(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I wonder why things have to be so convoluted. Perhaps, the Jade Sea, once turned to Jade is.. Jade..forever. Not frozen, not capable of “melting”, nada. Water could indeed slowly return to the basin that was the Jade sea, slowly creating a shallow inland sea of water.. over jade. A sea could return without reversing or “melting” transformed Jade.
The story, as little as it is, mentions water “returning”, not jade “melting”
Growth could return to Echovald Forest. Over the stone ruins of the former one.
There is no indication that Tyrian nature is any less resilient and persistent than our own. There need not be any “magical” properties involved, over 250 years, to return the areas to a more natural state, although with many relics of the transformation remaining. All we need look at is how nature, on our planet, has reclaimed areas of disaster in a far shorter time.
Simple acceptance of the literal “turned to jade” would negate the need for “magical” maintainence of jade artifacts and a whole lot of nonsense.
And on a somewhat unrelated rant.. the real damage of the unneeded retcon of Tyrian magic rears its head again. Bleeding magic, Perhaps there is a Dragon, Oooo.. Ley lines. We now have an “explainitall” in game, and every time there is speculation on events we are going to see “Bleeding magic, Dragon, and Ley Lines” tossed into the mix.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
We fought one God in GW1. Weak and still imprisoned. In that state, Abbadon was able to wreak torment upon a vast area. All of Elona and as far as LA and KC. He was able to change the reality of the world in certain areas, the Nightfallen areas. He was able to place his followers, the Margonites, as well as torment demons seemingly at will through Elona. He was able to corrupt and transform, as we saw with Varesh. He was able to orchestrate the Searing, the Destruction of Orr, Shiro, and the events of both Prophecies and Factions as well as NightFall. In captivity.
In short, this weak, imprisoned God was able to do as much or more than what we see from a Dragon. Abbadon released from captivity and at his full powers, a dragon would be an annoyance at best. I would conjecture that if Nightfall had come, and the dragons awakened in that, the only survival for them would have been as vassals to Abbadon.
Despite the retcons, Dragons are not gods. No comparison.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
most of the Nord-Human hybrid speculation seemed based on one quest dialog, Prenuptial Disagreement.
Olaf Olafson
It is Norn custom that marriage can only happen between those of equal reputation. All your hard work has paid off! Now we can be wed, raise a dozen half-Norn children, and live in the mountains. I have a strong cottage in the hills. Actually, it isn’t much of a cottage…more of a cave. But it is a good cave! A good cave in dire need of cleaning. You’re not afraid of spiders, are you? Dire spiders?
However, at one point, and I cannot recall where, an Anet source said “NO”. Out of game tho, so Olaf wins.
Agreed, Malafide.
We had few opportunities in GW1 to witness other races dealing with our “human only” gods. It was a human-centric story.
That being said, the Centaur being slaughtered by Abbadons Margonites in Kourna were not given the option to “not” believe in his existence or power. http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Battle_of_Turai%27s_Procession
We did not see more, simply because of the exodus, and generally not co-opting with other races. The gods in GW had to have effected all races. Being, you know, Gods.
Shrug. I hope they do not try to tie Waypoints and (gag) ley lines, it would be an unbelievable coincidence to assume that every settlement in game just happened to have one handy. Can’t say that settlements grew up around waypoints since many of them predate them.
Vekk stated the CTC was located near the Great Destroyer “it bleeds magic” so, by extension Asuran tech benefits from concentrated magic, but ley line connections cannot explain Asuran gates and waypoints functioning in as many settlements as they do. Awfully “convenient”.
I often wonder how Vekks era Asura could recognize something “bleeding magic” and yet be blissfully unaware of “ley lines”. Particularly as they had an extended subterranean civilization.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
So if the game is priority, why the hell waste everyone’s time with interviews and short stories and books ?
What’s next Abaddon making a come back ?Expanded Universe(which is short stories, books and interviews) ONLY sets lore when it does not contradict what is ingame.
It expands, adds to, what is in the game. But the Game itself is the prime source. it has to be.
Whenever the game makes a change that contradicts previous Expanded Universe content, the Game should take precedence.
GW1 is Prime Source.
