15-20+ zerg won’t roll a thief
I Believe in fair play.
I Don’t Cheat
why is the thief the only class who can?
Then you will never understand the thief…. or really get a good win for that matter.
Your answer lies within RNG.
You could always resurrect it.
Meh, those notes are certainly fake. Dam, the person who made them must be laughing pretty hard.
Then that person deserves a medal for putting in so much effort.
A medal for trolling?
Lol that was clever of the thief.
EDIT: We will be sure to hear about this in the forums. /prep4QQ
I don’t like steal. The lack of options and the cooldown makes this mechanic just an extra thing to play with. I consider stealthing more of the thief’s main mechanic.
But….. anet wants you to grind yourself to death. :c
Yes! This would make crafting a more refined and useful.
Everyone has their preferences.
I see what you mean. Personally I think they should put venoms on the F keys.
I still dislike venoms.
Fake. Though I would really like to see a few of them happen.
Isn’t there a slider in options that silences them?
i always said that rangers being OP, but on one believed me !
No you didn’t.
The problem is we are too busy defending ourselves to complain about other classes. Your argument is invalid.
I’ll reserve my judgement for post patch, but as a high mobility player, this terrifies me!
Hopefully they don’t “make more builds viable” with one hand and ‘take away stealth-less mobility builds’ with the other. But who knows!
I can tell you one thing, a mesmer with confusion is already terrifying for a thief. Think about confusion+torment for a second.
edit: also, if the trait reworks keep “remove conditions on stealth” in SA, i can see that becoming even more necessary than it already is, further drawing builds into the SA line.
At least it only needs 10 points. As for mesmers, yeah confusion + tormet will make fighting them almost pointless unless you use heavy condition removals. Lol… take damage if breathing.
I know it won’t happen in a million years, but if Torment was attached to Caltrops I would laugh and laugh and laugh.
Sounds promising, though. Will have to see how it plays out.
Oh god please let this happen. I will love anet again.
Thief with Torment is kittened. I can see it so much.
On the plus side, I am definitely going to combine torment into my bleedy build. I shall name it…. the tormenty and bleedy build.
Ive always been wondering about this too. Do I hear Courier Missions?!
I have a theory…
Conditions bypass toughness. Stack dem bleedz!
they also cant crit, and have a stack limit.
True. But your main sources of bleeds are coupled with either dodging (Death Blossom), cripple (Dagger Storm) or both (Uncatchable, caltrops). Not only that, rabid/carrion gets you vitality and toughness which just adds to survivability.
Its better than turning everything into butter with zerk imo.
I don’t CnD > Backstab. I spread caltrops everywhere and spam Death Blossom in my epic quest to keep 20+ stacks of bleeding on everything. It works just as well as CnD > Backstab.
Lol d/d is still king.
No! We need m0ar everything!
120,000 pinatas!
250,000 fireworks!
3,000 effigies!
23,000,000 candies eaten!
Its not enough!!!!
Turn off “Show All Enemy Names” so that the real mesmer is the only one with red name above his head.
There definitely is testing to be had.
I stopped using Sword because of this. :c R.I.P. awesome gap closer.
Conditions bypass toughness. Stack dem bleedz!
Oh gawd! Thief damage ohpee
Oh gawd! Infinite dodging
Oh gawd! Permastealth
Oh gawd! Can’t faceroll vs. thief
There is counter to 12-28k backstabs…. called moving.
Oh look. Its blankverse ignoring thief advice again.
Last night in Kaineng, my friends (ele and engi) and I were messing around in Greenbriar when, for 30 minutes straight, a Thief was harassing every caravan going to it. Third harass attempt I caught him in the distance and told my friends about it. So we waited.
This pretty much was the encounter from there:
- Prepped “behind me” (queue) in chat.
- Place Tripwire behind Yak.
- Thief trips it less than a second later.
- Said queue when trap disappeared.
- Friends run through me and start using improvised AoE.
- Thief appears and starts attacking us.
- At 30% hp, the Thief pops shadow refuge (which we all saw the refuge).
- All three coordinate a debilitating attack on the Refuge: Ele uses Frozen Ground. Engi uses Glue Shot. I used Caltrops.
- Thief ran out too early at 20% HP and appeared seconds later with Cripple.
- I spam Dancing Dagger to keep his butt crippled while my friends kill him.
It was glorious and the best part was he stuck with the zerg afterwards.
tl;dr ==> l2p
You needed 3 people to take out a thief and your telling others to L2P?
Again… Lol! Straw man. Lol! Didn’t need 3 people. We were all just kitten ed with him.
When I fight a mesmer I normally curl up into a ball and spam /cry. I pretty much gave up on fighting them.
And before someone says, “L2P MESMER BEFORE YOU COMPLAIN”, I just want to say that I am not going to play mesmer until they get rid of those kitten pink butterflies.
Because the ridiculous “SWOOOSH SWOOOSH SWOOOOSH” mutant turtle ninja nonsense thieves have is better ? XD
Now, glass mesmer, no matter what spec, should fairly often lose to a damage thief. Pop your shadow refuge right at the start. Then wait for the stealth to expire, perhaps even extending it a little, and then attack with the c&d, steal, bs combo. Also, remember to chain cloack from their clones.
