Showing Posts For Zepidel.5349:

Lack of PVE content pre expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Welcome to two months after release OP.

Macros: A serious Offense?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


I have been playing MMO’s since DAoC.

Macro and scripts for that matter are utterly undetectable, and even scripts that read from RAM are undetectable (the mod that lets you see what gear people in your party are wearing for instance, which caused a gigantic kittenstorm on reddit).

If the devs create a game that can be exploited by simple macros and scripts that mimic keyboard input, or information that can be pulled from RAM. Then the fault lies in the game design itself, and not the players.

Devs can say “1 button 1 action” all they want, but they will never be able to enforce it, UNLESS they design a solid game that isn’t exploited by a simple macro.

Just remember though if you do use a macro to get ahead in PvP or to clear “competitive” bleeding edge PvE content, that you are scum.

Looks dissapointing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Thousands of pages, huh? lol

And no one asked or a new profession? No one asked for new skills for their old profession? No one asked for new traits? No one asked for new maps?

I think some people don’t actually read the forums. Many things that have been asked for, including guild halls, are coming with this expansion.

Guild halls were something along with GvG that anyone should have expected DAY ONE with a sequel to GUILD wars. And were even promised by Anet tons of times to be in “future updates”.

This expansion seems more like a major patch with a new class tacked on.

Looks dissapointing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


In all the suggestion threads since release I can’t remember a single person saying they wanted to further explore magguma.

Thousands of pages of people asking for a new race, tengu, etc… And we get nothing.

One new class.

Guild Halls is a “major feature”, this is beyond insulting for obvious reasons.

And still no proper GvG?

Really Anet? You are going to throw all the potential this game has down the toilet a second time? I would go play a different MMORPG, but sadly in it’s current state and perceived state after this expansion GW2 will still be the best MMO on the market.

Un-nerfing Cloak and Dagger?

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Honestly they need to revert the CnD and Mug Nerfs.

Low level play in hotjoins and SPvP would QQ, there would be 5 threads at any time for weeks on these forums about getting 1 shot.

When I first played GW2 thats what I ran on my thief (I didnt know any better), in ~2 seconds you had a mug,2 CnD and a backstab if you precasted, which one shots any zerker setup if everything crits (you should have like 70-80% crit?), and kills most anything if they don’t react properly withing 4-5 seconds, which as sad as that sounds most people in hotjoins and solo que have a hard time doing.

Game has to cater to noobies too you know.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


What can you even do to stop bunkers?

Anet for some, I’m sure unforgivable reason, decided to not separate PvE from PvP in the sequel to the only MMORPG to ever do it, and is what made that game so great. And on top of PvE there is an almost complete and separate meta for the unwashed masses in STPvP and hotjoins which make up the majority of the PvPers in GW2.

A change to condition/power specs could turn the PvE meta upside down. Having no trinity means the classes that have the best offensive buffs and offensive damage are only considered good, with the exception of guardians for things like aegis on some harder content, but again they have to be running full zerk anyways. The ele and warrior pvers would have a tushy tantrum.

And it could absolutely destroy the game for low level solo que, do you remember the river nile of tears for d/d thief cnd precasting? Or the current PU mesmers being “unkillable gods” (weird we didn’t see any of them in ToL). These are the type of people anet is worried about kittening off. If you increase DPS output for certain specs scrubs will be getting isntagibbed more and the QQ will be uncontrollable, if you nerf bunkers those people will feel like they have less of a crutch to survive and the same crap will happen.

We were doomed the second anet decided to remove the trinity, every “Timmy” in this game expects everything to balanced 1v1, meaning we get what we have now. Boring uninspired bunkers vs bunkers meta with 5 hour long fights.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


I think it’s just too easy to get might. It allows tanky specs to actually do damage, both condi and direct.

Mesmer has some really good boon removal, but I don’t think there was even a single mesmer in any of the ToL finals or semi finals. Devs seem to want to make gs 3 a 2 or 3 boon removal from 1, which would add even more on top of what we have with sword auto, our utilities, and shatter stripping.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


To die in 2 seconds is better?

Full glass builds should not ever die in 2 seconds, every class as far I know has active mitigation that glass builds rely on that if used you will never die that fast even if you have 0 toughness and 10k hp.

mesmer can chain 5 seconds of invun? on top of blink, decoy, portal… the only way you die in two seconds is if you are terrible

Thief has blind and stealth, teleports….

Warriors have 4 sec invuln

Glass vs Glass fights usually last like 8-10 seconds, most of the time no one dies and someone disengages before they die, to meet back up with their team as your shouldn’t ever be playing 1v1 john rambo in full zerk.

Like if were to play to make “You guys” Happy we could run 5 dps and yeah it’s awesome and it’s better to watch but that doesn’t win games.

