Showing Posts For Zephyra.4709:

Fused Weapons Skins coming back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’ve already fallen for the temptations on the TP regarding the current available ones, including a few Aetherized/Dreamthistle skins (expensive as all hell sigh). Maybe I’m just impatient. Either way, I do have the gold necessary to outright buy a few and have done so in the past and I have no regrets; they are beautiful skins and I wholeheartedly agree with the OP on being an alt-oholic yet to finish these collections by dishing out literally 1k+ gold just for ONE skin is getting a bit over the top.

Sadly, I do indeed have an order on a Fused Pistol skin for 800g but unfortunately no one in the entire playerbase seems to have one or wants to sell one for that price. Are they that rare/extinct?

I certainly hope ANet re-releases Fused/Atherized/Dreamthistle skins as I’d love to finish those collections off.

Unable to purchase GEMS - Anyone else?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m more than happy to support ANet via gem purchases and have done so many times in the past but unfortunately for the past day and even up to now I have not been able to purchase any gems aside from ONE $50 option which ceased to work when I went to choose it again.

(Usually I pick the $100 option to save from making multiple purchases).

Please refer to the forum thread below for a picture on what the error message looks like:

Now this is where things get weird as I mentioned above.. the $100 option ceased to work at all yet the $50 option worked ONCE only then resulted in another error message like before. I decided to test the $35 option and it took me as far as the screen where it is SUPPOSED to transfer you to the PayPal website and the ‘Done’ button didn’t work. It was frozen.

I won’t even bother with the lower priced ones as I’d rather just make one big payment.

In LA some other person was experiencing the same problem… anyone else unable to purchase gems?

If this helps at all I always pay using the PayPal option (Australia).

Forgive me if this is in the wrong forum thread I don’t really know where else to put it.

WARNING: Outside party invite = KICK from PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I was playing pvp earlier with 5 people on my side…

I randomly got a party invite from a friend of a friend most likely in wvw/EOTM.

I IGNORED the invite as I was in combat doing my usual stuff but then in the chat log it said I had joined the party. Shortly after it stated the usual vote-kick from party which then proceeded with it stating I had been kicked from the party and 5 seconds later in pvp I got booted out; losing all progress for that match.

How in hell’s name do you get a party invite when you already technically are IN A PARTY OF FIVE PEOPLE in the first place I have no idea.

Has anyone else experienced this or is this a bug?

Everything green is bad! :<

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Just wait 24 hours and things will probably be back to normal, surely it’s just a St Patty’s day thing.

Greatest update since sliced bread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


EOTM. OG wall heading out to Stat. Yeah I’m looking at you, buddy.

I swear if I legitimately jump onto that hill and slide for the millionth time ending in mega ultra cray cray fall damage with that tree being the only thing stopping me from sliding which basically acts as a gravestone once you meet it… sigh.

I’m so glad they tended to this bug.

Buying Gems - Unfortunately an Error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I understand this thread is almost a month old but I’m currently experiencing the same issue atm, exact same thing happening in that picture provided.

Anyone know a fix/solution?

This has happened to me probably twice now. Before I just left it alone, came back after a day and it was back to normal so idk.

Next Game Build: Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


This is wonderful news – I am so happy ANet is taking the time to further test their upcoming features/patches/updates instead of releasing it without further testing as bugs might still be scattering about within.

Keep up the wonderful work and as always, looking forward to these update(s)!

Character Slot Expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Yeah I’d like another sale on character slots or even bag slot things.

As others have stated the sales seem to be.. Random.

Why is GW2 so Boring to Me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I bought this game around 2012; befor mega servers and much convenient key features. At the time maps were dead, I had no clue what wvw was and didn’t like pvp at all. I grew bored extremely quickly but I will admit that’s my own fault for sticking to one class anyway (ranger) and not having the guts to go try out other things.

Fast forward many months I decided to give it another spin; mega servers happened and now I see players everywhere which is great and I’ve made good friends that want to play content with me – wvw, EOTM, dungeons etc. the wardrobe feature came out too and that got me into other content that I thought I’d never set foot in for skins… PvP being the only viable way for me to get the glorious armor skins.

Anyway, I hate to ramble on too much but to put it briefly.. There’s plenty of content after level 80 and if you have friends/guildies who want to participate it’s even better.

The upcoming HoT expansion has built up a lot of hype and I myself am intrigued to see what impact it will make upon release.

