Level 41 guild hall here solo, do easy trek, bounty and any race, gl.
I would if they came up :P
The wiki states you can enter some other guild’s puzzle, and then rep your guild, but whenever I try it only shows instances for all of the guilds I have joined, not the one running the puzzle.
Have anet fixed this so you can no longer leech from another guild?
Or do you have to be a member of that other guild and then rep your guild when inside?
Have you tried changing your preference? Changing preference takes effect after mission reset.
Didnt know you could, done that now so hopefully I’ll get some I can do more often now.
If only someone told Anet about the lag issues in WvW 5 years ago! :O
End of the day the time and effort it takes to get a GM to look into things like this, it simply isnt worth it.
We had and still have people who siege troll, throwing trebs when comm places rams; or building a dozen rams in your own garrison.
At first anet claimed that they cannot control the way a player plays the game.
Eventually they did start monitoring a few players and suspended them for a short time. They then claimed you cannot play the way you want to play.
But as you can see this still goes on today.
First reply with full world name and gif of cat(s), we play on your world
Cos cat memes can tell you exactly what is wrong with WvW!
Disgusted by this post, you are just showing how much you care about WvW, ie very little! its more of a joke to you!
This is what the last 5 years of WvW forums has made me!
First reply with full world name and gif of cat(s), we play on your world
Cos cat memes can tell you exactly what is wrong with WvW!
Disgusted by this post, you are just showing how much you care about WvW, ie very little! its more of a joke to you!
Ele spec is all about more damage.
Where’s the love for my water ele?!
Been saying for years that the only thing anet can do is kick everyone off all servers, then CONTROL the number of players allowed back in.
Of course guilds and claim a set number of places so that guilds dont get separated, but also we dont want all the hardcore wvw guilds to be only in the top 3 servers either.
I think their response was:
We’ll release things for WvW when we want.
These may or may not be included with PoF
We will release things over time.
But as with HoT, if you dont buy the expansion and use the new specialisations, you will put yourself at a large disadvantage, therefore in order to compete you will have to buy it; not for the game, or the PvE or the PvP, but in order to just continue playing WvW, whether it ever gets new content or not!
(edited by DevilishLyx.2340)
So you’re saying it’s working as intended?
No I’m saying imagine if you have redo the heart quests on a map in order to fly near it, and then you have to redo ALL the heart quests in order to fly anywhere on the map.
But then imagine this being on an hour timer (WvW towers and camps can flip within 5-10 minutes minimum) and you having to redo all those all over again in order to glide.
You wouldnt accept that on a PvE map, so why a WvW map?
Get rid of territories, it’s annoying having to capture an area in order to glide in it.
And in instances where one owns red keep on EB and someone else owns Orgres, an invisible wall appears, like all those you added to PvE maps, to prevent people from red keep flying in.
And if you own both, the wall is disabled and you can fly in.
And dont say you cant code it, or it’s too complex, cos it isnt for a real dev!
Charging a catapult to max to get max damage is ridiculous.
This means you either have to build right next to the wall or judge the max distance to place the cata when at full charge!
Go back to the old simpler way!
PvE missions are locked, you need to buy those, my current missions are WvW ones, where you have to capture a camp or keep (3 member minimum) but still need to be level 4 to get the ability to claims things.
I have to level my guild to 4 to get unlock the pve missions.
Seriously Anet really buggered small guilds with HoT
I want to upgrade my guild hall slightly for my guild which is my guild bank.
But I am on my own.
What’s the best way to get favor on my own?
So when you bought HoT you got the core game free.
So if you buy PoF do you get HoT and the core game free?
Everything you always wanted to know about WvW Updates but were too afraid to ask!
What do I expect?
Nothing but silly useless QoL stuff.
No real content! No new map! No fixes!
So as always no real WvW updates or fixes, as usual.
But again, just before a DLC release, sorry expansion, they will release some QoL improvements to make it seem they are again going to work on WvW, to get us to buy the DLC, I mean expansion.
QoL improvements before a DLC release, TICK
We cant talk about it TICK
Soon™ TICK!
we release on our own cadence
As before, you cant release something you dont have!
(edited by DevilishLyx.2340)
So I have been playing an ele in WvW for 4 years now.
But seriously all the skill cast times are just way too slow!
Call a water field and by the time it actually gets casts, your commander has moved somewhere else and you are luck to get more than 1 blast, and because most people have moved away, it was a waste.
