Showing Posts For Writetyper.1985:

Post patch Zhaitan: Beyond unacceptable

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I had 10x as much fun during the part with two dragons than I had at zhaitan. Arah story is amazing, atmospheric, and fun, right up until that point.

I honestly feel they should have just renamed one of those two dragons “zhaitan” and I would have been far more impressed. Taking down something giant as an “underdog” gives a much better feeling than “HAR WE HAVE BEIG SHIP OUT OF NOWHERE WE HAVE BIGGER LASER BYE”

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Make POI's stand out more

in Suggestions

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


While going for zone completion, I often find myself spending the most time playing the “where the kitten is the last POI” game. A quick fix for this would be to make the remaining POI’s glow or something on the map when you only have 3 left, considering they’re all revealled anyway. Vistas, hearts, waypoints and skill points are usually fine as they are pretty obvious on the map.

It’s a minor gripe, but it’s pretty annoying.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

(edited by Writetyper.1985)

In an ocean of complaints..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Couldn’t agree more. If it makes you feel better it’s a vocal minority.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Would You Still Play if There was NO Loot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


No shineys? No fancy gear? No customization beyond standard issue choices? Comrade, the game you describe sounds bland.

That’s funny, because I could name a pile of games in other genres that have none of this yet are constantly played. Don’t tell me or the 100’s of thousands of people playing it (Right now, too) that Counter Strike is bland. However fun is not tolerable in the MMO genre unless there’s some kind of loot involved. Okay.

There would be not point in playing the game once you hit the level cap.

Doing things for fun. Like, games. Fun. Not work. Fun.

At that point you could do nothing to make fighting more efficient. In such a game everyone becomes the same, no one can improve past that point.

Learning to play. Advancing oneself through skill instead of band-aid patching the problem. You know, like ANY OTHER GAME EVER kittenING MADE.

The people will lack motivation, the great machine will stop.

You know, because of all those WvW players who play because of the massive loot that you get from world versus wor- oh wait.

Many will leave, those that remain will be sullen and unmotivated. At best the game becomes a chat room with dolls for avatars.

That’s funny, because that’s exactly what it is now for farmers. Farm, farm, farm and then you don’t actually like the game so you just idle in DR and LA and show off your epic loot that you earned through no personal skill, just having played longer and having more patience than other players.

You’re deluded. Brainwashed. You’ve been on the mmo genre for too long. You’ve got this WoW philosphy where everything is pointless if it’s not for some kind of internet money. You’re not playing for fun anymore, you’re playing for work.

It’s rediculous. I had someone ask me why I was using the basic greatsword skin when I had enough money for T3 cultural (which I was wearing). I told him because it looked cool. He couldn’t understand the concept that I was using a skin that I thought looked cool. He literally couldn’t understand. This is what the mmo mentality turns games into – showing off how much you grind to other players, not how much you actually want to play the game.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

(edited by Writetyper.1985)

Increase the range for eviscerate?

in Warrior

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


You can’t directly compare two completely different skills from two completely different classes and until you realize why you can’t I suggest you be very careful about what balance claims you make.

HOWEVER: Eviscerate probably needs some tweaking. Probably not the range, but maybe the wind-up, or the smoothness of the leap. Right now it feels pretty hit-or-miss and I personally feel it’s important that such a damaging skill be more reliable to it. Powerful attacks should be something the other person has to counter, not something that I have to be right up next to someone on flat ground to land. I mean, if someone walks through you then the attack misses.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Would You Still Play if There was NO Loot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Yes. I would play more. It would encourage people to do things because they’re fun instead of because they drop better loot. I’ve seen people straight out say “I love PvP but you don’t get any loot from it so I’m not doing it”.

Another advantage is that everyone would be balanced – if there were no tiers of gear, everyone would be on an equal footing and not get some stupid advantage over others just because you play longer. It would be focused on the build, rather than having the top tier of stats.

