The truth is that Spirit Ranger is disgustingly for handicaps. I have never played or seen a class where its play is so disturbingly passive. But that is not the point of this thread.
don’t take credit and overrate your class for winning the game. looks like you had 2 bunkers who can hold mid and far points (guard and engi).
nonetheless, imagine yourself as someone who just bought GW2 box out of best buy, installed it, went to forums and read that spirit rangers are cool. And you won. YES, you will be enticed to play some more.
FoTMS/META builds are good to get new players in game. if they wish to go srs and compete, they will practice some more and or try other builds. the important thing is the feeling that you don’t suck playing first time and entry level professions such as spirit rangers are fun.
idk if what you’re saying is true. you are carrion spec and your healing power/toughness sucks. so if you do what you just did vsing a decent assaulter|bunker (like thief with a kittening tree LOL), you will wear out and youll die.
This class is so easy that is probably the only class anyone can pick up and have a streak of 4/5-1. Use a sample size. People don’t just reroll to one-two-three spirit rangers because it just happens. Its because necromancers were “nerfed” so spirit rangers are Godmode now to be multiplied like that.
The success rate for new-semiexperienced player is 45-65%. For experienced players is 65%-75%.
And no conan you can’t do that with any class. You can’t do all of the things I mentioned with ANY class. Maybe pre-nerf necromancers but still highly questionable. And you smash more buttons as a necromancer. Spirit ranger’s gameplay is extremely passive.
(edited by Authority.6145)
ooooooooooooo lala
I will do this easier for you.
For me, Guild Wars 2 suffers from spam, animation(s)(?), useless traits, runes, sigils, classes doing it all (conditions, boons, crow control, stealth openers, passing heals) which minimizes uniqueness, A.I, brainless builds and bla bla bla".
Its not hard to read by you use both your eyes. Thus, spirit ranger was used as an excuse to paint the biggest picture.
How many more of these threads need ot be made until people start actually trying to come up with a solution? And we’re convinced this is now a Ranger issue and not the simple fact that bunker/regen builds with condi support are overpowered?
If you checked my posts I started off with spirit ranger as a stimuli not being factor.
For me, Guild Wars 2 suffers from spam, animation(s)(?), useless traits, runes, sigils, classes doing it all (conditions, boons, crow control, stealth openers, passing heals) which minimizes uniqueness, A.I, brainless builds and bla bla bla.
No. I am actually going to take a huge break playing a bit of League of Legends but mainly going back to Aion since from what I saw they definitely made it more western.
I am at the point where I tried to love this game but can’t. I tried to have passion and motivation but completely lost it. I am just an empty vase right now trying to find water to be filled.
When your position drops from 200 to 450 because you didn’t wake up at 6am to defend it
When you get dropped from 700 to 950 due to not playing for a day
Of course I am a hunter!
Give me 3 necromancers any day instead of 3 spirit rangers or 3 warriors. I think you get what I am trying to say.
I was just thinking about that five minutes ago.
A.NET your algorithm sucks.
solo queue
“Spirit rangers….”
Made my day! I still feel sorry for that poor soul though.
That reminded me a match I had vs three rangers and two guardians, Most boring day of my life. Mid fights were just full on troll mode.
Troll better or harder.
First of all in League of Legends
1.You do not get a ratio of 10-1 and you Gopro while you sit on a spot for good playing one match every blue moon in which you are grouped with top 25/50/100 vs 600/700/1000 to offset decay.
2.You start off from the bottom with Tiers and progress.
3.If you can’t progress from one tier to the next you simply don’t deserve it or you need to improve. You just don’t skyrocket to Challengers Mode.
4.You do NOT need TS or duo queue to reach Platinum.
5.You do NOT even need to type anything to inform your team since you got commands
Right now it is not even relevant whether you did sync for 1% or for 100% or whether you were using TS for the same percentage or combining it.
And also the update to “fix” this intentional sync or not is not relevant as well now because already people are dropping like flies and soon they will be out not only from leaderboards but also joining soloque and only entering to do their dailies when they realized that great win/loss ration>all and trying to climb up this completely BS system is just too stupid, plainly stupid. Even those that still do will get bored eventually because it will become another pointless FPS game-mode.
