Showing Posts For The Game Slayer.7632:

Tonic exploit is cheating

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

As far as I know Kodan share the same “skeleton” as Male Norns and have the same animations except for the dodge one, which is weird given that some emotes can still be used as Kodan such as /dance or /cry (which use the Male Norn animations aswell).
Also the dude talking about the voices… Kodan Tonics don’t hide voices. I still clearly hear other character’s lines and even my own despite the use of the Kodan Tonics. You are just trying to find somenthing to hang unto since you clearly have lost the only one that already been debuked. Sorry buddy, but you are wrong on this one too.

Well, it’s pretty clear that this should be tested a bit more. Ranger shouts definitely don’t get animated. I’ll test around on the other classes, and perhaps you should too before you just start assuming that you’re correct.

I am a teef

Tonic exploit is cheating

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Go ahead and tell me what game mechanics I’m abusing, I’m curious.

Koda tonics.

Your issue with Kodan tonics is that apparently things aren’t being animated at all, so animations being small or large wouldn’t matter.

You’re really dodging the point here. I sincerely hope you’re not being disingenuous. I simply said it was similar to the asuran argument, not the same exact thing.

Nobody in this thread has said which animations aren’t showing properly.

The only thing this would affect is your immersion in combat.

Lol. For you, maybe. But you’re the best player on this planet, right? You have nothing to learn from how other people play, right?..

those voicelines don’t play everytime you get a condition on you, so you’d be relying on a relatively inconsistent mechanic to aid you.

No one said I was solely relying on 1 game mechanic to help me win a fight. A good player takes in as much information as he can and reacts accordingly.

But I’ll put myself in your shoes for a minute.
You’re fighting 2v2 against a pair of Kodan Tonic’d enemies, and you don’t hear a poisoned voiceline. But you see the other Kodan has a sickly green color to them, so you know he’s poisoned just by glancing at him and swap to him. No RNG voiceline needed.

See my other response just above. You’re also ignoring that shouts don’t get shouted as a koda either. That’s far more information than ‘rng voicelines.’

I don’t have a problem with things getting fixed

Good. But the way you’re arguing suggests the opposite of that.

But if nobody wants to say what animations are broken (we know dodge is, but nobody has said any others) and instead cries for removal, nothing is going to get fixed.

I’m pretty sure I already addressed that. Sooo… yea.
Just so that me and you are clear, as well as everyone else in the thread, the following problems with koda tonics go as follows, but also are not limited to: No dodge animations, no voicelines for certain combat queues, and no shouts being shouted.

I am a teef

On the condi meta, and overall balance issue.

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Ways to mitigate power damage:
Dodge, block, invulnerability, Protection, Aegis, Toughness

Ways to mitigate condition damage:
Dodge, block, invulnerability, Resistance, cleanse, Vitality

Time it takes to deal 10 – 20k damage with power:
Between 1 and 10 seconds

Time it takes to deal 10 – 20k damage with conditions:
Between 15 and 30 seconds

After your health has disappeared from a large critical hit from power, that’s it. Your health is gone. You can heal, if your heal is available, or it’s gone forever.

After enough conditions are applied to you that they could potentially deal a massive amount of damage (eg. having 15 stacks of Bleed transferred to you from a Necromancer), your health is still there but going down quickly. You can remove the Bleeds or apply Resistance if you have access to it negating the damage completely. Imagine if you landed a 20k Gunflame (Berserker F1 burst skill) and someone “cleansed” the damage and went back to full health. That would be pretty annoying, don’t you think?

Conditions are fine. Players are just moronic.

I lol’d. How is it that you don’t understand that a condi class can stack mitigation + damage so much more effectively than a power class?

I am a teef

pls nerf epidemic in wvw map

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

epic is pretty strong move in zerging nothing game breaking.

It doesn’t need to be game breaking for a skill to be slightly toned down.

I am a teef

Tonic exploit is cheating

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Look, I’m not really sure what the op is actually talking about, and he really does need to elaborate,

The OP was saying that using Kodan tonics is an exploit that allows for unblockable attacks, which is obviously not correct.

But if you’re honestly going to sit here and proclaim that koda tonics aren’t a problem then you really have no idea how skilled fights work. This entire game’s combat is reaction based, and the koda tonic hides quite a bit of animations. It’s similar to the Asura argument, but asuran animations are just hard to see. There are some animations that simply don’t even register with kodan tonics. Take them out until they are fixed.

Ah, an ad hominem attack. Classy.

The only animation I’ve failed to see is the dodge animations (which I’ve stated should be fixed). So what animations are still broken? I’ve not once run into anyone using the Kodan Tonic on any class and seen any issues with proper animations after their patch to fix them. Asuran animations have always been very hard to see because of their size, which is most assuredly not an issue with Kodan Tonics.

