80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
Mesmer: Power Block
Enemies of mesmers beware: they’ve learned how to mess with your skill recharge! The new trait for mesmers allows them to gain additional benefit when disrupting enemy skills. Power Block will be introduced to the Domination line and will change the recharge of an interrupted skill from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. This will not affect skills that have no recharge, but I’d imagine that stopping a necromancer from consuming conditions would surely put a nail in their coffin.
LOL, is this real life?
Nice I-win button – where is mine?
maybe the other 4 gm traits are weaker on these two classes and the other classes get something awesome
Like Signet of Vampirism? The worst heal in the game.
I never knew that – thanks for the Necro lesson.
That’s all they do to us; not die. Its not just individual anecdotes, thieves I talk to specifically state Necromancer as an impossible matchup when the Necro plays correctly, even in WvW. Yes they can often get away whenever they want, but that’s not very special.
Getting away whenever you want?
Sounds pretty special to me…. i’ll take that ability if they don’t want it.
Stealth should be an offensive / strategic tool, not something you can just spam to reset any fight as you wish. I would support buffs to the thief if the stealth spam was brought into line somehow.
1 second delay on trigger would ruin the weapon. It does poor enough damage as it is and has been nerfed already.
Also, it has the worst auto attack in the game.
I can’t believe people complain about this weapon.
Nobody mentioned a delay until you did…
What they’re asking for is to make it more obvious which mark is which once they’re placed on the ground. I can understand it, but I honestly don’t think it would change anything.
Actually mate, Magic Fly mentioned the delay.
Read a couple of posts above me.
This bug has been around for a while… shouldn’t be surprised by now.
At certain times, skills will not fire in WvW.
Weapon swap, chat etc works fine, but weapons and utils do not work whatsoever.
This is fixed by re-starting the game, but it’s really frustrating.
1 second delay on trigger would ruin the weapon. It does poor enough damage as it is and has been nerfed already.
Also, it has the worst auto attack in the game.
I can’t believe people complain about this weapon.
If you get killed by a perma-stealth thief you need to rethink playing Necro. I’ve talked to a few thieves, and most say that Necromancer is the only (or one of the few) professions that they have no chance against unless they just get super lucky or the Necro is awful.
Is the thief able to get away very often? Yes. But they should never kill you. I’ve flat out ignored a thief ganking me in WvW while I was heading to my team (I figured he’d peel off when he saw them) but he was so persistent I turned on him when I had half HP and absolutely destroyed him. We have tons of targeted AoE, a lot of which even shows you where the thief is, and multiple other abilities that ignore stealth in some way.
Also, the old S/D thieves are the only ones who can spam enough evades to have no real counterplay. Everyone else has pretty significant downtimes on their un-hittable frames (not to mention that, again, a lot of our stuff ignores defenses).
I was referring to their perma-getaway skill, not the ability to kill me…
Just fought a warrior and he spammed his immunities and blocks and just ran away and there was nothing i could do to catch him… block block block block, immune immune immune immune… this kitten gets really old really quickly.
Not even going to touch stealth spam thieves and how frustrating they are to try and kill.
That’s my whine for the evening, might cut off some cheese to go with it.
Warriors seem to get the best of everything… they feel much more powerful to play than other classes… the Golden Child of Arena Net.
The reason this trait was introduced was to buff the Necromancer because the general consensus was that the class was in a weak position compared with the rest of the field.
I recall the forums were filled with complaints on improving Necro defence, however i think Necro damage was fine at that point. The answer to our defence issues was “Dhummfire”…. now they have shaved other areas of the Necro so that Dhummfire could stay in the game… now they are changing this again…
I think Necros are in a good state now. I would ask for a way to get stability without having to take Foot in the Grave. Also, a leap/teleport skill – we’re told we can’t have mobility in a game based around mobility because “attrition”, but other classes “attrition” way better than we do and they get all the kittening leaps and jumps and spins in the book. (cough) Warrior (cough)
Those two and the DS skill lockout are my 3 main wishlist items.