Pure phantasm mesmers I can imagine are still difficult to beat, but that build needs a nerf anyway.
Mutant Ninja Turtles are cooler than pink butterflies everywhere. Just saying.
Simple, “play the way you want” means that one should be able to play this game the way they want without someone sticking a carrot on a stick to coax us into doing other kitten (i.e. nerfing drop rates everywhere except the places that anet wants us to go to).
I would like to play how I want, but somehow I feel anet thinks my way of doing it is wrong.
When I fight a mesmer I normally curl up into a ball and spam /cry. I pretty much gave up on fighting them.
And before someone says, “L2P MESMER BEFORE YOU COMPLAIN”, I just want to say that I am not going to play mesmer until they get rid of those kitten pink butterflies.
Last night in Kaineng, my friends (ele and engi) and I were messing around in Greenbriar when, for 30 minutes straight, a Thief was harassing every caravan going to it. Third harass attempt I caught him in the distance and told my friends about it. So we waited.
This pretty much was the encounter from there:
- Prepped “behind me” (queue) in chat.
- Place Tripwire behind Yak.
- Thief trips it less than a second later.
- Said queue when trap disappeared.
- Friends run through me and start using improvised AoE.
- Thief appears and starts attacking us.
- At 30% hp, the Thief pops shadow refuge (which we all saw the refuge).
- All three coordinate a debilitating attack on the Refuge: Ele uses Frozen Ground. Engi uses Glue Shot. I used Caltrops.
- Thief ran out too early at 20% HP and appeared seconds later with Cripple.
- I spam Dancing Dagger to keep his butt crippled while my friends kill him.
It was glorious and the best part was he stuck with the zerg afterwards.
tl;dr ==> l2p
So basically, you needed 3 people to kill a single opponent?
Yeah, indeed, L2P…
Just like in any other MMO with PvP, the stealth classe(s) is(are) overpowered and need adjustments (nerfs).
Lol! Straw man is cool but we didn’t “need 3 people” for kitten. We train against specific builds in PvP while we get our laurels and stealth-heavy thief builds are one of them. Any one of us could’ve killed him. As for that encounter, it just so happened that all of us were kitten y from him ganking a few of our dolyaks and we wanted to ruin him. It was quick but satisfying, nonetheless.
Yeah! The class that suppose to have the highest burst needs another burst nerf! BAKSTAB SO OP
You promised NOT to post that shot of me ganking you! See, now all the folks too lazy to learn how to play/defeat a Thief are now here complaining about us!
You stabbed me in the booty and it hurt! >:C
Because they are poor players. Despite the advice given to them they would rather take the easy route and QQ for nerfs until Anet gives it to them.
Why is this thread still up? o .o
There’s no carrot on an ever increasing in length stick.
Yeah! The class that suppose to have the highest burst needs another burst nerf! BAKSTAB SO OP
Blame the people who kitten for these nerfs
Also, pick carefully the posts in the thief forum. Most people here have an extremely aggressive behavior and are extremely biased toward their profession.
You forgot to mention that most of them arent even thieves and are just here to QQ and cry for nerfs.
@ Mek
Lol! Then you didn’t understand it. A warrior who kept getting his kitten handed to him from thieves played a thief and now thieves are suddenly a joke to him on his warrior. He actually learned2play and now is on our forums telling us about it. Pretty sure that was obvious to you.
tl;dr If all else fails, do what that guy did and play a thief.
@ Blankverse
So getting on a thief and learning how they work is theory? No, its baddies who are too prideful to take their death as a sign that maybe they aren’t as good as they think they are. Good players take their death as a lesson to themselves and not blame outside forces for their own failures. That lesson most of the time is learn to play which learning other professions is part of.
@ TheGuy
I see what you are saying about draw <—> win conundrum. There is no hard counter to stealth but that doesn’t mean stealth can’t be beaten. Sometimes people refuse to put a little effort towards trying to counter it. Either way the draw <—> win bullkitten all comes down to the player.
I personally take a thief that’s kittening out on me as a win because if we were to continue our brawl 9 times outta of 10 I would have won. I just call him a kitten and then move on to w/e I was doing at the time.
As for dying, I take the repair bill as my punishment for making mistakes, say my GFs and waypoint. That is me.
I dare to say, that elite players, the ones who are skilled, experienced and don’t need any more lessons how to play, are NOT the core of the game community. They are maybe 10% of the whole playerbase, maybe even less. 90% are people who are average players. Telling them “l2p” just because they have problems with the hide and seek concept of fighting a thief is just a proof of arogance.
You know, we tried telling everyone how to kill us multiple times. The only thing that ever came out of it was spam and flame. Now we feel its more practical to tell everyone l2p since it packs everything we’ve said into 3 letters and brings about more of a response.
If the thief community keeps telling everyone to l2p, eventually they will l2p and then come back with testimonies like the second link in my sig. So no we are not arrogant, we just want everyone to get off our kitten .