If you have to merge +1’s with a material that costs coin, this means that +1 can’t be used to increase the AR in an item directly, otherwise people would just keep using +1’s.
So how does it increase? Will players have to choose between keeping the +1’s building up and deciding when to replace the AR upgrade, or will they be able to increase what’s already in the item?
- Can you craft something t increase what’s already there, like using +1s to craft an upgrade that increases the the current AR in the item instead replacing it?
- Do you have to make a new one and completely replace what’s already there each time you want to increase it?
It’s like when one upgrades armor pieces. Buying new ones on each level is a waste, people usually improve every 5-10 levels or so, unless they got got better ones from drops. But unlike armor that drops all over the place and is cheap in th trading post, +1s won’t be as common.
If players can’t increase what’s already in the item, they will be forced to choose between using them as soon as they have built a better one, or keep saving 1’s before using them.
“Do I upgrade this 5 with a +6 right now, or do I keep it and improve it until I get a +10?” that’s and annoying hassle that adds a component of regret to it. Makes it feel like all you previously build up will be wasted. It’ll be better if there was a way to improve what’ already there.
So… how does it work?
Would a petition work? […]
Petitions are against the forum rules.
All we can do is voice our concerns.
In other words, nag until they do something.
So yes, it is a “learn to play” issue.
No, it isn’t. It’s a ‘learn to avoid the issues and design faults’ issue.
All I want is a different UI for which you can map keys differently while it’s enabled to play more notes without the awkward swap method, without removing the skill-based method.
For example, a new “music” panel that when activated “slides up” covering the skill bar and the health disc. With as many keys as a piano, buttons to swap between instruments, buttons to record, play and share ABC (or MML) files and a button for settings to map the keys while the panel is active. ABC files would have to be limited in size, or have some anti-spam control, though.
Players would also be able to share music by exchanging ABC files outside of the game, as they’ll be stoed in the Guild Wars 2 documents folder like screenshots and templates.
When entering combat, anything you were playing would be interrupted and the panel would slide down.
Instruments would still work like now changing skills and being usable for music, but by having they’ll unlock for the panel. So both systems would co-exist.
It could even be an account upgrade available in the gemstore for 2000 gems or so, that once unlocked gives 3 free instruments: whistle, kazoo and claps, and you improve the feature with more instruments you unlock by purchasing them in the gemstore.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
Apparently, if that was the real Joshua Foreman’s Youtube account and not someone posing as him, the tower was designed with only 5% of all players being able to finish it in mind.
You should be able to find the comment by searching ‘dang’ though the pages.
If that’s true, knowing that doesn’t help very much, as it makes something like this would be less likely to happen, if they don’t want people to be able to complete things.
They must remove drops from event enemies like they did with story.
Move the drops to the end of the event, on success. You get a success panel, and when you click the success message with the gold coin and karma, you also get a series of loot bags that are affected by MF based on the event (events with waves of enemies would have more) and a 1-2 champion loot bags if the event had champions.
Fail, you just get the usual exp and coin from faiming. Win, you get loot.
This way those that purposedlygo around with berserker builds to tag more, kill more, and hog drops will not take away stuff from others that were focusing on event objectives.
The problem is not precision.
It is ferocity.
Precision is nice to trigger sigils.
All ferocity does is make spiking much easier. “Just press 2” easier.
Ferocity should have never existed, keeping the base critical damage to +50%, and increasing it only with traits, effects and equipment upgrades.
Instead, a third defensive stat should be introduced. One that works against precision better than the other two, the same way toughness counters better power and vitality counters better condition damage. Something like “agility”, the higher agility, the lower is incoming critical damage.
But the most important part is changing enemies. If direct damage keeps working so much better against all enemies across the board, nobody will bother using anything else.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
We could use a “district” panel to see the multiple copies of a map, and how many friends and guildies each map has. You could access this panel by clicking any waypoint in the area, and using the third additional “District list” button that would appear in the panel.
And even better, guilds being able to create private copies of a map if they have enough online people in that map, by paying lots of merits and influence, then those copies would appear with a “lock” icon in the list, and will be available only to the guild, members of the same alliance, and guests.
Oh, but we need alliances and guild guesting first. Yeah.
I told you to always look up.
You people never listen! You are missing all the stuff!
That doesn’t just has been always there, there’s a freaking giant arrow pointing at it near the waypoint in Hexane Regrade. But I guess most people just run past it without bothering with reading it.
So make it two advices: Always look up, and read everything.
I though of that myself, but, as always, I forget to post stuff here.
Much like you can click on Squad Commander icons, you should be able to click on defeated player icons to set them as “I’m going there”.
Then, players set that way will get icons in your map representing all other players on their way to revive them.
If they open the map and try to waypoint away, they’ll get a message saying “<Character name> is on his/her way to revive you, do you want to travel anyways?”
So you won’t miss that even if you has your map open.
This setting would disappear after 2 minutes o so, or if that player no longer has your defeated icon in their map.
This is how cinematic should have been since the beginning!
Oh, and when characters talk while walking during and between battles, THEY MOVE THEIR MOUTHS unlike the personal story, in which they seem to be telepathically talking to you like in old games with no mouth animations like Neverwinter Nights.
