Showing Posts For Syn Sity.5826:

[Merged] TA F/U

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Just run with other classes that have more reflects. I think it’s a good thing that there is at least one dungeon that requires a few specific classes to complete in a pug group.


Twlight Ahbor F/F Mesmer Issues

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Actually, believe it or not the duelist and the swordsman both have higher dps than the warden (again, what i’ve been told by a pretty reliable source). I still like the focus for temporal curtain though.


Twlight Ahbor F/F Mesmer Issues

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

When you summon a clone it doesn’t actually spawn on top of you, rather it spawns far away then runs to you (quite quickly). At least that’s what I’ve heard. It makes sense since any field that will insta kill a clone will make it impossible to spawn them.


Kicked for trying to help.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

man, you melee Malrona, especially with a guardian. Since you are talking about giving advice, let me give you some:

For Malrona, equip the following skillz:

  • Shield of Avenger
  • Wall of Reflection
    And on your secondary set use:
  • whatever you want main hand, 1h sword can be nice for blind though
  • Shield

Now, you gonna go get that kitten in melee:

  • You don’t dodge the first poison because it has a nice *4 boost
  • You put down WoR for the aoe that reflects on her
  • you wait for the next AOE attack, you switch to secondary set, and pop #5 on shield to protect your melee friends
  • you wait for the next AOE attack, and like 2 seconds before you pop SoA
  • repeat

And… OMG… you meleed her, did tons of damage on her… and the fight actually went faster…

Too much ?

Your technique is subpar man


  • A rotation of Axe/ mace + GS is better than just staying in either one
  • who does not rotate weapons anyway ?

Thanks hero.


It's time to punish brute force

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

If OP can kill any legendary boss in the game in 20 seconds I might take this post more seriously. There will always be people in any game who can make the hardest content look easy, but it doesn’t make it easy. If you don’t believe me, join an arah pug and tell me if lupicus goes down in under a minute.


Can you achieve 4k dmg from plain attack?

in Guardian

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I really really hope you’re trolling. First of all, rare gear sucks. Second, magic find gear sucks even more. You are sacrificing damage (alot of it) so that you and only you can get better drops, in a team oriented dungeon. Please either stop trolling or stop playing dungeons immediately. Even after magic find is removed, you clearly do not understand how teamplay works and should be out solo farming t6 mats or something because you obviously care more about your own drops being slightly better than you do about your team being successful. This thread made me sick to my stomach. I think it’s cancer.


Are tanks viable, or does DPS reign supreme?

in Guardian

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I, like anyone enjoy playing the game my way. But if you’re anything like me then once you join a team (particularly one you don’t know) you want to be an asset and not a liability. While being a full pvt guardian may be fun and you may be the last one to die, it doesn’t really make you an asset. Learn dungeon mechanics, run some defensive support (reflects, AoE aegises, protection), set yourself up in some nice berserker gear and dodgeroll to victory.


PVE DPS build

in Guardian

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

DPS tests are much better when either stretched over a long period of time (30 seconds+) or just the duration of your burst. It’s also best to test them in heart of the mists on the golems. You can’t get your exact stat setup in sPvP but if you are using the same stat setup for both builds you will still be able to compare them accurately. Also, use a steady weapon for consistency. Best way to do so is to record it, go through it frame by frame, total up the damage and figure out exactly how long it took and calculate that way. Calculating dps via skill cast times is inaccurate because every skill has an aftercast delay.


PVE DPS build

in Guardian

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

The problem is that we are here talking in a relative form and not in an absolute form, define the following statements;

Low DPS:
Mediocre DPS:
Good DPS:
Excellent DPS:

Define those and after that you will speak the same language. Also good to know define those with normal auto attacks and which weapon is used and with might or vuln stacks crit or non crit etc

Thx in advance because i really like to know

DPS means “damage per second” so basing it off what specific attacks hit for isn’t needed, just total you damage over a period of time, whether it be burst or sustained damage, and divide.


