It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Not sure how you could feel that way as I see more GW2 ads for the expansion than I did when the game first came out.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Also, one thing that got to me: I wanted to test out the crafting element of the game, so I bought enough ingredients and made half a greatsword. then I returned with more ingredients to make the rest as I ran out – only to find out that the crafting station was closed because of some stupid ‘failed experiment’ which had green creatures running around. If that’s an excuse to add diversity to the game, then my face is blank. REALLY?? So I finished the sword the following day when the ridiculous mission was over and crafted my sword!
It just seems pointless. I remember feeling this way with gw1 – the only difference was that that didn’t happen until about a year later. And from that point forward I only logged in to have fun in Random Arenas.
I think the core of the pve is still the same as the original game and that’s probably why I’m completely bored of the game now, and have no feel to play it, which is a shame.
Any thoughts?
Where to begin, haha.
1) The crafting station you went to is one of the, if not the only, crafting station that has an event blocking it. You could literally have gone to any major city and crafted without issue at your leisure.
2) 3mos and bored with GW2, after 1yr you were bored with GW1. Have you ever played an MMO for extended periods of time? Because quite honestly it sounds like single player games are more your style. I mean, killing things to level up, that’s how MMOs work. But unlike other MMOs, GW2 offers a multitude of ways to level up. You can PvP, WvW, explore, do fractals, craft, pretty much you name it and you can level up doing it. I think someone is working on leveling up to 80 strictly mining gathering nodes. If you have a problem with repetitive content, then steer clear of the MMO genre. There’s no way to make a game where you can play 4000+hrs without having content repeated. It’s impossible.
3) You believe GW2 core game is the same as GW1 core game. Huh? I’m gonna let GW1 players respond to that one lol, because the consensus is that they are so completely different that GW2 shouldn’t even be considered a sequel. Not sure how you picked up on the complete opposite of what every veteran GW1 player feels. I can only assume because you barely played either quite honestly.
4) I recommend Fallout4 or Witcher3 for your role-playing needs.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Well then I guess every MMO is and always has been failing since you can find similar rant videos on every MMO in existence.
TIL the MMO genre was never popular and has been failing perpetually.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Thanks for making me look up a word, sheesh. lol
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Now this game is sending me there AGAIN when i could use this time exploring NEW THINGS
So explore those new things, then. Work on the mastery points later. Why are you in such a hurry to get the mastery points. If you want to work on Winter’s Presence, or explore HoT, go for it. When you’ve got nothing else you want to do, then work on the Tyria mastery points. They aren’t going anywhere.
I don’t understand why you seem so panicked about the time commitment and how it will take away from time spent doing things you want to do. The only time limited content is the Wintersday stuff, so prioritize that, everything else can be done at your own pace.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
When you finish the repeatable achievements, they reset back to 0, but your meta count should have gone up. Everyone else’s has.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The repeatable achievements should count once, just not each time it gets repeated. At least I’m pretty sure I got credit for it. I got the meta achievement and never even set foot in the snowball mini-game.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Speed Mushrooms to finish Fungus Among Us… It’s flippin’ stupid.
You can actually get gold on this without the speed mushrooms. You have to be ridiculously good at taking shortcuts with that bouncing leap thing, but it is possible. For the average person, it’s not even remotely doable without the mushrooms.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
It is a learn to play issue. You’ve just given up and resolved yourself to failure, because you lack the creative capacity to figure out how to beat the enemies.
The solutions are there, and many times they are really obvious. You just have to be willing to look for them.
Absolutely. Immobe-immobe-knockback-immobe-torment-immobe-torment-die.
Learn how to play.
“Immobe-immobe-knockback-immobe-torment-immobe-torment-die” — Condi remove, stability/block, dodge, stun break, condi remove, dodge, stun break, heal, run. But that’s me I guess.
What I’ve noticed about a lot of players that make these claims is that a) they try to play HoT like they would a core Tyria map i.e. run into a giant pack of mobs and try to do full blast AoE, then wonder why they are dead or b) they are completely unfamiliar with the utility/weapon skills outside of the handful of skills in their comfort zone.
