- Heartskeer: Reduced damage of the 100%-50% threshold by 20%. Damage thresholds changed. Old: 100%-66%, 66%-33%, 33%-0%. New: 100%-50%, 50%-25%, 25%-0%
- Assassin’s Signet: This skill has been updated to grant 15% damage for 5 attacks rather than 50% damage for one attack.
- Pistol Whip: Reduced damage by 15%
- Dancing Dagger:This skill’s damage has been reduced by 50%
- Tactical Strike: This skill’s damage has been increased by 10% in all formats. This skill’s daze duration has been reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP.
- Cluster Bomb: This skill’s damage is reduced by 15% in PvP.
- Cloak and Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 33% in PvP only.
- Spider Venom, Devourer Venom, Ice Drake Venom, Skale Venom, Basilisk Venom, Assassin’s Signet
The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.March
*Stealth: The duration of Revealed has been increased to 4 seconds when coming out of stealth via an attack.
- Quickness: Reduced from 100% attack speed to 50%. (All professions)
- Caltrops: Reduced duration from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Basilisk Venom skill: No longer immobilizes targets in addition to stunning them.
- Mug: Can no longer critically hit.
- Trick Shot: First arrow is no longer heat-seeking.
- Stealth: The duration of Revealed has been reverted to 3 seconds in PvE._
There has always been a flavor-of-the-month (or week, or day) complaint meta/campaign regarding Thieves. Some targeted complaints have actually resulted in a matching Thief nerf . Thieves have received many nerfs on skills/traits/utilities that had no previous (perceived) issue, and without any rhyme or reason given as to why.
I would opine that the majority of complaints on the (“OP”) state of Thieves are based on perception versus reality coupled with (garbage in, gospel out) misinformation.
Please refer to this list for the reality and correct information.
“What man does not understand, he fears; and what he fears, he tends to destroy.”
This is the inevitable result of people sucking and complaining about it! My pistol whip is now only usable in conjunction with Signet of Malice. I bet next thing they are going to be complaining about after stealth is the power of s/p’s 1 combo.
Why am I even playing thief anymore?!
EDIT: I know why…. Integrity.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
WARNING: I wrote this at 6am and havn’t gone to bed yet. =n=
How2Read: tl;drs are in bold.
Farming…. moneymaking. People do this to get rich faster. They find the best places, do the best tasks and cash in at the end of the day. Recent updates has made one of the two best forms of goldfarming that much closer to not worth it.
I get that the buff of Cursed Shore and the reduction of the Heavy Moldy Bag drop rate was meant to deter farming, but eventually all of those farmers are going to go to CoF or Southsun (or do something else). Those in turn will inevitably gets buffed as well and money making would slowly become a waste of money/time in itself.
I hate CoF because of the crowd it pulls. I hate Southsun because the veteran karkas are stupidly powerful and killing one to two Young (Brutal) Karka at a time yields little gold. Trying to kill 4+ is suicide for me. I am not playing the market because eventually that will get nerfed and become a pain in the kitten to do.
I get that you want us to actually earn our everythings and have us spread out onto the other maps. The thing is that making gold is a pain in the kitten as it is. Waypoint costs are getting ridiculous. Mats have to be attained by hand or I lose money because most of the things I craft are worth less than the cost of all the mats that make it. At this rate, there will be no point in doing anything after 80 unless I feel like torturing myself.
So instead of brandishing the magic nerf bat like a hyperactive child in a pool (description made purely for the amusing image), you could:
- Make more lvl 80 areas that do not contain brutal mobs, frighteningly powerful vet forms, very few nodes, very few accessable waypoints and almost no reason to stay there. Yes, I am talking about karkas and Southsun. Nobody will attack the vets, not even groups. Trying to find those 1-2 orichalcum nodes is its own adventure. Mithril would be more abundant if there weren’t scary-as-hell vets sitting on top of them. The only thing that makes money there are the Young Karkas and killing one at a time does not yield alot. The level of stupidity required to engage Karkas scale per Karka engaged. Notice how I didn’t say kill.
