Showing Posts For Rocklin.4106:

Daily bug? :O

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


i too, got 2 chests with laurels from the dailys once, and it was when i finished the level-up achievement as last, like some others stated here.

Today i realized i got the Message for achieving 3 skillpoints for the Daily EVERY time i got a lvl up even though i alrdy had that achievement done, when i wasnt finished with the other dailys yet. So i guess it has to do with lvling up as a requirement for the daily (leveler or skill points) and finishing it as fifth.

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


There are no “pros” to implementing this. You divide the community by allowing an elitist mentality to poison the well. How I choose to gear and spec works well for me… your opinion of my gear and spec is irrelevant … as long as i’m playing alone and not in a group.

i fixed that for you.

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


Why not just adding a small visual effect on MF gear? Like money dropping out of the pockets.

i would never, ever put my mf gear away again!

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


I am against inspect- it is no-one’s business what gear I choose to run with my build, it works for me and that is all that matters.

there exactly is your problem, that attitude is a complete fail and i would not hesitate not inviting or even kicking you from a dungeon group because of it. When you do Group content, you and your build have to work for/with the group, and not for you.

EVERYONE should be able to play the way they want? Yet most of you dont agree when others want to do speedruns, be elitist, or just like numbers, because thats not the playstyle YOU want them to play?

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


if everyone should be able to play the game the way he wants. Then everyone should have the right to open a dungeon group and picking only the best dps geared players for it, if thats the way HE wants to play this game.

beeing able to play the game the way you want, doesnt mean others have to take you into every dungeon with that attitude, because they can play it how and with whoever they want as well. If someone asks strictly for exotic geared glasscannons and you run a bunkerbuild and ask for an invite, you are nothing more than a liar, just go find another group that accepts you “the way you want to play”, anet has done nothing wrong there, everyone IS able to play the game he wants.

i have nothing against a gearcheck, id even wish for a dps meter, because the way I WANT to play, is always maximizing, optimizing and getting the best out of my character and my build, instead of purely theorycrafting in the forums with haters and whiners (ranger forum, who almost never even take the pet into “dmg calculations” … ).

Did I choose the right profession?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


Im the type of person who likes to have ranged aoe as a definite option in pve and pvp

ele, ranger (throwable traps, barrage), necro, engineer (grenades), mesmer, thief with shortbow, warrior with longbow, basically all have that except guardian, though ele is best in it.

and solo capabilities with a bit of self heals and survivability.

doesnt matter at all, unless you mean soloing group content.

I also like to have a profession in demand for dungeons and pvp.

for dungeons: warrior, guardian and mesmer. This is sad but true (and the mesmer is just there for his elite skill every 3th minute) but anyway, all dungeons are perfectly doable with any classes.
pvp: mesmer, thief, guardian, ele.

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


he doesnt have to play two accounts “effectively” at the same time, multiboxing just emulates multiple systems and copy each mouse/keyboard/whatever input to each emulated system, one can play and endless amount of characters at the same time if he has a separate gw2 account for each one and as long as his machine can handle it. Thats why alone you wont keep up with him and probably end up getting less or no participation.

never seen those ranger shortbow/bear farmbots who are always in a group of 3-5 of them? thats just ONE bot, multiboxing with 3-5 (most probably stolen, lol) accounts.

Took a 6 month break. Changes to Rangers?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


arrow projectile speed got increased to give a slightly better chance hitting moving targets at longer distances.

entangle – bleeding ticks from the roots finally scales with the players condition damage (huge buff).

underwater combat greatly buffed 150% more dmg on harpoon #1? i think it was, and also some spear buffs.

signet of the hunt now gives 25% movement speed passive instead of 10%, some other classes got the same however.

shortbow attack speed nerf / “fix” how they call it.

anet claims to be working / having worked on pet ai and pathing and some bugs with f1-f4 skills, but theres no real proof or significant change in it, if at all. (pet rez in downed state still bugged as kitten)

GS #2 dmg increased quiet a bit and, as already posted by someone, #4 can be used while moving now

spirits +25% more hp

other noteworthy changes have already been posted, and “endgame” if you call it that way and if you already have your exo sets and skins, is now purely about farming fractals and since the latest patch also daily achievements to get ascended gear. (or of course grinding for a legendary)

Rangers Learn thy Craft and help us all.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


Here’s the problem Spirits are bad when they are not traited for. If you invest into them being able to move they can survive their entire duration because they will move where you move. If you are placing them they aren’t moving around (i.e If you dodge out of AoE they will follow you and there inlys the skill/reward factor).