How awesome is that?
I know it will not happen, but if you made a 20€ pack in the black lion store that would update all personal story quests to these cinematics, I’ll get it. And it’ll be worth it. Even if there was nothing else but people standing still with no particular animations.
At least they would be standing still looking at and talking to each other, instead looking outside the screen at your freaking mouse or at your window.
And don’t you miss this feeling?
I know additional animations take always more resources, but GW2 has already lots and lots of great animations we see all the time, from skills to idle movements. There’s no need to make more. Just make them less static.
I only have 3 problems with them.
- Trap areas arm instantly if used right under someone. Traps should always take a bit to arm, they are traps, not bombs.
- Traps activate too fast. They should take at least 1.5 seconds to activate, so they can’t be used consecutively too fast and can be per-emptively avoided more easily when used when people is looking, if not used strategically when enemies are not looking at you.
- Traps are too large. They cover most of most capture points. And their areas are spherical instead a cylinder, so they are often larger than what the circles show, so you can’t even stand on the edge outside them.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
If you want to balance racial skills, first you must equalize them.
Instead having 6 skills each race, with different types and behaviors, all races would have a full set of skills with the same behavior, and visuals based on the race.
For example, where a Norn would have Bear Form, a human would have Avatar of Balthazar, a sylvari Husk Form, asura a Heavy Combat Suit and charr a “repurposed dredge armor”.
The skills would have different icons and visuals, but the same descriptions and behavior.
So for every racial skill equivalents would have to exist for the other races. If none of the existing skills match, one new would be made.
For example, the norn wurm and the sylvari turret match enough.
Once all races have the same PvE skill sets, you can actually balance them without making them negligible and meaningless, since no player would pick a race to get some skill if there’s an exact equivalent for each race.
Here’s the list of all combined skill behaviors found as racials:
- Healing:
- A healing turret.
- A simple healing skill.
- Utility
- Confusion + retaliation
- Poison field + weakness.
- A daze.
- An object-based immobilize.
- An immobile turret.
- A summon.
- A long bleed.
- A 3-condition removal.
- Random self boon and random condition.
- Power + fury for allies.
- An evasive attack.
- A bleed + cripple mine.
- Elite
- A single creature defensive summon.
- A single creature offensive summon.
- Two creature summon.
- A multiple turrets with invulnerable channel.
- A form leaning towards ‘power’.
- A form leaning towards ‘control’.
- A form leaning towards ‘support’.
- A form leaning towards ‘condition’.
- An AoE DPS barrage.
- A ‘conjure’ style weapon with charges.
That’s obviously a lot of skills, some some would have to be removed and/or merged with others before giving each race the full set.
Once each race has the same skills, you can make something decent out of them, and even create a PvE racial spacialization, that also has the same traits and mechanics, but with different visuals based on race.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
Luck has little uses other than consuming it.
I would not mind of there was another one.
Maybe some artificer luck potions or something.
Come on, you don’t eat luck.
Obviously, you snort it.
I was rubbing it on me buttocks! Maybe that’s why I was being so unlucky.
Marketing thinks they can make things happen with money.
Remember their stupid ad?
Well, turns out you can’t.
This ain’t the freaking 50’s. You can go around saying ‘diamonds are forever’ when you know they are worthless or selling a freaking floor cleaner as mouthwash. People catches up quicker as they have more information.
Yeah. Both Fractals and dungeons would be much more enjoyable that way.
I usually spend that time sorting my inventory, but that takes less than 10 seconds.
Diamond Skill has an effect that is way too much ‘all or nothing’. If you improve anything on it or use a build that makes the most of it, it becomes too much. Nerf it, and it becomes useless.
Progressive effects are better.
For example, instead immunity to conditions when HP>90%, it could make conditions last less based on your remaining health. 100% HP? Full duration. 50% HP? 50% duration. 25% HP? 25% duration. 0% HP (that is, when downed) 0% duration. You become immune to conditions altogether when downed, so they can’t slow you or immobilize you, for example.
They should give each event chain, separate event and standalone champion a node flag. Including champions in dungeons.
So each account can get bonus champion loot from each one only once a day, or even once a week.
That way people who really wants the stuff would have to travel the world for it.
Then remove any bonus loot from spawns in events, and give only a stack of event victory chest at the end, upon success. Bigger the stack the higher the event scaling, up to a limit. So sticking together following a commander still has its rewards, but only if the commander is also a traveler that goes all over the world.
Crabtacular should be just something that scores and gives you points in the game, not an achievement.
Something like +100 points, letting you get ahead.
Luck is too much a part of it, as many people dodge the karka, so it’s impossible unless you are really lucky and get a game with people that won’t dodge; or manage to find a game in which everyone dodges, do three karka in a row so they run out of endurance and then hope they won’t simply walk out of the way of the karka; or everyone but you suddenly lags like crazy.
Achievements should be something that you ‘achieve’. They should be about skill and dedication. Not mostly about luck, or being able to convince everyone in the current game to cheat and let you get it by paying them or something like that, and getting reported if you do not agree to that.
What we all know is that after most updates there’s always something broken.
