Showing Posts For Sandrox.9524:

Scourge come 22nd

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


It can drop someone from 100% health to 0% in 4 second just by spamming skills.

It is also ridiculously tanky for no reason.

For example, I 1v11’d in WvW within 2 hours of making a Scourge for the first time. I downed about 5 with the rest streaming in to try to rez the downed, at which point, I dropped them as well.

So is alot of classes in the game including some from the very start….
DH is tanky and can down in 2 sec.
Zerker is tanky and can down in 2 sec.
Condi mesmer can be tanky and down ppl in 3-4 sec.

I could go on but it just shows your argument is invalid.

Small Scale Roaming 2 Audacîty[Au]+Scourge

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Playing power reaper with small group is so hard. Positioning is so important. Timing the shroud is so important…

Good vid and its nice seeing power reaper /o\

It’s not power. Title and build says hybrid…

my bad though dmg numbers are like not full zerk power still and haven’t really noticed the condi numbers. My comment still stands though, its hard playing power reaper in group fight.

Small Scale Roaming 2 Audacîty[Au]+Scourge

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Playing power reaper with small group is so hard. Positioning is so important. Timing the shroud is so important…

Good vid!

(edited by Sandrox.9524)

How's the scourge op???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


I am so glad i don’t pvp with necro anymore.I get sick of being free kill and being babysat 24/7 because babies can’t stand to fight strong enemies who can fight back.

I’d say it is really strong when used properly :o I’ve got top stats every match as Scourge

2 games are not indication. in the demo it is like quickplay. ppl testing stuff out. You should see how you fare when you duel your friend over a point. try fighting DH friend on point or play against good ppl and not random. When you do that you will see that any range(as in deadeye, ranger, holosmith, longbow DH) would have easy time with you. Also heavy CC hitters such as spellbreakers would also have easy time with you it all depends on the level of skill they got. You should think about that ppl eventually understand your class and will counter you easily, so before screaming “what this class is OP this class neeed nerf” yabba yabba you should see if other players even try to counter you.

Scourge Beta Feedback and Suggestions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Too many stuff you suggested that will make this spec stronger then it should be.

I agree about the torch.
Garish Pillar would replace the fear for the dome to make it not too strong.
Barrier: make Healing power a stat that delay Barrier degeneration and Vitality stat that add max Barrier(instead of healing power).

I seriously think Scourge should have some way of destroying existing shades to replace them faster, where they are needed. Its pretty clunky in an action game with constant movement and dodges.

It is not that hard I mean in spvp you have cap points there is no much room for movement if you want to stay on point, in wvw granted on big fights there is alot of movement but it all comes down to experience where to put them like when you put wells. in Pve Raids I dont know much but I think most fights are close to boss and there is alot of stacking so movement is somewhat limited with the range the shades got. Wasn’t a real problem to me when I tried it.

Scourge Beta Feedback and Suggestions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Too many stuff you suggested that will make this spec stronger then it should be.

I agree about the torch.
Garish Pillar would replace the fear for the dome to make it not too strong.
Barrier: make Healing power a stat that delay Barrier degeneration and Vitality stat that add max Barrier(instead of healing power).

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


So I’ve tested the barrier scale and found out thaat healing power and vitality doing the same thing which increase the amount of barrier you get, I think one of the devs said one would make barrier decay slower while the other increase the amount. With Magi amulet(+900 vit +1200 Healing power) I get with Cascade about 3137 barrier. With Valkyrie amulet(+900 vit only) I get with Cascade 2225 barrier which is baseline meaning vitality actually do nothing. The decay is not slowing.

Did I missed something about Vitality and Barrier?

Barriers scale with vitality because the max amount of barriers you can have is half your hp. So more vitality means more max barrier.

So vit affect the max barrier thanks.

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


So I’ve tested the barrier scale and found out thaat healing power and vitality doing the same thing which increase the amount of barrier you get, I think one of the devs said one would make barrier decay slower while the other increase the amount. With Magi amulet(+900 vit +1200 Healing power) I get with Cascade about 3137 barrier. With Valkyrie amulet(+900 vit only) I get with Cascade 2225 barrier which is baseline meaning vitality actually do nothing. The decay is not slowing.