Personally I love taking them to dungeons. I get bored of going Guardian and the build I use can keep up Regen/Protection constantly.

sadly i dont want to trait 30 points in one of the worst trees just to use my spirits more effectively, id rather like to see them have their range increased by a HUGE radius, so i can place them in a fight once in a strategical position, then i wouldnt even care if they had even less hp, thats how spirits were in gw1 and they were great.

Rangers underwater questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


thief got beaten by a ranger, must have been a haxxor obviously better lets ask in the forums.

and i hate to tell you but … “first thing i did, was going for the pet” … you DESERVED to lose that fight, if he is not playing without hands he will just swap the pet out anyway right before its dead. Or swaps it out after its dead, once he sees you stopped going for it. (btw rangers can use f1-f4 even in downed state)

Armor stats

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


But what about LB vulnerability(+10% damage ) that aid us ( me and my pet )?

It’s useful in a party situation, but if it’s just you and your pet, the damage increase just is not worth it.

it also gives 10seconds swiftness to your pet with 12 second cooldown, which helps it hitting moving enemys alot …

93% map completion (first time)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


when i did my completion on 2 characters, our servers position on the map was swapped weekly with each rotation, so we were blue in week 1, red in the next week, green in week 3, and then again blue. I must have missed something in the patch notes but it seems we were always blue now for the last 2 or 3 weeks. If this doesnt change regularly anymore, completing wvw 100% could become a real pain.

OP ranger build for spvp

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


my record was 14k on a dolyak, not in pvp but dolyaks have quiet high toughness too, more than a glasscannon player at least.

bird f2 attack hits twice, and these numbers are calculated together, not in a single number, mind you. and you only get such numbers paired with vulnerability, might stacks on your pet ect. i used 30 points bm and had 25 stacks of masters bond on it, then activated rampage as one as well to stack up might stacks on the pet on another mob before blowing its f2 on the dolyak.

in pvp you attack targets that heal themselves, dodge ect so its even easier there to get the might stacks up on your pet with Rao before hitting f2.

Warhorn 4 and line of sight

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


dont see how someone came up with the idea that they used the same code for those skills, longbow #2 is a channeled attack that shoots projectiles, each one calculated individually and each one seperately can miss/be dodged/get reflected, and the channeling can be stopped by a enemy cc or if you dodge/cancel it yourself.

warhorn #4 is a single cast that leaves a sort of debuff on the enemy, it is not channeled and therefore cant be interrupted and they arent projectiles that can be reflected.

these are two completely separated mechanics and i say they just “nerfed” the skill with the LoS because of exactly these reasons, if this is necessary or not is debatable. They just have to do the same thing with mesmer GS autoattack …

Tired of trap: need advice.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


full glasscannon berserker with lb & whatever you like is perfectly fine on ranger if you either trait for signets and run with sos and/or sotw or pick some survival/dodge skills like lr, mt or whatever and of course learn to dodge and learn when to avoid / run from a fight in wvw.

in fact we can do a lot better than most classes as glasscannons except eles because we usually fight at long range, have a lot of cc and escapes and in pve have or pet who still tanks as good no matter how we gear.

all those bunker builds on either power or condition do very well, as you say, as roamers and in 1v1 or even 1v2’s but they contribute little to a zerg or in a dungeon since damage and probably cc sadly is everything that counts there.