Some players are completely oblivious to the fact their characters even have stun breaks or stability skills. Sometimes people will flat out refuse to even consider using a different weapon. “Hey you know if you ran <weapon> you would have <useful skill>” “I don’t want to run <weapon>, I want to play MY way!”. “Ok then, never mind. Continue to die and complain I suppose.”
Maybe it’s time to stop playing HoT in the exact same build you’ve been playing core Tyria, take a look at the other weapons your class can use and their other utilities, and start playing more cautiously.
I dunno. It just bothers me I guess how many people try to claim the content is so difficult because of all of the CC, when it really does seem like its L2P. Time to start slotting defensive utilities and give up on glass cannon-ing.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The only thing I disagree with is being unable to continue gaining mastery XP until you unlock the mastery. Why can’t I fill it up and then start filling up the next bar? You wouldn’t get access to the actual mastery skill until you unlock it with MPs, but you should at least be able to start filling up the next bar in the mastery line.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I think she’s saying that she’s been targeted as a bot before, presumably because she has a high number of completes.
It’s people thinking that anyone who can complete the JP 15+ times is a bot. Like they see the person jumping snowflake to snowflake and still think they are a bot because they’ve completed it so many times.
The only way to bot the puzzle, AFAIK, is a teleport hack (which OP is obviously aware of), which is very different than someone jumping it legitimately.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
So you don’t think people should be able to bulk purchase commodities? I’ve put in buy orders for thousands of materials before for crafting purposes.
Also, there’s no real good argument against someone doing a bulk Buy Order so they can sell them at bulk later for a modest profit.
Flippers want to buy low and sell high. New players can sell at the higher prices, or put in buy orders at a lower price, just like flippers.
I guess I just don’t see how large buy orders affect new players.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Fractals are still broken like many other things, don’t expect it to be fixed anytime soon.
Really? I stopped playing after HoT because it was so bad. I thought they had fixed it and was planning to start playing it again regularly.
Depends on what you mean by broken. I guess. People still do Swamp for the most part, which never really changed. Fractal dailies have proven to be quite rewarding.
Dunno what could be claimed is actually broken versus someone not liking a feature.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Since I finished Unbound I exclusively do the dailies.
Since HoT I’ve gotten 5 ascended armor pieces, 3 gold fractal skins (1 sword 2 hammers), and 2 regular fractal skins. 4/5 of the ascended armor came from the 51-100 daily chest, the other from the 21-50. I have 152% base MF, but I don’t believe that is a factor.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
They’ll get flamed if they post here, not so much on Reddit.
You’ve never been on Reddit, have you.
He’s just not used to the upvote system it seems. Simply flaming someone will be get downvoted pretty quick, while useful responses will get upvoted. He’s probably not scrolling down far enough to see all of the flaming that’s going on.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Play a new character or a new game. That’s about it. AP hunt maybe.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Yeah I used to be able to join in between songs but it doesn’t let me anymore. Waiting around till the entire game finishes simply isn’t fun.
You can join in between songs. I did it today.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I want my pre-HOT FoTm back t.t
Ew why!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The Molten Boss one is stupid, you miss out on a champ bag and event XP!
The Mossman one is also stupid. It’s slightly easier than normal stacking on him, though.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Alright, since HoT fractal update I’ve gotten 4 ascended chests, 2 gold fractal skins and 3 regular fractal skins.
3 of the chests dropped from the Champion Chest (do 3 51-100 fractals daily one)
1 of the chests dropped from the Veteran Chest (do 3 21-50 fractals daily one)
Both gold fractal skins came from the Veteran Chest I believe.
Don’t remember where the fractal skins came from, could be any I’m sure.
Maybe my RNG is good (it’s not anywhere else in the game), but those 3 ascended chests I got from the 51-100 dailies was across maybe 8 dailies. So 3 out of 8 times doing the daily I got an ascended chest (2 boots and 1 chestpiece).