GW2 is Prime Source.everything else is EXTRA goodness.
my confusion with all the stomping and tantrum throwing, is that this is a MINOR change to be stomping and tantruming about. it is the age of a single character. changing this single character’s age does not invalidate every single piece of lore thre has ever been for Guild Wars. hell, it doesn’t really even invalidate anything at all.
yet you all are treating it as it they just said that the entirety of Guild Wars Prophecies didn’t happen.
I think you guys are making a Shiverpeak Mountain out of a Moledavia Molehill.
“WE” are acting as if prophecies never happened? Really? Boggle.
Prophecies had a ton of “in game” lore re the origins of magic, the bloodstones, the Gods.
All tossed out and the retcon spewed out on an interview on a single french fansite.
And, from my POV, retconned to shoehorn a pretty tired, off the shelf pulp staple into Tyria. Ley Lines. Really? Ley lines… you may as well state “an ancient and powerful wizard did it”.
To say that my confidence in lore continuity plummeted would be an understatement.
Moreso, after seeing trope after trope, cliche after cliche piled onto the LS, I do not think some of the writers have any confidence in doing originality, to the point of retconning original concepts and replacing them with cliche.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Thank you for your posts, Konig Des Todes (your two latest and all others prior)!
I tried to put my frustration and utter disgust at his response into the appropriate words, but I could not.
However, your posts managed it magnificently!
Thank you for your past dedication to the lore and your engaging and intriguing discussions. I’ve truly enjoyed reading your words and thank you for frequently giving me quite a lot to think about.
I personally prefer to get new stuff every two weeks that lasts a few hours instead of waiting 6-12 months to get content that lasts a week or two.
The amount of content is probably more or less the same. It is simply difference in how and when it is delivered. Some people prefer to have it bunched up, others prefer to have it dropped during a longer period of time. Simple as that.
It’s not as simple as that. Even if the quantify of content is the same either way, the quality isn’t. The were a lot – and I do mean a LOT – of serious bug in the first season of the Living Story that slipped past an overtaxed QA department. Then there’s things like our Player Characters going voiceless because the the two week release schedule couldn’t accommodate ten different voice actors. A two week release schedule just doesn’t afford the developers the time to ensure the level of polish is where it otherwise could be.
Exactly. LS content is rushed, unpolished, launched “eh, good enough”. Gaping plothole (Scarlet) explanations have to shoehorned into new chapters to explain old ones. Issues are left unresolved because the content will be largely abandoned in 2 weeks.
months and months of getting complementary chips and salsa waiting for a main course that isn’t gonna happen because the chef is too busy making chips and salsa, rearranging the seating, and doing a social media campaign. (About Chips and Salsa)
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
To me GW2 is too much like other games that I already played and it has been a disappointment for me because I was hoping to continue GW1 in an updated version that offered more of the same play style but with a complete facelift to it.
This sums up my disappointment as well. But it’s their game and many devs have said that GW1 did things wrong and they won’t replicate them. Or words to that effect. As is, the recent update has really driven me away. I try and try to get interested and just can’t. Be it me, or the game, or both, it’s time to log out and stay gone I guess. I loved the festival of the 4 winds, and to be equally as blunt, I hate the new area, etc. Perhaps hate is too strong a word, but I get angry there, and frustrated, both I can do without the game trust me. I want to have fun in game.
I have wondered if the updates going further will be like the recent one. That is to say 1.5 hours of play, another 2 weeks of waiting. I purposely didn’t complete the story for days. I didn’t burn through the achievements either. I did a few and goofed off. For me I love the aspect skills, I was excited to explore. Then saw the timers. That ruined it for me completely. And to those clamoring to reply, I can only speak for me. I am not interested in, “oh there is so much to do..” Maybe in your eyes there is. In mine, not really. I want/need completely new content and story.
I played GW1 for a long time. I started about 2 weeks after launch. I used to explore most of the time and just follow my nose. I try to do that in GW2, and while the scenery is par with GW1, I’m just not feeling it.
Rather then rant and complain any more, I have one last thing to say, and it may seem snarky and I know it will never happen. That said, I really miss the days of Jeff Strain and his vision.
You can read about it here, it’s still posted on the GW1 site.
Thank you for posting that link. I had puzzled where the soul of the old Anet had wandered off to. It is kind of sad to see how much of that wisdom has been tossed aside since launch.
New Anet may as well be EA.
Artist captured Kasmeer perfectly.
and yeah. setessential Tiami 0. I wish.
