I thought it was kinda funny, silly and a little bit embarrassing. I don’t see what’s the big deal about it and why anybody would be so negative about it. It was kinda clear already that AN are not afraid of making fun of themselves or their game, or of having fun with it, for that matter.
It’s kittening kittened, who even thought of this.
Yeah, i noticed it today, looks weird and unnatural now. It was kinda perfect before, why fix what was not broken… If it’s not a bug then someone in AN have too much free time on his/her hands. xP
In my opinion situation with ascended gear is getting out of hand. Slowly, but surely GW2 forces you into the common MMO mindset/mentality where you supposed to have a main character, the one and only whom you will gear endlessly. I hate that. I don’t have a main, i don’t want to have a main, i come from GW1 where you had bunch of toons and played all of them with different builds and specs, and it was great. You can’t do that now, if you have this idea of making your toon as good as possible (the best you can) in what he/she does. Just look at how many new pink gadgets being introduced each update, there’re already 2 new currencies somewhat designed to hook you up onto this ascended gear treadmill system. It’s starting to feel like the whole game is being designed around this ascended horse kitten lately. Do the daily, save the laurel, do the fractals, get the kittening tokens, do the guild missions, get the commendations, each day, like it’s a work, where the hell this game is heading to? Is it some kind of a safe and lazy way to ensure the presence of so called end game content in the game? Of introducing new content to the game? Like next month you can introduce another bunch of pink kitten and a new currency for it and call it an update? Now, i’ve never even kittened about ascended gear before, but seriously, it’s time to stop guys, just let us play the great game you’ve made instead of making us farm gazillion kinds of currencies to get these pink kittening gadgets.
And what the kittens up with guild missions? Are they what community asked for? To have some content designed to play together with your friends and guildies? Only you’ll need to have gazillion of friends and guildies to even unlock this content and even then unlocking process will take like a week at least. Hey guys, we’re introducing some great new content into the game this month, but guess what, you can’t play it, at least not now, you have to farm influence and join some random huge guilds in order to get access to it, how about that kittenes? Who does that? It’s beyond good and evil for me, i don’t understand how anyone can make such a horrible game design decisions.
I’am sorry for being overly emotional and all, but i feel like it’s better to speak up now and see if i’am alone in this, or maybe significant part of GW community feels, more or less, the same way and then AN hopefully could pay some attention to these problems and keep them in mind while making future updates.
I like the FotM in general, but…
Maybe, you should not mistake the quantity of what can be considered an end game with quality of it. Perhaps many people who complain about lack of end game, mean that there’s no challenge in it for them, meaning there’s no entertainment there, as soon as you’re done with leveling, dungeons etc. once, you’re sorta through with all of it. Content is not worth repeating due to lack of challenge/rewards or both, nothing to achieve. It’s just an example, i’am not trying to state something here, not yet, but just as a possible pov of those people.
Because. I never thought that GW2 necessarily lacked, so called, end game activities. There were plenty of them. However, what i repeatedly experienced during my GW2 experience is:
- What shall i do? Dungeons? Sorta meh, because it’s boring stacking faceroll, it’s not even rewards or whatever, it’s just a faceroll, indistinguishable experience of it, of every run. It’s not entirely bad, because it’s ok that you can sometimes go and faceroll through some stuff for whatever, be it tokens, gold, time killing, or just puny bit of fun with couple of friends. But it’s not exactly good either, no matter how you look at it.
- Then what? FotM? Well, same, more or less. And i’am lazy to go deeper.
- Okay, maybe WvW then? Yea well, stick with the zerg, try to turn off your brain, spam 1 and collect loot buttons, enjoy 5-25 fps, woo much fun. No. You see, it’s the quality of it, that’s what i meant. It’s POOR. Doesn’t really matter how often tournaments you will make and how long they will be, they all gonna suck. Just because problem lies elsewhere.
