Showing Posts For Zephyra.4709:

WvW Engineers need Class Buff

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’ve been running my own variant of condi engineer ‘double kit’ roaming build and I have my fun with it.

My only problems is condi removal and being mass CC’d as it has little to no stability. I could trait for stab on FT but then I’d be giving up something else I need in the build to make it effective.

Also, after the patch and the upgraded skills/traits system they really messed up on the engineer traits – being forced to choose something OVER something else. It’s really sucky.

I genuinely hope engi spec brings something good, viable and variety to the table.

Harbinger of Mordremoth Outfit Avail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Great outfit; at least everything can be dye-able which is what I enjoy with outfits.

Here’s a small experiment with the Black Poly Refractor and/or Queen Bee trinket(s) if anyone is interested in making a ‘shadow’ themed character. Also, The Juggernaut's (legendary Hammer) active effects are relatively the same since the dye is so dark. I suppose it gave off a more ‘thick paint’ covered effect.

1st PIC: Shadow Abyss dye, NO Black Poly Refractor, NO Queen Bee
2nd PIC: Shadow Abyss dye, Black Poly Refractor, NO Queen Bee
3rd PIC: Shadow Abyss dye, Black Poly Refractor, Queen Bee
4th-6th PICs: Grab some dark-themed weapons and ta-daa?


Will there ever be an achieve/title for...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


+1 give us a title for owning all Legendary Weapons

It’s something to work towards. Who doesn’t like extra incentives?

The same could be asked in regards to completing a massive collection – would you like to be rewarded with a title or not? I am sure a title would be appreciated at the least, better than nothing for what we currently have no titles for:

- unlocking all dyes
- owning all legendary weapons
- owning all colors of ascended weapons
- ecto gambling merchant (Mystic Forge Conduit thing)
- different stages/levels of titles for WvW related content
- Spirit Smith Back Piece achievement should come with a title
- having X amount of ‘Siege Commander Spoon’ as well for something fun, gimmicky to work towards

The etiquette of standing inside people

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


My only problems is max size Charr/Norns wearing those screen-covering wings in small places like JPs or choke points where I need to see/target the enemy but can’t… Sigh.

Laggy trading post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Laggy, takes forever, very slow. Sometimes opens up panels twice like it’s having a mini heart attack.

Yeah. It’s bad a lot of the time.

[Discuss] How many Badges of Honor YOU have?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


If ANet were ever to expand upon the uses of Badges of Honor as a currency, what would you:

a) Like to see added to the list of purchasable things?
b) How many Badges of Honor you currently have?
c) What would you consider an ‘expensive’ amount of Badges in regards to how many you have?

Current B.o.H stock-pile: ~12k

I consider that amount utterly squat compared to others out there, particularly players who’ve been playing since launch.

If they added very expensive things such as ascended materials/components I would consider 5-10k, as an example, a reasonable cost for something such as a Lesser/Vision Crystal as B.o.H are reasonably easy to acquire.

Feel free to discuss this topic amongst yourselves/answer any of the questions above.

Legendary...for the non-crafters..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Nek minnit: anet can i plz get free legundarry fro loging into game? 2 mch effrt.

Do any Celebrities play Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I heard Oprah Winfrey started playing the other day for free. Now YOU get to play for free, and YOU get to play for free. EVERYONE gets to play for free!

Whats the best tagstick class?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


- Staff Guardian
- Wells Necro
- Engineer (nades, mortar)

Really, anything that can AoE frequently will be able to tag a lot

Hope that helps.

What to do while doing homework?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Exams, study, school, real life important duties before games, my friend.

Just my honest opinion.

As others have stated; 2 weeks of no gaming won’t kill you.

Sinister or Dire?

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Torment rune full Dire gear condi thief. I melt faces. Melted this necro so fast 17 torment stacks + poison, confusion, bleeds and god knows what else I’m surprised they didnt x-fer them back to me.

However, any DD ele, especially with DS, will rofl stomp your kitten seeing as condis can’t really be applied to them and you have to break past that thresh hold and oh look.. Should’ve mixed in some Carrion maybe. Ah well. It’s fun, still.

