Isle of Kickaspenwood
(edited by selan.8354)
almost everything we have is single target. so yeah chaos storm is good but id like to have more aoe, so making ms a strong multitarget aoe would be great. if it was a stronger aoe i wouldnt mind it not being able to be cast on the move, but right now ms being stale and weak at the same time is not ideal. i do like the rest of our gs though. its one of my favorite weapons.
also chaos armor.. unnerf please. the nerf is ridiculous and made chaos armor kinda useless. but i agree a blastfinisher would be nice too.
(edited by selan.8354)
Design an OP class against noobs who don’t know what is a dodge button and surely eat all the obvious telegraphed attacks in the face. Yes warrior is indeed overpowered for those people.
sais the guy that whines consistently about pu cause his war is not able to deal with it.
oh wow these look so nice. i hope there will be a map like this
pahantasm increase helath is not the same as a defensive trait that makes u tanky no no deal at all for pu removal.
yes i noticed this yesterday in wvw. i kept getting out of range bugs. i couldnt hit the lord that was on the ramp below me for example.
When you have the perfect understanding of the prismatic.
u’re checking the forums too much if u know atse and see how much he whines about pu because he has a l2p issue.
Un-nerf old glambomb plus power block.
yeah pretty much if glam was still active the way it used to be during this meta wouldnt be op but actually give mes a way to fight in groups
i think it really depends on what game mode u play too. yes, in pve u are good at reflecting projectiles, but in wvw u have barely anything to reflect and also i dont think reflecting projectiles is a real role.
blastfinisher sure are nice, but thats not really what me as wvw player needs. wvw for example is about battles. now there we do lack a role as we got very little that is unique to our class. it used to be glam, but now that this one is gone, we are sorta utility and roamers…in spvp everyone hates us cause people dont understand the class.
but what i really wish is that we can spec into the roles we wanna fill. if we wann support=there should be a clear build
we wanna zerg and fight in massive battles=we need a non ai based aoe build option
we wanna roam and duel=well i think we got that one covered sorta.
we wanna pve and join raids=we got dungeon and fractal builds, but we need better tag options for bigger events imo
Rangers offer little to no group support or large AOE damage. The things they can do in those fields they are GREATLY outclassed in by other classes.
Rangers are by no means bad i’d say, But they are extremely single target DPS focused. The only time I could see one being used is as a peripheral player sniping lost necros and eles kiting the hammer train. Even then a thief outclasses them at that.
sooo much truth in this.rangers dont have any real wvw build out there and lack a role in a group. i main a mes and we got the same issue…we are utility bots and the only reason we bring a mesmer is because of veil.
i mean i know ranger can hit someone hard with rapidfire…and thats about it. i see a few traps here and there, but it tickles me more than anything else. people say, well u can gank backline…yea thats a thieves role.
also as a ranger…try to shoot at a zerg..so many reflects will make it hard for him to hit.
mes has similar issues. we lack a role.(veil is not a role and corrupt boon outclasses our boonstrips by far)
and rangers have it pretty much the worst in wvw cause honestly i cant even think of anything i would say hey, we need a couple of rangers doing that.
erm well u can..well..there is no real wvw build and the patch has not changed anything for them mes from a wvw perspective…i am playing necro until mes gets love, cause im a little over veilbot…
so support, just make sure u have veil and tw and nullfield or feedback. builds havent changed really so id recommend go tanky, have lemongrass, cause cc and condi is gonna melt u in seconds…
so look at osicats builds either hidden cat or napalm cat or pyros zergmower
(edited by selan.8354)
yeah i wouldnt recommend mes for zerging, the cc, condi spam melts u in seconds and u dont have aoe to contribute to zergfight with viable dmg. unless u wanna veilbot, id recommend ele,war,necro or guard. after the most recent patch i’ve decided to shelf my mes and am playing my power necro. necro is useful, has aoe dmg and can corrupt boons and fear counting as an interupt now is very useful…
yeah i would like some more control type of skills. i would like some aoe non ai non shatter based options, cause in gamemodes like wvw we need those. we have very little access to cc compared to other classes. id like more interrupt traits,skill and utilities…i think we need less ai based traits and more actual control,punishing and interrupt traits…less dueling only skills.
something like glamour was….it forced the enemy to slow down and at the same time supported the team….
Same thing happened to me and my Mesmer’s mad king outfit.
