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Love the Boss Blitz!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Teon.5168


It is inherently anti-zerg though. People will still zerg, but more whose at least somewhat intelligent will move to organized maps.

Also a good way is to LFG this in the Opening world content.

So other than begging for someone to ferry you into a “good” instance, is there any other practical way to get into organized map?

I certainly wouldn’t call it ‘begging’. You just put up something like ‘/lfg taxi gold boss blitz’ and then get into a good map, and then help ferry more people in, if there aren’t many people there. But yea, the lfg tag seems to be the best way to get into organized bb runs. I also find that if you get into disorganized pavillions, you can easily go to one of the areas that the boss is already gone and take down the vets, as there are several categories for taking down the different vets on the AP list. I did this for several runs that I got into that weren’t organized, or that fell into the bronze due to some mistake in the run. Went and killed vets in other areas and got 4 AP slots done while waiting around for the bronze runs to complete.

But that’s just me…..I like to complete the AP lists for the special events. Got my ap for the pavillion completed last night, and it felt good….plus I got over 1200 tokens for doing it….which, with the few hundred tokens I already had, gave me plenty to buy whatever I want from the token trader.

I probably won’t go back to the pavillion much now, except for super organized runs, as my AP for that event is completed. Probably will go back mainly to help out my wife, as she hasn’t even tried the pavillion yet. But will still try to do a few more gold runs with or without her, as the rewards are so good, and I will probably need some more tokens at some point. Might even try my hand at organizing, or helping organize some gold runs.

I know a lot of people have a lot of problems with the pavillion, and I can understand why to a certain extent, as there are players in this game that have real problems with change and/or adapting. But I find the pavillion to be a good challenge…..the challenge being to try and get a mess of pugs to communicate and execute the runs in a coordinated manner. When that is done, the bb runs are actually pretty easy.

Anyways, best of luck to those still trying to get into the gold runs.

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(edited by Teon.5168)

Queen's Pavillion: "Get away from the boss"

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Teon.5168


It’s encouraging smaller, better-organised, communicative teams rather than zerging the boss.

I think it’s better than just zerging.

Completely agree. When the boss blitz is run right, with good communication, there should only be a max of 10 people on each boss…..and boom boom must go down first……the well run squads always call for the boom boom squad to yell burn.

And this “gtfo the boss” mechanic that people claim exists is from players who still have the zerg mentality, have no idea what they’re doing in the boss blitz, and refuse to listen to the people running the well coordinated bb runs.

I have been super impressed with most of the players that run the well organized boss blitzes…..they always holler out for people to ask questions if they don’t know what to do or haven’t been in successful runs. Even when the run doesn’t go quite as planned, most players there have still tried to communicate with others what went wrong and what needs to change to run it successfully.

The most important thing in the bb is good communication between the squads, and knowing that when your boss gets to 10%, STOP HITTING IT……until the leaders call for “BURN”.

Those people who still complain about the boss blitz because of people who shout ‘stop hitting’ or ’don’t come down here as you’ll buff the boss with your presence’, are either ridiculously stubborn about not abandoning their zerg mentality, or they refuse to listen, or they just are unable to adapt.

Successful boss blitz runs are all about teamwork, good communication, and paying attention to map chat.

But I guess there are some people where that simple concept is just too difficult for them to grasp.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Love the Boss Blitz!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Teon.5168


I can verify, after doing a couple of gold runs tonight in the boss blitz……putting up a “/lfg taxi boss blitz” is very effective for getting into organized runs…….worked great for me, at least.

But, if you have a ranged character, be sure to get into one of the groups that have a lot of melee players……if you get too many ranged players in a group, makes it difficult to take down the boss quick.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Love the Boss Blitz!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Teon.5168


I would enjoy Boss Blitz a lot more if I had encountered more organization on my mega server. The first couple of days were great because commanders showed up and staged at each boss and it went very well. It was a lot of fun. After that I guess interest waned and now it is do one boss, die a lot (not, move on to the next etc. because bronze is good. I keep popping in looking for organized runs and hoping. Those were a LOT of fun. I think Boss Blitz is a neat thing. What amazes me is how many still have not figured out the mechanics and die, die, die and just lay there asking for their obligatory rezz…

Yea, people need to realize when they die, that it is quicker to just port back to the center, get healed up, and come back to the fight, rather than waiting for a rez.