PVE DPS build

in Guardian

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Honestly, neither myself nor anyone else on this thread gives two kittens what this guy runs as a build. The problem is that he went out of his way to post the build, even going so far as to say it has “excellent DPS” when in reality it is just a mish-mash of the first few traits that he saw and thought would be useful. When i first played guardian, not long after launch I too ran an awful build that was just me looking at a few traits that seemed nice in theory and when I wakittenting like 2k crits with my greatsword I thought it was awesome. Of course looking back it was a terrible build and my damage was low and nothing that I had traited even came close to making up for the lack of DPS. The difference is that I didn’t post my randomized build on the forums for everyone to see. A new guardian may come on this thread, see this build and without any other information think that it is a good build. We are all here in hopes that they will continue to read further down and realize that while this build may “work”, it certainly doesn’t deal excellent dps and even for the trait setup that he has, he has picked some of the worst major traits. If you want to run some random build and think you’re doing good damage because you haven’t tried a real build and don’t understand how much the dps is lacking, fine. But don’t come on forums and spread it around to some poor unsuspecting noob. Sorry if this came off as offensive, but try to really analyze your entire build setup before unleashing it on the world.


Events during Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Some paths give events, some don’t. If you’re doing a path that does then yes it does count.


Gold Find Infusion Becoming Useless?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Sweet baby jezus. What’s up with all this negativity? Stop and think for a little. You honestly think they just take that away and don’t balance it out elsewhere? “Yea. Let’s revamp the Champion system, give ’em chests. Take away the gold that drops from them too. Oh yea but nevermind all those +gold from mobs infusions, buffs etc. kitten ’em.”

You’re an idiot if you honestly think they give a kitten about all the laurels that were spent on the to-be-useless gold find infusions by dungeon grinders. Also to the guy that said they weren’t added to grind dungeons over and over again, what other enemy reliably drops a large enough amount of coin to make a mere 20% increase even CLOSE to worth 20 laurels. Are we even playing the same video game?


New dungeon rewards and smaller parties?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Think some people,who do dungeons solo are in the wrong game.
Oh wait… they do it to show… hey look iam so fame…

You should post here more often.


Explorable Dungeons Are Not Explorable

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

You could always just buy guild wars 1 and we can all go back. I’m certainly open to that idea.


Twilight Arbor: Forward Up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

You’re missing something.


Ranger VS the Evolved Destroyer

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I think what made guang’s idea’s laughable is that he said that engineers were so overpowered that he thought it was common knowledge that engi’s were the most broken class in the game. He also said that engineer and ranger were better overall for pve and that guardian dps is higher than warrior’s. This certainly helps his case but I’m not sure that we should be admitting he was right quite yet.


CoF is perfect the way it is.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Farming isn’t really supposed to be fun. You farm to make money and buy nice stuff, you do other things to have fun.


Ranger VS the Evolved Destroyer

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I legitimately have not seem a shout heal warrior in over a year, maybe I’m just lucky. However the pure ranged Guards, Thieves and Rangers are at least one in each PuG. Alternately I have a soft spot for staff Ele’s

To be fair, shout heal warriors were pretty OP back in guild wars 1.


4 Warriors and Mesmer GEARCHECK

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

And this discrimination is easily remedied if you just roll a warrior or mesmer.

Totally putting this in my signature, and quoting you.

Unless you are serious? Wait… this is a troll, right?

If you want to play basketball at the gym and it says “ATHLETIC SHOES REQUIRED” then you put on the your kittening sneakers and go play, you don’t post a million posts in the forums whining about how they won’t let you on the court in sandals

So if you’re designing a recreational facility for your clients and 75% of them only wear sandals, you create a gym that requires sneakers? Or wait, did I miss something and it says at character creation for any non-warrior, non-mesmer class: “NOT ALLOWED IN DUNGEONS”.

He’s not implying that the rules of the dungeon are warrior/mesmer only, it’s simply the rules of the party that the player is trying to join. Even if 75% of them wear sandals, they clearly aren’t going to be balling very hard in them so it’s better to just play with the 25% who wear sneakers and actually care about their game.


Just ran my first dungeon-impossible?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Tries once and fails > impossible.


Happy Kitten Thoughts. CoF p1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

we’ve been through this like what, 2 months ago?

