Showing Posts For Zephyra.4709:

Which server is best for AU WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m on FA atm, Aussie.

Due to my job and work hours I’m generally on/venture in there after 8pm AEST between 8pm-3am and at most… It really feels quiet save for a few guilds jumping from BLs to BLs. Maybe just this week felt quieter than usual? I see people scattered sitting at spawn doing nothing when we’re getting steamrolled a bit by YB during certain hours… May as well not even bother being there if you’re gonna do nothing. Oh well.

Warrior has rampage, give us Caithe mode ;)

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Caithe is OP simply reading that statement “Her elite is an 8s stealth that doesn’t reveal you when you attack

So for 8 seconds you could attack someone whilst being totally stealthed is madness. Unless you typed that wrong and meant something else.. but that is just off the rails OP.

I wouldn’t mind a new elite skills. Current ones are stale/boring. I liked one of NinjaEd.3946’s points; the stability on sword is interesting… but that’s coming from someone who absolutely loved the S/D playstyle.. until ANet came along and butchered it. Sigh.

Gettin interested in Wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Some tips (from personal experience):

  • Wearing full zerk whilst front-lining is not the best idea, you will be squishy and die in seconds
  • Visit metabattle for some easy, viable builds related to WvW
  • Try and use some/full soldier (PVT) gear as the recent patch to condis + buffed dmg output can be devastating if you don’t have toughness/vitality somewhere in your gear
  • With the recent changes to professions/skills etc the shift in WvW play-style has taken on a ‘pirate-ship’ theme aka a lot more ranged classes are evident and heavy melee classes should take extra care
  • Warrior/Guardian shout heal builds are nice, good frontline, great support
  • Necro/Ele/Engi are generally geared in more zerker/dmg output gear and are either in the back or middle of the zerg
  • Thief/Ranger/Mesmer are nice roaming professions but also can be used to pick off singular targets that stray too far from a zerg. Mesmer in particular is excellent at providing support via portals/veils etc.
  • It is best to check out your server’s way of playing WvW or even join their TS channel if they have one to help with what they may be looking for/get an idea on things
  • Simply put, go and play some WvW and see what works for you! Don’t be afraid to try new builds/things and remember, have fun~

About Conditions...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I don’t mind being killed by a burn guardian as I encounter them very rarely and thus I’m mostly out-played or not carrying decent condi-removal.

I’m so used to encountering med-guards these days so facing a burn-guard is something at least different.

As for burning in general: I feel like it’s the most unique condition in the game atm… very powerful in short bursts and some classes simply excel at maintaining that dmg output, however, hence saying that I think there is the possibility of ANet stepping in and toning it down a fraction as yes; insta-bursted with massive burn stacks is quite intimidating and OP unless you’re topped with condi-removal.

These are still the early stages of the recent condi-buff-patch and I’m hoping ANet is taking in all the opinions/info/statistics players have provided to make it an overall balanced game soon.

Who will be the final boss of Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Scarlet Briar RETURNS.

WHy am i so glassy now?

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


A few players have already summed some points up but to recap:

  • The recent patch butchered S/D (vigor nerf, some traits being moved elsewhere or on the same line so you’re forced to choose ONE etc)
  • Everyone does more damage now yet some classes are suffering more because there was little to no implementation of defensive stuff or as previously stated, traits got moved around and you’re forced to choose certain things
  • The new thief specialization is called The Nerf Stick and it’s centered around being the absolute king of holding the most nerfs at any given time and is certain to accomplish utter failure to any extent due to the plethora of nerfs crowned upon it be it publicly announced, hidden or bugged beyond describable words.

New lv80 thief I have no idea what I'm doing.

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


“I’d really like some help both in my main goal for now (is it okay to try to get that armorset?) and maybe some opinions on weapon and stuff.

  • It’s good to set yourself goals be it long-term or short-term
  • Don’t be afraid to try out different builds/armor stats. At least if you do you can conquer whether or not it is viable.
  • From personal experience I can recommend condition thief as the recent patch buffed conditions in various ways. It is a fun play-style despite people labeling it as ‘cheesy’.

