Showing Posts For Zephyra.4709:

Last character slot promotion - February

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


+1 to the want/would appreciate character slots being discounted/on sale.

But yes, maybe they are waiting for later on in the year when they do the anniversary sale? Who knows. I just want some discounted stuff for once… It’s been too long.

What I learned today.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


More violets, less violence!
More violets, less violence!
More violets, less violence!
More violets, less violence!
More violets, less violence!
More violets, less violence!
More violets, less violence!
More violets, less violence!
More violets, less violence!
More violets, less violence!
More violets, less violence!

Just kill me now, please.

HoM rewards gone when creating new character

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Got one too when I logged in.

Don’t even have the GWAMM title.. from what I remember all I have legit actually achieved was a few of the heritage skins. Weird.

Can we get an option to hide...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Simply put; some people prefer performance over visual aesthetic. I know if I’m lagging realllly bad the less ‘extras’ I see on screen the better my performance will hopefully be, survivable FPS.

Do these people know I’ve chosen not to see their backpieces/minis? No. Not a problem at all.

It would be nice to implement a feature such as this. It hurts no one.

Case closed.

Spirit Shards, really WTF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I decided to open my 583 champ bags last night. I got roughly 70-ish spirit shards out of those. Yeahhhhh. Please increase the drop rates or something. Jeeze.

Most hated spec?

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I wouldn’t say hate, that’s a strong word.. But the following really grinds my gears:

  • MM necro
  • Ele’s that constantly heal/bunker/never die
  • Insta-kill Mesmer dunno what it’s called but it just obliterates you in seconds if you’re not careful
  • CC heavy warriors
  • Healing/regen warriors
  • D/P thief
  • LB pew pew ranger (I main this and totally hypocritical right now but yes, the ledge camping is real…)
  • spirit ranger can be a pain

so yeah. A lot of stuff. I guess I just need to “get gud”. Haha.

FPS and Ping meter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I believe Overwolf has the in game FPS in the top left hand corner.

Also, same thing is FRAPS that shows the FPS as well. Hope that helps.

Quality-of-Life thing: Depositable Mats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Absolutely 100% agreed with everything OP has pin-pointed on.

Especially half-way chef ingredients like Ball of Dough, as an example… Jeeze.

I am making my own list of things I believe would be nice QoL features that I think should’ve been made base-line in the first place.

Accidentally bought same Ascended Recipe...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Try and write a ticket…

I know your pain though, I accidentally bought a bank tab upgrade without realizing there was a cap to how much you could expand it…

You are not alone. I literally have a bank tab expansion in my bank tab due to that single reason alone. Whoops. I’m hoping one day they’ll.. you know.. expand it.. because more money for Anet yes yes?

And yes I will contact support and send in a ticket to see if I can resolve this. Thanks everyone.

Black Lion Keys. Are they worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


If you buy the keys in mass batches (100-150 or more) I would say RNG is RNG… You have good days and bad days. I’ve bought probably over a thousand or so of these keys, right now I feel like the drop tables are lacking in certain areas or give lame rewards.. The new mini egg thing.. Blah.
But, as others have stated… If you enjoy the activities to acquire keys via farming them then sure, you get your enjoyment. Likewise can be said about gambling in general; that is your enjoyment out of it.

Accidentally bought same Ascended Recipe...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


No idea whether my mouse cursor was just a fraction off the right tab or it lagged out but unfortunately I bought an ascended recipe I already have unlocked for that particular toon.

It was all fine and dandy until I went to unlock the recipe and it stated “you have already unlocked this recipe” then I realized I had bought the torch instead of the warhorn recipe. Ouch.

Is there any way I can get this refunded or swapped to the ascended warhorn recipe that I need?

Squad Chat Color.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Yes. It’s kinda gross. Sadly no, Whisper Chat is already purple.

I think either a very bright yellow would suit it, as long as they changed Guild Chat to a more orange hue. That might work?

Dragon Bash

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



I missed out on original DB event… Plus we’re already starved to the bone of filler content whilst we wait.


Please let us mute minis.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It’s been requested before but I’m adding this to my list of things I really wanna see HAPPEN and not just “we’re looking into it”.

All it needs is a little toggle-able check box whether we want mini sounds off or on… That’s it. Please before I go insane having to listen to all those Super minis or this new dragon which everyone and their mum’s brown dog has.

WvW Nametag color based on server color

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Zalladi and Azizul summed it up pretty much.

It would cause A LOT of confusion as other colored text/name tags appear as well (namely blue is Party chat, green indicates friendlies/allies).

They should already have nameplates anyway indicating what server they’re from, e.g Borlis Pass Bronze Major. But, if you reallllly find it that difficult to differentiate between sides here is my only suggestions:

  • ANet could add a tiny colored circle at the start/end/on top of the enemy name plate to further indicate what side color they are from

Things that already exist in game:

  • Team colors on character models

War should get another baseline Elite

in Warrior

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’d like a shout elite skill, to test things out. Guardian got a shout and it works great.

