All the lore we got is that the revenant used to be a warrior, so we know where they come from technically.
1. Not all Revenants were Warriors before becoming Revenants. We know Rytlock was a Warrior but that doesn’t tell us anything in general.
2. We did get somewhat more lore than that:
(edited by Diovid.9506)
It’s supposed to be today…but I do not see any snow! Anyone know when it will begin? NEED TOYAPOCALYPSE!
It will probably hit when big patches always hit; 9 am pacific time (at the earliest). In other words, wait another hour and a half.
Edit: I think I saw that video. It was interesting but didn’t impress me with a need to add something like that to the game. However if people feel that this would be so useful, why not collaborate with wiki to add a codex like feature to the wiki or to add the information that would be in a codex to that site?
Because a lot of that information is not (explicitly) in the game. Many of it is vaguely alluded to or implied but nothing more. So such information would fall under ‘speculation’ and thus not be added to the wiki. At least not until Anet adds that information more explicitly, whether through a codex or through other means (a novel, a blog post, ambient dialogue or what have you).
The guild wars wiki have been supported ingame since 2007. I don’t think there is room nor need for a codex ingame.
If you’ve played a game with a codex (such as Mass Effect) then you’d know that the codex provides much more than the GW2 wiki currently provides.
Wooden Potatoes had a pretty expansive and well thought-out idea on how this could look:
She doesn’t really even have a core class (at least not one related to any of the core classes player characters have) considering she only fights in her golem. So I don’t really expect her to get an elite spec at all, or again at least not one that players can share.
Well Taimi is a Engineer class of the group which use modified weapons to fight enemies. For Taimi she uses her specially modified Golem to fight to compensate for her crippled leg.
Why would she be the profession called ‘Engineer’. She isn’t more of an engineer than other Asura are. All Asura have engineering capabilities. Many of them are golemancers. However, having engineering capabilities is not the same as being the engineer profession. The engineer profession is specifically the variety of engineers that use engineering as a primary means for combat and adventure. So far she hasn’t shown anything that indicates that she is that type of engineer (or any profession at all for that matter), beyond what all Asura do. Zojja for example is also a Golemancer. However her combat and adventure profession is ‘Elementalist’, not ‘Engineer’.
I love the lore, the story on the on the other hand… well… it’s passable.
It’s just a fun little story, probably written in some off-time of a dev. I enjoy them for what they are. I don’t see what the problem is.
I had trouble adjusting at first. Heck, when I heard about the first five skills being determined by weapon choice, I considered skipping GW2 — it sounded awful.
After playing with the system for a few weeks, I couldn’t imagine going back to GW1’s.
How did that work? How can determined weapon skills be better than letting you choose whatever skills you like?
GW1 was a balance nightmare. The amount of options made it so that a very large percentage of the skills was never used. Compared to the differences in usefulness between options in GW1 the differences in power between options in GW2 are nothing. People always say that GW1 was full of build diversity, but GW1 was even more prone to FotM builds than GW2 is.
And that was before the terrible introduction of PvE skills.
Title says it all. Especially for players like myself that own HOT, it should come free with the expansion at the very least and lock it out from free to play players.
Why should people that bought the base game before it went FTP and own the expansion still not have access to this feature thats locked behind senseless GRIND.
I think Anet stated at some point that it has to do with keeping it (somewhat) out of the hands of bots, since they are unlikely to get the associated mastery.
People will always feel they have too few skill slots, no matter how many you give them (as long as its less than the number of skill slots they can slot obviously). And frankly, people SHOULD always feel like they have too few skill slots, it means they have to make meaningful decisions.
What’s the point of such a change? With the current system, only an upgrade to a heavier armor class would be beneficial, making it utterly pointless for the current heavy classes.
Look/Feel is important to quite a number of players. For example, there are people who want to play a character with light/holy magic but without heavy armor (i.e. a priest-type class). Conversely, there are people who want to play a character with dark/death magic but with heavy armor (i.e. a dark knight / death knight-type class).
