I swear I tried that already before…Imma give it a try again
EDIT: Yep, what you said does not work. http://prntscr.com/jtnqk
Tried it with some low-level karma gear so I wasn’t wasting my karma and found this message. On top of that the item soulbound to my necromancer cannot be transmuted by my guardian. Which brings me back to my original point: karma needs to be account wide.
If you do it wrong it will deny you.
1.) Make a new thief with hood.
2.) Have another character buy a cheap mask. NOTED: This mask needs to be white or blue name (This is important)
3.) Put said mask in bank.
4.) Log onto the new thief with hood.
5.) Now you can transmute the mask into hood.
6.) Put the new transmuted hood into bank
7.) Go into your current thief and then take out the transmuted hood.
8.) Now you can transmute the hood with any mask
IMPORTANT: The newly made hood will say it is soulbound, but you can still transfer it!
Taken from GW2 Guru
Just alter the steps as nessicary to achieve the same results. If you’re getting the lvl 80 karma gear you need a fine transmutation stone.
Two events that I’ve discovered this arbitrary raining fire mechanic at. To me this is by far the worst part about this patch. Fine, you think too many people do Plinx, increase the spawn time. You did that but now you put in this dumb raining fire crap because apparently making Plinx a ghost town wasn’t enough, you want to punish whatever players do the gladiator event there too (apparently fighting a champion mob wasn’t hard enough).
I want this reverted now. If you think people spend too much time there increase the respawn time. Don’t create arbitrary mechanics that say “don’t go to this location”.
Buy armor, put it in the bank, log on with other toon, pick up armor. Equip.
Because that’s viable for Soulbound-on-Acquire gear.
You know what else is? Fine Transumtation Stones. They aren’t expensive…
How does that help? I can’t buy the armor on my necromancer transmute it and then give it to my guardian. It’ll still be soulbound to my necromancer
Let me tell you a story, I sold my starter thief hood a long time ago but it was the only good looking hood in the game, it was a soul bound item and it can’t be bought anywhere so after drying my tears I make a toon, I insert my soulbound hood into the bank along with the silly karma hat I had equipped to my main thief, I use a fine transmutation stone to give the hat the appearance of the hood and kept the stats/upgrade.
This process should work by taking the stats and look from that solbound karma item you want and applying them to another piece of armor.
Buy armor, put it in the bank, log on with other toon, pick up armor. Equip.
Because that’s viable for Soulbound-on-Acquire gear.
You know what else is? Fine Transumtation Stones. They aren’t expensive…
Buy armor, put it in the bank, log on with other toon, pick up armor. Equip.
steal being usable in the middle of a combo
If you change Steal, though, and the other shadowsteps are still unaffected, folks will just use Infiltrator’s Signet (no Mug then, though, I guess).
If you also hose stuff like Infiltrator’s Signet, you’re taking away a couple of really nifty tricks, like being able to counter downed-teleporting Thieves and Mesmers.
True but damage+new ability+shadow step is what’s making the BS build overpowered. Sure a BS thief could use Infiltrator’s Signet but that means they’ll be required to have more skill in order to utilize their combo, they can’t queue up the combo and get a coffee.
I’m a little disappointed that Anet didn’t figure this out, my faith in them is dwindling by the hour it seems.
Dancing Dagger’s nerf was a kneejerk reaction. 50% is blatantly overkill, they could have done a 15-25% nerf which would have been enough.
They could have made DD’s damage have a lower minimum damage to make it unreliable.
CnD damage wasn’t what made the BS build do amazing damage, the nerf to that damage is trivial. What needed fixing, realistically was hidden killer, culling and steal being usable in the middle of a combo (I’ll often times PW THEN activate steal followed by haste+PW so it’s not a singular build issue, it’s a mechanic issue).
But nope, instead of fixing what was actually broken Anet mucks it up.
Cluster op ? You’re in a dreamland boy , you ever count how many seconds takes the bomb to land at max range ? Enough said !
You’re not supposed to use it that way, shortbow isn’t your max range weapon. Cluster Bomb was hitting a little too hard and especially in large zerg fights.
Which the nerf doesn’t apply to, lol. You should read the patch notes.
Well look at that another ninja modification.
I get why Plinx needed a longer period of time before the event chain reset upon completion but the raining fire? Really guys?