New Mini Pet You'd Enjoy!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I made a thread about that mini grey cat NPC you so often see in towns etc.

I would give anything and everything to be able to have that turned into a mini. And not a kitten.. And actual CAT.

Create character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m curious about this too; mainly because my friend wants to get into Jade Quarry or whatever it’s called and it’s constantly full.

Off-topic but I’m also wondering about tournaments whether it lets you reset WvW ability points or something.

Waiver costs for transfer and ability point transfer? Yes please.

Digital Deluxe Upgrade Sale?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


So if you own the Digital Deluxe from before Heroic Edition, you have always had the option to scam yourself and pay 1500-2000 gems for nothing more than an armor worth 500 gems and an 18 slot bag with some boosters.

This weekend is the only time you can click that upgrade and break even in value unless you’re really into buying EXP boosters on the shop.

I wonder how it works for people that already had the previous deluxe version, do we get another set of items, like another two weeks golem or not really?

You get nothing from what I remember accidentally buying the upgrade a second time. I think I got 1 or 2 things but definitely no pvp influence book as it clearly states it’s a one time thing per account.

So yeah, do not recommend buying it a second time, haha.

Do you guys misclick in fights?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


A lot, if not most of my skills are just the regular buttons I’ve had since I bought the game but I do tend to miss click during fights. The absolute worst buttons is the ‘h’ or ‘g’ as that opens up the god forsaken guild/hero panel which clogs up the entire screen and I know I’m dead by then. Haha.

Maybe I will have to allocate them to other keys…

What will your Camera setup be?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


When we zoom in fully it only shows our top half and sometimes I like to look at unstheathed weapon details but the hilt or even bottom half of bows get cut out of the shot because of it… I’d like something where maybe we can toggle something that let’s us zoom in close on weapons or something.


(edited by Zephyra.4709)

Best true gold dye? Pyre or Golden Lion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Having used Pyre as my main source of ‘gold’ for a long time now it isn’t always the same on various assortments of armor; mix and matching can make the same dye look totally different. Thus is why I’ve come to tinker around and use other dyes such as Illumintion, Redemption and even the newer Golden Lion dye(s) to achieve that ‘same’ dye/appearance.

I can honestly say though, whatever you think looks great go for it. I would suggest experimenting with other dyes first to see if they look well on certain armors.

X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


As long as you bind the mouse wheel to a single click (not double click) its fine. The rule of thumb is one action for one key press (or in this case, one scroll of the mouse wheel). One scroll = one click, so yah.

If you set it to double click then I suppose you’d technically be breaking it, but I honestly doubt they’d care much about that either. The rule is more applicable to macros which would use a sequence of skills automatically and thus give people an actual advantage.

That said, you shouldn’t even need to set it to double click anyway. I have mine set to mouse wheel up and down as single click, and I can just roll the mouse wheel up and down and open things at turbo speed. I don’t even bother combining essences of luck with Artificer any more because I can use them up faster manually than I could waiting for them to craft together.

I have tested out this X-Mouse Program on a different game and I need to do 2 scroll down ‘click’ things on my mouse wheel to initiate a double-click so I think I have set it up correctly.

I’ve never tried out combining the luck via articifying so I’ll have to check that out too and see if it helps speed things up.

Thank you for the response.

X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Remember to upgrade your luck through artificing as well. It helps a ton. Oh, and the Windows feature you want is called Mouse Keys. I use it occasionally. Not sure I’d recommend the other program, but you’re probably okay if you’re just using wheel = double-click.

Oh I never knew you can make luck into higher tiers? I’ll have to try that out. Thank you!

If Mouse Keys is already implemented into Windows 7 I will try and find it, cheers.

Seriously commander tag needs to be cheaper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


EOTM is a cold, cruel place where big brother OG bashes & stomps on the other 2 colors quite a lot of the time. When this is happening it is only normal for either or both of the lower servers to more than likely have a commander for a while but eventually leave due to excessive stomping/bag farming from OG/bag hunting server. Thus may be why you are seeing ‘no commander tag’ in EOTM for your server because anyone who steps up will probably experience being wrecked by the enemy zerg and when that happens your own team quite often blames ‘the commander’ for what happened.

I’ve been around long enough to know before the change to commander tag prices they were tagged up for a reason whether it be PVE events or WvW scenarios.. after the accouncement to the upcoming increase in commander tag prices I can honestly tell you during that time I witnessed PVE maps absolutely flooded with commander tags for the ‘lols’, especially at World Boss Events and even as far as 7-12 tags in WvW purely for the sake of ‘may as well buy it now while it’s cheap’.

