I have a Norn warrior who’s dark-skinned. Does that make her ridiculous because “true Vikings” were all Caucasian?
Did you all forget Braham exists or what? Borje the Sun Chaser? Dark skinned Norns are normal.
Norn’s loosely follow a viking nordic theme. Among others.
These themes are not set in stone standards for them to adhere to. They can and they do take liberty to do their own thing with their races and characters.
Norns are norns. Not vikings.
@Alex, Gizmo, and anyone else who may be skeptical of this post: First, thank you for even taking the time to read what I had to say and thank you for extending kind words to me in spite of your doubts. Obviously I can’t force you to believe anything, but I’d like to think that people (myself included) aren’t so awful as to lie about such a serious topic.
It’s a legtiamate concern, people are that bad. It’s happened.
That said my sympathy doesn’t come with an impossible precondition. If you’re tricking me over the interwebs, you got me brah. That’s on you.
I don’t believe you’re lying myself.
That’s too much trouble for jollies much easier had otherwise. Your history doesn’t suggest that kind of person.
All the best to you, Palu.
What is a man ranger? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk… Have at you!
Us rangers are a small group. Many have left our ranks as of late.
As for what we do? Mix ranged and melee combat and micro our pet to keep it alive. You can get some decent damage that way.
That’s about the sum of it.
We do everything to satisfaction, with a slight gain on ranged combat.
A really good ranger for max DPS does range and melee. They know when they can push forward or when they need to pull back.
Never met you, but I did take the time to read your letter both here and on Reddit. Good to hear you’ve enjoyed your time here.
Maybe we’ll see you around every so often. I have a dear friend IRL who also has a somewhat similar heart condition.
He’s had surgery and they’ve installed a heart monitor in his chest to essentially set it straight or start it up again should it go irregular or stop.
I respect your decision not to go into any details. You have my deepest condolences, for what’s it’s worth from a stranger.
God won’t take you until He’s ready to have you. Don’t stop living your life. I’ve prayed for you and your family.
Lol. That’s disturbing and funny at the same time. I do have a sense of humor but there is a time and place for such Shenanigans.
It’s fine for town clothes but beyond that I start to have WoW flashbacks and remember why I quit playing that game.
Yay, we agree.
I still disagree.
I am a huge fan of facial hair and have two level 80 Norn both proudly displaying their beards. There is nothing lore wise against Norn having mustaches and in fact there is already a Mustache option that fits quite nicely.
However, a ridiculously over sized handle bar mustache does not fit with Norn/ Viking lore and is more reminiscent of 19th century fashion such as the old west with charatcers like Wyatt Earp and such than medieval vikings.
The only reason I suspect it’s been thrown in is because there has been a trend in the last few years with handle bar Mustahces in various TV commercials, ilustrations, and novelty items for its comical relief value as its quite silly by modern standards. I don’t blame ANet for trying to make money but its an obvious attempt to capitalize on this trend since there are always players who enjoy looking ridiculous as possible because it amuses them.
If they added a too too in the gem store I guarantee someone would use it and claim its justified for their 9 foot tall Norn zerker warrior but it doesn’t mean it belongs in the game imo.
Does this rustle your jimmies?
If it’s town clothes, I don’t care. I think he’s hilarious and knows how to party hard. I would if we had to deal with that in combat.
That would be stupid, I agree to that end.
As is, I don’t feel the handle bar mustache is hurting anything lorewise or consider it immersion breaking.
If people wanted to make absolutely ridiculous characters, they could have done that long before they added a handle bar mustache.
(edited by CETheLucid.3964)
If you did want something original make a sylvari guardian. I dont think i have seen one.. ever.
I don’t think they’re that uncommon :o I’ve seen a few around.
Including me
o.o ~ !
There is no lore against Norn having giant moustaches, chill out and stop worrying about other people’s characters.
Quite the contrary, norn’s with awesome facial hair is a common thing. It’s fairly uncommon to be clean shaven. You’re either young or quite the gentleman for a norn.
Mayhaps a caster class. That said, the handle bar mustache is quite classy in itself. That’s a lot of grooming and up keep.
But obviously worth it.
burn damage is weak due to it stacking in duration rather than intensity. just like poison is weak because it stacks in duration (it still serves the point of reducing healing effectiveness but it’s not all that useful for damage)
Stacked burn damage is not weak, nor is stacked poison for the reason you mentioned. If you do not work to shed either, you will die an untimely and unpleasant death.