“Also I have no idea on combos and crafting but I guess I could just read about that to learn more.

  • Neither do I and this is why ANet should make a tutorial on combo fields because half the time I have no idea what I just did to proc that field
  • Crafting is costly but is also one of the fastest ways to level. I have levelled a lot of alts this way but I recommend the k-train in EOTM for fast levels/karma too.

Sorry for the lengthy post but I hope this helps you a bit.

New lv80 thief I have no idea what I'm doing.

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Hello, here are some tips that you may find helpful in regards to a few things you have stated (my personal experiences):

“I’m mostly a PVE player, I prefer to know a bit more about teh game before going to WvW or PVP.

If you’re mostly a PVE player then there is quite a lot of content catered to that specific area of the game, this includes:

  • Dungeons
  • Guild missions (with friends, guildies etc)
  • World Boss Events
  • Map completion aka World Completion
  • Fractals (I personally don’t really do these because I have no idea yet)
  • Living World/Story content
  • Large scale events especially in the more recent maps Dry Top + Silverwastes

" I don’t know of a very good way to earn karma so I mostly do events in lv 80 areas and do my dailies.

You can earn relatively very fast karma in EOTM (Edge of the Mists) aboard what is called a k-train (karma train) which is led by someone who is tagged up on the map and they go around to cap objectives whilst killing champions which net you champ bags (loot). However, this is a hostile environment where players can kill other players so you may want to stick with the zerg (your group of allies) at all times.

Here is a list of things that grant karma:

  • EOTM (Edge of the Mists) is by far the fastest karma I have acquired
  • Map events in general across Tyria
  • World Boss events.. ? I’m not too sure here tbh but I think they do
  • Some rewards doing events/levelling up chests for specific things and/or dailies grant little tubes of karma

“I have no idea on what weapon to use. I enjoy D/D although I’ve been told it sucks right now, it’s the one I most enjoy.

My entire time playing thief I mained D/D for PvE. It is the easiest weapon set to get used to because it really feels like it’s suited to the class. A lot of players recommend short bow as an off-hand. When it comes to WvW or PvP there will be things that simply work and don’t work, this is where D/D does not shine so well because D/P (dagger + pistol) shines in so many more helpful ways due to black powder putting down blinds which can cause important skills on the enemy to “miss” thus saving your life frequently.


  • D/D is nice for PvE but not so much in WvW/PvP but you can still use it, whatever floats your boat
  • D/P is currently considered the best set of weapons for WvW/PvP in a manner of roaming but can be used in other cases too
  • S/D (sword + dagger) took a disappointing and brutal blow and is now relatively ineffective after the recent patch
  • P/P (pistol + pistol) is utter trash. Seriously. It got butchered anyway.
  • Short bow is an excellent weapon for various situations. Always carry one just in case.
  • P/D (pistol + dagger) is the absolute king of thief condition builds and the main source of certain condition builds due to the auto-attack bleeds

“I still do very little damage though, I have no idea if it’s because of my equipment, poor weapon choices, or poor anything to be honest XD

There may be a few factors you need to look into as to where you are lacking in certain things be it power/conditions or simply if you’re using traits that benefit you overall, even to the extent of weapons/armor/food etc.

First and foremost you need to decide the following:

  • What build/playstyle do you want to run as a thief? Power? Conditions? Hybrid? This is where I suggest you look up and visit Metabattle for a variety of builds that should be viable; in other words – good builds.
  • Once you have chosen a build check out your weapon skills. Some are particularly shoveled into doing direct power damage (sword) and others excel at doing conditions (pistol main-hand). Always be mindful what weapons you use because sometimes your build depends on them.
  • Have you considered using food/utility nourishment? Look on the trading post for a plethora of foods that can boost specific stats.
  • Armor/weapon stats… the king of raw DPS stat-wise is berserker gear and a large portion of the community have been, and continue to use zerker. (With the recent patch this also means running full zerker gear makes you insanely glassy) The king of conditions varies between Dire/Rabid and other notable stats choices like Rampager/Sinister gear. Anything is fine in PvE but when it comes to WvW/PvP… running glassy builds is not always the best choice. This is where other stat choices come into place such as the standard + efficient Soldier/Sentinel/Cleric/Celestial gear because you need some form of toughness/vitality to survive against the immense amount of conditions/power based damage going on around you.