Sorry, I guess I just don’t respect people who abuse the hell out of broken game mechanics such as you.

I was talking about asurans to draw a comparison about the type of argument I was creating, don’t conflate things.

Dodge animations are definitely the biggest culprit here, but there are others. I can’t log into the game right now, but misc things such as shouts not being ‘shouted’ and what not. I also remember that certain combat quotes from your character don’t get said either. Combat queues like that are small, but give a lot of information about what is going on in the battle around you. If I hear a human female who I don’t have targeted say “Venom, too strong,” I’ll know shes poisoned and I might switch targets and try to force her to blow her heal on a poison. Just small things like that really add up.

I am a teef

Tonic exploit is cheating

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

You probably should have elaborated on how koda tonics allow players to bypass blocks/reflects.

I’m going to hazard a guess tho, koda tonics make it difficult to see when a warrior uses might signet which makes their attacks unblockable and you just didn’t notice.

Also I got shot by a kodan bear rifle warrior through my guardian’s shield 5 bubble that was supposed to absorb projectile

Then they were using signet of might to pierce your bubble, unless you have video proof of the “kodan” warrior not having the unblockable buff and still piercing your bubble. Otherwise the tonic is not bugged and there is no exploit being abused.

this can easily be tested if you have a warrior friend run kodan bear tonic then headshot a guardian without unblockable signet and see if it is blocked or not.

Dunno if you looked at Wirriam’s gif up above but he already showed it’s not bugged. People want to blame other things on their poor play.

Look, I’m not really sure what the op is actually talking about, and he really does need to elaborate, but if you’re honestly going to sit here and proclaim that koda tonics aren’t a problem then you really have no idea how skilled fights work. This entire game’s combat is reaction based, and the koda tonic hides quite a bit of animations. It’s similar to the Asura argument, but asuran animations are just hard to see. There are some animations that simply don’t even register with kodan tonics. Take them out until they are fixed.

I am a teef

pls nerf epidemic in wvw map

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

when you say 1 condition a second, im just going to assume that the stacks of that condition applies to,
what if you get hit by an epi with a full line of condis that are 10+ stacks, are u suppose to waste your condi cleanse on the first full stack of condi, or wait until all those condi and their stacks are on you and waste that condi cleanse, im pretty sure youd be dead waiting for the condis to show up one by one before cleansing.

ex, the first condi is 15+ bleed stacks, u cleanse that and the next line was a 10+ burn stack, and other condis follow

You are correct in assuming how that suggestion would work. The idea is that you would have to use your cleanse a few seconds in and try to move away from the corrupted ally to prevent further condi application. Also, landing an epi on someone like that would be pretty hard considering that the player would go down before all the condis would be transferred.

I am a teef

pls nerf epidemic in wvw map

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

That last comment actually gave me another idea for epidemic.

It could be changed to “Foe becomes corrupted. 600 radius. Copies foes current conditions to other foes at a rate of 1 condition a second until all selected conditions are copied.” Now THAT’S reasonable.

I am a teef

pls nerf epidemic in wvw map

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Look outside the box though. There’s a reason why there’s “20 reapers” using this skill right now as opposed to “20 eles” spamming meteor shower. One is vastly superior to the other. (Epidemic.) If meteor shower were better, or even equal as you assert, then we’d see 20 eles instead of the 20 reapers. All I’m saying is that the meta is epidemic. And there’s barely any counters to it when you stack reapers/necros. One necro with 1 epi is fine. 5 necros with 5 epis is exponentially dangerous. The same is not true with meteor shower.

Been there, done that. The old meta was less stupid? Everyone running berserker and bomb with wells/marks and meteor while the melee stunned everything around them.
How was this more favorable?
There was no counter to it

I prefer the actual meta.

Do you know what the counter was? Pop stability and don’t stand in wells/showers. There’s 0 tells for epidemic. You’re not even addressing the argument either. You’re just saying “Well the old meta was dumb. Also, epidemic is what I prefer, so therefore it is not overpowered.” Logic fail.

You saying that you won’t see that black “smoke” effect at target when necro start to casting epidemic?

Your point is only valid if necro wells and meteor shower did all their damage at once. The only way to avoid meteor shower and necro wells is to watch for the casting animation, right? No. That’s absurd.

I am a teef

pls nerf epidemic in wvw map

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Look outside the box though. There’s a reason why there’s “20 reapers” using this skill right now as opposed to “20 eles” spamming meteor shower. One is vastly superior to the other. (Epidemic.) If meteor shower were better, or even equal as you assert, then we’d see 20 eles instead of the 20 reapers. All I’m saying is that the meta is epidemic. And there’s barely any counters to it when you stack reapers/necros. One necro with 1 epi is fine. 5 necros with 5 epis is exponentially dangerous. The same is not true with meteor shower.