(edited by CETheLucid.3964)
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/RangerThe problem is that either side will read these exactly as they want to. And while we’re debating it, we’re further dividing our community and directing our attention away from improving our experiences with the profession or discussing how the profession can be improved.
-goes back into lurk mode-
There’s no debate to be had with the definition. The context of the OP makes it crystal clear where they’re coming from. The end.
Any debate therein regarding the definition of ranger is just argue trolls eating each other, several leading on into QQ rants about the ranger class in GW2.
Or perhaps rocks for brains posters feeding themselves to said trolls because they’re ignorant. It’s hard to tell sometimes.
Either way, trolls or trolls and some stupids, not a conducive conversation to be had there. We agree on that much.
I actually agree with what you’re saying almost entirely, however, your statement “GW2 is made by ppl who made GW1” isn’t true unfortunately. No one on the GW2 staff, except Mike O’Brian, were around when GW1 was in development. Those devs are long gone.
Which is part of the problem methinks…
This isn’t true.
Shortbow should never have had the same range as Longbow.
The shortbow range change is not a nerf, but a late error correction.I do think a good idea is to add SB to that Eagle Eye trait.
I agree with this. Maybe Eagle Eye could make it 1000. If they do it. That would be grossly generous.
For the people saying 900 range is awful, if you’ve ever used a main hand axe, you’ve been using 900 range. Thief shortbow has only 900 range.
But really, try the longbow. It was buffed. It is a lot better then it was.
There are different ways to interpret the title.
Says one of the people who just likes to argue
-throws a dictionary at you-
(edited by CETheLucid.3964)
There are different ways to interpret the title.
Next he’s going to wonder where the freezer is that we store all our Winter’s Blades in…
That’s a trade secret.
Also, this thread is stupid on multiple levels. Here are two.
1. Throwing axes is awesome.
2. We already have melee axe.
Thanks for posting!
Nono, the point of this thread is to beat a dead horse. So far it’s on track.
It’s not beating a dead horse on the OPs part if saying such a simple fact has three pages worth of people arguing the definition of the word ranger.
I don’t see that OPs repeated themselves regarding the definition. No, what we’re seeing here is called public education.
Maybe some quality trolling, but I believe OP was sincere. Not malicious or trying to get a rise out of folks. Some people on here are just really that dense.
Words don’t mean what they mean! So that said, rant rant rant QQ.
(edited by CETheLucid.3964)
I doubt i’ll get read but i blame Anet for all this confusion of Melee and Ranged on Ranger, why? because if players had a goal and a direction given to them by Anet for what a ranger is suppose to be, i’m pretty sure they’d strive to be it.
As it is now most of us have no clue wtf rangers are suppose to bring to GW2 we aren’t dps, healing, crowd control, support etc, or if we are Anet we seriously suck at it..
I didn’t need the devs to hold my hand and tell me what a ranger does. I figured that out all on my own. It’s pretty self-evident.
If you think ranger must mean range only, you’re doing it wrong.
That said, as a ranger, you’re better at range then any other class. You’re stronger then any other class at range, and incredibly competent with melee. Rangers literally do everything.
A simple understanding in any game with melee is that melee weapons will always be slightly better then range, it’s a risk/reward thing.
Always on any class. If range was better then melee, there would be no honest reason to use a melee weapon for practical play ever.
The equilibrium achieved in this game is second to none in that regard, especially with ranger, and you people want to jump the shark. Stop that.
Is there room for suggestion and improvement? Absolutely.
Post edited by moderator
(edited by Moderator)
It only does that the first engagement. After that, it seamlessly switches targets. It’s the price you pay for free AoE Swiftness/Vigor.
If you’re on a bird in sPvP or WvW, you will be switching constantly. Anything more then two people and that poor critter is fried.
Probably dead with one if you neglect it even for a moment. Easily the most fragile of pets. Great DPS though.
7k pet crits are fun. They’re the glass cannons of our menagerie. They’re also fairly tough to single out, being so small.
People complain about the asura, birds are even worse. I miss sending my bird up walls in WvW. That should be a unique perk of the flying birds, given their recent nerf.
One can dream…
Raging Forum Rangers: Dev’s you hates us!
Jon: No we don’t! We loves you!