Run 5 shatter mes, that would be so fun to watch, and the other team wouldn’t ever have any boons

(edited by Zepidel.5349)

One necromancer in semifinals; zero in finals

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


The problem with conditions is the “arms race” between application and cleansing that has happened. Right now, bunky teams bring cleansing out the wazzoo and you just can’t apply them enough to be effective. Previously, you could just apply so fast, having cleanse didn’t matter.

Regardless, we need to learn to beat these bunker comps, which will create comps that are more susceptible to condis.

I am all for reducing the amount of cleanses in the game, and at the same time reduce the application rate for condis. Currently, if you don’t max-out cleanse, you can get condi-bursted and wrecked. If you do max-out cleanse, you can completely shut it down. Let’s roll back the arms race!

At high level play (orangized teams with voice, comps, and stats) cleansing is much easier. A lot of the condition hate comes from solo que, were you are on your own 99% of the time.

And The way conditions are now is fine, you need to research every class and the specs you will find in SPvP and figure out how many condition cleanses they are going to be running and the timers, and bait those out before you apply your big conditions. If you just front load all your big cd conditions dont expect them to do anything.

and again this is more complicated in TTPvP as you have to account for support from other classes/synergy that is almost non existent in STPvP.

But most condition users aren’t dedicated DPS, they are bunkers/hybrid… its much easier to stack condition damage than power/prec/crit dmg, and still have stat allocation for survival.

If you removed the amount of cleanses in game already STPvP would implode, and the forums would see a never ending river of tears. And TTPvP would probably just be 5 bunkers using conditions snorefest (pretty much like it is now but worse).

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Me and my guild were messing around with a burst comp and we had some success vs bunker comps. We were mostly messing around but when we got serious we won most of our games. I was running what I’m calling The Bunker Buster which is essentially a new version of what Warriors ran at the start of the game. You can only use the big burst once every minute but it can instantly kill squishy targets and get bunkers down to below 25%. We also had a Meditation guard and a Warrior running something similar to me.

So long as we were smart with our rotations 2 of us were able to blow up any tough target very quickly. It’s not an easy team to run and you probably noticed my build is really vulnerable after the initial burst but I could see running a support Ele and a bunker guard with it being really solid. Of course I have no idea how this would work at “high level” play.

Soo are you still thinking about quitting? Are warriors still in a bad place in this “Condi-Meta”? Just looking for hyperbolic advice I just see people talking about double War comps so I am confused by your previous expert warrior perspective.

I just don’t take the game seriously as far as competition goes anymore. I just run with guildies using odd comps and we just decided “we hate bunkers, let’s run crazy burst.” I still see plenty of MM’s, Condi/pushback Engis, Spirit Rangers, and other builds that are just plain boring to fight. In our group if you’re condi, expect to be bursted down first even if it’s not the best option. People call Warrior a “passive” class almost purely because we don’t generally press a button to heal yet I see so many specs that can be boiled down to “put red circles on another small circles” or “let the AI do it.” Those seem much more passive than 90% of Warrior specs, especially mine which doesn’t even use Healing Signet.

The game could really do for some GvG leagues, community ran or otherwise. Allow them to set their own rules, and times.

Could have fun stuff like 4 month long leagues with specific rule sets and have matches every weekend with prize pools for the teams with specific ladder ranks.

TTPvP and just some leaderboards, and the occasional officially ran tourney like ToL is getting really stale.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Buff boon stripping on necro/mes

Forced meta roles in solo que?

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Forcing a meta would… force people to learn the roles.

Try to force people to go to school, then come back with more briliant statistics.

No offence but this is a typical idea that sounds good on paper and results in utter failure.

I think maybe you need to go to school, that isn’t a statistic. Maybe then you can call yourself “briliant”.

And no “offence” but, anything is better than what we have now. Of course its not going to be perfect, but for the most part I believe that the quality of matches would skyrocket. This happening at the cost of longer waiting between matches.

Matchup and Ranking Needs To Change Now

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


You have been playing 5k hours and don’t have 4 friends on your list to play with?

I don’t understand OP

GW2 community in a nutshell

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Game should never be balanced based on solo que, which is what you guys want.

If you want to escape the “cheese” que up with a team and…

Git Gud

The game is designed to have specs that are better 1v1, better at dealing burst damage, better at tanking, better at… the problem is you guys are running around going “1v1 me nub” in an SPvP match instead of fighting on point with your team, and you run into top tier decap/point defender specs and get BTFO (instead of running away and finding your team to do your job/role… trust me they can’t kill you unless you stick around) and cry for nerfs on the forums.

It’s as stupid as dazzle players complaining that nevermore is better 1v1, and therefore deserves to be nerfed.

Game would be absolutely no fun at all if it were balanced 1v1.

