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2000 hours, 0 precursors, why keep playing??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Over 4,2k hours and no sight of a precursor, and I don’t really care, as long as they bring scavenger hunt so I don’t need to rely on TP’ing it’s ok.

Been waiting on that… but slowly starting burn out waiting…

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Want to get more into Thief Spvp / WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

In terms of WvW… If you don’t like roaming… Being in a zerg you will be less useful than other classes, and you will melt most of the time due to conditions and loads of damage that you simply can’t avoid after 3 dodges + a handful of evades…

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Your opinion about hackers?

in WvW

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

I’ve never encountered hackers .-.

>.> Same… never met or seen one…

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Im a 100% Thief and I have to bear this...

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

…just how come a player had a legendary weapon and 6k AR yet managed to fail so much as if brain dead… makes me question how he even got to lvl 80)…

Anyone can have a bad day, or a cat crouching up between mouse and keyboard.

Thing is… those thing don’t exactly show skill… they show you’ve spent a lot of time though.

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useless !

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

But teef op… wtf players

D: In these situations thief is not providing their primary role: Being looted.
So you rather take someone else.

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[PvX] Thief skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

:D I would love those changes… too bad they wont go through… Especially not CnD…

Let’s start with at least making Dancing Dagger not being obscured by a blade of grass sticking out of of the ground…

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Why do people complain...?

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

To those who says that Thief can not survive without stealth; i invite you to look at this class; The Assassin from Guild Wars.

Thief =/= Assassin. There is a whole different archetype for the thief, it’s detailed in the books and I invite you to read them. I’ve pointed then out to you before but you ignore them.

As far as the thief archetype goes, it’s more familar to the Rogue/Shadowdancer in D&D. I do like that name, Shadowdancer.

Btw, Assassin in GW1 weren’t well represented in PvP.

Once Again!!!






Would you say, Security Guard= Police Officer?

Would you say, Pen= Pencil ?

So are you saying…
We should do this:

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Im a 100% Thief and I have to bear this...

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

- Being Kicked from random Dungeon groups. (Nobody wants Thief in his group) Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior are the top clases.

I can sympathize with this, because I’ve bumped into that numerous amounts of times back when CoF p1 farming was popular. Literally I would get kicked out of group, or denied into the group, PRIOR to the actual dungeon, just when the group is about to form up, on the basis of that they didn’t want a thief. However I’ve never been kicked during or after the dungeon… and actually got some complements a few times, as well as some connections to run with later…

- Being kicked from random Team Tournament PvP groups. (Some1 asks: 1+ roamer for 5v5 pvp team. I say: Here im Thief. No please we dont want Thiefs)

Haven’t bothered, considering how many QQ’s on the forums as well as how the general consensus is that the thief isn’t really good for tPvP.

- Being kicked for random fractals groups, once again nobody wants Thiefs in their groups.

Same thing as your first point. PRIOR to getting in people have just kicked me on the basis of being a thief, possibly to replace with another class. During or after the run, I haven’t been kicked.

- Develop still 4s in sPvP, this has no sense, even when in all other modes WvW and PvE develop is only 3s. Thief is more weak and useless in PvP (because run away and stealth arent that good for taking points and holding) than PvE or WvW, why then develop is 4s in the hardest mode for a Thief?

Adds onto your 2nd point about being kicked. As for WvW, the general consensus is that we’re gods at roaming… but other than that and gathering(wood,ore,berries…) (on par with other classes, maybe a bit better do to “how fast we roam”), there’s no other role in WvW.

- We have an SPECIAL TRAP in WvW ONLY FOR US!!!! 30s without stealth? Are you joking or what?

Not just for us. Any stealthed unit. Meaning, Mesmers, Rangers, and Thieves. It does hurt us the most.

- People dont want stealth in Thief, people dont want evades on Thief, people dont want crics in Thief. Wait? What Thiefs supose to do? 1111111 autoatack?