Did I missed something about Vitality and Barrier?

(edited by Sandrox.9524)

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Dhuumfire does not give a burn for every pulse of Desert Shroud. Please stop spreading this misinformation.

It only gives one burn stack at the initial cast.

Dhuumfire doesn’t even trigger on F5. It triggers on each F1 you cast.

Holy kitten guys. Read up xD

Mate I just spent like the last 3 post proving it does with a screenshot. It applies dhuumfire on each pulse, the other guy was getting confused because his burn duration is too low so he is not seeing 7 stacks.

Read my edit,mate.

and if you open my screenshot, you will notice I have sand savant.

Your source of burning has to have come from another source. I just unequipped Dhuumfire and Demonic Lore and popped F5 on a golem.

No burning.

That’s because you unequipped dhuumfire, are you sure we are talking about the same thing here. I am proving that dhuumfire works on each shade hit, it apply 7 burn stacks on shroud 5 because it hits 7 times, thus proccing dhuumfire 7 times.

Yeah I think we might not be talking about the same thing. But I see now that after having only Dhuumfire equipped F5 does indeed inflict burning.

But only 1 proc for me. It just feels like a burning proc on F5 is a bug since the tooltip on Dhuumfire clearly says only “shroud skill 1”.

Right? :O

Never trust tooltips, they are seldom always right.

What happens is that shade hit is treated as F1, that is why it proc dhuumfire which does work as intended. Removing it will probably absolutely gut our dps in PvE though so hopefully it won’t happen.

Yes but I’m not talking about the F1 skill xD I know that works as intended. Here’s the thing,if you equip Dhuumfire,place no shades on the ground but only pop F5,you’ll get one burning proc. That’s even without Demonic Lore. There shouldn’t be a burning proc on F5.

I know, but that is because you are not F1. The shade is the F1 in this case, so when the F1 hits, it apply dhuumfire because the shade itself is F1.

You are still you.

Yes,I know that. What I’m saying is that a burning proc on F5 is a BUG.

and I just explained why I think is not

No you didn’t. You just wrote that a sand shade (F1) will apply burning. It’s working as intended. However,the F5 ability is NOT a F1 ability,hence the burning should not be procced when pressing F5,yet,it does.

If you go to core necro or reaper,and equip Dhuumfire,will you proc burning with Tainted Shackles or Executioner’s Scythe? No,it won’t. As it never has. Dhuumfire has always only worked on the F1 shroud abilities. Never F5.

So if you get a burning proc from Scourge’ F5,Desert Shroud because of Dhuumfire,then it is a bug.

I have not seen any patch notes addressing the fact that Dhuumfire now works on F5 abilities as well.

Whenever you use a shade ability, you and your sand shades strike nearby foes.
since F1 is also count as shade strike you can see why.

Power Scourge

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


use curses with power Scourge. Curses 2 2 1
Path of corruption let you reap 2 boons each time and cleanse 2 condis from allies at the same time with nefarious favor. You have weakness spam and auto condi transfer.


Since when does PoC cleanse conditions….

ops mixed with other post, fixed it thanks. You can have 4 condi cleanse with nefarious favor when you use one shade since it is on you and shade. but it was for other psot

Mhh that sounds like a bug. if i understand the text correctly you should get the effect only one time.

You and your shade convert conditions from nearby allies into boons. the description

All of those only affect a target once, no matter how many times an area overlaps.

Exception in Unyielding Blast, for some reason.

It doesn’t work twice if you are next to the shade but not in his area of effect?

Power Scourge

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


use curses with power Scourge. Curses 2 2 1
Path of corruption let you reap 2 boons each time and cleanse 2 condis from allies at the same time with nefarious favor. You have weakness spam and auto condi transfer.


Since when does PoC cleanse conditions….

ops mixed with other post, fixed it thanks. You can have 4 condi cleanse with nefarious favor when you use one shade since it is on you and shade. but it was for other psot

Mhh that sounds like a bug. if i understand the text correctly you should get the effect only one time.

You and your shade convert conditions from nearby allies into boons. the description

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Dhuumfire does not give a burn for every pulse of Desert Shroud. Please stop spreading this misinformation.

