Showing Posts For Aerinndis.2730:

Pet Rock is in the gemstore!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


your kidding right…. a rock… a kittenin ROCK??? you want gems for that kitten OMG lol!!!

In the 1970’s a guy made millions or real world dollars selling pet rocks to people. This is what he sold. Of course it did come with an instruction manual that was more or less a series of jokes that many considered the real value.

I still have one of those in the original box! Everyone bought them back then because they were something to laugh about at a time when the news was mostly bad.

I love that Anet has brought us a pet rock or is it spawn of Grit???

Something under the beams in Lions Arch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Yeah, I noticed these karka hatchlings by accident when I was exploring LA. I hope it leads to something interesting and that maybe one day we can actually get to communicate with the karka as they’re said to be quite intelligent.

There’s also the as of yet unresolved plot thread from Living World season 1 about the Consortium being interested in the remains and seeds of the Tower of Nightmares as seen in Kessex Hills. What purpose would plants which cause nightmarish hallucinations serve in the Consortium’s plans? It’s also somewhat troubling that the writers once stated that there’s a reason why the Consortium’s mysterious leader(s) have chosen to remain in the shadows instead of making a public appearance and that we might find out why someday…

Clearly Evon Gnashblade, Hero of Lion’s Arch, was right to have Hero-Tron spy on the Captain’s Council. Being the clever charr that he is, he must’ve figured out that one or more of the councillors must be getting bribes from the Consortium to put the Southsun Cove incidents behind them and let the Consortium rebuild LA instead of Black Lion Trading Company. Thankfully Gnashblade will be our vigilant guardian, looking after LA and its people even when the short-sighted Council is blinded by false promises and carrots from a shady corporation.

And Hero-Tron has disappeared from LA. I would love to know what he is up to. He is a resourceful bot; I would not be at all surprised to find him playing multiple sides off one another. He is good at being ignored by most because he is a golem and so has the best opportunity to gather information.

I would love to find small clues sprinkled here and there throughout LA that we would have to find by either talking to NPCs or overhearing conversations. I do not know how difficult it would be to do but small changes such as these type of clues and small building changes (progress) with each update would keep me exploring LA to find those things. It is a nice story line that I would like to follow but I do not necessarily want get it in a large lump update. Following small breadcrumbs can be a lot of fun and also keep us conjecturing about some folk’s ulterior motives.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


At least one game I know of has a memorial in-game. It is the one in Myst Online: Uru Live. Cyan Worlds established the memorial at the Kahlo Pub in the city for explorers who are no longer with the community. Since the game is still running on Cyan servers you can still go see the memorial. This link is to a page that mentions the memorial (scroll to the bottom of the page to see the memorial).

Something like this would be nice to have for people to remember players who are no longer with us. But it would be more appropriate to have a memorial within the guild rather than an open world memorial. Once we have the guild halls this could be something a guild could build for the people they want to honor.

This hopefully will be a feature that will be included in Guild Halls.

Snowden Drifts Daily Frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


The only suggestion I can offer is to look at the wiki for that area to see what events pop and where as some are multi chain events which can be your best luck in getting through the daily quickly. It is discouraging to hear an event put out, race there only to find it has just finished….


Thank you very much for your post which helps to alleviate some of the problems of that zone. But IMO it remains a problematic zone nevertheless

I agree with you there! I have seen a lot of Snowden Drifts events bug which makes it even more difficult to complete. Quaggan Emissary one comes to mind..

I would rather like to see something like a temporary renowned heart that you had to find on a particular map and complete it for that day. It should be something either instanced or exactly like renowned hearts you do when completing a map except it is gone the next day. Anet could change them up so it would stay fresh and would give folk some new things to do and look forward to whether it was collecting stuff, finding and touching markers for clues to the next marker all over the map, finding and reading books/history or going around the map looking for a certain number NPCs to talk to. Heck, they could something like talk to this npc and if you pick the right conversation track, he/she directs you to the next npc. Throw in a little lore or history and you got something folk might enjoy…

The Tale of the Monkey King?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


it’s base on a popular chinese mythology

Thank you for the link! That was a very interesting read and I am glad the devs included it. We all need to learn a bit more about each other.