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


having skipped pages 2-9 since everything here is so repetitive, i cant understand one thing:

arguements AGAINST Mf users: they are selfish, they chose to get more drops instead of helping the team, they sacrifice combat-important stats.

How comes you dont see defensive stats, Thoughness/Vit as NOT selfish? toughness and vit does not help your team a single bit, it only helps YOU surviving because you cant dodge/move right, you can survive anything in full glass cannon in pve, so there is absolutely no reason to pick tough/vit unless you fail at movement/dodging and chose the easier way to pick defensive gear. Even if a full glasscannon maybe has to get rezzed once or twice during a bossfight, he still provided much more dps to the group than one with defstats, and those defstats will probably only let you survive 1 or 2 more of the really deadly hits, if at all.

if players can SOLO arah explorable with a FULL GLASSCANNON spec and gear and in melee, dont. ever. tell me that toughness/vitality “helps” the group by staying alive,

to those who say they hate people in the group who regularly get downed and deal low damage, you basically say you want to run dungeons with only full exotic equipped people, since fresh 80’s with green/rare gear deal less damage and die more often than one with exotic mf gear (full rare glasscannon would deal more damage than exotic mf, but noone gets full rare gear anyway).

Exotive vs rare

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


Sorry you are right about the runs , but you will need 1380 tokens not 1200.
So 1380/80 = I will need 17 days ( in case I’m running it twice a day ).
And how can I get 180 per run ?? ( as each first run gives me just 60 according to wiki )
Do you mean that in each path I will get 60 or in each dungeon ?

each first run PER DAY (resets 1:00 am), and different paths in a dungeon count seperate, so you can do all 3 paths in a dungeon every day for 180 / day + bonus from chests/bosses.

Magic Find

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


it is like that since somewhen in november or december. Before one of the patches then, i got around 3-5 rares in about 30 minutes farming tunnel events in orr with 150-200% mf, making about 20-30 ectos an evening, SINCE this patch back then (dont know which one exactly, i think it was that patch that introduced the karma jugs) i have probably found about 10-15 rares in total in 2-3 months, and have been stowing my mf gear away mostly.

i really hope they will change something about this or i dont see why they would add ascended gear upgrades with +20% mf.

The Expectations of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


Thanks for the link, didnt aw this. “They can still do some decent damage at range, but they aren’t as good at it as the Ranger (with their pet)”

this is true, if you count in the pets dps, problem here is still the pet ai, not the classes. and warrior does more ranged dmg if the rangers pet is dead/disabled which i think is intended this way.


in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


for a pure power/crit glasscannon the cheapest way is ruby orbs instead of runes. thats 120 power 12% crit dmg and 84 precision.

Wich recipe for the clovers should i use?

in Crafting

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


im curious as you can rarely get lodestones out of the recipe, and with the 10x recipe you basically get anything out of it x10 (you dont get 10 different mats out of it).

so did anyone ever got 10 lodestones out of the recipe?

The Expectations of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


when did they say that we could do more damage than a warrior?

and also i like the idea that a warrior coul actually be a better “archer” than a ranger, since it is his profession (in ancient times there were no “archers” or “warriors” they had to learn both, in most cultures at least) and many games have a ranger as well as some type of archer class, where the archer class obviously outshines the ranger in terms of ranged combat.

The Expectations of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


WoW makes us think that classes that can fill different roles (druid, paladin?) can also fulfill any of these roles just as good as classes who were originally designed to one of these roles (all healing specced healer classes in wow are about equal, as can all dps specced classes be, (the difference in dps is a few %) and all classes that can tank can do that about equal as well)

this however, in my opinion is a huge flaw in a game design and was not intended from the start from blizzard. However if a class is designed as a jack-of-all-trades / – master-of-none most people simply dont get that it actually CAN’T be “best” at anything (or at least it shouldnt, if the game design doesnt fail), which still doesnt mean its useless or it couldnt beat other classes.

when it comes to survival or support, ranger always gets compared to guardians, when it comes do condition damage it gets compared to necros, when it comes to burst he gets compared to thief, this fact is just amazing when everyone should know that it obviously cant be better or near as good in these points as the compared class.

for most players, anets description of the ranger reads as “oh, sniper with pet + utilitys, neat” But still i would say they are unparalleled archers, because using your skills right you should beat everything at range combat except maybe a mesmer, who however is not an archer. Problem is that most times you wont be able to stay away from your enemy.

