Thank you everyone for your replies kinda sad that there hasn’t been an actual answer to my question yet.^^
Holograms? I’m calling it, new class utlity will be third set of utterly worthless AI.
LOL its the legendary medium armor turns into a trenchcoat joke- “engi edition”
Maybe i am doing something wrong here. I use the two banners and “For Great Justice”.
If i wanted to take either of the blows and still do good might i would have to redo the build with smoldering sigils and golden dumplings right?
Its about condi PS. Specifically how much it would cost you to spec for some more cc during 100 cm.
Just wondering if anyone has done the numbers on this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated:)
(edited by Pride.1734)
It is absolutely not worth it to run any healing power or outgoing healing in that build.
Maybe this will be a thing the day blasting a gyro actually becomes a blast finisher.
(edited by Pride.1734)
I have said it before but everything repeats thousands of times in this forum.
The problem isn’t with kits but with our other utilities. People had no issue taking slick shoes when it was actually good. The real trouble is that our other utilites are mostly garbage. Elixirs are rng, Turrets and Gadgets are crap and Gyros still cant follow us properly.
If they made actually worthwhile changes to our other utilies beyond “25% more damage on rocket boots” they would see use. Dont fix whats working fix whats broken.
(edited by Pride.1734)
Generally the sneak kill chain i do is.
FT toolbelt, elixir s toolbelt, Pistol 5, 4, Moa, FT 3 2
This is beyond broken right now.
Why bother with crit when the icd of your intelligence sigill pretty much perfectly aligns with your incendiary powder. You can also often get the burns just by swapping kits by critting your geomancy trigger.
Also no need to bother with trailbazers when you get pretty much 100% burn duration easily in dire.
Im very much a believer of elixir gun over toolkit. You can use acid bomb for mobility and to apply burns through blocks. The goo trail from elixir gun swaps was recently buffed for a longer imob. Elixir gun 3 applys pretty good condi presssure while going through obstacles. You have much better cleanse against other condi builds. Also compared to the toolkit build you have 3 stunbreaks instead of 1.
The rest is just good ol burn+moa=profit.
you have to know when not to attack them. Because they cleanse condis when they evade attacks you basicly have to stop autoattacking everytime you have them loaded up with some condis. Wait for them to respond or cleanse and then load them up again.
(edited by Pride.1734)
While i completely support the idea they will never make flame blast function like phoenix.
Thats because Phoenix is not a projectile and it wouldn’t be ok if engi doesn’t get completely shutdown by projectile hate anymore.
Never ever pug with this.
Put down a field (preferably water) and blast the crap out of it.
Bombs can be pretty much be replaced if you want to. You could also sacrifice some out going healing to get more condi duration.
Rather than “a step in the right direction” i think this is the last cookie we will get before the next expansion. Don’t expect medkit to work anytime soon.
Right going of this:
We got the aura.
The other 95% of issues are still there.
For what its worth condi engi will probably be the best theoretical dps now.
I think this is the only interresting change in the whole patch for engi. All the rest is just boring numbers keeping things working the same way they did before. Keeping all our broken and bad utilities/traits the way they have always been.
But this actually changes how you use the flamethrower so i like it.
Even elixir b still has unsolved issues.
Back in the day elixirs could be traited to to damage and boon removal when thrown.
That trait doesn’t exist anymore but they are still treated as offensive projectiles. Like when you throw your elixir b into a guardian with aegis it becomes blocked and you get no stability. The same also applies for all other blocks, reflects and projectile destruction skills in the game.
Since this is one of the few sources of engi stability coupled with its tiny radius makes it very unreliable to use.
Well its mainly a WvW problem that has existed for years but as we all know anet doesn’t care about that.
Fire Bomb: The physical damage of this ability has been increased by 10% per tick.
Keep your expectations low gentlemen.
I don’t think that there is a wrong answer for open world builds. You can just play whatever you feel like.
Here is something i run arround with from time to time.
Yes its a healing build.
Yada yada not optimized. You could get more healing out of the sigills runes and weapons but i can’t be bothered.
Basicly the deal here is that you heal people arround you with your waterfields and blasts. 3 Waters and 6 Blast finishers that start as low as 6 secs cooldown. Because you also heal when you blast other stuff like the fire field from your flamethrower you can do funstuff like solo stack 25 might while pretty much giving a full heal to people arround you.
You can stack stealth and do breakbars, you have access to 4 sources of blinds and mass condi cleanse for yourself and people arround you. Compared to other healing builds you also hit like less of a wet noodle because pretty much all of your kits have some condi application that you can play piano with.
Its like the essence of engi. All about combos and you can do everything well. Not great but well.
(edited by Pride.1734)
I know that kits get used heavily in the meta builds, and I think that’s because we have a basically zero cooldown on switching between kits. If the kits had the cooldown of the attunements for ele, I think we would see more build diversity in engineer (and yes this would require a massive amount of rebalancing). I like the idea of kits, but it is an overwhelming skill, to the point that all other utility skills are only used for niche situations.
Personally I prefer getting new types of utility skills, leave toolbelt as the class mechanic, and diversify and rebalance things so we have more build diversity beyond “load all the kits and the healing turret”.
Please go play ele.
The gameplay of having access too all your tools is as integral to engi as kits and toolbelt themselves.
The only place where you load up all kits and healing turret is viper engi in raids. And there are many more builds, gamemodes and ways to play engi. The reason for that specific example is only because all of our other utilites offer nothing in a PvE group setting. That is not kit’s fault for bringing damage but the fault of turrets, gyros, and gadgets for not offering anything.
yes Yes and YES!!