Wish Anet would fix this as soon as possible, or at the very least, have the decency to give a response as to if it will be fixed sometime this century.
This bug is pretty major because all enemies can identify you 100% of the time – which defeats the point of summoning illusions, lol.
well im sure they will fix it…probably as fast as they fixed our iberserker when it didnt hit correctly..or the way they fixed iwarden and ileap…
thats just another bug to our endless list of bugs and believe me every single patch we will get 1-2 nerfs, 1 bugfix, 1 buff where we dont want nor use or need it and 3 new bugs….
I’m going to zerg.
warrior, guardian,ele
if u wanna pve and wvw
then no to….
ai in wvw is terrrible and makes this class not very useful in wvw
mes: ok in pve. problems with getting enough tags in big pve raids, but decent for dungeons. veilbot/utilitybot in wvw.. lack of aoe, again ai depending classs, so no good for wvw
great in wvw, unwanted in pve dungeon runs.
and then…
actually just go war. best in every game mode, easy to learn and to understand.
You fill the role of understanding the prismatic.
atse seriously leve the mes forum alone. u have nothing to contribute constructively here. so just go to your own class forum as this thread actually is all about constructive feedbacks and not whining about pu again!get over it already please.
i dont see the mesmer as a dps class. i would rather see the mesmer going into heavy punishing mode. gw1 mes ws more like that and i think this is what mesmer lacks in wvw and tpvp atm. when confusion and glamours were nerfed, we never gotten anything back that would give us this role back. sure, people wanna just run in and spam buttons or faceroll their keyboard, but glamours was soo perfect and gave us a clear role in those game modes.
atm i feel a lack of that, cause we cant out dps a glass ele, we cant out cc an engi or war, we cant out stealth a thief. we need more aoe kinda punishing skills like glamours were.
in duels i like that we sorta use their attacks against them like clone death and illusinary counter skills. and i think this should be focused a little more, cause if anet gave us more punishing skills and better counters, i think this class could shine again in other gamemodes than just 1pvp hotjoin 1v1 stuff.
i play wvw every day with a zergbusting guild and after this patch i see myself playing necro now instead of mesmer,because cc and conditions just melt me while im not able to do much dmg. i went back to shatter build and tried that, but i still feel like we lack a lot in groupfights. what i would need is more aoe non ai based builds that are punishing, cause that would give me a clear role and not just the veilbot duty.
the roles in our guild and many other guilds are like this in wvw:
guardian:boons,stability, pulls, cc, tanking, dmg
war:cc, dmg,cc,cc,cc,tank, condi cleanse, blasts, aoe dmg, bannering lord,
light armor
ele:healing,regen, cleanse, aoe dps, cc, destroying siege on walls
corrupt boons, fear,condi bomb, dmg, aoe area denial
veil,tw, portal
engi:cc, condi, some healing, aoe
backline ganker
and this is the problem…mes is only there for the utilities, so if we would give the mes the role of punishing again like we had during glamour times, then we would be doing well again. we could actually help countering the heavy trains again.
pretty much what pyro said. if u were truly a mesmer u would know that phantasms are our only way to deal dmg that can compete with any other class.and suddenly everyone uses phantasms?!? erm phantasms are part of any build. any power mes build has to rely on phantasms cause thats where our dmg comes from.
sorry but its very very obvious u dont play mesmer. u main another profession that cant deal with mesmers thats why u come here to whine.
there really isnt much left for mesmers to spec into. if u nerf our main dmg dealers then u would have to buff our other weapon skills. if u nerf pu or rework it, u would have to give mes a buff to be able to survive better.
honestly, very bad acting like u were a real mesmer that mains this class. golden raspery for u!Man, this post is much more whiny than OP’s post. Calm down and breathe. For what it’s worth, he did say he’d like to see other aspects buffed to compensate.
I kinda agree with OP. That said, if Anet nerfed phantasms, mesmers would be much less viable in PvE.
From a PvP standpoint, I do think phantasms are a bit strong. They do heavy damage while letting the mesmer kite around, promoting passive gameplay. I think buffing weapon damage and buffing shatters could be a nice way to promote active gameplay without destroying the class.
what are u talking about? can u read? i am clam…i did not whine in this post. what on earth are u talking about?read again. did i say aww we have no dmg? no i said ai is our main dmg dealer which is a fact. if u nerf our main dmg dealers u would have to buff our other attacks, cause mes weapon attacks are weaker cause we have phantasms..which is also a fact. i did now whine ore whatever. so u tell me where i whined!?