On the getting into organized runs topic, someone here on the forums had a good suggestion…….put up a lfg tag that says something like “lfg taxi blitz”…..said that got good responses from people in organized blitz runs. Think I might try that some and see how it works.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

How should ANet read its Boss Blitz metrics?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Teon.5168


I think that Boom Boom is the only one that really needs to be tweaked. Maybe adjusting the healing turrets so that they don’t do so much healing, or so that they don’t pop quite so often. The rest of the bosses seem to be about right, but only if you have less than 10 on each. Anymore than that and they all scale wildly up….especially after more than 15 players on each.

Imo, maybe adjust the scaling so that it’s on a timer….something like initially starting a timer of around 3-5 minutes on the boss… the end of that timer, the scaling locks in for the rest of the battle. (of course, that would probably end up being exploited by players, so might not be such a good idea)

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Why is there no loot or Xp in the Pavillion?

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


That was based off his “6 groups of 15-20” people. obviously yeah you can do it with less.

Yup, got it after rereading your post. My apologies for initially misinterpreting it.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

3 big economy problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


3 big problems:

1:: events and activities have low reward, like the new event is basically worthless to do even with gold reward which has 10 chest which you can get easily through dungeons or champ farm which is much less frustrating and time consuming. people mostly doing it for AP rather than reward. add this to brain dead champ farming which is even more rewarding than most of thing i know in the game including pvp and wvw, if i want to farm gold for my legendary well we all know different ways none including activities and events, the only acceptable reward is dungeons at least because you are playing the game and getting daily reward, rest in my opinion is just not acceptable, again too high or too low.

2:: TP players, i have seen you tube videos on somebody who has 7 accounts but all he does is to play TP rather than playing the game, yes that is true ,7 accounts and he is not playing the game and he and his kind are richest people in game, owning the games economy.

3:: path seller which is a obvious exploit and totally against concept of mmo, which is playing together, i have seen/known people making up to 100g a day out of path selling. this needs to be stopped particularly in this game.i have seen raid sellers in other games but it is way less in size and effect on general economy of the game and at the end you have to find a guild and do raiding, you can get away with buying for small part only and for few pieces of gear but if you want to have high end gear and achievements and cool mounts etc you better join a guild unlike this game people get dungeon master achievement by buying arah p4 and if you ask them how did you beat simin, they are like wtf is simin? as result those path sellers getting richer. unique to gw2 only in my opinion.

there could be more of such things that i do not know of. but these thing are not good for any games and promotes grinding game play.

IMPORTANT NOTE: be civilized and whether you are agree with me or not just keep it friendly please.

1. – When organized, even with pugs, the boss blitz can be run in less than 10 minutes with under 50 people. 10 champion chests, plus tokens and such is a really nice reward for that little time commitment. Dungeon runs(with pugs) normally take much longer than that to get similar rewards.

2 & 3 – That’s your opinion on how the game should be played. Being that GW2 is an mmo, different players will play the game differently than you think it should be played. Doesn’t make it wrong or right……just means other players enjoy playing the game in different ways than you do.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Why is there no loot or Xp in the Pavillion?

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


magic words: don´t zerg you jolk. 6 groupos of each 15-20 players. six bosses. split up. do the bosses with onyl 20 instad of all 150 at once. I have seen ever yboss atleast once diying in the gold reward time. if that happesnw ith all six bosses at the same time…..guess what: GOLD REWARD AND LOOT.

Requires 90 to 120 people actually listening in map chat instead of congregating at the nearest commander like World v World.

Which means 89-119 people you don’t control determining your reward even if you scream…


…in map chat for 30 minutes beforehand and try to assign them locations.

Which is the entire problem with this event and the reason barely anyone even touches three headed worm anymore.

failing to this simplest of organisation? no loot you don´t deserve it. thats why they also made a anti zerg buff in the three knight encounter against scarlet.

Making 150 other people control your reward is one of the reasons my friends list is filled with people who haven’t logged on in 6+ months. Fortunately I maxed the AP and skipped out anyway.

90-150 people? Where do you get numbers like this? I just got fortunate enough to be involved in both a silver and gold run of the pavillion this weekend, and it only took around 6-8 people on each boss to do the event quickly and successfully. That’s less than 50 people for the entire run. And that was with pugs.

Yea, I have seen 90-150 people there doing the runs before, but with that many players, the organization usually falls apart half way through, and the drones just revert to zerging each boss(and take forever doing it)….so yea, I agree with your point about having that many people on the event… sets it up for failure.

