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I'm so bad @ zerker ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Which dungeon/mob gives you trouble?

just my ytb channel


I'm so bad @ zerker ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


no wait, keep trength runes, dont trash them!

might duration > all , for ele at least

if u mean that u gonna get scholar for ur soldiers instead buying 6 x more strength runes, its fine, but dont trash ur strengthrunes

just my ytb channel


I'm so bad @ zerker ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


everyone says full zerker.. but if u rly got issues surviving, get some soldier gears first and slowly switch to zerkers as u get used to it

its important as ele to dodge every strong atk of a mob / boss due to our low healthpool, its actually pretty easy if u got experienced guardian in team who uses aegis to help out at some of the harder hitting atks

anyway, replace some of ur gears with soldiers (dont throw the zerker away yet) and slowly switch to zerker as u get used to the rotations, once u r confident give it a try at full zerker again~

also, it may not be recommended but u could put 4 pts into water and 2 pts into arcana forvigor and on demand instant 2k heals, till u figure out to play without dieing:p

its better to do lower dmg overtime than to die right away on the first atk of boss/mob

the full zerker thingys is mostly for organized grps and speeclears, i would never recommend someone new to go full zerker unless he is war

just my ytb channel


I'm so bad @ zerker ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


easy way to post build:p

u can switch to traits gears and utility/skills

also u can switch gamemodes

just my ytb channel


I'm so bad @ zerker ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


pls post ur build+ wich game mode

just my ytb channel


Thief or mesmer pvp and some pve?

in Thief

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


try out both, take the one u like more

if u like pvp more, check the pvp eu qualifiers of yday night, the tcg vs MiM

first 2 games, they were the best matches i ever seen , and they highlight both mesmers and thiefs a lot, sizer plays an s/d build , redlevin plays a d/p build(thieves)

both helseth and the other guy play the same builds (mesmers)

just my ytb channel


Illusionist's Celerity and Weapon Cooldowns?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


the traits stack

tooltip only will show 20% reduction even tho its 40%

dont think its a bug

tooltip is bugged

Oh that’s great

I was super bummed when i saw the cooldowns stayed the same after I learned the trait. Hopefully they fix it soon as it was hectic confusing ^^


ikr, i too was confused when i started playin mesmer and tooltip didnt show correct cd, was like: jeez dis traits dont stack, such a waste…’

we need more tooltipc fixes!

just my ytb channel


Pu messmer. build...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


condi pu is barely fine

dont think power pu works well

guys dont just tell him to go look for other builds when he tells that he wants to try it out..

just my ytb channel


Illusionist's Celerity and Weapon Cooldowns?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Hi All,

I recently got my Mesmer to 80, and am using dual swords with the Blade Training and Illusionist’s Celerity Traits. Now to my understanding, and according to all the material I could find on the net (extensive googling was done before I posted, believe me ^^") these 2 skills should stack. Effectively giving a 40% cooldown reduction on skills like Illusionary Leap and Phantasmal Swordsman, however it does not.

Now as I said, I did research quite a lot, however I couldn’t find anything pertaining to this topic within the last year and a half. So now the actual questions;

+Do these traits stack?
+If no, is this a bug, or was it changed in a patch?
+If it is a bug, has it been reported on the bugs forum?

Any positive feedback would be appreciated



the traits stack

tooltip only will show 20% reduction even tho its 40%

dont think its a bug

tooltip is bugged

just my ytb channel


Elementalist Skill-cap for a new player

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Dude what are you talking about? DD ele has an incredible amount of passives. Passively gain 12 might just from swapping atunements, passive soothing mist, passive heal, passive boons when attuning to an element. Sure they’re less passive than a necro’s nightmare runes, but pressing F3 to get regen and a 2k heal isnt difficult. Dodging in a fire field with earth isnt hard. There are no combos on DD ele that are hard… And LB ranger is passive now? LOL. OP does not equal passive, and only low level players think LB ranger is OP. Ele isnt hard to play. I literally watched Phantaram’s stream for 30 mins and became a master ele.

actually ele defences r active not passive

dont listen to this guy(elitist) btw, he just seems to hate eles for an unkown reason

(check his post history)

just my ytb channel


[Spvp][Elementalist] D/D celestial needs nerf

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


mesmer counters it actually.. and dd cele eles r easy matchup for mesmer in my opinion

most other proffessions got vigor on minor traits, ele has to use up a trait thingy for it (nvm didnt see u adressing that)

celestial amulet is unbalanced , i agree on that

wich water 3? u mean trait or blast finisher on dagger?