99% didn’t come to do soloque and treat it as a team queue. I would understand it if I was the type of player to use any means to treat soloqueue as a team queue and face roll while sit at a position for X days immune to decay. You are right on that.
Short version; nothing matters now.
(edited by Authority.6145)
Ya I beat someone who’s been playing Ranger for months with a Ranger the third time i’ve ever played the class in PvP.
It really is shocking how easy and effective the class is. I avoid it entirely because I know I will get lazy and develop bad habits with it.
I think if we track down the history of builds for each class we would arrive at the same point.
I am not sure what could happen so classes demand loyalty and commitment to reach a good/average/acceptable level of skill. Others stated the removal or the nerf of amulets, traits, runes, weapon sets.
I do not think it promotes competitive play or it sends the right message.
Like for example in games such as Aion, WC3, LoL and others; and even though they all have their own imbalances when it comes to races/classes/heroes there are pragmatic methods an experienced player can counter a non-experienced player with a weaker race/class/hero; macro/micro, smart play, farm more efficiently, ect.
I don’t recall any other game where players can pick up something as fast as that and are able to “carry/win” with minimal effort.
This is not particularly a topic per se regarding spirit rangers but it was used as an example. I believe this pattern should stop by any means necessary. It is good that we don’t have to deal with gear-based advantages but that seems to be countered by builds and quite easily so if I may say.
The efficacy of some builds I’ve observed is rather scary given the lack of skill on the part of the players I’ve seen them on.
Second match I had 225 points. I am just out of words to be honest.
- First time ranger
- I didn’t even pay attention to what I was doing
- I didn’t care what the enemy was doing
- Smashing all of my buttons all the time
- No thinking about anything for 15m
- Plenty matches literally not moving an inch and just autoattacking
Good job Anet.
That is all.
Short version; the biggest issue is NOT meta. Its the skill floor. Its not builds. Its the classes.
(edited by Authority.6145)
At the person who tried to say that “Defektive doesn’t care as much as him”. You have to understand that each person in here in different matters have got different opinions as long as the issue of debate allows the diversity of opinions.
For example, Defektive and Uber are on the same wave. I am not. I will not expand on it however.
Because for me it is just sad and there is nothing else to add.
It is? I could have sword it was every 3 seconds when I played a warrior for a couple of games or watching warriors on stream. Though I was starting to see some really kitten when HP recovery at some parts of the battle was extremely strong and HP was not going down as it was suppose to.
Maybe a random bug?
Never mind, read the other reply.
I suspect that the 1000+ is still growing, but they only show 1,000 on the leaderboard.
The names at the 990 to 1000 will keep changing. The others dropped below the hosizon.
So basically we will all drop apart from top 25 and be moved lower and lower and lower, eventually out of leaderboards.
You get what I mean with this hyperbole.
i lost my first 3 matches and after this i won 9 games in a row and lost now another one
now im on 9 win 4 loses and ranked 700 or something last time i lookeddont think there is something like a elo hell -you have same crappy playerz in enemyteam as you have in your team – only you are the constant – only you can change something
only problem is ppl always think they are better than they are and they deserve more than what they get – human nature
Since you are as stubborn as me lets look at the facts
778 Romek.4201 11 4 73.33%
You were 9-4 at 700 after a streak of nine wins. You even won two more games and now you are at 778 (!) with a better ratio (!). I can bet you that you will stay there for good or move less or maximum move up 100 places.
You go down even without playing because the size of the leaderboard rose from 200 to 1000. Your position is still the same relative to the whole.
For example High Lord Sikari has been right next to me in the ratings the entire time while neither of us has played.
The population was 1000 late at night or really early in the morning. I played a few games today at 3pm and was placed 600-610. Now I am -100/120 places by just not playing.
Not sure if you saw in my other post but I was in a 5v5, my team rating was 300-700.. The enemy team rating was 1-50… GW2 doesn’t matchmake off of ratings so don’t believe it when they do. If they do matchmake off of ratings it puts the very best against the very worst game after game, they don’t equal out the playing field.
Of course it does not take into account rating nor it ever did. Just by soloquing on the old leaderboard system that was crystal clear or even with a premade/pug (premades/pugs were matched heavily by top 100 teams that most of them either were disbanding to play another day or wait for 20-30m or more so they will not be matched again like that),
I am amazed however at the ignorant level of experienced players claiming other wise or providing vague anecdotal evidence to back up everything that goes against reality of things.
