If it takes 2+ people to kill 1 player then they probably weren’t that good.
So all those small groups in WvW that fight a d/d thief and cant kill him are bad? All those players that try to kill a shout warrior or bunker guardian in tPvP are bad? I dont think so.
Usually yeah. But comparing glassy thieves with heavy bunkers doesn’t help your case.
And this is ALL based on 1v1 scenarios… add in a second player with me (2v1), and the list narrows down to: Good Clone Mesmers / Engineer build, are very hard, Guardians remain to be a lot of work or stalemate. The rest usually dies (except for warriors with their great sword). Add a second player for the opponent (1v2) and I’m left running mostly, if i don’t die flat out…
any profession/build that can actually win 2v1 against good players is completly broken, the way gw2 pvp works makes it impossible. The only exeptions are if the 2 enemies get ambushed by a zerker build and one gets down instantly or people are stupid enough to stay in range of a condi-bunker that slowly melts them
If it takes 2+ people to kill 1 player then they probably weren’t that good.
sniff sniff… can you smell that?
it’s the smell of the nerf bat in our faces! oh look!!! they’re prolly buffing warriors at the same time
Cuz apparently warriors need more DPS and mobility. Oh and 80% of their traits and skills are not viable. Hundred blades needs to have the root removed.
What I expect: nothing or less.
What’s going to happen: unintended nerf.
at least it’s not a trait that will kill you and is adept tier…
BTW OP would you like to trade?
I cant speak for the op but I’d gladly make that trade any day of the week. Stealth necro op.
I was talking about Hard to Survive, but w/e.
That is a nice looking photoshop job you did there.
When a engi runs in and uses his supply crate when you have the point.
Assuming you are not using S/P:
- Dodge CC
- Steal gunk and throw it in the middle of the point
- Use shortbow to kill the turrets, and #3 to evade
- When turrets are gone: kill engi
Its no where near that easy the thief will also be taking damage from turrets. Even vsing a average turret engi gonna take a fair bit of time should be able to kill him at all. As other have said go else where leave him on the point. Go outnumber his team mates and after killing them bring a friend and kill turret engi.
Well this is what I’m doing normally, as there is not much else to do. Besides, when you take down his supply drop. You kind of ruined his elite. Most engi’s stay at the point with their turrets anyway, so if you manage to stay at max range. You can easily dodge all cc’s
the problem is Fortified turrets trait has surrounded reflective shield when created + self repairing turret trait
It might be reflective vs. projectiles but it can’t reflect EXPLOSIONS!!!
at least it’s not a trait that will kill you and is adept tier…
BTW OP would you like to trade?
It is never a good time for mounts.
Very good post OP. Here is a relevant picture I made because I really have nothing to say since you hit every point.
You are confusing using an example with complaining, Bacon. And secondly, you are assuming that I have a hard time dodging them which is also false. The way it works is this….
If warriors complain about backstab, then I turn it around and point out how they have 3x the attacks with more damage potential and way less setup than backstab, NO glaring weaknesses and the best tiers of armor and HP. So even if they do get hit with a backstab they can recover from it better than thieves who can barely take a few conditions without resetting.
Now avoiding Bursts are highly doable just like Backstab is highly avoidable. But another difference between them is that Backstab can be sabotaged anytime between the point where the thief applies stealth and goes in for the attack. Eviscerate cannot.
I have only ever kittened about 2 professions (mesmer + engi). Even then I still rolled one or practiced fighting against one to get better against them. So if it seems like I am complaining about a profession its usually because I am telling people that they have no room to talk.
How should I explain this… stop posting and go practice on your thief, watch some videos, learn your skills. L2P
Dude, you can’t even play warrior well enough. You proved it as much in this thread. There is no point in you posting in this thread because people see you trying to point fingers. “But what about thiefs being OP?!” Just lol
Lol I love how all the warriors are trying to draw the attention off their class by talking about thieves. I just love it.
Just love how you trying to get warrior nerf but the sad part that we already been nerfed more than once, so I want to see the perma blind and perma evade nerfed to the ground and while at it please add 2 more seconds to reveal.