Personally, I like the idea in theory but I don’t think it could ever work in practice. Like CptAurellian said, it would be a reduction in defense for elite specs that go from heavy to medium or light and from medium to light. That could be compensated with stats of course but still. The concerns raised by Donari are a lot more difficult to deal with. The weapon types granted by elite specs already have a similar problem, but then it’s just one weapon, not your entire armor.
I would hope we don’t get an expansion ever again. Unless they can continue with the current release schedule on LS3 and on top of that release an expansion. Do not repeat the same mistake as HoT.
They have already announced that they have a significant part of their employees working on a second expansion since at least march.
For every race there are probably groups of people that like them and groups of people that dislike them.
Anet has talked about reintroducing tomes to the guardian but as kits rather than as their previous incarnations, I can see that working on an elite spec called ‘Monk’.
Polearms have been planned since before GW2’s release so it wouldn’t suprise me if they showed up at some point. See:
Big patches usually hit at 9 am pasific time / 6 pm central european time.
Elite specs are designed to be more powerful, so it will work better in an expansion or two when we have multiple choices, but base specs will always be underpowered when you want to be competitive or into hard content.
You do know that Anet has explicitly stated that elite specs were designed to be sidegrades and not upgrades right? The term ‘elite’ does not come from the fact that they were designed to be better than core specs but from the fact that they offer a new weapon type, new skins, new utility/healing/elite skills, that you can only have one at a time and so on in addition to traits.
Of course whether they intended it that way and they failed or whether their stated intentions were different from their real intentions is something we can only guess.
(edited by Diovid.9506)
Specifically this:
A revenant’s signature blindfold isn’t mandatory, either, as revenants don’t become blind as a natural result of their profession. Most of them only wear a blindfold as a tool to help them commune with the legends, who are able to perceive the world through their own senses.
General consensus is that Glint did in fact procreate via asexual means, though there is no confirmation on that.
I think the game is much better than it was at launch. However, I wish I could get the feeling back I had when playing during the betas and when the game had just launched. In other words, I don’t want the game to turn the clock back, I want myself to be able to play the game fresh.
Still don’t understand why they haven’t done anything with Cantha or Elona
If the leaks are correct the next expansion is in elona.
Crystal Desert =/= Elona.
-a transgendered character for diversity
We don’t need characters just for diversity. We need good written characters and if those characters happen to be transgender or gay or whatever then that is a nice bonus but that should not be the main focus.
Ok, so we know that Mordremoth’s weakness was through the dream. What about Zhaitan though? He was allergic to cannon sparklers?
Zhaitan was depended on his minions so we cut of his supply of minions as well as his access to magic (which was also provided by his minions). So maybe his reliance of minions was his weakness? That does go hand in hand with his necromancy-shtick.
Also, logically Primordus should be weak to ice right?
Water maybe, but ice? Not really.
So… are we going to end up having these two kill each other at the same time? Considering these two have both become active at the same time….
This has been speculated about for months, so you’re a bit late to the party.
I think that by now the voice work for epsiode 3 is already done so it would sooner affect episode 4 (if it affects anything).
Usually patches hit at 9 am pasific time / 6 pm central european time.
I think the story in the short-term (as in the current chapter being developed and probably the next chapter being developed) is set in stone. What is also set in stone is a longere term lore thread (i.e. they know what the next expansion is about, especially since it is already being developed at this time, and even they probably have rough ideas about the expansion after that). Aside from that it is a lot more fluid I’d imagine.
As for your specific questions: How Caithe is handled is probably set in stone for the next chapter and (roughly) for the one after that, but less so for further down the line since it is less directly tied to the overall arc.
About the Elder Dragons: The next ED and the one after that is set in stone, I have no doubt about that. Especially since, as I said above, they are already working on the next expansion (in fact, they have been working on it since at least march).
Maybe we captured a minion of the deep sea dragon already. The krait orb prevents risen from forming. Sylvary couldn’t become risen as well and they are revealed to be dragon minions.
