Showing Posts For Zephyra.4709:

Acro nerf?

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I am loving my s/d even more than before….as far as the acro nerf….have you looked into Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat stew?
100% Might on dodge, 40% to endurance rate…..

This. This. This.

I’ve been running this food since day 1 of ever playing S/D thief and it’s hilarious. Paired with Strength runes = might on dodge… might for dayzzzz… dodges for dayzzzzz.

Feline's Grace Memorial Post

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Annnnnnd luckily this still exists…

Decent endurance regen.

[Request] Grey Cat NPC turned into mini-pet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709




Hello ANet team & fellow GW2 players,

Look your your mini-pet collection.
Now look at this Grey Cat NPC.
Now back to your mini-pet collection.
Now back to this Grey Cat NPC.
Sadly, your mini-pet collection does not don a Grey Cat NPC.

…Therefore your mini-pet collection is clearly inferior and needs to be fixed ASAP!

We have orange cats, white cats, tuxedo cats and even fancy cats but no grey cats and no – Charrs in general will not rectify this mighty and noble need to be in possession of a grey cat.

Yes folks that’s right! A Mini Grey Cat could indeed be the answer to all the questions of the Eternal Alchemy* including prolonging your life as a healthy Guild Wars 2 player* and is guaranteed* to 100% please any buyer due to it’s must-have-majestic-couched-potato-appearance* and appealing nature!*

TLDR: Would YOU like to see that so commonly seen Grey Cat NPC available as a mini-pet?

P.S – Who wouldn’t want a big fat grey cat trailing their every step on their endeavors?

P.P.S – This is evidently a top priority case… almost on par with H.O.T expansion*


Feel free to discuss this topic amongst yourselves.


Scientific Harpoon Gun/Spear/Trident?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


They stopped making underwater weapons for the BLTC some sets back.


They stopped releasing underwater skins a while back.

Think about it; there’s no proper good underwater places to fight anyway. It just doesn’t see use. Also because no one wants to fork out more gold/tickets to finish their black lion collections just for some measly underwater weapon skins that will rarely see use.

They even removed water from some parts of the game… probably due to the NPE being too confusing. I can’t source this but a lot of forum goers went and found the places (I think all the starter zones had water taken out?) so it may just be a coincidence. Ah well.

So...Divinity's Reach

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I only like Divinity’s Reach because the bank, TP and merchant are so conveniently close to each other. Tell me I’m not the only one, right.. right?

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up.

This is 2015.

Pretty much every new game has a thing called ‘pre-order’ or ‘pre-purchase’ and when you do that there is generally SOME form of ‘bonus content’ you get for pre-purchase/ordering that others who DON’T pre-purchase/order get when the game is actually released.

End of story.

Get used to it.

Soulbound to another character: Deleted toons

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Seriously? I thought another character is simply unable to equip it. But to be unable to even take it out…

Yeah, then I would suggest to contact support. Seems to be the only way then.

Correct. I can’t even withdraw them from the bank due to the soul bound reading, ha.

Soulbound to another character: Deleted toons

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Thanks so much for the responses guys, I’ll be contacting the respective support team in order to try and get things resolved!


Soulbound to another character: Deleted toons

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Wondering if a dev or someone can clarify some things for me regarding soulbound items I literally cannot use because I’ve deleted the character it’s originally tied to.

I have 2 of the First Birthday Gifts that I banked a while ago because I wanted to save them for later but during a mass clean out of characters I deleted the 2 characters they belonged to. Now I can’t open/access the gifts at all which I would like to.

Is there any way of being able to access these?

Another scenario I have is the original Molten Alliance Mining tool that was purchased prior to the update to account wide gathering tools and it was on a character I deleted before that happened. I hoped it would automatically be changed to account bound upon logging in after the patch day but alas, since the character is deleted I can’t equip it because it still says “soulbound to another character”.

