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Dailies are a punishment to some

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I have skipped a bunch of dailies lately because I have not felt like playing, and I don’t give a kitten about it. I found the joy of playing again and now I have enjoyed the last couple of dailies.
I feel rewarded for the time I spent doing the daily, which is great.
I do not in any way or form feel punished for the days I did not do it. I didn’t want to do it, I felt perfectly happy not doing it and I have lost absolutely nothing, even though everyone else I know in game have done them. You don’t get rich on dailies anyway.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Mounts (purely for vanity)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Problem is a horse for a norn or a charr would be huuuge. So still no.
For some reason no one have considered to ride any of the animals in Tyria.
Norn likely because there simply is no animal big enough, without also being slower than they are on their own.
Charr does not do mounts… they are kittening big cats. Also same reason as norn.
Human and sylvari could possibly ride a moa or deer, if these were rather big moas or deer. But clearly it have never been considered worth the effort to try to do it. Why suddenly change that when they clearly have no reason to?
Asura could sort of ride almost anything, but why ride some unpredictable creature or… thing. It is just not logical. They do have their golems though. But seems they don’t do much in riding them. They do ocasionally wear golemish suits.

People that want mounts all have following reasons (not always all of them): Speed, shiny, want.
Speed clearly is not needed as we have waypoints.
We already got other shinies to strive for and if they should add more shinies it should be more/better armorsets and weapons.
Want, just a bad reason for Anet to add something that some unknown amount of players wants it, while seemingly as many are against it.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

latex body suits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I know this is a horid response….
But if you want superheroes play champions online or what that other superhero game is called. lol.

Will say again that tightfitting armortypes and clothing would be lovely… actual latex suits might not quite fit in, but could make something slightly similar.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

why does everyone hate trahearne?

in Lore

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I am among the few that actually like Trahearne I think. I think he is a nice character

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Mounts (purely for vanity)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I know you don’t understand it… but mounts just have no place in this game. They don’t fit. I can see the facination… sure, but they do not fit in.

I do not consider the broomstick a mount. But lets say it is, it is very small and can only be used as townsclothes/costume. Another “Mounthish” item such as the broomstick, which goes into the exact same category as the broomstick (small and only as costume) well… cannot mind that so much.

But as for actual mounts… no, does not fit.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Would you play in an underwater map?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Give it a few fixes. Add some more skills (primarily elites) for some classes that they can use. Perhaps even add underwater only utility skills.

Yes, yes I would play in an underwater only map.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

latex body suits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Tightfitting armor and townsclothes… sure would be quite lovely.
Latex suits… eeeeeh not so sure about that.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Why do I only make humans?

in Human

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Because you are boring…

You just got that preference and that is fine… only you can really know why though.

Personally I completely adore the sylvari, they are so beautyful and interesting. I love the way they look, I love their lore, I love their personalities. They are not scaled btw… they are infact barky :P They are plants afterall. Their skin is made of either leaves or bark. Sylvari is by far the most appealing for me.

Charr are amaizing. I love that Anet didn’t go mainstream with their female charr design and made them too human. What can I say… I love felines and fantasy felines are just that much better. I love that they are indeed intelligent beasts and overly humanised.

Asura, the lack of difference in looks does not bother me one bit. I love how they can look absolutely adorably cute and then incredibly ugly. I love that wether they look horrid or sweet as a bunneh, they are extremely intelligent and I actually like their otherwise quite hateful personality and arrogance. I love that the way they use words.

Norn, 1 thing I find unappealing about norn is the height. I am myself a rather short little lady so identify badly with something that tall. Yet I love their lore, I love their individuality, which does not exclude sociable behaviour. They got the big brute look and granted they are very much hunters and fighters. But they are actually quite loveable, funloving and cheerful bunch. I like that.

Human is infact my least fav of all the races. I don’t hate them, their story is quite alright and their city is very pretty. I just find them kinda… dull I guess.