Make Queue's account bound

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Literally the most flawed “idea” ever. People will abuse this by sitting at the character select screen if they are still counted as being in the queue; therefore adding to wasted space in the BLS. Timer or not, people are gonna abuse it one way or another.

How did you find the Rev in Wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Troll-worthy but mostly underwhelming.

You’re the stability kid dishing out free perm stab faster than tossing out free candy. Some utility skills are to the extent of being spam able… That teleport skill, unyielding anguish, is pure troll time for the enemy, if used correctly, you can split zergs but you’re best off geared in PVT because you’ll drop like a fly so fast.

I don’t like the heals either.. Maybe I’m just not used to switching the legends yet.

WvW Siege Blueprint Skill "Cancel Build" Disabled

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Hmm, only noticed the disabled thing last night when someone called for an AC but then we didn’t need it.

Did this bug originate from the “exploit” in pvp stronghold where players could keep sending infinite door breakers due to that stupid bundle duplicate thing? How odd if so for it to cross over to WvW… Sheesh. That’s a lot of wasted guild blueprints, for some.

There should’ve been a pop-up upon entering WvW warning players of this change in place. Not everyone reads the forums…

New Level up Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I am so glad I’m not the only one that felt this way about the additional windows.

  • Waste of time clicking
  • No one cares “what you unlock next”. I’d rather it be a surprise for all I care
  • It’s bad enough having a laggy TP interface, no need for additional ones
  • It was bad enough with the PREVIOUS addition implemented to levelling up via clicking, now it’s WORSE
  • There is no way to opt out of the additional, useless window. There should be an option to make it toggle-able
  • ANet clicking fetish confirmed

Man I wouldn’t be surprised if everytime we went to click something another pop up would ensue with “Are you sure?” Yes. “There is no going back, do you still wish to continue?” Yes. “You’re about to hit accept are you positive this is your decision?” Yes.

It’s simply too much.

[Suggestion] Buff chat log for commanders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



Take RS forums for example (not naming actual game but you can probably tell anyway):

Forum Mods background posts are tinted a slight green color and it helps differentiate amongst the plethora of ordinary yellow/gold tinted posts.

Something like this akin to commanders typing whatever instruction could use the tinted background beneath the text to help spot it from all the other players typing.

I like the ideas above mentioned too, and a couple of my own suggestions:

  • Commander icon next to name in chat
  • Possibly 1 more commander color
  • Color of commander tag currently chosen should have the option to toggle the exact same color onto the background of their text typed in a tinted variant
  • ANYTHING the commander types should also pop up on screen like the “say bubbles” do because A LOT of people tunnel vision and may not be paying attention to what’s typed in the box as opposed to something that’s just popped up in front of them on screen

Shield skins as backpieces?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


What if warrior elite spec is double shield weapons? That means we could have triple shield with a shield on our backs and 2 shields in our hands aka infinite toughness from all angles and thus would birth the foundation of the all mighty pure tank aka one slice of ‘holy trinity’.

All jokes aside, I don’t think it’d work. As interesting as it sounds I can just imagine ridiculous clipping issues.