in high level play mesmer does not counter ele. in fact ele wins EVERY SINGLE 1V1 except for THE BEST engis WITH CRATE or the BEST necros SOMETIMES. comprendes? It’s op as kitten.

ele without might hits like a wet noodle, and mesmer is just spamming boon removals > ele has no real chance to stack might or regen a lot passively.

i am not saying its not op, just that the op is overreacting

just my ytb channel


[Spvp][Elementalist] D/D celestial needs nerf

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


mesmer counters it actually.. and dd cele eles r easy matchup for mesmer in my opinion

most other proffessions got vigor on minor traits, ele has to use up a trait thingy for it (nvm didnt see u adressing that)

celestial amulet is unbalanced , i agree on that

wich water 3? u mean trait or blast finisher on dagger?

just my ytb channel


(edited by Wyrden.4713)

WvW Infiltrator Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


you are being silly Energy sigils are great, sigils of momentum are not worth the extra armor when you already have 3k compared to condition clear.

From my understanding energy sigils conflict with cleansing sigils because they are both weapon swap sigils. So running both energy and cleansing on both weapon sets would render one of those sigils useless. Anybody know for sure?

that was long ago, now every sigil got its own cd, u still cant use energy + energy on same weap tho, but u can use 2 different on swap sigils on 1 weapset, guess u r just coming back from beeing away for a long time:p

just my ytb channel


gaming mouse needed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


i play both ele , engi and mesmer without a gaming mouse, one hand on keyboard and one hand on mouse

its not that difficult ones u get used to it… or i just got large fingers…

just my ytb channel


engineer or mesmer in solo pve and and pvp?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


actually mesmer has it easier securing stomps
some examples


phaceretreat+ blink


any stealth

chaos storm aegis proc stomp


and mesmer is better in pvp if: ur team coordinates with u and u play rly rly top tier and can manage all ur supports(portal, securing stomps, interrupting stomps(of enemys) , bursting someone down, etc)

if ur team is bad, so will the mesmer be. (he wont be bad but he will be insanely limited)

ah and about the mesmer beeing bad at pointholding, yea so is thief, still in most top tier teams, its cause there r several roles in pvp, mesmer and thief r roamers for example, cant hold points well tho

meanwhile an engi can both do awesome when ur team is bad, or when ur team is good

engi also is easier to play than a shattermesmer(wich is the only viable mesmer build(i wont count lockdown as no1 ever took and managed w it in tournaments, not that i know at least))

also its a pain to lvl mesmer in normal ways..

its all depending on ur own style tho, if u like mesmer style more, go for it, altho u gonna hate lvling it, if u rly like it, dont give up till 80, lvling is just hell as mesmer…

just my ytb channel


WvW Infiltrator Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


sounds neat

just a question tho, why not sword /torch , staff

staff for added mobility + survivability

and sword for surv, small iLeap trolls (probably wont work so well, ty anet for iLeap nerf (clone dieing – no leap)), and torch for the stealth

just wondering

just my ytb channel


Elite Skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


they r powerful, moa locks out the enemy of his skills for 10s

mass invi can save ppl, or u can kill ppl w it totally turning the tides of the fight

timewarp is awesome in pve (honestly the cd rly is long and i wouldnt mind it beeing changed into a glamour type of skill)

just my ytb channel


[WvW] What If: Hammer Stun was Removed?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


i vote for hobosacks on wvw commanders

just my ytb channel


Elementalist Underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


The ele has been nerfed to the ground. I mean we used to do 10k meteors and now they are at like 5k max.

Crit nerf, divinity nerf, crit on celestial nerf, mist form nerf, RTL nerf, Elemental attunement nerf, Soothing disruption nerf, meteornado nerf, condi-cleanse and healing nerf, etc.

