Alt-tab? Wow… no one knows what a phone order is anymore.
I know what it is, but I pretty much never use it… I got
Anyways.. still a silly idea.
Saying pets are not a part of what a ranger is, is bs. ANet decides what a ranger is in their game, and in their game rangers use pets. It is an essential part of what they are. You do not define what a ranger is in this case, so stop pretending.
Why does it matter to me if pets become an option rather than a requirement? Well then I as one who likes pets, wont be allowed to use it and get hassled for it.
Maybe I am just lucky, but I have had little problems getting groups in dungeons. I’ve done pretty good in WvW when I chose to be there, and open world is np. Yes some pets are die quickly in certain cases, but it doesn’t really bother me all that much.
If this is such a problem for some people… give thieves longbows… whatever. Would be cool to add more weapons in general anyway to most of the classes.
Alt tab out of the game. Order something. Tab back in. Wait for food to come to your door, while playing. Enjoy.
No reason for this implemation, would be a hassle to make it work internationally too.
Dungeon? SAB? That is a sort of aprils fools joke. We are lucky it stays the full month. It might return next year… not impossible.
I do not mind this temporary content and I think Flame and Frost is fine that way.
Yes they got to add permanent content too… they have added some if not all that much perhaps. I am sure more will come. I personally like the way ANet is doing things.
hoewhoew got this. Legendaries are not meant to be all that superior to other weapons… just cool looking.
There is a slider on how often you want the music to go in the options under audio. Tried that?
I think making the elites useful and live up to their name would be a better solution. Might just be me.
Sylvari are as Ratphink pointed out already in their real form. Just because they come from the same area as certain other creatures does not make them like those. They personally are not imitating human anatomy, the Pale Tree created them that, imitating the physiology of the humanform.
Say you form an animal, a dog, out of clay, in as much detail as possible. You don’t really know exactly how the dog works so it is on mere observation of dogs passing by. The clay “dog” comes to life. Now you got a creature imitating a dog in function, but it is not a dog. However it itself did not choose to imitate the dog. It had no choice at all in the matter of the form it was “born” into. You did. The same the Pale Tree created the sylvari.
The sylvari have no more choice in their form or function than we do as humans in rl.
Bought with rl money. Never have enough gold to turn into gems. Also I kinda like supporting Anet, when I do use gems.
Curuniel pretty much covered this. Earth in this regard is merely reference to the element, the ground they are walking upon, not the planet, which is indeed called Tyria.
Asura: Golems have already been mostly perfected, and thusly they are more like a tool at this point than worthy inventions. This gives room for creating many other, more inovative things. Why waste time on something pretty much already perfected? I am sure thereis specially disignated krewe that works on the designs though.
Humans: You actually choose which god others said you were blessed by. Not the god you chose to follow. You could have grown up to find out that they were wrong and you felt more like following another god. Perhaps with the time gone by and the gods essentially leaving, the power of the gods have dimished and thus the effort of using these skills. Otherwise just choose not to use those that do not fit. Bw dervish was excluded by the fact that only humans have the gods and all professions must fit all races.
Norn: I think the only issue here is to choose to not use those that you did not choose to follow. One thing is the lore another the players freedom and whatnot. Anet did not want your choices to exclude you from something like skills.
Sylvari: Why on Tyria would they have a battleform? That is not their niche.
Charr: Yes, yes they are pretty awesome.
As lordmitz is saying, we already got good support. Just send a mail to them.
When I first clicked to watch the video I was like… prolly gonna be a hatefest, with some bad suggestions (mounts, racechange and the like). But I can see these things as being improvements and I would enjoy it. Anet could do well in seeing the video and following some if not all of these suggestions.
Good work guys.
- Crazy GW Fangirl.
GW1 – female ranger w. the same animal companion throughout the entire time and over all continents.
GW2 – female sylvari ranger w. a bunch of loyal companions but one she especially favors.
I was among the few that loved the pet even before it got updates to be more controlable in GW1, it is the main reason I always want to be ranger.
Why would anyone hate quaggans?
Anyone considered that there is more than one source of inspiration?