Playing with the Biconics around is like doing a playthrough of skyrim as a 2nd rate sidekick to Nazeem.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
You mean like the liberties ESO took with the lore of it’s franchise. Lore always takes a backseat to game play. It doesn’t mean there’s no lore. Indeed Jeff Grubb and Ree Sosebee are Lore Masters and everything in the game storywise is run by them. That would seem to suggest some lore.
Lore that apparently can be blown away by a single statement by a single writer on a french fansite, which becomes the “source” of the new “lore”.
You mean the statues comment(About Malchor making Kormir’s statue)? Which was never supported anywhere else and thus ignored? If not that, do say the statement and how it’s 100% fact canon now.
Also, there is lots of lore in the game. You just have to remember that when talking about events hundreds of years back, details are lost, especially depending on the npc. Is it a scholar of the priory or a priest? (More likely to know their stuff), or a random civilian on the street? (Less likely).
Like when Zojja comments on the Iron Forgeman being a dredge creation. I wanna punt her, but I know that she truly doesn’t know better because the original forgeman was destroyed 250+ years ago.
I am talking about the deeply entrenched lore of the 6 Gods, the origins of Magic, and the Bloodstones in GW1. A lot of fairly original lore that was abruptly thrown out of the game and replaced by tired, unoriginal pulp fantasy “leylines” and explained away by simply stating the lore of GW1 “was mistaken”. Cuz, ya know, Scarlet.
Nothing in game. Stated in an interview on a french fan site, and then one paragraph on the forums, which the wiki links to as “source”.
Living story is optional.
This is Living Story. I don’t understand the problem.
Entry to a new world zone is not “living story”. It is a permanent zone. I do not care one fig about the LS.
You mean like the liberties ESO took with the lore of it’s franchise. Lore always takes a backseat to game play. It doesn’t mean there’s no lore. Indeed Jeff Grubb and Ree Sosebee are Lore Masters and everything in the game storywise is run by them. That would seem to suggest some lore.
Lore that apparently can be blown away by a single statement by a single writer on a french fansite, which becomes the “source” of the new “lore”.
But if jumping should be optional, shouldn’t combat, puzzle solving, reading, listening, looking and thinking be optional as well?
Wouldn’t that basically mean the game would be nothing at all?Or should they just cater to those that dislike jumping, while ignoring those that dislike other parts of the game?
hyperbole. sPvP is optional. WvW is optional. Crafting is optional. Map completion is optional. Personal story is optional. Standalone JPs are optional. Living story is optional. Dungeons are optional. If a person does not like such content, all they forego is the rewards and AP connected to them. Personally, I would never ask for rewards for content I choose not to do.
Basic access to a new world zone should not be a “reward”. Basic access should be available to anyone playing.
Anet includes elements of “optional” content in order to achieve unrelated goals as a blunt force mechanism to “play their way”.
Forcing jumping to simply enter the 2nd new world zone introduced is pushing that “play our way” syndrome too far and focusing far too much on a single aspect of play.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Equilibriator stated
“On a side note, I don’t care that I sound arrogant or insulting, you deserve it because you are trying to make this game pathetically easy because you cant do basic things. Seriously, why did you buy the game if you cant jump, I don’t know how you don’t see how utterly selfish people like you are being by essentially asking/demanding that the game have stuff that lets you “skip” anything you cant do whilst not giving a kitten about people who cant do other things. Go read a book, watch a movie, those are thing you should be able to do without pushing any buttons, therefore its perfect for you and your complete inability to play the game.”
This seems to be the crux of the attitude regarding non jumpers. How this kind of toxicity is supported by the moderators is baffling.
“Complete Inability to play the game” Really? Hmm. I have 11 level 80 chars. 2 lower levels. Rank 172 ish in WvW with limited play. 7k ish AP while ignoring most LS and all jump related activity. Fully geared in exotics with some Ascended. Cultural armor on all chars. I have somehow managed 4k kills in WvW , (defending/taking camps, I do not zerg with my slow and inaccurate keyboarding). I have 4k hours played. And, I don’t do Jumping focused activities at all.
Your definition of “complete inability” is quite a bit different than mine, unless your sole goal is to insult and demean.
I have “skipped” all jumping focused content in this game, so far, without impacting any other players ability to do that content. However, I’ve never had jumping focused content gate me from an entire open world zone like this update has. Excuse me for objecting to that.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Mesmer port? Ah, no, since that would be adding just another number to the “metrics” supposedly enjoying the content. Anet cannot gauge how many people dislike activities but resort to being carried and other workarounds. So they count them all as “yea” votes.