It only gives one burn stack at the initial cast.

Dhuumfire doesn’t even trigger on F5. It triggers on each F1 you cast.

Holy kitten guys. Read up xD

Mate I just spent like the last 3 post proving it does with a screenshot. It applies dhuumfire on each pulse, the other guy was getting confused because his burn duration is too low so he is not seeing 7 stacks.

Read my edit,mate.

and if you open my screenshot, you will notice I have sand savant.

Your source of burning has to have come from another source. I just unequipped Dhuumfire and Demonic Lore and popped F5 on a golem.

No burning.

That’s because you unequipped dhuumfire, are you sure we are talking about the same thing here. I am proving that dhuumfire works on each shade hit, it apply 7 burn stacks on shroud 5 because it hits 7 times, thus proccing dhuumfire 7 times.

Yeah I think we might not be talking about the same thing. But I see now that after having only Dhuumfire equipped F5 does indeed inflict burning.

But only 1 proc for me. It just feels like a burning proc on F5 is a bug since the tooltip on Dhuumfire clearly says only “shroud skill 1”.

Right? :O

You have to place shade on it.

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Dhuumfire does not give a burn for every pulse of Desert Shroud. Please stop spreading this misinformation.

It only gives one burn stack at the initial cast.

Dhuumfire doesn’t even trigger on F5. It triggers on each F1 you cast.

Holy kitten guys. Read up xD

Mate I just spent like the last 3 post proving it does with a screenshot. It applies dhuumfire on each pulse, the other guy was getting confused because his burn duration is too low so he is not seeing 7 stacks.

Read my edit,mate.

and if you open my screenshot, you will notice I have sand savant.

Your source of burning has to have come from another source. I just unequipped Dhuumfire and Demonic Lore and popped F5 on a golem.

No burning.

Maybe cuz you unequipped dhuumfire? O.o

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


No, it’s not a matter of the stacks falling off. If that were the case, the duration on the icon would be resetting on each pulse. It isn’t, though, and the golem stops burning entirely before the last pulse.

Burning stack intensity and not duration.

And if it’s applying Burning on each pulse, then there would always be burning so long as it’s ticking, no?

The method of stacking is irrelevant. Some people are getting it stacking on every pulse, but I’m just not seeing it happen. It ranges from 1-5 pulses that it actually applies for me.

The reason it ends in the last pulse only means it pulsed just when the condi ended try with bit more condi duration.

Power Scourge

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


use curses with power Scourge. Curses 2 2 1
Path of corruption let you reap 2 boons each time and cleanse 2 condis from allies at the same time with nefarious favor. You have weakness spam and auto condi transfer.


Since when does PoC cleanse conditions….

ops mixed with other post, fixed it thanks. You can have 4 condi cleanse with nefarious favor when you use one shade since it is on you and shade. but it was for other psot

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


No, it’s not a matter of the stacks falling off. If that were the case, the duration on the icon would be resetting on each pulse. It isn’t, though, and the golem stops burning entirely before the last pulse.

Burning stack intensity and not duration.

Scourge WvW : Guild Reaper Perspective

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


3 shades:
1. before fight place 1 shade where ranged is and let the ranged know.
2. on fights when the melee leap/engage place 1 shade on it and use f3 then f2.
place the third one where needed.(e.g next to downed allies or enemy)
Ranged/focus should know where your shade is and if they say help just pop f3 f2 and f4.

1 shade:
place it on melee engages use f3 then f2 then place it on downed allies or enemies and use when needed.(e.g if ally need ress, use f3 then f2 if there is only ranged pressure, or f4 for melee pressure.

if you are using transfusion, use f4 with care since it requires alot of LF.

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Dhuumfire does not give a burn for every pulse of Desert Shroud. Please stop spreading this misinformation.

It only gives one burn stack at the initial cast.

Go into PvP and test it, I literally just got to the golem, dropped down a shade and hit F5. 7 burn stack over its duration. Is working exactly like that.

I have. I dropped a shade, hit F5 and…saw 3 stacks including 2 Demonic Lore procs.

It literally only procs on the initial strike. It does not pulse.