Forced meta roles in solo que?

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Bad idea.

Both teamcomps and strategy work off each other for a win. You can have a great teamcomp, but terrible strategy and still lose the game. You can have good strategy and bad team comp and still (possibly) win the game. Given that there is almost no legitimate strategy you can have as a team in soloq, teamcomps rarely have to do whether you win or not (imo).

Forcing a meta would… force people to learn the roles. I guarantee you at least 2/3rds of the people who will end up reading this thread have no idea roles beyond bunker even exist. And that’s a huge problem, because those are the people you are getting grouped with in solo que, the ones running around 1v1ing bunkers and decappers instead of fighting on point.

I don’t like that much the idea.
While fighting a team with synergy while you has none is almost impossible to win and pretty frustrating, there’s two factors that make me go against the idea. The first one people already pointed out, we don’t have enough PvP population for it be viable. The queues would be even worse. The second one is that when you reinforce the meta, you make it even more stale. Letting people play how they wan’t is the best method if we wanna see healthy changes in the metagame.

Meta hasnt changed much, and even the last feature patch didn’t do anything to even budge it with 5 new “Grand Master” traits for every class (spoiler: they were pretty much all awful).

And there really isn’t even a meta in solo que. In the bottom percentile you have stupid things like “condition” meta were people run decap specs only for everything since that’s the easiest way to 1v1, since SPvP to them its just an arena to fight people and point capture is usaully an afterthought. Then they come to class/SPvP forums to complain about balance from their 1v1 experiences.

Forced meta roles in solo que?

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


I cant think of any games that actually do this, but I think it would increase the QoL in a lot of situations. On the other hand people might not like the idea of anet forcing roles down peoples throats.

League of Legends has a team builder option that does exactly this. The problem is that there are 1000000000 people trying to play damage-dealer role, so when you queue up you spend 10-30 minutes waiting for somebody to fill a lesser player role. Or, the role fills instantly, and the person isn’t actually playing that role, ie. a guardian pops up in the ‘heavy support’ spot but actually has a burning condition damage build.

playing support in mobas isn’t that fun, unless you really like it. GW2 doesn’t have any support roles, I guess the closest thing would be bunkers, but hasn’t there been threads lately complaining about how many there are in solo que?

And ya the biggest draw back is going to be the que time, right now its basically under a minute every time. But I’d be willing to wait ~5 minutes to get a better chance at a good match.

Forced meta roles in solo que?

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


How would you guys feel it anet forced some kind of role assignment in solo que to help ease losses due to terrible team comp and strategy?

As in before you que up you can select the types of roles you are willing to play, be it home bunker, close point defender, soft/hard dps, decapper, mid bunker, etc… and the system builds “balanced” teams, along with reworking the tutorials to explain the roles.

Even before the influx of PvE players causing a bubble in the lower MMR brackets, you would absolutely get crushed some games because the other team rolled a better comp (Of course no one would admit this and just call everyone on their team noobs). Or half your team decided they wanted to run around and be John “1v1 me nub” Rambo , while you lost mid and home the entire match.

I cant think of any games that actually do this, but I think it would increase the QoL in a lot of situations. On the other hand people might not like the idea of anet forcing roles down peoples throats.

But hey, its been 2 years without a different game mode, so it’s obvious they have a serious kitten for point defense, and aren’t interested in doing anything that will shake up the meta team builds, or specific roles.

Post Patch PU Spvp gameplay.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Stopped at 29 seconds when you were double capping

And PU has no place in SPvP at all, it cant fufill any of the roles even half as good as any other class/spec.

Best build for soloq and pug teamq???

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


You cant carry, not by yourself anyways.

You could go engineer decap, but what if you get grouped with another deccaper who refuses to go mid or help home?

You could go bunk… but if you already have one for home. you are kind of dead weight.

You could soft/hard target dps, but then what if you bunker doesnt stay home when theres no close point defense? Or what it 3 ppl are decapping and its you 1v3 mid?


you can carry solo que, you just crank that slot machine and home your comp doesn’t suck, than you hope your players know their roles/how to SPvP, than you hope they don’t suck skill wise… get all 3 and you win.

Discussion: Mind Stab [Rework]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


A blast-finisher on a weapon which already has two finishers, and also have it remove 2 boons?

I’m all for a Mind Stab buff, but really? :P

combo system in this game is messed up, only blast finishers matter or make much of a difference.

Take away the crappy projectile combos no one will even make a peep.

Its sad that PU is not nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


It still funny to see people who think PU is balanced.

A) go to a dueling server
B) say you are a PU mesmer
C) see how many people will fight you

Yea nobody . You think you’re good using PU? lol this fail trait will get nerfed once they start going a bit seriously into dueling. Enjoy while it lasts.

1v1 balance makes for a really boring team based game.

