I too am concerned about Path of Condis… I mean Path of Fire ….
I put as much effort into my link as you did to your build.
Most of what I would say has already been said, but let me reiterate one thing. Reduce condition damage in WvW or greatly increase cleanses. I’ve had enough of the braindead mechanics you added over the years and people running around in Trailblazer’s applying 3-5 conditions with one button. WvW needs its own balance like PvP. It should not be integrated with PvE.
If it took less than a day for us to realize this class is terrible as a whole, how could they NOT see that during development… Feelsbadman
The only thing missing from those yak’s photos are the open field siege they build IF you even manage to get them out of a tower. kittening boring kitten server to fight.
Didn’t they apologize for a lack of communication with us about a year ago and promised to have more direct dialogue with the players ? I see that went well…
No. And I doubt the balance patch in the coming weeks will help.
Confuse on blind has a 10 second ICD per target. It isn’t what it used to be. Generosity also has a cooldown and who’s to say you transfer a condi that matters ?
If you like blobbing its great. Otherwise the game is kitten and I can’t wait for a new game that isn’t some kitten port to come out
why you dont go roaming instead of following zerg? Druid is one of best classes in small scale now
Because he wants to play the game Anet intended us too. In a skillless kittening blob that ktrains kitten and takes WvW super cereal.
Offhand dagger rework please. It doesn’t need 30-40s cooldowns anymore. Also stability needs to be an innate ability with overloads. Those are my #1 and #2.
Please not another Condi mes
come to the dmg side
Come to the hybrid side, it’s even more fun.
Carrion op
D/D tempest
Cries in corner
Sounds interesting. I’d like separate WvW balance to be next. I don’t want boon meta to die, just get leukemia.
Let me ask are the people who still think GWEN/GREN is the only viable comp the same people voting for trump? Classism? i swear …..
People have different opinions than me. Let me insult and generalize them omgzzz.
Just realized how crap I am on revenant now. Thanks…
I actually went through the trouble of logging in to tell you what a kitten idea this is. Go home.
The problem is all these votes you tally do not come from the player base where the longevity of the game mode lies. You know what people like my friends and I want? We want fights. We don’t want cannons. We don’t want more siege and a way to repair it. We don’t want more PvE in the mode. We log in every week for years on end at this point to stomp people’s faces in, but the maps are stale, the blobs are bigger and nothing has been done to counter it on your end for four years. The sheer fact that this mode receives one tenth of the attention of the rest is why it’s doomed to fail and you have nothing but a whinefest in this forum. You don’t listen to your community or to the players who live, breath, sleep and eat WvW. Instead you throw out these random ideas from a dart board and have us vote on them, secretly hoping you’ll find your diamond in the rough. You haven’t done it in four years, you aren’t going to find it now. Communicate with your players. Stop giving us what you think we and WvW need and let US tell YOU what it needs.
/End rant
Keeping track of 3 things is hard
Guess we have to do the work for him
Great, more people in the BLs that aren’t complete trash.
I hope you are trolling, otherwise I feel bad for you and you don’t belong in WvW if you think those combination of stats are even remotely possible.
T2 is not better. Especially with blackgate this week.
You know you can dodge, right ?
But you won’t fix class stacking, which is the biggest issue next to class balance. Yay….
The biggest threat are the clueless developers.
Maybe you just stink. I had no problem until I got to Ruby and I never had a win streak that lasted more then 2-3 games.
lol he removed the video
I don’t know what you are talking about, i am in Diamond T5 and i play Power mesmer.
I don’t have any issue.
Dom/Dueling/chrono ? I haven’t found a lower Mesmer build I like for this meta :-/
The skill level isn’t even the issue I see, it’s that the majority of the teams I FIGHT are stacked teama of scrappers and reapers with a support thrown in. The lack of balance is astronomical.
Matchmaking and the class stacking is a kittening joke.
I like the balance changes in the patch. If you wanted me to switch to revenant or reaper you could just openly admit it
Those pvp balance changes tho trololololol. Can’t wait till the division comes out
At this point I would be happy if they just made us use pvp amulets in wvw. Everyone screams “muh build diversity” whenever its suggested, but really? The meta has sucked for months, and continues to suck more and more. “Build diversity” is no good when every build is cancerous and zerg v zerg fights are nothing more than protracted mexican standoffs at choke points. Pvp amulets would lower the damage output at least, and maybe cause melee to be more viable.
Nerf superior siege damage vs players at the same time, and wvw might be somewhat enjoyable again.
I’ve wanted this for so long. I’ve wasted a lot of gold on gear but it would make balancing a little more realistic.
Shame that the game with one of the best combat mechanics has no developer communication with their player base. It’s okay. I tots want more PvE in my maps. You think at the very least they would suck up their pride and revert WvW back to Alpine maps. I understand people worked hard on them, but they are absolute trash. Give us something while we wait for this “overhaul” AKA we will all be playing another game by then.
After today’s patch notes it seems like she really came through for us…..
Get the pve people to ask for it and maybe it will happen.
I’m really looking forward to the WvW overhaul coming Q4 2020
What they need to do is buff reaper
My fury is directed towards poor balancing. It is not my fault if the mesmers on this forum take the game so seriously that they feel the need to resort to ad-hominem arguments.
If tossing personal attacks at me is the best you guys can do, I think I’ve rested my case.
And please don’t quote Helseth. His opinions on mesmer balancing are irrelevant. Say it with me, “Conflict of Interest”.
Except you never had a case.
While we are at it, can we make clones look different then the mesmer? I mean like COME ON ANET THEY LOOK SO ALIKE I CANT TELL THE DIFFERENCE. and greatsword a 1200 range weapon?! Pfft
Never before have I ever wanted something so badly in this game.
Agreed. None of my friends even log in anymore
We’ve avoided adding this feature because we don’t believe it would be healthy for WvW. While we can appreciate why some players would want a feature like this, lots of other players only engage in WvW when, upon entering a WvW map, immediately see a commander icon to follow. We try and avoid adding features that can be used to intentionally exclude other players.
The team cares about what’s good for WvW? It sure hasn’t shown
We’ve avoided adding this feature because we don’t believe it would be healthy for WvW. While we can appreciate why some players would want a feature like this, lots of other players only engage in WvW when, upon entering a WvW map, immediately see a commander icon to follow. We try and avoid adding features that can be used to intentionally exclude other players.
The team cares about what’s good for WvW? It sure hasn’t shown.