It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Aren’t all of the legendary footfalls identical each step? Fairly sure they are.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I wouldn’t give it back to him. They left it to you, you’ve been leader of it, now it is yours. They can form a new guild if they wish.
In all honesty, why would they even want the guild back? Sounds like it’s for all intents and purposes a dead guild. With only yourself and maybe a couple of others who actively rep. Is it a really cool name or something?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I’ve gotten about 6 keys in 3 years. I’m eagerly awaiting the new improved key drop rate.
And waiting
And waiting
(2 years later)
And waiting…….
That’s 6 more than I’ve gotten in 3 years….
(We’re talking about key drops and not keys from map completion/PS)
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Guild Mission/Favor problem for 1-2 p guilds
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Draknar.5748
Several married couple have their own guild and nothing wrong with it. Look like I’ve already said some players would rather not put up with other players nonsense, guild politics etc so at least have some respect for that?
Yes, that was my point exactly. Many married couples form their own 2-person relationship guild. But the question is why? It’s certainly not for the communication aspect. It’s certainly not for guild influence as you will barely generate any with two people. Certainly not for guild missions I imagine.
So then why would two people, who are married, that live together, are likely playing in the same room, need to be in their own personal guild? The only logical reasons would be a) for bank use or b) just so they can share a guild tag that establishes them as being “together” when out in public.
As far as the first reason. That’s not a guild. Personal guilds used strictly for banking purposes are not actual guilds. It’s strictly utility for space, that happens to come with a tag. The second reason could also be argued is for utility. Guilds typically are created to form groups of people you want to play and socialize with. If your guild is strictly made up or you and your spouse (or heck just yourself), with whom you already play and socialize with, then what is the need for being in a guild beyond having a common tag and extra bank space?
Just seems a bit over-reaching to me, to expect Anet to design content around 2-man “guilds” that do not act as a guild but simply two people partied together.
I dunno, I guess agree to disagree is the only direction we can really go.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Ascended is “required” for raids in the same sense that Exotic armor is “required” for dungeon paths. Namely it isn’t required, but would make things easier.
I think there are a lot of people that need to work on reading comprehension.
I know exactly what is happening with this misinformation:
Someone who is already highly critical of everything Anet does with GW2 read that Ascended armor is recommended for the hardest encounters (I mean why wouldn’t they recommend the highest stat armor for the hardest content?) This person, with a clear axe to grind, paraphrases on the forums that Ascended armor is required with a “source” link that nobody seems to actually want to click to read.
Then sympathizers to the Anet haters group read the post, assume fact (I mean they posted a link to source! So their summary MUST be correct!) and reiterate it in responses and other threads. From here people just jumping into the forums start reading, and all of the discussion on the threads seem to indicate its a requirement, so that clearly must be true, so they think its fact as well.
Scattered through each page is someone who actually read the link making clarifying posts that get glossed over and/or ignored and the misinformation continues.
Gotta love the internet.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Wow some serious knee-jerk here. At no point did anyone say it was required. The only thing that makes Ascended required is Agony damage. They’ve stated there is no Agony damage, therefore you do not need Ascended.
Considering people have completed content that would normally “require” Exotic armor, in all greens, I’d say that good players will still be just fine in Exotic.
But this doesn’t fit in with the GW2 manifesto-ers’ agenda, so they baselessly claim it is a requirement and then point out that Anet is a bunch of liars based on their own claim.
Would Ascended make it easier? Well yea, more stats would make everything easier. Is it required? Nope. If certain bosses did Agony damage, then we would have a different situation on our hands.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I opened 14 chests yesterday and got 13 scraps. I was pretty happy with that.
!!!! HAX!!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
At least it was free. I am one of the fools who has dumped a decent chunk of change into keys for real money.
It amazes me how not a single person has come out really ahead with the chests from all the videos that have been made, and the posts of people opening thousands of chests, yet fools like myself still go “maybe I’ll get lucky” and do it anyways.
I’ve learned my lesson as well. Will never spend another gem on BL keys until weapon tickets scraps are a guaranteed drop from each one. I mean, seriously, considering you need 10 per ticket, and 2-5 tickets per weapon, you’d think that making the scrap a guaranteed drop would have already hit them. People would be getting keys left and right!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I’m cool with the following:
Someone starts their own group and advertises they are selling the path from the get go.