Been there, done that. The old meta was less stupid? Everyone running berserker and bomb with wells/marks and meteor while the melee stunned everything around them.
How was this more favorable?
There was no counter to it

I prefer the actual meta.

Do you know what the counter was? Pop stability and don’t stand in wells/showers. There’s 0 tells for epidemic. You’re not even addressing the argument either. You’re just saying “Well the old meta was dumb. Also, epidemic is what I prefer, so therefore it is not overpowered.” Logic fail.

I am a teef


in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Can we just end this thread already? ANything on nerfings necros atm its stupid.

I agree necros can use some buffs but the epi meta is kitten, everyone and there mom has to bring lots of cleanse.

Maybe make it a badd kitten aoe boon rip like remove 6 boons around target

Ohhh I realllllly like that one. Or even a conversion to condis that only lasts for 4-5 seconds.

I am a teef


in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

So you want to nerf a skill that can take condi necro out of WvW again? Condi necro has the worst condi dmg, epi is the only reason condi necro is playable in WvW group fights, and pve too.

Buddy, I hate to burst your bubble there. A single utility skill as being the major/sole reason that a condi necro is relevant means there’s a problem. A pretty obvious problem. Buff necro in other ways such as sustain/survivability (whatever necro really needs) and nerf epidemic. That’s what you call balance. Huh.

I am a teef


in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Thank you. That was the kind of response I was looking for.

If you’re referring to the WvW meta, that’s incorrect. Most coordinated havoc groups/zerg busters run reapers, eles, and 2 more misc classes to deal with condis and produce CC. (Usually Dh/guard, scrappers, sometimes war, some druids.)

You’re not saying Epidemic is a skill that has already been nerfed and therefore shouldn’t get nerfed, are you? Are you referring to the infinite range bug and LoS bug? Or the condition stack limit? None of those are nerfs, and the only real change is a buff that made it unblockable. I might be missing something here.

Epidemic is definitely not a ‘very situational’ skill. Firstly, traited at a 15s cd, it can be spammed to all hell. The radius is enormous, and it has max aoe potential. I’ll admit that it is indeed a skill-shot, but to insist that it’s a skill that can easily be avoided is something I’ll simply disagree with. It’s just not true. The hardest part about landing epidemic successfully is loading the condis first. When you’re in a havoc group of 5+, you find that the condis are not lacking in the slightest. 15scd, 600 radius, 1200 range to cast, 5 targets, unblockable. Jeeze, that really is about as good as landing a skill gets.

Also, just because there is conversation about one skill, doesn’t mean all other things that were discussed in the past no longer hold any merit. Anet reviewed the conversations, reviewed the game itself, and whatever decision they made they have already made. And so it will be with epidemic. Will they change it in any sort of way? Will they ignore it? I’m not really sure. But when a conversation pops up in the future about another part of the game I’m not going to bring other things up like epidemic and start crying about the past.

The game never was about havoc groups and roaming and never will be. If we start balancing for a niche we can stop balancing at all.
If balancing for havoc group was important to Anet in any way most of the changes to wvw never would have happened and stealth would have been reworked long ago as would have pu mesmer.
The question is why “run 2 ele”. Maybe we should see a nerf here instead? No, we shouldn’t, because no one cares about roaming and havoc – it’s unbalanced territory since the earliest days in wvw. If you want balancing for that, you need to introduce preset stats like in spvp (wonder why no one talks about epidemic there)

And to be honest. I haven’t seen havoc groups without at least two thieves, a mesmer, a druid or ele a long time, I almost never see reapers roaming. (US Tier 1 or 2)

It’s a problem in zergs too. That’s why I mentioned zerg busting groups. Stop attacking the straw man.

You run 2 eles so they can heal the necros that are abusing epidemic. Lol. Everyone knows necros have kitten sustain. They should get a buff to sustain and a nerf to epidemic.

The whole amulet and spvp argument is silly. Do you know why amulets and spvp is different than wvw? It allows for a higher tier of skilled players to shine. There is no where to shine in wvw for sheer skill, so balance is not as big of a deal. Also, epidemic is not a problem in spvp because spvp is not about kills. Epidemic might very well be a problem if courtyard still existed. You also need a certain stat combination to make condi builds absurdly strong. (Dire/trailblazer.) Also, epidemic really shines in zergs or really anything that is 10+ people.

If you’re going to assert that balance for wvw is un-important, (and I’m not saying that you said that, but only that you said that for havoc/roaming) then please exit this thread. Otherwise, stop attacking the straw man.

I am a teef


in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Increase cd to 30-40s
Limit the amount of stacks that can be transferred to 5
Make it blockable


And while we are at it, we make reveal debuff last 120 seconds and cut thieves energy generation by 50%.
Elementalists get a cooldown of 60 seconds on attunement change.
Guardians ..

