In Vino Veritas
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In Vino Veritas
My active guild member achievement has been stuck at 9,697 ever since progressing it became impossible. This wouldn’t be a problem except that it annoyingly occupies the almost completed section of the Achievement panel. I like to use this section to see what’s close to being completed but I basically have 2 slots now because of this. Is there something that can be done? I submitted a support ticket and they told me to post a bug report.
In Vino Veritas
This situation makes me both suspicious of the recent price drops and also very hungry now.
In Vino Veritas
So I was really happy to see that they are going to track down the Mistward weapons, but what people also asked and was ignored is what about the old PVP skins and such? Didn’t see any response on that which was strange since about two months ago, on Reddit, Colin commented on a post saying that he’d look into it but it’s been silent on that front sine then.
In Vino Veritas
This point is probably objectively inferior to the other more serious opinions that will be posted on here but while I’m glad that the PvPers got a different skyhammer now, it seriously hurt the custom daily maps since we can’t quickly tag and jump like before until skyhammer opens up and even then it can be easily trolled by someone capping skyhammer. Not important for actual PvP I know, I get it, y’all are going to say who cares about them but the reward tracks are wonderful things that tons of people enjoy and I don’t think any of the PvPers want this group of casuals who don’t actually PvP coming into their games now just to do PvP dailies. It used to be a really quick way to do my dailies if I didn’t have time to play. Skyhammer was great for quick daily maps so if we could have even a little hole to jump or such it’d be great as I don’t want to hurt the map for actual PvP play.
In Vino Veritas
Uh… while I can certainly see the logic of people wanting story more than legendaries, I feel like you should be pulling from the next expac team, not the entire legendary team. Also I wouldn’t recommend bringing up the “manifesto” in your argument as there are metric tons of salt about how we feel like the game got a lot more grindy than that document intended. Same “not as advertised” situation.
In Vino Veritas
Ah I forget about the experience issue! Definitely an area I’d like to see as well. Repeatable reward tracks seem like a nice idea for fixing useless exp, as well as maybe allowing core exp to go to HoT masteries after finishing core masteries since HoT masteries are growing in number.
In Vino Veritas
None are important to me … maybe important to you
Don’t try to speak for everyone
Well the skins one is certainly lower on some people’s lists, hence the no particular order, but as you might have read I am asking for people to give their questions, not saying that I have narrowed down 4 issues that everyone in the whole game agrees with. As far as build templates and the legendary armor issue with runes these are both prevalent concerns to my knowledge. Please share your issues as well.
In Vino Veritas
Since Anet reads over the forums I thought it’d be productive to address what people thought were important issues that never got addressed in the first AMA. If they do end up doing these more frequently (which would be a great idea), what do you want answered? In no particular order some questions I never saw responses for were:
1. Build Templates
2. Improving the Rune/Sigil System especially for legendary armor
3. Bringing back older skins like Fused/Zodiac
4. The poor supply of mystic coins
In Vino Veritas
A moment’s frustration should not be the basis for a game changing proposition.
Perhaps you misread my comment to say disable all NPCs as I fail to see the game changing nature of stopping the various npcs hogging space at the bank, or a bear shaman thinking I want to talk while using the MF.
In Vino Veritas
If “greeting” them just makes them say hello then please disable our ability to interact with them, or at least stop them from wandering. The kittening people wander through the MF, block the TP and the bank, and just seem to exist solely to annoy players without providing anything to the game. Please fix this Anet!
In Vino Veritas
Yes to all of the above! Also Gaile if you still look in this thread I think the gear people are wanting that was added to the Mordrem bloom merchant should come back. Give us an opportunity to transfer some currency to the blooms, whether it be an existing currency or whatever the next festival currency is!
In Vino Veritas
Gem Store. On one hand it gives stuff like shared slots and permanent tools and we all admit that they have to make money somehow and on the other hand their shared slots and tools are very highly priced and we get things like the godforsaken Bandit bundle and other cash grabs. It’s a never-ending debate that almost makes me wish there was a subscription.