EDIT: After taking off Demonic Lore, it turns out Dhuumfire does pulse, BUT NOT ON EVERY PULSE. It procs on the first three, and not on the rest.

If I remember correctly(cant test now,im at work) you think its 3 stacks but because the duration it keep lowering the stacks so you dont actually see without condi duration.

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Dhuumfire does not give a burn for every pulse of Desert Shroud. Please stop spreading this misinformation.

It only gives one burn stack at the initial cast.

It does when you have shade on it.

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Dhuumfire gives you in Desert Shroud burn for every pulse(7 pulses) in addition to the Shades summoning which is way too strong imo.

Is it ? Not compared to our usual performance as a necromancer, but compared to what other elite spec for other classes can do ?

Well, I don’t compare in this post. Mainly cause other classes have their own problems and balancing issues.

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Also keep in mind that if traited, the Pillar is also a heal (try it out at lower HP to see how much it actually does) that also revives people. That, together with the fear AND the shade attacks does make it worth its cost.

When it is traited I agree it is very strong and the amount of LF requires is jutified.

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Every single shade skill goes off on you as well, you are basically a shade. So if you garish pillar even with no shade up, you will fear. Don’t need to worry about placement that much if you are in melee.

I know that but I replied to him about the sand shades. You think the amount of LF for it is justified?

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


To start things off I would like to say that the idea behind Scourge is great to me. It in a way far different then core Necro and Reaper but at the same time fit the class structure. Instead of having “2nd life” we get “life injector” which is fair trade imo.

I would like to point out that I have never done any pve raid and because of that my knowledge about the Scourge there is shrouded in sand.

So my Experience so far playing Scourge
There are minor glitches like “Sand Swell” get interrupted sometimes when you cast it while moving. Torch #5 skill doesn’t give might as it should And entering water set you on core shroud(think that is already known)

Torch #4 skill feels bit underwhelming, all our offhand skills usually have some sort of life force gain and I think skill #4 should give us some life force.

Garish Pillar use way too much life force for what he does. Fear is very avoidable condition since it can be cleansed and be avoided by stability and resistance.

Shroud traits need to be more looked at, Death Perception would only give you the bonus if you using Desert Shroud which is 7 sec bit underwhelming for GM. Dhuumfire gives you in Desert Shroud burn for every pulse(7 pulses) in addition to the Shades summoning which is way too strong imo.

The lack of Stability. I get it, Necros and stability are not on good terms. But as Reaper had at least one Stability skill related to the mechanic, why Scourge get none? They both use close range playstyle. If I may suggest a solution, I would use the trait Foot In the Grave for more than just Stability in Desert Shroud and maybe make it on all F1-5 skills with ICD. (and make Desert Shroud the only stun break).

Grand-master traits. Feed from Corruption is too good to pick anything other than that. I can see Demonic lore in Condi heavy builds but really I think this trait is just better overall.

Would appreciate if you give us some sort of blast finisher /o

That is for me, for now. Gonna test it more this weekend with shaman stats and see how much the barrier scale in practice.

Torch 4 skill: I agree with you on this. There’s not much life force generation unless you run traited staff and have staff as a secondary and/or utilities as well but with that being said,so far I’ve had no problem gaining life force when there’s so many people dying around me…hehe.

Garish Pillar: I disagree with you on this. We’ve got potentially three beacons (plus ourselves) that will activate the fear at once. That’s alot of area covered. I think the LF cost is justified and it might be why it actually is that high?

Shroud Traits: Yes,there seems to be some adjusting needed to be done to better fit the shroud traits with the Scourge F abilities

The lack of Stability: Do we really need that? we’ve got a few stunbreaks and with the new portal we have we’ve actually got 3 mobility skills now :O 4 if you count Lich Form but that’s not even worth taking into consideration anyway. I just had to mention it…

Grand-master traits: I don’t know if it’s intended or not but it seems like Feed from Corruption aren’t working quite well. I corrupted 3 boons with Corrupt Boon but I only got one boon from it. I was under the impression that the trait would essentially give you 3 boons? Also,it’s probably great for dueling but with all the boon hate flying out there now it just doesn’t feel like it’s any good. It’s more wasted shrugs

I like Demonic Lore though. It’s powerful. Sand Savant I can’t see myself taking. Maaaaaaybe only for duels.