Start notifying the customers what you are doing, I’m tired of the ninja nerfs, ninja mods or you’ll soon find your game will be less populated.
My S/P thief was untouched so yeah, no major complaints for me…heck, if smoke screen is considered a trick it’s actually a buff to my build.
50% damage reduction on dancing dagger?
It now does less damage than a shortbow auto attack and STILL costs 4 init?
Methinks they did not think this one through very much.
Yeah that was pretty silly in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong DD deserved a nerf but not that much of a nerf…
When I see this happen I pistol whip. BAM dead thief and I get to revive my ally.
I went sylvari because I felt their mystery lent to the atmosphere of the thief, however you can pick any race it doesn’t actually have any impact.
Decided to go mostly white+some midnight red for my thief. totally impractical…she’d be covered in blood stains so fast…
I actually don’t mind the gear progression. All I want is for the treadmill to be easy and follow their general theme of X type of set has X amount of stats so everyone with that gear is on the same footing (and for said gear not to be a absurd WoW gear grind for months for that X piece…the WvWvW armor is bad enough as is)
Greneth is a pain because of how easily the NPC dies, if it wasn’t for that the event would be totally doable without 30-40 people (the only time Ive seen my server do it was with 45 players).
From what I’ve heard the main reason why Bath isn’t doable is because it gets bugged non-stop.
Yeah as a boss it was pretty bad. Actually, as a dungeon I found the whole SM to be pretty lacking…even CM was harder.
This isn’t a new part of the game, and I’m not being quick to judge. The map was full of areas that we can’t go, with plenty of content to be released over time, in order to keep you playing until whole expansions/campaigns roll out.
This is how A-net works, it’s how they’ve been working for almost 8 years now.
So you know for a fact that X area was complete and they pulled a bioware day 1 DLC stunt?
I’m sorry but where’s your proof?
That’s the poll, it originally came from a forum topic that is now merged in the General Discussion sub-forum.
And really, new content for free is something we’re used to from A-net. It’s not special that they’re giving us the game that they sold us. This isn’t a big expansion, it’s part of the unfinished product that you bought months ago.
Or it could actually be a new part of the game. Don’t be so quick to judge.
I think crit damage % might get a lower cap.
Its so expensive I just buy my exotics off the market.
There needs to be more of a reason to craft for us people who don’t care about legendaries.
I actually agree, I’ve seen this happen a lot vs a certain server. Their good players will die and just sit there for a good 10-20 mins.
Put them automatically into world map after 3 minutes.
I actually do well under water, in a WvW scenario I often get guaranteed kills. In PvE…not so much. the mobs under water are super strong with effects like drowning.
Anet didn’t go back on their word…holy mass crying guys.
I’d like to see a rifle for the thief, as it sits in WvW thieves have a hard time zerging because their effective combat range is 900, 1200 with clusterbombs which is so slow traveling it barely counts.
They should just change the idle to the way greatswords are held when your walking.
Like this.
That would be the easy fit.
Alternately I worked on beta testing and design of a LoL type-game (it predates LoL by years, NvB for people who know wc3 custom maps). It used the holy trinity but rather than having iron-clad classes they combined 2 classes together. Each character had a primary role and a secondary role.
I think GW2 could have benefitted from a similar approach. Sure you have tanks but tanks have a secondary role such as support which provide emphasis on them as a target due to their support going unchecked doing various things, like AoE movement reduction and stuns (forcing you to fight said character because running is not a option).
I use Cluster bombs with my thief and tag everything, to the point where a plinx run+5/6 runes of the pirate will get me 1-1.5 gold. The trick is to know where they spawn and insta detonate the bombs while you stand where they spawn.
P/D requires a certain amount of skill, you need to stay alive so your cond. dmg owns the opponent. With that being said it’s pretty straight forward.
Step 1 get in close with a shadow step/steal
Step 2 CnD
Step 3 press 1
Step 5 cloak as needed with Hide in Shadows or Shadow Refuge
Step 6 press 1
Rinse, lather repeat until target is down, CnD them, stealth stomp.
Repeat all steps on next target.
A sub forum under each profession would be nice, keeps the WvW whine out of the PvE threads.