I’m not cool with the following:
Three members of the same guild (previously 2) join a group that’s running a dungeon, stay with the group until final boss, then kick the other two members and post on LFG to sell the path. <— which I believe is bannable these days? Not sure.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
1) Sadly discard is only option. Luckily you replace your gear while leveling up quite frequently so it doesn’t really matter.
2) Gold is pretty sparse until you hit 80 and can start doing Silverwastes, regular dungeon paths, world boss train, etc. I wouldn’t sweat being broke while leveling up. Every new player is in the same boat I assure you.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
There’s only a time gate on the crafting materials. You are more than able to fast track the entire process by simply buying the finished Ascended mats on the TP, so it isn’t really time gated to craft pieces if you wanted to knock out an entire set in one day.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Trinkets —> Weapons —> Armor is typically the way to go to get quickest benefits.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
My T3 heavy definitely glows.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Yeah, it’s definitely not just “guildies are yellow”. My husband and I are both in the same guild. Sometimes the dot would be blue, but sometimes it would be yellow.
Blue definitely means a party member, while yellow may just mean guildie, but not partied?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
As far as GW2 is concerned I would like to play the dungeons for instance. However, as you can tell many players kick you for being ‘uneducated’ to the run for whatever reason.
I highly recommend starting your own LFG in the LFG tool and clearly stating “new player, first time, casual pace”. As a veteran player, I seek out groups like this. Anyone who joins a group like that and starts to complain you don’t know what you’re doing is a complete moron and simply didn’t read.
You will find there is a large group of us that prefer running with newer players rather than elitist “pro players”.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Great question, and one I don’t have the answer to. Not sure why I felt the need to say this.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Guild Mission/Favor problem for 1-2 p guilds
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Draknar.5748
A single person guild….really? That’s not a guild. That’s a normal player that wants guild tag, nothing more. Or a couple that want to have their own 2-person relationship guild. That’s not a guild, that’s a couple of people that want a guild tag to show they are together.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
It’s like people think that Healing Power never existed before Druid. Do you guys realize that they’ve always had this stat that was for all intents and purposes completely useless? I mean, are all of you anti-trinityers that content with letting an entire stat like that remain useless, or would you, like a lot of us, rather see it utilized properly. I mean why even have the stat, then.
I don’t for a second believe that we are moving towards a trinity. I believe they are finally making builds that can utilize all of the different stats that have been available from the start. In this case Druid seems to stand above the rest in terms of using this stat.
This is a good thing as it is a step away from the zerk meta that so many seem to be desperately trying to keep.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
i mean running down narrow paths and falling 10000 feet if you veer off feels constricting.
Yea you’re running on vines/branches a lot, but once you’ve got your glider, just glide on down. I’ve liked it quite a bit. Moreso than pretty much any other map currently in the game.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Did you just use dual shield Guardian as an example of why we should lift the restrictions? Because that’s about the most ridiculous thing I could imagine. What a useless fighter that would make.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I’m curious why leave WoW after putting 11 years in? If you are looking for a WoW but with updated graphics, then GW2 will not be enjoyable for you.
If you want something quite a bit different and more casual, then welcome to GW2!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Ah yes, nothing like starting a game, leveling to 21, just doing boss train, and then complaining about the grind.
The only arguable grind in this game is a gold grind, which you aren’t even doing.
If you find leveling up a grind, then I can confidently say you are doing it wrong.
a) Stop 100%’ing maps. That will make it feel like a grind. Go back to them after you hit 80.
b) Stop running trains. They are boring. You clearly don’t want boring.
To level without grind: pick a map within your level range, then wander it aimlessly doing whatever the heck you want. See a heart? Do it if you feel like it. See an event, hop in it, its good XP. Or don’t, it’s up to you! Maybe do a little PvP for a change of pace, or hop into WvW. Maybe do some crafting to level a bit.
There are multitudes of ways to level up in this game. If you’re only picking the most boring, grindiest ways to do it, that’s your own fault.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Interesting, I specifically made Meteorlogicus for the purple glow and lightning footsteps. I think it looks cool.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I respect that you can find your niche in the way you play, my hope for druid was that i would be set on par with the rest of the classes and there new elite specs, but we have been thrown to the wolves, and we will not get in the higher level Fractal groups 40+ unless we are healbots.