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Has no one told you the game is free to play now?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
so your quiting cause you cant instakill low level creature because of downscaling. can i have your stuff. best part of game
They never said they were quitting.
I take it you only read the first couple of sentences, then a few responses, and felt you had enough info to throw in a reply.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
As far as I know they only ever claimed you’d be able to get precursors without having to hope for the MF or random drop.
What compelled you to simply buy all of the ingredients? Why not work on collecting over the course of months?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Why wouldn’t you just start your own character? It’s never a good idea to start a new MMO with everything maxed. You will be terrible at it and not know what the heck to do.
Just make a new character and play it like you would any other MMO.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Interesting, my camera sucks but on the tag it did say Guild Wars 2, this is in Texas.
Interesting, the photo is a bit grainy, but all of the other price labels you can read the items. Yet the Guild Wars 2 one looks all blurry. As if a blur tool were used on it…
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Ah yes, people talking about hypothetical things. The true metric for a game’s success.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
No idea.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I’m curious what my number would be, haha. Pretty much any time someone gives me a Visa gift card as a gift I apply it to gems. I bet I’m close to $500-600 at this point.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
- I made it to the midpoint twice. Each time I jumped too short to reach the first present. I’m not sure why I’m not jumping far enough — I’m either letting go of W without meaning to or noticing (and I’m not sure that I am), or I’m not jumping from far enough forwards to start.
If you go before the blue presents appear (which you should), this is indeed a very long jump. You need to do a running jump at the very last moment before falling off of the peppermint.
Running jump? I thought the physics meant that running jumps aren’t any better than standing jumps?
A useful trick I picked up in my SAB tribulation days is the dodge jump. If dodge isn’t already bound to V, I recommend doing so. I believe V might be default. If you hit V and space (jump) at the same time while moving forward you jump extra far. It’s a guaranteed way to make it to that first present (not the blue one, don’t wait for the blue ones).
Not quite accurate on several counts:
- Not guaranteed to work, since it doesn’t work for me most of the time.
- Many keyboards cannot register 3 keys pressed simultaneously, so W, V, and space cannot all register with some keyboards. Let me emphasize that this is not about reaction speed but hardware limitations on some keyboards.
- From doing this before, V and space need to be one after the other, not simultaneous. I’ve seen another thread confirm this.
- Basically, with one chance per hour of play, I don’t want to risk something so unreliable as the dodge-jump, which I’ve done once or twice ever and not with my current keyboard.
It’s guaranteed for me. Not sure what else to say. I never miss it, and I absolutely hit both simultaneously. Just takes practice I guess. Which you can always practice outside of the JP.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I don’t have a Sylvari character (yet) and for me, it’s due to a lack of variety in appearance. So many things could be done with the hair alone, such as ferns, pine needles, or even palm fronds. Accents such as flowers (daisies for instance) would be pretty interesting as well.
I’d bet players would even pay for such variety.
Have you even looked at the hairstyles? They have almost everything you’ve listed already.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Try having to mass email guild members. It’s a horrible system. I don’t know why they don’t allow guild officers/leaders to email as often as they like to their guild members. The chance of spamming is not a good enough reason not to allow it. If your guild leader starts spamming you mail, it’s time to leave that guild.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
You also need to let the skritt beat up on the Dolyak so it drops more gifts. I’ve done the event where the Dolyak only drops 2 gift for the entire thing.
Fairly certain this was proven to be incorrect and instead it is RNG.
You could not let the dolyak get hit at all and see 6 gifts drop, or you could let the dolyak get pelted and see 2 gifts drop, it’s random.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Would solve the problem and more.
That would be the greatest thing EVER!!!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
If this were a game that took months to hit level cap I would be incline to agree with you, but even casual playing will net you copious amounts of Tomes of Knowledge. I think I have 150 in my bank right now and I don’t do anything outside of dailies, fractal dailies, and then occasional HoT meta. Getting to 80 is a piece of cake in this game!
I have too much equipment with my main, to go through all that again on a new race.
Don’t really matter as I can learn to simply ignore how they look at this point. Is all good.