We need stealth counter skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


How to permanently counter thief SR:

1. Play a Revenant
2. Wait for thief to lay down SR
3. Place Unyielding Anguish over the SR spot
4. Watch as thief gets insta-teleported out applying revealed on him and do whatever it is you need to do whilst they are revealed
5. Rinse and repeat if applicable as this skill is basically spammable

Other ways to counter stealth in general:

Case a)

1. Play a ranger with Sic Em equipped
2. Laugh for ages at that thief who has 8-10 seconds of revealed on them whilst you burst them down with your amazing pew pew skills

Case b)

1. Play an engineer
2. Equip that trait that grants you the ability to apply revealed on something you hit that is currently in stealth
3. Do whatever it is you need to do to obliterate the now revealed thief

Case c) (only applicable in WvW)

1. Place a stealth trap (requires 10 supplies to complete)
2. Lure thief into stealth trap and watch as they are instantly revealed for 30 seconds. 30 Seconds. 30 SECONDS. (Extra points if you’re a ranger with Sic Em equipped)
3. Watch as thief/Mesmer/any stealthed thing spazzes out with that much reveal on them allowing you to do whatever it is you need to do to obliterate them

Bonus Case D)

1. Play condi trap ranger
2. The thief should be very well done or burnt to a crisp by the time they decide to come near you or try to touch you in stealth

Spirit shard system and augurs stone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


This makes me want to record the outcome of a stack of champ bags from EOTM because I get heapsssss of SS out of them on that ez-mode k-train.

Make reflection do 2 to 3 X damage.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Reflection may not but this does:

1. Retaliation

Other helpful tips:

1. Wear something other than zerker
2. Have gap closers/escape utilities
3. double dodge to avoid ranger rapid fire
4. Grant yourself retaliation if applicable
5. Lose LOS of the ranger

There’s probably a million other helpful points but I think reflection is in a good place as it stands currently, a lot of rangers get themselves killed with it, especially in larger scale fights where it may be hard to see the reflection wall due to a lot of players in that area.

Hope that helps.

Revenents in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Meh. I boarded the baby train in EOTM to take it for a spin initially for the lulz and surprisingly… full zerk frontlining got me killed. A lot. That’s to be expected though on something that’s unfinished in the first place so I tried out full soldiers with MUCH better results (least I didn’t insta-die).

Despite my thoughts on their unbalanced ability to dish out perm stab I found our zerg survived a lot of would-be fear walls, ha. Same thing with unyielding anguish skill; I think there should be counterplay to it because I could simply spam it at chokepoints behind the enemy zerg and they’d be trying to fall back but get teleported closer to our advancing zerg due to the placement of the teleport. Also extremely troll-worthy on champs as it ignores stability which I find is the key factor for it being rather OP and unbalanced.

Overall Rev in a wvw environment needs a lot of tweaking for it to be balanced and VIABLE because atm it feels lackluster in the DPS department and shoveled into a mere set of utility skills via current legendary stances.

Suggestion: Birthday Booster transformation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709




Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Unfinished potential


[FEEDBACK/SUGGESTION] Revenant tweak: "OP"

in Revenant

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Possible case of ‘spammable’ Revenant skills being OP?

After toying around with the Revenant’s skills (standard Demon + Dwarf stances) I noticed each of those stances has a specific utility skill that more than likely needs toning down in regards to zerging or simply small scale fights, even to the extent of 1v1’s. The following skills are the main culprits:

Inspiring Reinforcement

  • Practically permanent stability if standing on it
  • Permanent stability to players on rams at gates with no risk of being knocked back etc
  • Only needs ONE Revenant to accomplish the above listed points

Now imagine 3 or 5 of these guys. Jolly good show on their behalf for group play but man this skill should be re-named Oprah BOONSPREE or something because that perm stab is just.. wow…

Unyielding Anguish

  • Extreme hard counter to thief Shadow Refuge (literally just place this on their SR spot and boom. Out they go. Done. Good game. Rest in peace, thief.)
  • Near-spammable in choke-points as enemy zergs are cut in half; little to no escape
  • Ignores stability. Yes that’s right ladies, whether it’s intended or not… you can spam this on champs. You can spam this on NPCs that are NOT INTENDED to be MOVED (I’m looking at you TA dungeon nightmare court rangers in your little protective bubbles…)You can spam this on players. Doesn’t matter who you are. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing. Doesn’t matter where you are. It will find you and it will teleport you, regardless.

I’ve witnessed all of the above mentioned in WvW content in just a few hours and it’s looking quite untame… in the hands of coordinated players those two sets of “CCs” deems unstoppable. Probably if you had teleports you could escape the Unyielding Anguish and fall back but that’s about it.