The only way to have real 1v1 is same class, same spec, same utility, same everything. If you think there is anything resembling a balanced match between any 2 specs you are deluding yourself, one is always going to have some kind of upper hand on the other. Just not as much as PU mes SA thief hambow warrior mm necro etc…

This is why I stay away from 1v1 arena custom lobbies, that and the communities there are full of angry 12 year olds that think every spec should be matched evenly 1v1.

Hambow is not even close to being good in 1v1, any player with half a brain should dodge most of the huge hammer telegraphs. Get your facts right before posting. I switched the hammer for a great sword because I realized hambow only works against terribads.

Ok my bad, I havent played warrior, and I havent done any dueling in probably a year. Still doesnt change the fact that it seems a group of people want the game to be balanced around 1v1.

That would make for an absolutely boring team based game. There needs to be rocks for the scissors cutting the paper.

PU does no damage, and it requires people to mindlessly chase them to kill. It doesn’t even have a place inside the real SPvP meta. Just because some people are getting their kitten kicked in custom games 1v1 arena is no grounds to nerf the spec, if anything it needs some buffs in the right places to even make it a viable decapper.

Its sad that PU is not nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


It still funny to see people who think PU is balanced.

A) go to a dueling server
B) say you are a PU mesmer
C) see how many people will fight you

Yea nobody . You think you’re good using PU? lol this fail trait will get nerfed once they start going a bit seriously into dueling. Enjoy while it lasts.

1v1 balance makes for a really boring team based game.

The only way to have real 1v1 is same class, same spec, same utility, same everything. If you think there is anything resembling a balanced match between any 2 specs you are deluding yourself, one is always going to have some kind of upper hand on the other. Just not as much as PU mes SA thief hambow warrior mm necro etc…

This is why I stay away from 1v1 arena custom lobbies, that and the communities there are full of angry 12 year olds that think every spec should be matched evenly 1v1.

(edited by Zepidel.5349)

[Idea] Boon-Rip Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Why would you replace Power Block with something weaker? :P

The 10 sec cooldown doesn’t work on auto attacks and is utterly useless against a thief. I know a lot of the meta specs, and tried learning their animations and prioritized what should and shouldn’t be interrupted. The problem is almost every skill in the game uses a 0.75 sec cast time, take in account reaction time and latency… and you have something that is really hit and miss, even after putting into the hours upon hours of homework (can you think of any other trait that requires knowing every spec and class in the game to operate at 100%?)… it still turns out pretty spammy and unreliable, between guardian block, warrior stability uptime its even worse.

2 boon steal is just better overall.

[Idea] Boon-Rip Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


This is something mesmer needs to be brought forward, putting ICD on them is going to make them pretty useless though. I don’t think I would ever take that 1st one, and the second one is way to random.

I’d really like to see something like this, since we didn’t get a single worthwhile GM trait out of 5 from the last patch.

Power Transfer replaces Power Block
Steal 2 boons from your target when you interrupt them.

It’s powerful, deserving of a GM trait, stupid builds like PU wont be able to grab it unless they give up clone on dodge (not gonna happen), same for shatter builds. It will make going interrupt spec worth it along with halting strike and the vuln stacking, maybe we can start running something besides shatter in SPvP.

(edited by Zepidel.5349)

[sPvP Build] The Intelligent Mind Wrecker

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


This is the same trait spread I use, But I would highly recommend picking up halting strike in place of empowered illusions and getting rid of something to bring in the daze manta, and you REALLLLLLLLY need that boon strip on shatter too, so get rid of that mind wrack trait :P, taking out even just protection or stability is way more huge than the extra damage every 11 seconds IF it hits (+33% damage for ALL attacks from all sources for the duration it would of been up >>>>> 20% damage for just wrack).

The only reason mesmer is even considered for teamfighting roles in SPvP is those on demand interrupts for resses, sick vuln stacking, boon stripping, and really nice ultimates.

You dont need valk amulet either, it going to passively let you survive maybe 1-2 seconds longer at the cost of DPS which is your role, mesmer has plenty of active mitigation methods from distortion/blink/decoy that gimping yourself like that isn’t needed.

And remember too portal is another reason mesmers are good, so theres another utility slot lost on a lot of maps.

And this is why you wont see hardly any mesmers in high level play like ToL, you pretty much have to go balls deep full glass mode to be comparable to crap like hambow, which is probably putting out the same damage, just not as bursty with 10x the survive, and less utility.

Mesmer needs some kind of buff to free up a utility slot (I don’t know how people even function without menders purity mantra heal), as it stands now you will find yourself having to run daze + portal + decoy/blink , leaving no room for anything else, even tho another mantra or possibly a signet or anything even would be so huge. They could rework one of those craptastic GM traits we got lost patch.