See the point?

Let me exaggerate nerfing epidemic the way you just exaggerated nerfing other things for other classes.

Epidemic now has a 3 minute cool down. It now only transfers 1 random condi to one other person.

Please add something constructive to the conversation instead of just blowing off the entire thread and some of the responses in it as ridiculous. See the original post change propositions.

Constructive? You mean like the guy I quoted? That’s not constructive at all. The current meta only has a few classes. Eles are almost out of this meta, as are warriors and the next ones will be necros with a stupid nerf for epidemic.
Epidemic isn’t op. It’s a very situational and not easy to land skill which you can avoid even as a large group.
There are far more stupid skills in the game (ie stealth mechanic, stability) which should have reworked long ago. Instead people discuss a skill that got nerfed before.

Necro already is in a bad state in pvp and wvw – with the exception of zergs.

There is no need to dumb down the necro playstyle and the game itself any further. It already has become that in so many ways with all the added passives and new traits.

Thank you. That was the kind of response I was looking for.

If you’re referring to the WvW meta, that’s incorrect. Most coordinated havoc groups/zerg busters run reapers, eles, and 2 more misc classes to deal with condis and produce CC. (Usually Dh/guard, scrappers, sometimes war, some druids.)

You’re not saying Epidemic is a skill that has already been nerfed and therefore shouldn’t get nerfed, are you? Are you referring to the infinite range bug and LoS bug? Or the condition stack limit? None of those are nerfs, and the only real change is a buff that made it unblockable. I might be missing something here.

Epidemic is definitely not a ‘very situational’ skill. Firstly, traited at a 15s cd, it can be spammed to all hell. The radius is enormous, and it has max aoe potential. I’ll admit that it is indeed a skill-shot, but to insist that it’s a skill that can easily be avoided is something I’ll simply disagree with. It’s just not true. The hardest part about landing epidemic successfully is loading the condis first. When you’re in a havoc group of 5+, you find that the condis are not lacking in the slightest. 15scd, 600 radius, 1200 range to cast, 5 targets, unblockable. Jeeze, that really is about as good as landing a skill gets.

Also, just because there is conversation about one skill, doesn’t mean all other things that were discussed in the past no longer hold any merit. Anet reviewed the conversations, reviewed the game itself, and whatever decision they made they have already made. And so it will be with epidemic. Will they change it in any sort of way? Will they ignore it? I’m not really sure. But when a conversation pops up in the future about another part of the game I’m not going to bring other things up like epidemic and start crying about the past.

I am a teef


in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Epidemic is very powerful right now, but considering all the sustain/tank/defensive foods/traits/abilities in game it is badly needed so that at least someone eventually goes down.

When individual duels, or group fights both small and large can last upwards of five minutes I really don’t think nerfing one of the few strong offensive tools left in the game will help anything.

And note, I don’t play necro nor have any investment in the class beyond liking more diversity in WvW.

I completely agree about how ridiculous all the sustain in this game is, and I would like to see reasonable nerfs to both epidemic and sustain in general. Don’t get me wrong there. The suggestions I put forth aren’t even incredibly drastic. Nerfs should always be done in a smooth manner.

I am a teef

pls nerf epidemic in wvw map

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

I was against this till I experienced it today. 20 reapers in JQ’s zerg all using epidemic utility. Hits like a mac truck and is very effective when used right. I can see why players are disliking it.

Well, you can always say some skill or ability is OP when 20 enemies spam the same thing. If 20 eles hit you with meteor storm at the same time, would that be OP? Granted this example shows how a large, coordinated group can skillfully use an ability that has the potential for damage going parabolic, but its still kind of a gimic, and is therefore easily countered. There are usually enough revs that can spam pain absorption that this kind of uber epi bomb would only work once.

Look outside the box though. There’s a reason why there’s “20 reapers” using this skill right now as opposed to “20 eles” spamming meteor shower. One is vastly superior to the other. (Epidemic.) If meteor shower were better, or even equal as you assert, then we’d see 20 eles instead of the 20 reapers. All I’m saying is that the meta is epidemic. And there’s barely any counters to it when you stack reapers/necros. One necro with 1 epi is fine. 5 necros with 5 epis is exponentially dangerous. The same is not true with meteor shower.

Also, pain absorption doesn’t really counter epidemic. In fact it helps it a LOT. All a reaper has to do is find the mallyx rev in the group and light him up. He’ll spam his resistance, pull all the condis to him, and then the necro will epi him, making the necros job far easier. It’s counter-intuitive.. Let’s not forget about the abundant boon stripping necros have. (Not that I have a problem with boon stripping.. It’s just that a mallyx rev is quite the opposite of a ‘counter’ to a necro with a brain.)