Raging Forum Rangers (Lemongrab voice): QUIT TROLLING QQ
And you wonder why devs don’t post here too much? lol
We got more then we lost. It’s a good deal overall. One might even say fairly balanced.
Norn is by far the better looking. The only thing preventing me to play one is how frigging tall they are and the running animation.
The running animation can only be fixed by having them run faster then everyone else. You cannot change this fact ever, it literally would take you altering reality itself to do it some other way.
Or, if it bothers you so much you could just slap an IMS signet or something on your bar. Problem solved. Much easier then altering the fabric of reality.
Sometimes I think people trouble themselves with the most ridiculous things. That kind of thing isn’t good for you.
Most people are looking at Guild Wars 1 from the point of view of four products not one. Though Guild Wars Prophecies was a good game, it took many years before the game really came into it’s own.
That is to say, a lot of people liked Nightfall and Eye of the North more than Prophecies. Not everyone, but a lot.
Nightfall didn’t come out until a year an a half after Prophecies.
Guild Wars 1 WAS a great game. But some of the things that made it great, also made it niche…and it was niche. It was never a household name.
A lot of the stuff you see in Guild Wars 2 is an attempt to deal with the shortcomings of Guild Wars 1. As an example…the skill system.
Guild Wars 1 had to very big problems with skills. There were too many of them, and with the dual profession system it was literally impossible to balance skills. People complain about the inbalance in Guild Wars 2 but they never had to deal with the permasin, or even sabway. Guild Wars 1 had serious balance issues and less skills meant more control by Anet, which is what they wanted. But there was another problem.
Many people couldn’t figure out how to make a decent build. There really were too many skills and not everyone is capable of making a build. I’m a guy who loved to make builds. That’s what I did half the time. Make new builds. But at the same time I was doing an enjoying this, other builds were ruining the game for me, particularly because if you didn’t run Build A you weren’t going to be finding a group to do the Underworld. Everyone only wanted specific builds so they could do speed clears. It was pretty obnoxious.
So Anet lost a lot of people to the inability to have a build that worked. The solution was tie skills to weapons and introduce less skills at start. This way when they do finally have an expansion and they add skills, there’s more of a chance to keep it balanced and even a total noob can play a build because his weapons have the skills he’ll basically need.
Guild Wars 1 was a great game for a small percentage of the audience. Frankly I think Guild Wars 2 will improve a lot in the years to come, but it’s going to take another six months to a year before it’s the game it should have been at launch.
As a GW1 player still playing GW1 from time to time, you hit the nail on the head. +1
Well, everyone who bought at least one rich coffer before today’s update will receive a recipe in a couple of days time. Hopefully they are tradeable, and that there are LOTS of them.
I would be willing to bet they will still be really expensive to make.
Oh boy, social experiment time!
ok..i know this is going to come across as a trololol…but you folks that were condition using SB…switch to an A/T + S/D build and have some fun.
I love my ranger and will never main another class…and i would say ive yet to be beaten in a heads up 1v1. and always last till the end in 5-10 man skirmishes …so dig your heels in and have some fun!
if your stuck on using a bow…maybe we can add a couple more strings to it and make it a harp..then you can roam the borderlands strummin your sad tune 8(
But, but, but then they’d have to weapon swap or -gasp- use a melee weapon to engage and their shortbow to chase. They might actually have to move!
Come on man. Ranger forum users can’t be bothered to do that.
The better ones are too busy discussing the finer art of using shortbow/longbow on swap and how to rez faster in the middle of combat.
To suggest anything more is to be a pr0 troll, apparently.
… Maybe in a “I can catch you at this moment, so let me be a good guy and get you on your feet real fast” kind of way? Perhaps?
You… you all aren’t really talking about making bow/bow support builds and how you can rez in the middle of combat… are you? <_>’
No! What’s wrong with you? Poor Quaggans!
I’m not sure what we’re discussing here anymore.
Ranger’s need to L2P, rangers need to go melee or GTFO, but why? Is there a shortage of warriors? Speed runs as somehow the highest form of play in GW2? Who pronounced damage as the only metric that matters? Now I find I’m “required” to move to melee range. Am I? I didn’t get the memo.
You’re not needed as a warrior. Though you can act as one in a pinch.
If you’re a ranger, you’re a front line back line jumping looney that can pull it off better then any other class.
If you don’t do that, you unnecessarily limit and thus kitten yourself. Memo delivered.