- Stop using forced gold sinks on players (ex. waypoints, tp). I understand that those fees are small, but just like loot it adds up. Have money sinks burn Karma before it starts stabbing everyone’s coinpurse. There is no other use for Karma other than getting mats for Legendary gear and crap Karma gear that will be replaced by better gear later on. Why not? It would definitely give people an incentive to go out there and do events. Oooooooohh, you want free travel and waived fees? Go save world more.
- Have mats sometimes drop at the appropriate tier in relation to the level of w/e discipline you have active at the time and the level of the node/mob you get the mat from. Basically, if one of your disciplines are at a specific level and you get a mat from a kill that one of your active disciplines uses, the mats that normally drop from that specific mob has a chance to increase/decrease in tier. This chance scales down in difficulty and up by discipline level.
Lets say I have 400 Jewelcrafting. I am mining mithril for god knows what and I get a jewel from the mithril node. Instead of getting the usual [Ruby Crystal] I instead get a [Ruby Orb]. The chances of this actually happening would be uncommon and it would be some time before it happens again. Mining copper would almost never produce this result.
Now lets say that I have 200 Jewelcrafting but I am still mining mithril. I get a jewel. Instead of getting a [Ruby Crystal] like normal, I am getting a [Garnet Lump] or w/e and after a while I realize my [Ruby Crystal] has become come as rare as the orb in the first example.
Now lets say that I have no professions active and I am mining mithril because I hate it and want it to die. I get a jewel and its a [Ruby Crystal]. I go kill more nodes and get more [Ruby Crystals] because there is nothing to scale it’s tier with.
Get the idea?
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
O.K. I realize that you at ANet want to discourage players from farming endlessly in an area and have put in deterrents to stop just that, but for the last 3 months you have allowed a blatant farming path to go unchanged in CoF P1. I realize also that the boulders can be tough without a mesmer to port it, and the average non-dps party might take a whole 10 minutes to run it, but to not chance this border-line exploit and instead continue to buff Cursed Shore is, in a word, inane.
People wouldn’t farm Cursed Shore so hard if:
1.) Money making wasn’t a major pain in the kitten to do.
2.) Mobs that actually dropped something of any value weren’t fatal in groups of 4+ (Young Karkas(to me anyways)).
3.) Vet forms of mobs weren’t frighteningly tough, so much so that groups avoid them (Veteran Karkas).
4.) There were more level 80 places to farm.
5.) Everything wasn’t so kittening expensive.
Melandru Priest hit me for 48k once.
I would like some of these implimented as well. It is hard to tell who does what in my guild when the history only shows so much.
I would’ve thought that “Guild Wars” would have an advanced Guild Customization system at least. Last night I held a meeting for our personal Guild Emblem. Even though the choices were abundant the level of customization was poor. 1 symbol/1 background made choosing a good Emblem quite difficult.
Umm…. I’ve been hit by a 9k+ Unload before. That’s with about 1600 toughness. Soo….. I think something is working for pistol.
Anything that deals over 6k damage from a thief is considered overpowered by the community’s standards. I agree with OP, the Thief’s pistol shoots peas. The only way to get any damage done with a pistol is with high precision and hoping you land alot of crits.
This game isn’t as grindy as the rest of the games I have played out there. You just make it a grind by limiting yourself in the types of activities you engage in. I don’t do PvP or WvWvW so my time playing is slightly bland, but that doesn’t keep me from playing because there is ALOT to do. By doing everything save the two mentioned, I have gotten far for my time playing. It wasn’t because I grind, its because I didn’t limit myself.
Its all to perspective. For me Confusion Mesmers (pre this patch, we’ll see if this is still true) were the only Mesmer build that would destroy me. Any other Mesmer would have no chance. So to other builds me (or thieves) would be “OP” but to Confusion base Mesmers I (or thieves) are a joke.