Is there a way to make it account bound? It costed 1k gems and it’s been sitting in my bank for well over a year now gathering dust when I can be putting it to use but can’t due to soul bound limits.

Sorry for any spelling errors and I hope this is in the right forum section, forgive me if it’s not!

Devs current stance on GW2 consoles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Honey boo boo, take a look at how many keys need to be pressed for the plethora of elementalist’s skills.

Now take a look at the typical console controller and a find the same amount of buttons to do that and everything else an ele does. Or a engineer.

Nope. Unless you’ve got some mega next level space age controller then not gonna happen. Ain’t nobody got time fo dat.

Stealth a boon and revealed a condition

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Please just no.

This would be so broken beyond words I cannot even.

Actually maybe I can… imagine 5 thieves tailing the ends of zergs infinitely stealthing.. stealing other player’s stealth.

People arguing skipping dungeon content is wrong just got a big middle finger if stealth was a boon.. making it stack you could practically just skip entire Arah paths sheesh.

Not to mention… how would Revealed even be cleansed? If thieves even can cleanse it they’d JUST GO BACK INTO STEALTH IMMEDIATELY AFTER.

Nerfing vigor value by half a bit extreme?

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Is my typical S/D thief still okay?

Now that vigor is only 50%… I will still have withdraw equipped but I run the type of food that gives the following bonuses:

  • 100% chance to gain might on dodge
  • +40% endurance refill rate

So that means 90% endurance refill rate yes/no? I’m kind of confused..

EDIT: whoops sorry! Wrong forum thread, I thought this was WvW one haha. Ignore this unless you actually do wish to answer!

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I don’t get too much hate, usually just the amusing “ranger gotta pew pew” or “wow press 1 to win..” and I just laugh.

In fact, a lot of things kill/counter me as a ranger:

- Medi-guards
- Other dps rangers when even 1 of my skills is on CD
- MM necro (too tanky, my arrows hit the minions instead aka not traited)
- GOOD D/D eles
- D/D thief if he’s lucky I don’t have ‘sic em’ equipped
- typical never dying warrior (same thing with guard)
- condi engi who knows their rotations
- lock down mesmer/inturrupt mesmer

But hate in general I think is when I come along to help out a team mate, pressing 2 and I watch someone’s health drop to 0 in half a second.

That or other zerker classes like me.. coz’ let’s face it – rapid fire, aa and LB ranger in general is brain dead ez to play and a lot of people hate it when struck by it.

Thoughts on Charr Motorcycle siege

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I am under the impression these things will in fact be limited so as not to cause imbalances against guilds/servers etc via this sentence:

“Some are superweapons and special gadgets that a single member of your guild can take out into the field.”

Hence the word single member.

Otherwise I am imagining yet another 30-man zerg of classic EOTM scorpions pitted against a wall obliterating everything… oh boy.

Anyone else bought a char slot with gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


30+ character slots. Most likely buying more anyway.

I probably need a life, right?

Whelp nothing else I like to spend money on.. may as well spend it on something I love.

Decorative molten jetpack?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I remember picking this thing up for around 600g. So glad I did. The prices now for it are a joke. How does that even happen.. sheesh.

Allowing us to change the name of the guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


they will not allow this. sorryy.

Source please.

I really hate it when people blatantly state things without sourcing.

On topic: I too would like the idea of being able to change a guild’s name.

Hold on to your Ascended Rings!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m reallllllly hoping we can exchange them for ones we actually… Want. I wouldn’t mind swapping like 3 rings for 1 we actually desire. Ha.

Best Mesmer Torch and Pistol Skins?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Eh, the way I go about picking weapons that match/look decent is work your way from the bottom up when designing a character:

Option a)

1. Pick armor skins that you think look good
2. Dye those skins to suit your needs
3. Find weapon skins that match the dyes/armor

Option b)

1. Pick a set of weapon skins you really like the look of
2. Choose armor skins that relate/match those weapons and dye them however you want

I think option b is easier in most cases.