- Fine! PvP then. Yea… There’s a hot join, which, if properly, should be named “Hot Mess” where all of the new souls can be corrupted and given all the wrong ideas about what the PvP is actually about. There’s a SoloQ, which is often frustrating for many people and also semi dead for … well, way too often. Then, there’s also TeamQ, cool, also semi dead though. Then, suddenly, there’s also the fact, which become obvious and apparent especially in PvP, that this game is still horribly bug infested. Yea, you missed your “input your something/skill”, okay — who cares. If yo’re in PvE. Try to tell that to yourself in PvP. #Esports! There’s also lack of game modes, balance, variety in builds. #Esports! #2
kittening QUALITY!?
Turn off post-processing. Removes bloom around particles and thus makes it slightly easier to see wtf on earth is going down there.
She is indeed. I liked the whole scene, moody and stylish, good work there AN. Can’t help but feel sad that it’s a one time temp. quest, GW2 could use some pieces like that one in permanent content.
Topics like this one outline one of the biggest issues in GW2, imo. The content, the gameplay, on it’s own, just isn’t fun enough, you need a reward to even consider sticking around. That’s why some people feel like they’re being forced to do daylies. Because daylies are time gated and provide unique currency in this game which used to gear up your toons. As soon as you stop carrying for the gear, laurels, for the gold and ectos in this game… suddenly there’s no reason to log in anymore.
I wonder what happened to “making our core game/world as strong as possible blablabla” stuff? Where are all those “revamped dungeons and events”? It seems like the only thing we’re getting on a regular basis here is all kinds of mini games. Looks like AN truly thinks that this is what GW2 needs. Not skills and traits fixes, not class balancing, not re-worked meta events and dungeons, but yet another mini game for 1 month and re-skinned LA. All the loyal, actual, fan base will leave this mess as soon as another worthy game comes out, the only ppl AN will be left with is new comers who will stick around for 1 month and then create yet another topic on forums about “Why people stop playing GW2”.
Good post, good points. I believe problem lies somewhere in upper management of Anet, because priorities and directions in development post release in this game were mostly kittened up. I think they lack vision for their own game, they lost it at some point close to release or right after it. They try and start bunch of things, they can’t properly finish anything, it seems even random sometimes. Southsun — started out of nothing and ended nowhere. Now we have this island where horrible Karka event takes place, first implementation was bad, they did a revamp this event and it’s still so bad. What was it all about? Early after release they announced a dungeon team and a goal to revamp dungeons, all this silently vanished somewhere in dark depths of Anet. Same with precursor scavenger hunt, just silently disappeared into nowhere. SAB, again, had nothing to do with anything in the game, just another random project of theirs, people happen to love it, at least some quiet vocal part, again, vanished somewhere. We now have tutorials revamps and all kinds of fixes for newer players as they say, yet 2 years later build and gear manager is nowhere to be found in this game, . What you think new players think about it? When you look at it, it looks like Anet is a bunch of random freelancers and they just start whatever each of them wants then they get bored with it midway and drop it to start something else. While we have underdeveloped parts of the game, WvW and PvP, and PvE with no sense of direction. The only area where they were persistent, more or less, is Gem Store.
I would like to outline one issue i have with GW2 regarding it’s gear system and Ascended gear in particular. I don’t want this post to become a rant, so i will try my best to stay constructive.
GW2 offers great variety of customization in gear and build department. There are 18 stat combos available for armor, jewelry and weapons, around 64 runes and around 63 sigils in this game. Now, on paper it looks like GW2 was designed with as much freedom for players to choose their builds and play styles as possible in mind. Sounds great, right? Unfortunately in reality it’s not that great. Right now gear system feels cumbersome and clumsy, requires a lot of micromanagement on many levels. I assume everyone who played different game modes in GW2, like PvE and, especially, WvW, familiar with the usual routine you need to go through with in order to set your toon up. And when you done, you end up with multiple sets of armor, jewelry and weapons in your bags/bank and no gear manager, no build manager, no dual spec. And if you would like to try another rune set or sigil… well you’ll have to either replace existing ones or craft yet another set of armor. It’s worth mentioning that whole this process is not cheap either. So, in short, i think it’s fair to say that currently whole system is somewhat inconvenient to use and user unfriendly.