Krait have been stated to have been driven away from the deeps by the DSD ergo they are not the DSD’s minions.
Also, there’s still no conclusive evidence that minions of one dragon can not be corrupted by another dragon. See Kudu’s Monster and Subject Alpha.
Being able to select 4 instead of 3 specializations will surely give the game a fresh new perspective, New builds, New possibilities
Limitations creates meaningful choices.
The asura are not natural geniuses. They were exposed to the technology and science since they were progeny. Any race that experience the same level of exposure and interest would be with par.
Not entirely true. The fact they have all this technology and science to begin with shows they are generally smarter than the other races of Tyria. All this advanced technology/scientific knowledge they expose their children to doesn’t just grow on trees.
I mean I could agree with this argument if it was for a certain percentage of their population. But if an entire race is this advanced and so far ahead of other races in technological and scientific fields, I’m pretty sure it’s because of more than just better education.
It’s not just the education system. It’s an entire culture that focuses on academic success. That, to me, explains enough without needing to resort to biological explanations. As in, if a Charr or a Human was raised in a similarly stimulating environment (which means both the education system and the culture) then they would, on average, be equally succesful I’d wager.
Anet has stated that he is dead both in-game and outside of the game.
The reason we don’t actually see him die is speculated to be related to unfinished content. There is evidence that after we shoot him down from the tower we were supposed to go done to the ground and finish it there, but because of time constraints this never made it in.
I daresay that the Pale Tree is indeed stronger, because she is better, and I forget who said it, but I believe new sylvari are being “born” once more. So in that sense, she’s stronger. However, after being so heavily damaged, it’s hard to say if that means anything at all.
As far as I’m aware, there’s no evidence that sylvari ever stopped being born.
Rognik might be refering to this line from one of Taimi’s blogs:
When Caithe was here, she said the call was gone, and she had even heard of new sylvari being born after Mordremoth’s death!
But I didn’t take that as meaning that sylvari stopped being born. Instead I take it to mean there were doubts if sylvari would continue to be born after Modremoth’s death and that those doubts turned out to be unfounded.
No. Come back in a year (or in january, when it will be announced).
Only because Orr and the Fire Islands are close doesnt mean Zhaitan would send his troops there.
Actually, the Movement of the World says the following:
Many of the corsairs who inhabited the island chain before the peninsula rose again were subsumed by the dragon’s power, twisted by its breath, and enslaved to its will. Ships with black sails, built from seized corsair vessels, sail along the Strait of Malchor, west of Orr. These vessels surround the Fire Islands, manned by undead minions of the dragon that fear neither fire nor sea.
Does anyone Know if there is place to find the complete collection of the games lore?
Wikidiving in the GW1 and GW2 wiki’s is your best bet. Here is a starting point:
Her interest in the Eternal Alchemy lead her to meeting Mordremoth (breaking the barrier the Pale Tree had erected that separated the Sylvari from his influence) which then scared the crap out of her to the point where she became indoctrinated. This was, for the most part, concluded in Season 2.
In a way she was fighting against Mordremoth but also helping him all the same. With her quest to stop him, she had to wake him up which then backfired as the player slays her (Season 1 finale) before she could go any further. She would have ended up just like Foalain though, or so I belief. The whole tragic-villain cliche.
That’s partially speculation though.
The more obvious explanation for her actions is that she woke Modremoth up not to stop him but to help him.
Are we ever going to see dragon bash come back?
I thought this was going to be a seasonal event.
Probably not. Many of the assests of dragonbash (as well as the related minigame – dragonball) were reused for Lunar New Year though.
Will it have new resources? Probably not.
Will it have at least one new pet? Probably not.
Will we we be able to swim and fight creatures in the ocean? Possibly but it won’t be a major component of the zone.
Since then we’ve had a joke of a jungle without lakes and rivers were frogs have to live in trees and don’t even know how to swim.
You do know that tree frogs exist in real life right?
Please discuss!!!
If want to properly discuss something try to it in a constructive way instead of coming across as being very negative.