I am a teef


in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Tbh, it’s always a good idea to save a condi cleanse when fighting a necro/reaper in case of epidemic. Something learned the hard way by some.

IMO I think epi is fine (I rarely play my necro). Its only really good vs downed opponents or if you count dodges (as it can be dodged and is somewhat predictable).

If a change is made, maybe increase CD a bit, but that’s all. It boils down to learning to watch for things like that. (so I guess a l2p issue)

For sure. It’s a very strong skill. After reading some responses, I suppose I could agree with a CD increase as being an effective way to limit the power it currently has. 15 seconds traited is absolutely way too low for a skill like that. Make the pay off still high, I can get down with that.

I am a teef


in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Increase cd to 30-40s
Limit the amount of stacks that can be transferred to 5
Make it blockable


And while we are at it, we make reveal debuff last 120 seconds and cut thieves energy generation by 50%.
Elementalists get a cooldown of 60 seconds on attunement change.
Guardians ..

See the point?

Let me exaggerate nerfing epidemic the way you just exaggerated nerfing other things for other classes.

Epidemic now has a 3 minute cool down. It now only transfers 1 random condi to one other person.

Please add something constructive to the conversation instead of just blowing off the entire thread and some of the responses in it as ridiculous. See the original post change propositions.

I am a teef


in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

It would be easier and equally as effective to simply remove Epidemic from the game. Let’s also remove skill bars all together, it’s a balancing nightmare !


I am a teef


in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Epidemic is a bit too strong in wvw at the moment. Agree? Disagree? Why? When you respond, please include whether you agree/disagree in the very first sentence of your response. I’m curious if others really agree or not.

I think it’s too strong, therefore I’ll suggest some changes that would only be applicable to wvw.

Change #1: Make it blockable. (Not a fan of this one.. won’t help solve much.)
Change #2: Make condis have a set duration just like boon/condition conversion.
Change #3: Maximum spread of conditions set to a specific number.
Change #4: Make the animation on whoever is targeted more readable.
Change #5: Total rework of the skill. The possibilities are endless with this one.
Change #6: Increase cool down. (Not a fan of this either.)
Change #7: Non damaging conditions do not transfer. Or, damaging conditions do not transfer.
Change #8: (I like this one.) Foe becomes corrupted. All conditions on target are ‘remembered’ at the time of cast. Those conditions are pulsed to nearby foes at a rate of 1 condition per second until all conditions have been transferred. Meaning that if you cast epidemic on someone with 10 conditions, it will take 10 seconds for all of those conditions to transfer to nearby foes. This adds counterplay to the skill by allowing for people to move away and out of the corrupted ally as fast as possible, much in the same way that people would need to move out of AoE’s to avoid the damage. This is a very interesting change proposal.

Shoot, what you do guys think then?

I am a teef

(edited by The Game Slayer.7632)

pls nerf epidemic in wvw map

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Epi is over performing with the advent of the condi meta. Nerf condi+sustain, or nerf epi and a few over performing skills like it. (I prefer the former, but I’m a kitten dreamer.)

Epi is over-performing in wvw. Make it blockable, reduce stacks, reduce duration, something, please. It’s ridiculous.

I am a teef

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you..."balance"!

in Thief

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

I’d much rather have that than the rampant condi bunker specs in wvw that we see today. There’s at least some counter play to zerk builds.

Granted, I’ll admit that some of the HoT skills need some toning down.. Including gun flame. But the opportunity cost for the warrior to hit an 18k in wvw like that is very, very high. If you sneezed on him he’d die. Sounds like you got outplayed. You’re also a staff thief using signet of agility. I don’t feel sorry for you at all.

I am a teef

Engineer: Function gyro

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Been a bug for some time now, but it’s really kittening me off in pvp/wvw. At random times, my function gyro decides that it doesn’t want to deploy when I press F. (The button used to deploy the gyro.) Sometimes resetting trait line fixes it, but most of the time it doesn’t. This is quite game breaking.
Anyone else know about this bug?.. dot dot dot..

I am a teef

Let's talk: Function Gyro.

in PvP

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Keeping this as short as possible.

Blah blah blah rezzing potential in this game is too stronk blah blah.

My suggestion: Function gyro absorbs damage on downed player and stops the bleeding until it is destroyed or until it runs out.

If that turns out to be too strong, make it absorb a percentage of damage. (50, 75, 90.) Something. Please.

That is all. What do you all think?

I am a teef

Not everyone wants a 2014 tier 1 sized pop..

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Do you guys ever play on the borderlands? It’s basically exactly what your asking for. PPT play, small scale play.

Not sure what server your on that has blobs on their BL at all times. T1 NA sure doesn’t.

Don’t get discouraged if they have some backup that shows up to defend something. Maybe you don’t get your PvD fix in but you can always try a different area or change maps.