Plenty of bugs and useless traits to be fixed – these are some shockers here. They need to re-instate the full functionality off Putrid Mark on staff 4 – removing that was uncalled for.
PvE is always going to be rubbish for anyone but Mesmers, Warriors and Guardians unless they fundamentally re-design boss encounters and the way dungeons work in general – this is more of a game problem than a class problem.
If OP was running this build (linked above), he had 2 dazes, stealth and Moa up his sleeve, but didn’t use them. Also, a stun on the offhand pistol.
So much could have been done to shut down the Necro.
A couple of the human ones are bad as well…
All racials could use a re-design. The Norn Jaguar form is far and away the best racial, if not the best elite in the game.
I pretty much agree with the OP.
Well said.
We’ve been in the game for 1.5 years and there are still persistent bugs and issues that are simply ignored, yet the pump out this living story content so quickly that it’s hard to even keep up with it.
It gets really old really quickly.
gigi, chill out peeps, i see more drama in this topic then quick post that i fired after casual hotjoin. the build i was playing is full mantra phanta mesmer and only thief is allowed to kill me
(working on that one too). it’s not my main (i dont main) and as mesmer’s think, not even viable, but at least condi necros are facerol and mm – not sure, i’ve only played it for couple of nights, but i guess should not be too bad, since i can kite with cripple and can’t be immobilized. of all builds this one could easily stop that lb spam. as i said, i thought it was condi opponent, for which (when i play it) lb is obscure dont bother waste of a autoattack.
not to say that i think it’s ok. 3k auto attack with no requirement other then 600 range. notice that other necro ds skills with half of that single target damage have 15-20 sec cd and can be easily dodged with a very visible channeling graphics.
in fact, if it is such an easily countered non issue as every necro pointed here, why not put a small, say 3 sec cd on it? no damage loss for necros (as you say) and casual players like me could be happy, sounds like win-nonIssue. not that i care too much about it at this point (in fact plan to play that build in coming days), just curios how folks here will settle to have a cake and eat it too. so much for non-issue.
I don’t believe some of the threads in this forum.
“and only thief is allowed to kill me”
“and my build is not suposed to die to necro”
Seriously? Hard to believe this is a real complaint and not someone trying to be funny.
This is a learn to play issue unfortunately – so go play and learn instead of complaining on internet forums.
Here’s a tip, if you run into and through the Necro his life blast will not hit you… keep running through him and screwing up the projectile – maybe you’ll wear out his Deathshroud if he’s not concious of resources and then you have a free kill.
3 second CD? Great, lets bone power Necros even more – people are using DS to attack because Axe and Dagger are so lacklustre to begin with. Both are close range power weapons that put the Necro in the thick of things. With no access to a ranged power weapon, DS is the way we roll.
Apparently it’s 5 – 15% difference.
I don’t bother with it – i hate crafting.
I would support more ways of acquiring the armour and weapons, particularly via WvW.
Also, i have 9 level 80s… gearing them is a problem.
I really don’t hear that many people complaining bout ascended. You are one of the few.
You have to be joking right?
There have been countless threads on this…. it’s been one of the most hotly debated topics on this forum.
My opinion – can’t be bothered. The reward isn’t worth the work involved.
They need to make the gear drop in dungeons or something, but actually put in a chance that it will drop, not 0.000000000001% which is probably what it’s set to now.
The search feature has never worked.
Every other forum i have ever used has had a working search function – i don’t understand why it’s so hard to fix.
This should be a priority to fix – it makes the game unplayable when it occurs, which is a problem if you’re in the middle of an event or WvW siege…
Add Necro Axe and Staff to the horribad #1 skills list
I only see hybrid Necros running Dhummfire after this.
Condi Necros spending points on this are just flushing 30 trait points down the drain.
Lets put it on an obvious, slow casting projectile that everyone will dodge… doesn’t belong as a GM trait – they should just remove it and undo the Necro nerfs that happened because of it.
Thank god for that… lets just wait and see the rest of the incoming nerfs though…
Axe damage is lower but more reliable than dagger… at least you can keep some distance between yourself and your target.