Sorry. not being a part of that.
Please bring back SaB so all these rabbits have something to hop on.Leaving alone the living story for the lore lovers and RP’ers. Which this game is supposed to be…
it’s the setting and the gameplay + the story that made that update great, standing in the way of good gameplay it just not very intelligent
And now, if we don’t care for/have difficulty with platforming, we are stupid? I suppose that goes with lazy, unwilling, “bottom 2%”, whiners, poor players and every other negative slam and insult thrown out in this thread.
GG. Hope you feel so good about yourself.
I can hope I guess that Anet will continue this attitude so I can laugh and make snark responses down the road.
Access to a new open zone by a pvp corridor. Because, if you dislike pvp don’t play gw2
Access to a new open zone by Fractals progression. Because, if you dislike dungeons don’t play gw2.
Access to a new open zone by +500 crafting quest, Because, you know, if you dislike crafting don’t play gw2.
Demanding that all players partake of all optional activities is a mistake. Using them as gatekeepers is even worse.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
That being said: may I ask why you even played this game, as jumping always was an optional thing, which you clearly dislike – per your own words?
In what way was it optional?
It locked story content long before this update, so how is that anymore optional than this one?
Optional content. Temporary content. It never blocked entry to a permanent zone.
But don’t let facts dissuade you.
stilletto heeled domme fembots were involved.
Tyrian lore got trashed for leylines. Cause, Leylines.
many many tropes were introduced.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
In conclusion, I’ll just say again that we do pay attention to the forums, and thank you for posting your thoughts.
And in spite of “paying attention” you flogged that horrific LS Scarlet saga to the very end and beyond.
It isn’t our story, it is YOUR story, and you continue to make that perfectly clear as you plow ahead regardless of player reaction or GW1 lore.
You assign us emotions. Wrongly. You decide who is my “friend” and throw it into my face regardless of the truth of it. I cannot stand the “biconics”. I would happily slaughter each and every one of them. You don’t care, my “role” as pal is predetermined and infuriating.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Adding Heroes and Henchmen would turn GW2 into a CoRPG and not a MMORPG anymore. You’ll have no one grouping just like we ended up having after Nightfall was released(things got even worse when EotN dropped).
Both Everquests now have mercenary followers and the CoRPG fairy didn’t transform them. Still MMOs. /shrug.
Grouping “dies” because pugging is like chimpanzee wrangling. Mercs are better than Pugs. They don’t replace guild groups or dedicated hard content groups.
Mega might even manage to put you and your Merc on the same map. Maybe.
this is already implemented within living story season 2 episode 1.
the non customizable mercs we get are:
- braham
- rox and frostbite
- taimi
- kasmeer
- majory
And still even Alesia would put them to shame. Those are scripted dumbfire NPCs. Obviously you’ve had no experience with mercs.
Makes perfect sense in a game where Cantha seems to be off the table and a Canthan enclave in Divinity ripped out of the game.
Of course, they could be AetherNinja, Scarlet’s Blades, or some other “lore inspired” creation.
And here is another thought. Those of us from the pong, spaceinvaders, atari generation are pushing 60. There are a lot of us. There will be more. We have disposable income. Don’t expect us to play Bingo, shuffleboard or pinocle as our entertainment. Don’t expect us all to dye our hair blue and watch Matlock reruns. Access options for an aging gamer demographic should not be rocket science.
GW1, with click to move, was and is the most friendly game for people with dexterity and hand disabilities I have ever played. GW2 is becoming one of the worst. /shrug.
It’s new “Living Story”, which is about fighting evil, not jumping around like Mario. Since when is platform jumping a part of high fantasy MMO’s?
What a bullkitten.
If you can’t do that why don’t you flame about that you have to press w,a,s,d to move? Isn’t that hard too?
AN could put us on a train that travels though everymap then. So you can press 1 and get everything you want.
Seriously can someone make a video and show how ""HARD"" it is to do the new personal story? It’s so hard to press 1 AND w??
I don’t WASD. I cannot. I have a functional thumb and a somewhat functional index finger on my left hand. I mouse move and use that single finger for skills and my limited dodge ability. I have 11 level 80s and rank 160 so ish in limited WVW. I did “manage” to play the game. And spend money. I was as much a “consumer” of this game as you are.