Poor warriors. Try getting nerfed every patch for over a year straight.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
You don’t really get it, don’t you, saying why warrior should lost adrenaline for missing burst skill when it already goes on full CD, is just badly understanding of this game, why thieves skill won’t have CD on top of resource usage? why engis are so tolerated for miss swapping, why theres so little close to non punishment for miss kit swapping.
They are all saying the same thing. burst skill goes on full CD is THE punishment designed for them, just like how wasting resource is THE punishment designed for thieves skills.If you really think warriors get adrenaline like breathing, you should go play some 5v5 against apex, op by children or any other good team, when things happening so fast and realize how little adrenaline you will have even with zerker stance, burst mastery and cleansing ire. and realize why these three things are a must for all top tier matches. this game should not be balanced around noobs or low-avg players.
I’m all for skill and counter play, the thing is that warrior has the most counter able skills compare to everyone else.
How should I explain this…. Pretend you are on your profession and chain 3-4 skills together. Now put everything on cooldown on both weaponsets because you didn’t wait a few seconds between each attack.
That’s why there are no cooldowns on thief skills.
To be honest, why do you even care about all the whine.
Good players already found out how to deal with thieves.
The others will continue to search for a way that make them not look bad and thieves overpowered. It´s never their fault if they lose. They don´t want to improve. They want to drag others down to their level of skill.
So maybe you should start to do it like i do … come on the forums … shake your head and laugh a little bit about all the nonsense that gets posted here … log back into the game and have some fun.Best Regards,
Like I said, I do it because if someone doesn’t then people will think that thieves are comfortable enough with their class that nerfing it again won’t hurt.
Meta builds are meta builds. I’m talking about a full glass ele.
in which case you shouldn’t be complaining about being squishy? “full glass” ele has its own active defenses and recovery systems. don’t derail the thread, and i advise against starting a new one asking for ele buffs.
Someone suggested the OP should play thief to learn a “squishy melee” profession so I’m just pointing out a more suitable way to educate them.
Apparently “squishiness” is the excuse for why initiative is unaffected by chill even though ele is more “squishy” and their attunement swap is still affected.
Actually its because making chill affect initiative the way they want to will translate into a 300% CD. 1 ini per sec/3 = 1/3 initiative per second = 300% CD rate. They are asking for an easily accessed “i win” button.
An ele may be squishy but they have alot of access to healing to make up for it. Thieves have resetting.
EDITED DUE 2 FC: :o so you did.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
Blimey I never thought I’d see the day – warriors and thieves epic QQ battle of who is weaker. xD
This is how it works…
> Nerf a profession into the ground.
> Other professions start looking overpowered.
> Players on nerfed profession phalanx.
> Raging players divert their rage towards easier target.
> Unprepared profession attempts diverting rage towards previous target.
> Attempt fails because raging players already knows that there is almost nothing to pick at.
> Assaulted profession don’t know what do!!!!!?!??!?
Ultimately the stealth mechanic needs to change. Be it either that using it will give you the reveal debuff regardless of attacking or not. Dmg cancels stealth or more realistically shortens it’s duration. There needs to be something done as it is a very badly made system in the game causing fun only to the user and huge amounts of distress and annoyance to everyone else. To draw an analogy imagine the death shroud of the necro would not require stuff to die but instead would be fulled by using certain skills and combo finishers. An infinite health necro who could spamm a leap through a what ever field to stay topped of in Death shroud would be just that.
No it doesn’t. Your changes would make stealth pointless to use and effectively make an entire traitline and a profession’s main survival mechanic obsolete. If you really want to go through with this, then suggest more survivability through the plethora of useless traits and utilities beforehand.
Otherwise you will be forcing thieves into evade spam which will promptly be complained about, perhaps nerfed, leaving thieves with using stealth purely to apply blinds. That will then be nerfed due to excessive QQ.
Those players could just be honest and say:
I want thieves to stand there quietly while I kill them.
We can definitely arrange that without the devs.
As a thief, I full agree to your post.
To bad that the most people can’t (or will not) see the truth.
Yes, alot of people can’t admit that they got outplayed. So they go on the forums to gather sympathy so the devs (who rarely touch thieves, mind you) will nerf them instead of improving themselves.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
No they are the celestial apple and orange. Their joining together will start the most pointless battle for the universe. The end is nigh!