And we can just go to the wiki and read the history of all skills to see things like the broken Descent to Madness that deals over 30K damage or the Broken grenadier that could go through hordes of enemies as if they were brittle paper.
Acting all dismissive as if such things didn’t happen is pointless. It serves no purpose, it helps no one, and won’t prevent things from being eventually fixed.
There are broken things, they need to be fixed, and going around telling people there’s nothing broken and ‘l2p’ while wielding something broken is both unethical and hypocritical.
Which is a problem since personal score in no way measures performance. In fact, it often measures quite the opposite.
For example, in a Team Deathmatch match in Courtyard, one team may be able to survive everything the enemy does, and the other team get downed repeatedly, but revive, and the team that had survived the most will lose because revives give personal score, but downing doesn’t, and everyone involved in reviving gives full score instead the score from a revive being split between all involved.
Another example, one team may act as a mindless zerg and capture all in the same point all the time, while the other team splits and captures multiple points, and since each will get points from capture instead those points being divided or the first that entered the point and stood in it until the end getting them all, the mindless team gathers more personal score than the team who is able to split and rotate.
Gear diversity matters because it’s a symptom of play-style diversity, which is inarguably a good thing, of there being more than one way to win in a reasonable fashion.
Except gear doesn’t impact play-style. But that was said a million times and some people just won’t accept it.
When it comes to critical, it does heavily. More so now that traits are losing stats.
With certain gear, you’ll be able to keep 100% ciritcal chance. With other you won’t.
The only item I would consider ever buying is a t-shirt that says “My other t-shirt is an in-game item in Guild Wars 2”, which a key to unlock a matching in-game t-shirt that says “My other T-Shirt is Out of This World”.
Are adventures ever going to be fixed?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957
Sigh… People is not pressing the button and moving the mouse around before skill activation completes. Everyone quickly realizes how the projectile fires and so they leave it still until the projectile shoots.
And those enemies give prority to players. So even if the camp is secured, they’ll focus on players. And NPCs do little damage to them, so they stick around for quite a while. Enough to put players in combat and slow them down so they take longer to move to adjust for positions that can’t be reached unless moving around a lot. And what’s worse, trolling players can lure enemies to them.
And that screenshoot was been taken from a highest height charr. People have tried with all sizes and shapes. That changes little. While projectiles may start lower when fired by asura, the distances are so long that it doesn’t matter.
Please. Stop making up excuses as if the problem was because of what players do. The problems are in the designs of the broken adventures. These problems won’t stop until they are fixed.
Being dismissive helps nobody.
I see no need to make skill points account wide.
But soulbound items purchased with them ( e.g.: Miyani ) should be account bound, and the Basic items (crystals, philosopher stones, siege books) should have collection slots, so people can just grab some and leave them in the bank for later crafting when needed.
Them being soulbound is really annoying. Like with Loaves of Bread .
Why are they soulbound? WHY?
It amazes me how badly people react when this kind of abusive behavior is discouraged and measures taken to address it.
It’s like “How dare you fix this we are using to mindlessly obtain something with little to no effort”
It’s an MMO. Not a single player game. You can’t play it absolutely any way you want. The moment what you do starts affecting others negatively, even if you are not able to see how it is affecting them, it’s time to fix things.
Evon represents the Black Lion Company.
And in turn, the Black Lion company represents the Gem store and the Consortium, as it had consortium products.
Anyone who doesn’t like paying again and again for a skin instead for a one-time unlock like when you buy a skin DLC in most other games (including GW1), anyone who doesn’t like all those items being put behind an RNG wall instead having at least a direct purchase alternative, anyone who doesn’t like every single new armor set being added only to the gem store, anyone who doesn’t like the Consortium’s practices… they would all vote Kiel.
Not for Kiel to win, but for Evon to lose.
Kiel didn’t really have that many supporters. But Evon had enough detractors to turn the votes towards Kiel. Well, not Evon himself, but what Evon represents. Had ANet chosen a different NPC not tied to the gem store and the consortium, they may have won instead Kiel.
Fractals are a tiny fragment of history that we get to play out. Lore related to any Fractal has to be accurate.
The fractals we met are unstable. This means they may not be exactly as history was. Something may be different (sometimes you fight the mossman, sometimes the tree spirit, sometimes the dredge boss, sometimes the elemental)
This means that they could perfectly have variations of the molten fractal for lower levels in which you fight only one of the bosses instead both, or different bosses, or something different happens along the way.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
I want a butler! A golem butler! Or maybe a skritt. There could be variations.
As long as you enter the home instance daily, you’ll see the butler there waiting for you, and you would be able to choose when talking to him between him gathering for you, or you doing it. And if you choose to let them gather, it’s done instantly.
Whatever you choose, your currently equipped tools will be used, so if you had normal merchant tools uses would be consumed for them, and if you had tools with extra properties like the watchwork pick, you’ll get the effect of those.
Talking with the current helped would also allow you to choose between different helpers separately with each character, if you purchased more than one.
And once they are done for the day, the currently selected helper would roam the instane from node to node, ‘tending’ to them.
But ONLY if you have to enter the home instance and talk to the guy to get the stuff.