Re-rolling to Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I tried out torment runes on mesmer. It is one big bucket of aids, ready to sprinkle onto the faces of salty little orphans. In other words.. I’m having my laughs killing players with this cheesy, dirty build but as others have stated already – little to no movement speed/swiftness and you better be on your toes if you need to break out of a stun etc which shouldn’t be too hard since you inflict cancer anyway on your F1-F4 skills.

I also tried out torment runes on my thief. More risky, maybe I’m just below average anyway but it’s still fun, imo.

Knockback PSA.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


A group of 15 of us on an elite/vet… it’s ok, it’s not dangerous. No one’s going to die… I’m about to pop my 100 blades when a wild ranger knockback appears!


  • Why? Why? Why?
  • We had consistent DPS
  • I wasted something I could’ve added to the table because of someone else’s brainless action

It’s annoying and wastes everyone’s time. Please think before you press that button, or better still, don’t press it at all ever unless something major needs to be inturrupted or it’s actually coming towards YOU and YOU NEED to make distance.

Great job on the new graphics options!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


For me I had to switch between turning them off/on to see what the differences were.. yes, minor in my opinion but still wonderful job on implementing some nice gfx updates.

I guess you can tell the difference more when the sun/lighting is blazing down on your toon because it looks way awesome, or in places where it changes drastically from light to dark (caves, cliff-sides, mountains etc).

BL Gem Store: Issues w/ Chests & Tickets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Last night I did 100 keys.

  • 45 BL ticket scraps
  • 1 BL claim ticket

Nothing else worth mentioning other than getting dyes out of the dye kits of which I gave to friends because I already own all the dyes.

Of all my time spent gambling/buying + opening I’d say over 1000 keys or more at this current point in time (end of year-ish) I strongly believe the ‘rewards’ are at an all time low. Tombs of Knowledge used to drop like hot cakes around last year, I only got 13 ToKs out of those 100 keys as opposed to last year if getting around 30-40 in a batch of 100 keys. RNG is RNG though, whether they tweak the drops or not.

What's the best armor set for Charriors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I remember a couple of months ago I went on a Charr-toon-making spree. It was very colorful… except I found myself using the SAME, STALE armor pieces because nothing else looks good on Charrs or it has awkward clipping issues.

Here’s some of my own heavy-armor Charrs if you need inspiration (they are kinda edgy looking and probably aren’t too happy with being screenied but oh well)…


Dreamthistle Skins AVAILABLE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


All I can say is thank you to ANet and f i n a l l y DT skins are back so I can finish of this collection. Cheers!

[WvW Build] Any current Warrior builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Going full zerk can certainly be intimidating when you aren’t used to it, but I’d definitely recommend moving away from the pvt toward a more damage oriented gear set in this brave new wvw.

As you can see from this thread here, the patch has really diminished the value of toughness, especially in roaming and small group wvw, and you’re only delaying the inevitable death rather than protecting against it by investing too much in toughness.

Warhorn got a couple of nefs, whereas shield got buffed. Gs remains a very strong weapon choice for what you want to do, as is hammer, and anything paired with shield. So I recommend dropping the warhorn in favour of any of those.

If you’re really not comfortable pushing yourself into zerk territory (or close to it), you could always see if a condi spec works for you as it allows you to get away with a bit more vitality or toughness and still be effective.

Craft someone weapons and armor for yourself (or have someone else do it), and see how it suits you. I recommend going carrion over rabid, and working in as much sinister as you can stomach, but it’s up to you. You could also mix in some rabid for the toughness if you want, or go full dire. I’d say go with whatever’s cheapest until you know if condis for you.

You’ll want to go dual swords and longbow and Krait Runes are probably your best bet. I’ve heard defense-tactics-discipline is better than working arms in there, but I haven’t tested it myself. Arms has some tasty bleed/condi benefits in it for the swords, so try a few setups to see what works.

If you want to stick power though, consider moving away from the pvt toward more zerk. Alternatively, I posted a build in another thread that uses valk gear that would give you vitality while maintaining really high damage, but do note that I haven’t tested it out yet.

Shouts have been scaled way back and I definitely wouldn’t recommend them, especially for roaming. You used to get about 1700 per shout with your gear, but now you’ll only get about 1000. And, like I said, warhorn has also been nerfed a bit as has longbow, in a weird way.

Good luck.

Thank you for the informative response, I’ll try out zerk once again; it’s still insanely risky. I’m sure with practice I’ll learn to survive better with it.

Yes, I actually have an alt warri geared in full condition stats. It’s very fun but more suited to 1v1 or simply roaming as S/S is quite close-combat orientated and condis in zergs often get mass cleared by team support, unfortunately.