In Vino Veritas
The toilet is in dire need of an update. It’s only been like what, 3 years? We still don’t have bulk forging. If Anet plays their game like they say that they do then this should have been fixed ages ago. Recipes that need entire stacks of lodestones lead to upgrading 250 times at the forge. That is just stupidly inefficient. Fix your toilet Anet.
In Vino Veritas
First off, will we see a push this year to fix less exciting legendaries/ improve skill effects when using legendaries? What about Charr tail effects for new armor/ legendary armor?
Secondly, will we ever get a bestiary with things like rotating models, short bio, stats/biological information?
In Vino Veritas
I’m not sure I like the color combination, but it looks quite good on a charr. I am also a fan of the eyepatch. 7/10
Haha yeah putting the game in high detail for the pic I feel somewhat the same. I usually play on low detail where the armor looks much more black so I understand. Also you guy looks cool!
In Vino Veritas
I’m personally not a fan of the abyss dyes since I think it takes away from the detail of the armor but I like the style of the thief and rev quite a bit. Also your characters could use a bit more diversity in their appearance, but I also like the armor pieces you use throughout them (scarf, scarlet gloves) and it’s your thing so just do you. 7/10
Here is my beloved Charr Warrior, short of a few fused weapons but I’m not made of money, maybe some day :P
In Vino Veritas
I haven’t been able to do the raids yet, but I’m aware that toughness is the stat that determines aggro for the boss. What I thought up earlier today is: What if two people hypothetically had the same toughness stat? Has anyone tested this? Does the boss just pick one and stick with him or her? Does he randomly switch or go for whoever is closest?
In Vino Veritas
Please feel free to post any constructive ideas for improving the drop rate of ore since the salt floweth heavy and bitter currently and it will become a mind-numbing grind among grinds after people start to exhaust any ore gained from personal story. This will become a huge problem once people start going after a second legendary or if the armor requires ingots (which I think isn’t the craziest guess in the world). Positive discussion is really our best shot at getting Anet in on the talk (besides overwhelming searing rage but we can’t always push the nuclear button : P). Maybe they can double the rate or incorporate the ore in upcoming LS rewards?
In Vino Veritas
We’ve had contested waypoints for three years now. Not only are they incredibly annoying, but now with Heart of Thorns they are exponentially worse. Every map has a meta, which sucks because there is only a short downtime before a number of the points become contested again and ruin map travel. Why Anet? It is so disruptive to game flow to try to respawn and seeing that every WP within half the map is contested.
In Vino Veritas
You know…. I was REALLY hoping that HoT was gonna stop doing these things. Like, I just wanted to have a fun time getting stuff like this. I wanted to spend some time really having to re-explore Tyria, and to challenge myself as I slowly EARN the pieces day by day for this. Nothing or at least next to nothing be bought. Even precursor tracks are feeling like this to a lesser extent. I didn’t want RNG-gated chest drops. I didn’t want to see TP prices skyrocketing beyond any chance of me ever dreaming of pursuing this. I didn’t want to be reminded of the ludicrous nature of uber wealth while I play an enjoyed video game. I just really wanted this to feel like Guild Wars 2 2.0
This feels like Guild Wars 2 … Again.
In Vino Veritas
Now I know Anet must love alt accounts because we get side income through laurels and they get more games sold. Everyone wins. While I do not possess sales statistics, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that existing players wishing to make more gold are a significant chunk of buyers during the sales they regularly have for the game.
This concerns me because, as a player with two alt accounts, I expect that the upcoming map reward changes will cause a permanent decrease in T6 mat prices. If alt accounts lose the ability to generate good gold, Anet loses the interest of existing players and that means decreased sales. So here appears my question: What is the purpose of an alt account post HoT launch? Can it be guessed that new opportunities to make gold will arise to keep players interested in buying Alts during sales or as a casual player will I just have to accept taking a hit to my wallet and having to spend laurels on non-lucrative items?
TL;DR What is a good reason to have Alts after T6 prices plummet
In Vino Veritas
Good work so far Irenio! Any word on the status of Juggernaut animations with the Engineer skills?