If you get them without entering the home instance, then I would never agree with the idea, because the whole point of home instance nodes is giving the home instance some extra meaning and use.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
I’m getting tired of these cheaters.
When they are not going out of bounds as villagers so they can’t be hit, they use the exploit to get their own skills.
I’d rather have mini-game closed altogether than these bug exploiters griefing players.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
All I want for AI navigation is jumps. AI should learn to jump and do things like skipping over small obstacles. If you can get there by jumping, shadow-stepping and enemy creatures that can jump should be able to get there too.
That includes every single pet and summoned creature. All of them should be able to jump and reach any place players can reach with simple jumps.
It’s not economy manipulators. Players can’t “manipulate” the economy, making it do whatever they want.
But they can buy just to resell. That’s not manipulating the economy. That’s something they can do within the rules of the economy, so they’ll do it for as long as it works for them.
And judging by the things they say when they brag about the crazy money they do, it works TOO MUCH.
The question is not “can they do this?”. The question is “Should they be able to do this?”.
Those who resell keep increasing their wealth by buying low and selling high, and they don’t even have to make the stuff. Effectively, they are sucking gold from other players by inserting themselves between transactions.
They are not providing items, they are not facilitating their acquisition. They are playing the TP against the other players. They turn a service meant to facilitate trade into a form of extremely unbalanced PvP in which the ones with the highest income an just buy an entire stock of an item and sell it at whatever price they want. And when someone else sets a price after them, chances are they’ll set a price closer to theirs. So the more rare the item is, the slower its price will go down back to normal.
Have you seen the prices of rare materials? An item that is mostly used to make a worthless rune can cost over 10000 times what the rune costs. Even considering the Mystic Binding Agents, those numbers are insane.
They are not even like real life resellers, that at least bring the stuff to you after they buy it.
They are more like the high-frequecy trading computers in wall street. They are leeches, parasites that check what people is buying, and buy the stuff first, to sell it higher, and making profit out of that. They make their money by irrupting in fair trade with unfair advantages.
What should really determine the value of an item is how many people want it. Not how much of the entire stock a single user can buy.
Until items in the trading post are “sell or use”, but never both, prices can go bananas when the few with enough gold to buy entire stocks pull those things off.
Sell or use. Never both.
The one constant I’ve seen in fishing in games is that you have to hover your mouse over the hook waiting for the random moment when the bobber splashes so you can click.
I hate this.
While I don’t know how to get around it without making it far too easy for botters, it ruins fishing for me because I can’t text-chat while one hand is glued to the mouse. So it becomes an activity on which I must focus all my attention but in which nothing happens for large blocks of time, blocks long enough to make me want to check a forum, respond to a quip in gchat, manage my inventory, etc. And all I can do is stare at one spot on the screen with my finger poised to hit a button.
Please no.
That reminds me of fishing in Torchlight.
Never liked that one.
As I imagined it working in GW2, it’ll be a minigame in which you don’t wait to click or have to be AFK. It’ll be quicker, so you don’t have to spend more than 5-10 seconds per catch. And you won’t stand all day in one spot. There would be a subsection of the Tyrian Explorer’s Society that manages fishing quotas, so you can’t fish more than once on each spot.
The minigame itself would be like a very short bell choir game with 5 skills instead of 8, and very short songs with 5-15 notes. And fish moves and rod counter-moves instead notes.
When you use the node, you get 7 skills. 1-5 for the minigame, 6 to start, and 0 to leave without using up the node, just in case you notice you brought the wrong rod.
So you can read the descriptions of skills 1-5 before starting with 6.
- Reel – the usual reel.
- Release – releases a bit of reel to ease tension.
- Grip – Hold the rod tight.
- Fast pull – Pull the rod fast.
- Strong pull – Pull the rod firmly.
Each skill would have to be used based on what the ‘fish’ (a somewhat blurry shadow in the water) does. For example, a fish could ahve these 5 moves:
- Pause – The fish is tired. Use reel.
- Pull – The fish is pulling hard away. Use Release so the line doesnt break.
- Struggle – The fish is fighting in place. Use grip.
- Jump – The fist jumped out of the water, use Pull Rod to make them skip closer without resistance.
- Dive – The fish is going down! Use Strong Pull to counter! It’s super effective!
Different fish would have different moves at different timings, making their patterns easier or harder to predict and their movies easier or harder to counter.
I strongly believe in unlocks.
I do not like perishable items at all when it comes to special items available only during a short time.
If the item can be acquired only once in a lifetime, and if someone hacked you or your niece could delete it while you have a bathroom emergency and left the game open, they should be an unlock instead a single perishable item.
All of the following items that are non-tradable or bound on use should have been unlocks so they are always available with any character once acquired and unlocked.
- Town clothes, both from the store and from gameplay, including the starting town clothes.
- Toys.
- Non-tradable everlasting potions.
- Non-tradable ainiatures. (The rest should remain as stacks, as they can still be acquired if lost)
- Everlasting tools. These, unlike the rest, still with a price as they let you save moneys. But once acquired an in-game vendor will have them unlocked for you in all the home instances of your account, for a small gem fee, so you can keep getting them when they are gone from the gem store.