I don’t think anyone is getting their hopes up… lol
People will just complain about anything – it doesn’t matter…. if people are dying they will come on to the forum to complain
Warhorn skill 5 is so overpowered… it shoots locusts man, LOCUSTS!!
Yes, everyone understands that condition has 1 stat (condition damage) and direct damage has 3 (power, precision, critical damage) – this has been the case forever.
This point has been made so many times.
There are pros and cons to each damage type.
Example: A thief (Backstab) or warrior (Eviscerate) when they can hit for 15K with one strike.
Example B: When a player is dodging you, your conditions applied prior to the dodge are still at work doing damage.
I use both damage types across a range of characters – i don’t have an issue with the way its set up… i run a Zerker Necro and a Condition Warrior, a DD Elementalist a Burning Guardian … etc etc
This is not even taking into account how condition damage is useless in high level PvE… that needs to be fixed.
This happened to me a few days ago in WvW.
Everything worked except my skill bar… i was able to chat, swap weapons, loot corpses… eventually gave up and logged.
That would be interesting… dhummfire condition builds with foot in the grave….
I would keep running my power necro as my main.
I have my condi necro as backup
powermancer on serker is crazy drop 2 wells switch to shroud with grandmaster trait Bam 100%+ crit rate any target in both wells will lose 4k+ damage per second while your auto will hit for 3.6-4.5k damage as well im surprised there aint more power mancers
Dodge solves this issue.
Wells are useless in 1v1 or small scale combat.
They are however fantastic in zerg combat where people aren’t paying attention.
Well of Suffering + Well of Corruption on the enemy and Well of Power on our Commander Tag.
Happens on a rare occasion when I’m panicking (eg 2 thieves jump me), but for the most part you will learn to control this in time.
Here is the OP/Nerf process;
1 – Everyone plays condition Necro because it’s the best and most effective Necro build.
2 – Everyone complains about condition Necro because they are dying to this build.
3 – Condition Necro receives series of nerfs to cater to the people complaining about said build.
4 – People move from Condition Necro to Minion Master (MM) Necro due to nerfs.
5 – More people are now playing MM Necro and people are dying to this build.
6 – Everyone complains about MM Necro.
7 – MM Necro receives series of nerfs to cater to the people complaining about said build.
8 – People move from MM Necro to Power Necro due to nerfs.
9 – Everyone complains about Power Necro because they are dying to this build.
10 – ….. and so on.
It’s like some sort of weird loop.
Just wait for the full stream of Power Necro hate which should arrive after the next balance patch in March.
Ah the equality game, yes i would love some mobility (leap/blink), some vigor, some stability, blocks, invulnerabilities, stealth etc…
Necro’s can be extremely effective in large scale WvW… particularly well-o-mancers. Plague form is also great for zerg busting.
I had some awesome fights yesterday pumping out wells and chain blinding the enemy while we crushed them. CRUSHING DEFEATS.
We still have many problems and bugs, but at least we aren’t Rangers.
Would love a leap ability for Xmas…
The class is still good in WvW, but none of our bugs seem to get fixed…
Threads are being deleted – it’s just the way it is with this company.
Just did some WvW…. could not use any skills or my heal in a big fight… i just stood there, died and kept rallying off dead enemies… once the zerg battle was over, i was still unable to use my skills/heal… even in a room by myself nothing would fire at all.
I could weapon swap and pick up bags, but no skills or heal – this is stupid.
It’s pointless playing this game when it’s in this sort of shape…
This game has been out for what 2 years now?
Elementalists are still not worth any WXP after they use their downed state mist form – this should be fixed.
I have reported this numerous times… all i hear are crickets.
Thieves are already hard enough to kill jumping into stealth every few seconds… you need to get a coordinated CC train off just to stop them re-stealthing.
Also, Guardian with higher HP would be unstoppable.
Both of these classes would need changes before boosting HPs outright.
No issue with Elementalist HP being increased though.
siphon/leech is always iffy, as it makes the attacker stronger at the expense of the defender. This means that the defender has to not only go through the attackers original health, but also his own depending on how much he gets hit.