I play on all of the maps. (Except for desert, kitten desert.) Not only are the fights very low in quality, but there are always zergs running around in the BL as well.. Not as frequently as EB, but there have been some queue’s on the bl’s some nights. I also find that the borderlands are incredibly non-conducive to roaming. The way they’re shaped, they don’t flow the people near to the center of the map like EB does. It’s pretty easy to find some fights if I circle around SM for a little, where in the borderlands you have to stick to the south towers/camps if you ever want to find fights.. (Circling SM is far better.)

The alpine borderlands used to be halfway decent when the water existed instead of the ruins. There was a central area, and nothing too crazy in the way. Sure, water fights weren’t fun, but there was always some fights to be had at the orb place with the krait. The ruins are the biggest pain in the kitten to walk through, and it might be okay if the entire map was like that, but it’s not. You have these very open, horizontal areas in most of the borderlands and then right in the middle you have this eyesore that not only looks ugly, but offers far too much verticality when compared with the rest of the map. (A huge reason why many people dislike the desert borderlands and EOTM.)

I am a teef

Not everyone wants a 2014 tier 1 sized pop..

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Small scale fighting is just on a decline. And it’s not what it used to be.

WvW as a whole is on declining. In 2014 we had dead servers at T7-T8. Before the links we had dead server all the way up to T5. Population is decling because people are getting bored of the game or are unhappy with (insert complaints here) and end up quitting to look for fun elsewhere. The server links breathed some life back in servers that haven’t seen a “healthy” matchup for months, and now that people find other people playing, others are giving WvW a try.

Honestly, I don’t understand how people can complain that having more people in the game is a problem when you actually need other people to fight with. How people think it’s fun to walk for 30 minutes in a borderland without seeing a single soul. To be able to solo T3 towers and keeps because there is nobody in the map to even check why it’s contested.

It’s annoying being constantly outnumbered? Sure it is. That’s roaming life though. I personally rather be dodging zergs while trying to either pick their tail or hunting other small groups than being alone in a dead map.

Okay, again, because I mentioned this in the last comment: I am not saying I want completely dead borderlands. But what I am saying is that I don’t want how the current population is and everything else that comes with it. As it stands, 3-4 servers at a time is a little too much. And there is absolutely no choice in the matter. I can’t xfer to solve my problem. It’s like this in every tier.

Oh, by the way, t7/t8 servers were not dead in 2014. They just weren’t t1 servers. There’s a huge difference, don’t conflate the two.

I am a teef

(edited by The Game Slayer.7632)

Not everyone wants a 2014 tier 1 sized pop..

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

No, it was too dead right before the server links…they were a necessary evil.

I agree.. to an extent. They kind of over-did it with 3-4 servers at a time. That’s too much. There’s a healthy balance of server merging you can do, and anet is not hitting it. They’re catering far too much to the zerglings.

I am a teef

Not everyone wants a 2014 tier 1 sized pop..

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

T1 roamers can handle themselves. Solo, group.. whatever. Try working on your build, suggest ele, war, mes or thief. If you want more of a challenge go for a slower class, but again work on a good roaming build.

I have a great roaming build. It’s an old school s/p thief. I love it when I can actually get some fights. The small scale fighting isn’t the problem for me.. Again, it’s the population.

In response to what other people have asked me, which is the clarification of what I don’t enjoy about having an increased server population, I say the following.

I don’t enjoy the ludicrous amounts of skill lag that were never present in lower tiers.

I don’t enjoy the fact that if the build I’m using doesn’t have moderate – high degree of mobility, I will get chased down with ease from zergs. (This severely limits build diversity for small scale wvw fights if you’re concerned about zergs. And you really have to be concerned about zergs much more often in this new population size, because there are so many more 20+ sized groups running around.)

I don’t enjoy the fact that many other people aren’t as resilient as I am, and have quit the game because of this.. Therefore I don’t have anyone to fight.. It’s very rare that I’m able to encounter someone else who is skilled enough to make me run away (because I’m a thief.) Believe it or not, the fact that it’s a rare thing is not fun.. Most of the people I run into now are inexperienced and newer players.

I didn’t get as many fights in t7 as I do now, but when I did, most of them were high in quality. Quality always trumps quantity.

Look, people. I get it. Most of you who disagree with me are telling me to adapt. Trust me, I’ve been adapting. Getting run over by zergs doesn’t happen for me anymore. That’s not what bothers me. Small scale fighting is just on a decline. And it’s not what it used to be.

Look, when I made this post, the goal in mind was to find out how many other people also shared the same opinion. So please leave the “Stop complaining and adapt” crap behind. Simply state that you enjoy the server mergers, and that you don’t want anything to happen to it, and be on with your day. Having looked at the thread so far, I’m glad I’m not the only one.. /: GW2 may have a problem in the future.