(edited by Zepidel.5349)

shatter mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


It sucked pretty bad, made me switch to an even glassier spec to make up for the damage loss. Shatter was already bad enough considering it was a rollercoster ride. You still cant get away from it completely since boon stripping is one of the only things making us worth a dps slot in SPvP comps.

[BUILD] Glass without dying. (Video)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


This is not even close to being full glass. And with these rune/trait/wep choices it cant even be called zerk.

It’s just another troll PU build

Lets see… full zerker = no defense stats whatsoever, so i’d call it glass, also it is zerker, as you can see, the armor is full zerk, traits/wep/runes don’t change armor names. Now why is this build troll? because of that one trait? that doesn’t make it troll, now please quit acting like one. ^^

You are using condition weapons except mh sword, you have 6 points invested into a defensive tree to grab PU, utility runes, mango pies, no boon stripping, no vuln stacking…

You say “full glass” its not. At least call it what it is, Power – PU build. Title is false advertising.

[BUILD] Glass without dying. (Video)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


This is not even close to being full glass. And with these rune/trait/wep choices it cant even be called zerk.

It’s just another troll PU build

(edited by Zepidel.5349)

Pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Everybody is going to be a bunker unless they are a warrior or thief. Because if you are not a bunker you get gibbed by warriors and thieves. Warriors and thieves dominate the non-bunker field in such a lopsided way.

Bunkers are just the symptom. Nerf warriors and thieves, and more classes will go power spec, because the fact is most people initially didn’t want to go conditions. At the release of the game most builds were actually power builds.

Put this man in charge of balance, he knows what he is talking about!

suggestion for gw3 or gw2 if u want

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


i dont think any PVPer would buy gw3^^

Sad, but true.

How about this suggestion:

Make a pvp focused GW3, but don’t let it be produced by ANet.

NC Soft is to blame, not Anet.

PvP is considered a niche, Themeparks are a lot safer. Modern MMO’s are pushing 100-300 million dollar budget, developers have less control over what gets put into a game. Everything Anet comes up with probably has to be approved by NC Soft which looks at it from a monetary side, “Is this going to increase our market share / user base?”

Hardcore PvP/PvE elements decrease market share, and is why we probably dont see any in GW2. And why WoW is adding things like LFR. The future of MMO’s seems to be watered down crap that everyone can play/stomach, but no more games targeted at a certain group of people that they will really enjoy, while others steer clear.

It’s just taking the path of least resistance, and catering to the lowest common denominator. And is why you see a lot of big name devs jumping ship to do indie projects so they can actually make the game they want, and not be forced to make the one investors want.

I know that NCSoft decides how much money they spend into GW2 and for what this money has to be used.
However, it’s not just the lack of PvP content, it is also alot about the frequency & quality of bugfixes and balance updates.
In addition, I’m pretty sure that a lot of players purchased GW2, because of its PvP.
In “common” MMOs, PvP might be more some kind of niche, but what about LoL or Dota?
I don’t play those games, but as far as I know, they are pretty successfull. Or stuff like Battlefield, CS or CoD.
None of those is a “true” MMO, the first ones are MOBAs, the second ones are shooters, but both show, that there are a lot of ppl interested in PvP. You just have to create a good environment. Not to mention that due to “every one is equal in the mists” (R.I.P since April 15th.), GW2 doesn’t feature the MMO-PvP-typical Gear advantages.

LoL is dota with training wheels, its dumbed down to cater to casuals, however it was what really exploded the dota clone / moba scene. HoN was the 1st “true” successor to dota, but because it wasn’t dumbed down or F2P it didn’t take off anywhere near as much as LoL, same for games like demigod etc…

The reason why moba and shooters are so prevalent is because they are just pick up and play games, mobas you only have to dedicate 1hr at a time, shooters even less. There is no grinding involved (unless you play LoL) or attachment to a character. The time investment in an MMORPG is huge in comparison, so finding a market is a lot harder. You cant just pick up GW2 and play it for an hour or two and see even a fraction of whats going on, and the mechanics involved in hotbar combat with lots of branching trait/spec lines is much more harder to grasp than a gun loadout or managing 4 skills, and how you should interact with your team and knowing the other teams heroes and what they can do.

Discussion: Mind Stab [Rework]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Some great ideas here guys! This skill is something we’ve been looking at, as it’s a little underwhelming at times.

Here’s a bunch of potential things we could do (we would do one or maybe two of these, not all:

  1. Look at making it usable on the move. Currently, the animation is ONLY able to be used while standing still.
  2. Increase the number of boons removed.
  3. Increase the radius.
  4. Make this a channeled skill that pulses AOE damage and boon removal while you hold the sword in the ground.
  5. Multi-stab! You choose multiple ground targets and stab all of them simultaneously (or one-after the other). We don’t have tech for this yet… but it’s a possibility!
  6. ???
  7. Profit!