Now, on top of that, we now have ascended gear. I have 4 daggers, 3 shortbows, 4 pistols, 3 swords on my thief. I’am a lazy one, that’s why i have so few :P. I have a guildie who have 8 sets of armor on his warrior. And that’s just one character. I have 4 level 80 ones and i like to play them all. So i’am wondering if it’s “working as intended”, if Anet really expects and wants us to craft all this and pile it up in our bags? Is Anet pushing us to choose and stick with one, main, toon and work with it, gear it, with one build, one game mode (PvE/WvW)? Instead of being able to change our builds and playstyles in a matter of seconds and instead of trying new things, experimenting? Like, is this Anet’s game vision as of right now, that’s where they want GW2 to be? Or is this system is currently in some transitional phase and some tweaks and fixes are coming? Do they recognize it as an issue at all or this design intentional and it’s fine in their book? And how the rest of the community feels about it?
So far i’ve been mostly complaining and criticizing, so i just want to throw in an idea about possible fix. What if sigils and runes instead of being essentially consumables would be, instead, unlockables for armor and weapons? You apply a sigil to a weapon and that sigil becomes available for this weapon to choose from a drop-down menu. Same goes for runes. And what if insignias and inscriptions would work in the same way? You craft an inscription and you apply it to your armor piece and it becomes available for you to choose from, at any given time, when you’re out of combat? This would improve quality of life for players greatly, while maintaining some of those element’s gold sink potential. I’am not saying that this is how it should be or that it’s the ideal solution, it’s just a food for thought, something to work around with, nothing more.
Obviously i don’t expect to have someone from dev team to comment on that, but at least it would be interesting to hear ideas and opinions from community.
Thank you for reading this wall of text, that is, if you did, i tried to put it as laconically as i could right now.
Really. There’s another topic, where people discuss why AN thinks that RNG is fun. I want to point out another problem: why AN thinks that gameplay where you have to stand and perform 334456056769 mouse clicks is fun.
Just take a look at wintersday boxes. You open a box, you get 223354 more boxes. Really? You open those boxes as well, you get tons upon tons of crap most of which you have to manage manually one way or another, which means more clicking.
I just found myself going for this: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Essence_of_Time It requires 20 of this: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Amalgamated_Gemstone To get those you have to stand in front of MF and click, click, click…. And i just thought that i’am so, so tired of this.
Now, if it was like every once in a while that wouldn’t be a problem. But that’s not the case unfortunately. Have you ever noticed how absolutely OVERLOADED GW2’s loot table with INSANE amount of crap? Greys, whites, blues, greens, mats, badges, crests, keys etc., etc. Sometimes i really feel that 70% of time i spend in GW2 are spent on managing this crap. Selling, salvaging, destorying, banking, forging. Click, click, click, click…. Jesus Christ. I have yet to see another MMO out there with such a horribly designed loot table. Absolutely HORRIBLY. Crap Wars 2.
I understand that such thing as loot table can’t be fixed at this point. But AN, PLEASE, can we stop with this idiotic philosophy of overloading this game with all kinds of items? Can’t you think of more elegant ways to design your rewards and loot? Thank you.
right now i feel i use the main attack (1) while keeping the rest (2) damage abilities on CD.
its just really bothers me, because outside of that, the game is really looks great, i just afraid that i will get bored fast after X time of doing the same.
You will get bored, especially in pve, where it’s much more repetitive, you’ll go through all weapons and will get bored of all of them. This game needs more skills, each weapon should have not fixed set of skills, but rather a list of skills available to choose from, auto-attack should become just a white attack like in wow and free 1st skill slot for a sterling skill, because right now it’s just a boring filler in already very short skill bar. And more viable utility skills ofc, a list of F1-4 skills to choose from. Imo thats what this game needs, otherwise 1-3 months, and you’ll get bored to death, unless they release bunch of new content, but then you’ll get bored again as soon as you’re through with this new content.