Maybe if 3 of the skills weren’t so redundant with eachother the weaponset would not be a massive pain in the kitten to deal with and at the same time, become something other than a trolly build.
While the stealth is easily accessable, it is initiative heavy making stealthing with that set almost foolish. But the biggest thing is BP and how it doesn’t compare to Shadow Shot in terms of utility. The set is meant to chase with 2 strong gap closers and black powder simply does not fit in.
I’ve seen this idea kick around the forums for a bit now but what if certain skills aside from the Dual Wield skills were to change depending on what was equipped? For example I posted an idea where going p/p would turn vital shot into a more powerful version without bleeds. Why not do that with other skills like black powder as well?
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
Clearly that’s not a guardian… she escaped.
But she is… she just kicked his kitten .
The thief loses initiative when you interrupt them. The initiative is spent before the skill activates and interrupting them mid-skill will work. The only skills that can’t be interrupted are skills like Headshot. Daze cures that problem tho.
Who needs to regenerate adrenaline when it didn’t get spent in the first place because Eviscerate was dodged?
Like how backstab can be dodged? Or you could force a facestab?
I found that the best way to kill an engi dancing around his turrets is to stack power, put on signet of malice and then daggerstorm/CB the kitten out of everything. Don’t ask me how I exactly pulled it off because engis normally kill me.
@ Carpboy
Dude, Anet thought thief was fine after they moved Hard To Catch to master tier while slightly buffing Assassin’s Reward and switching it with H2C. They thought thief was fine after they made a heal out of a utility set that completely sucks outside one build.
They realized that thief was nowhere near “fine” when their Dec. 10th nerf and the actions they took therein caused an exodus from the profession. And this was due to a combination of growing distaste caused by nerfs performed bi-/monthly, a comment where an anet staff member blatently tried fooling the thief community that the Dec 10th Nerf was a “MASSSIVE buff” and then didn’t do anything after 18 pages of discussion with one of those pages filled by probably the most successful crappy troll on the internet.
I would love to find that specific post, however it and every post/comment that made fun of it is entirely non-existent. I can only assume that they were quietly removed.
But afterwords, they gave us traits that they took directly off of the thief forums. Although it was enough to bring some old thieves back, it wasn’t enough for the community to forgive Anet for the crap that was pulled. And so we really havn’t seen anything from them since because the profession itself is at the point where touching it will incite a god’s wrath.
That’s why I keep calling for our own personal dev. The only people who know the profession are the players who nolife on it and the only people who can change it are the developers. If thief had their own personal developer who truly loved it and nolifed on it as much as we do, then thieves can communicate their problems to the developer and the developer can translate them to the team. Like a translator that helps you talk to people in foreign countries.
With our own developer, we could discuss plans that will ultimately make the thief more fun to play on and against. So instead of vet thieves going out into the forums and telling every scrub that they suck and should /uninstall in the nicest way possible, the thieves could relay problems to the developer and the developer could tell the players that he/she is planning on addressing X problem with the community and come to a reasonable agreement with them.
@ Azawrath & AlCojester
Thank you for your support. That is the first bit of appreciation I have ever gotten the past 1.5+ years.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
I always find it funny when I see thieves asking for a rifle with a kill shot on their forum, without their realizing why it wouldn’t be good for anyone else!
A facestab at long range is hardly a Killshot.
It was 1 every 3 second, but there is no point in using them since there are much better traits.
I’ve been on a thief closing in on 2 years now. I’ve theorycrafted this profession to death. So much so that I actually think d/d conditions is viable (contrary to popular belief). I am actually one of those thieves who would even think of taking a deathblossom spam build into WvW. And I do it because I see the advantages of constantly stacking high stacks of 1-3 conditions instead of covering them in the whole spectrum.
I’ve worked on so many builds in order to optimize single traits and this has led me to the point where I simply cannot give someone a build. There are so many factors I consider when crafting that I end up something completely off the wall. In which case, I find that my builds are not optimized for the average thief and I just abandon the thought of posting it.
Nowadays I am simply defending this profession from dumb-dumbs in the hopes that players would wake the hell up. But the only impact I have made was getting on people’s kittenlist because…. well you know, it isn’t their fault that a thief rekt them apparently. I am pretty sure I kittened off a Mod in the process.
