Guild Wars Vet since 05
multi-class all game modes
I have mained an engi for 5 yrs, but as a multiclass player i have never found any reason to play a healing engi in any game mode, whether pve raids or fractals or pvp or wvw, obviously anything goes in open world pve so its fine to use their, other than that its just subpar even with the best gear possible, its like your gimping yourself for playing it, and i have tried every possible engi build out there.
Auto attack was ok, skill 2 was crap, skill 3 was ok but could be better. Imo if sword skills dont get the attention it deserves before pof drops, no one will use it other than the heat gaining mechanic, kinda sad. I play all game modes and i would personally only use sword in open world pve as it is now.
My dude OP this should be in the warrior forum section. Secondly, your getting the scrapper treatment this expac live with it. That’s why condi ps/berzerker got buffed cuz spellbreaker isn’t meant for raids/fotm most people knew about this and knows that not every new specialization is gonna be top tier pve dps specs, if that was the case no1 would use olders specs anymore. The faster you understand this the better you will be as a player.
Idk how to killthem any faster using full glass zerk ascended tempest with the best food and barely hit 50 but did not get achievement. Got rekt by the next wave of mobs.
Welp i got to 50 finally and i did not get it RIP wasted so much time, feelsdepressedman.
I must have spent 5 hrs on different classes to try and do this achievement and its seems impossible on my full glass characters.
While we’re at it, can we exchange 5 stats/9 agony resistance infusions for different stats?
The same with the wvw infusions, I have a bunch of toughness wvw infusions from when you could only put defensive/offensive infusions in certain pieces of gear that I’d like to exchange.
The first thing you mentioned it is the change that ive been asking for, +7s is just an example it should work with the other + stats as well whether it be +5 or +12.
About the wvw infusions, i have that problem too and support will replace it if its within 2 months but not longer than that, also to add, wvw infusions are very cheap compared to stat agony infusions which is understandable if they dont add it on the list, but if they could make that change as well id be really happy because i have about a dozen of those wvw infusions on wrong stats.
This is on the short list of QoL that I would like to add. I’ll have to find some time to do this change. It’s not terribly difficult, it just involves a lot of recipes and testing.
Oh thank you, i did not think this would ever happen since ive been waiting for a year but i am glad that it has been added to future QoL changes. Can’t wait.
i’m quite surprised this is still not a thing
i get ghostly infusions not changeable since it can drop from a raid boss (gors) or bought through magnetite shards, and you can also sell it in the trading post, but fractal stat infusions are account bound WTF.
I doubt this has never been brought up to the QOL team before, what’s really surprising is that there has been no word from the devs about this topic at all.
In July 2016, Anet revamped fractal agony infusions when they added INFUZ-5959, with that the old recipes for crafting stat agony infusions through the mystic forge have been deleted and a new uniform way of acquiring them was put to place through the addition of the new fractal vendor.
Any + 7 stat agony infusion whether its power/precision/condition damage/toughness/vitality/healing it all costs the same
[(3)+7 Agony Infusion + (10) Integrated Fractal Matrix]
and this work the same way with the +9’s and the rest.
Its been a year since this change was made, and yet there have been no signs of change to improve the fractal vendor. In the past I acquired a couple of +7 stat infusions, and due the change in meta builds~from balance patches, old builds get replaced which does keep the game healthy but the gold you spent on the stat infusions never go back.
You can’t sell the agony stat infusions in the trading post, and you can’t replace them either, so basically they just rot in your bank, useless, or you can plain out delete them.
Support does not help here either unless the item was acquired within 2 months of the support ticket or so(this rule is so triggering), its not like your getting rich from doing this or breaking the market balance, all your doing is making a worthless item that you used your own gold to acquire through the normal gaming process and make them useful again. Its account bound for g**’s sake.
So rant over my suggestion is either allowing players to be able to trade + stat agony infusions for raw materials used to acquire them in the first place aka getting back
[(3)+7 Agony Infusion + (10) Integrated Fractal Matrix] for the +7 stat agony infusions, or adding a new tab with INFUZ-5959 that allows the player to trade there +stat agony infusions to other stats that they prefer. This would lessen support tickets regarding a mistake of clicking the wrong stat infusion for newly acquired infusions and finally address the problem i have which i am sure i am not the only player having issues with.