But the event doesn’t need that many players to complete it. Less than 50 people is more than enough to do all the bosses at the same time…..and much easier to organize, and keep organized through the run.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Love the Boss Blitz!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Teon.5168


I finally got into another organized pavillion run on Saturday night. Did a gold and a silver run. Only reason we got silver on the second run is that we had a couple too many people on the group taking boom boom. It was such a wonderful pleasure to do the runs as intended, with small groups(6-8 players) taking each boss at the same time. Each run only took around 6-10 minutes, as the bosses went down fairly easy.

The rewards, especially for the time spent, were great!

I just wish the majority of the runs were like this. I popped in again on Sunday night, and there was the zerg again, of 30+ people taking one boss at a time….uggggghhhhh.
It seems like that when people try to organize the pavillion run as intended, that most of the time, either other players there don’t know, don’t care, or are just too busy dancing, jumping around showing off, or dazzling others with their cool gear……..apparently too busy with all that to pay any attention to people trying to get an organized run going.

You would think that most people would just want to spend 6-10 minutes on the run, get the gold or silver award, and then do it again. But guess I am wrong, as it seems that most want to join the zerg and spend 40 agonizing minutes to get the bronze award.

Just doesn’t make any sense to me.

Ah well, guess I will just keep popping in and out to the pavillion looking for the organized runs.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Pavillion after buffed loot

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


Agreed……trying to organize the boss raid for gold reward is near impossible.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

What kind of content would excite you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Jet cars, flyable Moas, tanks, choppers, particle ray guns, and sexy asura merchants.

Yup, that would get me going!

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Crown Pavilion buffed!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Teon.5168


Just did a few bronze runs…..the drops are much better, and the addition of the token vendors is excellent. Glad they fixed this so fast……well done! The runs are worth it now, imo.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Pavillion after buffed loot

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


Ok, so I went and tried the Pavillion again tonight after the loot has been buffed.
Did a few bronze runs(gold runs are still absurdly tough to organize), and the drops are a LOT better than they first were. Makes the time committment somewhat worth it. I would love to get in on a Gold run, as I can just imagine how good the drops are in that.

Also, the addition of the vendors who will take tokens in trade for higher end stuff is a great addition.

Well done, Anet…….this is what it should have been from the get go.

And yea, I know lots here will still qq and complain about it all. Go right ahead. Imo, the runs are now worth it.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Crown Pavilion buffed!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Teon.5168


It’s like you need a PhD in every event they release.

You can’t be serious. This is a video game, not a doctorate student thesis.

It’s really not that hard to figure out.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Crown Pavilion buffed!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Teon.5168


Well done, Anet!

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Suppressed Messaging vs. "Smart" Bosses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Excellent point, Xbon. With this new suppression, saying “ty” 3 times would get you suppressed……..great idea, Anet! /facepalm

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Suppressed Messaging vs. "Smart" Bosses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Yea, I have been back to the Pavillion several times, hoping to find a well organized bunch of 6 small groups, or at least enough people to try and get that sort of thing together, but it is just not happening.

Think I will be ignoring the Pavillion for the remaining time that it is up. It’s a fairly pointless waste of time, unless, like you said, one belongs to a well organized uber guild.

Ah well, I enjoy the bazaar, and there are plenty of other things in the game that are enjoyable. (I have been a bit surprised that WvW is doing ok during this LS event)

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Suppressed Messaging vs. "Smart" Bosses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Ah….thx, Lish….did not see it….my apologies. Am surprised that not many people have responded to it.

Think this will probably make more commanders demand that people are on teamspeak, and then those not on ts will be pretty much clueless as to what commander is doing.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Suppressed Messaging vs. "Smart" Bosses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I sure have to scratch my head at this one. All this will end up doing is penalizing regular players(especially commanders), while the gold spammers go about their merry way.

Whoever thought this would be a good ‘fix’ for the problem ought to have their head examined.

Here’s more about it over on reddit…..

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

A Moment of Sobriety

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


So hilarious, and so very true!

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Item Prestige: Not being respected?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I could care less how a player got an item, skin, shiny, bauble, whatever.

It’s just a game and they’re only pixels, after all.

That’s not to say I won’t tell some random player they have a cool look, or a sword looks bad kitten, or whatever.

It’s just that I could care less how they got it.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Why is there no loot or Xp in the Pavillion?