Welcome to the trap my friend
I am currently learning for my exams and thus couldnt play for maor than 1,5 hour a day. Lost about 60 ranks per hour and after beeing at about 50 I dropped to 350 without playing. Now I am covered around Trapper Rangers with Bear pets, Rifle Warriors, Off-Guards, MM Necros, etc.
Monday I will start to get out of there haha :P
Yes that is what happened to me as well. I got dropped by 250 places from 200. Yesterday I was 600 making it 24-24 from 15-21 and today I am at 720 with 30-29.
Like it is telling us we should be waking up at 6am every day just to reclaim our position. Only the top 25 are not affected like that. But I do find it funny that the system will punish you by either playing a lot of games or not playing it for a few days.
Wish more people had balls like you instead of being pathological liars.
I asked Leman – He clearly denied it.
Shh Shad – Denied it.Not that it matters. It was no brainer that players were syncing.
Wow, seriously?
Have you read my post?
Copied from a topic titled ‘Do something about sync queuing….’
Guilty as charged… in a way.
I got matched with same people a few times.
I wouldn’t call that a sync, it’s just what happens just in the beginning when there aren’t enough people to play with – you will get on the same match with the people in your rating range who are currently queuing; you’ll be in the same team or against each other.
It may look like sync, but that’s essentially what ratign is for, to place the people of similar rating level in matches together.
Give it some time.Also – maybe l2p by calling your teammates on TS when you play Solo Arena before you call someone a pathological liar…
Apologies but I am the type of player who has got dignity and pride. That is why you will never see me farming soloquers/pugs consistently per week from 12pm-to-4/5am because no genuine person thinks for a second that winning like that gives him anything.. That is why I will not join this train of treating soloque like that. I want to earn what I deserve and work for it.
The system is SO flawed that players do the following things
3.Keep on joining to be synced with similar high rating players after successful streaks of wins..
4.Avoid specific players (enemies or allies) after one loss by waiting for 5-10minutes.
5.Avoid queuing up on high prime time.
And call it legit competition.
People are not stupid and they will punish the game, company or game-mode for treating them as stupid. Soloque was meant to encourage the masses (any type of players) to come back to TPvP. Now it only gives them the final reason to either go back and stick to Pve or World vs World or to play another game.
Then you wonder about “low population, low viewers on Twitch”. Considering the amount of players that bought this game it is no wonder that after all that we are still in this current state.
I tanked my elo by playing mesmer in a solo que dominated by necro’s spirit rangers and s/d thieves; I am currently attempting to go up with s/d thief, so I will see how it goes.
No you didn’t. In fact you were on your S/D Thief the first day of soloque. I was with you twice and against you once. We won two games together and the other game you lost by my team by double points.
But whatever makes you sleeping like a hero at night.
(edited by Authority.6145)
My argumentation has nothing to do with excuses
My first “excuse” was not timezone, it was low player base, it is still low at our primetime compared to games like LoL, check the soloq leaderboards, everyone with 11+ games is on it and yesterday we didn’t have more than 500 players on it (fortunately i just looked it up and its more than 1k now), compare that to other popular games that have 1000x as much in the same timeframe, then you see that the system just with that limitation can’t work as great as other systems are, nothing can be done about it directly, only by getting many new players into gw2 pvp.
Second “excuse”: Rank is not directly correlated to skill, you may say a rank 40 is generally better than a rank 10, but, to my knowledge, there is no game out there that uses “time played” as a value in their MMR system (and glory rank is basically just a number to show how much time you played). Rightfully so, because “generally” better is not good enough for a proper system. Arenanet is aiming to get as good as a system as possible and that needs data to collect to rate every player appropriately, just as I explained before.
The reason for team getting stomped, one way or the other, is not a bad MMR system, its the huge skill difference at the moment in the top tier of teams, which is again due to lack of player base.
Yesterday we had more than 500 players because my win/loss ratio was 15-21 at 650 and that is a fact. I made it 24-24. Now I was 30-28 on a 3-0 streak and lost again the usual 500-75 vs TS/Sync group (). From all my losses 90% are the typical 100-0 while 10% is losing by half points.