Wait a sec, don’t confuse “confusion” (the condition) with “perplexity warrior” (the perversity).
Confusion is supposed to be Mesmer’s “class condition”. Mesmer-based confusion however is relatively infrequently available, and mostly pretty weak. The scepter has some nice Confusion but the channel has a very long wind-up, very obvious visuals and can be easily interrupted.
Then we have the Perplexity runes. Now, curiously, though Mesmers have a lot of traits centred around interrupting, we’re actually pretty bad at doing it. At least compared to the other two builds regularly fielding those runes, Engineers and especially Warriors.
So this is a problem with the runes? Sure, nerf them. To the ground, IMO. Because really I want Confusions (my class debuff) to be strong, not those Warriors with their runes.
yep this sums it up.
confusion is actually extreemly weak especially for mesmers that got also a trait nerfed along with the 50% confusion nerf. im all for destroying perplexity rune and burn it, casue honestly this was mes core mechanic and now war can stack confusion better and longer that our class can..so anet, please burn this terrible rune or make rework it so it doesnt giv better stacks than glam fields.
i dont think though confusion should be removed. it does need a buff actually in wvw. not in spvp but in wvw we need a buff or a new core mechanic cause thats exactly what mes has been lacking since that terrible nerf.
id say go ele if u like casting and deal a lot of dmg with it and also if u like being a great support in groups or zergs.
war can play everything and is godlike in almost everygame mode.
mes is a 1v1 and deuling class only. in wvw u are a veilbot and will get cc’d to death 80% of the time. u can go topu and maybe survive a little in zergs, but we lack aoe dmg, we lack stability we lack out of combat speed, we lack condi cleanse, we are bound to ai and ai is horrible in wvw…so if u like wvw, dont go mesmer unless u wanna portal golems around and veil people while being yelled at because u die in the cc zerg meta.
pretty much what pyro said. if u were truly a mesmer u would know that phantasms are our only way to deal dmg that can compete with any other class.and suddenly everyone uses phantasms?!? erm phantasms are part of any build. any power mes build has to rely on phantasms cause thats where our dmg comes from.
sorry but its very very obvious u dont play mesmer. u main another profession that cant deal with mesmers thats why u come here to whine.
there really isnt much left for mesmers to spec into. if u nerf our main dmg dealers then u would have to buff our other weapon skills. if u nerf pu or rework it, u would have to give mes a buff to be able to survive better.
honestly, very bad acting like u were a real mesmer that mains this class. golden raspery for u!
I don’t think the OP is trolling, he just telling us how easy it is to rely on AI instead of yourself.
Since the OP refuses to actually post a build, we can’t actually know. Additionally, if the OP is really using a valk amulet, they won’t be unloading any burst at all with a mesmer. On top of that, phantasm builds don’t burst. They’re inherently sustained damage.
yeah agree with u pyro…this thread seems like another one of those: i want mesmers to get nerfed, so i ll make a thread pretending i am a new mesmer and feel overpowered. fact is, mes has nowhere near as a high burst dmg as my ele for example or my thief.
Any class is hard to master, mesmer is still forgiving and easy because you rely on AI while having a million easy ways to peel people off you.
lol we are forced to rely on ai. believe me i used to avoid ai actually. i played glamour for 1 year and glamour is very non ai heavy. i played shatterer and sorry but in order to mater shatter builds u gotta be good. its not easy at all. phantasm builds are kinda meh…and actually not popular anymore. pu is only easy vs inexpirienced enemies. if someone knows how mes works pu is not strong at all.
i barely get killed by pu mes cause i main a mesmer so i know how they move, i know their cooldowns and their weakspots.
actually we dont have a million ways to peel people off us at all. the moment u pressure a mes with cc, condi or very high dmg, mes melts fast cause of verious cooldowns.
esy ways u say…lol ..go play mes and enjoy dying a million times cause those easy ways are either bugged or simply wont help u much.
It’s the fact a profession like thieves do not need the passive speed boost.
Before I get boo’d to hell for this, I just rather see Mesmer’s receive bugfixes and not just randomly buffed so we can be QQ’d at and harshly nerfed again because “that’ll teach you for being a viable class” – Anet 2014
Not to mention Mesmer’s do possess a lot of ways to reposition or even slip out of combat and their “poor” chase potential is a little exaggerated.