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


The pavilion is empty right now after only 1 day of release. It’s boring, no one bothers to hit the bosses because there’s really no point. I’m honestly just trying to get the achievements I need (like the other 10 or so people in the map) by killing some veterans and then I’m leaving too. I’m angry and disappointed. I’ve spent money on the game this month and for what I got from it feels mediocre or worse. Nothing new, just the same living story (which would’ve been good for me tbh) but nerfed so hard it’s not worth spending time on.

I checked in last night and it was still fairly busy……it was late and there were a surprising number of people there.

Freelancer’s posts intrigue me. Have been wanting to try some of the runs with small groups just to see how effective it is. While I doubt if I could, or for that matter, ever want to get to Freelancer’s level of efficiency with the runs, would be interesting to try some different strategies in those areas to see how they work.

Better than eating all my popcorn while watching the sobfest here.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

What happened to "my way"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


This whole thread is a fairly pointless time sink…….the whole topic is very subjective, as everyone has their own way of finding enjoyment with a game. So, of course, different aspects appeal and don’t appeal to different players. There is no right or wrong way….there are just different ways to play, and the enjoyment factor all depends on the person and what they consider enjoyable or not enjoyable in an mmorpg.


Of course there’s not wrong way to play…
Unless you do the champ train in QD. Then you’re wrong. And you’re a monster. And the scourge of the community. And must be erradicated.
Evil traindoers, being toxic and badmouthing every player they cross for no reason, and PKing the poor newbies and eating their poor innocent souls.

Lmao! Well, of course! I assumed that everyone already knew that.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Liadri Tips

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


I beat her last year on my Ranger, but for the life of me, I can’t remember how I did it… I blame my age.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

How Much More Casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


However, they didn’t take anything from you, unless they opened up your account and took those skins you earned. The only thing they ‘injured’ is your overdeveloped sense of spite and arrogance.

Whats been taken ‘from me’ (and a lot of others btw) isnt the item, but the items value. What it represents…its exclusivity. The reward for completing certain content…..for staying loyal to the game at certain points (not logging in continuously each and every day for two years). Skins outside of the gem store are more than just shiny pixels… theyre trophies. Its this thats being taken away.

BTW my original post uses this issue with skins as one example of ANETs phylosophy of ‘giving people all of the things’…. feel free to discuss other examples. My main gripe isnt the skins being available, its the general feeling of ANET catering to the ‘casual’ going forward and my fears for the future of the game should this be the case.

No offense meant, but your responses have me really scratching my head……

I find it hard to believe, but you’re actually being serious, aren’t you?

You’re actually saying that the ‘value’ of an item that you got in a certain way is now less because someone else can get it in a different way?

You do realize that GW2 is just a video game, yes?

The personal ‘value’ of an in game item only changes if you let it. You know what it took you to get it, you know how much time and effort you put into it……THAT is the personal value of the item, imo.

Saying that it is devalued and/or has been ‘taken’ from you because another player can get it in some other way than you did has the sounds of sour grapes at best and narcissism at worst.

jmo, of course.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Best place to farm tokens, gauntlet drop

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


The vets in the pavillion seem to drop tokens somewhat regularly. At least they did for me last night.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

What happened to "my way"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


This whole thread is a fairly pointless time sink…….the whole topic is very subjective, as everyone has their own way of finding enjoyment with a game. So, of course, different aspects appeal and don’t appeal to different players. There is no right or wrong way….there are just different ways to play, and the enjoyment factor all depends on the person and what they consider enjoyable or not enjoyable in an mmorpg.


Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Why is there no loot or Xp in the Pavillion?

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


I didn’t really see anyone having fun. Most people in map chat including the commanders, were saying lets farm the ap then get the hell out of here.

Oh, I would agree with people not doing it after they get their AP, unless it is to help other guildies/friends get the AP, as well. But most everyone in the zerg last night seemed to be having a good time, friendly chatter, helpful to everyone, etc……

I should probably clarify that I did not mean that they were having the kind of fun where they would be coming back just for that… I was just surprised at the friendly attitude of most (except for the one moron who incessantly complained about no drops, and he was getting ignored by everyone when it was obvious he wouldn’t shut up….lol)

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

How is the Queen's Pavilion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I suprised that very few people STILL haven’t noticed that the tokens that are constantly dropping can be used to buy nearly EVERY item from past living work achievements in labyrinth cliffs. And if you already have them all, you can buy a bag with a masterwork or better item in it with them.