Yet another advantage is that we would see more content. Instead of focusing on constantly balancing loot drops and making sure something isn’t exploitable for a lot of cash, anet could be spending that time on actually making things better. Fun is not always conductive with keeping the economy safe, either.

Honestly, this game was advertised as not being like most MMO’s but it still is. I hate the idea of grinding – why on earth would you reward patience over skill – and I hate the idea of people being able to make up for their own shortcomings through just getting bigger numbers. What happened to playing games for fun? I don’t remember anyone in Quake 3 arena complaining that there was no loot after a DM game. In fact there was no reward at all, just the fun and the community. People still palyed it.

I see people in this game who don’t even like the kittening game, they just grind because they want flashy stuff. Why would you do this? What significance is flashy stuff in something you don’t even enjoy? I don’t even know what they’d do once they get their legendary. Stop and look at yourself.

I can see why they still went to old MMO standards though – there is a certain demographic of mindless grinders whom they have to attract, or lose potential players (the hardcore players who will be there farming for days) and therefore money.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Mossman Dmg while stealthed new and intended?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I think he just got mad that everyone bugs him 24/7 and started taking advantage of the fact he’s invsisible.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Good and bad bosses

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Bascially in short:

Good bosses: Something that encourages player skill. Dodging, using utility, working with allies. Generally something that moves about and discourages auto afk 100 bladesing. Something that does a bit of damage too, so that it’s kind of a challenge. Lupi, Kholer, Alpha. Good bosses also tend to be pretty low in health because hitting something for 5 hours is not fun.

Bad: Damage sponges that encourages this passive “4 warriors 1 mesmer” all DPS min/maxing play. Bosses that require no utility. Boss that don’t even move and just repeat one or two low damaging attacks that a shouts warrior or a guardian or some other healing ability can just out-heal, like the flame effigy or hotw bosses. Damage sponges fall into this, because they are repeditive and boring.

I want to be challenged, I don’t want to play the numbers min/maxing game. I want to be kept on my toes. I don’t want my toes to get RSI.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

WvW loot why so, well crap?

in WvW

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


What they should do is reduce the costs of WvW; remove the coin/badge cost from the siege vendor, and remove gear decay on death.

I know the former sounds like a case for overabundant siege, but supply would still control the amount of siege out there, actually making supply more important to the overall pace of WvW.

And I hope we can all agree that there’s no need for gear repair costs in WvW. Being subject to death at the hands of an invisible army is justification all by itself.

Last night I was wrapping up for the evening, cleaning up my bags at a vendor in Lion’s Arch and found a precursor in my bag.

What a waste of luck; should have bought a scratch off, or even a lotto ticket. Probably could have covered the taxes on the winnings and the precursor, and still had money left over.

This is exactly right. What siege you can field should be determined based off of how much supply you can get together (IE more people = more siege, starved supply tactics = less seige, ect) instead of how much money your commanders can get their hands on through farming. I’m on the borderline of thinking all siege should be free, but it should at least be really cheap through badges or something.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Why was 50/50 WvW Kills removed from monthly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Because the vocal minority on the forums keeps yelling until they get what they want, the most dumbed down and casual game ever where you get your monthlies by sitting in LA and you get through your dungeons by killing a series of critters.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

I am so tired of being forced to do events!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Honestly I am tired of the Heart Quest more than anything in the game. I rather have a zone like Orr for low levels to play in rather than Heart grind.

Heart grind? O.o I can’t think of a single Renown Heart that can’t be completed in a few minutes.

Wayfarer Hills is your zone. Just by roaming and doing events 24/7 you can level faster than going everywhere and doing hearts/exploration, especially after they added a few new events.

Just doing the Maw is half a level.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


what? do you not salvage whites/salvage items regularly while playing?

No, I can’t be bothered doing that because I can’t see the benefit in a few pieces of mithril. I’d rather just sell them. Time=money too.

Too bad for you that money =/= laurels.

Well yeah, I actually really don’t care about laurels cos they don’t give anything good so I doubt I’ll be bothered to do this. I’m really not complaining either, just confused as to why it’s there. It’s inconsistent with the other cheevos.