Why no swoop fix

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


they are still hiring.

have fun guys.

Everything disappointing me in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


not sure if trolling or …

but i dont want to be like “the other guys” who just blame him, so im actually arguing:

1. Guilds (As the Perfect Start considering the Name of this Game)
- Representation fail concept:
- Doesn’t Allow to See the Chat of Every Guild you actually are Part of and is absolutely unintelligable to explain for new players.

Just like any other game where you can only join one guild, and can only see their own guildchat. And i have no problems explaining that to new players or understanding it as a new player. so thats just your personal opinion there.

- Devides the Player Base from forcing them to Represent a Guild to give them Influence.

isnt the Playerbase divided just as much without the possibility to join multiple guilds? otherwise i dont get what your saying, do you switch between guilds or would like to force other players to join yours, so your guild gets more influence ?

- Complete and utterly fail of Teamwork

just lol, this has nothing to do with ANYTHING, except the people you play with, your personal opinion again, and from the many mmos ive played i think the teamplay here is higher than in most others.

- Doesn’t offer any kind of Event Planing

debatable, my guild successfully has held some events already and we didnt need a homepage for that back then, guildchat and message were enough for it.

- You can’t send Mails to the Guild Members because you get blocked of excessive Messanging.

what the are you even talking about?

- No notification of the daily Message changes.

None needed, matter of personal opinion.

- Not enough space to write enough Information about the Guild: Promotion Requirements, Planned Upgrades, Votes, Time Shedule for Events, Organize Groups

also not needed, matter of personal opinion
If your guild is that big and has that much information, you should make a homepage anyway. the textbox for the guild message has plenty of room for what is needed.

- No Space for Forum Links, No offer of Voice Chat

no space for forum links? that you cant copy & paste text from the chat or guildmessage is a huge minus i would agree with, (if thats what you mean)

Voice chat implemented in games are mostly horrible of either quality or customization possibilitys, its much better to use ts vent skype or whatever you have to your hand if you need it.

- Not enough Information about the Guild Members: Last Log In Date, Last Representation Date, Influence Earned, Successfully Invited Members, Used Boon Banners, Coins donated…

100% agreed.

im not even going to argue with your further points because i feel so trolled already, but to be fair, you have SOME points i can agree, or hardly argue about…

Troll Ungeant/Heal as One + QZ

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


if you want Hao for the inital heal, you might consider going back to healing spring anyway … even if you dont stay in the radius, remember it has an inital heal for you and your pet as well, and gives you also a condition remove right at the cast and even if you dont stay in it for long, you probably will get the regen + additional cond removal once or twice.

another thing to mention is the healing coefficient, wiki says Hao gets 100% of the healing bonus, while troll unguent grants 12% (per tick) so thats 120% bonus over the full duration. I also like the fact that by the time TU runs out, it only has 15 seconds cooldown left, whereas the burst heal from Hao leaves you with 20 seconds.

And the Gear Treadmill begins!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


i cant see how players defend that gear progression just by stating that SOME players want it. GW2 was Announced and build as a game WITHOUT gear progression, which is one very important point at this game, and most gw2 players, especially those coming from gw1, love about it. This game does not need gear progression, and im saying that as someone who was lvl 80 and had his first full exotic set in the first month, if this is not what you think, this game is just not for you.

Yes, SOME players might like a gear progression, but then gtfo my game, why did you even came to gw2 in the first place? Just to ruin it for us, when you KNEW exactly that gw2 wasnt supposed to have any kind of gear progression?

let me explain why wow and its community is so much hated everywhere:
new game comes out, finally some (or at least a bit) new mechanics and ideas to the standardized mmo genre, oh hurray lets quit wow and start playing it, just to complain after 1-2 months that it doesnt have the content and the same mechanics as wow so they introduce it, and then leave the game and go back to wow again because it still doesnt have as much content, tyvm!