  • Tone down the stacks of stability/timer associated with Inspiring Reinforcement; this should NOT be a spammable, permanent boon
  • I am unaware if you can use stun-breakers to escape Unyielding Anguish but please, for the love of all that is holy… at least make it so players with stability running through/into it are not affected for the first stack of stability OR make it so that you require more than ONE stack of stability as it could be viable for it to ‘pulse’ and rip stability stacks off as it’s active?

So far I am finding Revenant interesting to play. Yes I am fully aware it is unfinished and in general; lacks the feel of DPS but I strongly believe it has the potential to be viable if tweaked properly. Right now it’s lackluster yet dips into the more “OP” side in regards to controlling the enemy with certain CCs.

Feel free to discuss this topic amongst yourselves or if you have any viable counterplay to these skills, feel free to share any tips etc

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

[BUG LIST] Edge of the Mists 100% UNPLAYABLE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


We just put in a fix for the generators in EotM. It may just work instantly in existing games, but at the very least it should be fixed the next time EotM ends and resets.

Thanks for the fix, Tyler; greatly appreciated!

[BUG LIST] Edge of the Mists 100% UNPLAYABLE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


EDIT: Generator bugs have been resolved, thank you Tyler for the fix!

It’s been days now with these evident bugs in place affecting EOTM, no word from ANet.

…Falling on deaf ears, a few other threads similar to this. Posting my own variant in hopes it gets seen by ANet/devs in order to get it fixed.


  • Supply generators are bugged
  • You cannot claim/cap supply generators
  • There is no supply interface at the supply generators
  • Supply generators cannot be built even if you own it
  • A lot of the time when the enemy owns your keep you can’t even pick up supply from the spawn due to the following message REGARDLESS if you have 0 supply or not: “cannot carry any more supplies”


The following problems have been observed over the course of MONTHS.

  • Standing on particular areas at towers whilst KILLING one of the door vets results in your character being teleported just INSIDE and ON TOP of the tower wall(s). This is wrong because there is no way you should be able to breach a tower unless you sieged your way in
  • The Veteran Ogres’ unique knockdown skill even if they are BLINDED still hits you
  • A lot of the veteran NPC’s skills are VERY OFF/MISLEADING. More than halfway through an EVADE which is practically an EVADE.. COME ON… they will still hit you initiating an ‘interrupt’. This only applies to Kodan Bear when they rush you with their shield and the Ogre hits/knockbacks
  • Turrets (on the ground @ Wurm and west of Needle tower) never used to knock you back if you were standing ON TOP of the platform. They now do which isn’t right because you are not in any way at all in the path of the turret guns’ firing line

I just came out of a map instance (OG team) where ALL of the supply generators were bugged. Nobody in OG had or could acquire supplies. We couldn’t cap anything other than Stat/Airport/Bell or breach anything. Very unfair seeing as BL has access to siege scorpions and FR has access to Kodan transformation both of which obliterate gates so it’s easier for them.

Please fix these bugs ASAP, I would like to continue playing this content but so far it’s literally unplayable.

Feel free to discuss this topic amongst yourselves and if you have any other known problems feel free to speak up.

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

ascended chest at low levels in eotm?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’ve had a handful (not sure the exact amount but around 4-ish) of rings + 2 wep/armor chests drop from EOTM (being on level 80s) rank up chests throughout my entire time playing that mode.

This has always happened when running around with the magic find booster though I highly doubt it contributes to anything.. such RNG.

[EoTM] Bug fix on the next patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



EOTM practically unplayable. Please fix the supply gen bug ASAP.

Edge of the Mists bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I can confirm too, very bugged problem with supply in EOTM.

- NA server
- Vets being killed at supply generators and that’s it. No one is able to cap it. No interface showing supply at all
- Supply in spawns is also bugged when the enemy controls your keep. Usually always get the message “You cannot carry anymore supplies” despite having 0 supplies, however, this small bug in itself has been around for ages anyway
- (EDIT) OLD bug/exploit(?) still active: please fix the bug where if you’re standing on particular areas and so happen to kill an NPC/vet you will instantly be spawned just inside the area where you wouldn’t normally be able to get to unless you sieged your way in. This is extremely annoying as mesmers are able to port in whole zergs. Not fair.