It comes down to how you build your self, my build lacks condition removal so Necros are “OP” to me but that’s not the classes fault, its mine for building the way I do. If you have under 1400 toughness and what to know why thieves hit you so hard and seem “OP” because you have 1400 toughness.
Plus, I don’t know about other thief players but if I hit a guy/girl for 6k+ backstab, I’m going to focus you because your soft. People want every build and every class to be balanced and that is only going to build a stagnant PvP system.
Thank you! This is exactly the kind of response I wanted. +1 for understanding!
That is a pretty good offer.
This is not a “Nerf it!” thread. This is not a “pointing fingers at other ignored classes because you keep bullying me” thread. THIS PARTICULAR THREAD is a “Before you start pointing fingers, look at your surroundings and check your info” thread.
This thread is not to kitten about necros being OP, but by showing you that Thieves being Overpowered ( ref) is only an excuse and that there are ways to counter them. Necros are used as an example.
There is ALWAYS a counter to EVERYTHING in this game and screaming “Omfg, he kill me! OP!” is the worst way to get better….. because you don’t get better. If the Thief (which is being nerfed to uselessness) is killing you, up your game.
And to the people who didn’t understand this the first time, READ it instead of wrongly assuming my intentions.
I have seen necromancers tear apart thieves in 5-10 seconds. I have friends who play Thief who don’t have much of a problem with any other profession except the Necromancer. I have Necromancer friends who claim they can rip apart thieves. Last night, a Necromancer was ACTIVELY HUNTING one of my Guild Officers who was on their Thief.
So if Thieves are soooooooo OP then Necromancers must be EXTREMELY overpowered. I don’t see anyone complaining about them, do you? No.
Before you start crying “OP” at the Thief that killed you, understand that there are others who can rip them (as well as you) apart.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
These people who take the game too seriously do it because they can’t excel out in the real world.
Blame society for that.
It would make the game much more interesting. +1
As a tanky thief who uses s/p alot, [Pistol Whip] tends to be one of my main forms of attack that I use in conjunction with [Signet of Malice] for heals. I also use [Infiltrator Strike] as a gap closer and a condition remover more than a means to dodge incoming attacks.
Due to the fast pace of my play style, though, [Infiltrator Strike] hinders my tactical positioning and target switching abilities because of [Shadow Return] being available for 6 seconds.
[Pistol Whip] is also a bother because the flurry comes right after the pistol whip. Missing the initial attack leaves me immobilized until the smashing of my directional buttons releases me.
So I have come up with a solution for each of them:
Flurry only activates when the pistol whip lands.
Make a major trait that cuts the time of [Shadow Return] availability in half or by 2/3s.
I also have some aesthetic ideas to make [Pistol Whip] look better. Instead of the initial attack being a 180 swing with the pistol to the front it could just be a jab from the right and the rebound from the jab could make the transition from whip to flurry look like the thief is using momentum from the rebound to turn clockwise into the flurry.
The flurry could also look more like a blurry wave of steel (gunmetal colored claw-like energy cloud thing) slowly pushing forwards from the thief. It would enhance the look of [Pistol Whip] as well if each hit from the flurry made the screen shake more intensely every hit (8, not 4×2).
But this is just me. Discuss?
This is a very indirect attack on Thieves. Thieves are the main users of stealth and they really don’t have much else of a defense other than shadow return and dodging. Thieves are also squishy so using stealth is their best form of survival.
Oh my god. I leveled in less than 2 weeks and you know what I did to achieve it? Everything. I ran around mindlessly, killing everything in my path. When an event popped up, I did it. When a node was within reach, I harvested/mined/cut it. When I was done with that area, I took everything I earned and crafted.
I am week 3.5 with my main at level 80, wearing full exo with my trinkets made for free, 400 Jewelcrafting, 212 Weaponsmithing and 120 armorsmithing.
Leveling is not a chore unless you make it a chore.