- Special event skins.
- HoM rewards… wait, these already are! As they should, as all should!
Also, there should be a ger locker with 3 tiers of skin unlocks.
- Tier 0. Empty slot. You have yet to get the skin unlocked.
- Tier 1: Skin transfer. Can be done anytime by right clicking on an item and destroying it for the skin. This creates a level 0 account-bound item with the skin and no stats except armor or damage, that you can use with a transmutation stone to apply the skin to another item, or equip for fashion and roleplaying (but do not go adventuring with these!), or deposit it as a collectible in the PvE gear locker. This is basically to save skins for later use if you don’t want to lose them after you get new armors.
- Tier 2: Skin unlock. This tier is reached by gathering a stack high enough of those level 0 items account bound items. Instead a ‘stack slot’, the slot becomes a ‘cornucopia’ slot that keeps producing. the level 0 item with the skin no matter how many you take, like PvP upgrades in the PvP locker. You no longer need to destroy any more items for the skin, but you still need transmutation stones. The stack of items required to unlock the slot is higher the easier to get the skin is.
- Tier 3: Skin transmutter. Acquired by using a skin unlocker from the Gem Store on a slot that has at least one skin in it. You use the unlocker item, and like with a kit, you ‘apply’ it to the skin you want, and get a confirmation dialog. Accept, and the slot no longer produces an account-bound level 0 item, but a soulbound skin transmutter like the HoM ones.
This can be used in both tier 1 and 2 slots, but not tier 0 slots. So you need to have acquired that skin at least once.
- Gem store armors purchases and similar account-bound skin transmutters would generate tier 3 slots directly instead, and PvP everlasting slots instead a panel. (the HoM rewards would be changed to this system too).
Anyone who has ever purchased an armor skin in the store would get them retroactively. It would also be possible to double click the slot in the PvE locker while the item is available in the gem store to get a panel to purchase them from the gem store.
- Special ‘reservation’ slots: Sometimes you don’t have enough gems or coins to get a gem store skin that will be limited on time. Because of that, those slots would have the choice to be reserved. While the item is available, you’ll be able to double-click the slot and instead clicking ‘purchase’, click “Reserve” and pay a small gem fee, a fraction of the actual cost, to prove that you were ‘here’ while they were available, and item becomes reserved for a about 3 months. During that time, you’ll be able to double click the slot again to choose between paying the rest of the gems and get it unlocked, or cancel the reservation and get the gems back. If the time expires, the gems are refunded and the slot becomes locked until the item is available again in the gem store (if ever), so you can still preview it, but not unlock it.
Yeah. Something like that…
Wait… what were we talking about? This heat makes me digress more often than usual…
Ah, yeah. Unlocks.
Unlocks are great.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
Tribal and Marauder sets can’t be fully acquired anymore.
They must add them back.
Karma vendors, drops, personal story… anything.
Back in GW1 you still heard “Are you really a girl?” with female characters.
Nowadays so many males make female characters, that people had changed their way of thinking from “people try to make their character as a avatar” to the default Internet stance on the issue: “If there’s no photo, it has scrotum”.
That is, they’ll consider you a guy until there’s proof of otherwise.
Also, there’s so much visual clutter all over the place with all these flashy skill visuals, that no one can really see if someone is female, and open areas have become such a boring grind with these farmodromes designed for zergs and champion runs that people play while watching something else on a TV or another computer. So they can’t hear the character’s voice.
My guild have quite some females, and we still have the occasional surprised new memeber when we get to Teamspeak for Guild missions, but it quickly wears off as nobody makes a big deal about it.
Dismissiveness is too often dismissed. A “so what?” at the right time can make much more than a hundred rallies and demonstrations.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
We need better underwater content, but for that first we need more weapons, more underwater versions of skills and some teaks in responsiveness and playability.
Which will probably not happen in about… let’s say 5 years.
Besides, paradoxically, Krait are way more powerful on land rather than underwater.
Only risen are good underwater. All other enemies are much weaker.
For example, a karka can be problematic to the unprepared, for those who do not interrupt, reflect or dodge away from their initial water-spit barrage.
Yet underwater they are a joke. They barely use their skills and most of the time they just wobble in the water. And they are supposed to be a predominantly marine species.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
Looks like went overboard with the extra energy.
These events have not been scaling very well, producing inordinate amounts of elites and champions with way more health than they should have at that level range, but before people picked all energy, so enemies could not pick any energy at all.
Now there’s energy to spare, but people ignore the energy once they have their own achievements, and just do their usual ‘smash buttons and expect everyone else to do all the work’ thing. Which results in those elites and champions picking the energy and running to their side.
Examples of ways to help with this could be:
- Reducing the number of extra player energies after the initial spawns.
- Giving the Consortium and the Priory a progress bar, like the bar the inquest has, so players see how it fills as they give energy.
- Adjusting the scaling so there aren’t too many champions and elites,
- Changing the golems you can stop with CC to be weaker vs CC like Rolling Devils and Bonebreakers, so their defiance bars do not scale too much and don’t become too hard to stop.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
This is simply unnaceptable.