About Stability, Correct me if I am wrong, but we got the usual stunbreaks we always had with core necro+ 1punish skill. The new skills I find bit more condi-centric and for general purposes weaker. . You will still be helpless when you get focused by
CC in group. The teleport have cast time which can be interrupted.

About Garish Pillar, in theory it looks very nice with the 3 shades, but in practice ppl tend to avoid those shades in a fight1, and as I said Fear itself is not really good enough since it can easily be countered. I find myself not using this skill at all, only if I desperately try to interrupt stomps.

(edited by Sandrox.9524)

Power Scourge

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


use curses with power Scourge. Curses 2 2 1
Path of corruption let you cleanse 4 condis each time with nefarious favor. You have weakness spam and auto condi transfer.

[Beta feedback] After playing 8 hours testing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


To start things off I would like to say that the idea behind Scourge is great to me. It in a way far different then core Necro and Reaper but at the same time fit the class structure. Instead of having “2nd life” we get “life injector” which is fair trade imo.

I would like to point out that I have never done any pve raid and because of that my knowledge about the Scourge there is shrouded in sand.

So my Experience so far playing Scourge
There are minor glitches like “Sand Swell” get interrupted sometimes when you cast it while moving. Torch #5 skill doesn’t give might as it should And entering water set you on core shroud(think that is already known)

Torch #4 skill feels bit underwhelming, all our offhand skills usually have some sort of life force gain and I think skill #4 should give us some life force.

Garish Pillar use way too much life force for what he does. Fear is very avoidable condition since it can be cleansed and be avoided by stability and resistance.

Shroud traits need to be more looked at, Death Perception would only give you the bonus if you using Desert Shroud which is 7 sec bit underwhelming for GM. Dhuumfire gives you in Desert Shroud burn for every pulse(7 pulses) in addition to the Shades summoning which is way too strong imo.

The lack of Stability. I get it, Necros and stability are not on good terms. But as Reaper had at least one Stability skill related to the mechanic, why Scourge get none? They both use close range playstyle. If I may suggest a solution, I would use the trait Foot In the Grave for more than just Stability in Desert Shroud and maybe make it on all F1-5 skills with ICD. (and make Desert Shroud the only stun break).

Grand-master traits. Feed from Corruption is too good to pick anything other than that. I can see Demonic lore in Condi heavy builds but really I think this trait is just better overall.

Would appreciate if you give us some sort of blast finisher /o

That is for me, for now. Gonna test it more this weekend with shaman stats and see how much the barrier scale in practice.

(edited by Sandrox.9524)

Please revert Speed of Shadows

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


It isnt a case of them playing it or not. They just dont care anymore.

Revert this patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


They actualy thought thye buffing signet of suffering…NO ANET NO

Tank power reaper video2 roamin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


While scrapper runes would be great, you are losing damage on a build running 2 bunker lines right?

What about Rune of the brawlers same like scrapper only you get 3 stacks of might on heal skill which is the shout with low cd. it gives you more lf with blighters boon.

(edited by Sandrox.9524)

any tips how to beat warrior 1v1?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Well, what you dont want is that the warrior will be in your face. if you keep your distance from him and dodge the important stuns you will win.

What I do to win warirors in duels is using wellmancer, everytime warrior gets on his zerker rage, I put one well on myself and play on it since the warrior either will stay on the well or avoid it wasting his rage. while your wells on cooldown – use chill, fear, blind, cripple or simple kiting to avoid him. If he keeps his distance for getting a bit of health with his healing signet, just pressure him with axe.

-Watch for his Stability, if he has it, corrupt it for a free fear on him.

-Synergy your shroud with your health: this is general advice, dont wait till you will get low on health to enter shroud or vice versa.

-Dont use stunbreak right after you get stunned, sometimes they stun you but do nothing. If for example warrior stun you and you stunbreak then he enters his zerk rage and stun you again you are screwed. Look and react.

If warrior using Rifle, it will be hard for you but try to avoid barrage with reaper shroud 2.