Tagging this thread for later.

Combine 3 and 4, have it do 4 instances over 3 seconds, the first one being instant and each successive pulse being 1 second after (3 second channel) make it start with a larger AoE and each pulse decrease the AoE and increase the damage proportionally have the last pulse do damage and daze for 1 sec instead of boon removal. Make the radius scale 50% larger than it is now down to 25% then 0 then -25%.

Other classes would probably be too jealous of such a cool skill

That channeled AoE would still be an aimed skill that is stationary.

Ok, can I please have a HUGE ugly green aiming reticule?

…. and lets tone down a lot of the other visual spam, because I’m constantly losing my cursor.

People actually use those things? You can turn them off in options.

Easiest build for PvP?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


phantasm or shatter. The post above has a good phant spec, any shatter spec will do. Just make sure you make it your own, change stuff up little by little every match and see how much you like/dont like it.

DO NOT PLAY PU, it’s a worthless spec. Once you get out of the noob que you will find people /laughing and running past you instead of mindlessly chasing you alone till they die, get angry and make stupid posts on the mesmer forum about how OP PU is. Or you will be in teamfights doing 0 damage being a waste of space, and every time you pop up the hambow warrior will be playing pop the mesmer since there is no pressure being put on him dps wise.

Revisiting the Boonshare Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


PvE wise, did some very amateur and situational testing. If you don’t have 2 eles to keep might stacked perm at 25, the signet can add 2-12% increased DPS from might stacking your group, the higher end being if the boss dies before the stacks you gave run out so around ~40 seconds or so. But you would never run a non zerk spec like this in PvE.

SPvP wise, mesmer is pretty much pigeon holed into playing soft target teamfighter. As any other role can be done better by another class. The main reason mesmer getting in that role is almost all contained in our power tree, with the vuln stacking via daze/interrupt, boon stripping from shattering.

I think you could still keep the feel of the spec and adjust it a bit to be more viable, boon sharing might be incredibly strong, or it might just be fluff that gets stripped by a necro or opposing mesmer on the other team almost immediately.

Support type builds always sound fun, but the way this game was designed really inhibits it, everyone is expected to be self sufficient and able to perform without the help of others.

Make it to top1000 and escape the frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


wait…top 1000 is good? news to me…

Translation: “Oh, you reached an achievement that you find fulfilling to some degree? Let me needlessly hate on that with my own irrelevant perspective.”

oh the hypocrisy

suggestion for gw3 or gw2 if u want

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


I was just considering the KICKSTARTER project of a game like GW1 would be a really…good…idea… seriously….

It’s DAoC, but a PvP focused MMORPG. It’s going to suck if it fails, will set a bad precedent for indie/crowd funded niche games.

suggestion for gw3 or gw2 if u want

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


i dont think any PVPer would buy gw3^^

Sad, but true.

How about this suggestion:

Make a pvp focused GW3, but don’t let it be produced by ANet.

NC Soft is to blame, not Anet.

PvP is considered a niche, Themeparks are a lot safer. Modern MMO’s are pushing 100-300 million dollar budget, developers have less control over what gets put into a game. Everything Anet comes up with probably has to be approved by NC Soft which looks at it from a monetary side, “Is this going to increase our market share / user base?”

Hardcore PvP/PvE elements decrease market share, and is why we probably dont see any in GW2. And why WoW is adding things like LFR. The future of MMO’s seems to be watered down crap that everyone can play/stomach, but no more games targeted at a certain group of people that they will really enjoy, while others steer clear.

It’s just taking the path of least resistance, and catering to the lowest common denominator. And is why you see a lot of big name devs jumping ship to do indie projects so they can actually make the game they want, and not be forced to make the one investors want.

Pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


There isn’t one because there can’t be one!!! There is no possibility of a meta in soloq because you can’t decide what your team comp is or what builds people are running… Write it down, take a picture….I don’t wan to repeat it a fourth time.
“Run a yoloq with 3+ bunkers ", your logic is just amazing to me. Because I disagree with you I am instantly a scrub… No elitist mentality there what so ever

I’m done dude, you just keep repeating what I’m saying as if you are arguing with yourself.

Either you have 0 reading comprehension, or are trolling. Probably both

Pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Wow dude…you sure know how to drag out a conversation.. How couldn’t their be a power meta when all you saw were power builds…same for condies…and now you see it in the bunk meta. Your little link means nothing when my own 2 eye balls can look at someone’s weapon set and I can tell you what build they are running.. There has most definately been a condition meta and a power meta…you live in denial e sports. If I can’t use your own words against you, who’s should I use? You say there is no meta…which is wrong. You never said that there is no possibility of a meta in soloq…you just said that their isnt one.

