Showing Posts For Zoso.8279:

It was a good year.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I really preferred the content and delivery of LS Season One, but I do like the new Silverwastes map.

For me? Both years had their high points…and some things I didn’t enjoy as much.

Still, I think ArenaNet is learning and trying to improve as time goes by. It’s difficult, though, to please everyone as we all have different preferences.


I hope they are able to find a way to make LS1 re-playable. I know they probably can’t make an exact copy but some type of highlighted (?) version. I wasn’t able to experience LS1. (RL took priority)

Necromancer Main

Sinister weapons/armor for Minion Masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I wish there was some way to “taunt” and claim aggro so Necro could be more certain of tanking. Unfortunately, high toughness is the best way right now.

Well good thing about necro MM (at least my build) you have a lot of CC (Chill/Fear/Knockdown/Imm).

Necromancer Main

It was a good year.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


My personal opinion on the topic.

Permanent content for LS +1. Rework of TP +1. NPE/loot change (debatable but for me personally +1 thanks to them changing the Utility unlock lvl). Just 3 but I have a few more if anyone wants more just let me know. The year was full of controversy and good/bad changes could have been better but for me it was a good year. Now having said that I hope next year is perfect.

Necromancer Main

Sinister weapons/armor for Minion Masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoso.8279


MM should be tanky, not Glassy…

Personally I agree. If your minions can’t take all the aoe from a fight they are basically useless and you lose out on your utility skills (blind/imm/knockdown) in my case. I’ve always ran cleric on my MM it syncs very good.

Necromancer Main

hotjoin is terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Oh, I didn’t know the only reason I do pvp is to allow you to have more fun. Would it be better for me to stand there, so you can kill me faster? I just stayed on a losing team, and the winning team basically zerged me the nanosecond I tried to do anything. What fun is it to get annihilated by 3 people? Where’s the skill? Where’s my motivation to stay?

Motivation for me when in hotjoin and join a losing team is to help turn the tide. Communicating and getting somewhat organized can be the only thing that is needed to win a game.

Necromancer Main

Farming Gold for Legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Personally when I need gold I farm zones. FGS is my favorite but you can farm Dry Top too.

Necromancer Main

Open World PvP is here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Yeah, you bring up a good point, Fernling. How exactly would open world PvP be coded? Since there are no factions, there’s no way to separate players into teams (unless you’re in the same party), meaning that anybody could attack anybody. Imagine if you had a 1v1 or a 2v2 thing going, and then some random troll jumps in and drops AoE’s/boon strips on your fight, damaging both sides, before running off again.

Maybe it could be a feature of a Canthan based expansion, where u sign up to be either a Luxon or a Zaishan or whatever the other faction was called.

We are called Kurzick………..Luxons……… all are barbarians and uncivilized. :P lol

Necromancer Main

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: Zoso.8279


After catching up a bit on the CDI I just hope we can have a good CDI on GvG (I think that was the next one in line) and maybe learn a bit from this CDI. QoL and Guild Halls were GREAT! QoL was my personal favorite and I hope we can get back on track. I do have a question about the new locking “system” moving forward what exactly does that mean? If you act immature or are being very aggressive/disrespectful you will be locked out of the CDI thread?

Well my top 3

1. Challenge
2. Available to small groups/individuals
3. Around 25+ player raids (Basically not as small as dungeons not as big as world boss or WvW)

Necromancer Main

(edited by Zoso.8279)

Open World PvP is here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


It’s gone as of this patch. This is the most definitive sign ever from Anet that they do not want open world PvP.

Please enjoy ArcheAge.

They’ve removed it????

Yep it looks like it wasn’t intended to work that way.

Fixed an issue in which players who paid to safely enter a bandit camp in the Silverwastes were attackable by normal players.

Died a little inside.

Necromancer Main

Bags of Gear (mist)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I just noticed that I can’t open the Bags of Gear in HotM. IDK if its supposed to work like that or my game is bugging out.

Necromancer Main

Open World PvP is here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I’ve checked the range of the buff in the bandit camp and it looks like its about as far as the ore deposit. While running around I started thinking wouldn’t it be cool if when their is a player who is in hostile mode in the camp a red circle surrounds the area basically to notify that a game is up. The players defending the lever gain gold if they can hold the zone in X amount of time. Players who are not in hostile mode if they are able to push the lever they get a bonus reward and also takes everyone out of hostile mode and basically everyone kills the Rep NPC and get the chest. That would be a really cool way to introduce a small PvP zone in an area using a lot of the mechanics already in place.