I couldn’t do a single thing. I didn’t even get credit for the event.
I paid to PLAY a game, not to get pummeled to death without being able to do a single thing.
If your systems are not prepared for this, don’t do this. Some testing in your staging servers will NOT prepare you for this.
I should be in-game, enjoying the game. I can’t enjoy the game, because I can’t see the enemy, I can’t see my allies and I can’t use skills.
And no, the problem it’s not in my side, because I can play absolutely any other game while downloading lots of stuff, yet for this I shut down all other network activity and I’m still lagging like frakking hell.
You are perfectly aware that getting this many people conected at the same time will causes this problems, and yet you keep doing this one-time things.
Stop it.
Just stop it. It starting to look like you are doing this on purpose or something.
Do you even TP?5% listing fee and additional 10% fee after it gets sold says otherwise.
Some gold is removed, but most of it shifts from many players to a few.
Unlike actual taxes, in-game taxes do not take into account how much gold an account has ever earned, spent or how much they currently hold. At a certain point , any gold lost with fees is inconsequential compared with the gold earned.
A gold sink isn’t meant just to remove coin from the economy as a whole, but from each player too.
A few players with inordinate wealth can use that wealth to hijack the market of specific items. Well sought items with unclear, limited or bugged sources they are sure will be bought but rarely, if ever, resupplied . All they need is their trading post API bot warning them of any new entries, buy it ASAP, put it back much higher and sit back while someone else grinds gold to get it. Keeping their own wealth higher and higher. Anyone else who wants to obtain those items are basically force to pay their ransom. Why keep grinding for gold when you can have all other players slaving away for you, uh?
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
Charr have ungulate ears.
I bet some people wants to have cat ears in a charr too.
It has been suggested multiple times, and most people agree with it.
I’d love to dye my weapons, specially staves, greatswords and shields, since they are the ones with bigger, noticeable, surfaces.
Oh, like with globs of ectoplasm.
It’ll be interesting to be able to salvage higher tier materials to get lower tier. It’s always good as it evens the costs of those materials. If you can get T5 from T6 easier than T6 from T5, T6 is always more expensive.
It did wonders with Crystalline Dust.
They should definitely do that!
I can’t tell if you are agreeing with me due to wording. But yes I agree the system doesn’t need to be like WoW and I feel the system should not be like WoW. I agree that a system is needed and I suggested using the GW1 system in my first post.
GW1 wouldn’t do, because:
- The text is free. In overflow servers used by multiple languages, it becomes a babel tower.
- It has limited text. If what you want to put has a longer name you’ll end up with acronyms, and it doesn’t allow you to put multiple things.
- It’s limited to one area. So it doesn’t allow you to LFG for “Ascalon Catacombs route 1” while you are in Queensdale.
If you want to compare what we need with some other game, I’ll suggest you to check Champion’s online or D&D onlines’ LFG tools.
We need a system that:
- Works worlds wide.
- Allows you to set multiple things you want to do. At least 5.
- Allows you to set things with a system instead manually inputing text. Like having a dropdown listbox for areas (A map, including the WvW and heart of the mists map), another for the things you can do in the selected area (conquest, tournament, capturing keeps, exploration, huntng, dungeon, heart, puzzle, etc) that changes based on the area you selected, and a third to customize that if there’s something to specify (what creature are you hunting, dungeon route, fractal level, etc) plus a checkbox to set yourself as “LFG” for your current step of your storyline.
Of course, a search feature to find what you want faster would help, but autocomplete in the dropdown listboxes would do for that.
Then, one you set yourself as looking to do something, the entry is added to your list and remains in the panel, and by right clicking it you can pick an option to ‘search for people who want to do this’ to see a list.
I’m sure that would work nicely if they manage to get people used to use it instead spamming LFG.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
No, it is not.
I really do not like “It’s fine make it harder trolls”. Specially when they talk about content that has bugs and issues exploited to win instead being done the way it’s mean to be played.
It’s content that was exploited and then ‘fixed’.
Now the achievements have no merit for those who do it the right way as people will assume they exploited, and those who did it exploiting bugs get to keep their reward.
In the other hand, those who would want to do it the way it’s mean to be be done: illing the waves as they come, are left out.
There’s only a fix to this:
- Fix it and adjust difficulty to a reasonable degree for temporary content.
- Keep it for another week so people can do it after it’s been fixed.
- Never again make an temporary content harder after it has been done already by players, unless they reset the rewards.
Harder content is fine, even for temporary things.
It’s also OK for cyclical content that can be retried once a year.
As long as there won’t be permanent records in your account and it’s nothing missable.
For example, like they do with Monster Power in Diablo III. You can put monster power all the way up to level 10 and you’ll be rewarded for it, but you can still play at your own pace, and there’s no achievements for it.
It’s never ok for something temporary that has been done already by players, as that creates a rift between legitimate players (both who did it and did not do it) and those who play the system instead the game.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
3 minutes would not be enough to stop a troll placing siege and taking supplies. Sometimes these trolls will put their stuff in places far from camps. By the time it takes for them to go from their siege to the supply source, they may have ran out.