Very annoying bugs, please fix them ASAP.

I’m surprised we even managed to break down gates using nothing but our bare hands last night because most supply gens were totally borked.

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

WvW food trolling

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I think siege & food should ALWAYS have their yellow description/nameplate visible once you get within a certain radius (like 900 for example) or at least have it toggle-able that way you’re not just mindlessly pressing F on something.

I know this already exists via holding down CTRL but a lot of people seem to not know that or don’t utilize it properly.

Commander Tag and Transfer

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m pretty sure it’s account-wide unlock meaning not bound to any characters?

Upcoming "Golem Rush" event... Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It’s interesting save for that one statement:

“All siege golems in WvW no longer require supply to construct.”

This alone leaves me to assume there’s going to be just massive blobbing of golems flipping stuff in seconds. No point in sieging up places if everyone and their mum’s brown dog will be running around in one of these.

And you guys thought k-trains were bad in WvW already? Oh man.

Feel free to discuss this topic amongst yourselves…

EDIT: Source to original post…

So...S/D thieves took the hit

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Rant below.

No words in the English dictionary can describe how kittened off I am with these changes in regards to S/D thief build.

It is now basically underwhelming and all the decent traits are splattered everywhere like a dog’s breakfast or simply got butchered.

S/D was pretty much my favorite alongside condi thief.

I even tried to get more crits out of it by removing strength runes BECAUSE WHERE THE kitten DID “MIGHT ON DODGE” GO WITH THESE TRAITS WOW ANET… and replacing it with Pack runes (to get more precision) but it’s still stupidly underwhelming.

Guess I’ll stick to my cheesy condi thief. I have yet to try out D/P thief because I really liked running a less stealth build.. gonna seriously miss you S/D.

End of rant.

My condi thief has been killed by Anet

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I picked up my condi thief a few days ago after patch etc. I like it even more.

Melted faces


- basically a venom share thief now (poison + torment + bas venom)
- improvisation trait sometimes lands on venoms and boyyyy when it does the aids are REALLLLL
- when I use a heal skill it places a trap (immobilize etc)
- despite flat 30% boon/condi DURATION being totally wiped from old trait lines I’m still sitting at 60-70% condi duration
- Torment Runes are hilarious (I got sick of Krait and wanted to try out torment)
- instead of daze on steal I have confusion as it is now a DoT condi

Basically this build is the queen of aids and it works for me. 60% of the time I don’t even use SR because my 2nd wep set is D/P.

My only problems so far:

- constantly swapping out movement speed signet for SR when enemy is near or if I have time
- trap ranger (because 2 on you at the same time with 8 burn stacks + a plethora of other god-knows-what condis on you is not fun)
- little to no stun breaks save for P/D skill #3 which is the lol factor of this aids build (torment is fun)
- other condi classes in general

It’s a fun build. I like it and I’m having fun.

Ascended Sinister and Nomads backpieces

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I support this idea. +1

I want to finish my full Nomad troll warri tank.

Is it smart to invest in exclusive dyes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


The other night I checked the most expensive dye on the TP (Electro Blue @1,050g). SOMEONE, and quite a few others in lower order prices are actually willing to pay 700g for this.

Yes investing in something is always risky. It just so happens that the Electro Dyes fell into the hands of either people playing the market or individuals who got lucky making investments as I’m pretty sure that specific dye kit no longer drops from chests etc.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


That’s weird. In EBG yesterday someone had dropped firework bundles or something we could pick up and use??
Also Box of Fun works in EOTM so it should work in WvW.

WvW Guards: Big Joke or Biggest Joke?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Condi ranger: my bleed stacks melt NPCs wayyy too fast.
Condi warrior: 30+ bleed stacks in seconds. NPCs melt.
Condi thief: venom thief. Even more crazy if Improvisation trait lands on venoms. Oh man.. The melts are real.