Yea but that equipment can be transferred to the new character. Almost everything is account bound now.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Im red/green color blind and i would love this option. i stay away from group stuff because i constantly get yelled at for AoEs. I also stay away from any skills with ground targeting.
I just try and stay out of all aoe circles. Sometimes even if it means I might miss out on boons.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
- I made it to the midpoint twice. Each time I jumped too short to reach the first present. I’m not sure why I’m not jumping far enough — I’m either letting go of W without meaning to or noticing (and I’m not sure that I am), or I’m not jumping from far enough forwards to start.
If you go before the blue presents appear (which you should), this is indeed a very long jump. You need to do a running jump at the very last moment before falling off of the peppermint.
Running jump? I thought the physics meant that running jumps aren’t any better than standing jumps?
A useful trick I picked up in my SAB tribulation days is the dodge jump. If dodge isn’t already bound to V, I recommend doing so. I believe V might be default. If you hit V and space (jump) at the same time while moving forward you jump extra far. It’s a guaranteed way to make it to that first present (not the blue one, don’t wait for the blue ones).
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Yea, I’ve wanted this from the get-go. Those thin red circles are kitten near impossible to see for me.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
If this were a game that took months to hit level cap I would be incline to agree with you, but even casual playing will net you copious amounts of Tomes of Knowledge. I think I have 150 in my bank right now and I don’t do anything outside of dailies, fractal dailies, and then occasional HoT meta. Getting to 80 is a piece of cake in this game!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Right side path is easiest because the candy canes ascend instead of descend, making it much safer on those particular jumps, which I find to be a common falling point.
Also, when you start getting close to the fire checkpoint, don’t look at your health, just ignore it. I’ve missed many a jump because I would be nervous about not having enough health and looked at it, then missed my next jump because I lost my bearings.
The exploding gifts part is easiest IMO. Stand lined up with center column. As soon as you see the bottom one spawn, go straight up the middle. Most of the time those don’t explode early so it’s safe, every now and again you may have to jump to a left or right one, but that’s something you will learn to identify.
But honestly, I don’t know if keyboard turning is going to cut it, man. Using the mouse may be a requirement here, I don’t know of any way to do the turns fast enough.
Perhaps look into a good wrist brace or something you can wear while you do it.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
2) “Have yourself a gindy little wintersday”’ is not what I signed up for. Festival skins should be a diversion that says “YES” I did do wintersday 2015, not “YES” I have no life!
That’s what the meta title is for, which is not quite a grind. The grindiest thing you have to do is Toypocalypse 3 times maybe. The titles are always what have been the figurative “I was there” T-shirt from the event. Winter’s Presence is exactly for those that go above and beyond simply participating.
That’s been my thought anyway. I’m not getting the shoulder because it’s too much effort for what you’re getting, but I have the title, and I certainly didn’t feel I had to grind for it. Pretty much did it in between everything else I normally do.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Why wouldn’t you simply use the increased gold you get from fractals to buy the matrices. It’s the same result. There’s just an extra step in between.
Whether you get a fractal skin or a stabilizing matrix, you’re still better off than you were before the changes.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
People have trouble getting to KQ in time? This is the first I’m hearing of this.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
an this game doesn’t have anyone or anyway to report it and get help fixing it.
On the very screen where you typed this post, look up at top of screen, there’s a SUPPORT tab. Click that. On the next screen at the top right there’s a Submit Request button. Click that.
There you go….
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I would like to go on record saying I disagree with OP vehemently. The winter JP is a perfect difficulty. Probably a 5 on a 1-10 scale. If you can complete it once, completing it 3x is a piece of cake.
Just be patient. Getting frustrated is normal when you don’t succeed, but that’s not a good enough reason to remove it. The human race wouldn’t be where it is today if we didn’t feel that frustration on failing and causing us to strive to succeed even more. It’s a motivator!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Champion of the Gods is a mortal warrior who fights for the gods.
God Walking Among Mere Mortals is an actual God.