But that’s months ago.
I think for once in my thief career that I am truly getting burnt out over all of the bullcrap that happens on these forums. And while I am out on the front lines every kitten day, I am waiting for Anet to tell these players that fighting a thief truly is a L2P issue (or something) so that these players would stop complaining.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love the challenge of debating with hellbent players. But I am starting to feel as though I have pushed so far that I am alone in doing so. Someone has to do it though. Someone has to push back, because otherwise the opposition will start thinking silly things like “Everyone is agreeing with me so I must be right” and “thieves aren’t complaining so they must be content with their profession” which leads to “I think its okay to nerf them again.”
I am still gonna do what I’ve been doing, >.< I would like to know if I crossed a line you all stopped at or that I am just going too fast and you all are busting your kitten to catch up…
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
You really need practice, again L2P
I could say the same for you and your profession. L2P
My Warrior was my first char and after that I created the thief almost 2 years ago before the mega nerfs.
Anything else?
This is hilarious a Thief whining about a warrior. LOL
You might have had a thief for 2 year but I highly doubt you’ve ever gotten off your warrior much to learn it, especially since you still have problems with thieves on the most casual profession this game has. Otherwise you wouldn’t be complaining about a squishy profession.
And it is really easy to tell how inexperienced you are since you said:
while you hit someone with 1 evicerate a thief can land 3 backstabs easily.
In the same timeframe against a stationary target a thief could land 2-3 backstabs to a warrior’s 1 eviscerate. But targets are moving and evading and none of the warrior’s skills require anything aside from adrenaline. So that argument is false.
With proper timing, a warrior can land those hit and deal even more damage than a thief while still maintaining DPS. And while the warrior is 1111111ing away, the thief is spending those 3 seconds positioning themselves to deal almost as much damage as the warrior. Also a thief is useless while in stealth which give players a brief window to come up with countermeasures.
As an added bonus, a warrior can take a backstab alot better than most professions simply because the amount of passives and generous access to every aspect of combat makes it possible.
Maybe you should play a less facerolly profession and go up against people who know what their doing before you start complaining about a profession you can out-DPS.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
If eviscerate needs nerf pls check backstab
Backstab’s Coefficients: 1.2 (front)/2.4 (back)
Eviscerate’s Coefficients: Lvl. 1 = 2.0/Lvl. 2 = 2.5/Lvl. 3 = 3.0
Kill Shot’s Coefficients: Lvl. 1 = 2.25/Lvl. 2 = 2.75/Lvl. 3 = 3.25
Final Thrust’s Coefficients: 1.5 (normal)/3.0 (half dead)
Oh look, warrior has 3 backstabs that hit harder when properly timed. And it required zero positioning or stealth.
just LOL at this guy. Like is easier to land Evicerate, kill shot or Final Thrust than Backstab.
Backstab doesn’t have cool down, while you hit someone with 1 evicerate a thief can land 3 backstabs easily.Okay, then try landing all 3 of them on a moving target only when you are behind your target and stealthed at the same time. Once you do that, tell me how everything went, k?
I have an 80 thief and is quite easy to do that actually, you play a thief so I will have to tell you to L2P before posting
Also try to land all 3 warrior skill and then come here and let me know, oh wait you can’t because those are from 3 different weapons.
Rifle is very useless for hmm.. let’s see, EVERYTHING
Final Thrust always missed and it never crits and
Evicerate with 7 sec CD that you can dodge.PLease let me know if you can dodge BACKSTAB!
That’s real cool that you have lvl 80 thief. Try having one for almost 2 years with a lvl 80 war, guard and mesmer on the side. And yes I have landed them all because I don’t roll my face across the keyboard like other players.
L2troll better.
If eviscerate needs nerf pls check backstab
Backstab’s Coefficients: 1.2 (front)/2.4 (back)
Eviscerate’s Coefficients: Lvl. 1 = 2.0/Lvl. 2 = 2.5/Lvl. 3 = 3.0
Kill Shot’s Coefficients: Lvl. 1 = 2.25/Lvl. 2 = 2.75/Lvl. 3 = 3.25
Final Thrust’s Coefficients: 1.5 (normal)/3.0 (half dead)
Oh look, warrior has 3 backstabs that hit harder when properly timed. And it required zero positioning or stealth.
just LOL at this guy. Like is easier to land Evicerate, kill shot or Final Thrust than Backstab.