Agree any soulbound item that can not be worn by the toon should not be available for purchase.
What if I want to buy an armor piece my character can’t use? I’ve been told it’s possible to pull off some cross-character transmuting tricks with soulbound items.
This is true (I’ve done this to get my Anon starter thief hood) you can’t transmute a light armor onto a heavy armor, a medim armor onto light armor, etc. There’s no real reason for a character to buy X piece of gear for another character they have because gold can be deposited into the bank.
My original suggestion also addresses this, for some reason if you want to buy items your character can’t use they’ll be on a separate tab.
It would be okay if a glass build was actually glass but when played properly it’s a high survivability build as well as a high burst dmg build.
You can’t have both without creating imbalance unless you make everyone that overpowered.
OP you have plenty of berserker gear, you are not tanky what so ever considering thieves are in the lowest bracket of health amounts together with guardians and elementalists.
Also testpig give me your build, 5 kinds of stealth and a glass cannon build?
That’s so funny. I have temple karma armor and Valk Emblazonized gear. The only berserker items I have is my weapons and accessories, which were emerald knight gear but I socketed them with exquisite rubies which in turn changed the prefix to Berserker’s.
I love how thieves make so many kittenumptions (I know not all thieves are in this boat). It’s like you’re just as biased on thief builds as the noobs who walk into WvW and get a 20k crit to their health because they have lvl 25 rares.
My Runes are Superior Rune of the Mad King (I’m testing it out, it may get changed later) and my sigils are superior sigil of force, superior sigil of air and superior sigil of bloodlust.
From what I read it’s a bug with piercing that allows it to deal 20k crits. I’ve heard warriors mention it in their forums and there’s reference of it in the vid comments.
Step one, stab opponent, step 2 open blade inside opponent (ouch!) step 3 twist and pull blade out of opponent. I actually got the idea from The Jungle Book.
Roll overlaps with charge.Yeah my bad, meant 1.a not #2
I did ask for help, now provide some or shush you critic! :p
Constructive criticism is what turns a good idea into a great idea, however I’m not in the business of providing ideas, only fine tuning other peoples ideas. But I get the feeling that you don’t really want constructive criticism of your present idea so i shall refrain from providing anything further.
Well you did start your entire point with the practicality of such a weapon in a fantasy game where there’s chainsaw swords, horns and torches for weapons…I’m all for criticism but that’s not exactly constructive.
Apparently from what I’ve read this is a bug. It’s not supposed to deal that much damage.
“my shortbow’s single target dps is amazing”
Well I have only seen it happen once but like I said in pm’s you should see a 5-6k crit anyhow.
It’s a fantasy game dude, the practical application is there but its not suppose to be realistic.
But if that’s the case then why not go all out and say you’d like to see a sword blade attached to a chain attached to a pistol attached to a spear? After all it’s a fantasy game dude, it’s not like the realistic practical application of weapons gets considered… right?
Well if we’re going there I want a sword whip like Ivy has in Soul Calibur xD
Nothing wrong with the katar though, just the parry idea isn’t great (a roll would be more fitting with the style of use) and the whole scissor blade effect just doesn’t work unless you use the cop-out argument of “it’s magic!” A rethink of the #2 skill would help the general idea along, and you would also need to come up with 6 #3 skills and two skills for #4 and #5. Although the theme of the weapon is more fitting for a Cantha expansion (Asian theme) than being in Kryta (European theme).
Step one, stab opponent, step 2 open blade inside opponent (ouch!) step 3 twist and pull blade out of opponent. I actually got the idea from The Jungle Book.
Roll overlaps with charge.
Not saying the idea is bad, just saying you need to do more work on it before it’s even close to good.
I did ask for help, now provide some or shush you critic! :p
Also you can’t get accessories (with a free slot) with Power/Tough/Vit (exotics) outside of WvWvW, creating a grind.
by his comments i doubt the OP even plays a thief, nothing to see here, just another whine.
thanks op …
See attachment and eat your words.
In Theory:
If i was using S/P build going against BS build thief, i would use Skill number 5 then turn 180 and use Skill number 1.
To counter Thiefs Guild, i would activate Skill 5 and use Dagger Storm while standing in the poo of melee invulnerability from Skill 5.Well i don’t play S/P, so i don’t know if it will work or not. But thats something i would try.