With my Asuran mesmer I went with Aetherized skins (no longer available other than TP… hella expensive sadly). They’re really cool!

PLEASE add bloodst, dragon, empyr's to wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


This is going to be extremely hard to reason with you just by reading your entire post coming to the conclusion that anyone who disagrees is attention seeking but I’ll try to decipher things appropriately:

Those 3 items are classed as crafting materials and respectively belong in the ‘deposit crafting mats’ section of the bank.

They are not a currency. You cannot buy anything with these ascended crafting mats, therefore, they do not belong in the wallet and/or cannot be converted into a currency.

As much as I like the idea of depositing them all infinitely with no restrictions into one place.. it just wasn’t meant to be that way.

Have you tried making the Star of Gratitude (emp frag eater) or the Mawdrey thing (bloodstone dust eater)? I hope one day they make a dragonite eater of sorts to lessen the burden that is these crafting materials.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I saved the equivalent of £1 a day since announcement. Was pleasantly surprised to see I had enough for Ultimate Edition when the pre-release dropped.

Glad I’m not the only one then!

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


$135 AUD for expansion???
you can pick any brand new game in JBHIFI…


I live in Australia.

Due to the current Aussie dollar conversion rates against the US dollar I will be paying ~$35 MORE for this expansion (Ultimate edition)

The Aussie dollar has been weak for ages. That’s life. I have a job though so I can afford stuff like this.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



… You would have enough money to buy the Ultimate edition, even if you only wanted the standard version.

I just briefly glimpsed over the official announcement date(s) and most specify 24th January 2015.

Since then it’s been around 149 days, correct me if I’m wrong, haha.

So that’s $149 total @ $1 per day saved since that date.

Ultimate edition is $99.99 USD (pretty much ~$135.00 AUD)

You’d have enough money to buy x 1 of any available editions.

Is there anyone else who saved some form of money since the announcement for this expansion?

I’m still waiting on any further details before buying, just in case!

Give existing players 1600 gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


What if everyone with their 1,600 or 800 gems simply just converts it to gold? Would that imbalance the market somehow? Or would the gems be gem shop buys only, no converting?

YOUR opinion: WORST Profession at commanding?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Just a fun topic on what YOU think is the absolute worst profession(s) at donning the role of commander; primarily PUG commanding.

My list from worst to best:

8. Ranger
7. Thief
6. Necromancer
5. Elementalist
4. Engineer
3. Mesmer
2. Guardian
1. Warrior

I don’t know about you guys but rangers take the cake at being the worst when it comes to commanding; little support, always in the back longbow’ing away at god knows what, pet(s) die to cleave instantly, no reliable anti-CC abilities other than RaO and SoS which get stripped in seconds anyway.

Maybe I’ve just been having an ongoing plethora of bads in general tagging up with this profession? Ehhh.

The second worst profession to come to mind is thief. Sorry guys but I have witnessed uncountable instances where these bad boys tag up and command like their profession; teleporting everywhere (confusing players), running ahead of the zerg (losing players, long tail) because you can, downing a lot (quite squishy) and generally having zero stability other than DS which, in turn, will most likely get you killed by retaliation.

Other notable professions include necro due to barely any stability/escape/leaps and a toss up between engi/ele as I’ve one too many times had terribads clad in what seemed to be full zerk-twerk-time that go down very quickly with those professions.

What professions do YOU think are the worst at commanding? Feel free to discuss this topic amongst yourselves.

Anyone bought HoT and happy?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


The Ultimate is the best deal for people like me that buy gems all the time anyway. All the perks of the Deluxe plus $50 worth of gems that I would have bought anyway sometime this month.


Cannot agree more.

I’m still waiting a while though before hitting that buy button; just in case any announcements or changes are made.

Is it safe to consume the glider?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


As title says, I’m holding back on using this consumable now because I have no idea where it will show up, its not like we have a gliders tab yet like we have for minis, so its in the bank for now, what are you guys doing with yours?