Generally there’s two types of QQ’ers…
1st type is the completely brainless one, that blames the stealth and being backstabed by the thief on the thief… In their arguments they will heavily relay on saying that stealth is OP with circular justification. (This is the majority of the QQ’ers you will meet) (Infract me please) Usually the story will always be how they got outplayed countless amounts of times by a thief and now they’ve reached the point of frustration (from the inability to learn and/or win against one) where they release their (yummy) tears on the forums…
2nd type is the more educated one, that realizes that there’s no way to “force detect” the thief out of stealth… yet rarely realizes that stealth is one of our main (if not the best) sources for survival given the current state.

- But this isnt end yet, THIEFS ARE OP.

Yup! You nailed it! We’re OP. You can justify it by saying “Stealth” and you will win the argument (since I will just forfeit, as it’s pointless). Ready up for every patch to contain at least one nerf! Next patch already contains at least a Choking Gas nerf! (However they said that there’s more good things in store for the thief, while also saying that not everything has been mentioned… so really there could be a hand full of good things, but several truck loads of bad things)
:D every balance patch is exciting, you never know what will be nerfed or “fixed”! Isn’t that great !

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(edited by Zero Day.2594)

Jan 21st WvW Patch Update

in WvW

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

So, are there PvE monsters in WvW again?

Tons… They usually run around in very large groups…

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[PvX]Nerf Shadow's Rejuvenation

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

From this moment on, everyone must use SR!
This will give you the chance to kill 8 people by yourself (hidden effect of the trait, possibly a bug).

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Nerf Wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

the sad part devs took it serious~

:D Lol

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[PvP]Thief vs. Torment

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Thiefs will be whining if they cannot move, what else is new. Nerf stealth and we wil talk about nerfing torment. Talking about a minor condition when you have acces to the most OP ability in the game.

Give buff our (thief) survivability and then we’ll talk about stealth nerf.

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[PvX]Nerf Shadow's Rejuvenation

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

It’s called saving your big AoE and cleave attacks for when they cast Shadow Refuge. When you see that, dump an AoE duce on top of it, or better yet use a knockback skill to push them out of it.

Clearly that doesn’t work because they don’t see the thief…. -.-’ are you dumb?


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Nerf Wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

This is a nerf wish list after all… it is a nerf he is requesting…

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Nerf Wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: Dark FQ.1038

What: Shadow’s Rejuvenation
Why: This trait is so OP in wvw. This thief outnumbered 8 guys just by useing this with the Shadow’s Embrace (condi removal in stealth). These thiefs do mass damage and you can t do anything about it. and if you get them low , they will imidiatly get in stealth regain half of their health and you can t do anything about it. Wvw is full of those thiefs and it makes it really umbalanced. I heard a guy saying yeah but if you have skill you can kill those thiefs. The only guys I seen killing those thiefs are other thiefs with the same build. Condi builds and berserker builds are useless against them. So what works? Thiefs with the same build. I hear countless people say that thief is just the best class for pvp/wvw. Where is the fun if you can t just do anything against them and get killed.
I don t call these thiefs skilled , I just call it cheap.

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[PvX]Nerf Shadow's Rejuvenation

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Can we just cut the chase here and say what we really want…
And that is to be able to press F near a thief and loot which automatically makes the thief disappear/die/logout.

Adding you to the nerf wish list though .

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(edited by Zero Day.2594)

Shall we rename this class ?

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

>.> Jesus what’s with all these people and their stories…
This thread needs new names for this class…

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[PvP]Thief vs. Torment

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

:/ Don’t see why it wasn’t added to Hide in Shadows or Withdraw (considering it “Cures immobilized, chilled, and crippled.” so i guess torment would sort of fit in there too)

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Shall we rename this class ?

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Name suggestions:
Sundeskal – That guy has 5 alts, all thieves… the class should be renamed to his name!
Beta Class
Test Class
Venomous Trapper
Forest-Gump – Similar to the two names above…
The-Taker – we take nerf bats up the _
Ranger – Because they suck as much as us…
Kenny – Because we always die….