What I don’t get is the idea behind it, everything else is broad aspects of the game that encourage people to try new things like wvw or dungeons, yet salvaging is a specific thing which benefits nobody, it’s just clicking on things over and over again.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

I am so tired of being forced to do events!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


This is very odd, how do you even play this game without doing events? I mean what do you actually do? When you go in a dungeon there’s 2-3 events right there, when you do WvW there’s a tonne of events, when you’re farming orr you’re basically just grinding events and when you’re levelling events are pretty much unavoidable and also the fastest way to level a character.

I’m not sure if this is clever satire. I’m wondering what you actually do in this game apart from sit in LA/DR and idle, at which point I don’t think you deserve your monthly because you’re not actually doing anything. Care to clarify?

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


what? do you not salvage whites/salvage items regularly while playing?

No, I can’t be bothered doing that because I can’t see the benefit in a few pieces of mithril. I’d rather just sell them. Time=money too.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I can’t believe that people are complaining about salvages…

Every other monthly has something you do along the way while playing, last month it was like fractals (done just through playing) wvw kills (done just through playing) something else and events (done just through playing). Now if I want to get this done I have to buy 500 whites and spend 30 minutes salvaging them. So much fun!

Luckily I don’t really care about anything in the laurel vendor enough to do anything about it.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


500 salvages are back, which makes me real sad

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Gauntlet Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


sections where you have to run

This game has none. If you are skipping, then this is a risk you are taking.

Has none? Skipping?

Yes dungeons do and no I don’t.

Name a section where you have to run. I’m honestly trying to think of one, but I can’t.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Why my new groups will be Heavy Only (Mostly)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


That’s okay buddy, you go full elitist and gimp yourself at the same time. I run CoE every day and I honestly fail more with the full CoF edgelord warriors who will probably swap to the next fotm class and suck at it too when the next balance patch hits than the people who actually know how to play their class.

I would also like to point out that this thread is from someone who finds kholer too hard. I am not at all surprised that the same people who can’t run AC after doing it many times (fool me once etc) are the same posting incredibly elitist and close-minded requests on for warriors only in difficult dungeons like CoE, and especially dungeons that aren’t cof 1.

I also won’t be surprised if we see a thread out of jjbigs in a day or two: “Crucible of Eternity is too hard; we died on alpha too many times because nobody knew how to dodge or play their class, please nerf.”

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Gauntlet Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


sections where you have to run

This game has none. If you are skipping, then this is a risk you are taking.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Cof path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985



Or should we just replace every fight with critters? Yes, that should appease the faceroll farmers. gotta get my full cof and legendary gear, don’t matter how good i am at the game, don’t matter that I like it, I’ve got shiny edgelord gear from muh ezmode farming!

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Suicide jumps for res daily

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


So you people go out of your way to actively attempt to complete the daily like this? It just happens to me. What shocks me is that after this I wouldn’t be surprised if you think something like “Oh, got my daily done, time to do a dungeon!” at which point you would have gotten the achivement anyway.

It confuses me most of all at the people going to special places to get the evasion daily. You know what you can get the evasion daily off? Anything that can attack. Do you know what attacks? Everything in the kittening game asdf

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Exotive vs rare

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Well here’s an idea: Look at the stats.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Sorrow's Embrace P2 Final Boss HINT

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Uhh… he’s not exactly a hard boss. The only trick is killing both the golems at the same or close to the same time.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Lieutenant Kholer

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I didn’t know this was a real thing. I thought people having this much trouble with kholer is a myth.

Running the risk of sounding elitist, because there’s really no way you can’t when you say something like this, either learn to dodge or stick to easy dungeons/overland pve. exp isn’t for you.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

So this other corrupted shortbow skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I know. Can we get an option to make it in some other way?