The exhaustion system would ease the problem by slowing down single trolls, but not with entire groups of them. Siege trolls rarely go in really big groups, though.
Also, many commanders recive siege donations from other players and set the siege themselves. This would make their ob impossible.
So, that exhaustion system would need some changes to make exceptions possible for commanders without allowing a single commander to still troll.
First, changes wold have to be made so there’s no reason not to join a squad:
- Add a setting to show other tags while already in a squad.
- Make it so blocking a commander hides their tag.
This way we can have different tags on a map at the same time. People can join a squad and still see other tags on screen, there’s no more reasons not to join for those who still want to see other tags.
Then, we need to give commanders more control over their squads, so trolls can’t mess with them:
- Give commanders an extra list in their contacts panel with all members of their squad, allowing them to see their profession and their supplies, and allowing them to kick people out the squad.
- Make it so people you blocked can’t see your tag or join your squad.
This way commanders have more control over who’s in the squad and can kick out trolls, making more appealing for them to use the squad and its tools.
Now that we have that:
- Increase exhaustion duration from 3 minutes to something like 10 or 15 minutes each stack.
- Commanders will have their exhaustion cap increased by 1 for every players in the squad, up to a max of 25.
- Allow commanders to destroy siege when they have at least a certain number players in their squad (at least 20 or so). Destroying siege also adds to exhaustion.
Now, players can join squads and see other players in squads, those going solo can still put siege, just not at much, and commanders can still put lots of siege when followed by people if they convince people to join the squad. And if a troll sets a badge to lure people into joining so they can bypass siege exhaustion too, then as soon as people realize that they can leave the squad, block the troll, and get a legit commander to remove that siege.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
Adventures for collections - Rubbish.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957
Those youtube videos must be doctored in some way.
You do the same, completely different things happen.
For example, in shooting gallery, they shoot through leaves, barricades and other obstacles, when you do it, they block the bullets.
In their videos, the targets follow some easy parttern, when you do them, the targets appear completely randomly, and always so far from each other and in such angles that you have to run between them all the time, or you won’t be able to hit them because of the obstacles.
Adventures clearly haven’t been properly tested. The only way that would explain them being such poorly done and timers not matching at all reality is if they got some numbers from a few rushed tests, and decided to increase or round up the numbers, expecting players to make them faster than their testers could, without even considering it may not be possible to do them faster.
I could see something like a mix between paragons dervishes and ritualsits working as a 3rd soldier, keeping the “You never fight alone” theme.
- Special skill – patron spirits.
They call for their ancient heroes, and get 4 patron spirits with the appearance of their own race, and they can have one of them active at any given time.
The patron spirits have 3 skills, one simple attack, one with a condition, and one that gives allies a boon.
Based on the currently active patron spirit, some skills change some of their properties, and some weapons change some of their skills. Because of this, paragons can’t swap weapons.
Patron spirits do damage and are vulnerable to damage. When a patron spirit dies, its related skill goes on recharge for 60 seconds.
When all patrons die, the affected skills are considerably weaker, having no bonus effects from the patrons.
- Patron of Spears
Attacks with a spear.
Condition skill (Crippling spear) deals crippled.
Boon skills gives might to allies. Recharge 10 seconds.
Affected skills do more damage.
- Patron of Command
Attacks with a mace and shield.
Condition skill (Go for the Eyes!) deals vulnerability.
Boon skills gives vigor to allies. Recharge 20 seconds.
Affected skills activate faster.
- Patron of Motivation
Attacks with axe and shield.
Condition skill (Wearying Spear) causes weakness.
Boon skills gives regeneration to allies. Recharge 30 seconds.
Effects from affected skills last longer.
- Patron of Leadership
Attacks with a scepter.
Condition skill causes confusion.
Boon skills gives protection to allies. Recharge 40 seconds.
Affected skills recharge faster.
An utility skill will recharge and make them to use their boon skill, another would recharge and make them use their condition skill.
Since they must be heard when singing, they avoid ‘loud weapons’.
- Axe (thrown). Single target damage.
- 1-handed spear. Single target conditions: Bleeding, Burning, Crippled.
- Scepter. Used as a ceremonial staff, truncheon or baton of sorts, with short range (about 150), no projectiles and at least one CC skill to order the target to ‘bow before me’ and another to cause Confusion.
- Mace.
- Shield. AoE defense.
- Horn. Offhand. Small AoE boons and confusion.
- Torch. Offhand. Small AoE damage and boons. Paragons “light the way”
- Long bow. Long range AoEs.
- Staff. Mid range AoEs.
- 2-handed axe or scythe. Used with AoE melee spinning attacks
- Spear.
- Trident.
Some of their weapon skills are Flashes and Rends.
Flashes have an instant effect when activated, a passive effect after being activated, and a final effect when the passive effect ends.
Rends forcefully stop passive effects caused by Flashes, triggering the final effect and may or may not have an additional effect when they do so.
They have shouts and signets as shared skill types.
Their ‘generic’ utility skill type is called “Techniques”.
Their utility skills with unique mechanics are Chants and Dances.
Chants have a passive effect on the party, but when active, they have another effect on allies while channeled, and a “Finale” effect while active.