Backstab doesn’t have cool down, while you hit someone with 1 evicerate a thief can land 3 backstabs easily.
Okay, then try landing all 3 of them on a moving target only when you are behind your target and stealthed at the same time. Once you do that, tell me how everything went, k?
Why would you even consider assassin’s reward? It is the worst healing trait this game has to offer.
If eviscerate needs nerf pls check backstab
Backstab’s Coefficients: 1.2 (front)/2.4 (back)
Eviscerate’s Coefficients: Lvl. 1 = 2.0/Lvl. 2 = 2.5/Lvl. 3 = 3.0
Kill Shot’s Coefficients: Lvl. 1 = 2.25/Lvl. 2 = 2.75/Lvl. 3 = 3.25
Final Thrust’s Coefficients: 1.5 (normal)/3.0 (half dead)
Oh look, warrior has 3 backstabs that hit harder when properly timed. And it required zero positioning or stealth.
P.S. I barely play warrior, It is an easier class to do well with, no dispute there but once you actually reach a certain skill level you don’t fall for eviscerate and learn 2 dodge. One day you guys will get there
Round 1: Warrior keeps running away from pet and spends little time attacking. Evades while Endure Pain is up. :I
Round 2: Same thing as Warrior in Round 1 but instead keeps waiting for eviscerate to become available and barely does anything else until then.
Round 3 and 4: The Warrior did better than the first 2. However, she pretty much autoattacked until she hit 50% and THEN started using the rest of her attacks. She also might have been better off with Healing Surge instead of signet. Then in the second one she kept hitting him while block was up and paid for it. She also din’t evade the bigger hits very well. It might have been a first for her fighting a ranger that wasn’t using Bearbow.
Round 5: That warrior was burning attacks and evades that he should have used on the Ranger. But otherwise better than the first 2.
Round 6: This warrior actually managed to land an eviscerate that hit for 9.3k. Which is kinda low from what I’ve seen so I am wondering if the warrior wasn’t fully glass. Either way both of them did a good job.
Round 7: INTERFERENCE! But other than that the warrior almost got him. The ranger timed his downing move well though. It looked like it hit twice. o.O
Round 8: The warrior would not get off his GS until he was less than halfway dead. He didn’t use anything other than autoattack on axe and randomly dodged.
Round 9: The warrior starts off by messing around, not targeting and then targeting the ranger’s pet. She was all over the place the whole fight and even managed to get in the fire of another fight. :I
Round 10: For a few seconds the warrior actually attempted to tank him and lost plenty of HP doing so. He also didn’t kitten herself before she hit an attack.
I am going to stop there since the rest is pretty much the same. Overall this just shows, if anything, that Rangers need to get off of their bearbows. The build that the ranger was using was as evadey as a ranger can get, almost to thief level. The ranger knew when to time those evades and he knew the rest of his profession as well as the cooldowns of warrior skills because he timed all of them beautifully.
So I would not go by that simply because it looks like another Good n’ Glassy vs. Mediocre Not-so-glassy.
I still have never been defeated in a 1v1 by an Axe warrior. Maybe one day I will get hit by the OP eviscerate.
Any thief in here who is crying about eviscerate needs to reroll to another class you have absolutely no clue how to play this game.
How to counter warrior with one button – BLACK POWDER! = Pistol #5
Black powder is the counter to bad players, not just warriors.
Thieves have rifle in spirit.
:c thats it
EDIT: That and I am working on getting my flood control removed. Btw welcome back man! I missed you!
EDIT2: Oh and anet stopped touching thief because they know they will catch hella flak from either thieves or anti-thieves regardless of what they do with it.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
If a player kills you, whether they be a warrior, a thief, a mesmer, or any class, please realize that there is ALWAYS a chance that they are simply better. Learn from you mistakes, go back out, and try again. Raging on forums is not the answer.
That’s not what this says!