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

So this other corrupted shortbow skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


In the janurary 28th patch, the corrupted shortbow was changed to a different skin. In the recent janurary 31st patch, the corrupted shortbow was changed back. I can understand the reasoning behind this – someone put a lot of effort into making the corrupted shortbow and they did this because they like it – but kitten if that new skin doesn’t look so much better to me. Could we have the new shortbow back as some kind of exotic recipe? It won’t hurt anyone to have an extra skin in the game.

For comparison ( from


EDIT: And while we’re at it, give an option to return legendary shortbow to the old skin.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

(edited by Writetyper.1985)

WvW loot why so, well crap?

in WvW

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


If it was good, it would throw off balance. People wouldn’t be playing to win anymore. I would love to get good loot from WvW, but it’s not that simple. Think of the rammifications:

-Poor/uncooperative/deconstructive players would be queuing for WvW just because more loot is there
-People would go for kills rather than what actually matters
-You would see people “boosting” for loot. Example: Call of duty series; getting kills levels you up -you would often see people in obscure locations killing and resurrecting repeatedly in order to get more kills and therefore achievements/exp.
-People would become more animalistic and offensive because more loot is at stake – I’ve had a few people invite me to party to go apekitten at me already, and it’s only over a barb or a heavy bag

Generally, the loot being too good would make it just another farming location, and that’s a bad thing for WvW. I wouldn’t mind a slight buff because right now you get like 1 rare every day or so with everything else being spikes and barbs, but anet have to be extremely careful not to overdo it. Keep in mind that WvW players can get their exo gear through badges and the small amount of cash which they might generate.

Also, I don’t mind the loot because I play WvW because it’s (wait for it) fun, not because I’m getting shiny stuff show up to the right of my screen.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

(edited by Writetyper.1985)

Why does my Warrior die after Rallying?

in Warrior

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


By “piled on” you of course mean two enemies, right?

No, just one. If someone finishes and then finishes again after being knocked down, even if you time it perfectly, vengeance will not have recharged.

That being said I think it’s kind of okay as-is, other classes have to deal with something like that ele imobilize thing on their third skill which is pretty kitten in comparison

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Inexp players and ressing in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Yes I will, I’d rather take a new player who’s willing to use teamwork than an “experienced” path farmer who glitches, exploits (even though it might be slower) and skips past everything. I’ve never actually had ANY trouble on Arah taking newbros in, in fact I still remember when I ran P1 for the first time – none of us had done it before and two of us had never done arah before. We didn’t know what we could skip or how we could glitch, so we avoided doing it. It was great fun, felt like dungeons should be.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Toughness, Armor - Power,Attack

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


The wiki has everything you’re looking for in complete depth.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Don't you wan't player to return to the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Just guest, bro. The server changes are a good thing, to stop bandwagoning in WvW.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Vastly increased dungeon difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


dude get out of this post cause now you sound like your so elite that you can do this dungeon without any problems at all. gl with that

How is my post being elitist? I take firsttimers for arah all the time.

this i highly doubt

I take first timers all the time. Lupi just needs a bit of explaining but anyone competent should understand and be able to cope.

I wouldn’t take you, though. You’re being extremely close-minded. Maybe this is reflected in game, and that’s why you’re having trouble with simple dungeons like AC?

I mean, here’s how you avoid a wipe on kholer with first timers: “hey guys, coming up to uncle kholer now, just get ready to dodge when he holds his left arm up k?” Simple as that. Someone might get pulled once or twice but after that they should have learned. Given that you’re obviously not reading comments and responding with lines like “you fail stop trying to justify the new changes and just admit things were better as they were” I wouldn’t be surprised if you just ignored something like that, got pulled repeatedly and then came to the forums to complain about it.

Stop it.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

You are now ArenaNet's lead designer.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Condition Damage Merged into Power.

Every single idea you had was good except for this. Why? You realize how much this would throw off the balance of some builds and weapons?

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

You are now ArenaNet's lead designer.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Remove Mystic Clovers from the game.

Here we go again with people who don’t understand basic probability complaining about clovers. It makes me wonder how many other complaints are from people who just don’t understand a concept.