Every elite spec should add at least one kit.
Its the best way to expand engi.
Never ever use the flamethrower build in a group setting. Its great for open world and solo play but that is where it should stay.
You can still smack stuff with a toolkit. Its slightly higher single target dps than the hammer but the 3rd hit only hits one person. Obviously much weaker than bombs but kinda close to grenades.
I hope you dont mind elixir gun cancels.
Alchemy will generally provide more utility, might and cooldown reductions. When you feel that you are running with a decent group feel free to switch it out
@David you really want Perfectly Weighted over Recovery Matrix in your build.
Besides the gyros/minion issues there are still lots of problem with base engi.
Remember Simulat Supplier? Medcical Dispersion Field? Gadgeteer? Thermobaric detonation?
Don’t hate the players hate the game. Its not their fault that some classes just aren’t as well suited for zergplay as others.
Thats not to say they are entirely useless or anything. You can have some of them and its fine. But when half the zerg is made out of rangers, mesmers, thiefs and engis you are gonna struggle.
Yada yada the usual….
Give us meaningfull group support on gadgets/turrets so we can drop some kits, have an easier rotation and groups want engis for raids.
Make throw elixirs not projectiles anymore and gyros not minions anymore so we can be reliable superspeed bots in wvw.
Buff rifle so we can choose another weapon in pvp.
Also healing bombs so support engi can be a thing again.
Hey guys just wanted to have some input on this. Every other skill in this traitline has something to do with stealth. Having the venom skill in this line just seems totally out of place to me.
Why is that? Is it just a remainder from when it made sense in this line or is there some synergistic reason that im missing?
Leave all the working things as they are. (Kits,elixirs) ((Maybe remove rng from elixirs))
Give gadgets offensive buffs across the board. Make gyros function like signets that appear like the function gyro over the engi’s head. And have turrets act like banners that give relevant group buffs.
Additionally i think every elite spec should add at least one new kit in addition to the other utility skills.
Bam no more minions no more problems.
I really dont like OP’s logic where he redesigns the working parts instead of the broken ones.
Maybe tone down Obsidian Flesh? that would make eles easier to focus and the skill has always been beyond ridiculous.
Eh its the “Physical damage of fire bomb increased” pvp edition. On the bright side we didnt get anihilated like revs.
(edited by Pride.1734)
Good thing that the Blunderbuss change is PvP only. Oh boy that would have really broken PvE and WvW. Great splitting!
To maximize your support you should autoattack with medkit whenever possible.
9/10 nice effort and a good laugh
Just make the full asc vipers for frac/raid and keep a set of exotic zerker with durability/strength runes for everything else.
Hey this is amazing! Nice find.
If you remove kits you might as well delete the entire class. You are supposed to use at least oneor two kit with any engi build and kits are what makes the profession skill based and fun to play. Its like guardians and their symbols yea sure virtues are their class mecanic but symbols are just as much part of the guardian identity.
Now the PvE situation with all kits skills is simply due to the fact that all our other utilities do nothing in a group setting. We had no issue using slick shoes when they still had some use but as it stands none of our utilities are worth bringing over the raw damage option.
Make gadgets or turrets worthwhile utility support and suddenly our rota is much easier as as well as getting our own niche because we now bring something valuable to the team.
Good ol cheese. Basicly the condi variant of grenade burst one shot.
The build is dead since they removed elixir infused bombs.
New kits are the best way to expand engi. If the next elite spec is minions again im out for good.
Cheese is usually definded as abusing the holes in your opponents defence. And recking them with a gimmick that prepared players can very much deal with.
Good examples are yolo signet warriors, P/P thieves, condi burst into moa engis,
If you know whats comming you put up a defensive cooldown and proceed to wreck their butts. If you get suprised or flustered you are pretty much dead.
new weapon – shield mainhand
No jokes, shield main-hand could really work, and wouldn’t be any hard to implement. Just mirror off-hand shield animations through the skeleton and there you are. Then limit shield usage to one at a time, preventing dual-wielding.
But I WANT to dual-wield shields.
Nowhere else lets me do it, either.
Dark Souls?
I specificly remember the chime shield in DS2 doing some pretty good damage as a mainhand weapon with block and magic on the offhand.
Max sized norn so you can crush them pesky rats with one foot each.
Kinda like the 10% incease to the physical damage of firebomb. Which is like what… 20 damage?
Feels like they just wrote these patchnotes instead of a we have no clue what to do with this class
Nerf the stupid hammer into oblivion if you still think we are too strong. Toolkit saw little enough use as it was.
Eh another patch full of nothing. At least gyros got nerfed. Screw them and all minions.
I’d be fine with even less cooldown reduction as an excuse to get rid of pistol 4’s awful hitbox.
Take a flamethrower press 1 and go make some tea. Hands down the most chill build out there.
(edited by Pride.1734)
A cd reduction is in order but the skills themselves are still pretty good.
This topic is hillarious.
On a sidenote i think the reason is that they ran out of time to give us a real profession mechanic.
Doesn’t help that elixirs get screwed by projectile hate which is pretty common in wvw.
There is the super speed niche for your hammertrain that can be filled by engis but then again you could simply take a few aurashout eles with eye of the storm instead who don’t need to rely on ai minions and tiny radius.
I think a bigger problem is the guardian f1 which completely covers the target in scaling blue flames, denying any kind of visual info for the full duration.
Aurashare tempest by a long shot.
Lord’s Blade Ciaran’s Set would be sweet.