One of the Laws of Gaming Logic says: The less she is wearing, the more powerful she is. The same goes with NPCs. The Statue of Dwayna is not wearing anything and she is powerful as kitten.
I want a title for best red dye + armor selection: The Red.
Because the Third Guild Wars led to the inevitable destruction of Orr allowing Zhaitan to raise it from the sea and use every carcass as his personal army so that he may destroy Tyria.
I doubt anyone would want something like that to happen again.
I am the Guild Leader of my 3 week old guild Plainswalkers [PW]. My guild is currently going through a recruitment drive and I am always briefing new recruits. I currently have 16 members and I know that at least half of them are active (2-6 members on at once).
I want to work on a promotion system based on activity (currently purely recruitment) and add on criteria as my guild grows. The main problem I am having is tracking my member’s contributions. The History can only tell me so much.
Being a leader of any sort requires the leader to keep track of that which he/she leads. A great tool for Guild Leaders would be a tool that will list every guild-related action that every member makes by name. This includes:
- Recruitment Attempts
- Successful Recruitments
- Bosses Slain
- Dungeons cleared
- Promotions Given (if applicable)
- Guild Bank and Treasure trove deposits/withdrawls
In addition to that I also want promotions made within my guild solely approved by me but because of it I have to leave my SiC without that ability and I need him during my absence. So I have another idea and a half.
There also should be some form of Approval System that allows lower ranks to perform actions but said actions remain as Pending until approved by the proper rank. This will allow me or any of my officers to perform guild maintenance without having me or my second-in-command be there all the time. This Approval System also should rely on points just in case I am away too long. For example:
- I am gone for 1 out of two weeks for vacation.
- Member A is qualified for promotion.
- SiC attempts to promote him without my approval. Because of it, the promotion is Pending.
- SiC is allowed to initiate a Point-Vote and does so. 10 out of 20 points are added.
- 5 Officers feel Member A is also deserving of the promotion. 2 x5 points are added.
- Member A is promoted. Point-Voting is locked for that member until I unlock it.
- Notification is sent to me via mail with the option to unlock it.
This might be a little complex, but with those tools I can feel less stressed trying to keep my guild up. Discuss? Additions?
the best thing this game could have would be the istant Death of PvP.
a GC PvE/WWW (once i quit also this) ele tired to be nerfed to the ground because 6 players complains in PvP.But those 6 players are uber…didn’t you know? lol
This relates to one of my spoilers on a previous comment!
…realize that they may not be as good as they think they are and work for their bragging rights by making an original build and play style that is effective in combat?
“Hey I put these random swords into the forge that I paid 1g for and got something called Dusk. Now I put 4 more swords in and Dawn came out, what is this?!?!”
Sounds like that server sucks at countertrolling. Seriously. I trolled Runescape’s forums during the QQ wars and I can tell you from experience that if something like that irritates you then the troll is winning and with very little effort.
I tried the port 80 fix and it doesn’t work for me. I get kicked every time I attempt to say anything without fail. It doesn’t happen when I move around or kill something, but the moment I attempt to talk with my guild or whoever my game dies.
Can’t we all just shut up and adapt?
No because that is just completely avoiding the issue. It is a generic non-statement that assumes that whatever is being done is correct and one should just deal with it.
Also, if people shut up, then how would Arenanet know what people want? Why not just close down the forums and only allow posts praising the game?
It is fine to say there’s too much complaining but it’s not like there aren’t major issues.
I am not saying there aren’t any major issues. But what developers fail to realize is that catering to massive amounts of QQ can and will hurt/kill a game. It takes 2 to tango, but both parties need to compromise if anything is to be fixed properly.
Yes, classes may not be completely balanced. Then again nothing will ever be perfect, so the only thing that can be done is do the best you can with what you have. Anet is doing their best to balance classes but they are determining this from a horde of not-that-great players who just want to facekeyboard themselves into the top leaderboards.