But my ranger already gets in groups for 40+ Fractals and Druid spec isn’t even out yet. So you’re saying that after HoT, I will no longer be able to get into those same groups? How can that be?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
What are you talking about? I honestly have no idea.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I thought F2P players weren’t able to use /map?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Start with Mystic Clovers. It is RNG which is nice to get out of the way, plus you end up with a bunch of T6 mats if the recipe fails. Use every laurel you get on Heavy Crafting bags for more T6 mats. Start gold farming, either in SW, or start doing 3-5 dungeon paths/day to get a modest income coming in. If you have 500 level crafts, make the Ascended craft mats and sell them for extra gold.
Then you’ve got the hard part: 100 lodestones. I can’t remember which you need, Onyx maybe? There is no realistic way to farm these. You will drive yourself crazy trying to farm 100 of them. You need to buy them over time. What I did was focus on getting all of my T6 mats (you need a full stack of each). Once I got all of them, any additional T6 mat I got I would sell. The money I made selling the additional T6 mats would be put towards purchasing the lodestones.
You will also need a stack of ectos, but that generally comes with time. Do 4-5 world bosses/day for the Rares (to salvage), as well as guild missions every week. Do Teq as often as possible. It’s fairly quick these days and almost always successful. You will get a stack in no time. Once you get 250 ecto, sell any additionals for money towards lodestones.
You will also need a static 100g to put towards Icy Runestones. There’s no way around this one. Just a gold sink.
Finally the precursor. Buy it. Don’t play the MF lottery. You will only frustrate yourself when you’ve spent almost as much as it would cost to just buy it from TP and have nothing to show for it except a broken dream and keyboard.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
No, you bought it last year. You got your money’s worth. Do you get a refund on the ticket price of a movie you watched in the theaters just because they start playing it on cable t.v.? If so, the movie industry owes me a LOT of money
I like this analogy. I’m owed quite a bit.
I would also like refunds on the $11.00 Diet Cokes I got at the movie concession stand over the years. Apparently you can get a whole 2 liter for like $3.00! WTF movie theater!!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
HoT is a rip off for people who already bought the core game
No more of a ripoff than any other paid MMO expansion when you’ve already bought the core game…
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Wait, you bought the game last year, you heard it went F2P so you think you deserve to be retroactively refunded?
You know that’s not how commerce normally works, right?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The people who have been playing since early release and still haven’t made one is not because they’ve been trying to get one, they’ve been playing normally and still don’t have everything they need, which is their own fault. They are the ones that don’t like to farm, or chose to try and do Mystic Forge for their precursor, or simply wait for a drop, rather than be proactive about it.
or simply dont like the skins
Well yes haha, but I mostly meant those that may have claimed they’ve been working towards one for the better part of 3 years. Honestly the only reason I dont’ have a 3rd legendary is that none of the others really interest me. Waiting for HoT legendaries.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I’ve crafted 2 legendaries now, so maybe I can help give some direction.
Things you will absolutely need to grind money for:
Precursor: unless you plan on praying to the RNG gods for years, the only reliable way to get a precursor currently is to purchase it. Not sure the price on the Kudzu precursor.
Icy Runestones: you need 100 that cost 1g each and are only available from a vendor in FGS. Can’t get around this one.
Kudzu seems to be one of the legendaries that does not require lodestones (that I can see in any online guide), which will save you a ton of money. So that’s nice.
These are the only things you will need to farm gold for it seems.
All legendaries require 77 Mystic Clovers. These are largely RNG based from Mystic Forge, but the good news is if the recipe fails in MF, you get a bunch of T6 materials instead, which you will need a full stack of each one. I always start with Mystic clovers, since it is RNG. Might as well get that out of the way first, plus you end up with a bunch of T6 that you need anyway.
T6 materials: Best way to get a full stack of all 8 T6 mats is a combination of gold farming, the mystic clover thing, and laurels. When you are crafting your legendary, put all of your laurels towards the Heavy Crafting bags. In fact I would suggest this in general, but HoT is coming out soon so I’ve been saving up in case something new comes out at the laurel vendor.