Would be cool also if in hostile mode and you die you drop 1g basically try to balance the incentives for being hostile or friendly and also take into consideration the 2g fee to start the hostile mode.

Necromancer Main

No waypoints is glorious!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Can we have a moment of silence for the once glorious taxis! GW1 for life! R.I.P Taxi builds.

Necromancer Main

No waypoints is glorious!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


For the type of zone that silverwastes is I think its a good thing. Its a situational thing imo and ANET hit the nail on the head on this one.

Necromancer Main

Open World PvP is here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Just killed a guy who then raged I killed him. I can tell there will be tears over this. It was very funny though.

Did you fight in the bandit camp or outside of the area?

My PC overheats a lot so I can’t log on for a bit so if anyone has tried the info would be great!

Necromancer Main

Open World PvP is here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I have a question about this new “mini pvp” mode. Playing a while ago I noticed that once you press the lever in the camp the rep npc becomes hostile and every player back to friendly (well when i pulled the lever i got turned back into friendly so I’m assuming all that have the buff turn friendly). My question is what is the range that you have for being in that hostile mode? Can you for example go to one of the forts? Maybe to the WP?

Or does the buff deactivate once you leave the immediate area? Basically what I’m thinking is can you have like a “open” pvp map but with a control lol for people to end the mode. Once the rep npc died it took her a good while to respawn.

Necromancer Main

Minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoso.8279



Its very frustrating. My main build is MM and when that happens that is half of your utility skills basically useless. But for me its been happening far longer (GW1 was fine for me) .

Necromancer Main

Anyone else pumped about the Necro!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoso.8279


After playing a bit I have to say I’m really liking the Siphon and Staff velocity. Siphon is really helping me with sustain and thats saying a lot because my build was already good on sustain. The DS fix is also very nice lol. Now if only they could fix the minion AI from being idle.

Necromancer Main

Chapter 5 FTW

in Living World

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Sounds good. At work and can’t play at the moment, but I’m pleased to hear that initial impressions are positive.

I am a bit concerned that this means that players will just dog pile into the Silverwastes and leave poor old Dry Top abandoned though. It could have consequences for anyone who still needs to play through the first part of LS2 or who need lots of Geodes.

Personally I think Dry Top will always have a place for those people who really like jumping and vertical areas. Dry Top the “jumping zone”.

Also I agree Chapter 5 is amazing. I really enjoy the amount of content that they put in the zone and also how its steered to cooperative play. +9000 gj ANET.

Necromancer Main

Anyone else pumped about the Necro!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoso.8279



Death Shroud: Reverted a change that caused this effect to incorrectly cancel abilities (such as stomping) when the necromancer’s death shroud runs out.

Necrotic Grasp: Increased the velocity of this projectile by 50%.

Life Siphon: Increased this skill’s base healing by 25%, and increased the scaling with healing power by 75%. Fixed a bug in which this skill increased by 25% instead of 20% when traited with Bloodthirst.

The DS while be great because the forums always complaining about that so 70% of the necro forum users should be happy. Personally the Life Siphon is what I really want to play around with.

Necromancer Main

New Guild Finisher

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


This is where I saw it. The one question that I have is if it works like the shield where only you see your guild emblem. Downloading the update atm. Will play around as long as my PC allows lol. Will have to farm just a bit more to get it but if someone knows the info would be appreciated!

Necromancer Main

New Guild Finisher

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Thoughts on the new guild finisher? Personally the new finisher is in my to-do list. Was saving up for Sanctified finisher but I think ill be going for this one 1st instead. This is how I felt the guild shield finisher should have been like. +1 ANET Im proud of you guys/gals. Now I just hope we get more “holy” finishers in the future. P.S the grave finisher is SIC also!

Necromancer Main

The complete lack of info about LS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


That new armor looks SIC! and the illumination that can be upgraded also looks sic!

Necromancer Main

So Anets's Chinese release promotions...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Can you all imagine how many meems would have been made of this if OP had posted this when NPE was 1st introduced.

Personally the NPE didn’t bother me but it would have been fun to see all them meems LOL!

Necromancer Main

I think we need Capes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Capes will ALWAYS be in the tongues of GW players. Lol.

Necromancer Main


in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Still a bad map, remove please. Stop wasting your time. It can not be saved. Work on new game modes and delete this awful map.

Lol ok so how many times did you fall? Let out your frustrations here; its better then holding all that inside.

Necromancer Main

WTS Championships December, 2014

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


So are they going to get 15000 seats sold at $199 per seat, also have 5million plus viewers online?
League of Legends has done it
World of Warcraft has done it
StarCraft has done it
Also, are there going to be people retiring from game and go into streaming and make $800,000 a year just streaming?
A player from League of Legends is doing just that.

Time for GW2 to start stepping up, so streamers can start racking in $800,000 a year, and tier 1 players can start making nice salaries (6 to 7 figures) a year just by playing this game.
If other people can do this so can you!
Also, you guys have the experience to make things like this possible… Guild Wars 1 was successful in my mind. This is Guild Wars 2, you have to step it up twice as hard!
Make everyone know Guild Wars 2 is where esports is at. Get 10 million viewers and show them whose king!

Lol I like the enthusiasm. GW/GW2 FTW.

Necromancer Main

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Evening All,

Relics of Orr podcast about the CDI below:

‘In this special episode we chat with guest host Soren of Gaiscíoch about the Raiding CDI and how Guild Wars 2 could create unique raids.’


P.S: Thanks Relics of Orr and Soren for your feedback.

Since this CDI is moving very fast and their might be people who missed it or are new to the CDI and haven’t read through all the pages (understandable lol) i’d like to bump this podcast one last time. Personally I enjoyed the discussion and think their were some very cool ideas that we might be able to continue to discussing here in the CDI.

Necromancer Main

Whats an MM without his minions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I have made a post of this on the PvP/Bug/Necro sub-forums but I feel that until it gets resolved ill have to keep voicing my concerns. Many have made post of this and IDK the reason why it has not been fixed but it is a MAJOR not minor bug that needs to be fixed. Minions do not react when moving and ordered to attack. This doesnt happen 100% of the time but easily happens 45%+ of the time. Please Fix this ANET. Minions are everything to MM and if you run into a fight and 3 or 4 of your minions are just idle a few feet away from you and don’t engage thats half your DPS/HP on idle. Not to mention half my skills basically unusable because either golem is too far way or bone minions can’t blow up because they are not near the target.

Whats an MM without his minions? Free points.

You can cut your 45% down to about 15%-20% if you are willing to fight against enemies without actually targeting them. Use ground targetable aoe or point blank aoe for most attacks. Only target an enemy when using skills that needs a target to function, then immediately clear your target list. This will decrease the time it takes for your minions to return to your location before proceeding to your target, which is what they are trying to do when you see them just standing idle off in the distance. This is clearly not a fix for the minion behavior, just merely an observation, one that can be used to help Arenanet get a handle on the AI issue.

Thanks for the advice. Ill be playing around with it but its still a bit frustrating even have to try and go round something that seems (at least from an outside pov) so basic.

Necromancer Main

Whats an MM without his minions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zoso.8279


If they can look at the initial command to attack I think that is all that is needed. We don’t need a stop or follow command only thing that is needed is a rework or to fine tune the attack response. The thing with this that is so critical imo is that this bug basically makes 5 skills for necros almost useless (if not useless then extremely less efficient then it can be).

Necromancer Main

Whats an MM without his minions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zoso.8279


The real issue is that Necro pets are AI. They do damage with minimal player direction. If you can explain to the dev’s why they should buff semi-passive damage, you have a better chance at it.

Not saying you are wrong, though. Necro needs something attractive to other jobs in PvE groups but do not expect additional damage boosts to minions.

Im not looking for more damage. I just don’t want my minions to idle in middle of a fight. I want them to respond to my attack command. Every class/build has weakness and strength but this bug takes away your strength and enhances the MM weakness. How can I time my Golem knockdown if he is away from the fight? How can I explode my bone minions for damage if they are away from the fight and when I call them to attack so they get close they don’t respond? If I get countered or miss my knock back that is fine with me but if its a bug that makes me miss then yeah that gets annoying after a few matches.

Necromancer Main

Dark Path not tracking targets?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoso.8279


This happens sometimes when people are too far away or dodge. I hope the new update for Staff velocity affects the speed of the hand in Dark Path also.

Necromancer Main

Whats an MM without his minions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I have made a post of this on the PvP/Bug/Necro sub-forums but I feel that until it gets resolved ill have to keep voicing my concerns. Many have made post of this and IDK the reason why it has not been fixed but it is a MAJOR not minor bug that needs to be fixed. Minions do not react when moving and ordered to attack. This doesnt happen 100% of the time but easily happens 45%+ of the time. Please Fix this ANET. Minions are everything to MM and if you run into a fight and 3 or 4 of your minions are just idle a few feet away from you and don’t engage thats half your DPS/HP on idle. Not to mention half my skills basically unusable because either golem is too far way or bone minions can’t blow up because they are not near the target.

Whats an MM without his minions? Free points.

Necromancer Main

(edited by Zoso.8279)

Return of gw1 dances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I’d really like to see customizable idle stance and dance animations. That would be epic but IDK how much work that would be for ANET.

Necromancer Main

map expansions incoming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I’m not arguing that it’s just as easy to develop content for gw2 as gw1, because it’s not. I’m arguing that gw1 is an mmo, every definition of it. You might not think it’s “really an mmo”, but what you really think doesn’t change facts.

What’s your standard mmo? Wow? There are a dozens of different types of mmos, just because it doesn’t play like WoW doesn’t mean its not an mmo.

MMO for me personally is open world. 100+ in each map not just a hub that take you to instanced maps. But don’t get me wrong GW1 was amazing and the amount of content and how fast they put it out was amazing but personally I like the direction GW2 is going. I have GW1 prophecies-EotN when I want to go back I can go lol.

That is all well and good, but that isn’t the definition of what a “mmo” is.

“A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously.”

By which standard GW1 is a MMO. Yes, they usually have some persistent world (which technically the hubs do count), but not always. You’re specific definition leans heavily towards MMORPG, but there are other MMOs out there – MMOFPS, MMORTS, MMOTBS, etc. Not all of them are persistent worlds, but still qualify as "mmo"s.

I do agree GW1 is an amazing game though.

“MMORPG” I should have been more specific. But I hope I got my ideas across.

Necromancer Main

map expansions incoming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I’m not arguing that it’s just as easy to develop content for gw2 as gw1, because it’s not. I’m arguing that gw1 is an mmo, every definition of it. You might not think it’s “really an mmo”, but what you really think doesn’t change facts.

What’s your standard mmo? Wow? There are a dozens of different types of mmos, just because it doesn’t play like WoW doesn’t mean its not an mmo.

MMO for me personally is open world. 100+ in each map not just a hub that take you to instanced maps. But don’t get me wrong GW1 was amazing and the amount of content and how fast they put it out was amazing but personally I like the direction GW2 is going. I have GW1 prophecies-EotN when I want to go back I can go lol.

Necromancer Main

(edited by Zoso.8279)

Game Mode: Multi Team

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Sounds like fun but expect a lot of Q.Q if it ever comes into fruition. I hope we get something. Deathmatch as much as ANET might not want it should be created. Even if its just going to result in zerg fights in middle of map deathmatch is a core mode in any PvP game.

Necromancer Main

Poll: What type of MMO Player are you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


C, D. Kick kitten and look stylish doing it.


Don’t always agree with you Azure but dang I like your style! LOL.

Necromancer Main

map expansions incoming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Gw1 has always fit the definition of an mmo. It doesn’t necessarily feel like an mmo to some, but it meets the “requirements”. How do you think games like world of tanks or half the mmos on mobile devices are labeled as mmos.
Anet could have called the game an apple, it does not make it true.

“MMOs usually have at least one persistent world, however some games differ.”

I love GW1 but its not really an “MMO”. Its easy to shoot out content when you have so much control of the maps ( All instanced ) but in GW2 that gets a lot more tricky because everything is not instanced. More variables to take into account. GW1 was/is my love but it is definitely not your standard MMO.

Necromancer Main

map expansions incoming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


GW2 is going to be the new standard in the mmorpg genre imo.

lol what standard?

Cash shop.

This isn’t AA. Its better then WoW. Buy once and everything else is included. Expanding map/high pace ( good ) combat. Stop Q.Q and appreciate what you have. How many hr have you played? How much did it cost you? The cash shop thing is getting old and its just misinformation. You want something from BL? Ok farm a bit….. IRL OR the game GW2 lets you choose.

You got me wrong, I meant it in a positiv way.

There is nothing on the cash shop that you really need, still all content is available on the cashshop (exception might be LS, that is sort of a content rip off).

The problem might be, that there is not much outside the cash shop either, but that’s a different story.

I am perfectly OK with the cash shop and its setup, my problem is with how stale the game is after two years…

Maybe Raids will help that out a bit.

Necromancer Main

map expansions incoming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


GW2 is going to be the new standard in the mmorpg genre imo.

lol what standard?

Cash shop.

This isn’t AA. Its better then WoW. Buy once and everything else is included. Expanding map/high pace ( good ) combat. Stop Q.Q and appreciate what you have. How many hr have you played? How much did it cost you? The cash shop thing is getting old and its just misinformation. You want something from BL? Ok farm a bit….. IRL OR the game GW2 lets you choose.

Necromancer Main

hotjoin is terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


So, Teamqueue, and solo queue aren’t enough?

Personally I feel YoloQ and Teamq are “official” and hotjoin is casual. The problem now with hotjoin its not really casual its more buggy. I’ve had good game in hotjoin when trying out builds but it was always after 3 games with the same 3-5 people and we where more focused on just fun then xp or win (even though idk why wins matter in hotjoin) so we were ok with making the team even and just letting randoms come in quit/ change sides. Also quitting in hotjoin is not a problem for me because when I’m waiting for Q to pop sometimes I run hotjoin for entertainment and I leave in middle of matches so I can understand people leaving the matches.

Necromancer Main

Halloween sPvP track availability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I have a question about the PvP track. If your in the middle of the halloween track will you lose your progress or will it let you finish the track?

Necromancer Main

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I honestly hope people think very hard about what they type and don’t let emotion get in the way because this CDI is very important to the game. Raids imo is the missing piece to the GW2 puzzle and if done right (everyone or most are happy) with LS expansions GW2 will be perfect imho.

Necromancer Main

map expansions incoming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


GW2 is going to be the new standard in the mmorpg genre imo.

Necromancer Main

Describe GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


The feel of the combat in GW2 is what I really enjoy. It almost feels like a console game. The Witcher 2 also had this feel to the pace of combat.


Lol I was at work so if I was drunk that would be very bad.

#MCvMU #GloryGlory

Necromancer Main

(edited by Zoso.8279)

Describe GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279




Necromancer Main

Describe GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Personally like I said before raids or the lack of a raiding mode is what is hurting the game. They tried to fill that void with fractals but it just wasn’t enough. It was a good start but they need raids to be that hard mode type content ( but still accessible to casual players ) that will keep people focused while LS and more zones open up. Im fully expecting more zones in the map of Tyria to open up and more world bosses to be introduced to these zones.

If the Raid content is good/compelling and it is difficult enough (or has enough customizable difficulty) for the hardcore crowd, you would be right in saying that it would provide much of the substance that the game needs to hold focus while the LS and content updates occur.

It is not, however, the only necessary piece of this puzzle. Let’s ignore bug fixes and dungeon reworks for the time being. Those, like LS story updates and new maps, can be brought out over time while a Raid mode “distracts” the community. It is still important, however, that the game’s lacking skill pool be addressed in the shorter term. It isn’t simply that what we play has been stagnant; it’s also how we play, and there is very little evolution of how the game is played or can be played at any point in the leveling process. That’s been a pretty major and common criticism of the game since the beginning.

When you say how we play do you mean less zerg more timed dodges/skills? If that is what you mean I agree that is very important but I think ANET is looking into that also judging by the way the CDI is going.

Necromancer Main

Describe GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Personally like I said before raids or the lack of a raiding mode is what is hurting the game. They tried to fill that void with fractals but it just wasn’t enough. It was a good start but they need raids to be that hard mode type content ( but still accessible to casual players ) that will keep people focused while LS and more zones open up. Im fully expecting more zones in the map of Tyria to open up and more world bosses to be introduced to these zones.

Also even though they haven’t announced anything or talked about expansions I’m 100% sure that eventually an expansion will be introduced to build on Cantha or Elona. When IDK but I’m sure its only a matter of time.

Necromancer Main

hotjoin is terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Personally I think if they just changed the way swap team works hotjoin can actually be playable. If they could make it that once your in game and you switch to spectate you can t rejoin the game till next round I think hotjoin would be 100%

Necromancer Main

Describe GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


i understand why this game “feels” stagnant.. but i personally did not feel affected by this until the ‘sweeping’ changes made this year.. poor decision making is really beginning to bear its full weight on the community in its entirety

See and that’s the thing. People keep calling it stagnant and then also complain about sweeping changes. It’s hard for both to be true.

But yes the game doesn’t necessarily change as fast as other games. I’m pretty sure that a reasonable percentage of the playerbase sees that as a plus.

Once raids come out all complaints will go away. The void that people feel is purely because of “end game” content imo.

Necromancer Main