Usually this is balanced by the attacker having little else to go on for healing. But that is not the case for GW2.
Never mind that the necromancer also have Death Shroud to fall back on. I think there is a thread on the necro forum demonstrating that DS can be quite effective if played more like a block/dodge ability (pop DS to absorb a incoming hit, and instantly drop it again). but that was done while DS would still absorb the full damage of a hit that would take it below 0%.
That idea goes to custard when you have multiple people on you though – DS vanishes under focus fire – that’s why many consider it sub-standard to invulnerabilities and blocks… plus you also get locked out of your heal and all utility skills for 2 seconds after exiting deathshroud (only happens some of the time though, not sure what triggers it).
And Necros – game breaking bugs since launch, so many problems with defence, mobility etc.. broken class mechanic (Deathshroud skill bar lag).
They are up there with Rangers as the least desired class in dungeons.
Condi-bombs are too strong in certain situations.
Lack of attrition, which is what the class is supposed to be about – being hard to kill and wearing opponents down over time.
Necros need a lot of tinkering.
My 3 were Rangers, Elementalists and Necros
Warriors do not need any focus at this point – they are extremely playable in all aspects of the game.
Main things i would like;
- Stability at a reasonable cost
- A leap / port
- Siphoning to work well
1. Ranger
2. Necro
3. Elementalist
Tbh I think necro mobility isn’t too shabby (strictly speaking from WvW experience here). There are many ways to increase swiftness uptime (Death trait line, traited Warhorn/Spectral Walk and more) and with my build right now I maintain about 95% Swiftness Uptime.
All I need right now would be a leap or ground-targeted teleport.
Run speed is fine, but by mobility people are referring to in combat mobility – teleports, blinks, leaps, whirls etc…
We have solid run speed up time with the signet, war horn and s-walk.
I actually use traveller runes so i can free up a utility slot and don’t need to run that crappy signet.
The Mesmer heal is good – i use it all the time on my Mesmer in WvW
Signet of Vampirism on the Necro is a joke.
Necro still wins at bag farming though…
Spectral Walk can be very handy, but generally when you’re being chased by groups of invaders you’re trying to go forward to catch up to your server’s players (at least in my experience). Spectral Walk escape just ports you back into the kittenstorm that’s following you.
Spectral Walk is great in a niche situation, mainly 1v1 or 1v2… but it doesn’t adequately work as an escape mechanism when you’re being chased by groups of ravenous warriors.
Dark Path would be great if they could;
A. Speed up the projectile
B. Work out the parthing issues with blades of grass and bumps in the earth
All I hear is a bunch of whining and complaining. That’s all I ever hear on any of the profession forums. Necro’s have their own strengths and weaknesses just like every other profession. If you can’t deal with their weaknesses by playing to their strengths then go roll something easier.
Another thing;
Who ever said that a Necro is only a “vampire” like being?? Tired of people complaining about what a necro should be, instead of enjoying what it is in GW2. You can be a Necromancer who enjoys summoning the dead, or one that enjoys plagues and DoTs in the form of conditions, and even for you vampire fans you can play a build that siphons health. Stop complaining and ranting about what your view of a necromancer should be in GW2. There are multiple ways to play a Necro, with their own strengths and weaknesses; some playstyles have a higher skillcap to master, and if you can’t figure it out look for help, ask around, or roll a different character. So tired of seeing multiple threads on all the profession forums that only rant and complain; want your experience to get better? Better it yourself by learning and investing time, not everything is going to be given to you easily.
Then read something else…
Warrior is like the burger with everything….
Don’t get me wrong, Warrior is my highest ranked toon in WvW…
They have supreme mobility and can far out-attrition the attrition class…
A-net, tell me again why Necros don’t get mobility? Was it attrition? I can’t remember…
Necros were one of the worst classes pre-Duhmmfire.
So long as stomp works while in tornado and while moa’ed, I’m all for it.
Neither of which are a profession mechanic, like stealth, deathshroud etc..
If stomp gets added to those, then add it to Lich and Plague… not that i agree with adding it to elite skills, but you get my drift.
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