In Vino Veritas
Danny Plantom, the Sylvari Revenant
In Vino Veritas
Wasn’t there talk at one point about how we thought one of the Rev starting headpieces would be a hood? I was really excited for that and was disappointed that we only get three headbands with minimal difference between the three. Will there be heavy hoods in HoT? Because that would be great!
In Vino Veritas
Enjoying the Reaper for sure, but just wanted to say that I got a progress blip for “Hammer Kills” in RS due to the scythe modeling and animations probably coming from the hammer models you use. If this isn’t on purpose, so that the kills count for the weapon I’m holding, then just wanted to mention it!
In Vino Veritas
I wouldn’t miss them as much if the NPCs in story missions were actually competent at fighting enemies. The combat system in GW2 requires much more mobility but NPCs typically run up and attack and die very quickly. In GW1 I could count on heroes and henchmen to not be swinging wet noodles.
In Vino Veritas
Gaile, if you get a chance can you ask these Devs you mentioned if we may get a completely different event in the future that offers the blooms as well? Because I think a lot of people felt dismayed and jaded when looking at the rewards from the vendor and knowing there was no probable way to obtain more than just one rare thing or multiple of the smaller ones.
In Vino Veritas
I rarely come here to post or reply but I just want the devs to know how important it is for us players to not be punished in any way by having a disconnect in the middle of a play session, more importantly if we are going to lose any progress we have made in a said event. If there was a way to “save” that progress for a few minutes so we have the time to log back in, it would be great, and yes I know we can do the next event in 30 minutes but for some 30 min are alot and dont have time for more.
We completely agree with you. The team will be working on a way to address this. I don’t know if progress would be saved, that’s a question for a designer or programmer. However, at the least, we don’t want someone to lose their rewards!
Could you clarify as im now confused – you said previously that nothing could now ben done to improve the event – but you say Dev’s are working on improvements? does this mean the event will come back soon?
I’m sorry if my answer wasn’t clear. The devs are looking into a way to prevent people from losing rewards when they disconnect in the middle of an event. It is not possible to make changes to this event, but the information gained through player reports will help us address problems in the game and prevent them in the future.
So by “this event” do you mean, after this one ends, problems could be fixed and we could be seeing the new and improved version released maybe a few days later? Or is this just a sorry this was a screw up and you won’t have a chance to get these rewards? Because I really want those skins and I’m totally cool with waiting a few days after the weekend ends so that I can properly obtain my scarlet and toxic skins.
In Vino Veritas
Are they inside Invisible Bags/Safe Boxes? If so, items inside of those kinds of bags will hide their contents from vendors, the TP, and also won’t auto-deposit materials.
You know that may just be it thanks I didn’t even think about it!
In Vino Veritas
Thematically players tend to stick to certain armor sets and styles for their professions but I feel like there’s no defined armor pieces that really stand out for what your profession is. My revenant and guardian can look exactly the same, as can my necromancer and my ele. This is just a little off-putting to me as I think classes should have some uniqueness to their styles beyond just choosing to look differently.
They do, only it’s not in what they wear but rather the style and color of their animations. Personally, I really like it this way, since it gives me a lot of freedom in designing my character’s looks while still making it easy to see what the people fighting around (or against) me can do.
I’m not gonna say we should have tons of profession-specific stuff cause I do enjoy the customization in this game but armor that is specifically designed for the elite spec and can only be obtained by playing the elite spec should be bound to the elite spec. Same as I don’t want humans to get asuran cultural armor or norns to get charr cultural. (I actually wouldn’t wish charrmor on anyone to be honest).
In Vino Veritas
the skin can only be goten by completing what i assume is a mastery track bound to each specialization, but once unlocked it will be like any other skin and free to use on all characters through the wardrobe system.
So no worries , your warrior will be able to use the chronomancer shield.
See that is actually what my worry is
Thematically players tend to stick to certain armor sets and styles for their professions but I feel like there’s no defined armor pieces that really stand out for what your profession is. My revenant and guardian can look exactly the same, as can my necromancer and my ele. This is just a little off-putting to me as I think classes should have some uniqueness to their styles beyond just choosing to look differently.