I’ll admit, with healing power removed from base line stats it’s even worse off now.. but I’m still curious about shout heals; perhaps they’d be more useful on Guardian? Either way, I will be sticking to a power orientated build.

It is quite melancholy of ANet to focus so much on damaging via this latest feature patch/pack with little compensation for defense, or for those that enjoyed running a bit more tanky gear. Oh well, I will find a way, eventually.

Thanks once again.

Tarrktun Item and ecto gamble achiv

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


“No Life”
“I Regret Everything”
“All Your Ectos Are Belong To Us”
“This Was Not Worth It”
“Best And Worst Two AP Of My Life”

Seriously though, this deserves a title. Doesn’t matter what it is, it needs to be crowned with a title.

Fields are just red rings

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I wish the red rings were MUCH more vibrant and perhaps slightly thicker to distinguish them on the field.. A know quite a few just by the circle size but still it’s difficult to tell what it actually is most of the time.

In fact ANet should re-do all the skill graphical effects to make it more visually distinguishable; easier to react. I know that’s a massive ask, but look at HoT with all it’s fancy new skills, even on the rev some skills had a specific animation with graphical effects you could at least see properly.

[WvW Build] Any current Warrior builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


After this latest patch took place I feel out of place and lackluster when playing warrior in wvw.

Yes I have visited metabattle but there is nothing listed in the wvw section and I generally prefer theory crafting/making my own builds.

What are the current wvw builds for warriors, if any at all? I mean this mostly in regards to smaller-scale fights but also to the extent of Zerging; front-line builds, something useful for the party/group ect as right now I’m running a very selfish build and I think that’s where I am going wrong.

  • is shout warrior still a thing?

If it helps at all I’m geared in full PVT (soldier’s) weps/gear etc as one too many times going full zerk just gets me insta-killed. Main weps I use/carry is GS + S/WH, Hammer and also shield if I really need that block. Unfortunately I have no ranged weapon because I have no clue what would be best on the field; rifle seems more like picking off singular targets as opposed to LB which I think people use for might blasting? I am not too sure on that one…

I noticed it doesn’t help that ANet has taken away healing power/condition duration/boon duration from trait lines so I’m feeling the hit even more and I have no idea how to compensate for that, given healing power scales terribly anyway yet I still feel inclined to run Healing Signet as warrior. Any tips there?

TLDR: any current good, viable WvW frontline warrior builds out there? Please let me know!

Something needs done with ET and DR.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I still feel like transferring to ET. Don’t ask why. I just want to experience something different, even if it is an apparent ‘dead’ server. I don’t care if people tell me it’s a waste of time. It would be nice if just one person could make a small difference.

I have some questions. I’m Australian so I’m generally on after work which is around 9:00pm through to 2-3am AEST… would it be even more dead during those times on ET?

You’ll likely be the only one online. Or maybe there will be a couple others, if you can find them.

Already made my mind up; I’ll be x-ferring down to ET for around a month or more just to experience something different. A guild already contacted me on ET so it’ll be nice to help out whenever possible. Kudos to them for the good communication~

I certainly hope it’s not as dead as people make it sound haha.

Mistforged Weapons through Alt Currency

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



Really… There needs to be a way to utilize these badges of honor as a currency.

Orr should be remade

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Easy solution:

Make Undead infested Orr an instances place for those who are doing the story thing.

New Orr or cleansed Orr can be real time BUT maybe there could be a way to visit undead infested Orr because when you think about it… Map completion, events, content… Yeah. Would be a waste to see it un-playable cough LSs1 cough.

Identical Book Ascended Back Item Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


+1 to this

When I first checked out back pieces I was looking forward to seeing what each book looked like due to their little icon pictures being different… Alas, they are all extremely boring, identical and quite misleading.

ANet should update them.

Help venoms.

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I have a venom thief. Hilariously fun for roaming.

My bar looks like this:

6. Hide in Shadows HEAL
7. Shadow Refuge (swap out for movement signet when safe vice versa)
8. Poison venom
9. Torment venom
10. Bas venom

It’s all I need, good fun.

Why Sizer left, aka S/D unviable

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I have a thief fully decked out in ascended gear, sword and all. S/D got butchered and now she sits on the character select page gathering dust. I’ve tried so many times, even tweaking runes, food, skills around and it’s just underwhelming, broken, bruised. What a terrible mistake ANet has made and worse still, they either won’t tend to it or literally will leave it as is. Our ideas, pleas and feedback fall on deaf ears.

Here’s hoping the thief spec will enlighten things…

Healing.... It might need some tuning...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


ANet basically tore away Boon Duration, Condition Duration and Healing Power with practically no compensation. It sucks. But yes Healing needs to be reviewed and improved, not that’s it any decent now… No way. I hope ANet looks into this and balances things out.