TLDR allow us to change fractal stat infusions through the vendor or get our mats back.
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Phineas Poe, the hero we engi’s need but not what we deserve.
Fionne will be proud. Kek
I want this change as well. I like all the skill combos and rotations that the different builds engis are capable of, but personally I find mortar 1 useless in any game mode.
I’ve tried comboing it with all the different combo fields the engi has but still feel the lackluster of the skill. It really should be changed to an auto attack like op said similar to necro staff skills. I don’t see it being game breaking but rather it might find more uses. I don’t mind if it misses the target who is moving at max distance, bcuz even the way it is now their is hardly any use for it and will only ever hit an enemy that is not moving at range, or an enemy at melee range where it’s harder to dodge it’s aoe hit.
Overall I feel this is a quality of life change for the mortar kit.
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ANet is listening to their players. The players voted for duo queue only. It isn’t ANets fault players voted how they voted.
Anet is not really listening. Players demanded a solo queue. So anet made a poll. But solo queue was not even an option in the poll – it was duo queue or nothing.
I think duo queue produces one sited matches just as it was before with premade teams. When player with very different skill level queue together a system based on individual MMR just fails.
Next poll was about locking classes. Player said no. But there is no reason why the match maker still creates teams with stacked classes. Even if player have the freedom to switch to any class a matchmaker should not create class stacks as starting team composition.
agreed, the poll before s6 was useless imo people still switch before match starts so having a fast cpu you can still wait the last few seconds while queued with a friend in teamspeak and go on a class that gives you the better matchup, seconds before match starts.
If there was a legit solo q like the first 2 years of the game, i would definitely vote for it, and probably be playing alot more pvp than i am now. Biggest problem i see is low pvp population, can’t fix that when anet is doing more ways to drive people away from the game.
One thing that will always be alive even with the low pvp population though is soloq.
It would stop people from blaming duoq/teamq as the reason they lost a match, harder to use match manipulation, people can focus on getting better with their class, the matchups, and focus their attention on the map, and their map rotation.
also…obviously lower queue time.
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I would never queue for pvp without duo.
1) dealing with pug RNG is asinine.
2) the social experience makes pvp more enjoyable. Solo just feels like a grind.ranked is for personal rank, any form of “team” q in ranked mask truly personal rank behind the “team”
i agree, although NA is way less competitive than EU, it would be nice to see which esports tryhard would be top on a full soloq ranked season. Instead of the top 2 queuing together and facing nubs.
1. you really should use paragraphs, its hard to read through that wall of text.
2. i made a post about this during s5, devs did not even reply about it.
3. solo q – rating suicide (if you care about rating)
4. personally i hate having an uneven playing field, when people have advantages they use it. Ofcourse any game mode will have people trying to beat the system(i.e. queue dodging, offpeak hours queueing, and match manipulation).
i have played every pvp season, some more than others, but between the nerf in overall rewards in pvp and my burnout from season 5, and still no soloQ after 6 pvp seasons, i’m barely playing any ranked pvp(wtf no Greater call of the mists buff)….i just have no reason to go hard and i bet alot of other people are on the same boat.
Its one thing to enjoy a game mode, its another when you get more frustrated than enjoying it as you try to compete while having a disadvantage. Imo anet has to give me more reason to care for their next pvp league other than “hey look i’m at top 250, cool beans”.
In simple terms, i bought an infusion with the gold/laurel/badges of my account ~ its my money and i feel i should be able to change it whenever i want.
totes, i just hate wasted unused infusions in my bank, and bugging support devs about it is a pain in the butt.
I agree that it doesn’t make sense that you can change stat of armors and weapons but not stat Infusions.
Simply put I have alot of unused fractal and wvw infusions due to skill balance patches changing my builds.
Why there is no easy way to convert my Infusions to a different Stat has bothered me for the longest time.
Wvw infusions cost 5 laurels and 125 wvw badges afaik, and if you don’t login everyday and or play wvw alot this can be an issue. Since all wvw infusions cost the same, players should be able to convert their stats with an npc easily, less waste in my bank, and less hassle to the support team.
Fractal Infusions, even the ones with +5stats have also been changed and now cost the same whichever Stat you choose, the only problem is, make sure you pick the right Stat because you can’t replace it, which is s2pid Imo.