Everything else is easy enough to work on (exploration, badges of honor, the hero point stuff, ectos, etc.)
If you buckle down and actually do some SW farming or dungeon running, 3 months is definitely a realistic goal, heck you could do it sooner.
The people who have been playing since early release and still haven’t made one is not because they’ve been trying to get one, they’ve been playing normally and still don’t have everything they need, which is their own fault. They are the ones that don’t like to farm, or chose to try and do Mystic Forge for their precursor, or simply wait for a drop, rather than be proactive about it.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
OK, so in the latest article on HoT Anet announced that yes, the sylvari were destined to become draconic minions. BUT, it also says that Mordremoth can grow back his 3 most powerful commanders. Yes, this is a clever way of explaining why they respawn, but if Mordremoth can literally just grow soldiers, how does he even lose fights?! EVER?! Theoretically he has INFINITE SOLDIERS!!!! I mean… what?!?! Can anyone explain this…
A fair observation. Which is why we need to kill him. It’s hard to grow commanders when you’re dead.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
yesterday i got a hoard chest from teq, and the day before that i got an exotic, and the day before that i got, well a spoon. what will i get today? who knows, but more to the point who cares? its the same thing every day and no matter how well i do or how lucky my drops it will be the same thing every day. the only sense of progress in this game is unlocking new skins
gw2 suffers from a distinct lack of any kind of progress, i do not feel myself getting more powerful or unlocking new abilities and what skills it does have all level up too quickly or are almost identical to eachother
One must wonder what game you came from previously that had the kind of progression you prefer, and why aren’t you still playing it?
For many of us we got burned out on the gear treadmill and constant vertical progression to the point if you took 3-4months off, you were extremely far behind everyone else.
I personally love the fact that I can actually have a finished max level character. I get him the best gear he can get, the skins I want him to have, and then I can shelve him if I want to and work on a different one without him becoming obsolete. It’s nice knowing that you can take a long break, come back, and still be relevant.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Is it so far-fetched to consider the “fruit-bearing” trees as corrupted plants, much like Primordius corrupts rock? And to take it further, that the corrupted fruits from these corrupted trees, no longer have the ability to reproduce as one of the side-effects to the corruption, meaning that no, they won’t all turn into Blighted Trees?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
You know what really grinds my gears? Not that long ago they released new SAB minipets to get, totally making me believe that OMG SAB must be coming back! Why would they release new SAB minis if it wasn’t coming back!
Totally didn’t come back. I mean, wtf Anet! Why would you tease us so!
They weren’t new, they were released
Are you sure? Then they were re-released or something.
sorry, that’s what I meant, they were re-released.
Gotcha. Well either way it was a tease!!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
1) Would be cool, but doesn’t bother me too much. Definitely not anymore now that you can log out up there. All of my crafting alts are parked up there now.
2) Since it isn’t an instance but rather an inaccessible area of the map (to those without tickets—aka plebs), there’s no real reason why you would get ported back to your previous zone. You’ve basically “waypointed” via ticket to Gendarran, and have to waypoint back. I find this to be in line with how the rest of the game works so I’m cool with it. I wouldn’t complain if they did change it, though.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Got 3 keys as a drop after the patch. Don’t ask me how many chests, got a few more than usual in 80 zones though.
You have gotten BL3 keys to drop from Mobs in the last 6 days?
Jana do yourself a favor and play your nearest lottery IMMEDIATELY! Lady Luck is indeed watching over you.I unfortunately, dwell on the other side of the equation. Since launch I run at about 1000hrs per key.
For real, that’s amazing. I’m still at a whopping zero. Since early release.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
“I’m running out of space! There’s simply not enough space!”
“Well, why do you have 10 stacks of bloodstone dust, 10 slots of random green gear, a bunch of halloween/wintersday materials, and what are those, dungeon keys and sand?”
“That’s not the point! I need all of this stuff! Eventually! I’m pretty sure! Like mostly sure!”
I guarantee I could go through your entire bank, personal guild bank, and characters and free up at least 50% of space.
It literally is a hoarder mentality.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
What? Why would you even do that? Haven’t you got any hobbies you can get a long with instead of reporting childish or silly names?
