duration is ridiculous .
the OP cant deal with it, therefore needs a nerf, makes sense right?
Almost an Exact carbon copy of what its like in the League of Legends forums, dont even get me started with the Sc2 forums.
Almost more hilarious than Anet’s idea of ‘custom servers’.
excuse me but can you explain whats so funny? whats wrong with Arenanets custom servers?
you can convert gold to gems, also they wernt meant for one individual to be buying and paying for but a whole group of people whether friends or a guild , hence why you can buy time tokens, also, server architecture is not free, arena net is paying for that here in the real world and they are people who need to eat too
not refering to anet
So let me get this straight, ESO, a game based on an ip known for single player dungeon crawling is a better RvR game because you cant get past your servers Q? did you know that theres a new map for people in Q?
I forgot what kind of psychological defense mechanism your argument here is using, the one where you nitpick and aspect of one game, put it in an opinionated negative light and somehow is someway in your mind it gives creditbility to another thing.
I wonder how you feel about the different sport teams youve admired and how they would react to you posting something like this in their forums
your Method is one of the worst ever systems ever offered to “help” WvW, the sad part is that its already been posted several times and you could have found it by just looking.
how long do you think people will wait for the game of find 20, 50, 80 people? what about the people who are not your timezone? what if the enemy decides to log off a map and never log back in in order to PREVENT anyone from PLAYING inside the map? where in the world do you think anet will find the time to implement, no even create such an elaborate system? not to mention your post comes off to me somewhat selfish
~really ANET? Swapping people out during a match with a 200+++ point difference has GOT to be unfair/overlooked/ignored! Especially if and when certain players are putting in WORK and synergizing with strangers to EARN the lead then suddenly POOF >insta-lose<…(cough)…(crickets)…(lame)…
What is even the point for an ‘AUTOBALANCE’ at a 250+ point difference?
Why should WE invest any more time and energy in your video game if you keep undermining and/or dismissing OUR efforts??This seems to be overlooked quite often— If you get autobalanced, you’ll receive a win regardless of which team wins the match in the end (along with the win bonus rank/glory points). If you volunteer for autobalance, you receive even more bonus rank and glory points. The game doesn’t bother autobalancing once a team has past a certain number of points (somewhere around 400, it seems). It’s much better than having a match in the beginning that unfortunately goes 200-10 or something like that end up an 8v2 for the remaining 5-10 minutes or so.
I wish you didnt tell this guy this information, simply the way he posted his OP is painfulyl childish, I just hope he apoligizes for his ignorance, not to mention the painful self entitlement
This Engineer build has 5 blast finishers and his own fire field, thats 15 STACKS OF MIGHT WTF ANET SO OP QQQQq
btw how is gw2..is it fun..is it worth? how is endgame? is boring or ?
play it and see for yourself, try to stay away from the forums if you can, try to forget what you learned in other mmos and join an active server such as the higher populated ones
have you thought about maybe moving servers? not to a lower tier, but to an NA server for example, a server where the Eu presence is still very strong on top of an organized and reliable community
so the solution for playing wvw without queues is “transfer” and pay some bucks to anet?
well played, yes.
theres no “solution” to this, only different options, transfering is one and honestly its not that expesive especially if its a rare or one time transfer, aside from the fact that you can just convert gold to Gems.
and anet are human too, they need to eat, although in my case Ive never bought gems either :p
portal that spawns steam creatures
have you thought about maybe moving servers? not to a lower tier, but to an NA server for example, a server where the Eu presence is still very strong on top of an organized and reliable community
Its a bit strange how they reward zerging so much…..all i gotta say.
Can’t wait for 40vs40 in Wildstar
youre going to be soarly disappointed then, the gameplay is basically a higher def wow, they call it dynamic combat like Gw2s but it was clunky and awkward as well
We will see……the large scale pvp cant be worse then zerg warfare here…
what makes you think the 40v40 wont be a zergfest as well, its important to remember though, many organized guilds run those “zergs” as well, the most common being solid blocks or pvt melee trains
Its a bit strange how they reward zerging so much…..all i gotta say.
Can’t wait for 40vs40 in Wildstar
youre going to be soarly disappointed then, the gameplay is basically a higher def wow, they call it dynamic combat like Gw2s but it was clunky and awkward as well
I’m from SoS and yeah, seasons suck kitten I hated the way matchup were since they added the randomness to it cause it made really unbalanced matches but with season 1 we are stuck at the bottom of Gold League with only Magunma that we can really compete with for the next 6 weeks. If ascended wasn’t enough to completely turn me away from the game, this bullkitten is.
Did you know your server just got is getting 2 large WvW oriented guilds? perhaps even more to come that you can just leech off?
just quit, youve already ruined the game for yourself, no point in staying unless pride keeps you here waiting for answers that you want, you dont pay a sub fee and have no obligation to play, if you honestly feel this way then just leave