Come on. Cantha clearly bore elements from more than one of the well known Asian cultures. Nightfall was not entirely or only African.
Never mind that although Norn clearly are mostly inspired by vikings and the old nordics, they could also be said to have native American influence to them (spirits anyone?). Somehow I find it unliklely that vikings would have known of snowleopards. And if it really should be viking influenced there should be no darkskinned norn. Just saying.
Anet is not bound to just one source of inspiration for anything they make, they mix it up and add it into a completely new world.
So yes. Kryta had and have very mediterannian influences AND Southeast Asian too.
To say it is stricktly Southeast Asian, based on what is only part of the architecture and landscape is as much nonsens as basing otherwise on names.
Sometimes periods are considered ‘serious’ conversation or give off a bit of an attitude. I can see why it can be misconstrued in that sort of way in MMOs or any other type of online interaction.
It’s like getting a text from your gf and she says “I’m not mad.”
Then you know she’ mad.
Or she really is not mad and you are worrying without reason.
I fail to see how proper gramma and use of periods can be considered serious, in any form or way.
I do understand that you can’t always be proper. Abbrevations, sentence shortening, typos and misspellings are what happens in an online enviroment. Some might dyslexic, some (like me) do not have English as their native language, and learning new languages can be difficult for some. We all type a bit quickly when in combat. It makes sense.
Txt speech just should never happen though. That is a lingual abomination.
Yes it is fun. Grind in this game is somewhat optional.
Yes to get certain stuff you need to do the same stuff many times. But imo it only becomes grind when you rush to get something and then force yourself to do something you actually don’t want to do, to the point where you get sick of it.
In GW1 people complained about grind too, every title a grind, HoM a grind. Funny thing is I never, not even once considered it grind. I took my own sweet time with things, varied the ways I went for something and actually enjoyed the game.
It is the same in GW2, yes there CAN be grind. But you don’t really have to do it. Grind to me is what YOU make it to be.
Alright. Lorewise humans kinda fit the elves, like already mentioned. Aestheticly sylvari more or less fill the role. They are pretty and in tune with nature. They are however in many ways much more interesting than your common elves.
Dwarves are as mentioned stone, possibly with only few left underground. Very unlikely as a playable race.
Actually it got more of a renaissance feel than medieval, but I suppose that is besides the point.
Will say the climate clearly still seem to be mediterranean. Clearly Lions Arch changed, what with being flooded and then rebuild by pirates and becoming a multiracial city.
Now Divinity Reach must have been build after the flooding too. As Lions Arch was the previous human capital of Kryta. What with Ascalonians being driven out by the charr ofc. any living Ascalonians would be either in the old settlement, Ebon Hawke or Divnity. Furthermore there should be Canthans (although their district is a hole in the ground) and Elonians. Or decents thereof.
Looking around you will see variation. Each district of Divinity showing influence of their inherited culture and the people there looking like their ancestors too. Krytans were never really dark, but somewhat tanned. I think you will find that those are still there too.
It has been 250 years since the Kryta we knew in GW1. Ofc. things changed and they grew and whatnot.
I am with Sythus on this. I always liked elves, but I love the sylvari the way they made them now too. They are… different… and very, very lovely. No need to change them back or anything.
I understand some people love those roles. But others have chosen this game, because they are not there. There is no reason to change it to have the trinity.
I always attempt at proper gramma, usually not even thinking so much about it. I do use the common abbrevations though, such as brb, imo, bk, wb, yw, ty, np, etc.
The text language where everything is put like that or distorted with numbers I don’t really like. I find i kinda childish to use, but then we are all different. Use it with others that like to use that kinda language, but don’t expect others to understand it.
GWAMM 50/50 + a little extra. Loved GW1 to bits and also really love GW2 although they have completely different gameplay experiences. But since it is not how the game plays, but the story and the scenery it offers that change means little.
Just made this, sort of thinking it would be a pet of similar size as the hawk, eagle and ravens.