The funny thing is, it’s the same kitten thief. These guys are too busy talking about how great their runs are to realize that pug tactics and record tactics are two totally different things.

But why do they have to be different tactics. Why can’t pug groups start doing it like record runs minus the 25silver on food.

Is that even a serious question?


Happy Kitten Thoughts. CoF p1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

we’ve been through this like what, 2 months ago?

The funny thing is, it’s the same kitten thief. These guys are too busy talking about how great their runs are to realize that pug tactics and record tactics are two totally different things.


Happy Kitten Thoughts. CoF p1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Pugs run 4 warriors because warriors are easier to stay alive with if you’re not as experienced/skilled. Same goes for using FGJ instead of fire field might, pugs aren’t very organized/coordinated. None of this is groundbreaking for record style teams. You’re an idiot.


Reported cause i left fractals after daily

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

You did a scumbag move. Take solace in the fact, though, that most human beings are also scumbags and so at least you have company.

Now scurry off, and figure out a way to skip ahead of old ladies while in line for a cashier or something. I’m sure there is a unicef donation box you could steal while you’re at it, too.

can this blatantly offensive post get removed? I get 2week bans for similar things

Please don’t. The scumbag move was not telling anyone, waiting until the end of the fractal and being like SEEYA. Once you start a run you want it to go smoothly, not to take breaks and post on gw2lfg.


39,334 seconds Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Won’t do any better with keybinds

I guess. They don’t really help at all.

wat is this sarcasm rofl. you can click for higher precision if you know wtf you are doing

Please teach us!

? you avoid misclicking. I never do it, just saiyan. also you uploaded the vid so I’m a little baffled by this post

LOL so true


Reported cause i left fractals after daily

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

You did a scumbag move. Take solace in the fact, though, that most human beings are also scumbags and so at least you have company.

Now scurry off, and figure out a way to skip ahead of old ladies while in line for a cashier or something. I’m sure there is a unicef donation box you could steal while you’re at it, too.


4 Warriors and Mesmer GEARCHECK

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

So stop playing your ranger and start playing your ele more. You’re getting kicked because you’re a ranger and rangers suck. Do you seriously not have an issue with being a burden to the team? When did people in mmo’s stop caring about being an asset to their team?


Oh you 'elite' players you..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Anyone doing CoF p1 isn’t elite. Please stop using that word. They’re a bunch of nubblets who do the same stuff over and over and because of that they think they’re ‘good’.

And I keep telling people: don’t do pugs hmkay, pugs are bad.

Yes, that’s why they do it. It isn’t because most of the endgame in gw2 is farming for legendarys/expensive gear and farming cof p1 is a consistent money maker regardless of DR, it’s because they think they’re ‘good’.


Oh you 'elite' players you..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Well, banner of tactics isn’t great for cof but it doesn’t really warrant a kick as cof is quite easy and you can spare a utility on one warrior for a crappy banner. But it seems you’re joining speedrun groups and the pugs in those groups tend to be a bit over confident about their own abilities. That said, people want efficiency in those runs and a 10 minute cof path 1 is far from efficient. This is something that happens in every mmo seeing as alot of people want to maximize efficiency in their runs and not just say “well this is good enough”. I’d recommend searching for a group that doesn’t have the word “farm/speedrun/$$$” in it or just make your own group and state that it will be a casual run.


CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Only lazy and imcompetent people try to do dungeons fast.


Twilight Arbor F/U boss solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I read it.

I sincerely doubt that the kiting “strategy” could ever work well in a group setting. Aggro will be far more chaotic, paths will intersect at some point and people will invariably go down until someone with some iron will decides to keep the act up even with the group dead and solo the boss.

The only reason people go down is because they can’t even circle kite properly. That’s how bad people can be.

The entire group can survive it if they all circle in the same direction and keep up with each other. In fact it gets easier because people can body block for others and reduce the chances that someone will be put in a bad spot.

P.S. I don’t mean to be a contrarian. It’s just what’s worked for me positively in groups who can’t handle melee. Meleeing properly requires people be adapted to it. It seems simple when you’ve already done fractal 48 and Lupicus, but most people I encounter can’t melee properly at all, let alone position correctly on reflect fields. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve set down a wall on my guardian and want to /wrist when I see 2 or more people outside it eating projectiles.