Snowden Drifts Daily Frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


It’s a nightmare.
I was leveling in Harathi Hinterlands when the daily popped up.
Ppl camping events and using all the skills they have as that’s a competition who can kill more mobs.
The griefing veteran 80ies are a pita. they know that it’s enough to kill one mob and move to another event, but no sir, they stay there and kill everything they can.

And this of course provokes other players to also dish out max dmg in order to be able to tag at least one mob.

Harathi Hinterlands has a definite issue as it has a lot of bag farmers which makes it a particular problem for a daily. You can get a very large number of bags during the big chain events which makes it hard for folk just trying to get dailies. That is definitely one area they should reconsider not using for a daily…

Those folk are probably not griefing, they are just farming and trying to get as many of those medium supply bags as they can through the event. Price linen and you will see why…

Again, check the wiki because there are a lot of smaller events that pop quickly that you can get there and get done without having to contend with mobs wanting to loot those bags…

Snowden Drifts Daily Frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


The only suggestion I can offer is to look at the wiki for that area to see what events pop and where as some are multi chain events which can be your best luck in getting through the daily quickly. It is discouraging to hear an event put out, race there only to find it has just finished….

Some that I have used:

The quaggan escort to Valslake where you first have to defend the quaggan against icebrood in Tromigar Valley and once that is done another event will soon pop where you have to escort them to Valslake. At the lake there at the quaggan town is another event to escort a quaggan emissary to the kodan camp, though I have seen that one bug on occasion.

Escort the Order of Whispers to Jormabakke Stead. That one starts below Snowdrift Haven fort (area where bridge crosses overhead), you see a door and several standing outside. You will see the symbol above one of the NPCs head which means you can talk to him and trigger the event. That one is a three event chain. I believe that one pops reasonably frequently as well.

You can swing by some of the smaller event locations/events in the wiki and might be surprised to find they are up or available to trigger and absolutely no one around.

It is a lot harder to only depend on looking at the map showing for an event or asking in map chat for what events are up. If I find one I do try to put it out with a link to the nearest WP or at least POI. If it is one that needs to be triggered, I put it out in chat and wait for a few moments so folk can get there.

Another good tip is all you need are a few good whacks to get credit for the event – no need to kill everything the whole event – let others have a chance at it too. You do not even have to stay for the whole thing. Often I will get a few hits in (any loot is a good indication you got it) and move on to find another event, rinse and repeat and the daily is done. Of course you do have to stay on the map until the events complete so you get credit!

Hope this helps.

(edited by Aerinndis.2730)

I think someone may die...[Spoiler]

in Living World

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I could see Brahm eventually finding a wounded Eir who gives him her bow to use in assisting with her rescue. With Rytlock now a Revenant possibly Brahm will be influenced by Rytlock & Eir to become one as well. This could ultimately could help give him a level of maturity he has not yet gained and maybe curb some of his impulsiveness. He is a young man – actually he is still a Norn boy after all, and hopefully all these events will turn him into the man he has the potential to be and that his mother would like to see.

I suppose I expect at least an important/semi-important someone (or several someones) to die for the cause but really have no clue as to whom that would be. Figuring it out in advance would be like turning to the back page of the book to see the ending before I read the book. For me it is more the getting there even if the outcome is sad for some of the characters I like. I am hoping for a strong story that pulls us in even if we have to go, " NOOOOOOOO!!!" at some point.

Music: Did I do something wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I enjoy hearing the music folk play in game and if it was something you wrote yourself, even better! There will always one whining tin ear in the crowd as well, lol….

Don’t let one comment upset you. Some folk will always try to push buttons to get a reaction – most likely that person was jealous. Creating the script out of your music was hard work that you did to translate your music into this virtual medium for others to enjoy. That in itself is quite the achievement! Keep it up. Maybe you will write the next theme Anet will use!

Kicking... Not Just for Dungeons anymore!

in Living World

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I just started doing dungeons and got my 17K+ AP from doing WvW, achieves, Living Story, etc. The only reason I started dungeons was to get the tokens so I could make a Legendary. What amazes me is the assumption that because you have that amount of AP it is because you ran dungeons. So far I have gotten a lot of comments that I should know what to do or the path even though I mention I am new to dungeons when I join a PUG. Obvious there is an automatic assumption that my AP is connected to dungeon running which is amazing considering all the other stuff there is to do in the game to get your AP.