Thief – But specifically the ones that steal from kids and old ladies…. We can’t do much more than that…. Example in video:

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(edited by Zero Day.2594)

WvW gear/Stats Question

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

So there are no builds / setups that would work in a blob? Say p/p soldier or something like that?

Agree with what Dee Jay said.
But I want to add it is possible to stay in the zerg, just have to time those 2-3 dodges and hope there’s something healing you…. and try not to be in the front line… Basically sub-optimal to be in a zerg for us.

Signet of Malice + Cluster bomb spam is nice in a zerg…. also Dagger storm (For those that say we dont have stability, this is the only skill xD) is nice. Gear wise you wont much difference in your survivability in a zerg between full zerker and pvt/knight/zerker mix, but you will see a damage difference that you can output…

As far as roaming goes, there’s either condi p/d (i believe, maybe even d/d) and crit dmg d/p or d/d …

:P Both setups for roaming will work just as “well” in zergs as if you were building for a zerg…. since you will be using SB mainly to deal AoE damage… condi build will deal damage from the bleeds from cluster bomb and crit dmg build will deal from the actual damage from cluster….

Also kittenty thing about roaming, it’s not as rewarding (tangibly) as zerging. yaya

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(edited by Zero Day.2594)

Got to love it! Night capping blobs. so PRO!

in WvW

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

im on of those flipping your stuff when your asleep! now stop flipping mine when im in my bed!


very constructive thanks

Heh… What offair said is constructive, just flew past you for the same reason as why you’re complaining. O.O there are other people in this world that don’t have the same sleeping scheduled as you, and there’s lots of them… It mainly has something to do with the earth being round and how the earth travels around the sun and also other countries existing outside of your own… As well as overal different life styles of different people… not everything ticks in the same way you tick… O.O Did i blow your mind away … or did i blow your mind away?

And with some of your responses you deserver this one .

Offair’s (1st response) post /thread .

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SB definitely needs a nerf.

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

anyone seen any videos of OP sb users? plz link lol.

if u show me 1 ill show u a picture of me wrestling sasquach

Near the end… OP!!!! OOOOPEEE… It’s on youtube first and most main reason (because youtube montage/guides videos are a good proof of whats OP and whats not), he hasn’t died/downed… and killed others… clearly for those reasons OP…… Did i mention… it’s a thief… and thieves have stealth, so they’re op… You can’t argue when thieves have stealth, which is the root of all OP… :| so let’s see a pic of you there

(lol, ah… SoM+Dagger Storm = <3 )
(Oh yeah, I’m mocking a typical brainless QQ-er by responding like one.)

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(edited by Zero Day.2594)

How long can a Thief stealth continuously?

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

And what did said thief accomplish?
How was the thief compensated for what he did?
What happened to the thief after?
What happened to the 20 people after?
What did it change prior to 5 minutes of him engaging you guys?
What was the overall result of his encounter?
What did you and the 19 others take out of this fight?

(And yeah… as ninja mentioned… did you CC him? did 5-10 warriors and 3-7 gaurdians jump on him with a hammer while the others blasted the ground with AoE?)
(Vikings’s answer /thread)

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(edited by Zero Day.2594)

Theifs are easy kills wvw video

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

A proof that a mediocre warrior > a mediocre thief… Man, I really needed a video to know that.

But seriously, every single player knows that warriors are too strong right now and the upcoming “nerfs” won’t change anything. Beating a thief as an engi should be pretty easy as well (too much condition spam), ranger could be interesting.

Would be nice to see you playing an ele after that.

Ha! Most would think Thief>All…
Most QQ-er’s.

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SB definitely needs a nerf.

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: Otaur.9268

What: Condition Damage (Chocking gas and caltrops specifically) and Stealth
Why: I spammed shortbow poison aoe, caltrops, etc to apply conditions on foes in area and noticed I can pretty much kill both players and monsters without becoming “revealed.” This is getting more and more popular in WvW and it is rather unfair… But this is enough, please make any damage the thieves do in stealth apply revealed. Spamming conditions from stealth should reveal them.

(Side note: Never mind the Mesmer’s clones…)

This might be the cause…. Although we’re not being revealed…

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Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

But really dude, I spent 1 hour watching the stream just to hear them say they nerfed choking gas. They obviously haven’t spent enough time on balancing the thief. It seems like they only nerfed choking gas just because it was like the engineer’s poison field.

They’ve said i think multiple times that a lot of things were left out and will be included in the patch notes (supposedly good things for the thief). So… yeah aside from a nerf we will be getting random buffs… Traps/Hard-to-catch/Healing-power/venom random buffs…

also, for the choking gas:

Originally by: Otaur.9268

What: Condition Damage (Chocking gas and caltrops specifically) and Stealth
Why: I spammed shortbow poison aoe, caltrops, etc to apply conditions on foes in area and noticed I can pretty much kill both players and monsters without becoming “revealed.” This is getting more and more popular in WvW and it is rather unfair… But this is enough, please make any damage the thieves do in stealth apply revealed. Spamming conditions from stealth should reveal them.

(Side note: Never mind the Mesmer’s clones…)

when is the last time we got somethign good. that wasnt almost immediately taken away

:| The MASSSIVE buff from last patch…

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WvW_Thieves_Stake while under stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

If they remove the ability to stake when stealth are they also supposed to remove the ability to blackpowder > stake, or stake > shadowstep > shadowreturn > finish stake? I don’t think this should be removed and it’s not really and issue unless you didn’t see a thief go stealth to begin with. If someone is down and you see a thief go stealth you know where he is going to be, just use knock backs/fear/cc/or aoe him. Not that hard to counter stealth stomping as long as you know its happening.

Do know what’s happening when you are blindfolded?

This happens…
(If someone can find one of Homer Simpson that would be better)


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(edited by Zero Day.2594)

Theifs are easy kills wvw video

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Thief already is a free lootbag. Just look at the video.

Well… I would agree … BUT
it’s still moving around. And I can’t just walk up to a thief and press F…

You need to mash 1 until the F button appears.

But… they still can run away… like wtf? This is the only game where loot runs away from you…

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Dev's Critical Dmg Changes incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

But really dude, I spent 1 hour watching the stream just to hear them say they nerfed choking gas. They obviously haven’t spent enough time on balancing the thief. It seems like they only nerfed choking gas just because it was like the engineer’s poison field.

They’ve said i think multiple times that a lot of things were left out and will be included in the patch notes (supposedly good things for the thief). So… yeah aside from a nerf we will be getting random buffs… Traps/Hard-to-catch/Healing-power/venom random buffs…

also, for the choking gas:

Originally by: Otaur.9268

What: Condition Damage (Chocking gas and caltrops specifically) and Stealth
Why: I spammed shortbow poison aoe, caltrops, etc to apply conditions on foes in area and noticed I can pretty much kill both players and monsters without becoming “revealed.” This is getting more and more popular in WvW and it is rather unfair… But this is enough, please make any damage the thieves do in stealth apply revealed. Spamming conditions from stealth should reveal them.

(Side note: Never mind the Mesmer’s clones…)

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"Good things coming" in next balance patch

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Not being sarcastic or bashing anything… but the positive changes are probably:
Arbitrary trap buffs.
And most definitely arbitrary venom buffs.
A possible buff to Hard to Catch, reducing it’s internal CD.

I agree, thieves can expect some MASSSIVE buffs like those you posted. Also, they will probably lower Last Refuge cooldown to make it a lot better.

Also get ready to have Pistol Whip split in two, the first one costing 2 initiative and the second one costing 3. Then have the second part of the skill cost 4. Then have the second part of the skill deal 10% less damage. Then have the first part of the skill cost 3 because a 2 ini stun is too much.

On a side note, how in the world will you land the second part if you choose to not use it immediately after the first part? And you’ll be locked out of the stun for about 5 seconds… that will prevent you to land an actual pistol whip.

Yeah I can see that nerf happening… or the stun duration reduced… something will happen cuz 2init stun 2OP…

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Theifs are easy kills wvw video

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Thief already is a free lootbag. Just look at the video.

Well… I would agree … BUT
it’s still moving around. And I can’t just walk up to a thief and press F…

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Theifs are easy kills wvw video

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

So let them damage the game further, I say.

:D And this is why you want the nerf wish list to come true!
Once the thief becomes a free-loot-bag-when-looked-at class, the QQ-ers will hopefully turn their attention to another class to make them into loot bags… Slowly but surely… Thieves will quit/leave/reroll… which will be hurtful to the game itself…

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"Good things coming" in next balance patch

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

We just have to not get our hopes high….

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"Good things coming" in next balance patch

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

I think it’s likely they will introduce a new weapon set.

But frankly I don’t think that will do much for the class.

Personally I’d much rather see them remake the stealth-mechanic in this game. It’s by far the most frustrating element for non-Thieves and by far the most overpowered thing about Thieves, especially when speced into Shadow Arts.

Thieves should have stealth, sure, but overall it would be better for everyone is they were less dependent on it and had less room to exploit it.

Sure rework stealth… But give us something in terms of survivability… So that we can go stealthless and be able to last longer then ~10 seconds…

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"Good things coming" in next balance patch

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

One thing I took away is that we will be better at evasion than the heavy additional defensive boon classes. Feline grace was not as good kitten (10 in the case of eles) Traits and will now be better than those easily accessible traits. I wish they didn’t nerf the other classes, butvat least they’re getting consistent in their balance choices.

Somehow I’m doubtful about them improving our evasion… Considering there was already a QQ about SB’s evade … If we get buffed in that area that should bring in even more QQ’s…

I wasn’t saying that they are improving ours, but rather ours won’t be outclassed by others’ 5 point minor traits because those are getting knocked down to base 50% uptime. A small moment of schadenfreude….

Ah… that would be well played… Hopefully that should hold off the QQ’s for a few months… before they begin to realize that we outclass them in evading… and then there shall be more QQ’s!

I like the idea. In terms of QQ’ing it just postpones it.

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Great, we're nerfed into oblivon 10 %...

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

>:D And the fun has yet to start… they haven’t released any patch notes yet…

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Zerker or Rampager?

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

K well now you can make a decision based on what they said about the crit damage nerf

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"Good things coming" in next balance patch

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

One thing I took away is that we will be better at evasion than the heavy additional defensive boon classes. Feline grace was not as good kitten (10 in the case of eles) Traits and will now be better than those easily accessible traits. I wish they didn’t nerf the other classes, butvat least they’re getting consistent in their balance choices.

Somehow I’m doubtful about them improving our evasion… Considering there was already a QQ about SB’s evade … If we get buffed in that area that should bring in even more QQ’s…

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"Good things coming" in next balance patch

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Not being sarcastic or bashing anything… but the positive changes are probably:
Arbitrary trap buffs.
And most definitely arbitrary venom buffs.
A possible buff to Hard to Catch, reducing it’s internal CD.

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Great, we're nerfed into oblivon 10 %...

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

On topic, he says “good things” will be coming next patch. I don’t really care about Choking Gas, it was an insane amount of Poison anyway.

Not that people stayed in it. Which was, and is, the most useful part. Or the funniest at least.

Um… Someone did!:
Check the thread linked within the nerf request :P for more funnies.

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Ready Up livestream notes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Pretty sure they mentioned a thief nerf for choking gas… i think reduced duration of poison.

Yep, from 5sec a tick to 3sec.


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reduced damage for thieves

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

you do know that other classes besides their also run zerker in wvw and already do much lower damage then thief and are also see a damage hit?

The cry is not so much about the reduced damage itself as…
Our (pretty much only) role in WvW is roaming, and most builds rely on bursting down the opponent. That’s getting hit, so our role as a roamer is getting hitting. Sure they mentioned something positive is coming. But so far, our one and pretty much only role in WvW got nerfed.

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Ready Up livestream notes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Pretty sure they mentioned a thief nerf for choking gas… i think reduced duration of poison.

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reduced damage for thieves

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

You will still be best at running away.

And that’s gonna be called OP soon.
Scratch that, there’s already been tons of complaints.

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Great, we're nerfed into oblivon 10 %...

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

No one excited about the Choking Gas nerf?

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Great, we're nerfed into oblivon 10 %...

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

We are not getting nerfed by 10%.
Everyone (classes) running full glassy zerker is getting nerfed by 10%…

>.> People do take this change a bit personally… I mean it does suck for us quite a bit… but it’s not directed at us…

BUT What is getting nerfed (and it was on the Nerf Wish list) is the choking gas!

Also 2Handers getting a buff (via 2 sigil slots on them now)… so only our short bow.

:| Also, i used to refer to Cluster Bomb shotgunning (since beta) … one of the devs refered to shotgunning something on engi… i think it spread… o.o

Keep in mind they keep saying it’s not all the changes(nerfs)…

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(edited by Zero Day.2594)

Theifs are easy kills wvw video

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

This does not show nor prove anything. The clips you had of your thief fights were against easy lackluster thieves that didn’t know how to play up to a thief’s true capability.

I definitely consider myself an above the average thief player, not the best but easily above average. I was the first thief in the video and I messed up. So does everyone. Doesn’t make me an average player or a bad one.

Everyone just needs to take away from this video is that even if a good thief messes up against an average or good opponent then there is a pretty good chance they will die.

Don’t take the stab personally, I think it was more aimed at thieves in general to justify that we’re still OP by downplaying you in particular. Rather a kitten move…

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(Balance) Developer Livestream on Friday at 2pm PST

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

^ lol so true. /15chars

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Theifs are easy kills wvw video

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

1.) He is a warrior.
2.) Shadow Refuge doesn’t inflict anything.

MIND BLOWING… can you explain why he swang his sword around while the thief was stealthed… or moved around instead of standing in one place … i still can don’t understand that…

v To answer Zero without waiting 30 minutes for flood control:

1.) Chain attacks will advance if you clip a player in stealth. This let’s you know the thief is close enough to land a backstab.
2.) Moving around makes it drastically harder for a thief to land a backstab.

:P Thanks.

(Yeah, I had a 10 minute one at one point… There was a thread discussing about viewing infract points and so on… I posted there saying I had the 10 minute flood control, and if that would ever get removed. Next day I didn’t have it anymore… Don’t know if the consequence reached it’s end time, or they just removed it.)


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(edited by Zero Day.2594)

Theifs are easy kills wvw video

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Woah… bro, holly kitten… where did you come up with the idea of swinging your greatsword around while the thief was stealthed…? Dude that’s a brilliant idea… Yo, you’re gonna cure cancer one day, I’m sure of it. And why were you moving around so much when the thief was stealthed… I don’t get that… It’s over my head… Isn’t standing the best thing to do in most cases…?

(Joking aside, nice video. Anti-thief QQ-er’s gonna hate ya)

MORE! gief more!! more of these! and then we can haz thief buffs?

Knowing Anet’s balancing, the buffs will be something like “bow 3 now deals 10% more damage, increased initiative cost by 1, removed the evade from the skill” type buffs.

DAMMMN, that’s a MAAASIVE buff. You shouldn’t give those so easily…

(Edited something out since AikijinX already brought it up… and got countered)

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(edited by Zero Day.2594)