Im pretty sure the elder scrolls online will introduce a new UI after the first few months (or perhaps even during the beta), with a skillbar to slot your different attacks in, instead of attacking and blocking with the mouse.

Origins of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


Star Wars Galaxies had the best Ranger class so far in any game :|

Creature Scouting (later even Player Scouting), Camps, creature harvesting, better terrain negotiation, trapping (though traps were nothing like one would imagine a “trap” in this game) and that was about it.

and this discussion is so old … i agree anets definition of their own class should overweight what a word actually derives of. However i dont think that much players actually even read these descriptions, and im pretty sure almost everyone here has seen the lotr movies and thinks of aragorn, and not of legolas when hearing “ranger”.

"Retreat" -> "Attack!" - Shout pet skill

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


depending on your build / traits ect. pets have almost constant swiftness, some pets have regen skills on their own, if you go 15 + nature magic, regen from healing spring is shared with your pet, ect ect.

you can use f1 and f3 anytime without cd, so you basically want to waste a utility slot for a skill that lets your pet block 1 attack with aegis, not rly much more, much less, not so well thought id say.

since you say you would want this for the squishier pets, id say protection would be way better than aegis or regen, and perhaps let the pet teleport to the enemy with “Attack!” to make this skill idea at least a bit viable … id still never run it though.

How to Obtain White Raven?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


they wont make them available otherwise (at least i hope), and the fact that you can use 2 pets with identical strong f2’s (ravens and black widow + jungle spider => 2 stuns) is the reason why these have lowered stats compared to other pets in their family, otherwise hom would actually reward a huge bonus to gw1 players, when it should be only for aesthetics.

i still think gw1 is a quiet nice game to play through the campaign with a friend or two + henchmen once or twice, but do not expect it to be anything like gw2 or you will hate it.

there are tons of guides in the internet on how to make 30 points the fastest way, or in the cheapest way (gold) ect. and it definitely wont take you 200 hours if you follow it efficiently, i think a friend of me got 30 points in somewhat about 100+ hours but a lot of this time has just been “wasted”, was afk or just did something else in the game for fun, not contributing to the hom.

Why doesThief ranged kick our ranged?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


another one who didnt realize yet that WD reflects projectiles …

seriously just reflect ONE unload from a thief to turn the fight instantly into a win, and unlike thieves daggerstorm our reflect skill doesnt have 90 sec cd.

So you switch weapons to offhandax and doing what after wd? maybe dancing till the cd for the next weaponswitch is over?

Not to mention most don’t use axe off hand in favor of dagger or horn…

Pretty sure any class going up against a ranger with axe axe is sitting there grinning waiting for their free badges after they stop spinning.

oh your totally right, its not like wd already uses up half of the weapon swap cd by itself, and leaves you with a maximum of 5 seconds before you can swap again, barely enough to use all other main and offhand weapon skills once. But hey, once you swapped to a weaponset with axe oh your done because obviously you wont be able to change back and there is no way that you could dodge once or twice so the enemy wont be able to nuke you in those 5 seconds left …

not sure if your trolling, or actually ever used an axe offhand or you just want to rant about rangers in general.

Power Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


depends if you want to go pink, blue or red. I have no idea about Power Ranger though or what their specialtys and strenghts are, however i would go with the black or yellow guy because they look most fearsome.

Why doesThief ranged kick our ranged?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


Whenever a thief tries to range me I laugh athe them with my Whirling Defence and then kill them. Thinking about it I kill most of them when they try and melee as well.

this thread is about range vs range though that does not fall under the catagory of range WD is at your location

another one who didnt realize yet that WD reflects projectiles …

seriously just reflect ONE unload from a thief to turn the fight instantly into a win, and unlike thieves daggerstorm our reflect skill doesnt have 90 sec cd.