What wvwers would buy with gems

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


If we’re talking gem store related things… Then I like stuff such as finishers, the customizable BP flag we have etc…

Things they need to BRING BACK:

  • WvW experience booster (50% boost)

NEW THINGS I would buy:

  • Different sized/shaped GUILD BANNER re-skins (larger, more noticeable ones, think of the Road Marker banner etc.. They are tiny and insignificant)
  • SIEGE SKINS (I really liked the ones during Lucky Ram event.. The gold/red color ones. It could act like BF4… when you hop into someone else’s tank it immediately re-skins to the one you chose to display)
  • Alternate color variant of the GUILD FLAG BACK PACK - as we cannot dye back pieces, in regards to the ugly orange/muddy brown stripe on this fabulous back piece, make available ones with different colors such as red, plain white, green etc.
  • More WvW RELATED FINISHERS e.g; have a herd of supply Dolyaks trample your enemy’s corpse would deem amusing
  • With the upcoming H.O.T WvW borderlands map, in regards to the various Keeps (the fire looking one etc) they could make do with selling ARMOR/OUTFIT SKINS related to those or tye in with that theme
  • FOOD/UTILITY FOOD - sell packs of 100, as an example, of standard food that only work and count down whilst being inside any of the WvW borderlands

Things I would like to see IMPLEMENTED/POSSIBLE:

  • Make METABOLIC & UTILITY PRIMERS stack up to 24 hours, or sell separate versions as 24 hour ones
  • Mandatory INVISIBLE mini pets + their SFX on enemies (gives away position)

There is probably a lot more but those are just off the top of my mind. I feel certain things should’ve been made baseline anyway such as siege skins possibly having different versions on regular/Superior. Guild Siege already has it’s own unique theme…

Restrict free accounts in WvW to EOTM only

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


This thread is utterly appalling, in a hilarious way.

WvW vets prior to F2P: “EOTM is just a k-train and isn’t real big boy WvW, it’s a joke.”
WvW vets after F2P introduced: “Restrict F2P accounts to EOTM so they can get a feel for what WvW is like and entice them to buy the game, else we’ll get more trolls in WvW.”

How toxic, misleading, vile and wrong. What a bunch of salty children these people are; laughing off how EOTM is basically PvE with little pvp interaction (which it mostly is, given the k-trains) and yet wanting to dump fresh blood into the game by restricting them THERE stating it’ll entice players to buy the full game.

Yes, dump all the would-be new guildies, players, server buddies, friends etc into a joke of a game mode.

This community. Seriously.

Tired of opness of trapper rune

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Last night there were 2 trapper rangers (and a condi Mesmer) tailing our Group for 45 mins or so.

Literally the worst cancer ever. I have yet to try out trapper ranger, but when I do hopefully I can learn their weaknesses… Else I’m gonna keep placing stealth disrupt or traps and hope a friendly ranger has Sic Em equipped because these guys just evaded, stealthed, lost LOS CONSTANTLY from us and it was an utter pain to try and catch them.

food and conditions in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I dunno, I think they should stay. More diversity. It’s easy to counter it by using the opposite version of the food, -40% condi duration, maybe even further with runes etc.

Unfortunately hence saying that, I feel like some builds rely on these foods to be effective.

I once made a warri focused on non-damaging conditions (chill, immobilize etc) for max condi DURATION via the “+40 condi duration and +70 power” food so I think it’s just better build diversity overall.

People logging out mid fight

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It’s pathetic behavior, yes.

I’ve had I happen to me more recently in wvw. People can’t seem to 1v1 so they either log out or call in their guildies to come wipe you and proceed to dance or laugh on your corpse.

Same goes for avoiding a totally un-fun ambush. Of course I’m going to avoid a 6 man group chasing after me… No need to laugh and taunt. Jeeze.

we can customize backpack soon!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Nah, it sounds quite misleading. I thought I saw some advertising similar to that wording on previous gem store back-packs via “customize your backpack”… meaning; a different backpack skin… not necessarily dye-able etc.

However, I would welcome backpacks being dye-able if possible at all.