I am a victim of this nonsense report names as i named my original norn male norn “fat disgrace” when I first started after beta but then deleted it and made it human. A year later some 1 reported this name for being offensive and a net forced me to change the char name, yet the account name is still here…. What’s even more pathetic is that I had this name for 7 years on gw1 and it was perfectly fine. I think people have nothing better to do and get kicks at reporting people
You triggered someone’s fat shame. It is quickly becoming some kind of a “protected” group.
“OMG Fat Disgrace?”
“I’m fat, is he calling me a disgrace?! Unacceptable! #beautyatallsizes #fatacceptance #bigisbeautiful #skinnykittenesaretheworst
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
You know what really grinds my gears? Not that long ago they released new SAB minipets to get, totally making me believe that OMG SAB must be coming back! Why would they release new SAB minis if it wasn’t coming back!
Totally didn’t come back. I mean, wtf Anet! Why would you tease us so!
They weren’t new, they were released
Are you sure? Then they were re-released or something.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
This. Something may not personally offend me, but if I believe that it’s against the ToS I will report it.
I would suggest only reporting things that you know for a fact are against the ToS, and not things you believe are against the ToS.
That’s not our job.
- We report.
- If those who view the report and have the ToS memorized and/or sitting right in front of them deem it as a violation, then they will take action.
- If they do not see it as a violation, the report will be discarded and they will move on to the next report.
That’s about it.
I do not believe your view on this matter will change regardless of what logic is offered to you, so further discussion on the topic with you is not something I shall continue. Just letting you know a response directed at me would be a waste of your time due to my being unlikely to ever read it.
I will accept your offer not to continue discussion on the topic, you know, since you and I never entered into a discussion in the first place…
My point is that it makes one look like a complete tightwad going around reporting people for things they "feel"or “believe” are against the rules, when they aren’t. It’s tantamount to calling 911 to report that McDonald’s didn’t give you french fries…
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I like this idea. It’s cute.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
You know what really grinds my gears? Not that long ago they released new SAB minipets to get, totally making me believe that OMG SAB must be coming back! Why would they release new SAB minis if it wasn’t coming back!
Totally didn’t come back. I mean, wtf Anet! Why would you tease us so!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Are you going to do fractals?
yes – craft ascended gear
no – dont craft ascended gear
ascended jewels on the other hand are better than exo ones and are easier to get.
Well, I mean, if you plan on playing this game for the next couple of years, there’s no reason not to craft Ascended. The stat increase is minimal, but it’s still a goal to work toward in this game. With the added benefit of potentially being able to do high level fractals.
Does he need it? Not at all. But if he has the time and money, by all means get Ascended.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Or, at least, don’t make it so two of the dailies on the same day are “Daily Fractal” and “Daily x-y Fractal”… Those two should be mutually exclusive but they always come up on the same day as each other.
Fractals should honestly get its own category when xpac hits. You could have great ones like:
Kill 100 enemies in Fractals.
Defeat <insert fractal boss>. (since I believe you will be able to select fractals in HoT if I recall)
Deal 1,000,000 damage in Fractals.
Complete a Fractal without being downed.
Blast 50 combo fields in Fractals.
All sorts of options!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
For PvE .. make it random 4 out of Fractals 1 – Fractals 50 .. so much choices there
and everybody would really enjoy this.
I see what you did there.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
yesterday i got a hoard chest from teq, and the day before that i got an exotic, and the day before that i got, well a spoon. what will i get today? who knows, but more to the point who cares? its the same thing every day and no matter how well i do or how lucky my drops it will be the same thing every day. the only sense of progress in this game is unlocking new skins
gw2 suffers from a distinct lack of any kind of progress, i do not feel myself getting more powerful or unlocking new abilities and what skills it does have all level up too quickly or are almost identical to eachother
You, uh, do know that an expansion comes out in about a month, right?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
. But I would like to get an updated response on this. My initial plans were to craft a few ascended pieces of zerker, to make grinding my pvp gear easier.
Do you mean WvW gear by chance? There is no PvP gear in GW2 per se.
In my opinion, your time would be better spent working straight on that WvW gear rather than make a zerk ascended set to grind to make yet another separate set for WvW, if you are mainly a WvW player. Zerker gear in WvW is a risky choice.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….