Clovers are HIGH SAMPLE SIZE with a HIGH SUCCESS RATE. This means that your EXPECTED RESULT (The number of attempts taken for 77 clovers) will be somewhere near 231 (77*3). The DEVIATION (How likely you are to be far from the expected result) will be relatively insignificant, unless you use the 10 clover recipe which lowers the SUCCESS RATE by 1/10th. Sure, you might take a few extra ectos than you needed but did you really farm exactly 231 ectos, 231 shards, 231 skill points and 231 mystic coins? Even if you get extremely unlucky the worst deficit you’ll be in is about 60 or so of each ingredient, and you’re farming a kittening legendary – in the order of thousands of gold, and hundreds of hours. What you lose by getting unlucky on ectos may be made up by a pricey exotic drop.

What’s NOT safe RNG is precursors, which have a LOW SUCCESS RATE.

tl;dr: shut up.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

You are now ArenaNet's lead designer.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Add repayable PvE endgame that is more than just 5 man dungeons.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

This patch has only made dungeons easier

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


And…there it is….exclusive rewards. It was bound to come out sooner or later.

I would honestly not be in favour of any rewards if it would cause people to feel entilted to them even though they couldn’t finish it. If you’re implying I would want a hard mode just for exclusive rewards to “prove” I’m some kind of superior player, then no, that’s not what I meant. This is the first MMO I’ve played and I’ve noticed that people tend to not do ANYTHING that doesn’t have some kind of a reward, even if it’s fun, becuase of the MMO mentality of grinding for pointless stuff. Even just a subtle reward would encourage people to do it.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

CoE path 3 for real ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I hate how everyones just saying ‘dodge, dodge’ meh meh meh :| its awful, its like before, if you go down just run back as fast as you can. its hard to get people up in AOE circles. like it doesn’t make sense why we shouldnt be able to run back if someone is in combat. its just stupid.

Your opinion is that whether you defeat a boss or not should be how far away the waypoint is and how many swiftness/gap closer skills you can give yourself to get back to a fight quicker! Excellent opinion! You’ve totally swung my opinion back towards graveyard zerging!


It’s horrible. CoF P1 will always be there for you if you’re too inept to use both hands to play the game.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

This patch has only made dungeons easier

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


OP, I also like your ideas. I also think bosses with huge HP made no sense, I think it should be a more quick, but more challenging battle by giving the boss more powerful abilities, but lowering his HP.

You got it. Hell, at this stage I’d just be happy with the regular dungeons but everything has double damage and half HP.

FOTM is probably the hardest you can go atm.

I don’t understand… FotM is pretty much everything you asked for.

In the original post (I’ll admit, I made it while I was pretty mad so it seems extremely elitist, but the gist is still there) I mentioned that fotm is extremely robotic. Because of the way it scales – just more health and damage – everyone is doing the same thing, just for longer. Past level 26 it’s just chaining reflects and damage mitigation while kiting for days. That’s not hard in itself – just tedious, really. It’s a good try, but really, fotm is not built for replayability or scaling this high.

I agree the game is super easy currently, probably one of the most easy MMO I played so far. We really need a hard and a super hard mode with increased rewards (cosmetic progression).

This game was advertised as not being like other MMOs, so I don’t see why we have to compare it to one. I just want hard content in itself, no need to say “this is harder than raids from wow!”

Optimally I’d also like to see 2-3 man dungeons, there’s more room for tactics with less people – more keeping each other alive with well selected boons and utils, less 5 warriors using FGJ on practical autoattacks.

Nailed it with the cosmetic only progression though. I don’t want to see people complaining that “hard mode is too hard and I can’t get muh ascended helmet from AC hard mode!”, there for fun/challenge/fun in the challenge and purely that.

People here arguing for “dungeons should only be hardmode” should go take a careful look at the short history and disaster that is The Secret World. They had a philosophy of “dungeons should be really hard, and the best rewards should come only from mastering the hardest tier of dungeons (Nightmare mode).”