Frost Gunner Reaper [Build/Gameplay]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


My brain got tremors watching this sorry. after 10 sec of this video I would be braindead

Proper small scale wvw power build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Pbaoe Boon Corruption.

It removes the enemies’ facetanking boon shield and replaces it with heavy attrition. Obviously a support character is a great pair but really any support at all is good. That just takes allies who understand reapers benefit heavily from even small amounts of support (lolswiftness please). When on revenant I make a point of standing near my reapers to ensure at minimum they have perma swiftness. Still working on being mindful to glint wing super speed them as well as give them protection boon from herald f2. Reapers really do contribute heavily to a fight if supported properly and I don’t mean lolepidemic.

Celestial is not exactly power build but ok ill try that ty

Proper small scale wvw power build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


At current state, it is either go condi or dont come.

What I am experiencing while using the wellmancer with every Stability skill/trait I can. Using couple of skill combos such as :full wells; 2 wells and one of the two spectrals(not grasp); 2 wells and wurm. Been using plauge with everything. Armor is marauder with some bits of valkyrie and zerk trinkets.

Problem is that it doesnt matter, I always get focused and get tired down quickly. I know how to position myself and to kite, but there is only so much Necro can do in terms of mobility. I’m using Wellmancer build cause it is very group friendly.

Any build suggestions? or maybe I just need my teammates to support me better if I am doing everything I can?

Reaper Shoutmancer PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Played this build from silver to top gold. it is very good.

Reapers Onslaught

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


It will give you the ferocity increase though

GS Power Reaper Roaming/Duels

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


hmmm is NA that bad? or you showing only the bad?

Half way into the video, all I see is chrono losing to power GS reaper which I don’t know how it can be manageable. Thieves not using SB(and losing lol) at all…. and players getting stunned and not using any stunbreaks…..

I am not saying this cause I think I am the best, it’s because the opponent game-play you showing is very different than mine on EU. I hope I’m not the only one noticing this.

What were you expecting? If a necro wins against unfavorable match ups, which is almost all classes, then it’s because he outplayed them.

And that ultimately involved people being worse players.

It’s still pretty fun to watch.

NA is going to generally have less players dedicated to high level videogame play anyways, given NA has completely less permissive labor laws and average work hours that far exceed the EU ones.

That might change with the e-sport movement catching up in the US, which is still in its infancy even though some university programs have piloted e-sport programs. But that would still limit to professional play.

The average American has longer work hours by far than the average European to spend in practice. Less holidays, less paid time off work, longer hours.

Videogames also have more stigma since the US has prevailing motto of “if you don’t want to work long hours you’re lazy and a bad person not fit for progression in your career”. Good old Puritan ghosts still have an effect on morality.

haha. Never said that it is not fun to watch, I love seeing gs power reaeper footage!
And only watched the opponets play. Anyway it is seems to me, which I played alot of wvw and mostly roaming and small group roam, that NA vids are not on par with the EU one. But it is just me so sorry

GS Power Reaper Roaming/Duels

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


hmmm is NA that bad? or you showing only the bad?

Half way into the video, all I see is chrono losing to power GS reaper which I don’t know how it can be manageable. Thieves not using SB(and losing lol) at all…. and players getting stunned and not using any stunbreaks…..

I am not saying this cause I think I am the best, it’s because the opponent game-play you showing is very different than mine on EU. I hope I’m not the only one noticing this.

Chrono messed up on his opener, so the initial pressure of power chrono wasn’t really there. From then on I kept up pressure as I could on him (for whatever reason he didn’t dodge CttB, prob from dodging in stealth) and he never regained control.

Thief got kitteny trying to blind my gravedigger and still stay near it, so I simply used a shout to clear and hit him with it. He then tried to headshot and shadowshot me, but I had moved behind a minion, so he got disoriented as he expected to be on me, with me blinded rather than in front with the Grasping Darkness coming into him. He could have used shortbow to kite around forever but I guess he didn’t feel like being a wuss.

I took a look at your vid you have linked in your sig and could say much the same about many of the players I saw in your video. In one of the camp fights a chrono simply backpedaled as you used RS4 on him, while the thief did not dodge or stunbreak after he got pulled into a gravedigger, though he had time. WvW is a weird place full of players of different skill levels. I’m sure you can find some truly awful players on EU, just like NA.