These staff skills are just too slow for use with a large group, and not as effective as other classes like the OP thief.
Please add an identical decay for participation in PvE events!
WvW is too hard for me! I cant get the POI’s for it to get world completion!
You removed that from the game Gaile so your adored PvE players didnt have to work for their title and achievement!
Does that even make sense? Or am I misunderstanding?
World Exploration without completely exploring the entire world?!
Changes to how the outnumbered bonus is acquired is coming in the next release.
This is gonna be fun to see.
Outnumbered is a simple thing, if there is a much larger enemy group than yours, then you are outnumbered. Pretty simple.
So how can you actually change that?
Not to mention for years now, servers have had queued BLs yet only have 40 people on tag. Yet the enemy seem to have 80 each! Yet you dont have the outnumbered buff when you are clearly so outnumbered 2-1 not against one enemy server, but both!
And when they split the map to flip all your stuff, that turns to 4 vs 1 !!!!!
So will be very interesting to see what you do here.
Doesn’t matter Anet doesn’t update anything in wvw anyways good suggestions or otherwise so who cares. Not to mention I have no idea why wvwers would object to an update to auto loot that would result in getting more loot. Especially when all wvwers complained about for years was no loot/rewards…. but whatever lol.
This is one of those suggestions, where if Anet just changed it so you got loot no matter what every wvw would say, “we like this” or “good job Anet more loot” but because I’m suggesting it, it’s an absolutely horrible idea, for some reason which nobody can figure out.
I mean at best it’s more loot, at worst it’s irrelevant, but you know keep up the good fight.
People object because it encourages people to lay dead on the ground instead of releasing and running back to the fight.
right….. so loot auto going into your inventory = you are encouraged to stay dead? Im not seeing the connection. Seems completely unrelated to me.
I can’t recall ever playing a game where, when you died (essentially when you failed in some way), you still automatically were given every bit of the loot you would have acquired if you stayed alive, contributed to the fight, got ressed by a comrade, or used other mechanics (like WP) to rejoin the battle. Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but shouldn’t death have a death penalty of some sort? It’s modest enough, with the mechanics in place, but should it be zero?
Yes, I do believe that such functionality would discourage active play. “I’m dead. I’ll just lie here and gather all my goodies while I go order a pizza. Doesn’t cost me a thing to be inactive — I’ll still get 100% of the loot either way.” Does that even make sense? Or am I misunderstanding the suggestion?
You cant recall a game where you still get loot after your died?
Yet here we have a game where you can stay alive and not get any loot!
Since launch WvW has ignored the work of support classes, especially healers!
My build is designed for healing, and because of that, I do low damage.
But my healing keeps my group’s high damage players alive to do that damage!
They get all the loot, I get scraps!
If that fair also?!
There is no ideal machine when they are still using an well outdated engine!
Using DX9 means that almost everyone’s GPU is not being used efficiently.
It also only uses the one core on your CPU.
So an ideal machine would be one from 10 years ago!
It’s not always the enemy commander’s fault.
It could be someone acting on their own.
The only thing you can do is make it so that only guild members of the guild holding the tower/keep can use the tactivators.
But this of course requires a member of the guild to be present to use it. Otherwise it’s useless.
You can report the players but we all now know how much Anet cares about players who do this.
And let’s not forget its free to play now, and yes you do first need to get to level 60 first, but the original GW2 game is pretty cheap now.
So you can spend months reporting the players, and there is a very small, minute chance one day a GM will ban them. Only for them to buy another copy of the game within minute to start the whole thing all over again!
Spies are now part of the game, nothing we or anet can do about it really.
If it bothers you that much, buy a second account, go to that enemy’s server and pull all their tactivators.
Still no where near what you get in PvE.
Some of us arent in it for the rewards though, but then there arent many good fights left, even in T1
That would be unfair to people with slower connections, and those who live further away from the main servers.
i.e. only germans and texans would get on seeing that the servers are in Germany and Texas
This just highlights the lack of thought that Anet put into WvW.
They ignored it for years, players left, server were either stuck at the bottom, or filled with bandwagoners.
Anet finally decide to do something, but do one of the worse things imaginable, link servers. Yes with linked servers WvW got a little more populated and busy. But as usual Anet did the thing which required the least amount of time, effort and resources to do.