I am very good at following instructions and usually can hold my own even if I am in a new dungeon. If I wipe I am all about trying until I figure it out or get it right and I try very hard to make sure I am a team player…. I look at walkthroughs/videos of the various paths for the dungeon I am interested in before trying to get into a group so I at least have an idea of what we are going to do. So far I have not been kicked, though it might have been touch and go a couple of times, lol. (you do encounter impatient folk in dungeons for sure)

Overall the groups I have joined have been pretty good to outstanding but I think you do have to work to communicate what you can do or are willing to do and watch the party chat to catch any instructions from those who know the dungeon.

I tend to pass over a lot of LFG postings, so many are elitist with their requirements and it is discouraging for new folk wanting to casually learn a dungeon. (its about the fun for me mainly) I try for any that welcome all or mention noobs – sadly there way too few of those.

You didn’t mention your AP but I am wondering if that may be part of the issue which certainly isn’t your fault. I have seen high AP folk who couldn’t bat their way around an ailing skritt…. Blocking or insulting them is pointless. They don’t know you and it certainly isn’t personal. Your best bet is to find a guild with your interests and try to get a small core group of friends together to run dungeons and do the things you are interested in. Try posting for a group yourself with your requirements such as noob wanting to learn path, everyone welcome etc. Possibly you will get some folk willing to mentor and have a lot of fun in the process. Good luck to you if you decide to try again.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I got over 17K AP and never did dungeons until recently. My AP is from WvW, Living Story, achieves, jumping puzzles, etc. I only got into doing dungeons and fractals recently because I needed them for Mawdrey II and making Legendary weapons. (made my first one and working on my second, yay!) Fractals are not so much something I care to do but did them for Mawdrey II which was SOOO worth it. I am doing dungeons now because hubby got me a precursor and I bought another one on my own. I kind of like the dungeons now and am finding them interesting enough to try more and actually am a bit sorry that I did not try them sooner….

What astonished me when getting into PUGs is I keep getting comments like, “You got over 17K AP!!! you should know what to do!” And when I join a group I do try to let folk know I am new to dungeons but I am also very good at following instructions (tell me what to do and I will do it!). AP is SO not an indicator that you know what the heck you are doing, path wise… I will say so far the groups I have joined have been pretty nice and reasonably tolerant. Communication is key. Let them know you are a dungeon noob, let them know you are willing to follow instructions and follow what the experienced folk tell you to do, give it your all for the team and generally it works out very well.

Kudos to those tolerant folk out there.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


EEEEEEEE! Not only mounts but we get to play polo???? I need some stadium mustard for my bratwurst!

300 gold for Mystic Forge Precursor Gambling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Depending on what precursor you are going for, you are already in the realm of buying one with what gold you currently have – especially if the one you want is not one of the really expensive ones. If you go the Mystic Forge route just realize it is a big (huge) gamble and you are more likely to not get a precursor than to get one and it may not be the one you were hoping for….. I guess it depends on how your gambling tolerance is.

I bought my precursor – I selected The Energizer because I could afford that with what I had saved up and eventually made The Moot. I found I really loved it and hubby bought me Rodgort’s Flame which I am currently working on to make the legendary Rodgort since it pairs up so well with The Moot.

Good luck on whatever route you decide on.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Ditto for all the above comments. Hubby and I have been enjoying this game immensely. The level of detail is simply amazing. I love going into houses just to see what is inside. I enjoy talking to NPCs and getting more history and information. This game is truly a treasure.

What do you have that you're proud of?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Since the RNG gods hate me and hubby we worked for the gold to buy precursors. He bought me Rodgort’s Flame (and one for himself) and he bought himself Dawn. I bought The Energizer and Rage (ones I could afford, lol). I worked hard to get what I needed and made The Moot last week. My guardian uses The Moot along with Rodgort’s Flame which is the next Legendary I am working on. Together they are some major kick-yeralienwazzitz weapons, I really like pairing them together and cannot wait until the second becomes a Legendary! Now I am waiting for the new precursors and the adventure they hopefully will provide.

The other thing I have that I am very proud of is my Mawdrey II. Deciding to make that gave me the incentive to try fractals and stretch my limits for things I might not have done.

General Beta Notes

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Navigation was a bit difficult – it was somewhat confusing to find your way around. Mini map layers may help with that a bit. Finding events also was a bit difficult, though, thank goodness for the mighty doritos out there! You could at least see where an event might be. It was finding the route to get there that posed most of the difficulty. There were a couple of POI that we could not figure out where the heck they were or how to get around to them. I am sure familiarity with the map will fix that and we did have a limited time in which to explore, try to get at least one mastery and to try events. We used up a lot of our time just figuring out how to get from point a to b. I hope future betas will allow more time for better immersion. Also both hubby and I made Revenants so we were also learning the profession as we went.

Hubby and I had a great time figuring things out though. I loved the mushroom cave and the mushroom soldiers as well as the frog village. Some of the battles were interesting because of the warriors who had mounts. The Wyvern fight was a bit different than the stress test but no less interesting to figure out. The ruins were awesome and we think we may have found a bug – there was a bottle neck doorway with a husk, leeching thrasher and a mender. You could not lure any of them away from the doorway down the hall and you could not kill any of them as they almost instantly respawned their health. We finally gave up and ran by them.

Mastery is still kludgy and hard to figure out. I am glad they reduced the screen from what it was in the first stress test but like the first one I had trouble figuring out what to click to get a mastery started and then it was what do we do next since we could not apply any points to anything at first (maybe a tool tip is needed to explain on those?). Once we realized we had to level up the experience bar before going any further it was oooooh, ok, is there something special we need to do or just find events?

I would have liked to be able to work on more than one mastery at a time.

We should be able to do certain specific things to unlock the gliding as well as other specific things that would apply to the mushrooms all at the same time. Maybe use the first point to just unlock the mastery and have specific things we need to do that applies to training the unlocked masteries such as certain events or collecting that apply to the shrooms and certain events or collecting that applies to gliding, etc. for any mastery that has been unlocked. Being able to train multiple masteries at the same time would be a huge plus for folk.

Finding the specific things/events/collecting/speaking with npcs that apply to training that that mastery over the map would have you still leveling each at different speeds depending on what you are doing. One at a time seems very grindy to me with a generic, fill the bar to get to the next level – ugh.

Owned game since launch only level 29

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


At level 29 what have you done so far? Are you enjoying what you have done so far? I am assuming you only have one avatar – are you enjoying playing that character? If you are not enjoying the class, try some of the others – some might be better a fit than others for your own play style.

There is so much to do in this game, focusing on the ‘end game’ is not the end all be all. Exploring can be wonderful – there are many lovely areas and surprises out there. I still find areas that I go, “Wow!” Try different things to see what appeals to you and what doesn’t. Fractals are not my cup of tea, but I tried them because I was making Mawdrey II and I am glad I did. I would do them if I had to but I did not necessarily enjoy them. Some of the folk I did them with really loved doing them and were very kind at teaching us fractal noobs what to do. Now I am just learning some of the dungeons because I want to make a Legendary and you need to do some of those to get the Gifts you need to complete the particular Legendary. I am finding those interesting and actually fun and now wished I had tried them earlier.

If you have a particular interest or activity then look for guilds that match that. There are lots of fun guilds that can help you with WvW, PVE, dungeons and events. Check to see if your server has a forum somewhere and see who is posting there. You can make a lot of good connections that way and find guilds that will match your interests. If you have friends in game, partner up with them to complete areas. It is a lot of fun going around with others.

Set small goals such as completing one map or just getting all the way points on a map and then going back later to fill in the hearts and POI just as a change of pace. If you decide you want to farm, run a map just looking for materials. Or run a map looking for events to help level up. You really don’t have to complete the personal story – I have only done it on two of my characters, though some of the rewards are nice when you do complete sections.

The main thing is do what is fun for you. This is play time, not a job. Find folk to laugh and joke with and run about with. Do what you want to do and look for fun things to do. Some of my best times in game have been coming across strangers working through an area and we started running together, helping each other out. I have also completed things solo and felt really proud that I was able to do that by myself.

Just go forth and look for that fun!

[Suggestion] recipe scroll account unlock

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I would love to see bought recipes as account bound. Discovered recipes should have to be unlocked by the character crafting that discipline. You would still have to level up your crafting to be able to make the bought recipes at their levels. I feel this would encourage folk to try crafting and getting an upper level recipe for something nice would give a lot of incentive to get to the level needed make it. I suspect nearly everyone has used a bought recipe only to realize the character they used it on is not in that crafting profession. Very discouraging if it was an expensive recipe too…. Making this change would go a long ways towards making crafting something more people might want to do.

The next Karka attack

in Living World

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


There is an NPC at Lion’s Shadow Inn in the Postern Ward who talks about hoping his client is please with his surveying. He also says that he is not liberty to divulge details but it will be the site of an exciting new guild related organization. I am thinking this is where the Guild Halls will be…..

I ran around Lion’s Arch and could not find Hero Tron I am curious as to what he may be up to. He is not in the Crow’s Nest Tavern with the rest of the Captain’s Council….

The next Karka attack

in Living World

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Now it makes me wonder where those steel beams are from and how that hatchling got in in there. It would not surprise me to find the Consortium setting things up so they will be “necessary” for quite some time in LA. Also I am wondering how involved is Job-O/Hero Tron in all this…..

I found an NPC named Chapel Woman sitting on Deverol Island who said the Consortium was building a chapel off site and going to airlift it in when it is done. It is fun walking around to see who you can speak with and what new things they are saying.

I did get a better picture of the hatchling. If you stand on the end of the beams you can look inside right at it.


Ascended - a different way.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


The only change to ascended armor and maybe ascended weapons that I would like to see is the ability to load multiple runes/sigils (limited number, though, like 4 different ones) and be able to switch those out when not in combat. That could add a nice difference to those items and make them even more versatile in a different way than legendary weapons.

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Id also add in, it will take time. Ive just returned myself but i can tell you before i quit a while back i had a list of commanders id follow off a cliff, a list id follow until things got messy, and a list that i wouldnt touch with a 10 foot stick.

It takes time to build up trust with the nameless masses you want to follow you in to battle. So tag up show them you know what you are doing and wont get them needlessly killed over and over, and the zerglings will follow.

I also keep list of commanders I would follow in WvW…. If you are in a guild see if other commanders would be willing to mentor you – that also helps to build confidence not just for the zerg but for yourself. Or check on your TS server for any commander who would mentor.

I ran with one group (IoJ server) who were mentoring a pretty young commander and we had an absolutely fabulous time. We listened to him on TS as well, so we knew he was young. He was actually better than a lot of adults and he had was great at keeping up morale and had us laughing so much as we went (kid could have been a professional comedian he was that good, lol). Overall it was a very successful day with him and I would run with him anytime now.

Are portals still dropping?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Don’t forget that you also have another chance at the Beta by signing up for the HoT newsletter….

To those who got portal (beta key)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


What about only being a subscriber? Do we still got a small chance? I gave up on trying to drop a beta portal, I’m levelling an alt now, so I’m hoping I at least have a chance for having signed up for the newsletter.

Yes, you absolutely do have a chance through your newsletter subscription. Testers will come from the portal drops and from the newsletter subscription list.

Thanks for asking!

Looks like being a subscriber to the Heart of Thorns newsletter will also get you another chance to get into the Beta!

Daydreamer's Finery Underwear Color

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Yeah, it’s a bit weird, TBH.

When you swim (for example), you can see these brick red, kind of raggedy looking shorts (on human female).

The raggedy part is fine, as it goes with the generally organic look fairly well, but it seems kind of odd that they don’t share the dye colour of the main part of the outfit.

…why are you looking at people’s underwear?

You can’t help but see them when you swim (and even when you run, to an extent).

That’s cause they are wearing Tuesday underwears, lol….

Silverwastes - HoT portals dropping a lot!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Makes me wonder if people who have been farming SW all this time without a portal drop had done Dry Top instead, would they have gotten a portal already. I haven’t seen anything that says the drop rate of portals from events and enemies being different so they probably would have had better luck doing Dry Top which offers more chances for one getting dropped.

Diminishing returns by staying in one area for a longer period of time could one of the reasons some folk are not seeing portals. Better chance would be not staying long enough on either map to let it kick in to any exent…..

Silverwastes - HoT portals dropping a lot!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


55 hrs into the grind it dropped in the bonus chest for escorting supply from Red to Amber, My wife got hers after about 30hrs from a random devourer she killed south of Indigo.

They’re out there but for those of us who are hated by the RNG you really have to put the time in. On the bright side I got about 225 shovels and 5k crests so i’m off to get even more dragonite I will never need!

I got mine after days and days of trying (close to 50 hours or so). My RNG seems to favor a lot of charged crystals, lol. After nearly a week of trying, I changed things up and instead of staying in any one map for an extended period of time, I started switching maps every 20 to 30 minutes. My drops did improve a lot overall and on my third switch I got the portal killing a small mordrem wolf during a Clear Out the Mordrem Threat event in the Silverwastes. I am not sure if what I did actually helped but I feel it might have improved my RNG enough to get the portal. I wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Try killing them… you might be positively surprised about their loot table.

This is a great point too. I’m surprised at how many T6 mats I get off of the trash mobs in SW while running around with a chest train or doing pack bull events, etc.

This here. I am amazed at how many folk I see just run past, usually dragging their aggro into everyone else as they go…. I have gotten some pretty nice stuff out of those trash mobs. They are definitely worth killing no matter where you are. Anything that gives you something to salvage, sell or craft is worth killing.

My gf had a "beta slot", not anymore.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


From other posts it looks like the beta characters for the Stress Test Beta have been removed. I had one of those characters and it got removed today. I assume it is to make way for the closed Beta for those who have found the portals.

Heroic Chest received

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I got a chest, and also noticed my beta character is gone when i logged into the character screen. Unfortunately i have all the 3 of the armor skins offered in the chest.

I got two chests in my email but no influence. Now that you mentioned it and I just checked, my Beta Character is now gone! So maybe it is a thanks for participating in the Stress Test Beta.

This Beta Portal is a freaking sham....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


As someone who spent the past week trying for one and finally getting one today, here’s how I look at it:

Even if I never got the Portal, I now have more gold than I ever had in the game since I first started. Win Win

That is how I looked at it. I am working on T6 materials and the Ambrite collection and the week has been a boon for that. It isn’t really a loss. I worked hard every day trying for a portal and finally got one just a bit ago. If I had not got it I would have been sad, yes, but overall I am now soooo much closer to making my first legendary I cannot be all that sad.

The one thing I did today that I had not done before was switch maps every 20 to 30 minutes. I got the portal on my third switch from a small mordrem wolf in the Silverwastes.

Free chest for people who got a portal key(?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I suspect it is a bug. I got the Heroic chest when I logged on today and did not have a portal. I did the Stress Test Beta as well.

I did just now get a portal in the Silverwastes. The only thing I did different after trying for hours and hours over the days was to start switching maps about every half an hour. This was maybe my third switch when the portal popped after killing a smaller mordrem wolf.

Second heroic chest and letter of influence?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I just got an Anet email with two heroic chests – no letter of influence unless it is in the chest and I have not opened them yet. Not sure what is going on.

4 Hours later... any portals?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Not seen a portal and only have seen two folk put out they got one and I have been in Silverwastes and Drytop a lot. (congrats to them!) I have brought in several alts and all of them have been getting less drops than usual in those areas. I went out to finish the daily and got a LOT more drops from Sparkfly and Orr. Went back to Silverwastes and drops were back down again from what I usually get. I must have offended the RNG gods this week, LOL. Since I am also going for mats in these areas it is a bit of a pita right now….

(edited by Aerinndis.2730)

Giant Eyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I got two Giant Eyes in about a week when doing the Melandru event at the second light beacon from the drakes who come ashore during that part. I was amazed since I have played since the game started and never saw any ever before…. Wiki says they can also drop from Mawdrey II or Heavy Moldy bag which I have never seen. Since then nada so not sure if that was an anomaly but I do try to tag those drakes now during that event to see if it ever repeats…

coming back after 2 years,now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Some builds and equipment you may want to look at Meta Battle Wiki

It has some great builds and recommendations for armor, weapons etc. for the type of play you may be interested in. If you have gold you can get stuff off the TP, otherwise it is dungeons, crafting, grinding for gold or enough karma to buy.

At least 2 months and 1 week till release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


/Prediction hat on

HoT will launch on the 25th of August, 3 years from the beginning of headstart.

/Prediction hat off

NOOOOOOOOOOO I will be on a roadtrip during that time! And it is a bucket list vacation which means I HAVE to do it before I die, lol…. Make it later in September, puhleeze!

Gwynefrydd, Impossible drop rate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Gave up on this one a long time ago. I got the cat early on during Halloween so that was something. The other drops such as the necklaces that came out of those bags I got none… I farmed like heck during the whole event and have no clue how many bags I opened but finally gave up from exhaustion. I feel for those who want completion because this RNG will never get you there…

I just wanted to point this out to people

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


They seem to be on the upswing, hubby got three of them in last two days. He reports them and moves on.

Crafting...worth it/what is the point?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Crafting is good for the following:
You enjoy doing it, nice to have each at max eventually so stick them on relevant chars for some extra levels, leveling chars fast at the cost of gold, crafting gear with on-hand mats can be quick and easy, making ascended weapons to get a decent damage boost, making ascended armor that costs a small fortune.

Basically don’t sweat it til you have a reason to do it or enjoy it.
Ascended weapons are worth it and if you intend to make a legendary weapon multiple professions will need to be at least 400. Also this being your first char it will take a ton of time to gather the mats, getting 400 to 500 is much more difficult than 1-400 as well.

Don’t forget one reason to at least work on crafting is being able to make a lot of your consumables, tonics, runes and sigils. (Superior Rune of the Scholar goes for nearly 4 gold on TP but if you already have the materials you can make them for next to nothing) Also you can make those sharpening stones, maintenance oils, tuning crystals, and various foods that give boons, magic find etc. for all your toons.

I agree with not doing it until you have a reason or need for it. You will most likely be glad though once you have done it. It took me some time because it certainly is harder at the upper levels mainly getting the quantity of materials needed to get there but it is doable and certainly worth it. Collecting materials now is to fill up my bank and to sell the excess and I have plenty left over to make the odd ascended weapon when I want one. Being able to make my own consumables is pretty handy keeps a ready supply for all my toons as well.

Do the staff of Anet play gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Whatever they play, it’s not Ranger.

A group of Anet devs were doing the Shadow Behemoth event this afternoon. There was at least one ranger in the group. It looked like everyone was enjoying themselves!

Slayer Title..rant

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I agree with what others have said here, I think you were honestly mistaken.

It is easy to confuse the terms “achievement” and “title”, considering other games/platforms use the term interchangeably.

Dulfy’s “Slayer Achievement Guide” is a guide on how to complete all slayer tracks in order to gain the achievement points they give.

I think this, along with there being an actual title PvP “Slayer” confused you.

On a pragmatic perspective… there’s no point complaining because the hours you spent farming kills are gone forever. On the other hand, you now have a huge bundle of extra AP that help towards you getting a few neat rewards. It’s something to tick off your list, feel accomplished!

You managed a wonderful achievement even if it did not grant a title that others can see. Besides the extra AP you know you have done something extraordinary. The hours you spent were not wasted. I have 535 giant kills and am very envious that you have gotten this. Once I hit the halfway mark, I knew this was doable. It encourages me to keep working on it just to get it done. Satisfaction at knowing you managed it is huge. Anet, please look at the achieves and acknowledge ones like this that take such effort and dedication to finish and reward those players with a nice title!

Slayer Title..rant

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Considering that killing Giants is so difficult to do it should get a title. Thirst Slayer is another achievement that deserves its own title as well. Anything that takes patience and effort should have a title. I would love a Giant Slayer title.

Anet could do so much more with these as well. WoodenPotatoes addressed that in one of his videos on his top 10 feature changes he would like to see:

I am still going to try to finish Giant Slayer because that is the last one I have left under the slaying category.

MMO mouse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I got a Razer Naga and returned it for a Logitech G502 Proteus Core. My issue with Razer is the profile is only on cloud storage not in your computer whereas the Logitech profile is on your computer so you have access to it no matter what. When I bought the Razer I also bought a Razer Orbweaver gamepad and another issue for me was with the Razer Synapse interface which was unbelievably kludgy to use. It would recognize either the mouse or the keypad but would not switch between the two no matter what I did. Also I could program a key easy enough but it would not let me back to reprogram or change anything. I had to remove the Synape program and redownload it only to have it work once and then no longer recognize one of the two devices (it was random which device it would pick each time). A check of Razer support shows very limited customer service and little to no info on the FAQs. For a product to be that frustrating out of the box was disappointing. At least with Logitech I could find an answer to any issues I have ever had by checking their FAQs and their forum.

Ascended gear - yes or no?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Ascended weapons are probably the way to go first. Make the armor if you really want it (it is a nice way of showing what you have achieved in crafting). Once nice thing about the armor is that it is account bound so if you make a set of light armor, any of your avies that wear light armor can use it etc. I don’t think the gear will ever be useless and possibly there may be more use for it in PVE as time goes by, hopefully.

Crafting an ascended item

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730



It has all the guides and lists the materials you need to get to 500. Crafting is definitely worth it for the points you get as you craft. If you have a crafting booster use that as well.

Are we getting this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


ANet loves there rainbow unicorns it seems

Made especially for the sparkle ponies out there, lol.

Continued World Boss Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Suggestions based purely upon personal feelings.

10) I feel bad for that centaur. So sure of himself, then just stands there and gets rocked.

That’s what he gets for monologing…..

Not being able to get a decent name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


This might also help in figuring names for characters (from the wiki)

“An asura’s name often consists of a short, sharp first name with one or two syllables. Feminine asura names typically end in -i or -a vowel sounds, but are not required to do so. Masculine names often end in a consonant sound. Both male and female Asuras often have two of the same letter in a row somewhere in their name, this being a cultural norm, but it is certainly not required. Asura do not have a last name, instead opting to use job titles, a krewe name, or honorifics to differentiate themselves. Those who choose to take a last name of a style similar to humans are rare and are considered eccentrics, and their surname is often ignored by other asura.”

“Most norn follow a Northern European or Viking-style first name system, though some like the famous explorer Captain Romke and his crew have Dutch and Frisian names.

Their surnames can vary in a multitude of styles. Norn without any achievements or legends have surnames after one of their parents (father/mother’s first name followed by -sson or -sdottir or a variant thereof); this is most commonly seen in children, and they’re named after the more famous of their parents even if they do not like said parent (e.g., Braham Eirsson). Surnames do not get adopted from generation to generation and they can be changed by the individual to fit their own personal legend (e.g., a famous Wolfborn member took the surname Wolfsdottir); married couples may not always share surnames either (though some may, e.g., Knut and Gaerta Whitebear). Some norn may also take titles instead of a surname if it fits them and their legend more (e.g., Borje the Sun Chaser)."

“Sylvari names, as well as place names in their starting zone Caledon Forest, are generally inspired by Celtic (mainly Irish and Scots Gaelic, but sometimes Welsh) names. Sylvari do not have surnames, as they’re all part of the same “family,” though to each other they are more like distant relatives except in special cases."

“Charr first names often have names based off of their culture (e.g., Pyre, Ember, Forge). Along with this male names are also sharp sounding with the consonants (e.g., using D, R, T, G, K, etc. used in names like Rytlock, Gron, Dinky) whereas female names are smoother (e.g., using C, L, S, Z, etc. such as names like Bathea, Kalla, Elexus); both genders often start with a sharp consonant though, but this is just generally and exceptions to this do exist. Some charr use Roman or Greek (inspired) names as well.

Charr surnames consist of two words put together, one of which (either suffix or prefix) denoting the warband of the individual (e.g., Rytlock Brimstone is of the Stone warband and Scylla Rustcloud of the Rust warband). Charr individuals generally get to pick variations of their surnames within the forming of their first warband which express their personality, ideals or history, though some limitations may apply.

Members of the same warband can also have their warband name in different order than other members of their warband, though this is rare – some examples include Lightbringer Swordshatter and Legionnaire Bloodsword of the Sword warband, and Vitus Silverpick of the Pick warband (where all other warband members have Pick as the prefix of their surnames)."

“Human names vary from culture to culture, resulting in about seven different known naming varieties. Most naming styles follow real world culture’s names.

Ascalonian names typically follow a Central European and English naming style. Northern Canthans followed a mixture of Western naming system and Chinese (among other Asian) names (e.g., Canthan names wouldn’t follow the standard Asian style of family name first). Kurzick names were a mixture of Germanic and Asian names; and Luxons were a mix of Greek and Asian names. Elonian names were typically African. Historically, Krytan names have Southern European names generally, with some central European mixed in – though due to the merging of Elonian, Ascalonian, and Canthan names, the variety has spread to include those as well. Orrian names hold a heavy Arabic style to them. General fantasy names are also seen among various NPCs (particularly surnames among old Ascalonian families)."

Alert: In-Game Mail Scams

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Report it as it is a scam. DO NOT click on any links. Right up there with the guy who calls your home saying Microsoft is getting alerts that your account is hacked and to give the caller your personal info so they can fix it…