There is no meta in solo que, at least not one that should matter or ever be taken into account when balancing the game, or deciding how you are going to play in real matches.

Just because you play a couple yolo que games and see 3+ bunker every match does not mean that there is a bunker meta.

(edited by Zepidel.5349)

Pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


You said there isn’t a meta…not that there could NOT be a meta. There is a difference there. I read some of your previous posts, you are pretty wispy washy on this subject but I can see your elitist mentality showing

You should probably go back and read this over again.

There never was a condition meta, power meta, or bunker meta ever. Try running a team with all bunkers or all power or all conditions and see how many times you lose to a real team comp.

This meta crap that people spew comes from noobs using SPvP as a 1v1 arena in low MMR games, instead of doing what they are spose to they get top decked and wreked off point by stupid builds that only work when idiots fight off point and chase them.

Im talking about people parroting stupid things like “condition meta”.

(edited by Zepidel.5349)

Pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Some of us enjoy 1v1 what’s wrong with that? Going far and beating the guy who is capping their home is a bonus for your team. Although its not the best thing to do it still fun to me rather than going mid and spamming as much AoE as I can.

Thats called decapping, if you read what was in that link you would see it’s a perfectly viable role. But you don’t take your full zerk, or bunker there. There is a certain spec that needs to be run, and you need to make sure your team is alright/good with having someone dedicated decapping.

You can’t have a meta in solo q and hotjoin because you can’t control your team comp or what everyone else is running. That still doesn’t say there isnt a meta in Tpvp. Which you denied.

Why would you open your response with the same exact thing I just told you?

And Yes there is a meta in TPvP, its not “conditions” or “power” or “bunker” like you said in…

So we had a power meta…everyone complained. We had a condi meta…everyone complained…we have a bunker meta…everyone complains. See a pattern?

It’s never been that simple.

Eliminate person score from scoreboard

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Scoreboard need to be reworked completely.

Bunkers get boned pretty hard, as do decappers.

Maybe add a “guard” personal point bonus for the amount of time spent on an objective as long as there isn’t no allied players within x distance. Make it scale with the amount of enemies in the area / attacking the objective.

Make capping far worth more than mid/home

And finally make it so you only get the capping point bonus if you were the 1st one there to discourage double capping etc…

I’m sure there is a lot of good ideas out there, but as it is now the scoreboard rewards scumbag play. I always double cap, because of that. Gotta beat to your score afterwards man.

Pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


We had a power meta because everyone was running a power build…we had a condi meta because everyone was running condi…we have a bunker meta because everyone’s running a more bunkery build. Sorry I had to spell it out for you! Maybe your talking about the 3 “top tier” teams that exist in na and yet all I’ve seen in everyone of these tourneys is meta kittens!!!

In a competitive environment the meta refers to how the game is played at high levels. developers who would make changes to the game to cater to solo que heroes would discredit the game entirely as casual crap.

Solo/Yolo/Hotjoin que doesn’t not have a meta, its just pure chaos, and whichever team has something vaguely resembling a decent comp and strategy will win out every time.

This is why most people find themselves around ~50% WR in solo que, really good players will push 60-65% and there is some godlike people people pushing 70%, but at the root of it all its still pretty much a lottery.

(edited by Zepidel.5349)

Pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


So we had a power meta…everyone complained. We had a condi meta…everyone complained…we have a bunker meta…everyone complains. See a pattern?
Is also like to point out that most teams run theif not only for dps but because they can port around every map so fast…if you don’t bring a theif and the othe team does you are at a disadvantage.

What are you even talking about? Bunker meta? are you serious?

Pls go get learned

There never was a condition meta, power meta, or bunker meta ever. Try running a team with all bunkers or all power or all conditions and see how many times you lose to a real team comp.

This meta crap that people spew comes from noobs using SPvP as a 1v1 arena in low MMR games, instead of doing what they are spose to they get top decked and wreked off point by stupid builds that only work when idiots fight off point and chase them.

They removed the rank showing haha

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


We want to see MMR, not rank, not leaderboard rating. We have never? Been able to see peoples MMR inside the game, let alone our own.

Problem is that the MMR itself is broken. Some of the worst players on the ladder get catapulted in to the top 100 after a few lucky wins.

Yesterday for example i was playing with and vs a pvp rank 16 warrior named Janhus. It was an obvious beginner that played sword shield….and never switched to other weaponsets. He was squishy as hell but did no damage either. I could literally stand next to him and /dance and i wouldnt die.

He had no idea either where to go to. He just ran to whatever fight he saw and died non stop pretty much including 1v1 vs bosses., non stop to far where he kept dying etc etc.

I think he had 10 points total in 3 games played. It was basicly 4v5 for every team he was in.