(edited by Zeefa.3915)
Don’t you see that putting in a band aid fix instead of fixing the core problem is the root of laziness? What you described is a clear example of being too lazy to make something better. You would think in the 5+ years of making this game, they could have done something better. I thought they didn’t want us to “kill 10 wolves or gather 5 plants”. FedEx quests are still FedEx quests, except the start and finish are in the same spot, and instead of taking to someone, it just pops up in your screen like your character is some clairvoyant that just happens to know someone needs 10 Orc pelts… Ya, that’s not lazy…
And you refuse to see that better is in the eye of the beholder. What’s better to one person is not better to the other. I think you’ll find that my better and your better are completely different betters.
So you talk about lazy design. What if they designed something brilliant and I hated it, or you hated it. It’s just not as simple as you make it out to be. The hearts do PRECISELY what they were meant to do. You know the KISS principle, right? Keep it simple, stupid.
The reason a lot of designs fail is because they’re overly complicated. Anet found a problem in their system and they fixed it. It’s not lazy design just because you don’t like it.
When you design something to go against the principles you founded the game on, because it’s an easy fix – that’s lazy. Not only that, it’s insulting to your customer base.
There’s nothing subjective about it. Just because you might like bad design doesn’t make it good. Just like if you like bad music it doesn’t make it good.
I don’t think Anet thinks they went against those principles. I think you do. That IS subjective.
No, it’s objective. You just refuse to see it or admit it.
So if you don’t like it, it is bad, regardless of how many others like it? Music is horrible examble to use for bad vs good. If someone enjoys a certain type of music it is good to them, even if you do not like it.
I think techno and heavy metal with the growling is bad… awful infact. But I know and understand that is just my taste… my subjective view on it. Nothing wrong with others loving it and enjoying it. Doesn’t make their taste bad… other than perhaps in my humble irrelevant view. Music and other artforms are about as subjective as anything gets.
It is unfortunate that you do not enjoy GW2, but your hate is misdirected. Just… take a break, enjoy something else. GW2 is for myself and many others a wonderful game. Sure it might not hold you for as long as other games did, but does it have to?
I got bored of GW2 too a while ago… guess what… I took a break, now I enjoy it again.
My guild is quite social and do various activities together… mapclears, dungeons, fractals, bounties etc.
Being a complete outsider, english not my native language and all, my opinion likely does not matter in this.
But…. saying coke I think of coca cola exclusively and would not ever consider it anything else. Soda makes sense to me as here in Denmark we used to call it sodavand (sodawater), sometimes actually just vand (water) for short, I know doesn’t make anymore sense than what you guys say.
Pop? Seriously? Say that over here and people would be clueless as to what you talk about.
Mostly we call all kinds of cola for well…. cola, be it some discount brand, coca cola or pepsi cola. If it is not cola we don’t call it that. Then it is fanta, sprite or whatever all the others are called. Cause well… they are different.. they are clearly not cokes or cola.
Anyways, I know I am an outsider and you may disregard my opinion on the matter.
Siamoths are cute… not noticed their habbit of gathering in caves though.
I think he cooks outfit is quite useable actually. Been working quite well for me anyway.
The only good thing about the cauldron from the witch costume is that it lets others transform so they wont need costumes.
Don’t have the pirat costume, but know if used well that canon can be quite the pain.
Does nobody know about the ascended quiver backpieces? Seriously. It seems like we’re beating a dead horse at this point. They’re already in game, people.
The OP and most others seem to know about them. The point is not to add them, but to add more skins/options. Right now there is only 1 quiver backpiece skin and the OP pointed out that it doesn’t really fit the sylvari theme if you go TA/cultural and kudzu.
I thought like you did when I saw the title, but then I read the post.
Sylvari fill that tole aestheticly. Humans sort of fill it culturally to some extend.
I love elves too. I read all of Elf Quest comic, I played elves in most other games that had the option. But elves do NOT belong in GW. Simple.
I think you are wrong in assuming that many hates asura and charr. Sure some are not exactly fond of them. But a lot love them.
The races of GW are amaizing and cool. No classic elves can substitute that.
-another sylvari ranger
At first I was like… wooo new dance?
Then I saw the dance….
No we do not need mounts. You want mounts, a lot of other people don’t. And it does not fit the game.