The tickets they drop can be used for the queens gauntlet, and completing those gives you even more tokens. Gambits multiply the reward of tokens. In the end you can still get a lot of loot from the tokens, but not as much as you used to. I would have thought that most people would jump all over the fact that you can now get all the equipment, home instance nodes, minipets, and tonics that a lot of people missed out on from past living world metas.

Thanks for this post. I got quite a few tokens from my few runs last night and was wondering what I could actually get with those(knew I could spend them, just wasn’t sure what they could be used for)…..again thanks……will be checking out what sort of different stuff I can do with them.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Why is there no loot or Xp in the Pavillion?

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


After doing the boss blitz a few times last night, it has definitely just become a place to get AP……and the majority of the zerg had that same mindset…..leader was shouting out to ignore timer, as just doing it for AP……when you go in with that mindset, everyone seems to have a lot of fun just enjoying the battles.

I was truly surprised at how many people were there last night just to get AP/enjoy the fun of the battle and not caring anything about drops……was kind of fun to see.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

How is the Queen's Pavilion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I did the blitz a few times last night, and the zergs have already gotten to the point of just ignoring the timers/drop/loot and concentrating on just getting players the achievements.(weren’t enough people in the zerg to even attempt splitting up and trying all the bosses at once) If you go in with the mindset of trying to get the achievements, and that there won’t be much loot/rewards, it is pretty fun and almost everyone there was enjoying themselves just for the challenge of the fight. You can get a couple bosses, then come back later and get a couple more bosses, and so on. No need to stick out the entire 6 boss battle, which takes awhile.

Once you get the 6 bosses checked off on the achievements, the rest is pretty easy…killing so many of this type of pavillion vet, labrynthe stuff, etc. You can do the vet kills for achievement solo and at any time in the pavillion… reason to wait for the boss pops when you’re there just to kill certain types of vets for achievements.

The whole boss blitz has already evolved into most players being there just for the achievements.(leader was shouting out to not worry about timer as just doing it for the achievements, and everyone seemed quite cool with that) Example: Last night, there was one player in there who kept complaining about the drops in map chat, and everyone else in map chat(and I mean EVERYONE) was hollering at the player to stfu/gtfo so all the rest of the players could just enjoy the encounters……and surprisingly, most everyone there was just enjoying the challenge of it all.

I would have to agree with a lot of other posters here….once most people complete the bosses for achievement, the place will probably be pretty deserted except for those players coming in to get the vet kill achievements and stragglers trying to get the boss achievements.

You definitely don’t want to enter the boss blitz for loot/drops……if you do, you’ll be severely frustrated/disappointed.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

My impression on the new Pavilion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


After having run at least part of it now……I am puzzled as to why the Pavillion was changed so drastically. I can see scaling up the champions a bit more because of the megaservers, and reducing the drops somewhat, but to completely overhaul the npcs and their drops when it wasn’t really broken in the first place? Odd decision, imo.

I am hoping they make some adjustments to it.

Think I will wait until at least this weekend before trying it again.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

No Molten Jetpack available :(

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


I am waiting for CoH like flying abilities…..QQ!!!!

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Why is there no loot or Xp in the Pavillion?

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


No, I havent, but thats what I’ve heard the average drop is for gold. I’ve tried to help organize groups. we succeeded in getting 3 people to attempt going to a second boss while the other 45+ zerged despite our best efforts. Then I gave up.

Well, then, you’re in my boat…..just hearsay so far. I would imagine it will take a well coordinated zerg of at least 12+ people to do the champions all at the same time, get the highest reward in the littlest time possible……then it might be worth it. Altho, imo, the challenge alone would make it worth it.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

100 blade shards = 1 green

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


I have 15,000 Blade Shards and I’m still having a hard time convincing myself that it’s worthwhile to trade 100 per Equipment Bag. Once my stock is gone it’d be very time consuming to farm the ~1K needed for a Spinal Blade, whereas masterwork equipment is completely trivial to obtain… and the fact that you can get Equipment Bags for only 40 Festival Tokens makes it an even less attractive offer.