This so called PvD or nightcapping is a real problem, AN better start listen to ppl complaining about it and start thinking on solution. No one likes to play the game where they don’t stand a chance and realize that they also can’t improve, there’s no hope that they will learn something, improve and in future maybe will rival the top server, no, because it’s not about skill or organisation, you can’t improve here, just you need to sleep, work, go to uni/school, w/e. I’ve said that in other topic and will say this again, there shouldn’t be 2 ladders to start with, if WvW supposed to be 24/7 game mode then there should be 1 global ladder, that’s all there’s to it. It makes sense, current system doesn’t make any sense. Unless they come up with some kind of intelligent scoring system, which i doubt they will, at least not in thins decade. xP
Ah, gold old times, so many memories.
People continually make these asinine posts about how they deserve to play whatever they want and have 4 other people do the work for them. Do what you want but at least tell other people you have no desire to complete content.
Pfft. What’s gonna happen? You’ll wipe and the dungeon will boot your party out? Nope, you get infinite lives, and mobs don’t respawn.
What happens is, 4 other ppl’s time and nerves will be wasted in a most stupid and unnecessary way because someone couldn’t be kitten d to contribute. This is, foremost, complete lack of respect for other ppl, for their time and effort they put in. When ppl join a team with an “i play what i enjoy” attitude, i consider it to be the utter rudeness and arrogance. There are 4 other ppl with you, you should mind their time and they also, big surprise there, want to have fun.
Nice “bug fix”. Now she runs like a cyborg or some pumped up dude on his morning run and weapons stick out on the sides like i don’t know what. Looks kinda horrible if you ask me.
First they kitten with our toons running animation without asking anyone, without telling anyone, fixing what was just FINE and then playing their usual silence game, no comments, no nothing. full on IGNORE mode. Now idle animation are gone and they seem to be unable to fix it. What’s next. And then you look at how Blizzard handled the implementation of new character models and animation for them. There’s an actual option to turn them off and bring the old ones back. Guess who cares about their players. xP
What i remember, is that it worked just fine for me.
So my suggestion to Anet is go back to the standalone expansion pack model.
Look at gem price. 4000 gems will cost you 50$, 10 bucks short of expansion price. Now consider what you can buy with those 4k gems in gem store. Now just compare how much effort it takes to make those few outfits, armor sets etc. you can buy with 4k gems and how much effort it takes to make a decent expansion. That’s increasing profits by cutting expenses. I believe is to be the part of their business strategy and the reason we haven’t seen an expansion for 2 years now and prolly won’t see one for another ~year. Eventually they prolly will have to make one, just to try and restart the cycle.
Totally agreed, looks horrible, goofy. Should be either how caster’s currently hold staves or maybe some fancy kungkittenstance, partially behind or something like that.
What ANet Did: Chastises the playerbase and demands suggestions for possible changes. Despite the near-universal outrage across all forums of communication (FB, Twitter, in game, Forums here, etc.), the only response from ANet was, “We may consider changing it, but only if you stop ranting and start suggesting changes.”
Yeah, this is the best part, or rather worst. I went to that official feedback thread, saw this kind of attitude from that Gaile or something knight of theirs and thought, yea okay, let’s see where you’ll end up with that kind of attitude. It’s like they think they walk on water or something.
I agree on first 2 points, about aggro and cc, and disagree about dodge. Dodge isn’t the only mechanic available to mitigate incoming damage, it also connects with defensive/healing cooldowns point of yours in a way, that, i think, problem lies not in those cooldowns being too long and/or not having enough dodges, problem is that supportive playstyle currently totally outshined by nuke-it-all-asap playstyle. This answers to your first question, yes — PvE combat is too dps-centric.
- Does anyone else feel that combat is way too random, forcing the only solution of “just… do… more damage?”
Spot on. Exactly how it often feels. Good example are Aetherblade pirates trash packs in recent TA dungeons. DPS, CC and Confusion flies out of them in every direction like every second. You can’t outheal or outcc this stuff, but you can nuke this kitten asap.