Like I said if the system needs more time to work better they should have added a actual MMR System not a system that because it is so flawed it will just put you in regardless of the situation.
That is why I said excuses. ANY good MMR system would have already taken into consideration important factors.
Let me give you another example. Yesterday at 8-10pm (can’t remember) I was grouped with Sheslat at 600 position. He was 150-200 on Leaderboard so we had 400 difference. What exactly did I share with him? Win/Loss ratio? Rating? Position?
Let me give you another example. I have been grouped us with a player called Miss Signoritas (39/54 770) God knows how many times. What do I share with him? Similar win/loss ration? Rating? Position?
Absolutely nothing. YET it still grouped us like that for purely unreal reasons.
No one said rank is correlated to anything regarding skill but if you want to downplay rank since tournament experience is not important and call it “glory” feel free to shoutcast a group of 20s and below vs a group of 40s and above and randomize the sample each time.
Make them play 7 games.
Short version, system is stupid.
Wanna bet 100 dollars that match making DOES consider ranking?
Just wait. I knew what was going to happen before I started playing. Be not stupid as me, save your self and wait for a week or so.
cause mmr breh doesnt take into account ranking and you are so bad your rating belongs with rank 10s.
If players are able to reach the com level of a premade or a typical pug group then obviously that defeats the purpose of Soloque and obviously its NOT Soloque.
Insert commands aka LoL example.
I prefer awesomeness commands than voice ip. I have got a large army of anti-socials with me who would appreciate that.
nice explanation!
although i think those guys will always be referring to rank, no matter how often someone tells them otherwise. i think its a matter of ego – “uuhh, he has lower number, he shouldnt beat me – lets complain on forums about bad MMR”because of that i think it was a fault showing peoples rank after match.
Rank is correlated with how GW2 match makes.
But be in denial in a very imaginary universe where a rank 10 has more tournament experience than a rank 40.
Delano Stark – Thanks for your trolling. 0 points and in the next game he was running around close dancing.
But yeah MMR is working yo.
First excuse was “timezone”. Both screenshots taking 8pm which is probably the highest peak time.
Second excuse was that rank is not correlated.
What is your third excuse?
You want to know what a great mmr system can do?
Ask Shava from Boon who was with Zalamander and some others and even though they tripple capped us twice (buff + normal), we still won by 20-30 points. Also ask Xeph who lost by my team by 200 points in which I played exceptionally well (including two ncp’s steal).
If we had the right tools to “compete”, you would see most of the time close matches first of all with a max point difference of 250 or 200. Those that are on top 100-200 let them be. We are not trying to become pro or trying to get funded. We just want to compete with a great system.
(edited by Authority.6145)
So let me get this straight. Its not enough soloque suffers from a long list of issues already, we gotta give in to afkers and leavers now?
No thanks.
Now is the moment to punish more those types of players so there is one less issue to deal with already.
I think OP is in agreement with you. Setting it to 3 instead of 5 would get you banned faster.
Oh kitten. My bad. Sorry OP.
Apologies for my ignorance, but since I missed something where/how do I achieve this; Visual Effects option now available to tone them down?
So let me get this straight. Its not enough soloque suffers from a long list of issues already, we gotta give in to afkers and leavers now?
No thanks.
Now is the moment to punish more those types of players so there is one less issue to deal with already.
Authority thats because of the low ammount of games played across the board. As soon as that reaches a matured level, the rankings will be homogeneized and, climbing up, and down, will be much smoother.
By matured level, people need to play more frequently or if the overall playerbase increases.
Keep in mind most of the people havent actually done SoloQ due to vacations and what not.
If at any given time the sample is low, then I am willing to wait for 10m or simply don’t put me inside the game. How many games I need to experience this 100-0 games until the miracle happens (from either side)?
For me and the average Joe is not about winning or losing is simply HOW. Trust me the last thing I do when its 100-0 for my group is to go “get owned baddiez”.
I am one of those players that if we had a great MMR and i.e I was out of Soloque Leaderboards at 1% I would sit down and work my kitten off to get back. I don’t lack fighting spirit. I lack passion and motivation.
Also their w.e algorithm does take into rank. If it didn’t you would never see ranks being homogeneized like that and you would obviously see a huge variation of ranks.