Read the above quote. That is a horrible horrible idea. Honestly I’m against gear tiering at all, but it being limited at exotics/ascended is the lesser of two evils (since traditional MMO players seem to be unable to play a game where they can convince they’re better than someone else because they’ve grinded for bigger numbers).

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

(edited by Writetyper.1985)

CoE path 3 for real ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Subject alpha is impossible to kill…? Maybe you should learn to dodge in something like AC before complaining on the forums with broken unreadable english. He’s as difficult as he was before, just you were relying on a crutch to pass in him instead of, you know, actually playing the game.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Lupicus Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


No other profession hits as hard with that much survivability. There’s a reason CoF speed runs ask for Wars and Mes only.

Yeah it’s because you have to kill like 4 things and they’re all damage sponges that don’t fight back so you may as well go for max dps.

…and I do own a war…and I, unlike SOME people…completely admit that the class’s damage is broken when compared to other classes. Anyone ignoring this fact is simply being…well, ignorant.

I have an 80 of every class apart from ele and guardian. The warrior’s damage is only broken because of the fights. See, most boss fights strait up discourage utility – knockdowns are useless because you need 5 of them to make an effect, and then they just get straight up, as well as resistance to blind and weakness – and actively encourage nothing but damage in order to get through the game faster. In things like Arah basic mob pulls, I actively believe the classes are pretty balanced – the idea behind warrior is they get big damage to make up for their lack of utility, and so they’ll spend a lot of their time being knocked about and running away from said arah trash mobs. Thing is – everyone skips trash mobs. So yeah, warriors are only OP in the kitten easy dungeons, like your example of CoF, which will likely be completely different come next update.

I do agree that they need a nerf, but dungeons also need a severe redesign. I made this thread b-but nobody replied. ;_;

It doesn’t help that they’re the easiest class. Your average pleb will do twice as much on a warrior than he will on a mesmer, because of the higher skill cap.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

(edited by Writetyper.1985)

Lupicus Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


no brakes on this train

EDIT: I’ve also found it was possible to dodge the bubble and I don’t use reckless dodge, as well as it being possible on my engineer and mesmer. It’s weird to explain, if you dodge when he begins the animation you get knocked down and take one tick of the damage, but end out outside the bubble so you can walk away. Couldn’t do it consistently though.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

(edited by Writetyper.1985)

Post 1/28 Pugging Experiences

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


If you pug a dungeon and the pugs are bad then you have nobody to blame but yourself. Please remember this.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

This patch has only made dungeons easier

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


oh look, another thread of someone who needs to tell everyone how easy he finds arah and how he wants a hard mode..

Nah, just someone who wants something that isn’t faceroll easy in the kitten endgame.

so to all the ’I’m too good for this game, give me hardmode’-pros, the only way to make this game really hard would be by adding a lot of rng to the bosses. as soon as a boss is unpredictable, he gets harder. as long as they follow a routine, they won’t challenge you forever.

I’m sorry, but did you even read what I wrote? There were already sections that are pretty hard but they’ve removed them. Arah is pretty hard. Bosses like Lupi are pretty hard. But this is an extremely small amount of pve endgame. Are you honestly suggesting that dungeons stay some kind of robotic routine that everyone just does over and over again for money? Why? Are you some kind of hipster hating on anyone looking for a challenge?

on the other hand, learning a bosses mechanic and going from wipe after wipe to nearly sleeping through the encounter is something lots of players like. it lets them feel like they mastered this battle. making the battles harder will only alienate players which are trying for the first few times to learn how it goes.

Brilliant game design! Tricking people into thinking they’re good even though they’re not learning anything, they’re just running back when they die and following routine.
Can I reiterate this? players who do not want to do hard mode, can avoid doing hard mode. Nothing here should give any signifigant reward in terms of gold, maybe soemthing subtle and cosmetic as a reward for finishing, but the pve farmlords can continue their cof 1 mindless zerging all they wish.

if you really want challenge, maybe you shouldn’t search it with scripted, so called AI and just go play tpvp to get your behind kicked… is it so hard to understand? typical game AI can’t challenge a human forever. even if they could make it so, it would only alienate the more casual players in favour of a few players who really like constant challenge.