I have not completed the map because of mandatory JPs for Vistas. And, everyone told me map completion was optional. Fine. I’ve missed out on all JP achievements and other unrelated achievements that were, for some reason, placed in JPs. Everyone told me it was all optional. Fine.
I did not do SAB, 4 winds, or any other platforming content. Again.. it is optional. Fine.
Ok, now an entire zone is closed to me. All content related to it closed. It is past “optional” unless you mean optional as in, “Don’t play GW2” Well, I guess that is the message ANET is sending after all. They have gone from a simple “Not every activity is suitable for every playstyle” to enforcing those formerly optional activities onto mainstream play and every playstyle. If you don’t platform, don’t expect to play GW2. That was not the case till now.
Every day of my life with RA is a struggle to do “simple” things. Open a can. Get something out of a pocket. Cook. Button a blouse. I do things because I HAVE to. This game is entertainment. Do not tell me I should struggle with a disability doing activities that are incredibly frustrating and unenjoyable to be.. “entertained”.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
So, I have 596 days on my main. I have 13 characters, 11 of them 80.
I’ve played the game. I’ve spent money, obviously, on char slots, on makeovers, crystals ect ect. Even have useless mr sparkles.
I have not been playing this. In other mmos, when I have been “missing” for a bit, I generally get some mail along the lines of “check out what’s new” or “come back”, some mild recognition of being a valued customer. Dear valued Player, so to speak.
Not here. I get not one but 2 E-Mails “Welcome Series” linking to a very rudimentary basic new player “combat” page. Gee, this game has dodge? https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/combat/?utm_source=newsletter_gw2&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=welcomeseries_us_052014banner
If this is their highly vaunted “metrics” in action, no wonder they seem so disconnected from the player base and long term consumers particularly.
Harmless E Mail. No big deal, deleted. Did it encourage me to come back and try the game again? Not in the slightest. Just reinforced my suspicion that the “new” acct. is all that matters.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Everquests guide program is still going strong. However, since what they do is heavily server related and RP oriented, no room for anything like this here.
You know.. the “other games do it, so we won’t” syndrome here.
Ah yes, once again I must concede to “google logical fallacy” skills. Argument rejected for improper formatting. As powerful as the IRL card.
mea culpa.
I’m just an ignorant country hick who skipped debate team. In this mount example, I’m just too dense to see that my desire to have a mount to ride while exploring, for personal immersion, to add to my gameplay is somehow addressed by Waypoints or disallowed because other games have them.
My only excuse is my son ate all the pizza while I napped, and I’m too weak from hunger to be “logical”.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
They weren’t mounts. Mounts aren’t Zone specific and don’t have damage skills. Mounts are used to get from point A to point B quicker than on foot. We don’t need mounts because we have Waypoints.
All you see is the movement mechanic. I guess you can’t grasp that a player would want a mount to.. gasp… ride around on. Options, immersion, RP?
By your logic we also don’t “need” cosmetic armor skins because we already have armor.
Don’t need weapons skins cause we already have weapons.
Basically, we don’t need change, options, or new features because we have a status quo.
GG, target market.
Arguing “need” as an excuse to restrict options is silly, as we don’t “need” a majority of what the Gem Store sells, we don’t “need” customizations, we don’t “need” the fluff that is a driving force for many players.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Well, Konig, hate to break it to you, WoW did not invent mounts in games. They simply added a feature popular in existing mmos.
They were, and are, popular among consumers who have never played WoW.
If instituted here, I would predict they would be popular as well.
Desiring a simple feature in a game is no indication of anyone wanting this game to be a “clone” of anything.
The “WoW Clone” mantra is old, tired and inaccurate when people constantly use it in reference to features that existed in MMOs prior to WoW and not unique to WoW. It is a knee-jerk statement.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Farming is farming. Solo or community, I see no big difference. LS1 was an hour or two of new content followed by “community farming” for baubles and AA. The bulk of every LS release became farming.
Why can’t people see that criticism and feedback is necessary for a game’s development?
Why can’t people differentiate between criticism and whining?
Why are you complaining about complaining?I criticise the game because I care.
99% of the criticism is terrible bullkitten. Frankly, wading through all of that isn’t worth it to fish out the measly 1%.
No, you don’t know better than ANET developers. Sorry!