I am a teef

Not everyone wants a 2014 tier 1 sized pop..

in WvW

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

The title says it all. I remember the old days where in the lower tiers, roaming was amazing because of the lack of zergs/queues. There was a reason I stayed in t7 for the first 2 years of gw2.

I get what you’re trying to do, Anet. And I know you can’t make everyone happy… I understand that roamers are an insanely small minority in this game.. But I hope you know that most roamers are your hardcore/dedicated players. We all know what happens when you alienate your dedicated players.. Longevity of the game disappears. I’m still playing this game. I’m still content. But I’m not sure how much longer I can withstand being in a 2014 sized t1 population. It’s getting old, really quick.

Quadruple/triple stacked servers shouldn’t exist right now in this game. Perhaps later on, when the population dies out a little more.. I don’t really know the metrics. But, like I said, as it stands right now you’re alienating a lot of your hardcore players. I’m surprised no one has even mentioned this so far. Do any other roamers agree or disagree with me? What are other peoples opinions about this?

I am a teef

Nerf Wish List fall 2016

in PvP

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Sneak Gyro should have a CD of 120 seconds

That’s fine, so long as other classes get nerfed too.

I am a teef

Stop Nerfing, start Buffing

in PvP

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Yea, no. /15char

I am a teef

Med Kit Suggestions Here

in Engineer

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Reserved for future ideas on med kit..

I am a teef

Med Kit Suggestions Here

in Engineer

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

In addition to suggestions, please make it known whether or not you use med kit as much as you use the other healing skills. I certainly don’t. And I really want to. I love the idea, but med kit is terrible.

I am a teef

Why do skills have both a cd and energy cost?

in Revenant

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Revenants skills are very low CD compared to other classes.

No, they arent. We have same cd’s or even longer as other classes but unlike them rev skills still cost energy.

No. Just no. Most utility skills have absolutely no CD, and for the small amount that do have a CD, it’s less than 10s. (Disregarding glint, because bringing glint into this thread and comparing those skills to others are apples and oranges.)

I am a teef

Why do skills have both a cd and energy cost?

in Revenant

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Revenants skills are very low CD compared to other classes. Not to mention that utility skills, for the most part, don’t any any CD’s. That’s just how the class is. No sense in complaining about it, just learn how to play it better. Not to mention that revenants are in the meta for all game modes.

Revenant can’t choose utilities though and very easy to read unlike the other classes. Not saying it’s a weak class but holy kitten – being able to switch only between 5 sets of utilities is kittening annoying at times.

Sounds like a personal problem, buddy. Stop complaining. You get double the amount of utility skills than other professions. If you don’t like Rev, don’t play it. Otherwise, it doesn’t need any major overhauls. The majority of people love Rev, and it sits in the meta for all game modes at the moment. /thread

I am a teef

Why do skills have both a cd and energy cost?

in Revenant

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Revenants skills are very low CD compared to other classes. Not to mention that utility skills, for the most part, don’t any any CD’s. That’s just how the class is. No sense in complaining about it, just learn how to play it better. Not to mention that revenants are in the meta for all game modes.

I am a teef

Predicted Nerfs.

in Guardian

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

sigh I’m so tired of people complaining about DH. This happens every time we become useful

A little too useful.

I am a teef

Druid Q.Q

in Ranger

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Practically any class fits that bill with the right setup. Also, stealth is a mechanic, not an end all be all to surviving / escaping. Go complain to the mesmers because they can do everything you can do with better outcome save for mobility.

I now realize why Anet won’t fix certain things…like say the shortbow. Would get tons of thieves on here going ‘you can do WHAT?’ as soon as they address it.

All of that is rather irrelevant to my point though, which is that the ranger has all of these tools + pet damage. Pet damage that doesn’t have any opportunity cost, that is independent of your stats, and hits like a truck.

I would argue with you about what stealth is and isn’t all day, but again, that’s not the point here.

I am a teef

Druid Q.Q

in Ranger

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Everyone welcome the newest troll to the ranger forums

Druids are over-performing a little bit. Everyone and their mom has one in wvw for roaming.

By that logic thieves need to be nerfed onto the stone age since they’ve been the go to roaming class for years.

There’s a problem when there are more druids than thieves when roaming. Give thief a pet, and we’ll call it even. Or just make pet stats scale with player.

Why is that a problem?

Huh. Alrighty. /thread. We may agree to disagree, but believe it or not, thieves were made with the intention that they would excel at roaming. Again, you can disagree, that’s fine.

It’s like this.

In order to excel at roaming, you need a few characteristics in your build that ‘fit the bill’.

1: to be able to do moderate to heavy amounts of damage.
2: to be able to have moderate to lesser amount of survivability.
3: to be able to escape moderately well to astoundingly well.