I don’t think it’s so much getting away that’s the problem as it is keeping up. If an enemy wants to run away it’s difficult unless you have traveler’s runes. Poor chase potential is not exaggerated at all. You flat out are not going to keep up with someone if they have 25% run speed and you don’t. Also in WvW you’ll find yourself in the “tail” of the zerg unless you have traveler’s runes.
pretty much this. gw2 is not just about spvp and 1v1 dueling. in wvw its tough if u wanna keep up with your group. but i must say..im so used to being slow by now….i actually run off cliffs a lot with my alts cause im not used to the speed XD.
i do think mesmer is in need of a passive speedboost or a better way to apply out of combat speed.
Hi , my name is Fred and I play MMORPG with over 6 years , I joined the guild wars 2 last year that I found very beautiful game and the pvp system made me so happy , I had never seen a pvp thus played Perfect World , wow , aion , everquest and tibia … throughout this journey with the online games I’ve played with all classes of these games , I know this is a forum for Guild Wars 2 and should not be commenting on other games , but wanted to highlight one thing in all these games , none of them there is a class that does what other fazem.Estou speaking warriors in GW2 , I play guardian , the guardian started because I thought he was the character who held more damage in the game , guardian is a very cool and beautiful class, but we guardians could only do one thing at a time , or we use build tank or we use zerk build , with a guardian zerk we took 15khp + – warriors with build zerk can build tank with zerk , they have a lot of life and a very good kit burst damage , they have mov.speed , they can ignore attacks by a lONG period of time , may use different types of weapons and get along with everybody, any it is feasible to build a rifle , ax , greatsword , hammer , hammer mostly , they hold the hammer like a toy, very fast attack … they can escape from it all with his mobility , and so much more that I will not talk here…Why warrior are soo ridiculous and overpower in this game?? I REALLY DON’T KNOW WHY.It makes no sense you create a class that beats all others, and that makes all the others do so better, it makes sense you do 0 damage on warrior, it makes sense to raise it after you die, it does not make sense hold the hammer like a toy, it makes sense to take it with a tank build 31khp.No fun in playing a game where one thing destroys anything.
I want someone to translate this please….
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ja, i konnte es schon zuvor verstehen, aber die leute hier wollen sich keine muehe geben jemanded der english nicht perfekt schreibt zu verstehen.
i got a bunch too
but i like floor surfing its fun
yeah ive tested it and gotta say it has the usual failrate of 40%in wvw.so nothing new here.
yeah ats raged about everything so far..especially mesmers. its either that we can afk while our phantasms kill everything and now it pu. seriously atse l2p, change your class,change your build, get a razor mouse, drink coffe before pvp so u have reflexes…and take a relaxing bath once in a while. and im sure mes doesnt seem so terrible anymore.
oh there is always pve u know…
yeah i got perma immobilized many times and even more since the patches
moa skill – mesmer elite
playing 1vX
everything is fine but when some1 transform u its immposible to run away
moa with cripple/chill/immobilize and every1 is dead
a few months ago this skill was good, was possible to run away but now every1 is dead in moa form.
what are u talking about moa has not been changed for over a year. they actually made moa skills decent.and yes u can run away.im glad if someone moas me when i try to run cause then i have finally some speed boost on my mesmer. and one more thing moa doent cripple chill u. u must have gotten hit by more than 1 players then seriously.
Full stop. Pyro please remove yourself and preferably your comments from this thread. You have a right be upset with anet. But you do not have a right to bring that caustic attitude to new players, especially given how hard you try to contribute to the mesmer community.
actually pyro is right though. this persom over exaggerates everything here in this thread and sorry but telling him to leave is not your place. no one in these forums has the right to tell someone to shut up. pyro knows every inch of mesmer builds and yes hi might no notice every bug right away cause he doesnt play the affected build atm, but he goes and tests it.
he is being honest about things to other players and we all know pyro is not someone that sweet talks anything. op was exaggerating and whining about a build that didnt make sense to me the way he described it.
I use Centaur runes, temporal curtain and for an added bit of fun, I have a sigil of speed slotted.