Concerning my individual preferences as a consumer… yes, I do.
Interesting. Trot out a laundry list of things YOU don’t like and play the “GW2 is a special snowflake” card.
It would not unravel the fabric of GW2 to utilize time-tested and popular features while leaving what few innovations they HAVE made in place.
Particle sliders and enhanced client side graphics control. Configurable UI. Quest Prompts that could be hidden. Appearance slots. Instancing for content like Teq and worm. Actual guild halls. Enhanced guild banks and management. Housing beyond an instance to stick nodes in. Expansions.
If you want to look at megaservers… the complaints are not about turning this into another game, but instead to return a semblance of the old GW2. It would have not affected the adventuring aspect of Mega server at all to retain server home cities.
The snowflake attitude kills this game because I honestly feel the management has fully embraced it. Untested, unwieldy, unpopular changes “because we are different”. The attitude of being so unafraid and edgy… “we dun need new zones, we aren’t afraid to blow up old ones”. I honestly think the main impetus to blow up LA was more “no one has ever blown up a main hub” than any other consideration.
Often the best products are those that take the best/popular concepts and package them into a whole cohesive product along with new innovations. WoW became the 500 lb gorrilla of MMOs by packaging a whole lot of existing MMO features and “inventing” very little.
The current team here seems to refuse even to consider concepts from a pretty unique game THEY MADE. They push the snowflake mentality to the point that it is detrimental.
Furthermore, they have fallen right into what they continue to insist they haven’t. Gear progression. Gate mechanisms. Timesink grinding. Endless farming. We are swinging our swords over and over and killing thousands of “rats” to achieve AA and crafting goals that THEY implemented knowing we would and still insisting that we aren’t.
Instead of bringing the best of the genre into the game they are perpetuating the worst.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
sure, why don’t we dumb the game down even more. how about removing traits also?
-Increases balance in WvW.
(Since F&N isn’t a requirement not every body uses it. For example, you come across a player who is using F&N while you aren’t. Your defeat usually is quick and painless.)If you’re losing 1v1 to a player using food and you’re not, it’s not because of the food. That player obviously cares about maximizing his performance while you obviously don’t, which probably carries over to other aspects of your gameplay.
Skill is a major factor, I 100% agree.
Let’s delve deeper. If there was a 1v1 between two players, same class, same build, equal experience; but one uses F&N. We both agree that the F&N user would win, correct? So does double clicking an item makes that player better? I don’t feel that is very skillful.
Preparation IS skill, and the unprepared player deserves the loss.
Logged in to check my acct after an inbox full of change password attempt e-mails.
Thought I would just do the daily gathering, but stopped after mega started tossing my chars onto different maps. Logged out.
Meh… too little too late for me. Drop me a mail when you actually release fixes for all the problems and I’ll read the patch notes. If they look promising, I may be back, until then its just empty promises and fluff. I have better things to do in other titles than stand around in here at wp’s waiting for spawns… spend 50 min or so per hour just idle, its turned into a waiting simulator
I’ll look out for a ‘hey we just fixed our megaserver bugger up please come back’ email, but won’t be holding my breath
Have fun
And yet you didn’t have better things to do than to post a silly forum-post?
And you had nothing better to do than write yet another ad hominem “observation”?
I feel much the same. I have hopes this mega merger wreck can be resolved, but I’m in no mood to play when I see no attempts made to even acknowledge legitimate concerns. I check these forums to see what is being done, or lack of response.
I would like to know if the “team” tasked to repair this flat tire is actually repairing it, or designing fancy hubcaps to make the flat “shiny”.
The fact that the guys who can answer us are busy with China is exactly the issue. They did not leave anyone behind to handle the existing market. Why not? And why shouldn’t they be taken to town about this? If we did the same exact thing with one of our stores the community for that store would flip their kitten. It would do irreparable damage to that community and our reputation as a company.
It’s not like it’s a completely crazy thing for the Game Director to leave for a big launch. And it’s borderline insane to suggest that they should have hired an additional game director for the China launch.
Video games are not retail, anyway, and I wish we’d quit with the rather tortured metaphors.
Your credibility just evaporated.. the little you had.
Just what does selling and servicing a product directly to consumers mean to you? If it isn’t retailing, what is it? And what does having YOUR exact label/interpretation matter anyway re the analogy.