If they REALLY want to balance classes, they should watch how their game is played in real time. Using several little guinea pigs in a near empty server will not give enough information as to the extent of OPing each class currently has. You will be amazed at how much you can learn from watching groups.
Not one person plays this game like the other. You have several classes, hundreds of possible builds and thousands of play styles. It gets even more complex in groups.
So I shall add on to my previous question:
…stop catering to the most recent QQ militia and actually experience their game on a broad scale though observing daily interactions?
…realize that they may not be as good as they think they are and work for their bragging rights by making an original build and play style that is effective in combat?
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
Can’t we all just shut up and adapt?
Go ahead and waste time pinging your zerk from bags, you’ll be detected for having lacking dps (@4acolytes or 4 braziers) and will get kicked eventually (deservedly so too). Don’t join if you don’t conform. Go make your own MF party lol, enjoy waiting staring at your gw2lfg post.
The more dps the party outputs, the faster bosses melt, the less chance players have to go down and drag the run. What’s so hard for you to understand that? If you don’t want to join a 5min p1 run party or w/e, then don’t complain and join a normal p1 party.
All I’m seeing is OP asking for kitten and paying with fake bills and complaining he needs real bills to get his fun…
Lol you took OP’s post too seriously. I doubt he plans on going again with those kinds of groups. He even stated that he is going to troll them the next time he sees it.
Just finished kitting out my thief, very happy with it.
It almost looks like Altair from Assassin’s Creed. Good job.
After reading some of the comments, I think am going to try to upgrade my toughness and vitality again. If there is a difference at 2k+ then I am gonna continue experimentation.
Thanks everyone!
GW2 is an MMORPG. MMORPGs are NEVER PvP games.
If you are playing an RPG for PvP, then you need to find another genre.
Sorry a lot of MMOs are faction based. Here it’s by server. EVE it’s player corporations. Factions fight with one another. Poof, you have tPvP. sPvP is more about making a name for yourself. Being #1 on the high score screen down at the arcade, where you’ve beaten other players to achieve that score.
Hmm. An MMO based in an arcade of mini games where you play against other players or NPCs to get tickets that you can cash in for sweet duds …
Games, especially RPGs, are initially PvE or vs. NPCs. The concept of PvP came from the desire to play the game with more realistic opponents and that is why every MMO tends to have some form of PvP. It is so that the hardcore gamers, which are a minority in the world’s gaming community, are not left bored out of their minds roaming around a world of grind and repetitiveness.
There is very little to no roleplaying in PvP, so calling a RPG a PvP game is ignorant.
For PvE, yes, toughness and especially vitality are completely pointless.
Open world solo questing style PvP is easy enough glass cannon anything can solo with ease. You could probably level to 80 naked with the starter weapons if you really wanted to.
Wow. What a waste.
You never stated what kind of toughness you where talking about, just “enhanced”.
Get 2K toughness and I can assure you that you’ll be able to take noticeably more hits than with <1K.
My toughness as it stands is around 1850. It was 1500 but even that slight increase should have reduced the amount of damage I was taking. Instead I am taking an extra 300-400 damage. I would boost it above 2k but because I see no change in survivability it would seem like a waste of time and gold.
Here is how we can solve Whack-a-mole balancing:
Everyone stops complaining that things are killing them too much and either do something else or find a counter to their bane.
GW2 is an MMORPG. MMORPGs are NEVER PvP games.
If you are playing an RPG for PvP, then you need to find another genre.
DISCLAIMER: That build is extremely old and I do not use it anymore.
I was experimenting with my Thief, seeing if I could turn it into a super tanky damage sponge for PvE. My power and precision was already at acceptable levels and so I concentrated on Vitality and Toughness by playing around with Valkyrie and Knight gear.
With enhanced toughness and 4k more HP (close to 20k), I set out to test damage mitigation. For some reason, the damage I was taking before these experiments got a boost and I was taking 7-10% HP per hit like before.
After increasing stats (by 25%) that should have reduced damage, I see no change in survivability. Do mobs hit a set percentage of your HP no matter what?
This it my build as it stands. It is currently in beta.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
I like its access to Vulnerability and Daze conditions. Although it would be better for support if the conditions would last more than 5 seconds. Maybe one of these days I’ll try making a p/p build that is loaded with Vulnerability augmentation.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
When someone says “OMG <blank> IS OP NERF IT!!”, it translates into “<blank> kills me too much and I am too stubborn to adapt! Nerf it!!”
A good player would play as a thief to learn how one goes about being a thief. After a while, they will understand attack patterns and adjust their other toon’s gear/skills and attack patterns to better handle situations vs. a thief.
A good thief will do the same, especially vs. another thief….
But a very good player will take one class with one build and dominate no matter what because they have experimented with multiple builds on every class.
My point is “OP” is the warcry of the bad player, especially in a game where there are numerous counters for everything.
Your argument seems to suggest that it’s impossible for anything to be overpowered.
In a game that is constantly rebalanced, it is impossible for something to be truely overpowered because it all boils down to who complains harder. WoW goes through this. Runescape goes through this.
Even if something is truely overpowered, there is always a way to counter it. Yet people would rather gain the advantage from the nerf than find one.
When someone says “OMG <blank> IS OP NERF IT!!”, it translates into “<blank> kills me too much and I am too stubborn to adapt! Nerf it!!”
A good player would play as a thief to learn how one goes about being a thief. After a while, they will understand attack patterns and adjust their other toon’s gear/skills and attack patterns to better handle situations vs. a thief.
A good thief will do the same, especially vs. another thief….
But a very good player will take one class with one build and dominate no matter what because they have experimented with multiple builds on every class.
My point is “OP” is the warcry of the bad player, especially in a game where there are numerous counters for everything.
Good point. The only reason why I say is because assassinations are always kept in the dark or where people don’t suspect. In RPGs, the Assassin class is a close subtype of the Thief where the focus is to produce ambushes with powerful openings while somewhat maintaining the combat style of their parent class afterwards. Just saying.
Signet of Malice is good vs. groups of NPCs because it heals per hit. So if you went up against 3-4 and heal for 100 per hit, that’s 300-400 a hit. Combine it with pistol whip and you heal ~20% each attack.
Thieves currently use:
- Daggers
- Harpoon Guns
- Pistols
- Short Bow
- Spears
- Swords
Seeing as how the Thief is the only Assassin-type class it would be appropriate if Thieves also were allowed to use Rifles or perhaps Longbows as well. I would expect them to be a slower weapon to use but it would also be more powerful.
The Rifle would probably be the slowest weapon to use but with more powerful bursts of damage and the skills could keep true to the Sniper. The Longbow could also be slow but keep the spirit of the Hunter-Assassin where some of the skills allow the thief to return to the shadows and continue picking off the enemy or set up ambushes.
I always put on my best reds.
My thief is pure mindless brawling but its pretty good for tanking. It uses sword and pistol and abuses Signet of Malice with Pistol Whip but it requires high precision and the proper perks.
I made this build to regen Initiative quickly so I use Quick Recovery and Opportunist. I also use Practiced Tolerance for that extra Vitality boost.
Its skill points are 10/30/0/30/0 and has some perks that increases the damage it deals in any situation.
The main focuses to it’s construction is Initiative Regen, Circumstantial Healing (upon attack, kill and ability use), High Precision, High Vitality and Healing. So long as you have all those optimized, you got yourself a tank.
Even without any vitality stats from armor, my thief has 18k hp so it can take quite an amount.
I’m all for rewards scaling depending on your contribution involved as long as they fix their overall scaling system first.
I wonder if rewards scaling would be effective enough? Has AN tried it yet?
I have been rocking MF since lvl 20. Even though it says it doesn’t effect chests and ores I have seen better quality gear from chests and more gems when I am mining while I rock it. Not only that, I get alot more of masterwork gear drops than I do without MF.
I havn’t found an exotic yet and I don’t expect to because my luck in drops on any MMORPG is poor. :P
Getting marked for completing meta events is a good idea, but it won’t really encourage people to stop camping bosses.
Another idea which I saw somewhere on the forums was making meta events exist in other zones. That would be a good way to get people out there but its still somewhat of an unpopular idea. Who’d really want to go to Kessix, Hairathi and somewhere in Ascalon just so they can come back to where ever and kill the boss?
Dunno, I don’t see people camping non timer events with an extended meta chain attached to them now, so that’s what I’m going with. With an equal amount of reward at the end.
Exactly. So make it not worth camping bosses that run on a timer. I am just saying that if my idea goes into effect that people would feel like going around and doing things is not so much of a waste of time.
Getting marked for completing meta events is a good idea, but it won’t really encourage people to stop camping bosses.
Another idea which I saw somewhere on the forums was making meta events exist in other zones. That would be a good way to get people out there but its still somewhat of an unpopular idea. Who’d really want to go to Kessix, Hairathi and somewhere in Ascalon just so they can come back to where ever and kill the boss?
WARNING: There is math involved!!!!!
Some of you are probably wonder why I think camping bosses is a problem. Well, you have ~80% of every server’s population using 10% of the game at any one time. This is a waste of server space and money whether you care to realize or not.
Even then it turns this game into a grind and grinding gets very boring very fast. Almost every, if not every, MMORPG that has any form of grind turns into a stagnant collection of space waste. In that kind of world your toon isn’t worth paying any attention to because everyone else has their end-game weapons/armor and their maxed everythings.
Sounds like a massive waste of time, money and effort. People still play them despite this because it leaves a giant hole where a sense of achievement and fulfillment should be sitting. Actually, I should correct myself because that sounds more like self-torture, trying to gain something intangible even though you know there was never anything to be had.
Fixing this is somewhat simple, though. Make highly populated activities scale in difficulty against number participating and frequency of participation per individual (account-wide). For example:
- 50 people (x) are fighting Shadow Behemoth. Lets pretend that SB has base hp of 10k at a minimum participation of 5 people requiring 2k shared damage per person and it scales 2k share and x1.05 extra hp per person outside the 5 person limit: y = (2,000x)1.05^(x-5) – 10,000. Final hp for SB would be 1146740, where each player must deal their share of ~23k damage before they can claim a reward.
- 10 of those 50 people have camped SB and are on their 2nd to 5th run. Instead of adding on to the massive hp share they instead each get an invisible debuff. This debuff increases likelyhood that they will be targeted and the amount of damage they take from SB by 20%, both scaled x1.5 against # of consecutive kills: y% = (20)1.5^(x-1). Those on their 5th run will be the full focus (101% chance of targeted) of SB’s attacks and will take double damage (+101% taken). This stays until they spend some hours on other things (example: crafting, events, pvp ,etc.)
With this we can make the persistent get better rewards but at some point it won’t be worth it. Lets assume one of those people who camped SB are on their 5th run and are still there. So long as they have HP, SB will attack them. Any attempt to revive them will result in added deaths. On top of that, someone will have to pick up the slack.
In the example above, if those 10 were all on their 5th run then more than likely they would all be dead and the remaining 40 would have to deal an extra 230k damage to kill him. Not only that, the time it takes for them to remove the buff will also be scaled to what “charge” their debuff is on. Is camping SB further worth it at this point? No.
But directly attacking camping won’t completely solve the problem. The reason people camp is cause of money. Moneymaking in this game is a pain in the butt and can get tedious. Sometimes encouragement and discouragement working together makes miracles, and so we encourage people to do more events elsewhere.
Lets take our bossing debuff, for example. Yes, SB hates me too much because I tried killing him 5 times in a row, BUT if I go do other things like protect Nebo Terrace from the Tamini that they might drop more things I can sell like materials and containers. Oh but I can’t just do that I also need to go to the straits and fend off Risen.
My point being is that you can’t camp SB 5 times and then go to Hairathi Hinterlands and camp Ulgoth until the SB debuff goes away. Doing this will place another debuff on you for Ulgoth and you will still have to do many more events just to get rid of the one for SB. That leave you doing a total few hours of doing other events. What’s worse is that this buff is also invisible, meaning you have no clue when it will end. All you can assume is that you must do a great variety of events before you can camp SB again.
But your drops are more valuable everywhere else! Not only that, the whole game is being used! Problem solved! (most) People are happy! Everyone can inB4thievesareopthread again!
This idea is just an example though and I would like to discuss better methods or improvements to the one I have given.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
7 Words. It’s not the Thief, It’s the User.
This. So much this.
Home World: Crystal Desert
Guild Name: Plainswalkers
Guild Website: n/a
In-Game Contact: Zack Harte
Focus: To do everything that nobody else does.
Quick Notes: Click me for Quick Notes!
I am Zack Harte (main) of Crystal Desert and I thank you for showing interest in my guild. Instead of boring you with a generic list of things every other guild does or write a bullcrap letter of false promises, I am going to prove to you this guild’s originality as best as I can. Here I have abused spoiler boxes so you don’t have to know if you want a first-hand introduction or you just don’t care.
Name: Plainswalkers
World: Crystal Desert
Language: English mainly
Type: Adventuring, Unorthodox, n00b Help
What NOT to expect from Plainswalkers:
- ZOMG we does everything!!!!
- We also does everything events every week on a regular basis!!!!
- Normal rank names.
- Normal staff.
- Alot of seriousness.
- Severely organized PvP/WvW events.
- Boss camping.
- Operational give-a-damns.
What to expect from Plainswalkers:
- Adventure.
- Random gifts that might benefit you in the mail. (Because I need a quicker way to get rid of gear and item drops. I am not going to be the only one doing it either.)
- Sporadic events (because someone needs help with a boss.)
- Ranking up based on Valor, Honor and NON-TANGIBLE contributions towards the guild. (HINT: Use Plainswalkers’ theme song as the source of inspiration as to the idea of what I want in my higher ranking members.)
- We haz theme song.
- Guildmaster looks like a pirate.
(bleep)ing Ranks, how do they work?!
Initiate: Lol nubcake. You only contribute to guild vault thing, k?
Green: Meh, I guess you bawss enough to show our colors.
Full Member: Don’t know if spy. Guess you can contribute to Treasure Trove as well. >.>
Veteran: O.o…. Imma let you work out guild vault crap, but if you start stealing things imma kill you, k?
Plainswalker: Here is your Treasure Vault Access key. Now go away.
Cry Bucket: If I am not here you handle everyone’s gripes and complaints (aka “Cry”). kthxbye!
Almost Pirate: I have a life I must tend to. I need you to take charge while I am gone. Here is guild. kthxbye!!!@#C!@@#
Evil (bleep)hole: You are now officially a pirate.
Requirements to Join:
- Listened to Plainswalkers’ theme song.
- A desire to play this game like it should be played.
- Your character level > 0.
Expectations while ranked within Plainswalkers:
- You maintain your honor.
- You don’t beg for rank. If you are given rank its probably because leadership thinks you are awesome enough to handle that rank and I was like, “Idgaf” when they ask permission to promote. By the way, you need my permission to get promoted.
- If a member is n00b, you help them via giving them stuff you can’t use but they need or help them train.
- You show that you want this guild to flourish with action…. and that you REALLY want to be a pirate.
- You take advantage of the mail system when contacting your superiors.
- That you will do other things that I expect you to do that have not come across my mind yet… :|
Send a message addressed to Zack Harte saying that you want to join Plainswalkers and a guild invite will be sent on your way as soon as I read it.