Current NPCs in wvw are evidently out/dated and are WAY too easy to kill. At least the vets in EOTM have unique mechanics to fight back. Sheesh.

Glowing Mask Idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Whelp. Can’t say no. There’s already been stuff fluffy Quaggan hats and re-colored skins.. Not to mention the recent wings.

Anything goes?

[Suggestion] Add Mastery icons for ALL Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


ISSUE: In zergs it’s sometimes hard to click on players manning siege and when you do there’s quite the number of players on siege that are either new to the game or simply oblivious to the fact that they don’t have mastery and an ally next to them does yet they wish naught to let the mastery player make best use of the siege.

I am all for new players getting into the game and learning things but sometimes in the heat of battle you NEED someone with AC mastery doing that job properly and not a lot of siege displays icons other than Golem Mastery.

SUGGESTION: Display an icon similar to Golem Mastery (visual appearance) on player’s bar of active boons/buffs etc for every other type of available siege.

Example(s): Arrow Cart Mastery, Ballista Mastery etc

CONCLUSION: This way it makes things easier to distinguish who has siege mastery in a particular perk and who does not. It will be easier to ask said player to kindly pass over use of siege to someone with full mastery.

OTHER: I am not sure if someone with mastery can ‘take over’ use of siege when someone without it is using it. I do, however, know that the owner of the blueprint placed is allowed to take over and man the siege at any given time. Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

Feel free to discuss this topic amongst yourselves.

Troll Cmd's In EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


A Mouse

Best EOTM commander ever. Period.

EDIT: Tyr Nornbear (sorry for any mispellings) as another respectful mention, haven’t seen him in agesss though.

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

Thieves are unplayable in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I just picked up my condi thief after the new patch, tonight. Took it for a spin. Pretty much a venom share thief now thanks to that trait but hey, that’s fine with me.

Things melt fast. Like. Insanely fast.

That uhh.. improvisation trait is really RNG but when it DOES land on venoms oh man the torment is reallll.

This Mobility Nerf...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It nerfs the majority of all situations in which the average player uses mobility skills. It buffs mobility when you’re applied movement impairing conditions in combat, but it nerfs mobility when you’re in combat and not applied with any movement impairing conditions, and nerfs mobility when you’re out of combat altogether. This is an overall nerf.

This. This. A thousand times this.

That nike warrior can simply nike warrior away with movement impending skills even more like nothing ever happened when I’ve specifically applied cripple/chilled to them to IMPAIR their movement speed. Wrong in so many ways. What a sluggish, horrific nerf. No one wins in the end with this.

Could we get something to do until HoT?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I really want Crown Pavilion back. SAB too because I never got to experience it. Or even the uh, Zephyrites place? That was fun and I’m missing event items/skins from that.

Monk's Outfit and new dyes in gemstore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Great screenshots; I see female Charr once again gets no love. Sigh.

Any update on letting us replay Season 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


The plethora of work involved with LSS1 hands down is sheer complex and I don’t think I could find a way of suggesting it be re-delivered to us without breaking lore/current open world time line status.

I’ve skimmed through the above suggestions and they are great and all but so many ‘instances’.. it lacks the real open-world theme, not to mention the Marionette fight where tonnes of players were needed to successfully complete the event.. dumbing it down to solo-able or with a party of 5 is nonsense.

This is coming from someone who came back to the game right when LA was under siege so I too, have missed out on the whole Scarlet ordeal up until then.

I think there are some ways you can bring stuff back… but some things never were meant to be ‘brought back’ because it interferes too much with real time, even if they are instanced and involves vast work.

I would love to be able to experience LSS1 like any other like minded player does but it deems impossible due to the above mentioned.

However, I do wish rewards/items/skins from LSS1 that are now un-obtainable be re-implemented into the game somehow either by gem store or simply pricey laurel expenses.

Go look at, as an example, Scarlet’s Kiss rifle (I already own this) but one day there will be zero of those around and it’s already climbed a hefty price on the TP which I find sad for those that want an item/skin such as it.