Yeah since that video was just when HoT came so pretty much everyone still havent really used to the elites.

It’s not just in your video, else I wouldn’t mention it. I watch alot of NA players vids and .it is the same pattern. Sorry if it sounds eltist in a way, it is entirely out of curiousity
I also gave you like since you still playing gsshout reaper which I really liked

GS Power Reaper Roaming/Duels

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


hmmm is NA that bad? or you showing only the bad?

Half way into the video, all I see is chrono losing to power GS reaper which I don’t know how it can be manageable. Thieves not using SB(and losing lol) at all…. and players getting stunned and not using any stunbreaks…..

I am not saying this cause I think I am the best, it’s because the opponent game-play you showing is very different than mine on EU. I hope I’m not the only one noticing this.

Still here due to incompetece

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


If you talking about wvw/pvp you are clearly over your head.

Simply because dagger dish out dmg quickly and can easly dis out more dmg auto attacking while GS auto attack finish. GD and Nightfall are not in the equation since they are so easy to dodge and avoid. Plain and simple. GS is about the burst not about the DPS it is not DPS weapon in pvp.

If someone is dying to dagger in pvp, they are trash. Also GD and nightfall cant be avoided at the end of a dodge.

Just because YOU might suck, doesn’t mean every necro does. I kill plenty of people just fine with GS. Only a blind immobile monkey will die to daggers pitiful dps.

It is almost like you talking about GS but instead of saying GS you saying daggers..

But kudos being the 10% of the Necro pvp community who think GS is effective.

Also kudos of being the 1% of the entire guildwars2 playerbase who think all ppl are stupid enough to dodge the moment you using GD.

Would use your comment as signature but nah I am really nice person.

I’m confused and am going to assume you were talking to Draco on that one (confused because I was quoted as well yet your comment sounded like it was directed at him, especially since you mentioned PvP).

ye it was for him

Still here due to incompetece

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


If you talking about wvw/pvp you are clearly over your head.

Simply because dagger dish out dmg quickly and can easly dis out more dmg auto attacking while GS auto attack finish. GD and Nightfall are not in the equation since they are so easy to dodge and avoid. Plain and simple. GS is about the burst not about the DPS it is not DPS weapon in pvp.

If someone is dying to dagger in pvp, they are trash. Also GD and nightfall cant be avoided at the end of a dodge.

Just because YOU might suck, doesn’t mean every necro does. I kill plenty of people just fine with GS. Only a blind immobile monkey will die to daggers pitiful dps.

It is almost like you talking about GS but instead of saying GS you saying daggers..

But kudos being the 10% of the Necro pvp community who think GS is effective.

Also kudos of being the 1% of the entire guildwars2 playerbase who think all ppl are stupid enough to dodge the moment you using GD.

Would use your comment as signature but nah I am really nice person.

Still here due to incompetece

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


If you talking about wvw/pvp you are clearly over your head.

Simply because dagger dish out dmg quickly and can easly dis out more dmg auto attacking while GS auto attack finish. GD and Nightfall are not in the equation since they are so easy to dodge and avoid. Plain and simple. GS is about the burst not about the DPS it is not DPS weapon in pvp.

Any gold tier power necro vid or stream?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524



I don’t do pvp cuz of the cancer there but I stream wvw on power reaper most of the time and I have plenty of vids on youtube. Here is one .
My twitch is
Altho since this new condi no skill meta has been out I havent been taking it very seriously.

I used to stream and do youtube vids(my signature) with power reaper only in wvw. But also got really demotivated by the sustain-condi meta in wvw atm. I barly play and if I do I do some quick soloQ’s. I play all classes though reaper is my gem and really disappointed with all the nerfs and crap anet giving it.
Failed to mention that I will check your stream out!

(edited by Sandrox.9524)

Any gold tier power necro vid or stream?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


I am pretty experience with necro though more in wvw, I found out that it is different world in spvp(I had some exp there as thief and mesmer). With necro I find myself getting sponged all over the place.

Is there anyone willing to share the power necro mindset or/and tactics, or share a vid/stream of it?