Also, Primordius has been under the northern edge of Frostgorge Sound since the end of the last time the dragons rose (in GW1 he was right by the Central Transfer Chamber which was north and east of Yak’s Bend). My guess is he’s only moved because he’s chasing Lazarus and after that plotline is resolved he’ll move back there.
Anet has said that Primordus has been moving around since he woke up (i.e. he’s been moving for 200 years).
If another expansion comes out for a full price of $50 again that includes base game and HoT, I will quit.
After HoT, not interested in another cash grab from this game just to be relevant in PvP. Sell off Living Stories or something.
Then don’t play any other MMO’s. Pretty much every MMO out there is now doing this when a new expansion comes out, the core and the older expansions are bundled with it for the same price.
Please tell me which MMOs are doing this. Because atm this is the only one I’ve seen where this is the case.
WoW, for example. Well, not exactly in the same way but still.
I can’t see an expansion hitting before the second half of 2017 and then another one every 2-ish years after that.
(edited by Diovid.9506)
Warcraft began as RTS and then went MMO, wouldn’t it be great if Guild Wars, which started as MMO would get it’s own RTS Game?
Minor correction here but Guild Wars 1 was not an MMO nor was it ever called an MMO by Anet. It was an online multiplayer rpg yes, but it was not massive. In fact, Anet called it a CORPG i.e. a Competitive Online Role-Playing Game.
If we go for Primordus (and that is a big if, it may be a red herring after all) my guess is the Deldrimor Front and the Depths of Tyria.
If we go for both Primordus and Jormag in a Fire & Ice expansion (as some people are speculating) and if the second expansion is substantially bigger than HoT, I can see us going to both the areas I mentioned above and the Far Shiverpeaks.
The 18th of october is my guess.
- Missing and inconsistent utilities: Every profession is missing 1 healing skill, and 2 elite skills. Some utilities aren’t classified under families, or are classified in families that don’t make too much sense. The June 2015 update helped, a lot, but didn’t finish the job.
- Missing basic roles and weapon proficiencies: Some professions feel like they’re missing some weapons, weapons that wouldn’t make too much sense through specializations. Off-hand sword in ranger, main-hand pistol in mesmer, etc. Also, some professions need expanded basic roles, like additional ranged options, something the guardian really suffers from, or cleaving for the necromancer.
- Expanded profession mechanics: Enabling customization of profession mechanics at core could let elite specializations aim much higher. What if the necromancer had different shrouds to choose from? Customizable mesmer shatters or guardian virtues? Alternates to thief steal?
I completely disagree here. This is exactly what elite specs are there for.
But what if we went further, completely changing profession mechanics to adapt them to better models of elite specialization growth?
It’s no secret either, that some of the current core professions aren’t growth-friendly, specially the elementalist and the engineer. Making new stuff for them implies a larger amount of work, because of attunements and the tool belt. These two also take a lot of space in the mechanic bar, limiting the possibilities for the future.
This could pose a potential risk of quality for both professions in the future. For example, giving the elementalist a greatsword would require 20 new skills, instead of the normal 5 everyone else gets, lowering the chances of this happening. A revamp could take this into consideration, and make development of new content for professions be easier to develop by providing a better foundation.
Potential sacrifice of quality could be fixed by enabling weapon swap, or adding new weapon proficiencies.
And you think completely redesigning core professions in such a fundamental way is a good way to spent development resources and balancing efforts?
Also worth reading: New weapon types and future elite specs, where I explain why new weapon types are necessary to keep elite specializations fresh, or we’d be doomed to get “lame” new weapon proficiencies, like warrior staff, guardian pistols, etc, instead of new exciting stuff like warrior greataxe, or guardian spears.
And I disagree, at least for now. I’d say we still have a good 3 or possibly even more elite specs to go before this becomes a real problem. And we’re probably at the end of GW2’s lifecycle by then. Don’t get me wrong, there are weapon types I’d love seeing in the game but adding new weapon types takes a lot of resources in terms of combat animations and adding skins and one can wonder whether that is worth it. We might just get greataxes as a greatsword or hammer skin.