EDIT: spelling errors.

will ghastly grinning shield destroy $?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Not sure, it would kitten off a lot of those ‘hoarders’, if any at all, and may cause that particular skin to plummet if they re-introduced it.

They kind of re-introduced them during the halloween lottery scrap ticket thing.. I wasn’t surprised after it ended that the halloween skins spiked back up in price. Either those players used the skins or are hoarding them.

As for myself; currently got an over-priced (because I’m willing to offer that much) buy order on a particular Aetherized skin…. No one wants to sell it though so I assume it’s kind of extinct? Perhaps ANet will do justice & re-release those skins again via BLTC tickets.

Warhorn Audio Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Agreed, most atrocious sounds ever. have you ran in a zerg yet? My ears are bleeding.

Warhorn Audio Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


When people told me about the new warhorn sound effects I laughed it off and thought nothing of it, until I gave Howler a toot and boy was I repulsed so much I swapped out my warhorn for a shield just so I didn’t have to listen to that farm animal mayhem.

Do you know what’s worse than passing gas farm animal sounds? Passing gas farm animal sounds overriding or being irritatingly louder than Howler’s unique audio sound in the first place.

Either tone up Howler’s wolf sound effect or tone down those grotesque “new” warhorn sounds… better yet, bring back the old ones or try again.


  • New warhorn sounds are ugly as hell
  • Ugly as hell warhorn sounds are louder than Howler’s unique wolf howl audio

Just voicing my opinion but also related thread:

EotM instance selector

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


There are so many cancers and aids flying around in that particular game mode these days.

All the trolls and salty little orphan child tears, oh boy.

I see where you’re coming from but this idea could be abused by THE trolls, too.

And yes to those who have asked: there are indeed different eotm instances... generally as soon as the game mode starts it will fill up in that instance as the “main” instance; enabling an overflow “second instance” to get started.

You can probably achieve a different instance via the following:

  • by jumping from WvW to EOTM (quickest way but may take many attempts)
  • logging out to the character select screen and back in → EOTM
  • have friends in EOTM; party up with one and hop maps to see if it’s a better instance

Hope that helps.

1k gems for... an OUTFIT?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Just like real life; weddings are expensive.

People really will complain about anything.

A real solution to Diamond Skin!

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I can confirm I literally 100% CANNOT KILL A DS ELE on any of my condition builds amongst various professions as I use a mix of Dire and Rabid, both of which have nothing to do with Power which is what you need to lop off that certain threshold before you can start applying conditions.

I HAVE killed 2 out of the plethora of DS eles I’ve met but only via luring them off high ledges indirectly making their HP drop below threshold… Sadly, not all DS eles are that stupid… If only.

I could go Carrion but traits, builds and simply put, play style needs precision or you’re better off with Dire/Rabid.

I like your proposal, OP. It makes sense and would take a small chunk out of the unwavering “passive” gameplay ANet seems so intent on delivering us.

Are infusions worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


As someone who’s made A LOT of ascended gear + weps with infusions (Mighty, Malign, the toughness and also vitality ones) I really don’t think it’s worth it… Unless you’re one of those full on min max types and wish to test the absolute “best” gear out.

I even went and made Versatile (for the first time ever) Malign infusions…. I’m still debating whether or not I regret that because I basically could’ve just bought a Legendary with the ridiculous amount it costs to make Versatile ones.

Stacking Queen bee?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Not sure, I only have 1 QB but I did try and stack all the Poly Refractors WITH QB and the outcome was useless:

The last Poly Refractor you equipped will be the one that shows that particular effect; QB effect still normal.

Therefore I am under the assumption if you equipped like 3 QB’s it would simply use the one you equipped as the effect; “one animation”…

Hopefully someone can go test this expensive question though and get some answers.

eotm glitch/hack?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


If it’s a blue looking Sylvari Necro with the tag [PKMN] or something like that, then 100% a hacker (fly/teleports). Been doing that for the past oh idk.. 5 months or more now? Only recently started seeing that same one probe around in there again hacking.