I think it’s pretty clear which one is the better title.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
lol It is not hard by any means… you either earn them by hard work inside the game… or earn them by hard work at your real life job…
Yeah. Forget about having fun and playing in a game. Let’s all just work.
Just all what people need from a game. More work.
While I agree 10,000 is a stupid amount to put a time constraint on, I think people really need to cool it with the “this is a game, I’m not supposed to work!” mentality.
Work and effort are not the same thing. Work is something you need to do to support yourself and your family. You will never and have never worked in GW2 (unless you are a gold farmer and sell gold for a living, I guess, shame on you). You may have to put effort into getting the things you want, and depending on the person, the amount of effort you are willing to put in will vary. You are never required to do any of it. You can put in as much or as little effort you want.
For me personally, the amount of effort required to get this skin is too much, so I won’t do it.
But to imply a game shouldn’t have items/achievements/skins that require effort to obtain, simply because we all work for a living, is something I just don’t agree with.
If you ever feel like what you’re doing in game is “work”, then stop doing it. There’s nothing in this game worth feeling like that.
Every item I’ve grinded for has been for something I wanted enough for that grind to not even phase me. But this snowy effect skin? Yea, that’s not worth the effort.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Things that people claimed weren’t casual friendly pre-HoT:
Fractals (3 mini dungeons plus a boss?! I don’t have time for that I play 20min a day, I’m casual!)
Dungeons (I can’t get into a group because I don’t have zerk gear and I don’t speedrun! I’m casual!)
World completion (why do we have to do WvW for world completion, I’m casual, I don’t like PvP!)
Story-mode finale (I need a group to finish the story?! what the heck Anet! I’m too casual for that!)
Living Story S1 (these LS events are timed?! You’re saying I can’t do all of the achievements within the 2 weeks if I only play 10min a day?! I’m casual, wtf ANET!
Living Story S2 (wtf Anet, I didn’t log in when these were released because I’m super casual, and now you want me to grind gold so I can trade for gems? I’m casual! I don’t have the time nor money to do this!)
Dailies (Whoa, Anet, look at how long it’s taking to do these dailies! And I have to do it to get laurels?! I’m only on for 2min a day! I can’t possibly get all of this AP that you are forcing me to get! Make it casual friendly!)
I think a lot of people think that casual friendly means everything needs to be able to be completed quickly or easily. A casual player does not imply a bad player, it implies someone that plays at their own, typically slow, pace. Being able to do things at your own pace: that’s the definition of being casual friendly.
In GW2 you can do literally everything at your own pace (minus holiday events, as those are time limited). That is casual friendly. Raids is the only area that I would say has the biggest obstacle to casual players, and that’s getting a 10man group together.
I’d love to hear what exactly in GW2 you couldn’t do at your own, casual, pace.
If something takes a long time, it doesn’t mean it isn’t casual friendly, it just means it will take longer to complete, but it can still be 100% casual.
People claimed crafting legendaries wasn’t casual, but I can assure you I crafted two from scratch, casually, over the course of 2 years. Some days I felt like working towards a requirement, some days I didn’t. I dictated the pace I completed things. THAT IS CASUAL.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
It’s the principle of the matter. They are a business and we are the customers… You take care of your customers period.
Well then I guess they should add mounts and capes and make raids easier and remove all items gated behind specific content. Oh and remove the mastery system, or revamp all of the HoT zones so you aren’t required to have any masteries, and make the story mode easier, and I could obviously go on and on. Customers aren’t always right. What pleases some won’t please others.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I say keep the requirement. Helps to make the shoulder item a bit more exclusive.
For those that are struggling, if you happen to have a guildie or friend that you trust, you could always have them do it for you. I know some people are hesitant to give out login information, but I’ve gone on long vacations before and given my login info to a guildie I trusted (to get my login rewards) and it worked out great!
Unless that’s against the ToS for some reason, in which case everything I said is completely fabricated and has never happened, not even once.
It is against ToS.
Well then it’s a good thing I’ve never done it and everything I said was purely theoretical. Yep.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….