Currently I have 3 sylvari, 3 charr, 2 asura and only 1 norn and 1 human. My plan is to get 3 of each race (get all 3 stories) so I will have 3 humans too and will likely get to love them too. But all preferences. We all play differently and thats a good thing.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Charr in Chef's Outfit

in Charr

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I kinda like that it is different tbh.
Oh and it is different on sylvari too. Give it some wondrous colors and it wont look like a chef on a sylvari.
I really like that the chef costume is so different depending on race. More costumes should be like that.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Asura Hair: Natural or Not?

in Asura

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


GW1 asura did have hair, although always with a kinda “rough” look and kinda shortish. Just look at Vekk the asura hero from GW1

Hair is not unnatural for them. They probably just learned how to style it. Maybe a in the 250 years mutations happened to give them smoother hair and more colors. Increaxed exposure to light and whatnot. Afterall blue eyes and blond hair in humans in real life started as mutations, albeit really really really really long ago. Just gone a bit faster with the asura living in the magical world of Tyria.
You never saw dark skinned asura in GW1 either, thats an option now.
Furthermore they all had black eyes in GW1 and now you get all kinds of colors.

My conclusion is mutations happened in individuals in the 250 years and it was deemed attractive or something and thus spread out rather quickly.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Super Mario Bros theme during jumping puzzles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Noooooooo just put the theme on yourself and turn game sounds down or something.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Race change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Wont happen, should not happen. Some things just should not be changeable. Deal with it.

Sorry I don’t really mean to be rude.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Three Tyrian Moons

in Lore

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Earth has two natural moons, yet we only ever see one.

Actually, the Moon is Earths only proven natural satellite.
There are plenty of quasi-satellites, but no other bodies you could actually scientifically refer to as a moon.

I’d be inclined to say Tyria only has one moon, we’ve only ever seen one and we have had plenty of nighttime scenes from different parts of Tyria.

I believe he/she was refering to Cruithne, which have been believed to be our second moon. It have been proven incorrect though as Cruithne does not orbit earth. But it is brought up in QI (british tv show), otherwise I would not know about it at all.

I suppose it is plausible for Tyria to have more than one moon, however nothing in lore says anything about it. I would not count on it.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Getting HoM skins without playing GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Those skins will not be obtainable outside of GW1. I understand that it sucks to be excluded from these skins, but it is how it is. It would be a bad move if Anet decided to give it out to others.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Mounts: Do we need them?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


No. No we don’t.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Worst color combination ever?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I really do not see how that is so bad.
Tastes can’t be wrong anyway. You can agree or disagree to the taste, that is fair enough. But it can’t really be wrong.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

What Creature is This?

in Lore

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I am with Aardwolf on this. It looks nothing like a charr. Doubt it is something that could ever be playable, looks more like something to fight.
Either way it is merely some concept piece and I think it is old one too. Not in game at this given time… maybe or maybe not, it can appear in the future.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Bored of Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I would love to be able to have Caithe’s face – however, we would face the same issue of everyone looking alike then as well. I guarantee that the majority of people would switch in an instant, given the chance.

More hairstyles would be fine, even more good-looking faces (Though that’s up ot personal preference), but I wouldn’t want Caithe’s face made available, for obvious reasons. We can already have the same hair and armor and I think that characters like Caithe should keep at least some amount of uniqueness.

uniqueness isnt wrong for sure, but betterlooking than any player-made charackter is meany :O

All 3 of my sylvari look way better than Caithe. Just saying.

Although I am all for more customization and all that. I don’t think the options are nearly as few as you people make it up to be.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Rate the sylvari name above yours!

in Sylvari

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


8/10 a decent sylvari name like the surname.
I got 3 sylvari all 3 got irish words for names.

Oíche (means night and is my main and a ranger)
Spraoí (means fun and is a mesmer)
Paisean (means passion and is a guardian)

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

T2 Light female chest single sleeve has gtg

in Norn

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I like that. Matter of taste. Would be a mistake if they actually changed it.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Charr Race Question

in Charr

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Don’t think that is an issue. Personally in WvW I don’t give shizzle about what the race is. I just try to kill and survive against whatever comes against me.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Poll: Race/Gender/Profession demographics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Sylvari – Female – Ranger
Charr – Female – Thief
Asura – Female – Necromancer
Norn – Female – Elementalist
Sylvari – Female – Mesmer
Sylvari – Female – Guardian

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


No. Does not fit in GW.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Happy Valentine's Day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Thanks for reminding me that I am forever alone.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

This is not ok

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I recall looting one or two… one fairly recently too… just very very very very very rare. I guess. It’s simple though… they want you to buy keys.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