Please anet make this long overdue change, ty.
There was a meta for dungeons before Hot lol? I was doing them on a daily basis on lfg and never noticed a meta for ez mode dungeons, as long as people were full Zerk geared everything went smoothly.
I remember there was the 4 war 1 mes grps for cof p1 farming back in the 1st yr of the game but after that it did not matter as long as everyone is geared and not newbs.
Well engi’s has been the black sheep for years, before HoT they were in league with rangers and necros in tier of uselessness for PvE, the other 2 got a lot of love with the expansion, the engis did not(and so did thief’s).
Although i play all classes, It is sad it took them this long to buff my main class.
so today’s patch (Feb 22,2017) fixed PvP gear….
Ardent Glorious armor can now be used in the Mystic Forge.
Ascended PvP rings can now be attuned.
but the new backpiece from Lake Doric is still broken, I just tried to MF it to see if they fixed this even though i did not see it in the patch notes, but nope its still broken folks.
Have a Good Day.
Pinpoint Distribution: This trait no longer grants condition damage based on precision. This trait will now instead grant up to 150 condition damage to nearby allies.
A couple of months ago, I made a post hoping that engi’s get a party wide unique buff same as empower allies for warriors, and spotter for rangers, etc…and look we did it bois!!!
Obviously not everyone is happy about it, even my post back then had some people saying its worthless overall, i disagree then, i disagree now. This is a start, this small change does not make engi’s meta for pve content, but its a good change and hopefully more to come.
Their will always be people hating on this change; personally i just play through the buffs and the nerfs of every class, and give my opinions in the forums later.
its been a week since patch hit im quite surprised anet has not fixed this yet much less address it.
As the title says, i bought the white mantle scroll ascended backpiece from lake doric and want to infuse it so that i can add another infusion slot, but it wont appear in the mystic forge. Is this a bug? i hope so.
Kinda like when the pvp ascended gear came out with no infusion slots, now the new backpiece cant be infused, come on!
Just read a reddit post aboutthis earlier today, its good that someone mentioned itthere since more people use reddit, and i am just too lazy to copy paste my post there, maybe we will get this fixed next patch.
These 2 achievements i have still not done either, so easy to fail the event with white mantle stealing supplies, i have never seen the skritt steal since saidra has never failed in the 3 days ive been farming events in this map, and the bandit ghosts is almost always bugged and doesnt pop during nightime, only seen it once, and there were too few and unaware people in the map,the 2 times i had a squad ready for it the event was bugged and did not start, GG, pls fix.
In one of the letters for the achievement “Master of Puppets”, it was mentioned by Commander Serpentine Big Nose Pete kept getting caught and brought to jail. Correct me if I am wrong, isn’t the thugs name Big Nose Ted, not Pete.
Anyone know location been running endlessly and cant find it. Thx.
You cant win them all. For season 5 the 3-5 man team queues got shafted and soloq has been dead for 2 yrs now, but those types of people have been ok thus far, a little change keeps the game alive and give solo queuers and bringing back team q in ranked should have there fun and atleast given a shot next season, after the season if it doesnt work out for majority of the population you can always revert back. But you have to give it a shot, some people have been left out for years and needs to have their time to shine.
So ive had this idea since before S5 started (when solo/duoq) was announced), and after playing over 100 games yeah i know im a casual…..anyway
Remember the days where there was a soloq and teamq, yeh good times…
What if during a PvP season, there is NO unranked queues and instead you have SoloQ for 1st and TeamQ for the 2nd. PvP population may have increased but i am sure its still not that great, and dividing players in ranked and unranked only makes the population size smaller. Yes i know some will get kittened about it but if people really want to practice there rotations there is hot joins for that.
My point is some people want to TeamQ in ranked but cant and felt left out, others almost always have no friends online to pvp with and SoloQ 90% of their matches like myself, obviously being in a team and in coms helps wins games, DuoQ though not always, still has significant advantages over SoloQ… tier PvPers in NA and EU almost never soloq as it is considered rating suicide aka ripmypips.
Casuals like myself who play dozens and hundreds of games every season from S1 to now for the fun of it and maybe some rewards here and there, dont ever dream of becoming top but obviously try to improve our game every season just want soloq back atleast during PvP seasons.