You can help the warrior by taking the edge off of them by going into melee yourself, and then jump back to range when they have a handle again or you’re taking too much heat.
It can mean the difference between a wipe.
I’ve saved many a run by stepping up to help the frontline when it was necessary. Kittened many an enemy player in WvW with the same principle.
Damage is far from the only metric. Smart play is rewarded.
A warrior is a soldier who thrives on the front lines; a ranger is a gorilla fighter or a dirty fighter who can take the fight to all of the faces and then retreat back and pummel them with range to better effect then any other class.
Far more durable then a thief, much more squishy then a warrior. You have to master the art of knowing when to engage and disengage.
Knowing when range is appropriate (preferred even) and when you might want to help your mates on the front line.
Ranger alone can do that. Thief maybe to a far lesser effect (all the faces VS one or a couple faces per initiative).
If you refuse to do that, you’re working with half a skill set. On a class like the ranger, you’re weakening yourself more so then any other class.
You’re supposed to do everything. That’s what ranger is balanced around. This is why longbow + pet isn’t godmode. It’ll never be godmode.
That said, longbow does need some love. Warrior shouldn’t be able to outclass us with our signature weapon. We don’t outclass them with swords or GS.
To be fair, Anet has been bringing up and making every other ranger weapon wonderful. Only Longbow is left really and it needs it’s due.
I’ve been happy with the other weapon fixes so far, even the underwater ones (They’re great! Don’t diss the aquaman buffs!)
So I’m confident when it does happen it’ll be a wonderful change for the better.
They do, it’s just more among themselves.
If you’re going to make lots of money off of people and maintain neutral and lucrative political affiliations with the entire dispora of Tyria, it’s not wise to insult them to their face every other interaction with them.
Then there is that human fellow in LA who, upon being called a bookah by a perturbed female asura, believed her to be hitting on him.
It’s not insulting at all if the bookah in question is unable to discern the context.
It makes you, the insulter, look dumb. Could also lead to hilariously awkward situations as the above.
No, thank you Anet. Seriously, you’re spoiling us. Never ever stop.
I’m getting another card. I could use a Consortium Sickle.
Yet I get culture shock in Hoelbrak when i stand next to a male norn since my max-sized female norn has normal human proportions and he inexplicably has 8x the body mass. Heck, i’ve stood next to human males in heavy armor that looked more bulky, despite being slightly shorter. When you look at a male norn standing alone, he looks like a massive beast, but when you see a female norn, she looks like a regular human.
Oh. Okay. Can I live in your world?
I’ve just no desire to play melee,. and I won’t have any desire to do so until mmos have combat as fluid as Zelda or Devil May Cry. If even then…
If Ranger isn’t the class for me, then by all means, I’d welcome it if they’d add one. But it’s apparent that’s not gonna’ happen. :-\
Alright, elementalist staff or scepter for you I suppose? I don’t know what to tell you.
Even an elementalist and the other caster classes will be required to move into melee range now and again, so… I guess you just don’t like this game?
Like it or not, you will need to come to terms with melee in this game or you will always be mediocre.
You can specialize in range and still rock melee, there’s no reason to have this aversion to it.
Ranger more then any other class can effortlessly go from range to melee and melee to range with unmatched skill chemistry for the occasion.
There are a dozen combos among the various weapon sets we can use. You should be able to figure it out.
Could a Ranger play melee instead of bow? Yes. But what if you wanted to play an Archer – what profession do you pick? ArenaNet describes the “master of the bow” as the Ranger. But the Ranger’s “mastery of the bow” is not working.
This, pretty much. I like to play ranged characters. I have in every online game I played, and I hate the idea that ranged weapons are just something to use until the enemy happens to get close enough to switch to your REAL weapon or for extremely situational/quirky encounters.
I’m probably one of the ‘bad’ rangers in peoples’ eyes because I will not use a melee weapon unless a very specific circumstance comes up in which I absolutely have to (and I will be extremely annoyed in such cases). But quite frankly, if it comes down to “Melee or get out”, I’ll take the latter option. The main selling point of rangers to me was 2 (default) 1200-range weapons + Eagle-eye. If the class was never intended to be able to stay at a range and fight (and given the way the Risen behave, that does seem to be the case), then I consider that a massive failing on ANET’s part, as the lack of a class that is designed for this purpose pretty much means there’s no place for me here. I’ve tried R/LB Warrior and SB/P-P Thief, and while the mobility is a lot closer to what I wanted in the latter’s case (though still not ideal), they still seem massively kitten. :-(
Second hint: If you picked your pet based which one looked cool, you’re probably playing a hunter.