It’s just a pale shadow of what it used to be. Yes it can still be good in the hand of a good player, but the difficulty scale is insane in comparison to a thief/mesmer/ranger, where even noob can destroy you just pressing a few keys.

shattermesmer is way more difficult to play properly than even an s/d ele.

the 10 k meteorNADO (tornado) was obviously not intended, so want wellbombing w lich on necro therefor the ‘fix’

ele is awesome in any gamemode if not top (awesome roamer, gwen wvw zerging meta, in pvp meta (dd celestial), top in pve generally everything there(every pve gamemode(dungeon, open world, etc)

while thief isnt rly anywhere near good when zerging, barely some ppl want thiefs in pve, well admittedly good in pvp, and good when roaming)

mesmer bad in zerging, awesome roamer, insanely high skilfloor (managament of every kind of support, spike , etc,and only viable if u got a rly proper team who actually coordinates with u)

ranger ok-ish in pvp(low skillfloor(rly rly low) but there r better stuff for high tier pvp) , idk in pve, never rly got one who wasnt camping longbow, bad for zerging, ok-ish for roaming


just my ytb channel


What's wrong? No damage. Just dead mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


all is vain.

just my ytb channel


Mesmer Equipment Question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


my first ever charackter was a human mesmer, its been over a year by now i guess since i started the game, anyway, few days ago i decided to delete the human and reroll asura mesmer for kawaiii reasons

anyway , its a complete mess atm, low dmg, low mobility, low aoe, long fights, etc

i thought it would be fun to lvl mesmer again, it at first was ofc, at lvl 20 or so it got rly rly annoying

it reminded me why i tried to rush lvling on my first ever charackter(usually ppl should enjoy their first charackter lvling and if possible, not rush it), and just imagine, its even worse now cause of the lvling system (yep traits, starting at 30, master at 60 and gm at 80)
currently i am at lvl 42 and rly wanna get it to 80 asap so i dont have to bother w it anymore

just my ytb channel


[PSA] - Mad King Runes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


on mad king runes u deal dmg after u go in stealth , so it destealths u

just my ytb channel


[PSA] - Mad King Runes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


well i mean, if u consider that , rune of trapper r broken on ranger, after traps go up it destealths the ranger

just my ytb channel


[PSA] - Mad King Runes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


its not a bug tho, thats how some runes work

just my ytb channel


phace retreat fixed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


no longer block or reflectable

well had my fun in wvw…

patch notes

just my ytb channel


New hybrid ele build meant for all

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


what about 3/3/3/3/3 :p

where do u get 15 traitpoints, i want them too

Simon was getting confused. They meant 14/14/14/14/14.

aha lright

just my ytb channel


Mesmer Downed 2 Skill

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


The skill is fairly good; i would rank it 3rd (with Thief being 2nd and Elementalist being 1st) overall. But yes, the random Teleport is totally annoying, and i can’t even count the times when it put me directly to the edge of a Towers Wall in WvW (which – for a glassy Mesmer – seriously sucks as a place to be downed), or into some random Elementalists AoEs.

Idk, it’s a pretty decent #2. It’s not vulnerable to stability / invulnable / stealth stomps and it’s not vulnerable to blink / shadowstep stomps like the thief #2 is.

You’re right with most of this, but the skill is in fact very much vulnerable to stealth stomps when it comes to Roaming-Encounters. To use Deception, one needs a selectable target first – however, if your only Target in 900 range just decided to go stealth on you, you’re pretty much left with no chance whatsoever to prevent the incoming stomp.

That means every Thief running Dagger offhand will be able to easily finish you off without resistence (unless he royally messes up) just by choosing that particular Offhand Weapon, and doesn’t even have to sacrifice his utility to do so. Even if he wasn’t running Dagger offhand, he could use D/P (which – granted – also easily finishes off other, nonranger classes as well due to the blind), or simply use one of his stealth utilities – hell, maybe even just traps, if he got the right runeset. Point being: Thieves have so many ways to get stealth, that stomps are pretty much garanted in 1vs1 encounters.

Rangers have a high uptime with stealthtraps (again, runeset needed) and Longbow as well, but their pets are in range most of the time, so that’s almost never an issue (unless the pet is a certain cat :P). Hostile Mesmers are a similar case, although they can shatter their clones before utilizing stealth (requires either no clones, clones near Target and at least one Shatterskill off cooldown, or just Distortion off Cooldown), which is in fact what i do to any Mesmer that i down when i get the chance. Engineers slotting Elixir S (which isn’t exactly uncommon in WvW) will also always finish you off.