Also your Utility Skill 7, i would change to some form of escape mechanic: like Stealth or Shadowstep, or maybe Knockdown then unload on to him your hasted Pistol Whip x2 while he is knockdowned for 3 seconds.
Actually I tend to make most thieves run or use Shadow Refuge. If they sue SR I get a free kill because I pop haste and PW x3, instagibbed thief. There are occasions where I get owned by BS thieves but that’s mostly because they’re a better thief then I am.
This is from a neutral standpoint since thieves are crying about the possible nerf and other people are crying about damage. What both sides seem to not realize is the damage isn’t the issue. It’s the amount of stealth used to make the super squishy build not squishy at all, heck even if you were to get them down to 25% health they could simply stealth up and run or switch to SB and infiltrator’s arrow away.
This stops the build from actually having a weakness.
You cant hit with backstab without getting the revealed debuff which lasts for 3 seconds. It is impossible to stay perma invisible wile using backstab. The only way to go around the revealed debuff is to wait until your stealth is just about to drop and time CnD to hit after you pop out of stealth (or shortly after). You are complaining about the wrong skill in your thread topic.
And if you are talking about the fact that you cant see thieves who backstab you for seconds after he does so that is due to culling/rendering which is a game engine problem and effects all stealth.
I’m aware of the rendering issue.
When I say perma-invis its a hyperbole. I know how the BS thief works, I ran the build myself for a while (too squishy for dungeons though so I made a S/P thief).
You get around the debuff by as you said, letting the stealth expire. I keep saying it but I’ll say it one more time. The issue is the mass stealth mitigates the weakness of the BS glass build.
Then we are very close with statistics and I still half damage only
Mad King cheated me
Ravens are only hawks and I deal only half damage that other. What can do so high differences between your and my “raven” attack??
Not sure, what are your stats?
Luck also has a factor but you should at the minimum see a 5k crow swarm if we’re comparable in stats (I saw 10k once, much like I saw my PW crit for 11k once).
Ah, a katar, fair enough but it begs the question… why do your have a skill #3 when that is dependent on the MH and OH, shouldn’t you have at least six skill #3s (assuming you want the katar to be OH capable).
Also, the katar you describe isn’t functional atleast according to this “After India was colonised by the British, numerous katar were made for the European collectors’ market which placed little value on functionality. Among these were the scissors katar with two or three blades that folded together, appearing to be one, until the handle bars were pressed together, when they opened out.” from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katara_%28dagger%29 and “Typical targets include the head and upper body, similar to boxing. The sides of the handle could be used for blocking but it otherwise has little defensive capability” from the same article, which begs the question, how does one parry if the weapon’s real life counterpart has little defensive capability?
Something tells me you saw the weapon and thought it looked good but didn’t put any thought into practical applications.
It’s a fantasy game dude, the practical application is there but its not suppose to be realistic.
" It’s not that it does too much damage its that the stealth mitigates any risk of the build."
So…. I am trying to figure this out. You say here that stealth mitigates any risk. I say don’t use stealth and see how well you do. And you say your not saying not to use stealth? Whahhh?
I don’t use stealth in my current build but that’s irrelevant. My issue with the BS build is the amount of stealth and bypassing the revealed debuff which in turn allows invisi-casting and extreme survivability.
These mitigate the risks of the glass cannon BS thief and thusly make it OP.
Then i dont know whats wrong with me that i deal half damage with same average stats. Just for sure – your 190% critical damage include 150% basic + 40% from traits and items?
That actually doesn’t include traits, just items and base. Its probably in the low 200s…(I’m 30 deep in critical strikes for executioner).
Edit: just did the math I’m sitting at 228% crit dmg.
I also have a sigil of force.
I mean hell, post nerf my PW has done 11k dmg on a crit. I’m kinda built as a tanky dps machine from hell.
(edited by BabelFish.7234)
So leaving aside that you are simply trading hiding in stealth for stun locking people… I believe this is about how OP backstab is. (unless I miss read the title?) Go D/D and lets see how long you live without stealth.
Heh, you should try stun locking people with S/P. You’ll soon find it doesn’t “lock”.
Next who said D/D shouldn’t have stealth. You need to get some sleep then come here and post when you’re fresh.