But they make me use a pet and you can’t transmute a cat, so… >_>
This game will need you to switch between ranged combat and melee combat. You have a weapon swap for a reason. If you refuse to use it, Anet can’t help you.
You’ll need to L2P. Since you’re hellbent on range, you might try an elementalist on staff.
But given the nature of your complaint with ranger weapon swapping, you’ll then complain that you have to swap attunements and you don’t want to do that.
Nothing Anet can do to help you there.
To be sure, ranger does need some love. But they’re not a terrible unplayable class. Far from it. Ranger is always teetering on the ends of barely legal and UP.
I do not envy the balance devs when it comes to this class.
OP I’m sorry, but it really is a learn to play issue. As a ranger you’ll need to learn both range and melee combat styles, while managing your pet, or you will be a bad ranger.
That’s not going to change. A ranger is good at everything she does; to be good she must do everything she is able to do.
Or else the ranger falls short. Do or don’t. But you can’t blame Anet for your own unwillingness to learn how to play your class.
(And by “disappointed” I am referring to the statement of ““people avoiding charr & asura are missing the strongest story stuff””)
I think you might be reading a little too much into that.
I was, literally, shocked when I went to Divinity’s Reach and realized that my character was, like, 8’ tall.
Yeah. It very easy to forget that you’re supposed to be a superhuman giant when you have the exact body type of a normal human female.
Yeah, but you are as such. You’re experiencing culture shock. Hoelbrak will make you feel fairly normal. Because you are, among norn.
Outside of there and perhaps the Black Citadel, you’re a towering mighty character and standing next to an average human or an asura will make that readily apparent.
Going to Divinity’s Reach will be a shock. Going to Rata Sum, you’d better watch your step. One of em’ down there warns you that she will eat your toes if you step on her!
Male or female, you make dwarves of the other races by virtue of who you are; a norn. On that note, I believe 8ft is fairly short for a norn.
The “average” for norn, even the women, is 9ft or so. That being comparable to how humans have an “average” height of 5ft… they can and do come bigger. Or shorter.
Probably with a Total Makeover Kit. It looks like you made the “crown” or crest of your forehead just a wee bit too broad.
You’ll get clipping issues like that with certain masks and headgears. Had that problem with the engineer goggles.
Shrink it a bit and it shouldn’t glitch through like that anymore.
I don’t know, maybe they’re working on it? Just tried it again and now the front page is loading all broken as it used to do, even with AdBlock off.
I think whatever is going on doesn’t have much to do with AdBlock – I have it in Chrome and not in IE and the HOM was broken in both browsers.
Because of the intermittent nature of the problem, I think there may be some bad caching going on somewhere outside of the browser. I messed around with my browser settings quite a bit and couldn’t get it to display properly, went to bed, and looked at it again in the morning and it was fine.
I had it working in IE, I just checked it again, and not only doesn’t it work, UAC popped up asking if I wanted to let IE make changes… huh?
That seems like a strange thing for something like a reward calculator to want to do.Oh duh. nevermind, I just did an Adobe purge and the site wants to re-install the flash player.BTW, it’s working fine in Chrome still…
Working ATM with latest (live) Firefox and AdBlock on, with hom.guildwars2.com as an exception.
Lol, you’re just precious.
Oh, you charmer ~
First of, you strut around, acting morally superior and saying that people shouldn’t force people to play a certain way. Then you turn around and tell us how we should like our game. Pot, meet kettle.
Hello kettle! Pot here! How are you doing, dear? Please, point out where I said I’m (morally or otherwise) better then you.
Or better then anyone else in the course of this thread. Should be something interesting, watching what you try to pull out of your spout for this.
How you like your game VS what you can do/impose on other people has a reasonable limit.
When a community element can come to a point where it can dictate what other people within the community can and cannot do with themselves...
It is no longer about what you want to do with your game.
You shouldn’t be very surprised that some people don’t take kindly to suggestions that carry implications that could potentially dictate their game to them.
Kettle, honey, sit down. We need to have discussion regarding irony.
EDIT: Yeah, you have to disable AdBlock in your add-ons. You can’t add hom.guildwars2.com as an exception. You can, but it won’t work.