Given the number of stealth-capable Roamers, that can be quite a problem

I think it would be nice if Deception would at least still stealth you when you don’t select a target (whithout the clone-generating and Teleporting part, making it act like Decoy in that regard).

i usually use it on another target asap if my target stealthes, so i still get invicible + ignore stomp once, leaves no clone behind if ur target is too far, still saves u once, and almost never has it happened that i had nothing to target even if my enemy stealthed

just my ytb channel


New hybrid ele build meant for all

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


what about 3/3/3/3/3 :p

where do u get 15 traitpoints, i want them too

just my ytb channel


Elite Skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


our elites r all good and dont need smth to get it buffed tbh, my own opinion at least

just my ytb channel


Mesmer Downed 2 Skill

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


while it would indeed be nice, its not necessary:

1st) u shouldnt get downed in the first place

2nd) mesmer is one of the 3 proffession w best downed 2 skill, it always is safe(ele and thief beeing the other 2)

3rd) all proffession besides the said ones on [2nd)] got it sooo much worse than mesmer , it just wouldnt be fair to leave them out…

just my ytb channel


I want my backstab with1200 range

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


i want a 1200 shatter range . u should be able to dodge shatters from 1200 range(clones explode on postiion, deal 1200 range aoe dmg)

and lonbgow is 1500 range btw

Longbow range is 1960 not 1500 =)

gs1 of mesmers is like 1500ish and describtion says 1200

ik that most ranged auto atks and some special projectyles go further than describtion says so the combat is more fluid

just my ytb channel


did portal get nerfed..?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


well k, confirmed, its longer cd between uses

also tested, w near perfect or even perfect timing u still can portal stomp, might go wrong tho if u r rly panicing, so try to stay calm when u portalstomp:p

just my ytb channel


I want my backstab with1200 range

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


My ex-girlfirend make a ranger and killed me and /laugh on my corpse.

all is vain

all is vain

just my ytb channel


did portal get nerfed..?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


i mean, there has always been a 1-2 s gap between portal uses (unless it bugged and double ported u), but the gap between uses seems to have increased

just my ytb channel


Mesmer skill idea: Hastened Destruction

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


sounds fun, too bad confusion is a terrible condition in any player vs player game mode unless u stack more than 8

just my ytb channel


did portal get nerfed..?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


so i just saw some mesmer gameplay, and took my mesmer off dust (didnt play it for 2 months or so) and while playing it and stomping players i noticed, i dont manage portalstomps anymore…

the cd between entering portals seems to be longer than it used to be-

so the situation : i have somewhere a portal placed.. i go to a downed enemy, cast portal first, 0.5 s later i tap stomp, then go into portal right away (thats why i wait 0.5 s before stomp, so the portal is up ) then i can get back to the downed guy anymore due to portal needing longer than the stomp animation to get off cooldown (i mean the teleport of portal thingy, the 2-4 s waiting time b4 beeing able to enter portal)

anyone else noticed it? is it just me? can someone verify this?

just my ytb channel


I want my backstab with1200 range

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


i want a 1200 shatter range . u should be able to dodge shatters from 1200 range(clones explode on postiion, deal 1200 range aoe dmg)

and lonbgow is 1500 range btw

just my ytb channel


Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


just deal with the fact that not every proffession has some of everything…

just like mesmer has masses of small evades or blinks, necro has not a single one

ranger is probably the best w poison and bleedwhile guardian doesnt even have neither


there is always the option to just take doom sigil

just my ytb channel


"The Staff is a Crutch"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


But also in my mind players should be active with their defense and staff inherently makes it more passive.


just my ytb channel


s/f fresh air ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


so s/f has way more survivability than s/d, still, u loose hp too quickly

playing w scepter mainhand needs really high amount of skill and awesome reflexes, and even then u will be death half the time

unlike d/d ele u cant carry ur team in spvp, u actually need to rely on them


just my ytb channel


s/f fresh air ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


and what is big couter to that ?

anything that looks ur way..

just my ytb channel


spite 5pt minor idea

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


i would love to see vigor on crit hit for 5 s (10s icd)

but other proffessions would complain about necro now having vigor + ‘2nd healthbar’

just my ytb channel


Chaos Storm Suggestions Hitx2 - damage/2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


if u think chaos storm is underpowered u r doing smth wrong

chaos storm is one of my favourite skills of mesmer along with portal and phace retreat.. (ye nobody cares what i like)

it gives u defensive boons, gives enemy chill/poison /dazes (i think i forgot smth) and dmges them about 700(or more? never rly checked it out, but it does around 700 dmg in pvp, more in wvw i guess due to boons n gears n stuff) dmg per tick (3500 dmg total) its aoe, has a wide radius, u can immob enemy in it, its devastating if u r a lockdown mesmer

i however would love to see its cd reduced by 2-5 s huehuehuehue, wont happen ik

anyway , chaos storm doesnt need changes.

just my ytb channel


"The Staff is a Crutch"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


i just wish i could take my sword mh, staff, and gs

anet pls.!

just imagine the possibilitys of 3 weapsets!