(edited by wasted.6817)
I think, it have nothing to do with holy trinity. The flaws OP mentioned are examples of bad game design, GW2 have plenty of them. GW2 also have lots of examples of good game design, but apparently OP didn’t think they’re worth mentioning, because “it’s a well known fact blah blah blah”, because his biased pov looks more substantiated without them, in other words.
To employ the holy trinity concept to fix such flaws, or avoid them, would be to choose a lazy/dumb way and it’s not necessary will work (look at WoW and LFR, and Heroics there) . The right way would be to learn from your mistakes and make good game design. And i think that encounters in FotM (not all of course) show that AN is on the right track, more or less.
Agreed. Only, time to re-think it was probably a year+ ago.
guys, seriously. stop with these posts already. anet need to focus their development time on making ACTUAL content, not all this “enhancement” nonsense.
For real, that’s what was holding back AN from making an expansion. This motherkittening consumables tollbar. kittenmit AN, just drop it then!
100% agree with OP. I always was against ascended gear, but never was too worried about it, since somehow i thought AN wouldn’t go too far with it. That was before this ascended weapons bs came out. I’am still not worried, because it’s no use now, it’s already happened, they did go way too far with it, it’s an epic fail in my book, it is an utterly boring chore, as this whole game slowly becomes one sadly. Then will come armor etc. Bleh, just thinking of what you will need to go through with to make different sets of armor and weapons only for 1(!) of your lvl80 toons makes me sick, and i have 4. F. it. Mr. Colin can go and play this bs himself, no ty.
I was playing it for about 20 mins and tbh can’t hold it much longer. I think the map is just brilliant. The events, the whole idea to bring WvW mechanics there, the dynamics, the fights themselves (the one inside Indigo Cave is super fun), the Donate to our Cause thingy — such a neat idea. And in terms of visuals and audio the map is stunning. Landscape is beautiful and small, often hilarious, conversations all over the place at starting camp — top notch work, including voice acting. Man, i haven’t enjoyed this game so much since, probably, beta. I don’t know about story and all yet, but that map is just yeah baby!
PS. It also helps a great deal that i haven’t encountered zergs of 11323434 ppl yet, which is weird. Perhaps they lowered pop cap, or just people spread across the map so evenly now because of the mechanics.
Make a minimal number of votes required for map to be in voting pull. Right now one troll can kitten up 9 ppl, this is silly.
There are servers where people do Tequatl event on a daily basis, few kills a day. For now it solely depends on the community of each server if they kill Teq or not. But, yes, GW2 needs better tools for players to organize around such events, i.e. raid ui, overflow fix, LFG Tool incorporation.
There are a lot of “parts” in this problem.
1. The amount of particle effects on the screen is still too high even with Effect LOD on, players need more control over this, slider would be perfect.
2. Lots of bosses have small models, no distinct animations, effects on animations and graphic/sound effects on skills. Thus it’s often impossible to tell what is going on with all the clutter, the boss himself often is not visible at all, i.e. during priest of Melandru fight, all you can see is 123445657678 particles and sometimes a white silhouette of a priest appears for a second. How it should be done, one could see, for example, in Tera. Big mobs, distinct animations for skills plus graphic and sound effects for especially dangerous attacks.
3. And last, the particle effects scale with the mob’s model. The bigger the mob, the bigger the effects are. Like, instead of a normal fire blast on Sigil of Fire proc you will get a freaking napalm carpet bombing effect all over your screen, etc.
Yea i agree. Part of rev’s fun just died. FeelsBadMan.
PS. My same exact thoughts on thief’s abilities. Like, put cd on thief’s ports etc. it’s gonna be like, wait what?
I think OP just used the wrong word. It’s not like roles force anything on you, it’s just they promote teamwork, create favorable environment for socializing, makes it easier, gives you sort of a formal reasons to put people in friend list, invite them, talk to them, and in this process you can get to know them and eventually become friends. It’s just like in real life. OP most definitely have a point there.
I guess that old “new GW2 class: commando” joke wasn’t actually all joke. It’s horrible and trash and it surely doesn’t belong in GW. In Far Cry maybe, but not in GW.