I do play tpvp/spvp quite often actually, you can’t assume that just because I play pve as well that I don’t do pvp. I’ve won 6 of 13 tournaments entered. I’m also an avid semi-high level comp dota player that has subbed for teams like nth and I play on a team myself. It’s not relevant, but you seem to think tpvp is relevant to this thread so I thought I’d throw that in there for some reason. If we’re throwing pvp modes into it, pvp has longevity, wvw has longevity, but there is nothing really difficult enough outside of arah to really attempt doing for pve players

As for AI not being able to challenge a human… bullkitten. What you’re basically saying is that no video game in history has ever been difficult that isn’t multiplayer. Dark/Demon’s souls? Quake? Hell, even IWBTG for the JP side of things. You’re also implying that there was any effort put into difficulty on some bosses, like the kittening flame effigy, which is flat out wrong when there are things that can be genuinely challenging even after doing it a few times like Lupi or high level Grawl Shaman in the game.

Stop being in denial.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

(edited by Writetyper.1985)

This patch has only made dungeons easier

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


This is only Phase one. They already know it’s easy. They will be bumping up the dungeons later but there are giving players a chase to get through it without all the exploits.

One thing i like is not res rushing. Some groups are finding it more difficult. I wish more groups clear mobs so they have a fall back point.

I hate TA becuase of this run run mentality. I dont feel that i have beaten any dungeon in the game becuase it feels so unexplored. Don’t matter how many times I have done them.

(I know this is not the case)
What If precusors were hidden in some remote corner of the dungeon. 99% of us would never know. Yet people would still complain how hard they are to get.

I am for harder comtent and anything that makes us do them.

People complained about this months monthly becuase they had to find JP. We didn’t even have to actually do them.

I hated jp becuase I had a weak graphic card. It made the simplest jump puzzles impossible. Some I would be agaisnt if you were force to do them. (I have a new laptop and can play even WVW with everything on high).

It’s a pipe dream, but I’d also like to see everything be really dynamic. I.E You’re presented with a number of semi-random paths to your objective and you get to choose how you get there. Example: You could either go past kholer, or go through a really difficult JP. If your group is bad at JP’s, you could fight kholer.

Perhaps a system that would need some serious balancing and tweaking, but you get the idea.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

This patch has only made dungeons easier

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I usually auto pilot AC when I run it. Just ran it after the patch was laughing at how little brain work it took to do and that I read a few posts complaining about it.

So yeah I would love this.

All I’m asking for is something truly challenging. Arah is pretty good on that front but it still suffers from damage sponge or exploit syndrome in a lot of fights.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

This patch has only made dungeons easier

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I understand there are people who find PvE difficult and they can party on in Exp and story mode all they like, but there are a significant core of people, like me, who think the current dungeons are too easy. This is the only pve form of endgame, and the only thing I’d call remotely challenging is Arah… and the things you’ve just nerfed. If I didn’t like WvW I honestly don’t know what I’d be doing in this game right now. I guess there’s high fractals but it’s repeditive and dull and passing it is really just a series of gimmicks, so I’d burn out on that quick.

The obvious solution is some kind of hard mode for dungeons. Maybe just one path, called “Hard path”. It could be marked with a little star, so people who play with no brain and one hand won’t attempt it and cry. It would be balanced for level 80’s with exotics in every dungeon. Exp could stay your same old and be balanced according to whoever complains on the forums. And I don’t mean “hard” in the sense that anet seem to think is hard – that if we give a normal mob 99999 HP it’s suddenly difficult for some reason – but actually difficult. Actually requiring personal skill instead of min/maxing for maximum DPS build because the dungeons are so easy that you’re just going for maximum DPS to get them over and done with faster.