Can we have Cat Ears ;)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It will look strange on Asuras. They will have 4 almost the same ears.

Even stranger on Charrs. 6 ears total.

No more extra Boon + Condition DURATION?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I don’t know if it’s still there somewhere or not but…

The old trait lines incorporated Boon Duration and Condition Duration which was a flat 30%+ duration if you maxed that trait line(s) out.

Now that ANet has removed stats etc from Trait Lines what are your opinions/thoughts on missing boon duration + condition duration regarding builds/(old) trait lines?

Out of all my alt toons I had a REALLY fun time rocking my own personal Warrior build and in all honesty I’ve never seen anyone make a build like this before. What did this build involve? Maxed out CONDITION DURATION (100%) for skills like cripple, immobilize, weakness and any other NON-DAMAGING conditions.

Why did I rock a build like this (@ 100% condition duration)?

  • Throw Bolas used to be 8 seconds
  • Level 3 sword Flurry was another 8 seconds
  • ANY skill that applies crippled = more immobilize (5 sec ICD)

In other words… immobilize for dayzzzz with roaming friends and it was hilarious watching some players freak out once they ran out of condi cleanses/stun breaks.

…now I’m sitting at 70% condition duration. The other 30% is completely missing and I cannot find it because it seems to be non-existent after the patch rolled out?

I will try running this build again but 6 & 3/4 seconds of Throw Bolas just isn’t as fun. As you can probably tell, I like to min/max things out.

Feel free to discuss this topic amongst yourselves.

the LA services layout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



I have to run all the way from the bank to the TP which feels way further than previously. There’s no central spot and it’s irritating.

Guess I’ll stick to DR/The Grove for convenience.

[Suggestion] Expanded bank tab functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



I support this idea; I actually had similar thoughts whilst doing a bank clean out.. It’d be so much easier if we could name certain bank tabs and re-arrange them as desired.

The New Lion's Arch - Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m still getting used to new LA.

I actually have more negatives than positives to voice but here’s my 2 cents:

- it’s incredibly open.. I wouldn’t mind more structures or even markets/stalls/carts/crates placed everywhere
- the waypoints for the bank and trading post is much too far apart; I liked old LA’s placement of vendors better because it was shorter running distance
- I will agree with others above that this new design feels rather theme-parky and out of place for that of pirate origin
- can’t see much racial culturalism going on (would love to see more heavy industrial metal/steel buildings from the Charr)
- the lack of lions in general is depressing
- the fact that they have tour guide NPCs walking about just adds to the childish playground theme

I mean they did an outstanding job with buildings and structures, I really love the dock area with the town house buildings which you can even jump on and explore but in general… Very marbled walls everywhere.. Too white and bland in a way.

Black Lion Ticket Drop Rates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Sorry I’ve opened thousands of chests and what I’ve noticed over the past year or more is:

- Tombs of Knowledge used to drop frequently, now they are quite scarce
- Ticket Scrap drops may alter in frequency as ANet does announce things like “X now drops from chests more commonly” or “X from chests has now increased”
- a month or so ago I got quite the number of stand alone dye drops (e.g: Shadow Dye things or Flame & Frost dyes) from doing 150 keys. My most recent batch which was around a week after HoT pre-purchase announcement I did 100 keys and there were only about 3 dye things that dropped. (I did manage to get roughly 44 ticket scraps + 2 actual Tickets out of the 100 keys as sometimes I had double tickets drop)

So yeah things are constantly changing and some are more noticeable after a long duration like the ToK drop rates for me, personally.

New patch builds?!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I don’t play ele at all so I am not educated on what they are capable of BUT:

I just finished a round pitted up against an ele that must have been a total bunker troll build but we had 3 full zerkers trying against her including my full glass LB pew pew zerk ranger and that ele did not die.

It was literally a PLETHORA of my hits coming up as:


And they just healed. They healed like absolute crazy. It’s as if my hits were healing them. Seriously. I swear this is broken. No one could kill them. :/