I pray for you.

Actually, ANet should’ve made these types of things similar to the achievement chest skins: always available to you, endlessly.

No Extra Vanilla Game Code?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



A couple people told me it’s a nope you only get 1 key… therefore indicating you in fact do not get the core game for free… which is exactly what I want to give to a friend.

Very frustrating.

You’ve summed up everything I wanted to voice much better than I ever could, hopefully this gets a proper response from a dev etc.

HoT Ultimate Buyers Post Here

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m literally on the brink of buying it BUT I want to know if it’s 2 separate keys (1 for HoT and 1 for core game)…

I posted a forum thread if anyone knows answers:

It is only the one key.

Hmm. I see, thanks for the replies.

HoT Ultimate Buyers Post Here

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m literally on the brink of buying it BUT I want to know if it’s 2 separate keys (1 for HoT and 1 for core game)…

I posted a forum thread if anyone knows answers:

Can I give the base game to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I will be buying the Ultimate Edition but I have a few questions regarding the following statement:

“Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion (includes Guild Wars 2 core game)”

If it includes the core game is that a separate digital key code?

All I want is the expansion as I already have the core game and if it is a separate key am I able to give that key to a friend – which won’t impact the HoT digital key code I wish to use on my account?

Or is it simply a 1 massive download that doesn’t let you avoid downloading the entire core game again?

Sorry for so many questions but it’s kind of confusing…

Lowest ranked servers: What's it like?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Just curious as to what it’s like being in any of the 3 current lowest ranked servers as of 14/06/15 (T8: Devona’s Rest, Sorrow’s Furnace, Eredon Terrace)

  • How many players on average do you encounter daily?
  • Is there any oceanic players active?
  • What is the playerbase like on each server?
  • What are the fights like, if any at all?
  • Is roaming viable with the current population status?
  • Do any of the servers feel ‘dead’ at any specific time(s)?

Feel free to answer any of the questions above or add your own relevant agenda and/or discuss this topic amongst yourselves.

EDIT: Interesting responses and I thank you kindly for the input guys! I imagine there’s a bit more focused cooperation amongst the guilds/friends on these lower tiered servers as opposed to higher tiered servers where most things start and end in blob vs blob-fests.

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


ktrain is when 2 or 3 groups just ignore each other and cap objectives in a circle for champ bags and wxp, like in eotm

this is just population imbalance whine thread #101348

Yeah. People need to really get their facts straight.

K-train = organized map where zergs/blobs rotate the map, sometimes in peace, for champ bags/loot. Aka: EOTM.

Re: Dwayna avatar outfit on male characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


My kittens are growing wings. They’re titwings.

Is it sad I am uncontrollably laughing hysterically at this picture?



I have lost all ability to even. Them titwings. Babe. Please.

Expect less revives from now on...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I revive anyone regardless of the situation, even if I die in the process at least I tried.

It’s the nicest thing to come by in a game like this; everyone is so friendly and willing to help out.

Which Zone design is your favorite?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Map places I like visually:

  • All northern snow ones
  • A lot of the Flame Legion dry/volcanic places
  • The Grove, DR
  • Dry Top/SW

I like these because the environment and level of objects suits those places; especially terrain in general… stuff like the snow-covered trees just works and feels immersing.

On a side-note regarding The Grove/DR: Also because the TP/Bank is the easiest distance to travel between. Haha. Everything is easy to scout and locate; good map design.

Map places I don’t really like visually:

  • A LOT of the green/wild forest maps
  • Orr in general
  • Lornar’s Pass
  • Blazeridge Steppes

Original maps with all the green trees and wooded areas trying to imitate real forest feels fake. Heaps of trees are all the same copy-pasted and it really feels like 1 bottom level; no places to climb. Heaps of places lack foliage or sky-covering canopies and it’s dull.