Found WvW endgame!

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


And there we have YB in their natural habitat; camping on their favorite type of siege, the formidable and intimidating arrowcart(s).

No seriously all too often I come into EB spawn and I’m greeted with 3 ballis, 2 ACs and god knows what else parked on our front doorstep garnished with a handful of YBs. Oh the joys.

Something needs done with ET and DR.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I still feel like transferring to ET. Don’t ask why. I just want to experience something different, even if it is an apparent ‘dead’ server. I don’t care if people tell me it’s a waste of time. It would be nice if just one person could make a small difference.

I have some questions. I’m Australian so I’m generally on after work which is around 9:00pm through to 2-3am AEST… would it be even more dead during those times on ET?

Survey: Who wants 2h Battle Axes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


+1 despite this thread being over 2 years old… yes, I would love 2H axes.

Stuck on 98% map completion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


  • Check Chantry of Secrets
  • Hover over every single map zone when looking at the world map and look for 100% map complete in those zones. Single out the one that doesn’t have 100%.

So what did you do during golem week???

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


  • K-training
  • Made a bunch of ascended gear because I’m a min/maxer scrub
  • Craft leveling alts
  • Drawing/sketching some stuff
  • Played some BF4

Can we re-fix Wings, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I like that the wings are more free-flowing now. Before it looked awkward, I mean wings on players ARE awkward but I meant how rigid and stale they were prior was… out of place.

I for one don’t mind how ‘swishy’ and ‘flowy’ they are.

From a code/designer perspective it might be difficult for them to have it fade out from a bit stiff to subtle flowing ends. Just look at some of the armor skins in this game – there are clearly invisible structure/net-like appendages there and the whole thing moves either as one or has weird issues when moving.

Banning is NOT the solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Last night I witnessed a couple of guilds running this buff outside golems. Sadly our little Zerg was just k-training and all was good till someone mentioned my name calling for a report and I was totally confused until I looked at the list of buffs on me and somehow that stupid golem buff was present on me despite me not even being in a golem or knowing about it at all. I immediately asked how to get rid of it and luckily someone told me to get in a golem and it went away but jeeze, people are so fast to judge by insta-reporting me? I wasn’t even aware or had no ill intention of exploiting it. Very confusing and unfortunate, I hope I’m not the only one who’s been in a similar situation.

July without gemstore update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m throwing money at the screen but nothing’s happening.

Return of Aetherized: My dream goal of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


+1 by a million, bring them back you got my vote.

I would like to finish my collections but alas with these prices sooo ridiculously high it is basically un-doable, some skins aren’t even in stock. Sigh.

Btw nice idea for a character.

Shield Rework Suggestion

in Warrior

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


If they tweaked shield skill #4’s dash range to be like the EOTM Kodan Bear vet’s one I would be the happiest person. Agreed with others though, shield atm is pretty good as it is. Just that short dash distance though…. Wish it could have a slight increase or break immobilize?

Bank/character slot cap raise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Raise the bank tabs, please. I don’t see why we should be limited. More money for ANet either way.

Karma Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Not everyone’s cup of tea but I do recommend EOTM for getting lots of karma. In particular this week(?) due to the golem event currently active it’s even faster to break into places thus speeding things up.

Assault Knight Power Core's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


You’ll find that the entire supply of those blueprints is not on the tradepost. I know this for a fact.

A ‘fact’ with nothing to back it up? I am not surprised.

It’s posts like those that are almost cringeworthy, but, do go on… My biggest question is are any of these blueprints still acquirable other than the TP?

Assault Knight Power Core's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Is it scary I can afford to buy the entirety (all stock) of one of the four existing blueprint scraps to make the spinal blade pack? Effectively meaning people could only acquire 3/4 pieces… Not to mention as far as the research I’ve done is that the only way to acquire these blueprints was from LSS1 which ain’t coming back and the fact that alliance supplies are not tradable plus most people would’ve opened those bags anyway.

If I buy out this entire stock of specific blueprint scraps does that mean no one could make the spinal blade pack? Ever?

If so… That’s seriously messed up.

mini gwynefyrdd

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Opened 50,000 ToT bags; got the mini at around 8,000 at the time of release, along with 2 orange poly refracs.

I may do another round in hopes of maybe a different poly refrac or so. But yeah, in a way I wish this mini was tradable so those with doubles could give them to friends.

Please Don't Invalidate My Class (Again)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


What looks good on paper doesn’t always work when it comes to the real deal.

Permastealth mesmer! Never reopen walls again

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It’s all fun and games till a ranger with Sic Em comes along with his gang of engies equipped with Lock On trait. In fact let’s make it extreme next level super ultra mega happy fun time when that ranger and those engies start placing Stealth Disruptor Traps everywhere. For realz.