I think it is ugly, but in a very cute way. It is like those really ugly dogs that a lot of people still think is absolutely adorable.
I want a baby devourer too.
Ignore the posters above me. The Commando will be in the next expansion pack.
The horror… So glad I know the others are right and you are not.
Because Anet thinks fish are friends and not food?
Can Rangers use Crabs as pets?
Don’t think so. They could in GW1 but not as of yet in GW2. However pets can be food… I mean… poultry drops from moas, red meat can drop from drakes, wolves, big cats etc. etc. Having juveniles that are tameable does not make it unedible… apparently.
Because Anet thinks fish are friends and not food?
Seriously I think crab should be edible ingredient too. Also why no fish meat?
@Kaimick.5109 and Leo G.4501
I have been to the kodan areas and I do not see that much diversity. And I know they have a lot of lore to them. It is because of the lore that I don’t see them become playable. They are polar bears… that is their thing, as Leo puts it. Making them black bears, brown bears or worse panda bears would break with their lore. Never mind that males and females look exactly the same.
It is not that I don’t like kodan, I think they are really cool and pretty awesome. Thats why I don’t want them to be playable, because they’d have to change some of the things that makes them awesome to achieve it.
The very few tengu we see so far are definitely only a very small taste of npc looks. I firmly believe in tengu as playable race. Infact that they did not get a lorepost prior to release like the kodan did supports this. As those lore posts about nonplayables were all labeled as minor races. Which hints that tengu are not among the minor races.
I am not against kodan as playable per se. I just don’t see it happen or understand how people see them as viable option, if they actually know what they are.
What I don’t get is why people consider kodan an option. They have nearly 0 customization to them. That makes them pretty bad for playable.
I am certain they are working on it. I too wish for this and I am sure it will come. Just gotta be patient :I
Problem with making them atheist is that role is already taken by the charr. Making them asian themed doesn’t quite work either as tengu has that. Being arrogant and “better” than other races is what asura, to some extend charr and kodan even more does.
You have to be careful not making them like the one or more of the other races with a different skin. That wont work, even if it seems cool it would be messy. I think it is important that they would stand out in personality and culture when compared to the others, not just take some of each of them.
Your concept is not all bad, but I am not sure how it integrates with GW lore. I don’t really like the idea of them being former soldiers of primordus.
Also important to remember they gotta fit with all the professions, be able to wear all armor types etc.
They also have to be able to ally and work with the other playable races we have, without too much conflict in that. Bringing in an isle of all reptiles would be kinda cliché and kinda odd, although I would not mind a few reptilian pets added, aside from the drakes that we got. But again all pets can be used by all rangers no matter race.
You gotta be careful to make the theme more GWish and less cartoonish for it to work. (mind I like cartoons but that is not what GW is).
I have alts for the things before endgame. Story that is. I want to see ALL the personal stories. Thats why I have alts and I love them.
For endgame content I just use my main.
My wish though is that dyes were accountwide unlocked and not character unlocks. With 10+ characters I just don’t waste on dyes much :/
Alright I am starting to get an idea. I have made a drawing of my own (no scanner atm so cannot post it.
I have gone for a very slender, thin look, so it is more lizardy than gator and differs more from the hulking charr. It is more upright than the charr but has somewhat same kinda leg form. Their knees, elbows belly and underneck are plated. Whit the female chest plates form a somewhat heartshape (to imitate breasts without there being breasts as such). They only have 3 toes on their feet, 2 front 1 back. Clawed ofc. Their colors, patterns, “hair” etc. draw from various reptiles. Gekkos, leguanas, komodo dragons etc.
The males are a little bit bigger and heavier than females, other than that they look mostly alike.
Now as for culture I wanted to give them a southamerican, maya, aztec feel, but as asura already draw relations to that I tried to look for something else. I thought of Australian aboriginal culture, Ancient Egypt, Maori and Hawaiian. But honestly do not know much about said cultures.
I imagine them as quite colorful beings, but also a serious people. I recon they would like rings, bands, etc. in gold, silver, bronze. Also feathers could be part of the way they like to dress.