I don’t like the undead zones (Orr) as that’s personal preference.. I don’t like yucky wasteland infested with zombies, HOWEVER, I really like ‘ghost town’ creepy silent places. E.g; similar to things like ruined war-torn cities/landscapes (kind of like LA but more destruction/decay)

Anything like Blazeridge Steppes with all the purple aura entailing Branded creatures feels weird. I’m not used to it I suppose. I wish there were more vertical objects/buildings or even massive structures to give variety to the endless sky/horizon.

ANYWAY… yes I agree a lot of the original older maps are kind of moot after you’ve completed everything. There should be similar long-term goals exactly like SW/Dry Top that entails and rewards players with armor/weapons or something cool.

SW/Dry Top is the perfect example of rewarding content you can play over and over again. The rest of the original maps? Unless there’s a dungeon associated with it – then nope, sadly.

New Boosters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Interesting idea.. I can add a few but they’re fairly debatable “P2W” I guess. Oh well.

  • Dungeon Token Booster: Increase end-reward token income by X percent.
  • Return of the PvP Glory Booster: “Double-click to gain 50% more glory for one hour.”
  • Magic Find Container Booster: (same as Magic Find Booster but applies to containers only)

Somewhat related:

  • 24 hour Metabolic + Utility Primers (ANet no joke I would buy these if it were a thing)

P.S – The Swim Speed Boost is the most useless booster ever to have existed. Seriously ANet what even. That is all.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m glad geodes and any of the SW currencies will be moved to the wallet.

As long as I can still get these… spirit shards.. from champ bags then I’m happy.

Dash/leap and condition changes [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Correct me if I’m wrong but (after patch):


  • I’m a Thief and someone’s applied crippled to me. All I need to do is heartseeker/flanking strike away LIKE CRIPPLED NEVER EXISTED ON ME?
  • I’m a Warrior and someone’s applied chilled to me. All I need to do is savage leap + whirlwind attack + rush away LIKE CHILLED NEVER EXISTED ON ME?
  • I’m an Engineer and someone’s applied chilled AND crippled to me. All I need to do is activate super speed + rocket boots LIKE CHILLED AND CRIPPLED NEVER EXISTED ON ME?

Not to mentioned the plethora of every other movement propelling skills that ignore chilled/crippled if this patch is released. Wow.

This is a joke ANet… and this is coming from someone who generally runs away if I can when things get yucky… having movement skills travel the full distance when you have conditions such as crippled and chilled on you should NOT ignore those applied conditions.

It is not fair – not to my opponent and definitely not on my behalf if I can run away even easier. It’s wrong.

Sigil help: Bursting or Corruption?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It depends mainly on the amount of stacks you can keep.
Assuming you can keep 250 stack, it is a 12,5% dmg increase at 2000 condi dmg.
Beginning at approximately 4200 condi dmg, bursting becomes better than 25 stacks of corruption.

Easy formula to calculate the amount of stacks you need for corruption to be the same as bursting depending on your condi dmg:

x = (y*0,06)/10

x: corruption stacks
y: condi dmg

Thank you for the informative answer! I’ll bear that in mind as the condi damage goes up I may keep bursting. Cheers.

What is Endgame to you guys?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



Thief no UI first person mode vs someone. Let’s do it.

Jokes aside lately I’ve just been theorycrafting my own builds and testing them out in eotm/wvw. I play PvP when I feel like it.. other than that… not much else. Heh.

Sigil help: Bursting or Corruption?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m running the typical double kit roaming condi engi build with torment and bursting sigils, however, I generally run with the zerg for a set amount of time and the amount of player kills would equal a quick stack of 25 points if it were sigils like bloodlust, momentum and corruption etc.

I’m wondering if it’s worth swapping out bursting for corruption, granted, I can keep myself alive much longer after playing and getting used to the class a bit now.

Is the +250 condi damage (corruption sigil) better than the flat +6% condi damage (bursting) sigil?