^You will be able to recover but it’ll take time. About the VOIP thing, unless they implement one in the game (highly unlikely) there’s nothing you can do about it.
Yep after a streak of 5 wins one loss I can recover.
And check it out. I had 15-21 now I am 21-24 and still stuck on 600 (gaining only 50 positions from 650 with a stream of 5-1).
thanks for posting a proof that the match making algorithm sucks.
You don’t have to thank me. The least I can do is be as honest as possible and more importantly as accurate as possible. I should have also included some of my wins over the opposite side of the road.
Their <whateveryouwannacallit> algorithm is primitive.
If I have to treat Soloque as if I am playing brainless Modern Warfare 3 I might as well go back to my little PvE pigeon hole and stay there. Or better play another game. I will give it a month so if by September this stupidity carries on I will just give it a rest.
There are a couple of positive things indeed,
a.Facing a super group such as TMO Lee, Starcraft Six, Sîzer, Yoloque and one vs one them.
b.Plenty of well known players who die for instance from D/P because they are playing fotm builds/classes like rank 1.
c.The amount of Asuras and players thinking that it will carry them. .
I am just going to treat soloque as an ego feast. Because that is all I get out of it.
PS: Owning you with 15-20 fps baddiesz. Long live HP Laptop.
(edited by Authority.6145)
^You will be able to recover but it’ll take time. About the VOIP thing, unless they implement one in the game (highly unlikely) there’s nothing you can do about it.
Yep after a streak of 5 wins one loss I can recover.
And check it out. I had 15-21 now I am 21-24 and still stuck on 600 (gaining only 50 positions from 650 with a stream of 5-1).
(edited by Authority.6145)
solo que #1 admitted to sync – that much for the “illusion”:
Dude you shouldn’t even link that to him/her. Let them think we are completely idiots and we live in this fantasy world. Let them insult our intelligence more by making big name threads about something which is crystal clear just by observing.
The ratio of leaves is one out of four or one out five.
Maybe I should make a nice wall of Afkers just for fun.
… which is essentially cheating until ANet implements a built-in VoIP tool.
There is NO cheating. Anet knew what was going to happen unless they really can’t think straight. Like he said if you start off with a good score/ratio of win/loss thats about it. If not you are going to be just like me who was 200 with 12-12, being dropped by -250 position (because I got dropped not by me playing but from others), came back had two games who I lost with a score of 500-100 and that is the end of the line.
Now I am stuck in a position like most where after a certain streak of losses YOU won’t be able to recover. If you do not believe me see the ratio of the top 100 players to get a rough idea.
And Aneta’s intelligent response is to “teach”. As if players are going to spending typing a GW2 manifesto for 15m. Encouraging TS over soloque was and is the smartest thing to do but at the end of the day most didn’t participate in solo queque to have the same BS you have with a pug or a premade-group via voice ip.
First of all, I have played LoL since it first came out and I am aware what changes it went through; from just elo number to leagues.
Secondly, I provided the example to show that even though there are a few exceptions in League of Legends (who God knows how they reached a certain league) you can’t be dropped down by others. The only person responsible is you.
Thirdly, there is NO MMR.
Here goes what really happens in Solo Queque
a.Been matched with and against players such as Xeph, Super, Yolo Que, Xerrex, Starcraft Six Pool, TMO Lee ect. I don’t share anything with them so if there was a mmr I would have never grouped up or played against them.
b.One third of my games are we low ranks. And low ranks mean below 30 or 20. So care to explain to me how the hell I shared rating with a rank one or a rank five?
c.I have had the opposite where I had with me all 40s and 50s against 20s and 10s as well as below.
Same kitten doing it solo in Team Que. I have played in there far too many times vs CN, MiM, TP, ect while being below 100%.
And speaking of the devil, read Adam’s response
No! 1+1 = “whatever the %$&@ I want”
Don’t tell me how to do math, or how to live my life you fascist!
The Great Ku Jun Lee will make sure your disgrace will get punished!
There are only two positive things
1.Not being matched against pugs/premades.
2.Playing with great players that you wouldn’t have the chance to do with the old system.
They need to implement a minimum level rank requirement of at least 10 to enter SOLO QUE RANKED. If you are under rank 10 then you must do TEAM QUE RANK or hotjoin.