You offered to record a video doing exactly what the OP was doing (soloing) when he clearly stated that it wasn’t a great tactic for groups. The main issue with doing this in a pug is that someone is bound to go down (probably from running into the root attack that was targetted to someone else) and people try to res and that gets them killed etc. And eventually it’s just one or two people left circle kiting and they are able to survive and you end up spending 10-15 minutes just on the boss which makes it not a very good tactic.


AR dungeon my opinion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I have to agree, this dungeon seemed to me like the same old content we have come to expect. Boss has a MASSIVE health pool, path was yet again just “follow this npc and kill what spawns”. The laser field room was semi inventive but the golem pull just seemed like a lazy way to try and present challenging content when really none of it was that hard. And do I even have to mention how garbage the reward is for the amount of time spent? Just bring back the mad king jumping puzzle or SAB, those were at least creative.


Revamp Boon Range for DUNGEONS

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Generic sarcastic response which will have a small amount of constructive value and a great amount of arrogance. No idea why I keep checking this forum, looking for a weekly dose of drama maybe.


Competent Players Only

in Looking for...

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I just want to make a note that there really are some nice people in LOD. If all I knew of them was the ones who posted on this forum then they certainly would have left a bad taste in my mouth as well but try to remember that they don’t represent the entire guild.


Ranger nerfed in PvE for PvP purposes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

The problem is that if someone is still playing a ranger in any dungeon then you know they don’t care about being an asset to the team and are therefore probably not going to be very good. I really enjoy playing my necro alot so whenever there is an event I want to do or something easy I run necro, but I would never bring it into a dungeon and become a liability when I could bring a much better class. I’d rather try to be an asset to the team than a nuisance who is having fun.


Why can a character wearing heavy armor...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Buy some white medium armor pieces > transmute the medium pieces on your guard to the white pieces (making sure to take the stats of the white item and the skin of the exotic) > put in bank > withdraw on ranger > transmute skin to stats you want.


Fractal: Cliffside arm seals after update

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

This may just be the last straw that pushes the remainder of the fractals players out, myself included. That must be their intention, right? I don’t see any reason to keep on buffing the harder/longer fractals unless this is their plan.


CoF Farming

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

You can make 600 gold in one run if you get a precursor. It’s really about how lucky you get. If you get a lodestone every run you more than double your profits but it isn’t realistic. Realistically with a solid team getting average drops you’ll make 6, maybe 7 gold per hour. I usually get pretty garbage drops so I make around 5. If you farm for 3 days, 8 hours a day not counting breaks that’s around 120g there on average. The most I’ve farmed in one day of CoF was around 45g, farming pretty much all day and taking breaks in between. 121g in 3 days of farming is definitely realistic for a hardcore player without a job/school or anyone/anything to answer to. Sorry to say but you might have to admit you were wrong on this one. Also none of that farming includes switching characters at all. The tricky part really is finding a solid team that will go for such a length, seeing as pugging for 8+ hours will drive any rational man insane.


Lupicus Question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I think the real question is just why are the circles there. In every other part of the game red circles = damage, stand outside = avoid damage. So they decided to change it up for this boss which doesn’t really make sense. I guess all you can do is adjust and adapt.


Efficiency VS the so fabled elitism

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Lol saying that 5 warriors would be better than 1 mesmer in cof either proves that you haven’t ran cof enough or that you really just don’t understand the role. Time warp, portal, curtain pulls, doubling might at slave driver, gate, effigy, feedback dropping 40k at a time on effigy. Also, even though i like the idea of this thread, if they don’t get it by now they will simply never get it.


CoF P1, You need to calm down

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I really hope you read this, because I truly want you to try and understand something from a different perspective. I don’t put up with people flaming in my runs, I like to keep them light, but serious. You need to understand that all the things cof runners do aren’t just to save 1 minute of their lives. It’s all about maximizing efficiency. Some people who play this game are serious (us) and some are more casual (you). You need to understand that the reasons you play this game are NOT the same as the reasons we do. I know that for me, the most fun I can have is when trying to be as efficient as possible in my runs. If that means there are certain random people I can’t run with, so be it. I can find new random people who are as serious as I am. If you don’t like the way speedrunners play and you don’t understand/agree with their methods of clearing a dungeon you should start forming your own groups or joining non speed-runs. And pinging gear is just an effect of having done a large number of cof runs. If you’d done the amount of runs we have, and played with the kind of people we have, you’d be asking for gear checks too.