I think Mesmers/Chronomancers are the most powerful. I mean lets face it… Altering time, space, and reality itself is extremely powerful versus summoning the dead or using Elemental magic.
They’re not actually as powerful as some people are saying. Most mesmers only affect the perception of space and time, not space and time itself, at least according to a few off-hand remarks by devs.
From a human, Norn, Charr or Sylvari point of view there was no cataclysmic event. To the Asura who were displaced and all the other races/creatures once living deep underground, they might regard that time as cataclysmic.
Humans lost their capital city, Norn lost their homelands (and several spirits of the wild) and Charr had the brand. How are those not cataclysmic events?
Anet has said that while interspecies relationships happen and even interspecies intercourse happens, interspecies offspring is not a thing.
- why can’t you just travel from one end of Tyria to the other one then?
1. It costs money, possibly more than normal people are willing to spent.
2. All instances of large cargo or large groups are done via gate which gives the impression that waypoints are not suitable for that kind of usage.
3. NPCs do not just travel from anywhere to a waypoint, they only travel from one waypoint to another.
In other words, there are in-lore limitations to the usage of waypoints that do not hinder us as players.
- how much mass can you transport via the waypoint system?
Unknown but as I said, there seems to be a limit.
- why using gates at all, when you could transport a bigger mass through them, if techncially possible?
Explained above. There are limitations in mass and money.
- Asura gates function like a wormhole I would say. But how do waypoints work? Like a transporter in Star Trek, where you’re disassembled into your atoms and the transfered through the leyline to another waypoint and there you are reassembled?
- when the Asura only by accident mapped the ley lines of Tyria by placing the waypoints, how did they know at all about this kind of transportation? When living underground they, as far as I know, only had the gate system.
Asura are pretty good at trying out random things and then futher developing those things that work by accident.
1. In the Chantry of Secrets there is a Ley-line globe. This means that the Order of Whispers already knew where Mordremoth was long before he woke up. It also shows that they knew the significance of Ley-lines all along. Why has the Order been silent on this subject?
Because it’s not a globe showing ley-lines. Anet has said that it is a globe showing threats (or at least what the order perceives to be threats).
2. Demmi Bettlestone: In the order of whispers personal story you rescue Demmi from what we have been told is her father’s clutches. She says she has some juicy evidence against Caudicus. In the end she joins the Order of Whispers. This can go 2 ways, the first being that Demmi is a plant of the White Mantle into the order of whispers. The second is that she is what she said she was. What was the intel that Demmi had for the Order? If it was that Caudicus was the confessor of the White Mantle, why was nothing done to act on that information?
1. I think it’s just poor storytelling on Anet’s part. Since we are a high-ranking order member in the end, knowing who the master is and so on and since we went through the whole thing with Demmi, logic-wise we would know what she shared. However, since your order story stops being important the moment the Pact comes around, Anet just never went anywhere with that story.
2. I think the information would not be as obvious as Caudecus = Mantle, but more subtle, for example, giving more substance to the relationship the ministers have with bandits/centaurs or something of that nature.
Is the Order our friend? They never give us information. When someone brings something up, they chime in that they already knew that. This happens several times through the personal stories. They steal from the Priory. They have spies in both the other orders. It seems that they have some long game in play, but they are not sharing it with anyone, even though you might be a member of the Order of Whispers, it feels like it is very honorary. I get the feeling that we found out the Master of Whispers too easily. Is Riel even the Master of Whispers? The more questions I come up with, the less I trust the Order of Whispers.
Well.. Yes, the order is our friend. However, the order is clearly presented as an ‘the ends justify the means’-kind of organization. They manipulate nations, they inflitrate various organizations and the like, but they do all that with the goal of fighting the dragons and helping the races survive. They feel that the secrecy, keeping information to themselves, sneaking about and using others are necessary for that goal. You shouldn’t trust their means, but you can clearly trust their goals.