My thoughts on Ranger Trait Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


i love Master’s Bond and am constantly running it while solo-pveing / farming and sometimes even in wvw, your ideas would just make it way stronger and perhaps even an obligatory skill.

not quiet sure and cant test now but i think at maxed stacks it gives +150 to all stats, combined with the at least +100 from 10 points bm your pets should very rarely die in solo pve unless you run it into a champion, im fine if a trait isnt as useful in pvp or dungeons as it is in solo-pve or vice-versa.

instead they should just fix the bug of the stacks disappearing when you go swimming but have the same pets for underwater as on land.

Shortbow or Longbow

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


Message Body length must at least be 15.


Chronix....WvWvW Video... Finally?!?!?!?!

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


why? you dont use bleed stacking pets (lynx/jag)

why do so many people think it would be best or necessary to run bleed stacking pets as a cond ranger? pets dont gain your +cond dmg, so they are taking up some of the maximum possible bleed stacks with WEAK bleedings, bleed stacking pets are NOT better for a cond build than they are for any other.

Ranger trap regen build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


it must have been an ele or mes or thiev disguised as a ranger.

because rangers are obviously bad and cant do what you have seen.

the pet issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


If you want to stow away your pet you are playing the wrong class.
Very simple. This IS a pet class. There are plenty of classes that are not.
You don’t see warriors whining that they want a pet? If they did they would roll a ranger..

shh ranger players dont like to hear that, they like the idea and theme of the ranger. Its ok if they dont want to play with pets, or would prefer rifles over bows and want stealth and assasination moves or think spike traps should instead work like explosive mines. I dont see why they should be wrong with this class.

Its a bit Anets fault really for their class description of the Ranger who misled many players. (It says they can take down enemys from Distance, now everyone thinks at Snipers in FPS-Games)

Effective WvW Builds

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


you can’t run a balanced bunker out of spvp because theres not gear for it.
just switch class.

dungeon armor sets with power/tough/vit and cleric jewelry heal/tough/power

or for conditions, the new apothecarys (craftable) with healing/though/condition

try to think outside of your box pls, or maybe your in the wrong forum?

Pets comparison

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


5 – canines, felines and probably lizards (if they would use their skills)
6 – raven
7 – felines
8 – toughness > vitality and precision > power for pets (especially if you pick the +30% critdmg trait for pets)

Pets comparison

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


you are very welcome fellow ranger

the pet issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


what goes the ranger gain with a pet?
- DPS. And certainly more since last patch

enough DPS to even down some players if played/specced right.

- A mini tank that take some of the damage aimed for the ranger

“mini”? I have had my Pets tank certain dungeon bosses through almost the entire fight. They dont take away some dmg from the ranger, but from his whole group.

Pet does not bring something that other classes can not get.

probably not, but what other class can do ALL OF THAT without needing to completely spec on it, completely not gear reliant and while beeing able to still spec/gear yourself however you want.

by the way, NO class has anything that no other class could do, except aegis buffs or certain combo fields.

Moment of Clarity

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


you can take jungle spider instead, they share the same f2 skill, in fact every f2 skill from all hom pets are available on another pet of the same family.

this is also why black widow and white raven have lowered vitality, so players with hom pets dont get a too big advantage over others because they can stack black widows and jungle spiders f2 stuns without any disadvantage (same for raven + white ravens f2 burst) the other hom pets abilities werent considered so strong so their stats havent been lowered.

but does the 50% increased daze duration even work on pet skills? i would guess not, but cant test it right now

Longbow not a viable sPvP joice

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


I know, you already shuffled some numbers for the longbow, but that was obviously not sufficient since so many people complain about it.

no matter how much more numbers or facts are brought up here, they will still complain about it as long as some of their arrows miss on large distances because are used to auto-following target-detecting arrows from other sacred mmos, and because the class you play is always weaker than every other.