And btw been doing the 10 matches skill rating thingy, it is natural that the level of players there is blend and I could end up with poor players against strong ones, right?

Axe, why all the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Well it is in its nature to get Axed.

Playing necro isnt fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Dont know what do you mean by not fun. I owns in 1v1 almost all the time. thieves just running away from me and DH get killed in their own traps since they think they are immortal inside it. Maaaan it is l2p issue……hotjoin is so eaasy

Don't be that guy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Dont blame them, blame the devs for allowing it.

Power PvP/Someone competent enough pls answer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


I find wellmancer pretty much good on points. but im only silver who knows

sPvP Necro Wells/Crit [Video w/ Gameplay]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Zinthos, when you say you helping your teammates, you sure its not the other way around? it can be just that your teammates carry your build. Tempest can do your role better. You miss the role of being Necromancer and you trying to enter other classes roles which never gonna work. When you say in action it does work, which action? what tier of pvp you playing? what your party composition is and is it possible you hinder them? and this party with other member can do much better? saying it is working for you doesnt mean this build works in general.

Power Necro in PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


depends which tier in pvp you are.

I won as a necro!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


First of all, regarding your questions in the other thread, I haven’t seen all your videos but your Shroud timing seems to be pretty good and that alone makes you a decent necro.
I sometimes feel like you could use your skills more in response to what your opponents are doing, so it feels a bit spammy sometimes and there’s definitely some room for improvement.

As for my personal build, it’s not a secret at all. I’ve had a build thread on this forum for more than 3 years (it’s not really up to date except for the build calculator links) and most of the time I’m still using that build today. This would be the current WvW version.

Also something that has been troubling me is, if I use the blood magic line as a power necro and go with axe/war horn + staff, what am I supposed to choose in the minor trait line? I don’t use a dagger, I don’t cast bleed, and I don’t run with allies often =/

You have Mark of Blood, Mark of Evasion and you could corrupt vigor into bleeding, so Blood Bond is still a good choice here.
Other than that, if you don’t fight in groups I highly recommend Banshee’s Wail over VP when you’re using a warhorn. Personally, I don’t use VP in WvW at all, because the only times it would make a considerable difference (in zergs) there usually are several other necros sharing vamp aura anyway.
The only other thing I would change is sigil of force and Close to Death. I know it’s tempting to stack dmg mods when you’re running a power build, but I think you’d net better results with Spiteful Spirit and another crit or swap sigil in matchups you’re struggling with.

About the wvw build. how much dmg do you do with axe#2 ish?

What is the best 1v1 duelist build for necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


How do you guys beat a druid with any of these builds? OR a thief? OR a warrior?

Thief nor druid should be able to kill you with traited CC plus correct positioning. For warrs swap spectral armor for Boon Corrupt and if you kite properly you should end by killing him(or at least have a fair chance)

So you cab kill druids and thiefs no problem? might add you aswell to see that.

First of all, I said you shouldnt die, after that killing the enemy may be more or less hard. Second, do as you please ^^

Im confused, you said that neither thief or druid should be able to kill necro with proper cc spec and correct positioning right? SO that means what? Necro has enough CC and mobility and low CDs to stay alive on a 1vs1 till they beat then or till necros run away?

By CC i meant Consume Conditions. Traited Consume conditions plus weakness spam allows for good sustain and heal outside of RS. By proper positioning i mean LoS to thief so he cant interrupt your heal or bristleback from druid for instance. Also you can use stab and go somewhere where thief cant steal and safely cast your heal there.
As long as you can proprly use your skills you should have enough sustain, and from there kill druids/thieves or at least stalemate them, as they have good reset also. You can also run Corrupt boon in order to condi burst druids after they use celestial and are out of condi clears, or rise shout plus on crit sigils for more consistent presure to the thief. There are a lot of tweaks that makes matchups more or less viable according to each one, my original build was just a rly safe build that should be able to stay alive against anything

Unless the thief or the druid know how to play, which in this case easy inturrpt to that obvious skill.. the battle against good thieves or druids is battle of staying alive. the longer you stay alive on point the better. I mostly kill them when they get frustrated and stop kiting. The best tip you can have is managing your shroud and have lf regen traits and skills.