Bottom line. It isn’t wise, for any business, regardless of how you label that business, to neglect a current, agitated customer base in favor of new customers.. for any length of time.
Gotta say one thing. I am a soloer. I like to SOLO play. I’m getting tired of hearing how wonderful this megamerge is for solo players. For my preferred style of play, it is a failure.
For all of the people who will say “go play single player” I have this to say. There are myriad reasons to play an mmo that do NOT include a horde of strangers “helping” me.
There is no challenge in a blob.
As to the Megamerger somehow magically sorting me to some preferred playstyle somehow I’m not buying the idea that my preferred style is a server full of rude strangers grunting “train?” and linking WPs in chat. My preferred “community” is not chat channels arguing non-stop about “order”, who killed what out of turn with the occasional mandatory insertion of “thats what she said” at random intervals. I can’t even do zones like Timberline without getting ran over by people supposedly “helping” me with content I don’t want or need help with.
Choice, ANET. Please stop shoving YOUR choices in our face. Yeah, it’s your game, but is it wise to tailor it to a single demographic and remove choices?
Stop assuming your choice is the only one that matters. Believe it or not, people might choose to move UI elements around. Choose to delete unwanted quests. Choose to control particle effects. Choose a server. Choose who they play with. Choose a population level they prefer. Choose a community. Even the basic function of choosing a population that speaks the same language is gone.
People identify more with processes they feel they have ownership of, even if limited. It isn’t wise to continually slap people with the fact that they own nothing but an account name.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I’ve come to the conclusion that we will never see cities removed from megamerger.
The mechanics for this merger carry forward. They won’t ever have to “merge” servers again. Allowing for server specific cities would break the illusion of a populated game, and I think, personally, that creating that illusion was and is the prime motivation of this Megamerge.
Eventually they will have to megamerge WvW to maintain population illusion.. but the groundwork for that is already in.
EQ2 has effect crafting. Also, effect items drop as loot from boss chests.
Since someone else has done it, I doubt it will happen here.
So people playing together to take out champs like they are suppose to. How dare people play together as a group. It’s not like guild wars 2 is an MMO or anything…….. Wait………
I’ve played MMOs for 12 years. This is the first game where “Zerging” is not considered an insult. Not only “not” an insult, but now enforced by megamerger.
Try harder. M in MMO as an excuse is pretty worn out.
That’s small? I’ve seen smaller take on the Shaman mere months before the Feature Pack. And succeed.
[EDIT] Actually, I’m not quite sure what the OP is criticising, here. Is the problem that there’s too many players, or that the zerg is not big enough?
My point? 3-4 people grouping on a champ is plenty, and not much of a challenge then.
Yeah, this is a small megamerger zerg. They only get bigger.
So I’m wondering, with megamerger, if the thundering, talentless, default skill using mob downing bosses with little thought, effort or even skill usage is what Anet means for the future.
It seems the only demographic that matters.
Hi my dear Anet!!!! need more evidence that megaserver was bad idea???? forget the megaserver, it is quite simple: “we were wrong, sorry. We will back to the previous server method”.
Think of the players (customers) and dont destroy the gameWhy are you more important than those people?
And when did the poster state that? YOU stated that. Again, you attempt to inflame, belittle and directly attack an individual stating what is just their opinion.
6 am CDT NA. Smallest zerg I’ve seen so far on Megamerger.
Is this, seriously, the game Anet wants?
Pardon. This is not worth what we lost.
I didn`t say that now did I? Granted, it is official word, but there`s no comment on them making significant changes, or at least, no comment on making changes to the system significant enough to overcome the core problems inherent in the new system, and that is what I`ve been looking for.
Yes you did.
You stated that there were no official word, which is incorrect, and you know it.They won’t give us details until they have decided what to try next, otherwise people will you shout and whine about being lied to if they figure out that it is not a good solution.
Classic Krall.
Poster… “I’m unhappy with a game issue”
Krall… “I’m unhappy you have an opinion /insert ad-hominem attacks”
Just because you skate the edges of moderation does not undo you being as toxic to discussion as the most negative and vocal complainer.
No longer having a server home or community is a valid and important issue to me. Nothing in that self-congratulatory blog post indicates that they even admit the issue or severity of it (for many of us) or plan to address it at all.
I still think zone overpopulation is a factor.