Post-60, I have nearly 100% uptime on swiftness – it can probably 100% for someone who times it right, paying a small bit of attention. All these are very, very cheap until you have the traveler runes in place (if you want them).
which will limit your build by a ton. if u have torely on a rune only because of speedbuff and also a sigil, thats that extra power, or condi or anything else everyother class can choose form u are missing right there. so if i lik power and toughness rune i cant cause i run centaur? u know 10 less toughness does make a difference. and that extra condi or power or condi removal like melandru…..just saying being bound to a rune is not a good thing at all.
Hey now, I never said it was perfect. But if someone wants to have speed, it’s there as an option. And I personally find it fun, and don’t feel especially limited.
well i get that. but its not ok that other classes dont need to use runes in order to be at halfway decent out of combat speed. its just a bad desicion that has never been improved since launch. but then again… mes just needs massive rework,tons of bugfixes,traitwork and new non ai build options.
i know every class has some weakspots but ours keep adding up.
terrible out of combat speed
bad condi cleanse
no stability
no aoe dmg
bad aa atacks cause of phantasms
so comon anet. just put work into this class already. why making us so slow?
I use Centaur runes, temporal curtain and for an added bit of fun, I have a sigil of speed slotted.
Post-60, I have nearly 100% uptime on swiftness – it can probably 100% for someone who times it right, paying a small bit of attention. All these are very, very cheap until you have the traveler runes in place (if you want them).
which will limit your build by a ton. if u have torely on a rune only because of speedbuff and also a sigil, thats that extra power, or condi or anything else everyother class can choose form u are missing right there. so if i lik power and toughness rune i cant cause i run centaur? u know 10 less toughness does make a difference. and that extra condi or power or condi removal like melandru…..just saying being bound to a rune is not a good thing at all.
yeah its in all game modes atm. i had this happening a ton lately especially since last patch.
This is unfair. Organized guilds going into edge of the mists to farm people trying to level and get thier achievements. Anet needs to cap the amount of people from the same guild per overflow. We already can’t get these stupid achievements in regular wvw because of queue, now we are getting farmed by these organized groups. Not going to say who, but the dinosaurs are jerks.
this is wvw. its a pvp ware zone. its not pve. u cannot prevent people form playing together. some guilds are organized and know how to push a group and this is how this gamemode is played. its not a roaming and pug zone ony.everyone has the right to play this mode the way they want.
that’s why I put ‘In short’ in the title, most people don’t bother reading long versions^^ To have it short, I couldn’t put giant paragraphs with reasons in.
well but how about u explain it in detail though. cause the way it is right now it wont lead to any constructive discussion. u wanna nerf mesmers pu for example, but are u considering that there is people in wvw that use the trait to survive in zerg?plus what does mes really have left besides that?
yes war does need a nerf, but u might wanna tell us how u would nerf it etc. this way people can actually answer and take u serious, cause right now its sound more like a rageing thread than an actual balance issue thread
lol. . u are basing your post on a 1v1 experience. this is your opinion but its pretty clear u are very bias and dont provide any constructive feedback really.
all i hear is atm is:
i want mesmer nerfed and warrior and then the necros too because my main cant kill them in 2 hits and oh ooh i play mesmer so i know. no u dont and unless u provide a real reason of what is op then sorry but noone will listen to u.
and yes LOL @ thievesarejustfineThank you for that positive feed back, I’m presuming it’s positive because I can’t understand what language you are attempting to speak.
oh would u like that in english,french or german or swissgerman? in short. all u say nerf this because of op and buff this and this is fine. but u dont provide any information on why, what trait,how the trait or skill is op.
tout tu dis est nerf parce que ill est op et buff ceci et cela est très bien. mais tu ne fournir aucune information sur les raisons, ce trait, la façon dont le trait ou la compétence est op.
alles was do gesagt hast klingt wie dieses ist op jenes muss man buffen and dieses ist ok. aber du giebst uns keine information wesshalb etwas op ist und welcher trait oder skill genau.
lol. . u are basing your post on a 1v1 experience. this is your opinion but its pretty clear u are very bias and dont provide any constructive feedback really.
all i hear is atm is:
i want mesmer nerfed and warrior and then the necros too because my main cant kill them in 2 hits and oh ooh i play mesmer so i know. no u dont and unless u provide a real reason of what is op then sorry but noone will listen to u.
and yes LOL @ thievesarejustfine
How to fight mesmer?
The most popular method is to complain on forums, so that mesmer will be nerfed.
actually let them nerf us. at some point we are so low, that not a single player plays this class anymore and then we will finally get a make over….and then 2 days later camelot unchained is coming out….