“Hard” is pretty simple. It’s not a damage sponge. As an anonymous user put it: “I want to be kept on my toes, but I don’t want my toes to get RSI because I’m doing the same thing for 30 minutes”.

Things that could be seen as “Hard” and put into a hard mode:

-Trash mobs that require teamwork/strategy to kill:
CM, Arah. These two dungeons both have mobs that actually require utility to take down. The CoF magg defence room (Something recently removed) is another – the smokelord can’t just be killed with 5 zerkers warriors like half the dungeons in this game. The main thing here is that they actually have attacks that matter, as opposed to just more damage. I’ll still remember the time that I was stuck in a risen sentinel’s ring with no stability (used) and a putrifyer heading for me, and a teammate had to use Binding Blade to pull the putrifyer back. Teamwork. Skill. Attention. Y’know, because there’s 5 people in dungeons?

-Bosses that require personal skill to pass:
Pretty much just awareness, skill use and dodging timing passes as “personal skill”. I’m half asleep in bosses like the flame effigy because all you do is stand there and autoattack. Lupi is an example. Kholer is up there. Alpha is an example. The Evolved Grawl Shaman is an example. HotW bosses and overland dragons are NOT an example. Simin is certainly not an example.

-Fights that recquire communication and teamwork:
SE P1. I still remember the first time I pugged that. A warrior, two engis, a necro, and a guardian. As each wave came, me and the two engis would stack vulnerability on a single inquest, then the necro would use Epidemic to spread it to the other two. The necro would use plague or a blind field to try to eliminate the attacks the inquest made. The warrior would use a hammer to lock them down while well of darkness was not up. The engi’s would stack might using blast finishers in a fire field. The guardian and necro were working overtime to heal any attacks that got through. When we got to the bot, the necro used Spectral Grasp to pull it away from the gate, then the guardian used Binding Blade to pull the inquest together then we bursted them together. If any more waves came, we’d kill them using the same, previous method, then work on the robot.
All that, now? Gone. SE p1 is just now another mindless farming path. CoF P2’s “kite room” was also similar if you actually fought like a man, CoF P3’s defence event was up there too. I’ve got a great idea: Let’s remove every semblance of teamwork in a kittening game where there is a team in a dungeon – we’ll just encourage the warrior babbies who only know two buttons: FGJ and 100 blades. kitten any form of utility, this is Guardian Warriors 2. I say this, and I main a warrior.

-No exploits and minimal skipping:
Seems clear enough.

It’s like Anet have given in and are 100% catering to casuals for dungeons, even though these casuals are just using dungeons to farm for a legendary and then will quit because they don’t actually like the game.

It seems logical to me: Story Mode: A mode for those who want to take in the atmosphere of a story. Explorable mode: A mode for those who are there to farm. Hard mode: A mode there for those who are wanting a real challenge worthy of “endgame”.

And because everything in this kitten game seems to need some kind of reward, whether it’s fun or not, it could give either 180 tokens or a unique skin or some crap like that.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

SE Path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


It’s always been as fast as CoF 1, me and my buddies used to run it every day because it’s pretty fun for farm. It’s just been way too hard for any kind of pug to co-operate for long enough to do.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

CoF P2 Bomb Planting thoughts?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


To be fair, if you actually fought instead of kiting it was one of the best battles in the game. It’s a shame there’s not much like that anymore.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Utility Infusions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


There are 4 of them.

-Increase Magic Find by 20%
-Increase Gold Find by 20%
-Increase Karma gained by 15%
-Increased Experience gained by 20%

Did you guys run out of ideas of something? Here I’ll help you out…

-Increased Movement Speed by 15%
-Increased all Weapon Range by 5%
-Increased Velocity of Projectiles by 10%
-Increased Endurance Regeneration by 20%

Please never become a game designer.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

No WP in Dungeon while in combat VS Lupi ..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Good. It shouldn’t have been in there in the first place. It’s a crutch, if you need to run back then you’ve essentially failed. It’s a learn to play issue, don’t attempt Lupi if you can’t dodge his aoe.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer