Showing Posts For Zacchary.6183:

Are we getting mounts any time soon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Why would you want mounts? I think they’re silly. Just because a bunch of other MMOs have mounts doesn’t mean GW2 should have mounts.

I mean, what are the arguments for them? You can travel faster? We have speed boosts, way points, and asura gates. Different combat? We already have transform skills, and if you mean a new kind of combat like land/water difference that’s something a bit too different from the core game at this point.

I honestly don’t know why people want mounts in general. A lot of arguments have to do with other games having them. That’s not a good enough reason for them to be implemented in GW2. I just don’t see the point.

More bragging rights is the answer to your wonderment.

Are we getting mounts any time soon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


We don’t need mounts.

Toughness = aggro?

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I use 1600 toughness. This is false. Btw I would like to be targeted more without having to take away from my other stats

Something to remember...

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Fixed my link… hopefully.

Missing Backstab should reveal

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I gave you a counter. Its called moving.

Something to remember...

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


For players: Understanding that in decently-made MMOs there are always counters to everything. Just because it seems OP to you doesn’t mean it is OP to the next guy or the next guy. If you are getting your kitten handed to you then it is your fault for not having the knowledge or taking the time to prepare against it. You will learn about the system of Cyclical Imbalance.

For developers: Just because someone everyone is screaming that something is OP doesn’t mean it really is OP. A good majority of the time is a L2 kitten ue that can easily work itself out so long as you don’t cater to the minority too much.

I would have posted this in Suggestions, but my kitten keeps drowning in the “I-wanna-color-my-cat” threads.

tl;dr Here is a reason why you should take the death like a man/woman and up your game.

EDIT: kitten links…

(edited by Zacchary.6183)

What does a Thief taste like?

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Why not ask the buzzards nearby?

is this a bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


The tool tip only shows the minimum distance for IF, not for SR. SR is time limited, no need for it to have a range limit also. If a range limit is added, no sense to add a time limit. It’s either/or and Anet choose the time limit and it is perfect as it is.

Actually that’s not true. Tooltip says:

Infiltrator’s Strike – Range: 600
Shadow Return – Range: 1200

The range is unlimited. Teleporting across the SB area can’t be 1200.

Thieves abusing supply traps :)

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


We don’t have a team.

Missing Backstab should reveal

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


What do you think should be done to give players the ability to counter backstab?

There is this thing called keep moving you can use. It costs nothing..

Thieves abusing supply traps :)

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


These traps were stupid and lazy from the get-go.

Create a Mega Millions Lottery

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


You are thinking about chance, as in roll the dice with RNG. We are talking about gambling, rolling the dice in a way the only person who really wins is the guy rolling the dice.

Btw you can’t dump in 4 rares and expect to get a Triforge Amulet or something equivalent in price. Those really expensive items are most likely come from mystic forge recipes. They are really expensive because it takes alot of money/time to get those mats.

"Suggestions" needs to be called "Solutions"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


This game has alot of bugs, massive balancing problems, farming problems, graphic problems…. just kittenloads of problems that I am seeing everyday NOT getting fixed.

Everyone has something they would like to see happen but a good majority of the time that vision is shared by very few people. Shared or not, that idea drowns in the massive amounts of “suggestions” like every other idea. Sometime a thread will get massive amount of attention, most of those times due to argument. We have over 800 pages of dead topics and nobody is going to sift through them anytime soon.

As young as this game is, there really is no excuse to ignore the details that could make the game a more pleasurable experience. Here is are a few vids that somewhat explains what I mean (moar extra credits):

Extra Credits: Graphic vs. Aesthetics
Extra Credits: Perfect Imbalance
Extra Credits: Microtransactions
Not this crap again

I am pretty sure everyone know about that tree in the middle of the brick road in Kessix right? Does everyone also know that everything is clumped together as though a Katamari made of ships exploded? Do you know you have to load all of those objects every time you enter an area? I could list things that could be improved but I am going to leave that to this.

Having a suggestion forum this early in this game’s lifetime is almost a waste. Sure it’s fine to use one for the sake of improvement, but 99% of the time “Suggestions” forums will become filled with impractical things along the likes of “I want the option to color my cat” or content additions for the sake of added content like some of the profession ideas. I am going to be flamed for this but:

Some people suggest things so that, if their ideas do get through, said person can claim the update was due to their own action. (aka bragging rights (aka kitten inflation))

Turn “Suggestions” into “Solutions” and filter out the less practical crap until this game is better aesthetically. Once the game is free of design flaws THEN you can create a suggestion forum that will be eventually ignored.

Thank you for reading my suspiciously well camouflaged “fix your kitten” thread.

Cool outro music.

Reveal should change!!

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


It would be better if everyone (all classes) excepted the fact that they are not as good as they think they are and take their own death as a lesson for being unprepared.

These are facerolling kids we are talking about. They want their easy mode and they want it yesterday.

I don’t see what I can prepare before I get 30sec revealed……

That’s my point. Facerolling kids are gonna faceroll. If Anet wanted thieves to stop using stealth, they should have designed thieves to not have to rely on stealth OR forced everyone else to up their game.

Create a Mega Millions Lottery

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


There is a difference between putting 4 pieces of trash in the mystic toilet to get another piece of trash and spending money to get a chance of increasing that money x10k+. Lotteries can be manipulated. But lotteries always give out that chunk of cash to satiate the thought of, “Maybe I will get lucky next time” when it really comes down to who spends more on it.


I use to play Runescape. They came out with the “Squeal of Fortune” essentially “Wheel of Fortune”. You could buy spins and the Super Rares had the odds of 1:250. I decided to test it with 300 spins which I bought. Never got a Super Rare. Nobody got a super rare until 3 months later when people started complaining because they realized the ploy Jagex pulled.

A month (exactly) after they assured that it is possible to get the Super Rare, someone finally got it. There were reports of kids spending $100+ for spins on their parent’s card afterwards.

Alot of turmoil came from that but I understand there are many other reasons. I just wanted to point out the most ethical reason.

Create a Mega Millions Lottery

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Sorry, what’s the bad thing about this that children shouldn’t see?

Children shouldn’t be gambling.

v That too.

(edited by Zacchary.6183)

Create a Mega Millions Lottery

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Children play this game. So no, bad idea.

Reveal should change!!

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


It would be better if everyone (all classes) excepted the fact that they are not as good as they think they are and take their own death as a lesson for being unprepared.

These are facerolling kids we are talking about. They want their easy mode and they want it yesterday.

How2Help: Frame Rate Issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


This is <1% of Lion’s Arch, right outside the Black Lion Merchants. As you can see, I have labeled every prerendered object I have had to load within that one bit of space.

Why am I loading things I will never interact with? Does the pre-creation story of Tyria involve a kid with a tube on his head that rolled this very sticky ball over a planet to rebuild the universe due to his dad’s mistakes?

Is it possible to go through the maps and trim off the excess renderings that lie underneath the parts of the map we use?

How2Help: Frame Rate Issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Cut this kitten out pls?


I can't decide on weapon sigils

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Superior Sigil of Awesomeness.

If I fits, I sits. (also gravitycharr thread)

in Charr

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Here’s mine:

Lol! Apparently Charrs are also immune to gravity.

What does omnomberry taste like?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


They taste like the very thing that would make you go OMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!!!

For me that would be Papa Murphey’s Magnifico Pizza, chicken tenders or peanut butter.

Swansong for a thief

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


More reason to nerf stealth. People will complain after seeing that and we might see more nerfs towards the thief, mainly stealth.

People want an easy mode but watching that is just freaking hilarious. lol

(edited by Zacchary.6183)

So i tried Travlane's p/d build...

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Don’t worry we just need to L2P like everyone keeps telling us to do.

Apparently thieves don’t know how to faceroll. Maybe we should learn… oh wait.

I quit wvw, thanks anet!

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Evade thief? Let’s make a trap that removes all endurance for 30 seconds next … -_-

Better Idea: Anti-Life trap. You activate it and it produces a field of radiation that hits you for 99k every second. Lasts 1 hour.

If everyone wants easy mode, then Anet should give them easy mode. Amirite?

(edited by Zacchary.6183)

Swansong for a thief

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Maybe Anet should play thieves to test how the new trap affected WvW class balance.

11 Major traits. 3 minor traits.

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


You can say that certain actions were meant for one thing all you want. It still doesn’t change that fact that it effectively crippled more than what was intended.

Loot issues still exist for some.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I only ever got 2 exotics. The rest of them I bought or made for myself. The first one was in the mystic forge (pure luck) the second one was right after i complained that I will never get an exo drop.

Black Lion Keys are said to drop, but I have only gotten 2 the entire time I have played. Both came from storyline. I still need to do Arah.

If I fits, I sits. (also gravitycharr thread)

in Charr

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Post pics of your Charr sleeping/sitting in uncomfortable places.

EDIT: You may also post pics of Charr not conforming to gravity.


(edited by Zacchary.6183)

Thief Traps need an upgrade.

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


That build looks pretty solid. It seems like it requires a unique way to play in order for this build to be effective.

I am going to try to make a “Trick and Treat” PvP build with Scorpion Wire and Traps, along with a weapon setup like your friend’s. It seems that is the growing trend nowadays.

Thief Traps need an upgrade.

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I am already working on a (hopefully) viable non-stealth build that abuses Scorpion Wire and the Uncatchable trait. It’s completely untested in PvP/WvW but its good in PvE vs. mobs up to vet. Let me get the topic I made for it…

(edited by Zacchary.6183)

Thief Traps need an upgrade.

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


LOL. this is so over power . how about thieve’s Guild Elite? summon 5 thief? one does unload, the other one backstab, s/d flanking, shortbow, and another thief does Heartseeker spam?

Nah, all 5 should heartseeker spam.

Edit: i want someone to make a video of this.. “5 Thieves. 1 Button.”

Sounds raunchy… When will it be out?

ON TOPIC: I never really used traps much. I wonder if pulling targets through with scorpion wire would trigger them. I might test it today when I am not too busy working on my guild’s site.

The question is begged...

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


A mercy kill to this profession would be a nice reset so long as they don’t take away every kitten exo I JUST put on it. T~T

Vote guess on the next thief nerf

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I havn’t tried it in PvP yet because I want to get used to the guardian mechanics first. PvE is easy enough. Either way….


Thief Code

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


What if you don’t stealth on a regular basis?

Vote guess on the next thief nerf

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I don’t get angry when I get ganked or lose a duel. I know from reading the thief forums that is how the game is intended to be played and the developers designed it that way.

Nah man you got it wrong. They balanced them to lose all duels and be the worst class in the game. Look at any other classes and you’ll see.

I just started playing a guardian. You wouldn’t imagine how easy it is to tackle things 2-5 levels above me. Amg the buffs. Amg the heals. X3 /giddy

Stealth "ripples"

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


………..down them. “Stealth OP” and “Thief = no skill” come to mind as……..

When someone says this, it means that they have never played thief. Also if they attempted to play thief, they would die constantly in both PvP and PvE.

I am pretty sure I can say for all the thieves that using thief effectively requires creative exploitation and a good amount of knowledge on the profession to be any good at it. One simply cannot 5122222 nowadays and expect to win 100% of the time. You can change stealth to make you translucent instead of transparent, but that wont stop the facerollers from complaining that stealth is OP.

I am going to say this again:

Thieves are meant for those who can handle the challenge. That goes for those using them and those fighting them.

All players should have the option to see stealthed enemies the same way you can see the outline of stealthed allies. If you toggle on the “see stealth” option, a large diaper icon appears next to your name. Eventually, after seeing stealthed enemies do the same things over and over again, you can realize what the rest of us have known all along and toggle off the “see stealth” option, which will remove the diaper icon. Everybody’s happy. Seriously.

^Not serious.

I would like to see that happen.

you say thief takes skills to play??
wrong it dont and never had done

i have an ide each time you have stealth on you you cant get more duration on it and when it ends you get revlealed debuff and then after that you can do it agien
after that take some of the damage of some of the abiltys and they are fine
oh forgot the sword teleport needs to get an initiativ raise

In WvW/PvP, maybe not if you know what you are doing or almost none at all vs. bad players. Alot of skill and a little luck is needed vs. a good players (which seem to be uncommon). Everywhere else, yeah you need some sort of skill to survive. You can’t just solo vet/champs as a thief because thieves are squishy, champs and vets do quite an amount of damage and if you stealth you could potentially reset them. If you have a tankier version, you might be able to survive more but your damage capabilities suffer making it that much harder to kill the vet/champ.

It still is a pain in the kitten to develop a decent build for anything without having to resort to traditional or more popular builds.

Compensation can be a kitten lol.

(edited by Zacchary.6183)

Vote guess on the next thief nerf

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Totally agree everyone would be happier if the thief community would just shut up and play the game

We do play the game. We also don’t complain when we get killed by someone.

Vote guess on the next thief nerf

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


We aren’t ignorant. Its just the thief community being really tired of everyone complaining that one of the most useless classes in the game is OP.

Maybe if people upped their game instead of whined that thieves are killing them, there would be no reason to nerf the thief further and no reason to complain about the constant nerfs.

It would make everyone happier if everyone would just shut up and play the kitten game.

Vote guess on the next thief nerf

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I heard they’re removing them from the game altogether.

I also heard this would happen.

Legendaries SHOULDN'T Cost Gold

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Making legendaries account bound on aquire will take them off the TP and make browsing it more pleasant. Everytime I open up the TP they taunt me with their insane crafting requirements and costs.

Missing Backstab should reveal

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Sebrent, you have never played a thief. You have no clue what it takes to play a thief, yet you come on the thief forum to tell thieves how their profession should work.

You completely ignore the points we give you because for some ungodly reason you (a mesmer) believe that we (thieves) need to suck up the nerfs and up our game. Guess what… our game is already upped and we have no choice but to do so because the other communities are too lazy to up their game. As a community, thieves are tired of being scapegoated which is the whole point to these threads.

Play a thief before you tell us how to play.

Stealth "ripples"

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


………..down them. “Stealth OP” and “Thief = no skill” come to mind as……..

When someone says this, it means that they have never played thief. Also if they attempted to play thief, they would die constantly in both PvP and PvE.

I am pretty sure I can say for all the thieves that using thief effectively requires creative exploitation and a good amount of knowledge on the profession to be any good at it. One simply cannot 5122222 nowadays and expect to win 100% of the time. You can change stealth to make you translucent instead of transparent, but that wont stop the facerollers from complaining that stealth is OP.

I am going to say this again:

Thieves are meant for those who can handle the challenge. That goes for those using them and those fighting them.

All players should have the option to see stealthed enemies the same way you can see the outline of stealthed allies. If you toggle on the “see stealth” option, a large diaper icon appears next to your name. Eventually, after seeing stealthed enemies do the same things over and over again, you can realize what the rest of us have known all along and toggle off the “see stealth” option, which will remove the diaper icon. Everybody’s happy. Seriously.

^Not serious.

I would like to see that happen.

Over 5 min of stability

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Watch this get nerfed. Just watch.

So I overhauled my build for teh lulz...

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Good point. I have a few friends who are good with Guardian and Ele. I will spar with them and see how it turns out.

So I overhauled my build for teh lulz...

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


sorry for negative answer but this might help you improve
your build is paper, and not viable for pvp /wvwvw.
reasons :
1. you lack escape ability
2. you lack survaivability
3. any decent oponent will dodge away from your pistol wisp /caltrops
4. scorpion wire won’t pull ( an ranger for example ) from 1200 range to you
5. you cannot toe to toe big boys, like melle guardians (greatsword / sword+focus) or warrior (greatsword / axe +shield)
6. your traits are an mix betwen condition damage /direct damage and dodges
Sugestions for improvements :
1.decide for what you want to go :
direct damage or condition damage
survaivability or burst
2. get at least 1 escape ability (withdraw /hide in shadows /blinding powder /shadow refuge /shadowstep)
pistol /pistol is an paper weapon set. 1 dodge and your entire unload will do 0 damage
It is also easy countered by retailation , and does not works good with 30 points in acrobatics. it works better with shadow arts.
sword /pistol – pistol wisp is easy to dodge /avoid, nothing more to say
4. you got 0 acces to stealth. thieves strongest attacks come from stealth

Negativity is expected as long as its constructive. I do have a problem with your suggestion though because it looks like the suggestions and criticisms are aimed more towards trad WvW/PvP builds. I am trying to get away from that.

I do have a few questions…
1.) Did you look at the gear and trait setup as well?

Both weapon sets each have a Superior Sigil of Purity and Nullification (60% chance to remove boon from foe a/o remove condition from you on crit). The reason I used them is to help fill that condition removal hole without having to resort to stealth and there really wasn’t anything better imo. As for runes, I went with Superior Warrior to increase my vitality. I am trying to keep my HP above 20k and make switching weapons less severe with the rune’s.

For Traits, I wanted to apply the same concept I applied to HP: High amount, constant regen. Quick Recovery, Infiltrator’s Signet passive and Opportunist (not so much) provide Initiative regen (+3 per 10 seconds minimum). Signet of Malice + Assassin’s Reward gives me tiny amounts of HP back and bigger chunks when I use a skill. I can also use them more often with the initiative regen boosts.

Then there is Feline Grace which replenishes some of my endurance. This minor trait lets me perform a 3rd dodge less than a second after my second dodge if I were to use up all of my dodges at once. Even then, I don’t have to wait as long for another dodge to become available. In a sense, I do have extra dodge. My dodge also grants me Swift (2s), Might (5s) and leaves Caltrops behind. With my 2 gap closers (3 if you count Infiltrator’s Signet active) I can force foes into melee combat range where I can immediately lay on more cripple and Unloads.

If anything, the utility Caltrops and Wire can be replaced with more gap closers or defenses. The point of this build is to control the battle without any reliance on stealth while using tools nobody bothers with in a (hopefully) effective manner.

2.) I understand what you mean about the Scorpion Wire vs. Ranger, which can be addressed, but what about everything else?

Scorpion Wire interrupts from a distance and pulls the foe to right in front of the spot you launched it. It only works on those without stability or CC immunity, in which case it damages for the same amount as sword 1. I think its an amazing concept because it allows you to separate the enemy of your choice from the group. Trick Master allows you to use it 20% more often.

3.) What about Shadow Step/Return as a form of escape?

IMO Shadow Return can be great for avoiding incoming damage if timed properly. All shadow returns have condition removal so using them would not only help keep your distance from your enemy (and possibly force them to use up their gap closers) while keeping your character clean. You can also use Shadowstep and Infiltrator’s Signet active to break stuns. Infiltrator’s Strike is better for immobilization. But that is just how I look at Shadow Step/Return.

I have 2.9 dodges and 2 shadow returns if I equip Shadowstep instead of Caltrops. I think that is plenty for now.

Other than that, thank you for your input.

(edited by Zacchary.6183)

So I overhauled my build for teh lulz...

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


As of 5/8/2013, I got bored and decided to overhaul my build. It is currently 90% done and I am getting used to it in PvE. It is completely untested in PvP. This build does not use stealth in any way. Pure semi-tactical brawling.



The way I use this in PvE is:


  • Take advantage of the near infinite Pistol Whip/Signet of Malice combo by slamming face on 3 key. This works best 1v3. Limit for it’s effectiveness is 1v1-6.

  • Use as an opening gap closer when zerg looks manageable.
  • Use Shadow Return if stacked high with one Condition.
  • Use Shadow Return to escape from AoE.
  • Can spam for Initiative>healing (Assassin’s Reward)/Condition Removal + Immobilize lock. Easy to fatfinger. It looks funny too.

  • Use as opening gap closer when zerg looks unmanageable.
  • Use to pull in ranged mobs for added SoM healing.
  • Combo with Uncatchable to pull mobs into Caltrops. I use this when I want to separate a powerful foe from his adds.
  • The most complex chain you can do is Scorpion Wire (pull vet/champ) > Dodge Forward (cripple vet/champ) > Infiltrator Strike (to adds) > Pistol Whip x2-3 > Dodge Backwards (draw adds into caltrops) > Shadow Return > Tank Vet/Champ. The adds will be too low of HP to deal much damage by the time they get to you.
  • Sometimes I use to interrupt at long range.

  • Use when out of endurance.
  • Use to stack Bleeding and Cripple quickly.
  • Combine with Infiltrator Strike and Uncatchable to maximize Bleeding and Cripple.


  • Switch when HP gets too low for comfort ~50%.
  • Pick a target.
  • Keep spamming Unload.
  • Keep laying caltrops.
  • Stay da kitten away from everything until HP is 90%+ and SoM isnt on cooldown.

I would like everyone’s opinions on this build. I want to try it in PvP but I want to make sure its viable enough first so that when it is complete that I can hit the ground running. Any improvements?

Alternative for Runes of Divinity

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I use warrior runes so I can faceroll like them.

Poll: which race is most fitting for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Sylvari. Once you see my Thief.

“See my thief”? you’re doing it wrong.

This made my day.