I finally felt usefull again, as a Mesmer.
Sounds like a bug to me. Surely ANet will fix it.
haha u just made my day!
brilliant and im sure they wont consider that in wvw it doesnt deal extra dmg and get us nerfed even further. but hay u dont need to deal dmg all u have to do is put down veil at the right time and right place.
Dont worry this is only sPvP bug fix DMG in WvWvW is correct
And this bux fix nerf all class no only Mesmers.
Thief guild, Engineer turets, Necro minnions, Guardian spirit, Ranger pets etc
ohhh i see. phew i was worried for a moment there, cause if there was a dmg increase then im sure the rune is part of it. im not using it atm and thats why i can see that there is no change in dmg.
It’s hilarious that, even after the bug is confirmed, some people still insist it’s not a bug. My god.
because there is no increase. its the rune of strentgh combinet with the battle sigil. it is silly dmg output. i didnt see any change in wvw at all untill i swpped to those runes. of course dmg is ridiculous with an overpowered rune. hello anet check the rune and sigil and then u will see why phantasms deal more dmg
brilliant and im sure they wont consider that in wvw it doesnt deal extra dmg and get us nerfed even further. but hay u dont need to deal dmg all u have to do is put down veil at the right time and right place.
why is it so hard to get a response in here ? … maybe i should have posted this in the warrior forums .. in fact i think i will
hmm maybe we should do that from now on. lets post our threads in war forum im sure anet will see it. im still mad at myself that i killed that anet dev in wvw… he was on war and i was full glam at the time and a few weeks later they announced the glame nerf…. …..yeah guys so next time u see an anet tag, do not attack the dev, let him kill u, take your armor off, /sleep
if u wanna blink past the line in the grocery store,but not working cause of napkin on the floor
honestly i wouldnt go for subjobs like op suggested. i would make it so each class can choose a certain path or so. lets say mes could choose either the duelist path which will open more 1v1 traits and skills or some form of control wizard which is more aoe/cc/punishing based.
and for each class there could be 2 different paths. that could actually solve some issues with the balance issues between spvp and wvw.
yeah im getting stuck often underneath terrain or in hills and stuff. happenes the most in spvp and wvw keeps and towers
Mesmer good in WvW but sPvP still not back yet
nope its the other way around. mes is a utilitybot in wvw with most of theyr traits and skills not working due to the well known ai not viable in wvw problem. in spvp we are doing good in tpvp not so much as we cant hold a point.
I need to know how to fight this mesmer that:
1) Has High burst damage
2) Has High condi spam, mainly confusion, bleed, burn
3) Has protection/aegis on and generally reduces any non-condi damage by half
4) Constant Stealth
5) Constant Healing (while in stealth)
6) Million of clones no matter how many AoE spam there is
7) Uses GS
8) Constant Condi RemovalI’m guessing its a PU or w/e that thing is.
ok u are miing a ton of builds at,/
1. only glass mes has a high burst dmg. it will be either shatter or phantasm build. if he pops phantasms then make sure u kill them before he gets 3 up, cause even if mes isnt glass build, then he can deal a ton of dmg with 3 actuve phantasms.
shatter mes is hard to play but very effective and hard to kill. i recommend watching some videos about shatter mes to understnd how they work.
2 high condi dmg has no burst dmg and will work of u killing his clones and also with condi phantasms. u wanna kill image right away as it deal dmg according to your coindis u have. burn is non of our class mechanics but a new rune makes it possible to use. but we are not the burn specialists. id recommend studying the blackwater mesmer build to understand it
3its not constant its a pu build so wait until mes has used up his stealth and then attack.
4check wiki and play mes in order to understand that we do not have constant stealth at all. we just know how to time it
5 idk where u get this one from. we do not have constant heling. yes there is a small regen in pu build but again mes knows how to time heals right.
6 there is no millions its max 3 illusions. little hint the real mes is the one that doges or walks backwards and doesnt use autoattacks as often as clones.
7well if it was a condi build then he doesnt use gs. simple. gs is a power wepon. so u are mixing like 3-4 different builds atm.
8. erm mes has the worst condi removal in the game just fyi. the only reason he can remove it is because of a traited torch and still condis will kill a mes fast,.
id recommend make a mesmer, play pu condi(blackwater or napalm cat),pu power(hidden cat) and shatter builds. then u learn how mes works and u will die way less to them
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