You are right I don’t have a lot of experience as a thief, I never said I do. But I have a lot of experience vs a thief or with anything else as a warrior both as power and as conditional. And you can’t argue with how well warrior can cripple. Once again I have no issue with other warrior using CI, but a lot of issue with thief going into stealth. The biggest problem is once thief go into stealth, its difficult to add more condition onto him. The only possible way is AOE conditions, the problem with that is AOE conditions doesn’t add too many stacks, and if a thief were to dodge/tele out of range that’s it. If I face a warrior using CI, I just continue applying conditional pressure, CI only delay his death.
“If you end up running away anyway, then you’ve lost.” doesn’t seems to work for most people. Otherwise people won’t have that much QQ with GS warrior mobility.
OK so “p/d might be top roaming” You do agree p/d is king of roaming. So your claim of thief is weak is what? Just because your “d/d hybrid” can kill it? Lol…… King of roaming can only be kill by its own kind…… that’s why its weak…. wait what?
Now that you realize hypocrisy isn’t going to work, you are going to start twisting my words instead?
I never said “is” and I never said “king”. I said “might” as in “its debatable” and “top” as in “it is among the most effective at”. p/d is the king of kiting, not roaming. Sometimes kiting doesn’t work, so you can’t call it king. But why would it matter anyways since pvp, aside from soloQ, is all about zerging and group skirmishes? You do way more in a group than you do solo.
And yes, you can still apply conditions to stealthed players as easily as you can hit players in stealth. However the thief can’t attack because in order to maintain the cleanse they need to maintain the stealth. So not only are they useless but they are dying aswell.
A warrior really just has to keep hitting F1 with Cleansing Ire. And while they might not clean off as fast as a thief, they have the armor and HP to take way more than the thief can all the while still maintaining DPS.
Guys…. we are talking about single target, not dueling. There is a difference.
Its a nerf for WvW because in tPvP you can always hide around a corner when you have that debuff. In my oppinion a better approach would be to lower the over the top high end power scaling of thieves and rework broken sigils like air and fire because both are the reasons why a thief can crit someone with 2,8k armor for half his hp in WvW.
Eviscerate’s 3.0 coefficient and Kill Shot’s 3.25 coefficient would like to say hi.
Delete your legendary.
I hope anet makes venoms not suck. They currently suck and they’ve been sucking since forever.
At least they are too afraid to come onto the thief forums and complain, eh?
It wasn’t over the top even before Dec 10th when they decided to nerf the profession by 33%. Everyone who didn’t play thief thought it was over the top because spamming.
The changes to initiative regen nerfed the regen of trickery specced thieves, it’s a known and proven fact. They gave a little boost to all the others, but overall it was clearly a nerf.
Actually only 1 weaponset got buffed and that was p/d. D/D remained mostly untouched but the rest suffered.
Let’s not forget the immediate exodus from the profession after the update. In fact, I deleted mine because I felt that Anet needed a wake up call. You can call it over the top all you want.
I knew that if people followed me into oblivion (which they did), their numbers would drop and they would see they went a bit too far. The next update, a venom heal. That didn’t work. Then we get on-revealed traits (Travlane’s and my idea), half damage taken in stealth and heal on crit. And that was enough to bring part of the exodus back.
FYI This is the earliest post I made with a little proof that I deleted my thief. The thread where I originally said I deleted my thief was removed because “it was an i quit thread”. coughbullkittencough
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
The problem is that with all those ini regen traits, initiative became almost meaningless. Thieves are meant to reset fights, yes thats true but at its also designed so that you have to deside between spending your initative on aggression or defense. Right now thats totaly screwed because of the over the top initiative regen.
It wasn’t over the top even before Dec 10th when they decided to nerf the profession by 33%. Everyone who didn’t play thief thought it was over the top because spamming.
Time to answer in order.
Ranger and Thief
Ranger and Thief
No class that I’m aware of
I shall reply in order:
- Actually you do, and they have posted telling other rangers that thieves really aren’t that much of a problem for the profession. This was over a year ago and I am not about to look through the forums to find it. Oh and they are still posting….
What did thieves get in that timeframe? A post saying that a bug was being fixed and another developer telling us that a 33% increase to natural initiative regen coupled with a 50% ini gain nerf was considered a buff. Learn both of your professions.
- Yay got one right!