In Vino Veritas
Has anyone seen anywhere if it has been stated that for example only a chronomancer can use their elite spec skins? Like a warrior cannot use the chrono shield skin and even a regular mesmer cannot use the shoulder skin. Never saw this brought up or mentioned so I wanted to know.
In Vino Veritas
As the title suggests I want a big combined thread for us to voice the little things that bug us but get ignored because they’re not HoT. Please voice your concerns, you might find what bugs you also bugs a lot of people. I made this because the new MF is annoying me since there are random NPCs standing all around in it that I accidentally talk to all the time and Miyani has to be sure every single time I buy stones or crystals that I actually want to buy them. Not the first time. Every single time.
In Vino Veritas
I see no harm for the sellers or the buyers here but I think the legitimate beef here is for players who are kicked to make room for buyers without being given any cut of the profits which is why I say people should just be wary pugging these things, especially if your group has a guild in it.
In Vino Veritas
Any word recently that people have heard/ are people planning on asking them at Gamescom about the status of the Map Reward overhaul? Because I’m really pumped for the thought of silver doubloons being not ludicrously challenging to obtain. Or the idea of actually getting my first giant’s eye.
In Vino Veritas
So are we physically incapable of seeing the option of locking the MF and not regular drops? Because I got real tired of seeing people complain that they couldn’t keep their 12 MF precursors they got but I was mad because this overtook the ACTUAL issue of people not being able to keep drops this weekend from Teq/TT/dungeons/fractals etc. Why is everyone either saying we should have kept our MF precursors or bashing everyone and saying it makes sense to not be rewarded for playing a beta that is taking place in the regular game with everyone else not on a separate client. There is a clear middle ground here people come on.
In Vino Veritas
If they had a system for contacting devs/employees directly, can you imagine the kind of abuse that’d get? Or the thousands of messages they’d get asking the same question over and over, each person thinking that they’re asking a question that hasn’t been asked before?
With an in-person event it’s not so bad because it’s one-on-one, and there’s a time limit. It’s quite different from leaving yourself open to messages all of the time.
I’m kind of wondering just what kind of “private questions” can’t be asked in front of the community though.
Haha nothing bad or anything of that sort but unfortunately this was the answer I expected
In Vino Veritas
With Anet going overseas to talk to players at Gamescon, I’m quite jealous that some of the players there will have an opportunity to have one on one chats with Anet devs at a booth. One thing I’ve wondered for a while now is if there is a way here on the site that we can ask a question to a dev or employee without posting it for the entire community to see? Submitting a ticket seems like an abuse of the system since they have actual problems to fix in that but going to Germany is not in the budget : /
In Vino Veritas
My Asuran thief planning ahead
(Unseen but also have scientific daggers which I can currently wield)
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This losing item paranoia isn’t even surprising. Getting precursors are a task in itself already maddening. Killed that random trash mob over there? Better go loot it because at any given time you could find a pre, probably not, but you never know. It’s insanity for people and to know we have even the possibility of getting what we’ve all hoped against hope to get for years but most never have and then suddenly lose it is worth consideration before we leap into the beta.
In Vino Veritas
So I’m aware that the devs are currently looking over the aftermath of the boss buffs, especially for Teq and TT, and it seems like a fine time for them to look over the rewards system for specifically these two while they’re already focused on them.
I’ve supported the concept of a token system for these bosses ever since I first heard the idea being discussed on the forums. With the ascended changes more people are looking for avenues to get ascended gear and Teq and TT can hardly be thought of as worth our time in doing so. Player morale is low for these drops because RNGesus is laughing at our efforts to obtain them. Either by a token system or a consistent increase in drop chance that resets after obtaining a hoard, players should be rewarded for their efforts, not necessarily after the 2nd or 3rd kill but certainly after the 10th or 20th attempt. Even if 10 attempts gave a reasonable chance of getting a drop, that’d still be a long time before a player obtained everything, and would feel more rewarding than, you know, a spoon (No offense to my spoon fans out there).
HoT is taking up everyone’s attention right meow but while Teq and TT are on the discussion table can we maybe get this fixed?