Either way, just send in a report if you know it’s definitely hacking aka; they should not be able to instantly port back up to the ledge if you legitimately knocked them off… hence after the patch necro spectral walk got a slight ‘nerf’ which no longer teleports you back to your position mid-air (sigh, fun times are over for this skill, yes…).

Solution for Mesmers in Keeps

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Just some tips since people seem to have left their brains switched off…

  • Ranger has access to “Sic Em” – it applies Revealed
  • Engineer trait has access to Revealed debuff via traits
  • Stealth Disruptor Trap exists. Start using it. But first, start using your brains.
  • Most PU Mesmers don’t carry much condi-cleanse, or only have 1, therefore they are weak against conditions. Immobilize them to set up a burst, CC them etc… preferably AFTER you’ve applied Revealed to them to make it easier.
  • Trapper builds via thief/ranger work well against a stealthed mesmer
  • Turn your sound up/on; you can hear the enemy Mesmer’s skills (stealth) going on/off CD and may help you distinguish where exactly they are

Seriously guys, get it together.

Will the Aviator Sunglasses ever come back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Haha I hope so, albeit they along with many other earlier gem store skins were “discontinued” a long time ago.

I would pay 8k gems for the Aviator sunglasses to return, no joke. Do it ANet.

Rant about gemstore selling strategy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Legit marketing tactic every business does.

If everything were available 24/7 a lot of people would simply have no desire/immediate need to purchase it. They would be like lazy couched potatoes; not ever bothering to buy anything because “oh, that’ll be in the gem store for agesss, I can simply save up in my own time…”

Also, this would produce a stale looking store for vets and people would complain about nothing “new” being in the gem store.

So, to get people more inclined to make immediate payments is to market a product as “limited edition”, “on sale” or simply bringing “old favorites” back because it will incentivize a consumer to buy it now or miss out.

It’s all about the money, a business needs to make money via good marketing schemes. So far this obvious one works because people splurge gems/money on returning items/limited time only items.

[PSA] Read Before Buying Upgrade Extractors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Anyone with a brain knows that the Upgrade Extractors are atrociously overpriced and you’re better off simply overwriting the existing item with a new upgrade or salvaging it completely to start over, no offense intended.

I would like to see this particular item brought down in price or, at the very least, offer us an infinite upgrade extractor for a very costly price. It needs to happen, one way or another.

Please ANet take a look at this and tend to it.

How many EotM kills you have

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Killing uplevels in a KTrain map? Not WvW but glorified PVE which is just as easy. But nice to know how the Platinum, Mithril and Diamond ranks are achieved.

Why guilds can win against blobs in wvw, but in EotM they wipe?

Yeah some [TORK] guild got embarrassingly obliterated by our disorganized, clutzy up-level infested PUG Zerg (in the red lands area) the other night.

I really so wonder how/why full 80 guilds can wreck in real wvw but in EOTM… Nope?

Concerns with Population Calculation

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Eredon Terrace….. Yeah boys we’re really medium status material aye’ with our party of 3 PLAYERS (most often for me, less, to the point where I am legit yolo solo by myself) in home BL trying to cap stuff back/be productive.


Nah seriously most I’ve ever seen of us in one go was about ~10 in EBG. Oh boy. ANet please tend to these status titles and correct them.

Great Hunt - Norn intro is stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Confirmed still not working… I even tried the following:

- Twisted Watchwork Portal Device does not work
- Teleport to Friend does not work
- Trying to scale the cliff leads to invisible barriers
- Captain’s Airship Pass does not work
- Royal Terrace Pass does not work

Please fix this ASAP.


Not sure if this works for everyone but I used the Home Portal Stone to escape the instance I was in. No, logging out and logging back in didn’t work but this somehow did. Managed to get into an empty instance, did the event which thankfully WORKED and I ferried in a friend from the broken instance. We made it out… FINALLY.

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

Spirit Smith Disappointing For No Good Reason

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Agreed, +1

Such time consuming and also expensive achievements with poor quality reward(s)… Even the gambling ecto achievement doesn’t even grant a title. They need to up their game a bit with these things.