- That is complete bull. Rangers have good healing and condition cleanse up the kitten and you know it. Healing Spring? Have you ever tried using your finishers in it? I would kill to have that skill on my thief all the time instead of that crappy healing venom. Hell, I would love to have it on every other toon except my warrior because it is fine with what it has.
- You don’t have crappy traits at all. Look at skirmishing as an example. Not only is it great for rotations (something thieves don’t do), its great for your pet and it doesn’t completely focus on one part of your profession. Also Venoms and their traits say hi. Trap traits (and traps themselves), combined training, panic strike, concealed defeat, slowed pulse, power shots, patience, assassin’s retreat, assassin’s reward, fleet of foot, quick recovery and trickster also say hi.
- I am sorry, but last time I checked the only trait capable of intentionally screwing over a player in this game was Hard to Catch. And Anet moving it to Master tier because they “felt it was too hard to get to” showed how much they knew about the profession: next to nothing. “Let’s make suicide more accessable.”
- When you are on the low tier of the HP pools, it is a good idea to make sure you have plenty of decent healing and condition cleanse, something thieves don’t have, to stay alive. Guards have the most access to light fields and can do some pretty good healing without traiting too heavily into it. Elementalist has access to alot of healing as well as a few water fields and some blast finishers and they don’t have to trait much at all. The best healing I found on thieves so far without having to trait at all was d/d SB with Signet of Malice. But you have to burn your initiative constantly to keep HPS up and that will kill a thief. Or you could trait for all the heals, be useless and die anyways.
- That’s 2 out of 7. Well you tried.
I feel you should talk to my buddy SilvSonic. He is a Ranger theorycrafter with the same level of experience and temper as I am with thief. Basically the ranger version of me . You should give him a call and have him clear up a few misconceptions about the ranger profession. Just don’t mention the words “bear” or “bow” because that will make him rage.
Oh boy! A forum noob coming on here and telling someone else who has played a profession at least 10x more than him that said guy has no idea what he is talking about.
Yes. It would be nice you have some use in a zerg that doesn’t involve solo skrub ganking and stealth bot.
I don’t know about you, but most of these have more and arguably better effects at the same CD than Shadow Step and RoI. I can think of 5 between the 2 professions that I would love to trade Haste and Infiltrator’s Signet for.
Not as much as thieves. Venoms, traps and their traits say hi.
At least your’s (if you actually have one) doesn’t kill you.
Yes. Reset. Outside sources. You nailed it you just don’t realize it yet.
Oh, I don’t know. Go to my posts, click on page 50 and start reading to find out.
I’m sorry when did you start playing thief? Like… I have been on a thief since about a month past launch. I have had plenty of good ideas posted on this subforum and have earned enough respect from people who actually play the profession to throw my opinion around.
But then you pop in from the ele forum and call me a “rerolling noob”?
1/10 You suck at trolling.
Warriors are now a casual class. Who cares if they sucked in the past.
Elementalists have 20 weapon skills available at one time but most of them stay in one attunment and spam from a distance. That’s why they are bad.
And I know a ranger theorycrafter that says something completely different. Maybe you should go talk to him too.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
I dont get the issue. thieves are already good even with the many nerfs you had. suck it up and continue eating other zerkers for breakfast, lunch and dinner because why go any other class specced for zerker when a theif can just instagib the other zerkers no problem. Quit your qq’ing you theives. Its not like revealed has ever been a problem anyway when you can just run away and wait for it, and go back to hiding and backstabbing, flanking strike or pistol whip the enemy to death
I’m sorry, but which profession does not have developer to it’s name? Or not have a 1200 range weapon? Or have arguably the worst cleanse and stun breaks in the game? Or the worst trait in the game? Or the biggest variety of unbalanced/useless/highly situational traits out of all the professions? Or is the only profession to mainly rely on their weapon skills to keep their kitten alive? Or can’t get any decent healing or protective buffs without resorting to sources outside of their profession?
I think we have a right to complain.
If I still had my old thief, I would have beaten you by at least 1k. TOO BAD THE LAST INITIATIVE UPDATE CAUSED ME TO DELETE IT.
On Topic: They won’t even touch the class because the community attached to is perceived to be toxic. And I wouldn’t blame them because the slightest amount of ignorance on these forums is enough to spark a flame or troll.
Hell, I think even moderators are reluctant to come here.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)