During this period the amount of tags was such an eye-sore; still to this day people ignorantly tag up for various inconvenient reasons when there is clearly already a leading tag driving a zerg (EOTM).

We do not need more of these ignorant people and I am in no way stating you would be one but if the tag price dropped back to 100g, and given the circumstances on how quick/easy gold is to make/BUY.. AKA BUY GEMS TO CONVERT TO GOLD, we would have even more nonsense happening in PVE/WvW/EOTM with plenty of useless, confusing tags running about treating it like a vanity item.

As stated by other(s) in this thread a commander tag should not be something easy to get. It is already easy enough simply by converting gems to gold or out-right buying gems and vice versa.

Lately during this year I’ve noticed the tags seem to have died down a bit but I still witness people/groups tagging up because they can. Because they rushed to buy the mere 100g tag before the price increase took place.

X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I have been fishing around for ages for a solution to opening stacks (e.g; 250 Luck Essence) that does not entail intense physical clicking of the mouse buttons (it unbearably hurts after a while).

Various forums, including topics posted on the official GW2 forums by players indicate that you can key-bind your mouse scroll wheel to initiate a double click.

Unfortunately I’m a noob at computer software, apparently Windows 7 can do this but I haven’t been able to find it, so I downloaded a program called X-Mouse Button Control which allowed me to bind my scroll wheel to equal a double click.

My prime question is this:

With the sole intention of just being able to open stacks of items/bags am I allowed to use this feature on my mouse due to this program?

I am concerned that it is classed as 3rd party macro software but it’s just the mouse wheel that has been key-binded to perform the exact same action as the mouse button would.

Is this okay to do?

Anyone got patch notes hidden under a pillow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


[Praise] Newer Finishers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I was previewing a lot of finishers when I logged in today and had a good laugh at the latest one; Chickenado Finisher. I noticed a lot of the more recent ones are very detailed, smooth & the animation lasts a little longer in general which is very nice.

Keep up the fantastic work ANet and thanks for making finishing moves visually appealing & fun.

However, a quick side-note: when I was previewing a lot of finishers the sound effects are either half cut-out or certain bits are missing and this has been an on-going thing for possibly a month or 2 since I last previewed them.

Aside that, looking forward to more cool finishers!

too much loot in this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I think OP means too much loot as in useless junk loot that clogs up inventory space that isn’t even worth half a silver.. As I seem to be getting a lot of that lately. But hey, that’s what it’s supposed to be in a way coz if most drops dropped rares then.. Same thing. Wouldn’t be so rare and would be devalued heaps.

Idk, just my thoughts.

New Black Feathered Wing Backpack!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Everyone and their mum’s brown dog will most likely be running around with these. Happens in every game that releases ‘wings’ in general.

I’m neautral about them.

[Suggestion] New Character "Save Preset"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It’s all fun and games when it comes to creating a character but have you ever wanted to roll a new class and stay the exact same in appearance as another alt/toon without the hassle of going through all the options again to look near-identical?

Feature idea:

Somewhere during character creation have a ‘save preset’ option which saves all the looks you’ve chosen in making that toon so that when you roll a new toon and you’d like to have the exact same look it will be displayed somewhere as a quick preset to choose from.

Clearly this would only work if you chose the same Race as what is saved in the preset.

Feel free to discuss this topic amongst yourselves.

Character Creation Options You Want

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


We have plenty of colors to choose from when it comes to hair, beards, eyes etc but when I want to choose an accessory color I am severely disappointed and/or limited as half the colors show up as different hues anyway on some of the hairstyles.. I’m looking at you, Vegeta Charr Hair! (E.g; the red-looking accessory color actually shows up as some hideous brown/green or even orange with some hairstyles, yikes!)

So yeah, briefly;

- Introduce more Accessory colors to bring things up to par
- More Charr horns
- Asura everything; hair, ears, faces
- I’d like to see a lot more Eye colors available; Cyanide being one
- older/elderly looking faces

Any tips vs Rangers & Rapid Fire?

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It takes one to know one. Since you main ranger I guess you should know better than most of us. But in general I feel whoever catches the other by surprise wins. however ranger can recover easier than thief I reckon. thief’s option is normally to burn all cds to run away hence you can’t Really fight back.

So my advice is to fight like a thief. Stealth is the key and watch your surroundings more often.

Yeah, currently I notice a lot luring out into the open and that’s where I get stuck because once I don’t have something to run behind I’m definitely dead. Trying to learn from my mistakes, heh. Thank you.

Any tips vs Rangers & Rapid Fire?

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


With all the evades you have and having mained a ranger, you should be able to avoid point blank shot and rapid fire. Use his pet, ambients, or your utilities to stealth to engage him. Once you are close you should have no problem staying in melee range with all the gap closers you have available.

Yes, all the gap closers are very handy but I’ve noticed my judgement is very terrible but I usually use them in this order:

1. Sword #2 skill
2. Signet that shadow steps
3. Steal if close enough or the shadow step utility

Sometimes I accidentally press the sword #2 return skill and then that puts me at a very bad disadvantage as I’m once again out of range.. but I’m working on it, haha.

I forgot that I can stealth off certain things around me, the pet is very annoying as it gets close while I’m out of distance so I’ll try to CnD off it next time, thank you.

Any tips vs Rangers & Rapid Fire?

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Some pre-info:

  • I do not consider myself good at playing thief; I’m definitely below average
  • Mostly familiar with p/d condi thief
  • I am currently giving the meta-build “Thief – S/D Roamer” a go and it’s very fun
  • Been playing the profession & the 2 builds a lot more lately to get better at it

What is my issue?

I have accepted the fact that the thief profession requires quite the amount of skill to play; it’s very squishy and I die. A lot. Obviously I’m not pro at it but I would like to educate myself more and am doing so by exploring different builds and roaming around with them etc.

When roaming I usually encounter rangers. Everyone and their mum’s brown dog seems to be a ranger these days and I can see why. Pressing #2 is seriously the easiest thing in the world to do whilst you watch your victim’s health drop faster than Jesus on wheels.

  • I main a ranger. 90% full zerker. It is indeed fun but clearly NOT on the receiving end.

Thus being the thief on the receiving end is rather depressing, especially when the ranger catches you by surprise or more often than not; being stealthed yet the RF skill still channels through it which gives away your position anyway whilst chewing away at your health.

I try to shadow step to them using the Sword #2 skill, then the Signet that lets you shadowstep, steal to interrupt anything but more often than not they’ve already knocked me back and started the RF skill before I can get too close and my health is pretty much half gone. This is sadly where I know I panic a bit and press skills I shouldn’t but it’s also difficult when they pull out that greatsword with the oh-so-convenient aa evade-chain and I miss CnD quite frequently and during this whole time they’ve probably swapped back to their machine gun longbow with the Stone signet activated and god knows whatever their pet has done to me in the meantime.

So, to make things brief – do YOU have any tips vs rangers in general/ranger rapid fire?

  • I acknowledge the use of Daggerstorm to reflect ranger longbow attacks but that’s a long CD skill and I prefer Bas Venom in case I encounter anything else

Other info:

  • I frequently chase but forget my surroundings/safety get-aways
  • Often indirectly lured into AoE damage (cannons, NPCs etc and this is the worst, irritating thing)

Any help/tips is greatly appreciated. Feel free to discuss this topic also.

How do I improve my ranger's damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I think this belongs in the Ranger forum thread but I’ll post my own experience what’s working for me:

Armor: Full ascended zerk with infusions
Trinkets: Recently changed to exo valk and the extra vitality is nice but once I get full asc zerk trinks I will most likely change back
Weapons: Full ascended zerk with infusions (Longbow main, Sword + WH offhand)

Traits: 6-6-0-2-0

The 2 is mainly due to me experimenting with Valk trinks & the trait Strength of Spirit “Gain power based on your vitality” (7%) . It’s a rather minute increase but I’m having fun with it.

Armor runes: Pack Runes. Very nice swiftness and overall I’m enjoying it better than the Ogre ones as the Rock Dog died too often.

Weapon sigils:

Longbow – Force & Bloodlust
Sword: Air (default set by Bolt but I’m probz gonna change to Energy?)
WH: Battle

Utility Skills: Heal as One, Lightning Reflexes is very handy but better if traited, Signet of Wild, Signet of Hunt but I often change to Stone Signet if need be and then Rampage as One.

But yeah, RF hits pretty crazy, auto-attack too on squishy targets.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I constantly run food/utility buffs which are as follows:

- Toxic Sharpening Stone
- Plate of Truffle Steak

At max stacks (eotm/wvw) I think I remember sitting at just above 3k Power.

Hope that helps.

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

Some stealth issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Its intended, until its not.
If they ever change it back (for a while stealthing off walls didn’t work) then its unintended.
For now, its intended.

Totally agreed.

You can even stealth off enemy siege whether it be built or not.

Salad Dressing (Sylvari Fashion Thread)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m just going to casually leave this here and drown myself in my tears of laughter.



condition damage build

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Depends on your play style. Each to their own. I’ve been trying to get better at playing condi-thief and currently I find P/D (auto bleeds) is nice and then D/D for mobility and I needed something that procs poison (auto-chain att) plus immob from pistol #2 then switch to D/D and hit #3 is interesting for bleed stacks; I managed to get roughly 20ish stacks very quickly using this method but it really burns your initiative and we all know: no initi will get you killed so be careful.

I use the standard Krait runes for the obvious bleed duration bonuses and the nice condi proc when you hit your elite which is either for me personally: Bas Venom or Dagger Storm when facing rangers that spam RF.. Oh boy.

Trinkets are all Carrion, armor is Dire from what I remember and my weps are Carrion also. I believe I have malice sigil + corrup sigil on main then switched weps I have malice & bursting sigils.

Idk why but I love Pistol #3 skill which applies Torment which is great for moving targets.. And if they get too close just hit the immob skill. Very handy.

I use standard utilities from left to right: #6 the heal that makes you stealth for 3 secs (good burst set up for the pistol bleed), #7 Shadow Refuge, #8 always constantly switching between Blinding Powder and the one where you Shadow Step to target location which then becomes Shadow return, #9 constantly switching between the Venom that applies Poison (5 hits) and it lasts I’ve noticed I got up to 1 min 30+ seconds of Poison with traits and the other thief utility that grants 25% movement speed but I hate having that and would switch it anyday for something else but sadly I have no other means for movement speed…

Anyway I’m on my phone so I forget what traits I have but it’s all for max condi dmg, steal recharge rate and condi duration.

I run food 24/7 on my condi thief (toxic thing that gives 100+ condi dmg and 10+ condi duration) with the Rare Veggie Pizza (40+ condi DURATION and I think 70+ condi dmg) so I’m sitting at an interesting 80-90+ condi duration.

But yeah, still experimenting. It may be slow at killing things but it’s very fun!

How is 3/5 people to kick still in the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It’s still been 2/5 for me when someone requests a kick. Is it supposed to be 3/5? Meh.

Blantent Hacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Sometimes I’ve found myself running to catch up to my Zerg; I literally reach the gate and it does the closing animation. My toon stops for the tiniest second but somehow gets weirdly teleported just inside, behind the gate so I got in by a thread. Only happened to me twice now but I think maybe that’s what happened with the thief.

Possible ‘lag’ too. I’ve had cases of what looks like I’m running a few steps behind someone only for the screen to glitch out and all of a sudden I’m running a few steps in front.

Reward Track Progress: Requirements?

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Decided to complete the Glorious Reward Track a couple of nights ago, sure, got it done but I noticed on the ending of some games it never bumped up the track progress and I had to basically play 2 games for it to count.

(E.g; 30/40 games played, plays a game, checks reward track and it’s still parked at 30/40)

I’m wondering if you need to actually kill at least one player during the game for it to count because I will admit I’ve only been doing Un-ranked matches and a few matches had either pre-mades or guild groups if that’s what they’re called and we couldn’t kill any of them due to them obviously being pro or what not.. ‘Un-killable’.

So yeah, what are, if there’s any, requirements for a game to count towards your pvp reward track progress?

[Suggestion] Massive Clicking.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I was grinding once again opening ToT Bags.. My finger and hand is sore, haha. I would give anything to have a feature or something that enables us to mass-click or open stacks of things.

Options for victims of cyberstalking in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I don’t understand. How can someone cyberstalk you if you block them?

The stalker may have alternate accounts of which they can add OP with knowing when they’re online etc.

Hope you get things cleared up, OP and that ANet can help in some way.

Sell Ascended Armor/Weapons in Laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I just wish we could sell unwanted asc drops.. I’m looking at you, Palawa Joke Cuff.. Thing, for laurels or at least swap it for something else. Sigh.

the dumbest thing you've ever done in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Most recent thing would probably be offering ports on my mes to high up places.. Thinking I can jump down safely but alas, no. Splat. Dead mes. How embarrassing.

That or wasting my laurels on those +4 infusions when I could’ve easily just forged +5 infusions. Uhg. Wish we could sell them for a few laurels back or something. Sigh.

Caithe's Daggers.

in Living World

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Yeah, I only just noticed it in the gem shop. It’s a lovely dagger although the colors remind me of Faolain instead.

Annnnnd insta-buy there goes 600 gems. Whoops. Let’s find something that matches it for the lulz.

Legendary trails (footprints) at WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’ve always wondered this as well. Especially as I main a Mesmer with Rodgort at times and then as you suggested; incinerator with thief. I can test this out when I get home much later tonight and post results.

But yeah I always thought it would be a dead giveaway if the enemy can still see your path of footprints, haha.

I Found the Unknown!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Don’t worry guys, I’m sure ANet is deploying a team of highly trained Skritt to eradicate any said ‘bugs’.

Purple Ghostly skin: collection?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Unlock all dyes should reward some sort of punny title like"Dye-Hard". Seriously though, that’s a lot of dyes.

Reset WvW points accidently misclick

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I did the same thing on another toon; accidentally went into catapult mastery because I thought I had that last little bar in guard defense.. Scrolled down and nope. I would’ve liked to have finished guard defense first.

It would be super nice if ANet could implement a feature similar to the traits one whereby you simple ‘plus and minus’ certain things to your liking. That or we can pay to refund all those points and allocate them elsewhere.

NPE Story bridge for LS1 is needed

in Living World

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I came back to GW2 after many months, first thing I logged into was what I think was nearing the end of Scarlet’s raid on LA. (Everything on fire, monsters everywhere etc). No idea what was going on and I was turned off because those 3 massive watch knight things were all bugged (no loot drops and even ppl stating it couldn’t transition to the final boss.. Scarlet?) but yeah.. Anything prior to that I have zero idea about. I was around when the south sun thing happened though. Would be great to have a cinematic thing to explain stuff from LSS1 I guess.

Lost Bandit Chest from home instance static

in Living World

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Didn’t even know these chests spawned in home instances till I stumbled upon one in the DR instance. Why do they spawn?

Please remove Scarlet from the story

in Living World

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Whether you liked her or hated her there are still questions to be answered in regards to Scarlet.

Maybe I’m missing something but one of which being.. How did Scarlet know caithe’s (wynne’s) secret? And the whole gossip of what her true intentions are/were concerning Mordremoth etc.

Maybe ANet will get back to it and hopefully clear things up. It really is a mess though when no one can play/re-play LSS1. We can only hope though. tag?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Even from the launch of the assortment of new comm tag colors to choose from I was hoping for a green and would love one but realized a lot of the map is quite green anyway so it’d be hard for some players to find it on the map.

I think the best option if they were to add a green comm tag would be so that it’s a very strong, light green color. A lot of the landscape/mapping is a darker green I guess.

Blade shards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


The Spinal BP’s are basically my main way of obtaining a lvl 80 exotic and if I feel like it, ascended BP.

All you need is one Blade Shard, 50 Sprockets and both of the 2 different types of glitter dust stuff (forgot the name) in the Mystic Forge and you should on average get 9-15 blade shards back. Rinse and repeat, that is, if you have stacks of the Sprockets which is currently around 8 gold a stack on the TP.

But yeah, super fast method of obtaining shards in the MF mentioned above.

I will mention that there is a super rare chance you get 50 shards back. It’s only happened twice for me and I’ve made a tonne of these BPs for various toons. Good luck and have fun~

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Whether it be in PvP, WvW or EOTM, solo roaming or even with a buddy – what profession(s) do you despise the worst upon encountering?

For me personally it’s Mesmers and Thieves.

Mesmers: I naturally suck at determining a mesmer’s clones to the ‘real’ player and thus it’s extremely confusing and I waste my burst skills on their silly clones. As of late I try to see which one is strafing or moving around differently as opposed to clones but it’s still a bit of a pickle when they’re all attacking you with skills etc.

Thieves: There are good thieves and not so great ones out there, either way with all their stealths and what not it also leaves me in a very vulnerable position. Doesn’t matter where you are.. doesn’t matter what you’re doing.. they will find you… and they will kill you.

Feel free to discuss this topic~