In between seasons you can bring back unranked and ranked queues and introduce new PvP maps in unranked to give casuals a reason to pvp, while ranked stays for people trying to play competitive in between seasons(obv solo and teamq on same queue).
TL’DR: during PvP season (NO unranked qs) the 2 queues are Solo ranked q and Team ranked q. Off season: the 2 queues are unranked(new pvp maps)and ranked(solo/team mix)
Ideas? Comments?
I was a Bns founder as well and played it for 5 months before hating myself so much to Uninstall that game. The combat is the only thing going on with that game, and pvp wasn’t even balanced. Summoner OP in every game mode, and the optimization was so bad and the lag was never fixed, tons and tons of bots and gold spamming in chat, top it of with the gemstore instigating p2win….made my come back to gw2 so worth it.
Every episode shows a new map which is the intention of the devs, going back to hoelbrak is obviously a given, 2nd part of ember bay id say highly unlikely, maybe a 2nd map in ring of fire, but i’m sure gone are the days that we get tidbits of a map per patch like they did to dry top.
Unless proven wrong i would stick with 8 episodes per season. This isn’t game of thrones where the end is getting shorter and thus less episodes. With the personal story being 8(though technically its content was about 2x as big as HoT or LWs2 content), LWs2 being 8, HoT being more, but content is about comparable to LWs2, would make sense to have8 episodes in LWs3(living world season 3)
I have no reason to think amnoon oasis is the next map, not saying it won’t happen, just saying that it’s less likely than Isle of Janthir which has a real reason for venturing.
No mention of kralkatorrik being active, other than the leaked/possibly fake blurry screenshot that was circling in reddit a few weeks back. No personal or living story heroes, past and present are said to be stationed there either.
I still think isle of janthir has a stronger case to be the next map, nice speculation though.
So the first episode of LW season 3 we went to Bloodstone Fen, at the end Taimi told us that Primordus is active…
We then headed to Ember Bay on the 2nd episode and clashed with Primordus’ forces, but no sight of the Elder dragon. Lets not forget Taimi mentioning that Jormag is also active, according to Braham, before we went to the new map.
Now with the 3rd episode, just as before bits of clues teased us to the next episode. We explored a new map and engaged Jormag’s forces and found braham at the end of it. And as before, no sign of the Elder Dragon.
Now during the conversation wih Rox, she mentioned Canach was on the trail of the Minister aka Confessor Claudecus, who was headed to the Isle of Janthir. If we are gonna follow the pattern here, then i would speculate that that’s where we are headed to on the 4th episode.
I didn’t find any other clues during the first 3 episodes as to where else we might go next. Although some info to remember are: Caithe told us that the Pale Tree was getting better, which we may finally meet again sometime in the LW s3. Rytlock is in Black Citadel for dereliction of duty, we will meet him soon to. No news where Marjory and his new bff Lazarus went, though i bet we will meet Kasmeer soon as she worries for Marjory and then maybe catch up to them. Zojja and Logan still out of the picture, Eir dead, though no body was buried which makes me more worried(hint: magical ressurection probably through Jormag’s magic or became an icebrood, just as marjory wanted to bring back belinda through necromancy with lazarus’ help). Braham rallying norns in hoelbrak and probably heading to another Jormag territory with Rox on tow.
Did i miss something? Any thoughts? Speculate away!
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This is an npc that came during the mordrem invasion in core tyria maps(npc has been standing in lornars pass for a long time), it had rewards from LS season 1 and other rewards only bought from the gem store which was really nice. I always wondered why this npcs are still in the game when there have been no ways to access any more mordrem blooms to buy these items.
It is sad because i still want to buy some of the items from these npcs, and i wonder if anet will ever make changes so we can have use for this npcs again, like a new token instead of using mordrem blooms….
I was able to solo stay unfrosty easily by hit and run tactics,but the beasts slain quick is hard, and its because of the boss mechanics, rng if he hits mobs or if he hits rock. I even tried. It with a group, and still did not get it.
So i have a couple of stacks of these account bound items, i have had no uses for them for weels yet i still do ember bay and bloodstone fen dailys bcus….OCD.