Tomes of Knowledge on the other hand… much more difficult to acquire than masterwork equipment. But even using the 1 : 2.5 ratio of Festival Tokens to Blade Shards for Equipment Bags, Tomes of Knowledge would be 750 Blade Shards each. And that still seems incredibly high given they only dropped at around a 2 : 1 ratio compared to Found Belongings, if memory serves, which were 100 + 20 silver per Tome of Knowledge. A more reasonable price would be 200-250 Blade Shards + 20 silver per Tome of Knowledge, in my opinon.

Go do PvP for awhile. I did one of the achievement lines and got at least 6-7 tomes of knowledge doing it……took awhile, but was an easy place to get tomes.

Also, I don’t plan on getting rid of all of my blade shards….will keep enough to get 1-3 back pieces for a couple of my alts.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Why is there no loot or Xp in the Pavillion?

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


The problem is. even if you do split properly, its not worth the effort. at best you’re gonna get 4-5 loot bags with greens in them, and nowhere near as much gold as you put in to start it.

If the rewards arent commensurate to the effort, why bother?

I am assuming that you have already done the event, taking all bosses at the same time, to know this. Yes?

Applecup has done the event and said the rewards are better…….guess I will find out for sure when I do it myself. Frankly, I will enjoy the challenge of it all, and I expect that Anet will do some tweaking to it all over the next several days. I am not an impatient, must-have-now kind of player, so I would imagine that I will probably enjoy it…….but I certainly could be wrong.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Why is there no loot or Xp in the Pavillion?

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


If the zerg actually splits into groups and downs the bosses as quickly as possibly (ie, 6 groups simultaneously fighting each boss) then the bosses are easier AND the rewards are better.

100% agree but a lot of people won’t follow this because everyone is still in “zerg mode”

I don’t know……there were several zergs that were able to coordinate their efforts during the Scarlett event to take down all the champ bosses at the same time… can be done, and I bet you’ll see quite a few zergs doing it well after the majority get the hang of it.

Others, like a lot of the posters here, will just get frustrated and quit the game, which is probably for the best anyways.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Why is there no loot or Xp in the Pavillion?

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


If the zerg actually splits into groups and downs the bosses as quickly as possibly (ie, 6 groups simultaneously fighting each boss) then the bosses are easier AND the rewards are better.

You should know better than trying to actually figure out how to do this event quickly and efficiently, and then explaining it to others here.

When posting about it here, you’re supposed to cry, scream, denounce Anet as being incompetent, and spread misinformation about there being absolutely no drops or loot and how you’ll now quit the game forever and beyond. OH NOES!!!!

But seriously, real and truthful info about the encounter, such as what you posted is extremely useful to those players who still enjoy the game. I am looking forward to trying it all this evening! Thanks!

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

What happened ? I just don’t find any real reason to play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I play every day. I lead a great guild that’s constantly growing. We have guild events every other day. Always find something to do.

What sort of stuff do you guys organise?

Arah nights for Dungeon Master runs. Diving Goggle runs. Mini dungeon runs. Guild pvp night. Guild WvW night. Dungeon nights. Silly things like costume brawl races or beach parties. Event nights for alts. 1v1 tournaments. No UI nights (that’s a riot). World boss nights. Guild missions every Saturday. Jumping puzzle nights. Jumping puzzle races. Guild hide n’seek. Edge of the Mists night. We’ve had a costume contest. Last day in L.A. party. Pink Day in L.A. for breast cancer awareness. Belcher’s Bluff nights. The list goes on.

I think this is really important for those players that just want to continue to enjoy the game and the good social aspects of it. I am in a decent guild that always does planned stuff every Saturday evening, as well as doing spur of the moment activities during the week when there looks to be enough other guildies on. No high pressure stuff, no speed runs, no you-have-to-be-this-sort-of-build garbage….just fun, enjoyable, helpful stuff for all. Helps everyone in the guild to continue to enjoy the game for what it is….an enjoyable diversion from the reality grind.

Sounds like you run a really good guild, Stark. More power to you!

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

100 blade shards = 1 green

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


We’re not all farmers.

I play some wvw, pve, and pvp, and never once intentionally farmed for blade shards and I have over 1.5k(on just 1 character….my other characters also have lots) of them. Exchange rate sounds about right, imo. The green stuff will be more than satisfactory compensation, imo, especially since it will also free up quite a bit of room in my bank vault.