(ye unbalanced , idc, i wanna abuse everything out of this!)

just my ytb channel


Elementalist Underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


just lvl it up, it seems u didnt have tried to lvl a mesmer yet, honestly ele was the easier proffession to lvl for me

also the ele uses a whole different mechanic than other proffessions

eles survivability is by playing actively(mesmer too) unlike warrior n stuff who get most defences passively

eles r one of the best proffessions for pve if not the best, in dungeons

there r no ‘tanks’ in pve , current meta is all about straight forward dmg, ofc new players should start of defencively and get more offensive gear(berserker) as they get used to it

necro is easy to play in pve (due to its survivability and ‘2nd healthbar’(actually its not a 2nd healthbar but i count it as one due to pve reasons)), but its also the worst in terms of usefullness, it has lower dmg than few of the proffessions + no team utilitys, necro itself is just selfish

ele is a great proffession, doesnt rly need changes , and the 2 weapons, lol , this would be like the most unbalanced thing, i dont think i need to tell why, ofc harder to manage, but once u manage and got some combos u could do some crazy stuff w it

just my ytb channel


I made another thing! (Ele Burst Vid)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


the way i do it :

phoenix > lightning flash > air > air 2 > arcana > rtl> updraft if u got the new air gm trait, i play with fresh air so i dont use it

the build is weak to everything, u need the element of suprise

i actually played the same build with air sigil /energy, scholar runes, and fresh air instead the thing, it will honestly only work in hotjoins:p

and nice footage, the 6 hr > 5 min footage is so true thoo~~

just my ytb channel


Thief Sword >>>> Mesmer Sword

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


stop comparing proffessions pls

just my ytb channel


Best solo build for open world content?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


i don’t understand how that disables room for MORE mobility in alot more efficient manner, but i guess we’re light years ahead by now… turtles.

sure you can burning retreat but that doesn’t mean u can’t use burning speed before or after it swap out to rtl and updraft along with windborne speed etc etc

burning retreat has maybe 1300-1400 range w speed? and only 16 s cd

burning speed goes like 300 or so extra and slower than burning retreat, rtl is 40 s cd, and is 900 range

how is d/d more mobility than staff

just my ytb channel


Best solo build for open world content?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


That build is incredibly slow to traverse the wild wasteland, 1/10 would not recommend.

burning retreat, goes further than rtl , is affected by swiftness

then he has fgs too, for 60 s every 180 s travel.

just my ytb channel


[PvE] Churning Earth needs a buff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Let me tell you something – ANet do their balance based on PvP and I’ve seen some eles pulling mad tricks with CE in there, I highly doubt they’d buff the skill even though it’s indeed useless for PvE. Least that could happen in my opinion is that they’d nerf it just like any other burst damage skill we have.

The only way you can land CE in PvP is with a teleport. A skill which requires am utility to make it work just doesn’t sound right.

a lot of skills r like that, 100b needs immob or knockdown



(no dragontooth is fine the way it is, doesnt need ground targetting(saying cause i am pretty sure someone is gonna bring tha up))

its mostly about comboing skills so they can hit

I would argue that with the warrior’s tanky nature, 100b is pretty effective as a area-denial, and with the fact that it’s damage isn’t completely back-logged but pretty evenly spread out, there’s no need to absolutely land the full cast.

With CE, there is just one specific way to use it.

And the most important problem is that in PvE, even if you do land it, what’s the point? It’s a DPS loss.

What they could do if they really don’t want to change anything is to just make it blast at the start instead of the end. That way, it can at least be used as a quick blast finisher in PvE.

i was just replying to the guy mentioning pvp

in pve there are a lot of skills that just make u loose dps, idk why u r actually complaining

in pvp CE is devastating in some rare situations, while in pve its just a dmg loss, ppl use it in pve for pre might stacking in my experience

just my ytb channel