Now anet have released a few changes, and this has not only brought a few older player back to see how it’s like, but attracted a tonne of greedy PvE players who want every skin etc.
So you have those 2 sets of players coming back, but then you have to also realise that on dual linked servers that’s gonna double the amount of players joining, and triple linked ones will triple the number of players.
And so now we have a problem with the shoddy population fix Anet tried to do, cos not it’s not just the top servers having problems, it’s all servers!
There isnt going to be a fix for this, we’ll have to settle with 1 hour+ queues until the greedy PvE players have gained enough ranks and gotten their skin, before going back to PvE.
All these problems could have been avoided IF Anet listened to us!
The only thing thieves are good in a zerg is stomping downed players and com focus.
Most groups dont like com focus.
And most thieves cant be bothered with the stomping, allowing those players to be ressed.
Thieves and roamers dont bring anything to a squad, so why should coms add them?
If you want to join a squad then play a class which will be of benefit to the squad.
Welcome to WvW, where they removed repairing armour costs, but then reduced gold rewards from ALL events by 50% as a result.
Rather pay repair costs and make a little more gold. And I do mean a little gold.
You can still makes more gold in 30 minutes of PvE than in a month of WvW
The marks seem to be badly implemented all around. I just don’t see the point.
Pretty simple really, new DLC, I mean expansion coming out probably this October.
In order to get WvW players to buy it, they need to trick WvW players into thinking that they are working on WvW. Hence these little bits of scraps to try to convince the gullable players to buy the DLC, I mean expansion.
(edited by DevilishLyx.2340)
Yeah and my kitten’s bigger than your kitten!
This isnt about my specific build, but all support characters.
It’s obvious support characters will get less tags than others. And as such less WXP and will have a lower rank compared to others, even though they have put in the same or more effort into the game.
So pip awards shouldnt be based on WvW rank.
You dont play my build
I have spent the last 3 years playing a water support ele!
This means very little loot for me, and only a few enemy players get tagged.
As such I get less WXP and so have a lower rank than I really should!
And now I am again being penalised for being a support character!
Yet again Anet is neglecting us support characters!
Wonder how many will try to create 4 free accounts and in-game mail them gold to level-craft until lvl 60. At that point they got their own reward squad.
But they would all need to be logged in at once, so 5 machines just to run a ‘squad’….
This is the same as last time, claiming to work on WvW, release some QoL changes, release some DLC, sorry expansion, gullible players buy the expansion, no WvW updates for 2 more years!
“improved LFG”
Cos finding 60+ people is really hard on a single map with a big dorito!
I am glad to know my QoL is now so much more improved!
Changes?! In Wvw?! Please stop spreading unfounded claims!
Cos when AN devs play, they play with the zerg, the zerg is condi cancer, so when these devs think about improving WvW on those rare occasions they do look at WvW, they improve it by improving the condi cancer.
Hence the term cancer.
Hello. I like desert border. Please, don’t delete it.
Out of all the comments asking AN to remove the Deserted BL, this is the comment they will listen to.
Well noone can deny this, but Anet did promise WvW would be the main priority after the release of HoT. So devs please tell us what you’ve done whilst WvW has been a “priority”!!!
Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed on the Guild Wars 2 forums. Please review the Forums Code of Conduct for posting guidelines.
Please dont spread “unfounded claims”!
As a sole WvW player how am I supposed to get Legendary gear?! I hear it’s PvE only.
As for making gold, you can make more gold in a day in PvE than you can in a month in WvW!
Oh and yes they removed the cost of upgrades, but reduced gold from participation events by 50%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we actually started getting less gold due to this “feature”! And people cheered!
You think people would cheer if your government said they will abolish all taxes but reduce all wages by 50%?! Well that’s what some of the WvW community metaphorically did!
The matchups are fair and balanced, please stop spreading “unfounded claims”!
They are all full and active, please stop spreading “unfounded claims”!
Game needs saving from Anet really.
Our policy is not to give a future-looking accounting of works in progress but to analzye, gather input from players (through a variety of means including frequent reading of the forums), develop, and release.
And as we’ve said You’re talking to the wrong players! We already know that EOTM was tested by mostly PvE players and streamers and their guilds! And even with DBL you got bad feedback from players, but you ignored it!
You need real information from a real WvW guild! I’ve sent you a PM a couple weeks ago, so it’s up to you to decide to read it and act upon it!
No cos the 64 bit client works