If you want to speed run, why not just say lf zerkers? Any class can do content fast if they are spec’d right. Warriors aren’t the only ones who do stupidly high damage. You might lose 20 seconds per run but so what? 1 minute longer after an hour of running isn’t a problem. And gear checks are insulting. If someone joined a zerker only run, gear checking is just your way of saying you don’t trust that person. The absolute dumbest thing I’ve seen but happens EVERY DAY is when your group kicks a guy with 5k+ achieves, who does the dungeon every day, who almost never makes a mistake, but has the wrong sigil or rune or something, and you replace him with some noob with 1200ish achieves who doesn’t know the dungeon and who downs or dies on almost every encounter.

I always value competence over gear. But when I’m pugging I don’t start off trusting people because a good chunk aren’t trust worthy and you don’t know who you’re dealing with. The reason you gear check is because it’s about the only criteria you have. Any dedicated/experienced cof farmer has switched to berserker gear because it is the fastest. The reason I go with warriors is because they are a heavy class with high health and you can really just facetank anything in cof. Why would i trust random people I’ve never played with before? I don’t kick people for sigils but if you don’t have dps gear then you aren’t trying to maximize efficiency and I like to play with people who do. Don’t tell me what “my run” does because you’ve never been in my run. Don’t lump every single cof group into one group that will kick you if you’re missing an orb. Having dps gear really isn’t a difficult feat so if you don’t have it you clearly aren’t serious about the runs.


Fractals are a joke.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Actually no one even posted any suggested system here yet you still felt the need to immediately assume everyone wanted easy skins

3 thread about skins were opened the same day…
This derailed to be one of them…

You can clearly see people asking to get fractal tickets (i.e. easy skins), skins for 10-20 pristines…..and stuff like that.

We discussed the issue of the randomness months ago actually proposing lot of balanced solution…

Obvioulsy ignored.

I just don’t get how fractal tickets make easy skins? It just means instead of having 5 warhorns you can get the skins you want, it wouldn’t decrease the rarity of fractal weapons as a whole.


CoF P1, You need to calm down

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I agree with the OP , here’s my 2 cents . To all the ppl who flame me for ridiculous reasons like I put my banner between slavery and the wall, I hope in the morning you use a superior sigil of faster eating on your corn flakes a superior sigil of drying on your teatowel to speed up the drying , you then sprint to work and use a superior sigil of faster writing on your office documents at work , this will save you 2 minutes at the end of the day that let’s you get onto gw2 faster. If you dont do any of this then all the optimization you do in cof is in vein. Cos let’s face it you certainly act like that’s what you do in life.

I really hope you read this, because I truly want you to try and understand something from a different perspective. I don’t put up with people flaming in my runs, I like to keep them light, but serious. You need to understand that all the things cof runners do aren’t just to save 1 minute of their lives. It’s all about maximizing efficiency. Some people who play this game are serious (us) and some are more casual (you). You need to understand that the reasons you play this game are NOT the same as the reasons we do. I know that for me, the most fun I can have is when trying to be as efficient as possible in my runs. If that means there are certain random people I can’t run with, so be it. I can find new random people who are as serious as I am. If you don’t like the way speedrunners play and you don’t understand/agree with their methods of clearing a dungeon you should start forming your own groups or joining non speed-runs. And pinging gear is just an effect of having done a large number of cof runs. If you’d done the amount of runs we have, and played with the kind of people we have, you’d be asking for gear checks too.


(edited by Syn Sity.5826)

Fractals are a joke.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I think we should stop listening to Byron. He’s the one fractals runner with good luck and has already gotten all the skins he needs.

all i wanted are 2 daggers…

I m still playing daily fractals because i want them >.>

In the meantime i have few gold because i don t play cof/coe
I am low level www
I never got a prcursor
And never drop something of any Worth….