New player: too many coats as medium armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


This is not just you as a new player. People have brought this up since…. well… forever. Many a medium armor user is tired of coats and wish for greater variation.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Would you pay a subscription to play GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I have never played a game with a sub, and I never will. I would not have bought this game had it had a fee, and I would quit instantly if they put one up, despite loving this game a lot and being a big fan of Anet and GW. I don’t have that much money as it is.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Change Kodan Greatsword

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


They should not change something just because it does not fall into the taste of one person. Some out there might actually like it just the way it is and thus changeing it wouldn’t be a good idea. Just accept that not everything in the game will look good to you.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Is it really hard to add dueling?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


For goodness sake… keep PvP and PvE seperate. Please.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

I'm sorry Arena Net but i give up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I see your opinion and acknowledge it, and then I disagree.
I love this game, I think it is incredible. It does lack a bit on endgame content, and perhaps would do with a few challenges.
And well… yes harder to find teams on some classes, but as such not Anets fault, as dungeons are indeed possible with other classes (given they know how) but the playerbase see what is most effective and stick to that. No matter what Anet does people will find this.
There is strategy in some dungeons, at least that is my experience.

I always hated PvP and was sceptic towards WvW too. Thanks to some good friends I have found myself really enjoying WvW, there is more than one way to play WvW… not just the zerg groups.

It is not GW1… it is a very different game, anyone expecting it to be the same… well sorry, but pretty much the only thing that stayed is the lore (imo that is the most important thing) mechanics and everything else is new and we all knew that before buying the game. Otherwise you only have yourself to blame. Comparing to any other MMO is foolish, sure there may be similarities and what not. But it is like comparing apples and bananas, they are both fruits but that is where the similarity ends.

I am not here to say that the game is perfect, because it isn’t. But it is the best game I have ever played and I love it, the way it is. The game should not drasticly change because some people don’t like it. There will always be people who doesn’t like it. What they should do is stay true to the philosophies they presented us. So far they are doing reasonably well, but with room for improvement.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Allow Race Changes!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


A definite no to race change. Just try making a new character.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Mount reward for 100% map completition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


You get rewards for every single map done. You get the gifts of exploration and a title for world completion. The reward is already there. Besides…. no mounts in this game. Will hopefully never ever happen.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Mounts n stuff in the Gem store. _Pl0x/Rights

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Absolutely no to mounts. They do not fit into this game, period.

More cool stuff in gemstore, definitely. I am most certain it will come in time.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

How can this be fun? Legendary grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


The sad thing is, when I see a player in full Arah I have more respect for them than I do for someone that has a Legendary, atleast I know they took to the time to do something hard for it. Not sure why people think that making precursors hard to get skill wise is going to make them common, how many people have full Arah armour?
Edit: This is coming from someone in full Arah and with only the precursor missing (have 450g for it, but it’s raised in price 100g over a few days), and I know that whilst i’ve put alot of effort into getting the money for my precursor and other mats, I haven’t had to show any great skill to do it. I know I feel prouder of full Arah than I will of my legendary.

I personally do not care if it is respected or prestige or anything. I don’t care what others think of my toon. Arah armor, yes a lot of work and all that, but it is not the look I want. I happen to really like the skin on the legendary bow, I need something to work on as a longterm goal. Will it give me prestige? Admirers? Perhaps not. But hey I like it and thats all I need.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Account Name Changes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Kinda want to change my account name too. Actually not overly pleased that I stupidly chose the name of one of my alts without thinking about it at all. But oh well. Might be able to in future. I hope.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Keep both items when transmuting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


You don’t break any of them… you merge the two things. It makes sense to me tbh, and I am completely unbothered by it.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Avatar Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


You get transmutation stones so easily, that this makes no sense. Map completion on 1 char and you’ll have enough to level several alts keeping that look you want.
The only exception is when you hit lvl 80 and need the fine transmutation stones rather than the basic ones. But then when you are 80 you can finalize look and stats there and then, so if done right you only need 1 stone pr. armor piece.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

To much steampunk elements I think

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Actually it is more gearpunk I think. I mean it is gears running all that kitten. Not steam.
I was initially against these things too. But you know what… it fits. It really fits the game and the charr.