They have 1 clear leader, whom they give nearly godly status (like the pharao). Below that they have their strongest warriors, then traders, then farmers. They have the option to rise or fall within that. Except for the leader. They are very civilized, but with quite simple architecture for most part.
They consider the sun and the moon as “gods” of oposing powers, forever chasing eachother. And as long as they do that and neither succeeds, there is balance. They believe that there has to be both good and bad to have balance. But neither should completely outwin the other. That said they will fight against what oppose them or threatens to destroy them. Even at the risk of loosing that balance.
They are divided in 4 major tribes. The Moon tribe, devotees of the dark and the shadows. The Sun tribe, devotees of light and fire. The Star tribe, devotees of the balance and diplomacy. These 3 tribes are all at peace, despite small tensions between Sun and Moon tribes. Each tribe has a 2 members with their “pharao” an advisor and a warrior. The 4th tribe is a “dark matter” kinda tribe (can’t think of a name) and they reject the idea of the balance and seek to wreck havoc and chaos, where ever they can.
I don’t have a name of the race. Lizard people or such just don’t work, but ah well.
They could be placed somewhere north or south west of maguuma maybe?
It’s funny that you say you see people who want this everywhere. Because I have seen a total amount of 0 in game.
The only ones I see asking for this is a few people of the forum. So where is the majority?
Either way that quote by the Anet employee that have been posted ought to end this. As that makes either side, be it for or against, completely invalid. Anet already decided.
I think they would look weird with beards… and I don’t mean a good weird. Maybe just me that cannot imagine it properly.
@The Eternal Grace: Correction. A rather small part of the community is asking for it. The majority seems to be fine without. So it sucks that you apparently chose the wrong race, I am sorry. Does not take all that long to level a new character though.
@Eviscera: You don’t hear all that many stupid things do you.
@Runiir: I honestly do not see kodan become playable. They are polar bears… how do customize that? You can’t just add other colors of kodan without an almost complete change of what they are. There is NO difference between male and female. I know that male and female charr and asura look very similar, but there ARE differences. Kodan don’t have any. The lore post about kodan that was pre-release was one of the series of blog posts about minor races. They are a major npc race and that is it. They are no more playable option than quaggan, skritt and hylek.
Tengu do lack ingame presence, we have not seen many models and we don’t really know all that much about how they are. (250 years since gw1 and all that). The reason we don’t know more? Because they need to be more fleshed out, need more work, before properly introduced.
I would rather meet a completely new, never seen race… perhaps even a reptilian…. than see them change kodan completely just for the sake of making them playable. Kodan are awesome, but imo not a playable option.
@Draco: I don’t think your drawing is the problem. A lot of people are not really fans of beast races I suppose. And many will see other races that are already in game become playable before introducing new ones (completely ignoring the changes said race would have to undergo). I think a reptilian race could possibly be quite cool, but gotta be careful… with charr and tengu (I really firmly believe tengu will come) a 3rd beast race might tricker some people.
As I see it we will get tengu, and perhaps largos. After that I do not see any current races as an option. I could however see… as we access new continents that have never been visisted before (not even in GW1) new races would not be all that out of place to encounter. You know I might try to work on something based of your idea. Might change it a bit and flesh it out some. But I will stay to the reptilian idea.
I think it is a tie between norn and sylvari.
Norn do indeed revere the spirits and seems to have a certain respect for the land. They are hunters but seem to have respect for their prey for the most part.
But sylvari create everything from plants, they live in plants , they ARE plants. If they revere anything it is The Mother Tree, the world itself and all life. All things have a right to grow.
Thinking of it I actually think sylvari is a tad more nature aligned than norn and thus I disagree with what the others been saying.
Alright first off. Not a bad drawing
I do not think that exact race will fit as such… perhaps naga would be better for a reptilian race as they already are in the world of Tyria (just not where we see them). Problem with naga though is that they are indeed serpentine (no legs) which could prove problematic with armor I think.
I am pretty sure more races will come… eventually. Just wait for an expansion. Personally I think tengu is the most likely first candidate.
I don’t see what is wrong with the races we got anyway, I think they are reasonably diverse and really like them. I love my plants, cats and aliens