So just set it to click cast as suggested. You just need to have your mouse cursor on the right spot. And if you lose sight of your cursor, get gw2cursor.
Don’t push it, balancing is done once every 6 months. Wait Xmas for tooltip fix.
An angry necro.
There’s people complaining about necro ? Really ? Since when this anet forsaken profession did any good ? We eat kitten all patch.
Everything should be toned down, or “shaved” like you were saying back in the days.
I find the impact of Vampiric Presence hard to evaluate. On the contrary, Banshee’s Wail buffing LF generation from a 10/30 uptime to 15/24 is crystal clear, and I feel that the 3 sec (4 with mesmer rune) daze greatly helps securing a kill.
Please share your thoughts about those 2 traits.
Pinball necro never lacked mobility through knockbacks, just pick your opponents well.
Anyway, maybe it’s about time to riot ? Imagine every single (remaining) necro opening a thread in the pvp section to complain, we may drown them all.
Still, I think bunker necro is a force to reckon with (even if moa destroys us and the healing of Unholy Sanctuary is laughable).
Tanky support (aka bunker guardian ) using : death / blood / SR.;1kHFH0D43JkJ0;9;489A;0158057146;4U7m6X;1Uwl6Uwl6V0w
Can survive in the thick of battle with 31k health, high toughness, especially in shroud which regen health and generate LF from teammates conditions, allowing for extended (up to infinite) time in shroud.
Still not sure about Foot in the Grave as I stay most of the time in shroud, the measly stack of stability is pretty much useless in team fight, and the stun break is usually not needed : just entering shroud removes 2 conditions and extreme tankiness makes loss of control less threatening. Main purpose is to enter shroud to fast resurrect (+30%) a downed teammate, not to prevent decap.
It’s both fun to play and effective so far. Still experimenting various sigils/traits to improve.
Credits to Forsaker for the original “crazy” idea.
Necro has never been meta in 3 years bare 2 weeks of Dhuumfire/Terror. After which we got nerfed into oblivion, patch after patch after patch.
Terror is still nerfed because of Dhuumfire that is now dealing 1 stack of 3 sec burning if we manage to hit with our slowest attack in Shroud that requires LF in a build that can’t generate enough (condi), just to achieve less damage than scepter auto attack… Hahahaha hahah aha ha hah ahahahah !! ! !! !!! Dies
On the upside, Corrupt Boon’s cost kinda got reduced. Still just one stack of poison untraited, and one stack deals less damage than before. Considering that was the only Corruption worth considering before in PvP…
Shhhh! They overlooked that part, don’t put a spotlight on it!
Don’t forget that we are the most balanced profession, we just need bug fixes and other professions to get in line! Take a look at the biggest buffs we received over the past “stale” year:
- shroud LF bug fixed, letting us soak more damage
- might stacking slightly reduced, improving our survivability
- vigor effect halved
We were starting to become monsters (all the insults I received for killing people while in downed state is proof!) so that’s only natural we receive a few tweak to keep us in check. So long!
(edited by Ara.4569)
Goodbye Necro
Don’t give up just yet! He stated this was not the same client we are going to get.
What ? You mean it could get worse ?
I want to play the most annoying build ever, so that even if they know they can’t lose against me, it would be such a living hell for them that they are discouraged to pick a fight.
Any recommendations ? :p
The consume condition nerf was such a bad job, while there was no way the would touch shelter for guardians. SO MUCH BIAS, how do you think this i stills fun or counter play? Wtf. You want us to use other heals, the make them worth kitten. You failed selling that as the logic is simply not there. It’s ridiculous.
Thank your for ruining the trust the developers have with players. If you look into the warrior forum
they are getting a dev to respond by being polite. You are just spotting random crap into the air hoping that a dev will explain themselves to a player that is frothing at the mouth.
Give it a rest already. You obviously haven’t proven to them CC needs to be fixed. And you behave in an uncivilized matter, so no discussion on it will take place
No, they are getting responses cause it is kittening warrior, and not Necromancer. Seriously, they even went the extra mile gathering feed-back on changing tomes on Guardians when DH was revealed, but did WE get any chance to say anything about the CC and Plagueform changes, or were even warned it advance? No, of course we weren’t, cause the 99% of the devs can’T be assed to even think about the fact that Necros exist.
You’re comparing the specialization reveal with these trait changes. Did you miss all of the threads from The Gates Assassin? They clearly took suggestions.
dude, no. re-read what he wrote.
I read it, it’s just the usual mmo forum “no one loves my class” diatribe that exists in every profession forum on this site and has existed on every class forum of every mmo ever.
Seriously, read it again. Hint: there was no time frame for feedback to what they did with CC and such. But it’s okay because we have time before HoT. It’s not like the preview of our changes one week before release, is it ?
… is right !
Bury us well, wait a few months, and see Revenants coming out.
I have a few suggestions to go with it:
- make it scale: 5 vulnerability stacks per opponent in a 1500 radius. We never scaled properly, now would be a good time to start!
- push the concept further: add a stun at the end of a condi transfer and make it a blast finisher (we always cry about it).
- desecrate our grave and kitten our remains for good measure.
Down state is our real state. Now if we could move, even slowly like a zombie, we may be viable competitively.
Attrition profession to its finest: the longer you fight, the weaker you become.
solid hp leech on #2
I kept reading after this but please don’t go so carefree with adjectives. :p
just stop…STOP!!!
Hot weather ? Wave your fan !
An heavy one at that, making you sweat a lot, so wave faster and see who wins !
(edited by Ara.4569)
Tackling real necro problems here, thank you. I also believe that one day the axe will be more than a toy. Give it 3 more years to mature.
If they really want to promote build diversity, they should make chill scale from whichever is greater: condi or power.
Why do you take Weakening Shroud + Near to Death over say Reaper’s Precision + Vital Persistance or Spectral Mastery ?
I don’t feel like it gives me increased survivability, but I would be happy to be wrong… Unless I need to pop DS as regularly as possible for it to be better, because then I would need to rework my gameplay with that in mind, but maybe it is worthy ? =P
Chiroptophobia with the Noble Count outfit for a perfect vampire style. Now we just need life siphon to be viable.
+50% damage while downed trait will really shien now, i could already deal over 2k damage with necro downed skill 3 (per tick), downed necro newmeta
Is it possible to win a downstate duel against rangers when their dead pet is healing by out damaging ?
If so, I think we should really consider a 1v1 (up to 2v2) downstate spec. Ping-pong into downstate into win !
I started necro for the advertised attrition gameplay, and played with conditions. Then one day I wanted to be competitive and less frustrated. Nowadays I partially succeeded (frustration is still there) with a full out glass canon…
Sometimes I look back to the promises of attrition and cry for how far I am from it…
This class design is a failure…
Done. They looked at it. It was ugly, by the way.
-Gain 5 seconds of regeneration when your health reaches 90% …. ha .. hahahahaha ….. hahahahahaahaha. Wait what? This is useful ? yeah, my thoughts exactly.
Come on, you’re talking about 30 sec of active siphoning with just a minor trait. I would call it OP in comparison.
Necro are supposed to suck life but currently they just suck. That’s half the job done.
And I suck at being spiritual, that’s my bond to the necro class.
Come back in 7-8 months for a chance to see some improvements. But you will have to pay for the expansion.
Locust Swarm is dangerous: I already got reported twice for cheating because I generate LF while in DS, which, for some people, is a hack.
Anyone felt sturdier with that Might re-balance ?
Signet of the Locust: mobility and scalable sustain in just one skill, awesome! Being able to cast that signet in the middle of a CC chain to survive an extra 0.2-0.5 sec at the price of not being able to quickly come back is a fair trade.
Bonus video:
Seriously, best change for us is that global might nerf. Although I would have reduced the amount of might stacks from fire fields instead of the battle sigil, to tone down those ele/engi.
But toning down ele/engi would have eradicated necro from the competitive scene as we are brought for the sole purpose of handling those 2, so props to ANet for seeing that…
(edited by Ara.4569)
Probably not what you are looking for (she is too cute):
That’s funny, I get the same “fear spam cancer” insults on my power necro.
By the way, I have a hard time to go back to terrormancer —> having close to no LF generation feels like being naked. I will probably take a warhorn even if I don’t trait it.
Make DS more resilient as the number of damage sources increases. In other words: make it scale so we can get a chance to survive team focus.
In card games there’s weak cards that you learn not to play anymore as you progress. It’s part of the learning process.
After a while in GW2, necromancers realize they are weaker than other professions on every aspect, and reroll to a real profession.
I still enjoy necro the most, but I moved from team competitor to hot join hero months ago.
Only change in my favorite spec was to switch from Vital Persistance to Spectral Mastery, and I now favor Spectral Grasp slightly more than Signet of Spite (they share the same slot :p):
Next test will be an “all in” LF generation build, giving up fear boosts entirely (not sure between Soul Marks and Vital Persistance yet):
Then I will try to find the sweet spot between the 2.
To stay on track with their build diversity philosophy, the next step is to nerf Consume Conditions to the level of our other healing skills. That would be a merciful killing blow to necromancers after close to 2 years of tortures.
In fact, I beg you ANet: please kill this profession ASAP so that the most dedicated necro players could move on. Thank you in advance.
I thought the improved necro sustain over time would imply, say, a 50% duration increase on Well of Blood at the cost of -25% health per second, reducing healing burst, but improving overall heal.
Oh boy, was I wrong ! XD
Keep these coming please ! And don’t forget to film when you gangrape the dying necro community, before stabbing it again and again and again.
Thank you balance team !
I’m fed up with the lack of care for necromancers as well, so I tried ArcheAge during open beta:
+ class system seems interesting, for now…
= can’t tell how balance is handled yet.
- no combat mobility (where is my evade key ? almost all spellcasting requires to stand still…)
- PvP efficiency seems mostly based on gear…
- realistic crafting system is very tedious !
- at end of beta I was at 123 / 10 000 to reach 2nd tier (out of 6) on herbalism, my most advanced crafting skill…
- F2P = trial mode, if you really want to play, you need to subscribe.
If you don’t subscribe:
- You can’t sell anything to merchants.
- To put ONE item on TP you first need to BUY one from TP…
- To generate Labor points (LP) you need to stay in game but the game kicks you if you’re AFK, forcing you to live dangerously, using anti AFK scripts.
- If you run out of LP you can’t even open a coin purse, so don’t even try to craft.
- your only way to gear decently is to buy crafts on TP because you will never be able to craft yourself without LP and protected fields.
- You can’t increase bag space.
I will probably play casually at release to better gauge how much grind this game requires for non subscribers.
All that to say I’m still looking at another profession I could enjoy instead of necro ..
I already tried but didn’t liked: thief, warrior, mesmer, ele and guardian. There’s only ranger and hobo left ..
Stay positive guys, they didn’t nerf Corrupt Boon to 3 boons. Yay !
Now, if every bumps in the road would let Corrupt Boon reach opponent successfully, that would be even better !
Only thing I complain about is how hard it is to switch to another profession.
I love QoL changes. Others got “things around you tend to go down faster” while we got “hackish things you were doing before are now legit, no more bans”.
So, “improved survivability over time with weapon and utility skills” was just a 10 sec reduction on spectral armor. Should I mention the extra sec of siphon on the signet of vampirism activation ? Bwahahaha.
And that auto DS when health goes below 1… It really shows that our skill ceiling is way too high and needs to be dumbed down, right ?
I’m losing hope for any significant changes to our survivability in team fights now.
I play necro since beta and while I enjoyed the ride, I think I need to start looking for another profession…
Let us be a pingpong ball for a little longer. At least we can enjoy the scenery while being full CC’ed to death. Thank you !
I would strongly advise you to stay away from minions. They are unreliable and only good to protect from AoE in group fights or as physical blockers against projectiles, and mostly against bad players…
However, I speak from a very small experience with them, as after 2 days I couldnt bear watching them pick flowers while I take a beating anymore… And I’m rank 75.
I would recommend you to move to one of those builds:
- dhuumfire v2 with balthazar runes 6/4/0/0/4
- standard terror 0/6/4/0/4
- a mix of both at the price of reduced survivability 6/6/0/0/2
- power build 6/2/0/0/6
They all worked fine for me, especially the first 2.
I have yet to try this build, but I am skeptical about some choices:
- Why don’t you drop 10 points in Curses (fury with DS + spectral attunement) for 10 extra points in SR (extra Spectral Armor and 20% CD reduction on spectral skills) ?
- I’m not fond of Weakening Shroud since the nerf to a pathetic 2 sec. Why don’t you take Chilling Darkness instead ?
30/20/0/0/20 (6/4/0/0/4 now) with Balthazar runes.
I should test this, but I’m not in a hurry on that one : relying so much on DS will certainly put alot of stress, always thinking about how and when to maximize it : more damage with Dhuumfire, more pressure with timed fear / dark path, more survivability against unavoidable burst… Constant pressure, knowing that when I pick one, other options are lost or damaged, or so I think. :p
For now I love 0/30/20/0/20 (0/6/4/0/4). That new grand master trait is no short of amazing ! And there’s so many fear to disrupt opponent’s tactic: DS #3, Staff #5, 2 sec (!) runes of nightmare, 3 sec reaper’s protection, sometimes a dark path on stability…
Now that Geomancy has been nerfed and I don’t use dhuumfire anymore (was using +10% burn duration to reach +50% for 3 sec), I switched to +20% bleed duration (on scepter/dagger) to help recover from the loss of Spite, +50% endurance refill (on staff), and 60% chance to remove a boon (on both) to more easily reach that covered stability buff with my lovely Dark Path. =D
So far, so good, never felt this strong. =D
You look like an incarnation of death in that outfit, so I guess the pink thing on your back is a flayed asura ?
In PvP against most common/“meta” builds and equally skilled players :
1) Elementalist —> necro
2) Engineer --> necro
3) Mesmer —> ~
4) Guardian --> necro
5) Ranger —> ~
6) Thief --> thief (with Corrupt Boon instead of Spectral Wall, which is most of the time)
7) Warrior —> warrior
Overall (and outside of special cases), I think the main difficulty for me are classes using zerk amulet + offensive traits + defensive utilities or zerk amulet + defensive traits + offensive utilities.
Regarding Necromancers:
Can we get a, say, 1.5 second “double tap protection” built into the F1 command to go into Death Shroud. It’s not as big an issue in PVE, but in SPVP entire battles or even matches get be lost if you double tap F1 and essentially waste your Deathshroud.
Doing so would ruin “DS dancing” (going in and out very fast just to proc effects), unless that protection can be disabled via options.
I have a side question that I hope someone can answer:
What’s the movement speed modifier of a character affected by both Swiftness and Chill or Swiftness and Cripple ?