Yes, the que times will be longer but it seeks to ensure that a player has a basic understanding of conquest and the various maps (notice I left “their class” out).
If you are under rank 10 then you can do TEAM QUE or Hotjoin to rank up. This gives younger players something to work as they rank up. It also indirectly serve to “declutter” the SOLO QUE Leaderboard with alt accounts.
My idea for starter was to make matching according to rank at first for X week or max a month. Then implement rating so those who are 40+ but worse than 10-20-30 ranks would move lower and lower and play with either similar ranks of low rating or low ranks of low rating until he/she becomes better.
I don’t mind waiting for 5-10 minutes if that means better MMR. For me there is no pride in winning a game with this unreal randomness.
I have played 24 games so far. Mixed feelings and experience. Not impressed but not overly to bad about it.
I hope Arena improves it a lot because if I could get at some point the matchmaking of LoL that would be extremely beneficial.
Tip: Playing two classes or more will increase your chance of winning. Tried Warrior but I am completely out of it so I will probably try a Spirit Ranger.
By the way we are all getting paranoid with team sync; I admit that.
Yeah I think the main complaint is that people make mistakes, and there’s not much we can do about that except by expanding the player base then improving matchmaking..
And it will be extremely good because people will start playing more classes, communicate better and have more “good/balanced team comps” than class spam of
Spirit Rangers
Player base will then become more knowledge and that itself will raise skill cap more for the average gamer because the average gamer would understand as well that to progress/be good in soloque he/she must be good at at least two classes or more.
QQ my team is so bad, stuck in elohell, cant carry bla bla bla. On a serious note, after LoL had this discussion for like an eternity already I don’t think we need this. Deal with it, there is no way to change it, thats the nature of soloq in a teamgame.
And how do you know that the enemy team synced queues, sounds like a lame excuse for loosing, there is actually a good chance that this is technically impossible and if it isn’t yet it will be easy to implement (even I with my limited knowledge on this matter have a multitude of ideas how to prevent it, code wise).
There was a huge debate in League of Legends for a reason. If Riot catered to the minority which claimed Elohell didnt exist and there was no genuine evidence for claims as those it wouldn’t have right now the best MMR system which is superior in every single sense to how it is with Guild Wars 2.
And right now people who reach i.e Gold genuinely deserve it. Of course there are exceptions and you do see evidently bronzy-silverish mentality of players in Gold as well. Let me give you an example.
I jumped on my brother’s account for one game (he is Gold 5) and played with Master Yi. I haven’t played Leagues for 2-3 years and I have only played with Master yi in total about 10 games of X thousand games of X years. My items were random as hell. We still won and I was the top killer in there with such an unbelievable mediocre class.
It is really not relevant whether for you or <insert player’s name> MMR works fine or you get the sense that you deserved every single win. If we gathered up data on what classes are top <insert number here> in total I am 100 percent sure first would be Ranger and Necromancer and the third position split evenly.
Because the fact remains that if you to pick up a class in Soloque and want to carry then those are the two classes that can by default.
You don’t know the nature of soloque. So stop acting like a GW1 elitist defending a massively flawed system because being an elitist in such an unbalanced game, with 75 percent of animations not being able to be seen (in which that increases fundamentally with asura) as well as a non-existence random MMR system with a rating that has been hidden god knows how many months and is still (because it is again extremely flawed) only makes you a fool.
People WANT to be matched against and with evenly skilled players. No one cares about losing when they know that they lost to better players or more organized team than them.
People are fine losing at equal terms. And this soloque is not fine.
And let me tell you something else about MMR in LoL. You don’t go up and down in position because you get matched unevenly with Afkers, Daily-runners ect ect. Whereas in here you can reach a position, have generally a couple of games with kitten MMR and be back at the bottom.
(edited by Authority.6145)
I have played 24 games so far. Mixed feelings and experience. Not impressed but not overly to bad about it.
I hope Arena improves it a lot because if I could get at some point the matchmaking of LoL that would be extremely beneficial.
Tip: Playing two classes or more will increase your chance of winning. Tried Warrior but I am completely out of it so I will probably try a Spirit Ranger.
By the way we are all getting paranoid with team sync; I admit that.