For esample:
Song of Power:
- Passive: Greats some power to the paragon, and half the same amount spread among nearby allies. (e.g. 20 in paragon 10 on an ally if there’s just one around, 5 if there’s two, 3 is there’s three allies around, etc.)
- Channeled (5 seconds activation): Gives 1 stack of might (10 seconds) per second to the paragon and nearby allies.
- Finale: Reduces by 20% the recharge of allied recharging skills (max 5 seconds)
Dances make the patron spirit stop attacking and start dancing on the spot, turning into something more similar to GW1’s Passive Ritualist spirits or Ranger spirits, and giving effects to allies around them. Like Glyphs and elements, the effects change based on the current patron spirit.
- Three Hundred. (Casting 3 seconds, recharge 180 seconds)
Your spirit patron leaves and spirit patron skills recharge for at least 30 seconds (does not increase their recharge if they were already recharging more than that).
10 spears fall every second for 30 seconds at random enemies inside a huge area. Targets hit get one random effect on them: Knockback, crippling (3 seconds), bleeding (10 seconds), burning(5 seconds) or stunned. The spears are visible projectiles and can be dodged.
- You Never Fight Alone (Casting 1 second, recharge 240 seconds)
All 4 spirit patrons appear at the same time for 10 seconds.
- Anthem of Battle. (Casting 2 seconds, recharge 120 seconds)
Gives fury (8s), retaliation(4s), might(6×30s), regeneration (6 seconds) and protection (4 seconds) to allies, and revives all dead Spirit Patrons.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
First of all, commanders need people in the squad, hardly anyone joins squads now.
- Mass invites, to get everyone around not in a squad to join you, with the command /massinvite. This sends a squad invite to all players within view, up to the squad max, or even to the entire map if there’s not enough people.
- Invited players won’t get an intrusive panel. They’ll get an invite similar to the party invite, but with a commander emblem instead a character portrait.
- Players won’t get invited from commanders they have blocked.
- Some sort of incremental bonus for joining a squad. For example, the commander gets a stacking effect every time they do a WvW event, that caps at 5 stacks. For each stack, the squad (but not the commanders themselves) get a +1% exp and karma bonus, a 2% WXP bonus, and a 0.5% magic and gold find bonus.
Then, commanders could use ways to check what people can do, and control who can join and who can stay in the squad.
- Add to the contacts panel a Squad section, to reuse the panel. The list will have all members of the squad with names, profession, WvW rank and supply.
- At the top of this list there will be a droplist to choose who can join your squad: Invite only, guild members, or anyone.
- Right clicking in names in the squad roster give options such as invite to party, invite to guild, kick from squad, block…
- Blocked players can’t join your squad.
- This list allows multiple selection, to do the same task with multiple players in the list at the same time.
And finally, a way to organize squad members in groups and give orders to those groups:
- Commander orders are given by alt-clicking the map right now. There should be a way to give a series of quick orders too: “Go get supply!”, “retreat!”, “charge!”, “wait here”, “follow me”, “destroy their siege”, “build this!”, “Take all supply here!”, “Don’t take supply from here!”, etc…
- These could be added as the classic “Voice command” often seen in FPS games. If it’s not possible to record more voices for the player character (Nolan North is a busy guy), the generic PvP announcer could be used. The voice commands would work in PvE and PvP too, although some commands could be different (no need for an “empty supply!” order in PvE or PvP). Those that are the same would appear in the same location in the menu. One possible way to do this is a radial menu: Pressing a button shows a translucent circle on screen with the possible voice commands on its border. Click to pick the quick voice command.
- Sub-squads
- Commanders would be able to appoint sub-commanders. To do that, they can right click on the health bar, chat name or name in the squad roster, and select “Appoint/Demote sub-commander”.
- Once a sub-commander is appointed, commanders can select multiple names in quad roster and drag and drop them on the commander name, thus adding them to the sub-quad. Draggin a sub-commander into a sub-squad would not create a nested sub-squad, instead, that would demote the sub-commnder to normal squad member and add them to that sub-squad.
- Sub-commanders have their own commander emblems and icons on the map that are clearly different to the commander icon (e.g.: smaller, different shape, etc). Only squad members can see sub-commander icons and emblems. Subcommanders also get an effect icon "Sub-commander: You have been appointed as sub-commander. Source: <Commander’s name>.
- Commanders can drag and drop those icons on the map to give particular orders to those sub-commanders. For example, drag Sub-commander A’s icon to an enemy supply camp, release there, the “commander order” panel appears (the same one that appears with Alt+click), choose “attack” -> members of sub-commander A’s squad will see a commander attack icon in that camp, but other sub-squads and players not in a sub-squad won’t see that.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
People skip and speed clear because combat in dungeons is slow, hard, boring or a combination of them, and because they can skip, because there’s open doors in some of them, instead doors opening after enemies have been defeated.
What we need is closed doors so people can’t skip parts of dungeons, and reduced difficulty with an account-wide freely selectable difficulty setting shared with the fractals, so people don’t feel the need to skip parts altogether for being so slow and boring, but still can make things harder if they think they are too easy, and get better drops in exchange.