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I think we should get Cantha because the way the humans are currently now one homogeneous blob of Krytan culture with no diversity whatsoever is honestly way more offensive than adding an incredibly diverse region that long-time players love.
In Vino Veritas
So looking ahead at what comes next after Mordy bites the dust always gets me pumped. Where do you think they will go after we leave the jungle? Having a singular campaign for each dragon would take a long long time and people have speculated that they’d combine two dragon fights in one expansion. I think Primordius and Jormag make sense thematically to smash together if they start to fight each other but what do y’all think could happen?
Could we be fighting one dragon when all of a sudden Bubbles decides to join the party? Could we fight Kralk in Elona? I’m really curious what the future holds.
In Vino Veritas
So with HoT we’re gonna get a lot of new armor skins (which is great!) and I’m just gonna ignore the possibility of shiny Legendary Armor and focus more on casually obtainable armor they will add.
Has anyone heard of any new possible armor sets/skins they will add to reaffirm that they will add quality armor to the game? Or will they be good, but not slightly as appealing as the future outfits they’ll add to the gemstore? Because it’s frustrating yet easy to think that they’ll add cool armor sets, but the outfits behind paywalls will be even cooler as a way to keep generating revenue.
I’m being optimistic we’ll get enough new armor to keep us happy campers but I’m just worried what we get barring Legendary Armors wont be as cool as the outfits which most of us get mad at because they are a big slap in the face to customizing characters.
In Vino Veritas
So I got one of the new account bound conduits and it’s great and all but I can’t press F to accelerate the combining animation. If I were to use this for karma conversion or something this would significantly increase the time spent. I haven’t tried the actual Mystic Forge yet, do people know if that still works? Or did they remove it completely and why?
In Vino Veritas
So I was having an alt run the Pirate’s JP in LA again cause I got booted out because of the new fancy cinematic we have to see and I noticed my fiery dragon sword provided no light to help with the dark bit. Is this a bug? Because I liked how it was like an extra torch before and I mean it’s on fire so….
In Vino Veritas
Ok so now that we’ve all settled down from our fun discussions from earlier I had a thought about some of the precursors who have unique skins, like The Hunter and Rodgort’s Flame. Now The Hunter is a great skin in it’s own right but with HoT the precursors will all be changed to looking somewhat like the legendary weapons. Can we expect new exotic weapons sharing the skins of the old unique precursors so we can still get the lovely rifle skin at a much more reasonable price?
In Vino Veritas
What give u the notion that they even care what the player think? Not to be rude but most company just made business decision based on what “they” think the customer want or will want. From the mmo industry i’d say i’ve still yet to see 1 that actively incorporate what the player wants into the game. Even market leader like WoW have been diluting content and making it more and more casual despite player raging since burning crusade, even now some even stand by the vanilla WoW as the better version.
Haha, maybe it’s just my optimism or because our main interaction with their employees is with Gaile on here who’s always friendly so I have that opinion of them overall I guess. I just think public debate belongs with us, the public, while polling is the best player-developer interaction.
In Vino Veritas
Looking at the cacophony of voices on this forum (Mine included), I can’t help but wonder if a forum is the best way to gauge community response to changes.
GW2 has a reputation for a genial player base, but as content slowed we got bored and people vented their frustrations on the forums here (a medium already not known for being a bastion of human compassion and understanding).
While the GW2 forums are already a much more civilized area than most internet forums, I think we can do better. Anet should consider in-game polls to see the response to big announcements/content updates. Polling data is incredibly useful for companies and could be easily accessible to all active players by appearing in-game. Incentives don’t seem necessary, but you could even give a mystic coin or something if it proves to help polling numbers.
This would help Anet categorize the biggest issues the community faces while allowing us to collective voice our opinions without bickering among ourselves or bashing each other’s ideas as being “lazy” or “apologist” or “complaining”.
Of course, the forums will still exist for all this public debate and Anet could even have a yearly poll to see what issues people want to see be pushed forward that may have been forgotten. Who thinks this would improve the situation or does this seem unnecessary?
TL;DR Switch to in-game polling for a unified player response to changes
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