LB #2-5 are all awesome enough for me to use it instead of shortbow.

i see it as a utility weapon just like gs, and i dont feel the need to be able to burst down players on distance like those who mispicked ranger over thief and now think rangers should be redesigned to the wintersday scout.

Long or Shortbow for P/P/C Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


arrow pierce trait + SB > LB #5 skill

bring me numbers to prove your statement, unless you are trolling hard.

LB #5 3 sec channeltime for a total of easily up to 10-12k aoe dmg (much more is possible), how could you ever reach that with sb in the same time when your arrows barely hit 2 or 3 targets and only if they stand exactly behind each other. (by the way arrow pierce affects lb 1-4 as well)

Update on pet traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


Finally, I’ve seen videos of ranger pets critting for 4k, but I cant seem to get that amount even with 30 BM and using a bird. How do you maximize pet damage?

get lvl 80 :/

if you are already, than i think you havnt even looked into any of the skills to maximize its dmg or looked into the pets skills …

but a friendly Protip: Pet’s tooltips are sometimes horribly wrong, you have to test them out individually and ravens are by far the strongest birds, their F2’s deal about twice as much dmg than the other birds.

Personal record was 14k on a raven F2 attack (not showing as 14k as its an attack that hits twice, but it was about 7.5k+6.5k)

How are the rangers these days...

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


According to popular beliefs, we are horrible, most of our Traits are bugged / dont work, the Pets spend most time dead or either killing us instead of helping. We have the lowest dmg together with the Engineers of all Classes, noone likes us in any PvP Mode, except as Enemys, and we can not contribute anything useful in Pve Dungeons (nothing which other classes could better)

however, the last Patch did good to us, many agree that we are MUCH better now and deal significantly higher dmg with Longbows (even though its just the Projectile speed that got increased a bit) and the 25% movement speed increase helps us surviving(?) but still all of the above applies and he needs to be buffed further.

i love rangers.

question for all rangers that love dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


If you are having problems at bosses that take a lot of Dodging/Kiting (lupicus?) then get 15 Points in wilderness survival for passive 50% stam regen, protection buff when dodging and vigor buff on healing skills.

These 15 Points work like a charm for us, add in a stunbreaker like natural reflex or Signet of Renewal and almost nothing can ever bring you in Danger in Dungeons. If you cant get used to dodging aoes and kite when you get aggro, then more vit/though wont help you much anyway.

"Balanced" Ideas to fix the ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


what i mean is, you wouldnt consider many of our traits so broken or “bad” if you compared them to what other classes have, and not only with their good ones, because they have just as many “useless” traits.

Of Course i agree the bugged Traits should get fixed, but id rather say that most of our Traits are rather powerful (just some of them are in the completely wrong trees, like traps) opening strike on you + your pet, start a fight with hunters shot (or a normal shot for the crit followed by a hunters shot) → 20 stacks of vulnerability right at the start of a fight, yes please.

"Balanced" Ideas to fix the ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


i smell more ideas in the direction of 30% more shortbow dmg, because some of them you posted already are way out of hand. (10% vulnerability together and guaranteed critical hit from you AND your pet in ONE trait, which can be instant reset with another trait on every kill. Imagine it with a valkyrie set, why even go for precision. Did you ever compared other classes Traits or do you just consider it bad because you dont like it in general?)

Most people complaining about balance and especially ranger never even took a bit time to think about balancing issues a little, always ONLY complaining about lack of dmg, wanting to deal equal dmg as thieves and warriors, but not even considering that we deal it on 1.5k range, and no matter how much you complain about our lack of dmg even WITH the pet dps added, it is NOT supposed, and WILL NEVER go as high as a thieves burst combo, because their combo is melee, and we have kitten 1.5k range.

Most complaints about ranger come from people comparing them to thieves and warriors anyway, so i might as well too.

So just for christ’s sake, if you want to bring “realistic and balanced” ideas for balancing, STOP comparing anything to what is currently best in it. Stop comparing our burst with thieves/ warriors, stop comparing our survivability with guardians/eles, stop comparing our Support capability with Guardians/Necros, ect ect.