Plus, I might just take all that green stuff(since I basically didn’t pay anything for any of it) and dump it into the mystic toilet and maybe get some slightly better stuff.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Why is there no loot or Xp in the Pavillion?

in Living World

Posted by: Teon.5168


According to the people over on the reddit gw2 forums,(and the official patch notes….I know, very few people here ever read them…lol) ALL of the bosses are considered 1 event, and they scale up as you kill each one……depending on how organized the zerg is, the end rewards are better depending on the timer for the entire event.
Sounds like it pretty much eliminates farming until players/zergs really figure out the tricks to it all……sounds like challenging fun to me. But I realize that a lot of the players that wanted the same farm spot like last time will rage about this……frankly, I think it’s a good change….as it was just a mindless zergfest last time.

Of course, I might change my mind on it all once I get home from work and actually try it.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

[Feedback Thread] New Crown Pavilion First Impression [merged]

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Teon.5168


I will wait a few days(possibly a week or two) before I pass rash judgement on this patch. (As I do with all patches)

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

[Feedback Thread] New Crown Pavilion First Impression [merged]

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Teon.5168


Sounds like a bug to me. Any npc fight should drop at least some loot. As with any patch, the final form never seems to hit until a few days after the first released patch.

Gotta love the extreme lack of patience shown by players in this forum…..less than 1 hour after initial patch and players already saying, ’that’s it, I give up’……lol

You would think people would learn by now that the initial patches are rarely the finished product that evolves a few days later. (Seems that way for almost every mmo out there.)

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

What happened ? I just don’t find any real reason to play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


This post, again?

Just stop playing it. If the things you point out are really a problem, Anet will lose players and re-thing their strategy. They haven’t, which might indicate they are not losing players.

Posts like these with no info on the game’s population and its increase/decreae, no info on the general satisfaction of the players (at leasts besides the vocal minority of the forum) are just personal opinions and generalizations based on absolutely no legitimate arguments – just personal rage and crying. And they’re as repetitive as the grinding they claim the game is about.


Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

What happened ? I just don’t find any real reason to play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Is that even content ? That is nothing… it’s been 2 years, not 6 months… 2 years and this is all they could do ? Looking at other games you can see that in 2 years they’ve released one or even two expansions, not bug fixes, not UI and map improvements but real expansions that keep people interested…. You know an mmo needs people to actually “work”, people need to be interested in the game in order to stay, content keeps players interested… so no real content = less interest = less money for the game company. You really think that by supporting this stupid (in my opinion) policy that Anet has adopted you’re really helping the game ? If no one complains then nothing changes. I’m not saying that GW2 is a bad game, but I am saying that it needs real, permanent content to stay alive…

First you say there hasn’t been any new content, then when someone specifically points out that there has been, then it becomes, ‘well, there hasn’t been enough’, and then when someone lists all the added content, then it becomes, ‘well, there hasn’t been enough permanent content’.

So what is it? You start out with a certain argument, then you change it a couple times when other posters point out the fallacies of your argument.

Whether you like/ignore it or not, what Anet has added to the game since release has obviously pleased a lot of players….ya know, those that still play the game and enjoy it.

Obviously, you quit playing for your own reasons. Good for you. Most people move on when they have found that a certain game just isn’t what they enjoy.

Best of luck finding a game you enjoy.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

clueless with end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


No endgame.

15 charr

Do you still play the game? If so, why?

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I want craftable helicopters.

Work work, ArenaNet.

You win the thread!

Threads like this sure help keep popcorn suppliers in business.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Will GW2 be hurt by its own success?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


snip……..and entire classes like the Ranger being non-functional all being examples.

Who knew… I been playing a non-functional class since 2 months after release and doing pretty good with it. (in Pve, Wvw, and Pvp) I should just quit the game, as obviously I have been in a completely delusional state for well over a year now……lol.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Meanwhile on reddit

in PvP

Posted by: Teon.5168


Reddit is a place that rewards fluff content and ANet praise.

It does have occasional useful information but most of the time it’s just people repeating what they like hearing/reading.

Sounds just like here, except for the ‘praise’ part…

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Meanwhile on reddit

in PvP

Posted by: Teon.5168


I had one in pvp the other night while trying out a mesmer build….he started screaming at the whole team for no reason whatsoever……was a real jerk.
I whispered him after the match, “why did you have to be such an kitten?”….player was like ‘huh, what? oh sorry…I am really drunk’………..yea, whatever.

Some people, even in hotjoins, feel like they need to yell and scream at others to show how cool they are, I guess. In the end, they just end up looking like clueless idiots.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.