With the new map that came out, i found the need to farm more unbound magic, but then i thought might as well savage a few dozen of this other useless things and make use of them, turns out i have to manually salvage each item and has no salvage all option. RIP fingers, with the salvage all option added months ago you would think anet would have made a change for this as well.
I thought of that after ayrilana mentioned guad gs5, idk if streamlined kits would be fast enough or work well, but ill try it later.
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Dmn i main an engi, only one i have who is at the new map, guess ill have to bring my guardian and start doing the episode.
So as the title states, i want to do the achievement “beasts slain quick”, i am a solo player and i have done this long kitten instance 3x now, and still have yet to get this achievement. I have tried full zerker, full vipers with food and all, the problem i mostly find is that the boss takes forever to down all mobs which makes him invulnerable, dpsing the boss is easy, my problem is the boss keeps hitting the rocks instead of the mobs.
Any tips from people who have finished it would be nice, thanks.
It was the grawl firestone! Thx for the help.
Must be the grawlfirestone that i need i got tons of the other mats and still no option to cook elixir, gonna do some hearts….
How? i actually dont know how to do it or even start it without the story.
So i did the dailys in the new map during reset, i logged off for a few hrs to do things, come back i lost the cold resistance buff, now i dont know how i can progress through my story since bitter cold area debuff keeps killing me, and no guides show how to get cold resistance after losing it. Yes i did the elixir daily hours ago before i logged off, now i dont know what to do.
Edit: got it, thx for the replies.
(edited by J envy.5270)
I stopped reading after [Siggestion] sorry, but good luck though.
i have replied to other forum posts similar to this before when specializations was first announced months before HoT came out and to no avail.
A lot of us love the fist fighting monk archetype character either from a fighting game background such as street fighter or tekken, or playing other monk archetypes such as ragnarok online, blade and soul and diablo 3. Sadly there is no news if anet will make any new weapon types coming the next expansion, we all just have to wait.
The previous expansion did not introduce new weapon types in the game, and last news i heard about this doesn’t bode well for the future. The closest i can give you that has a feel of it somewhat is playing a warrior/berserker and use either gs/hammer or m/sh hammer and then use the rampage elite alongside bull rush, sundering leap and stomp as your utility skills.
or you can play BnS i did when it came out (for 3 months) before i got bored of gear treadmill and went back to gw2. the kungfu master does for the most part what your looking for but i feel the game does not feel as smooth as gw2. Gets your fix atleast.
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i agree with a lot of the comment about ft being underpowered for the most part, but overhauling it has been on request since gw2 came out, and almost little to no changes have been done to it.
flame blast is not dependable during fights as it bugs about half the time, air blast fails and goes on cd without doing a thing, and yes smoke vent is instacast but its so underwhelming as a skill 5, i agree with OP about making it a smoke field as it makes perfect sense the fact its named smoke vent, and it doesn’t even do a smoke field is just pointless. A stun break maybe to much, sounds good tbh but may turn out to be too good a change for a dev to add.
Flamethrower has its uses like for camping and tagging mobs and enemies in open world and wvw, but for me skills 2 and 5 feels the most clanky and deserves a change.
I remember when the airship to Genderan Fields came about. When they released the pass for it. I was so excited by the notion of Airships.
Back then I used to think, I hoped, that the airship would travel around Tyria, making stops in the various locations that the LS was taking us to. It could have been such a great tool.
Instead, it just sits there, as does my permanent pass.
lol i was the same, i thought it would move out of the spot after a week or 2, either move around the map or move to another map, sadly we got nothing but a platform in the sky.
otherwise they just become a cosmetic addition to the game which will take a lot of Dev time for next to no return.
I’m really sick of seeing this type of argumentation – doubtful if it’s even a point. With that mindset you could also scrap the whole game. “Why do we need chicken running around in Ebonhawke, it’s just a cosmetic addition to the game which took Dev time for next to no return. Why do we need fish swimming in the water, birds flying in the sky, it’s not necessary.There are more important things in the game the devs should work on.”
If you want a game which doesn’t pay attention/invests time into the design of the environment, then you might as well choose to play pong.
i totally agree, little details make the game from good to better to great. When people reason that any change outside new content because it takes out of devs time is an overly used excuse. We all want to make this game great and going for many more years, and thats why these ideas come out on the forum for a dev to see.
(edited by J envy.5270)
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