It only works for me if I completely disable AdBlock and do a hard reload. Looks like an AdBlock false positive more then anything on Anet’s end.
Hmm, when you’re using Adblock+, there is a Button where you can disable it for the current site. In Chrome it’s on the right side in the adress bar, in Firefox its on the bottom left side. Just click and select “disable for this site”.
Anyway, i have ABP installed and active in said browsers and it still works.
Yeah, I don’t know. It’s very hit or miss. Sometimes it works for me and other times no.
I had AdBlock on with hom.guildwars2.com as an exception and the front page loaded correctly, but when I clicked on “View Titles”, it’s broken again.
Turned AdBlock completely off (disabled), front page loads correctly again but clicking on view titles, it’s still broken.
At first I was thinking it’s an AdBlock thing, but even with it completely off, I still get the same behavior.
I don’t know, maybe they’re working on it? Just tried it again and now the front page is loading all broken as it used to do, even with AdBlock off.
Huh. You know, I was about to file a bug report on the treat bag item you get from Rox for being spelt wrong. I kept spelling it “Roxx”.
I was wrong.
I’ve uninstalled Java and reinstalled it.
java -> javascript
ham -> hamster(conclusion: reinstalling java doesn’t help at all)
Did you clear your browser cache? (CTRL+F5 or CTRL+SHIFT+R does a hard reload for the current page)
Anyway, this ist crazy – it was broken that way for me for over half a year now (even disabling AdBlock+ and ScriptSafe didn’t help), but since a few days it works again in all browsers i checked. (Chrome, FF, IE9+10, Opera 12.x and Opera Next)
Disabling AdBlock and doing CTRL+SHIFT+R worked for me. Loads up normal. If all I have to do is have AdBlock disabled to look at my HoM, I guess I can live with that.
Thanks for the tip! Try it folks!
EDIT: Yeah, you have to disable AdBlock in your add-ons. You can’t add hom.guildwars2.com as an exception. You can, but it won’t work.
It only works for me if I completely disable AdBlock and do a hard reload. Looks like an AdBlock false positive more then anything on Anet’s end.
(edited by CETheLucid.3964)
Why would you care if an inferior being shows you respect? Do you feel sad when your sandwich doesn’t respect you either?
No, but my Dog worships me.
Or we could have inspect, check their build and see if it’s completely crap. No need to expect anything.
That’s what I would call common sense.
Common sense would dictate even further that since you already have a tool available tool to do exactly this, arguing for something that takes this a step further…
Say, an invasive /inspect function, is an effort to push a negative elitist influence into an otherwise healthy and inclusive community.
Elitists exist as is.
You can choose to be an elitist. You have what’s needed to be one mechanic wise. It certainly wasn’t intended that way, but people will be people.
You should not want to foster this mindset onto the community as a whole, even if you consider yourself such a person.
It is lose/lose if you value originality and build diversity even a little bit, even in a min/max way. Other games that have such a tool suffer for it.
You must run A, maybe B, if you are C or GTFO. I prefer to be something more then a means to an end for other people.
I don’t mind if it’s consensual and I’m having fun, but having the community collective force this from me or log off… that’s not fun. That’s something else.
If you like GW2, you shouldn’t want this.
I want game to be convenient. Is it common sense to ask about every little bit when I could just simply check it out by myself? Not to mention possibility to lie, etc.
I’m still trying to understand your logic here: You consider it inconvenient to CTRL click your gear into chat, yet you want an option to type out /inspect to gain the same result?
Well, you know what? I just solved everyone’s problem: If typing /inspect literally just CTRL clicked all your gear in chat for folks to see, I’d be okay with it.
If it’s something that can be forced out of a player or used on the player without the players consent, that’s not okay.
I respect the right a min/max gamer has to play the game in anyway they see fit, but that right ends where my freedom of choice and a right to privacy begins.
It’s none of your business what I’m using or what I’m running unless I choose to share with you.
Making an elaborate gear check mechanism beyond what is already in place is folly.
You talk to folks, you get to know them, you get together with honest and like minded individuals to do whatever you want in the game.
Gear ping works wonderfully to that end. It’s a perfect compromise between things. You can share or choose not too.
So I’m an elitist when I care about people I’m playing with. But you aren’t, when you are telling how everyone should play/behave?
Are you? Alright. That may be true of you in particular.