Escort the brewers Yak in Wayfarer. When I did that first leveling I would get the exp for the Escort, and for killing 8-10 svanir on the trip. Yesterday my little asura got credit for 2 kills total, as the herd ran ahead clearing the event path and camping the spawns with AOEs.
The lionguard fort siege there used to be a ton of kill exp. Yesterday it was a joke, stuff was obliterated by downlevels as it spawned. Exp for event, very little kill exp. Worms at the lodge, same same. Unless you have a char capable of maintaining AOE on a spawn point you are SOL for kill exp.
Did maw. Silver on Grawl. 0 on escort 0 kills. Bronze on Totem. 0 on Shamans 0 kill exp. 0 on portals 0 kill exp. Bronze on Champ Shaman. My exp for that event was gutted by the 50 some mostly uplevels there. I assume most new players get less.
Guess it is a fair trade. Events are far easier. Total exp is less. Shrug. go go MegaMerge.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Right, forgot to point out, Guild Wars 2 is actually trying to train you to forget “questing” all together.
Event Chains are the main form of gameplay in this PVE, heartquests and map completion are there to make sure that you run across events and event chains, because by the time you get to Orr that’s all there is. Event Chains.I cringe every time I hear somebody call a Heart a “quest.”
Why? They are usually nothing but Area triggered “Kill Ten Rats”. New label didn’t make it a new thing.
I’m always amazed at how depressed the forum community is about their game. In every mmo, it’s always like this. Everyone loves the amazing game except for the forum community. It’s honestly sad.
I’d be more inclined to agree with you if the criticisms being offered by the haters weren’t extremely accurate.
Then I guess you can agree with him cause you yourself gave negative feedback that is far from correct. You stated “It’s been a year and a half since release and we’re essentially playing the exact same game.”
Truth is we got new PvP Maps, new WvW Map, new PvE maps, several new mini games, several new dynamic events, 3 zones (including 1 that didnt exist at launch) changed dramatically, We got a whole game within the game, we got 2 new instanced towns, fractals, guild missions, We got content that happens at different intervals like holiday events, Queens gauntlet and Labyrinthine Cliffs. Essentially except for 1 or max 2 exceptions we had new permanent stuff added to the game month after month.
Bottom line is I am afraid even just focusing on your comment alone, extremely accurate is definitely not the right adjective to describe it I am afraid.
Something funny that I came across today that proves to a degree MightyMicah point. On reddit today there was a post pointing out that polygon re-reviewed Gw2 and based on what changed since launch they decided to upgrade their score from 8.5 to 9 out of 10.
Point of view. I see very little substantive permanent content addition. In the same time frame EQ2 had released 2 full expansions as well as temp events and a content pack. GW1 had released far more in the same time frame as well.
I don’t see reworked old content as being on a par with new. My POV. I don’t see temp content as being on par with permanent. My POV. I do not see ANETs episodic temporary approach as superior to, or a replacement of expansions.
You aren’t proving anything but the fact that two consumers can look at the same thing and see polar opposites.
Other things are more black and white. Fact, pre update, we had individual servers and server communities. Post update, those servers are essentially gone.. and with them gone Server community is threatened. Now.. call someone upset by that “a hater” all you want… it does not make it an invalid issue.
And here is a concept for you to grapple with. I like this game. I still play this game. In the whole, it is a decent game. Liking a game, or anything, does not require unthinking rubber stamp approval or absolute denial of issues important to others.
If I HATED this game I wouldn’t be here. I’d be sitting in Freeport lmao over this mega merge fiasco to an appreciative audience.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
The game isn’t a linear exploration path. There are multiple zones for each level range and you should consider those as part of leveling.
Example, if you took full advantage of level appropriate content you would have done every starting zone before embarking to next tier.
The game eventually narrows at higher levels, but at low levels you should see the world. Each racially/regionally flavored zone is a unique experience, Karma reputation gear/stats are different, and Zone Completes are most valuable at Zone level generally.
The other issue ATM is overpopulation. It’s easy to finish a zone with minimum exp gain with a screaming horde of downleveled 80s mowing every npc and stage of events down in seconds. Example.. Maw. Doing Maw with say.. 15 mixed levels gives you a huge chance at Gold level and exp, per stage, EACH stage, and more mob exp from tagging/helping kill. As the event plays out now, a low level player is lucky to get exp and credit for anything but initial and final phase… and rarely gold. You need the hearts/exp from another zone to compensate.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)