[WvW] What is the Burn Guardian build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’ll be trying these out, thanks for the build tips, greatly appreciated!


in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


That screenshot displays 10 mins left. Of course OG or the side with the most players is gonna own like 99% of everything – why? Because around the 20 min left mark a lot of people leave because they run out of stuff to cap or they get bored.

Please show me a map screenshot that’s exactly the same yet with 2 HOURS left, THEN you can complain about being bag farmed.

Call like 10 guildies/friends in, clad in real wvw gear and go bag hunt the uplvl infested ‘monster’ sized zergs? You’ll be surprised how easy it is to steamroll over them.

Hair accessory colors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



Already added this to my list of things that should be implemented, in other words: we need to have more accessory dye options as certain accessory dyes aren’t even the same/similar color when you apply them. Sigh.

Why cant we have number enemy health bars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I like it where it stands.

If people knew you only had such and such HP left you’d just get focused all the time, every time.

Plus people would veer away from the tank and focus the squishies instead. I like that element of minor surprise “oh so that is a tank, whoops.”

Burning is friggin ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Condi cleanse?


Throw Gunk & Ice Shard = LAME

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Max condi duration ice shard is literally the funniest thing to land if your opponent is out of dodges… No stunbreaks or little condi cleanse. Realllly helps you catch certain things off guard.

As for throw gunk… Yeah it’s kinda meh unless you have your opponent immobilized so they stay in it for the full duration? Still a push over, could be better.

Ping Test Vs. In Game Ping

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Australia here. Normal ping for me is always around 250-280 ping, but yeah… Have felt lag spikes while playing.. And nope 100% not my internet as everything else runs smoothly except for gw2 at times.

Organized EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


If someone could find that specific paragraph containing something in regards to “match manipulation is a big no no” feel free to source it…

But as you’ve blatantly stated 3 commanders… that could mean anything. 3 comms on ONE side? Or if you meant a commander from EACH SIDE (3 total)… it’s kind of confusing.

Either way it’s EOTM which should be renamed Felicia because no one cares what goes on in there in the first place.

And poof! There go my Karma boosts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I paid a lot of real money for keys opening thousands of chests over a long period of time; collecting this abundance of lovely boosts of which I always convert to the enchanted ones, hence the “convenient, space saving booster that let’s you choose which particular one you want aka karma/magic find boosts” only to have ANet come along and butcher that option entirely with zero pre-warning.

If I knew karma boosters out of the enchanted boosters would be removed that is fine by me, I could have splurged them all on one toon so I could still use them… and that is where I believe ANet has made wrong doing.

The ability to choose the karma buffs from the enchanted boosts must be in place because people rightfully and intentionally made payments for boost powders just so they could have their karma boosters packaged into the convenient enchantment ones.

ANet has ripped us off and I find it a shrewd, ill move on their behalf.

Anet the condi meta in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I play condi ranger because I can’t beat other condi classes on anything else.

If you can’t beat them… join them? As cheesy as it is… it is formidable to fight against unless you’re an ele with DS or GOOD necros/thieves… try out shoutheal warrior/guardian meditation condi cleanse. Those often counter condition classes.

Whilst playing this condi ranger I made though… is it wrong that I can solo an entire BLS in wvw save for the central garri/keep (have not been able to try that yet)?

I don’t know.. mixed opinions. Yes people are still living in the powerhouse raw dmg only era… hell, I even still am not even being able to take out camps at a decent pace on my warrior… so I switch to condi ranger and utterly melt them in probably 40 secs to 1 min… less if they’re all bunched together.

MAGNETS: y don't they work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



I was actually wondering why doesn’t magnet work most of the time MONTHS AGO when I first tried out condi TK engi.

Same with thief teleport “no valid path” my kitten … It’s on flat terrain are you serious ANet? Not to mention the thief utility skill that is supposed to PULL THEM TO YOU but instead nudges them basically right where they’re standing.

Let’s not forget THROW BOLAS with it’s plethora of OBSTRUCTED OBSTRUCTED OBSTRUCTED OBSTRUCTED fails. I swear that patch made everything worse.