But do you really want to argue that caring about other people is the reason in general when it comes to efficiency minded people excluding others from their CoF speedruns?
And not say, efficiency? Because their gear and build isn’t up to par or what was requested of them?
Because if you are, I have a bridge I’d like to sell to you.
BTW, I never once told you how you should play the game. You should be a decent person and behave as such.
But if you don’t want to do that, you can choose to behave in anyway you see fit and suffer the consequences of that.
It’s on your head. Not mine. You’re responsible for your own actions. I’m responsible for mine.
Personally I find it extremely selfish that every player should be ready to carry you, if you just want to stay bad/use “creative” build.
I’m not asking to be carried by anyone. Most casual players do not want to be a burden to your efficiency run.
The people that lie to you in CoF speed runs, or any run requiring a berserker warrior, are MF warriors who try to pass themselves off as berserkers.
If you want berserker warriors and mesmer only, you’re free to make that request.
If an errant ele tries to join your party, you can deny them. If a MF warrior got in, lesson learned. Don’t play with that guy. They’re a sleazeball. Block them.
If you want specific builds only for whatever you’re trying to do, you can already orchestrate that and check their gear.
If you honestly care about others gamers and want to help them improve their builds, you can already do that with the tools the game provides to you. You can talk to them.
I thought it was intentional. It looks cool on some armors, but on others… I can see why you’d want that fixed!
I respect the asura.
No body likes being talked down to though. Not even (or especially) other asura. Most of you are nice enough.
Several more are great people in general, and it’s a joy to have you around. You enrich our lives with your brilliance and truly are top of class. Your genius is undeniable.
I chalk up the smarter then thou downspeak some of you have a tendency for to an annoying or even endearing quirk, as the case may be.
Though some of my people are… far less forgiving of this.
Ranger pets require some adjusting, because ranger can make himself into a full bunker and still do good damage using pet. If most other professions go full bunker, their damage is really low as well.
A decent player can kite a pet all day long … pets need some major adjusting to actually hit a moving target.
Agreed. I actually really like where things are now overall.
Longbow still needs some love, and pets being able to hit moving hitting things needs a little work, but everything else is golden. We’re in a nice place.
I don’t get the people who are still crying that ranger is weak. No, we’re pretty good now. But it is a close enough thing. We have to really work for it.
If you nerf pet DPS, please be very careful and considerate about it.
Pet’s either need to reliably hit moving PCs or that pet DPS nerf needs to returned to the ranger as a DPS buff.
This whole thread is just hilarious… and no I am not in favor of any kind of /inspect. The simple solution for those that want /inspect is DONT PUG. Seriously, get together a team of friends to do your silly dungeons with and do it with them only. If you choose to PUG or bring PUG’s into groups… just expect the worst and make the best of it.
If only we could use common sense such as this.
Common sense is such a fleeting trait now a days it’s soon to become a virtue. : /
Or we could have inspect, check their build and see if it’s completely crap. No need to expect anything.
That’s what I would call common sense.
Common sense would dictate even further that since you already have a tool available tool to do exactly this, arguing for something that takes this a step further…
Say, an invasive /inspect function, is an effort to push a negative elitist influence into an otherwise healthy and inclusive community.
Elitists exist as is.
You can choose to be an elitist. You have what’s needed to be one mechanic wise. It certainly wasn’t intended that way, but people will be people.
You should not want to foster this mindset onto the community as a whole, even if you consider yourself such a person.
It is lose/lose if you value originality and build diversity even a little bit, even in a min/max way. Other games that have such a tool suffer for it.
You must run A, maybe B, if you are C or GTFO. I prefer to be something more then a means to an end for other people.
I don’t mind if it’s consensual and I’m having fun, but having the community collective force this from me or log off… that’s not fun. That’s something else.
If you like GW2, you shouldn’t want this.
I suspect what will happen is this: DPS will be moved from the pet to the ranger and we, the players, will play the pet while the ranger becomes the AI component.
If there was a skill that let you do that, that would be pretty kitten cool.
I made a post about this a long time ago.
If this DPS nerf to the pet is given as a buff to the ranger’s DPS, that’s perfect. If this is a straight nerf to the pet with no ranger DPS compensation, that’s really really bad.
What other game company does this for it’s players? You guys are awesome.
Reporting back,
Yeah. It’s broke again. It loads all messed up like the screens above.