Yes i m so lucky……..i m so eghoistic…..

Also i was the one to suggest 4 skins for 1 ticket OR 1 skin plus 5 essence crystals for another random skin from MF.
Even a ticket for the first time you reach 50 with your account

But most system suggested here would just give easy skins…
And in the meantime kill FOTM population that would disappear due to low rewards..

Actually no one even posted any suggested system here yet you still felt the need to immediately assume everyone wanted easy skins and start whining. The fractal skin system was brought up and you just jumped straight to “n00bs want free skinz”. Also how do you figure it would kill the fotm population? In fact there would be a huge rush of players to fotm. You may think that it would just be a shortlived thing until everyone gets their skins but I’m quite sure people would continue to do it to continue getting skins. And with a ticket system there wouldn’t be any more skins than you already see, they would just be different skins. I’m sorry but I just really don’t see the downside to this. Even if you really are just bitter and want to be the only one with skins(which I doubt), then unlucky people are still gonna get unlucky and get very few tickets. But I’m going to assume you’re going to respond irrationally and illogically, and just abandon this thread, I hope you can see things from the other side one day.


A good laugh at pubs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Being kicked from a group in which I started the instance is literally my favorite thing in this entire game. It only happens once in a very long while but it is well worth the wait. It may be the only reason I still play this game.


Fractals are a joke.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

I think we should stop listening to Byron. He’s the one fractals runner with good luck and has already gotten all the skins he needs. He doesn’t understand that not everyone has that same amount of luck and feels that he should be the only one rewarded for his work. I’m really not trying to be insulting man but you post in every fractals thread saying the same thing and no one ever supports you because you’re the only one getting lucky enough to get the skins you want. The system is broken and needs to be fixed, period. You keep comparing it to precursors, but can’t precursors be bought at any time? You can grind cof for a few weeks and buy a precursor of your choosing, so why not be able to grind fractals for a few weeks and get a fractal weapon of your choosing? Ignore the rest of my post and answer that question please. Remember that no one is asking for free skins or skins for 10 pristine relics. We all want them to still be difficult to obtain, just not as RNG dependent.


Elitism is ruining this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

What makes this game hard for me to enjoy is the inability to stand out as a stronger player than anyone else. Maybe it’s just the game mechanics, but in any group it just feels like you’re one big blob of dps. Maybe I’m too used to gw1 or maybe it’s just my undeserved sized ego talking, but the only reason I’m still playing is because I have nothing else to occupy the insane level of free time I have.


CoF1 extra challenging, 8min without armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Proves how “important” Berserker’s gear is to finish this all-too-easy path. :P

You don’t really understand farming, do you? It’s not about “finishing” the path, it’s about having multiple, successive, fastest runs for hours to gain the maximum amount of gold.

Anyone can finish the path, anyone but what farmers want is to gain gold efficiently.

Even if they nerfed CoF p1, there will still be a more efficient way to run dungeons. Someday a patch might change it and it might not be zerker anymore. But people who want efficiency will make a new meta, and there will always be a meta that is more efficient than some random group set up.

As of now, zerker exotic is still the fastest way to clear all dungeons. That includes FOTM 48, where we only use one anchor guardian in knight. The other guardian is zerker dps.

This post should be like the ten commandments. At least try to understand something before you criticize it. Not everyone (in fact, a huge minority) goes in with the sole intent of completing the dungeon.


Fractal Weapon Ticket

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Lol I think we’re just talking about fractals skins in general not your w/e skins. And to have to do 25 48’s to get ur skin would be some bullkitten


CoF1 extra challenging, 8min without armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

For the 1000th time, people will always look for the quickest path to grind. It has nothing to do with CoF being special. It’s just the fastest path. Once it’s nerfed there are plenty of other quick paths all the cof farmers will move to, therefore it will solve nothing. And it won’t make these cof players suddenly spread out into other dungeons. Also I thought people complained how bad the cof farmers were? You people need to get your story straight Oh and cof path 1 without 3 pieces of gear on… ummm… grats? LOL