The comical part is… that guy was top 25 in Europe after 10-20 games played* (dropped in to percentages ofc after last night). So id like to thank Anet on behalf of Janhus for this horrible MMR system.

Leaderboard rank != MMR, it’s pretty obvious you can be in the top 100 leaderboard but the bottom percentile MMR.


in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Fun map design could tarnish the E-Sports reputation that GW2 has.

Pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Lol glass v glass isn’t skill… A little bit of twitch, but when you see low ranks killing the best players because you can 2 shot someone, that doesn’t fully express skill. TTK needs to not be infinite (like bunkers can frequently cause) and it needs to be long enough for any type of thinking, not lucky dodging and exploiting terrain teleports or packing as many instkittennto a 2 second frame as possible (most zerker builds).

Truth be told, not much in this game at all really requires skill, but saying zerker specifically does is nonsense. 2 shotting anyone is never a skill factor.

Ah yeah brah, were you watching ToL finals? TCG runnning dat meta d/d zerk thief. Sizer just running around 2 shotting the other teams DPS. Freaking epic man XD

oh wait, wrong game. You must of been watching the Tournement of Masterworks, Keyboard Turners vs Clickers n’ nose pickers semi finals. Ya Xx_Weed_Master_X on his thief 2 shotting Dank_Lord all game by his spawn until he left the game. Now that was EPIC. Truly Anet should watch that game a couple times just to see how OP thief really is.

They removed the rank showing haha

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


SPvP doesn’t exactly have a massive userbase, GW2 wile a successful MMO doesn’t have a whole lot of people playing comparatively to say WoW, LoL, Dota.

The problem with MMR now is, it starts off looking for people near your MMR, and as time goes on it will pull people farther and farther away. In GW2 case it happens instantly almost becuase of so few people in que.

Now besides a small userbase, ques are separated by TTPvP and STPvP, cutting an already small usebase in half. So it’s really reaching out there a lot of the time, with the influx of new players the bottom/trench is much larger than the top, when before it may of been a bit more linear.

Meaning if you are anywhere near the bottom of the MMR braket you are getting pulled down more often than not to play with new players than you are getting to play with people on your level. Once you get to the 80/90% percentile MMR (not leaderboard rank) you are out of that rut and playing with normal PvP’ers again.

The only other option being 15 minute long ques, which will lead to players not even bothering with SPvP (you know like before the patch?XD)… leading to Anet looking like failures with their new SPvP rewards revamp and plenty of QQ. It wont happen, they would rather us have near insta pops instead of good matches for the majority.

Otherwise I really think they would have some kind of search range fidelity slider like dota2 has.

This topic is exactly why PvP rank recognition was removed, It;s because of people like you that blames the loss on low ranks, regardless of their skill level.

I got blamed for being bad and low rank on my alt account in Europe…

When will people realize MMR =/= Rank?

We want to see MMR, not rank, not leaderboard rating. We have never? Been able to see peoples MMR inside the game, let alone our own.

When you have 60/70 percentiles fighting 20 percentiles which is probably what is happening now you are bound to have crap flying.

In most competitive games you wont be matched up with anyone 10-20% higher than you ever.

non-transparency on MMR for players you are in game with just enables Anet to have extremely lazy/shady design. As you should be grouped up and against players with similar MMR, People aren’t going to be able to use it as fuel to call players out…. unless they are in fact being unfairly grouped up with people much lower skill level due to bad design.

If you don’t support being able to see MMR, or at least some kind of forced bracket like in SC2/LoL, than you just enable bad developers.

(edited by Zepidel.5349)

Theifs in spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Games should not be balanced from experiences in low level play. Competitive games are balanced at the highest level of play, in GW2’s case look at ToL. How many duo zerker thieves are running around, how many thieves are 1 shotting people?

How many noobs are getting picked off, off point?

There could be a endless river of noob blood spilt in -9001 MRR STPvP, with 1000 QQ threads made, and nothing will change.

{LFFB} Build in Progress

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Just don’t bother with BD. If you don’t want to use PU, that’s fine. Don’t cripple your build by taking a garbage trait though.


PU isnt even viable in real PvP, it doesn’t have the damage to really threaten a good bunker with 1 person rotating from mid like decap engineer has. It cant bunker a point, and the dps is terrible to be considered for that type of role.

All the QQ about PU is coming from turboscrubs in the bottom MMR braket who decide fighting a mesmer off a point is ever a good idea.

It seems like you really like the play style, but not the stigma that comes with it. Not like that stigma is even justified. The closest thing to PU that’s viable is shatter.

(edited by Zepidel.5349)

Make it to top1000 and escape the frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Rank on leaderboards != MMR, but yes OP congratulations on getting out of the gutter que. It’s always fun to look down on the peasants here and listen to their tales of from the trench.