Whats the best way to gain spirit shards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Opened 583 champ bags from EOTM.

Got ~70-ish Spirit Shards.

I seriously wish you all the very best… They need to increase the drop rates for these.

Suggestion: addition of player inspection

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


OP has asked about SKINS/GEAR (visual aesthetics of a character) therefore I am under the impression they want a feature that goes somewhat like this:

  • Click on character you like
  • right click that character portrait
  • from drop down select “inspect character”
  • inspect character brings up a panel similar to hero panel displaying that character
  • in this new panel the following exists;
    (a) You can view the armor/weapon SKINS that character is using
    (b) You can swap to dye panel and see all the DYES that character is currently using on those skins
  • an additional option may exist such as “preview this theme on YOUR character” which would then copy-paste all armor/weapon/dyes onto a preview version of yourself, however, in terms of cultural armor this would simply either keep or remove/leave blank that particular skin

I can honestly say, as interesting as it would be I am one of those people that like my own, unique characters as opposed to seeing everyone and their mum’s brown dog running around looking exactly the same… Haha. But yes as others have stated some games out there already have a feature like this.

Change Breathers Into Skins, Not Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Me entire time playing GW2 and still to this day: could not care less about aquatic headgear.

It’s like the base foundations of a house that HAD plans to be built but instead were left to rot and rust for years on end.

  • useless, confusing gear slot
  • the game has little to no GOOD underwater content save for HoTW dungeon
  • I can literally sit underwater for ages and not die without an aquabreather so why do they exist in the first place?
  • aqua breather skins… Sounds like cash grab USELESS mail carrier skins 2.0 seriously why bother.. ANET removed water content in some starter zone maps. They stopped releasing water weapon BLTC skins too a while back.

As woopty doo aesthetics goes ok sure whatever but at the end of the day… It’s so pointless having anything to do with aqua breathers. And of course, naturally, ANet decides to pull the King daddy of all moves by “introducing ascended aquatic headgear” when there’s soooo many things that need tending to or polished up in regards to the current aquatic headgear available.

Population shift going good so far?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Mixed opinion here as I only x-ferred down to ET not too long ago.

Last week on ET I solo’d everything on DR BLs save for their keep and hills. It must have been totally dead during that time. Either way… It’s been interesting so far with my experience down in T8. It’s still difficult having so little coverage but when our guild group(s) get together we at least stand a chance.

I am concerned about the label of “medium” population status in regards to these rock bottom T8 servers… It is extremely misleading as my own experiences being totally alone, me myself and I on certain BLs. I hope ANet tends to that…

I can honestly say it is a good feeling recapping all your stuff, however, the thought of Zero coverage still lingers as soon as you leave the top dog server of the week will simply waltz in and take it all. Ah well. I still have my fun.

[WvW] What is the Burn Guardian build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Hey guys, yes I am looking for the one trick pony burn guardian build, however, there is only 1 posted on metabattle and it’s the pvp variant so I’m wondering if anyone has branched out from that or made their own personal version of a burn guard outside of pvp aka in WvW?

Currently I’ve tried my own lame version; found it bad due to having zero movement speed save for the 2 teleports, I am somehow very squishy (possibly due to the stats on gear I chose focusing on precision) and in general it can’t handle more than 1 enemy at a time.. not sure if I’m doing something wrong?

Here was my version:

ARMOR + RUNES: Sinister + Balthazar runes
WEAPONS + SIGILS: Sinister, mainhand = SW/F (Doom + Geomancy) and offhand = SC/T (Malice + Smoldering)
TRINKETS: A mix of Carrion BP, Rabid trinkets with Carrion jewels (because I don’t have the recipe for Sinisters)
TRAIT LINES: Radiance: mid/mid/top Virtues: bot/top/bot Zeal: mid/bot/mid
FOOD: Rare Veggie Pizza + Toxic Focusing Crystal (sitting @ 60% overall condi duration; burning in particular @ 100%+)

Yes I know I went mostly offensive with this build and I guess that’s where I went wrong so is there any way I can improve it or does anyone out there care to share what variant of burn guardian is working for them?