Guild Wars is a land (zoo) of pink quaggan backpacks and purple haired rats, and horned cowcats running around. Brutal? Art? Ahem.
Nuke the Black Citadel, introduce capes shortly after?
AR had some amazing art work in it, but mechanic-wise MF was superior except for the 1st boss fight. MF had one of the best trash packs design I’ve ever seen in any MMO, distinct and interesting mechanics, none-zergable, you had to pull mobs, pick some of them and burn them down or CC, watch out for their abilities and your position. AR trash while tough didn’t really have any tactic to it, just dodge, survive and nuke, nuke, nuke, besides visually mobs were less distinct. And last boss fight, MF just hands down better in every way. AR still a decent dungeon, it’s just MF was the great one.
(edited by wasted.6817)
I like it. OP’s examples are something like what i had in mind when i dreamed thief spec to have staff and i thought that there’s no way they’re gonna do it, that they’re gonna go with boring obvious choice of rifle, but then, they did it! Cool, right? But then i saw the animations….
Well, new Tequatl is immune to crits, thus rendering precision and crit. damage useless, on top of that encounter requires quiet a lot of survivability from players, otherwise they will become just meat and a liability. But outside of this, 99% of PvE in GW2 is about dps, yep. WvW is differnt story though.
Well, OP might be right about no new dungeons. At least that’s what i gathered from interview for MMORPG.com. Plus that “map” from another interview is peculiar. Maybe Colin just misspoke, or do they really going into expansion with a single map in it? Lol, hard to believe, but who knows really, they’re very vague, as always, dodging every question as hard as they can. Business as usual.
As i suspected masteries gonna be an analogue to GW1’s faction/reputation PvE skills, where you needed to grind certain content of the game to get those skills, and then more grind to make them powerful enough for you to use em then in another content, some elite area. In GW1 it was, i.e., Lightbringer skills for DoA, or Norn skills for UW etc. Is it exciting or not, decide for yourself, i personally always thought it was boring crap back in GW1, but here it’s gonna depend on how it will be implemented, through what kind of content etc.
GW2’s PvE being boring is I think just from the mechanics of combat and not the repetitiveness. If combat itself is fun, you can spend 1000+ hours and never get bored, I had that in other games. In GW2 though, people may defend the action-oriented easy-accessible combat all they like, but I can’t even play GW2’s PvE for 1 hour without getting bored of killing every mob in exactly the same way.
This. Although repetitiveness is there as well, i agree with OP.
100% with OP, on this one. At this point me and my friend even have sort of inside joke about it, like: ok, everything seems to be normal, greatsword and sword are fugly, as usual, those huge, oversized korean e-pen extenders, nothing to see here, move along.
PS. Then, the lovestruck ones were actually decent skins, but yeah, the heart, it had to be there… Right.
I think he’s ugly and i think he looks nothing like Eir. Who she had to screw to get a guy like him out of her? A grawl?
It’s all good. At least now when S2 will start no one will care and there will be no ques. So, i don’t mind!
In short — i agree. Detailed version here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Play-GW2-the-way-you-want-to/first#post2996089
Cantha. Jade Sea. Alliance Battles. Running services. Skill hunting. Build and equipment manager. Team Arena. Drops from bosses. Deep. Jade Sea. Yes, i know, i said that already, but… Jade Sea.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: wasted.6817
WoW always had long closed betas and A LOT of footage from participants, including streams and utube videos. General exploration, questing, dungeons etc. So you could get a pretty good picture about what you’re paying for. With HoT it’s all words. What challenging content? World bosses? Dungeons? Raids? How many new zones? No facts, just words and Anet have a terrible record over past 3 years with those. Probably everyone remembers “big changes coming to WvW”. If anything, the fact that they seem to be so secretive about numbers and facts probably telling us that most of our current concerns most likely, unfortunately, are true. So, no thank you to the pre-purchase, i suggest we wait and see.
A very welcome change indeed. One can only hope that, maybe, some day we will get to choose districts like it was in GW1 and that AN will manage to merge EU and NA one day…