Dwayna outfit and female Thor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’ve only just logged in and previewed it on my Asura and wow holy mother of… that helmet is wayyyy too large it’s almost ridiculous. Everything else on the outfit is fine. Haha.

When did you make a new character?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Altoholic. Making new characters all the time.

Yesterday I crafted a new toon to 80.. engi’s are fun.

[Suggestion] Profession icons on nametags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m neutral.


- useless for veteran players
- screen clutter
- may block view of certain things
- what’s your FPS again at Karka Que-oh right.. None.


- useful to new players
- distinguished classes without needing to click
- may help finding a specific class to party up with
- some may like it for cosmetic appearances

Don’t know other than that. Whatever.

Will buying HoT be mandatory? (like in WoW)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


On topic:

You will still be able to play the base game and all it’s contents if you decide not to get HoT. Obviously anything HoT related will be locked away/not playable until you have bought that X-PAC.

I do wonder though if running around as a revenant will be a thing against players who have not bought HoT? Don’t know if there’s any unbalance there but still.

Vaguely on topic:

Guys come on, wake up. This is 2015. Please name 5 fully detailed, content-packed expansions released in the last 5 years under massive game companies in regards to mega popular games that were priced at $20 or less.

There’s probably not many. At all.

Guess what.

Age of Mythology was a popular old strategy game from ages ago and is sill being sold in stores to this day for around $20. That’s an old game. Your shiny new HoT X-Pac ain’t gonna cost $20. It WILL cost above $35 AT THE LEAST. And I’m not saying this because that’s how much I’d pay for it, no – I’d be willing to pay whatever price.. That’s aside the point though – but simply seeing all the EXPENSIVE COUGH $40+ price range COUGH popular game X-Pacs being released over the recent years won’t be making HoT’s price tag any cheaper, kids.

I bought GW2 for $50 AUD a year after release. I am not sure what the original price tag for it upon release was (probably $70+?) but X-Pacs are generally going to be on par with the base game price or a little under. LITTLE.

I’m laughing at people stating HoT better be within $15-$20. It’s almost cringeworthy.

[suggestion]- laurel purchasing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Really don’t know what to think of this; I’m neutral trying to understand both sides.. But I’m leaning more on the:

This is a loyalty currency (Laurels). ANet is a business. A business needs to make money, therefore a loyalty currency reward delivers both the reward over a period of time whilst keeping players PLAYING and LOGGING IN to the game. Upsetting this balance by making a loyalty currency available to be bought outright would lead to players logging in for ONE DAY buying any/all the Laurels they need and be done with it completely avoiding the notion of rewards over a set period of time etc and ruining the plan of logging in each day etc.

My 2 cents:

I agree with what other(s) have stated above on the way exchanging gold to gems and vice versa is allowed. Mayhaps the only solution would be, if ever, ANet makes Laurels a purchasable currency via the Gem Store’s exchanges (pay gold or gems for Laurels).

Ask yourself this now… If that was the case then do you think T6 mats etc would plummet? It’s a ripple effect… Anything bought with Laurels that can be sold on the TP is going to make an impact on a lot of stock/balance if Laurels can simply be bought as easily as gems to gold.

The biggest question of all – What determines the price of Laurels? T6 mats? And if everyone and their mum’s brown dog has them due to Laurels being so easily obtained now?

Just looked at the Scythe Staff in the TP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Jeeze. I am so glad I bought these kinds of things for wayyy cheaper (staff I bought for 1.1k gold) can’t remember the shield but yeah, still quite expensive.

Good luck on your endeavors.

How can people lvl from lvl 1 to 80 in a day?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


- Tombs of Knowledge
- explore the maps (heart quests give a fair chunk of xp)
- crafting (costly but by at the fastest way to level)
- EOTM (with a decent k-train running you should wrack up levels fast here)

Hope that helps.

[F2] button for Stolen Item skill usage

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


AWESOME! Thanks so much for this QoL upcoming feature; definitely looking forward to it.