Thieves have the best access to stealth in the game, making them fit the bill very well for #’s 2 and 3. Then all a thief has to do after that is to build their build on glassy stats. Very well.

The problem with druid now, is that they have great mobility/stealth, great survivability, and moderate damage. All in the same build. While the thief has to build their stats to marauder/zerk/valk, the druid can build to be whatever they want. They can go quite a bit more tanky with their stats and not lose out on the damage potential when compared to with a thief.

Finally, to cap it all off, you should consider what I was proposing as well. There were some rangers in this thread who welcomed the proposition. I’m not saying that druids/rangers need to be gutted. Not at all. If I wanted to say that, I’d say that staff #3 should get the same treatment that ride the lightning did, and that smokescale’s smoke field became only a blinding field and the stealth would be gone. Now THOSE are some nerfs. Making pets stats scale with yours would still allow you to have your cake. And, I suppose you can eat it too while you’re at it, until it gets nerfed in some sort of way.

But hey, I could also just be terrible at this game. I’ve said what I needed to say.

I am a teef

Druid Q.Q

in Ranger

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Everyone welcome the newest troll to the ranger forums

Druids are over-performing a little bit. Everyone and their mom has one in wvw for roaming.

By that logic thieves need to be nerfed onto the stone age since they’ve been the go to roaming class for years.

There’s a problem when there are more druids than thieves when roaming. Give thief a pet, and we’ll call it even. Or just make pet stats scale with player.

I dont see meny druids on my server, and if you want a pet, go pirate rune or ogre rune.

Or thieves guild, or ambush….

There’s absolutely no opportunity cost when you’re a ranger, though. Built in mechanics. (Which is fine, I might add. But that’s not really the point of this thread, and some people are digressing quite a bit.)

I am a teef

Druid Q.Q

in Ranger

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Depending on how exactly such “pet stat scaling” would look like, it would be either a huge buff or it would make ranger in general (not only druid) unplayable, as long rangers rely on the pets as a class mechanic. You can’t balance dumb AI and a player controlled character arround the same stats.

That’s a false dichotomy. The numbers can be tweaked and scaled to any amount, and there is a lot of middle ground.

And yes, you can. That’s why you have numerous pets to choose from. Pet stat scaling in no way would make ranger unplayable. That’s silly.

I am a teef

Druid Q.Q

in Ranger

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Everyone welcome the newest troll to the ranger forums

Druids are over-performing a little bit. Everyone and their mom has one in wvw for roaming.

By that logic thieves need to be nerfed onto the stone age since they’ve been the go to roaming class for years.

There’s a problem when there are more druids than thieves when roaming. Give thief a pet, and we’ll call it even. Or just make pet stats scale with player.

I am a teef

Druid Q.Q

in Ranger

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Everyone welcome the newest troll to the ranger forums

Druids are over-performing a little bit. Everyone and their mom has one in wvw for roaming.

I am a teef

Druid Q.Q

in Ranger

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Fix your useless title to something slightly more accurate

Nah, HoT pets brought back the damage that had beast masters nerfed a while back. Stack that on top of druid skills and abilities… Oh lawd. Q.Q

I am a teef

Druid Q.Q

in Ranger

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Make pets stats scale with your stats. Thanks!

I am a teef

Gyro AI Problem

in Engineer

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Someone here once recommended the “leash system”, that they are slower but have a max range where they automaticly get pulled to you. I’d welcome that. Especially … well … they can’t “fly” over cliffs … T_T

Yea, it’s very annoying. Would appreciate a small rework of gyro ai movement.

I am a teef

Elixir random targets

in Engineer

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Haven’t heard this complaint before. Haha, I concur with the previous commenter^.

I am a teef

A.E.D. [PVP]

in Engineer

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Actually Gadgetteer does not reduce A.E.D’s cooldown anymore since the patch. Add it to the list of numerous bugs that engi has.

Edit: My apologies, it’s only the tooltip when you have the overcharge ready. It goes to a ~22s cd.

I am a teef

(edited by The Game Slayer.7632)

Gyro AI Problem

in Engineer

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

sadly it isnt a bug they were just programmed poorly , this is most upsetting with bomb gyro

I thought that was the definition of a bug, haha! Hope it gets looked at or fixed tuesday..

I am a teef

Gyro AI Problem

in Engineer

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Heya fellow engineers! Does anyone else have the problem of the gyros getting stuck far too long when they get spawned? I’ll be running along I’ll cast sneak gyro only for me to outrun it for about 3 seconds before it finally decides to catch up. It’s fairly annoying and limits game-play somewhat. Also, it happens when I start to move after being still. Can the gyros please stick to us just a little bit better? Or, it doesn’t even have to be that, can they just please bounce to you when you outrun them? Something. Please. /:

I am a teef