Sure these things are powerful, but they are still just an alternative to magic. It wont overpower the other elements, it just lets less magically inclined people have a go too.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Give people PvE CONTENT.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Do not state opinion as fact. There is content, granted there could be more, but we will get that eventually. You may not like that there is no gear progression, but a lot of people play this game because it is NOT there.
Vanity was more than enough to keep a lot of people playing for years in GW1, so it does work.

I will simply say. You don’t pay a monthly fee for this game, if it does bore you, take a break. Come back for content, when it is added. Me and many others find this to be a fantastic game. Yes there is room for improvements here and there and more things to do. But I for one rest assured that things WILL come.

Hopefully mounts and gearprogression wont though. Because that has no place in this game.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

A New Legendary - NO WAIT HEAR ME OUT

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I am unsure of the choice of animation and theme and all that. But…. I simply don’t get why greatsword got 3 skins (where you put 2 first together for the 3rd), while every other weapon only got 1 skin. Seems rather unfair to me.
So by all means add at least 1 more legendary skin for the other weapons too. Daggers and all.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Mini-Pets and the Hero screen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


+1 to this. I love minis I really do. But wont really find myself buying because of how they work. I adore my HoM minis, but they very very rarely see the light of day, it gets annoying that it disappears all the time.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

How can this be fun? Legendary grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Fun is relative. Some love PvP, others hate it. Some love PvE, others hate it. Some think Fractals is boring, others actuall like it. Anything can be fun to someone, and everything can be boring/grind for someone.

Personally I will enjoy my road to my legendary, I wont rush it… because guess what. Rushing is not fun. Take your time, do things in your time and in your own way. Suddenly it will appear less grindy and more fun.

Everyone complained about grind for titles in GW1 too. Because they rushed that kitten and only cared for the goal and not the road. I enjoyed almost every step, because I did it for the trip there, more than I did it for the goal.

Matter of pespective guys

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Asura are norn

in Asura

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

all jumping puzzles done but..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


There is no title for completing all puzzles, because it is not all puzzles. There will without a doubt be added more.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Please rewert token inflation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Or as an alternative, give us a currency section in our Hero Panel like Rift does. This way our currencies don’t flood our bank and they instead go to our currency section. As shown here (the window on the right):

This would save us space and keep all our currencies in one nice tidy tab.

This. This I like. Would much like to see this.

As for OP… not so sure tbh.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

rangers.. need guns baby

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Guns don’t fit the ranger theme. Sorry to disagree with you.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Skin on Ranger's pet/ Pet's coloring

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I am not sure quite why. But I am not with you on this idea. I like my pets the way they are. You charmed a wolf, not a mistfire. A bear is a bear and not a minotaur. Minotaur pet is also a bad idea imo.
Think instead of skin change of existing pets, they could add more pets in the future. Like they added that drake in lost shores. Change the skin… no. No not really for that. Nor am I with you on color customization of animations. Professions got their color themes. It is part of what makes them recogniceable and what not.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Titles. The solution to all

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Now not to rain on your parade, and I am not against titles as such and all. But I think the reason we do not have more titles yet is that we are to expect more content.
So more monster types, more puzzles etc.
Making some of these titles already would make adding new content… well… you know.

Champion of Orr, oh I am with you on that. I checked if I had the title after that mission and was sort of disapointed it was not there. Individual slayers titles… could work, but just think how many titles would suddenly be… titles can be fun, but don’t want too many either.

Sooo I am not with you on the specifics of the suggestion. But would not mind to see a few more titles, for some things.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Race change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


But what is the forum for if not sharing your opinion. You clearly share yours here. Can’t take that some disagree with you? Not their problem.
Seriously… it is not that hard and wont take that long to lvl a new character. Can be done in a few days if you really put effort in it, likely a bit longer, but you get the idea.

Gender change is already a stretch but, it is already there so peace with that. Appearance is a whole other thing imo and can’t really be compared. Some of the decisions you make should be permanent and unchangeable. Here goes storychoices and race and profession. Those should not be changeable.

Yes this is my opinion and guess what. My opinion is just viable as yours. Afterall your opinion to this is only “want” without regards to anything else. Your only claim is that Anet could make money on this, which is just as much a wild guess as the statements we make. You do not know it any better than we do.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

A new Asura Portal in Rata Sum

in Asura

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Been there for a long time, can’t remember it not being there. :P

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.