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Jumping Puzzle Broken?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


It did that last year too, but usually re-entering again fixed it.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Remove JP requirement for shoulder item!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I say keep the requirement. Helps to make the shoulder item a bit more exclusive.

For those that are struggling, if you happen to have a guildie or friend that you trust, you could always have them do it for you. I know some people are hesitant to give out login information, but I’ve gone on long vacations before and given my login info to a guildie I trusted (to get my login rewards) and it worked out great!

Unless that’s against the ToS for some reason, in which case everything I said is completely fabricated and has never happened, not even once.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Precursor - forge or buy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I think where people are getting confused is chance versus odds.

More tosses into the forge increase your chances of hitting the 1 in 1000 odds, or whatever the odds of precursors are these days.

Using the die example: if you’re simply looking to roll a 6. The more times you roll, the better your chances to get a 6. The odds of getting 1 six doesn’t change the more you roll, though, it’s still 1:6.

Now if you start to add parameters to it, your odds change. So let’s say you want three 6s in a row. The odds of that happening is reduced significantly. Instead of 1:6, it’s 1:6^3 or 1:216 odds to roll 3 6s in a row.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

(edited by Draknar.5748)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I’d just give up the argument and go play WoW. WoW is a better value-per-dollar game, hands down. Arguing this with GW2 fans, many of which are F2P leeches, is futile.

And if WoW isn’t enough, there is Hearthstone, HoTS, Diablo 3, and (soon) Overwatch. For what what you’d spend in GW2 to build a legendary (gem-to-cash conversion), you’d own all of the above games, AND have quite a bit of the F2P stuff unlocked.

Simply put: If you don’t mind spending money on a game, GW2 is not for you. Its like comparing Walmart with Macy’s. You either think smart and pay for value, or buy over-priced yuppy crap that you’ll end up putting on a garage sale in a year.

Ah yes, best value per dollar, with a value that decreases exponentially every month you pay your sub.

There’s a reason why every expansion that has come out recently has ultimately resulted in lost subscriptions. They get the die-hard fans that crave the WoW nostalgia to come back, pay the box price, renew their sub (and hope they forget to cancel it), play 30 days or so, remember that the game just isn’t how it was back in its prime, and then quit again.

WoW isn’t the same as when it was good. We all know it. Those holding on do so because they feel they are too deeply invested in the game to let it go. That’s their player base now, and Blizzard knows how to capitalize on it. It doesn’t matter how many times people are disappointed with an expansion and say “man, this one kind of sucked, this game isn’t what it used to be”, they will buy the next expansion and do it all over again, logging in merely for the social aspect and to justify the fact they are still paying money every month.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Any way to see display names in guild chat?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I think seeing account name would be far more useful for in-game mail. Sometimes I’ll get a message from a guidie’s alt and there’s no way to even tell who it came from if you aren’t familiar with that character. (as far as I know anyway)

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I would dare say most people hit level 20 on day 2 or 3 of playing the game. If that’s taking “ages” nowadays, then I feel sorry for MMO developers.

“I’ve been playing for a week now, how come I’m not at level cap! WTF is this grindfest!”

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


If you enjoy fractals, you can get anywhere from 7-15g (or more) in 60-90min if you do the dailies. Once you complete the dailies your g/hr decreases significantly, but that’s after like 10 fractals.

You can even skip the master daily if you aren’t comfortable with the harder levels.

Do NOT deposit collectibles during the entire process. A lot of people do it out of habit and then wonder why they have no gold at the end. You need to sell everything you get.

I just do the 2 page dailies and the adept/journeyman dailies.

I sell all stabilizing matrices (50-60s/ea), all ectos from salvaging rares, I open any encryptions I get with the free keys from the achievement chests (sometimes you can get lucky with a 1g item), then sell the rest of them on TP for 13s/ea. I save up all of my +1s to craft up into +8s to sell for 4g/ea (or just sell the +1s, up to you). And then I sell all of the mats I get from salvaging. The silk, the T6s, the T5s, all of it. You’d be surprised how much that all adds up.

Here’s the big one: salvage ALL rings you get from the chest. Yes buy the 1g tool to do it. You will always break even. I’ve never gotten less than 2 matrices from salvaging a ring and they are worth 50s each easily, but you can get upwards of 20+ matrices from one ring (it’s RNG). One night I got 2 rings, both gave me 20 matrices. I sold all 40 for 20g instantly. That was within an hour of play time.

With a competent team it takes me about 70-90min to do 6 fractals (depending on the page daily fractal options).

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Dungeon merchant vendor looks kinda dull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


At work so I can’t check right now. Are the associated vendors still present in front of their respective dungeons?

Was there a vendor posted in front of each dungeon? I don’t remember that being a thing.

It’s one guy who has tabs for each dungeon now, instead of one vendor for each dungeon, wearing the armor set. Don’t recall what dungeon set he’s wearing, if one at all.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

What to do now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


WvW/Fractals/Dungeons are dead. What is left in GW2? I don’t care about the story and for the moment, I have no goals apart from getting insane amounts of gold to unlock gems store things which isn’t plausible.

What do you guys do atm?

If by fractals being dead you mean constant groups for multiple levels at all hours of the day every day of every week, then sure, I guess it’s dead…

WvW and dungeons are dead, sure. But I’ll be kitten ed if I sit here and have you claim fractals are dead. They are more alive than they ever were pre-HoT.

If you don’t want to do story, you don’t want to do WvW, dungeons or fractals, I’m assuming you don’t want to do PvP. I also take it you aren’t interested in exploring.

What is it you want to do? Just farm gold? Why? That’s an exercise is tedium. Your time would be better spent doing literally anything else.

It sounds like you pretty much want a barbie doll game, where you can unlock multiple outfits and just look at your characters (yes Fashion Wars 2 huehue…). Most people playing this game seek things beyond this. If that’s all you want, then I would say start playing every MMO you can get your hands on; that way you have all sorts of different characters and armor styles you could ever want, without the worry of having to complain that there’s nothing else you want to do besides dressing up your characters!

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

More money milking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


What! Optional items in the gemstore that I don’t have to purchase unless I want to!?!

How dare they!

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Less stuff to do than before the expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748



Before the expansion hit i mainly used to do fractals and sometimes dungeons. With the launch of the expansion you basically killed both of them. Fractals are incredibly boring now because you can just brainafk spam 1 and succeed since the enemies don’t hit hard anymore. Also due to the removing of the random fractals, everyone is just rolling swamp and other short fractals all day long.

As a fractal focused player I’m a bit insulted. I can tell you clearly weren’t a frequenter of fractals based on your comments.

a) People rolled swamp constantly pre-HoT. That’s not new. That’s what everyone did. Path of least resistance. This isn’t new for HoT, GW2, or MMOs in general.

b) You need to do specific fractals now for achievements. You can’t just do swamp. It gets you nowhere. The people only rolling swamp or molten boss are the ones trying to do the 3-fractal dailies. You can do that, or I dunno, post your own LFG? I post random fractals all the time (legendary backpiece sends you to specific ones, plus there are still some I need to complete for the main achievements). My groups typically fill up and in the fractal within 5min. If there’s a fractal you want to do, make a group and go do it. No one is stopping you. If you don’t see a fractal you want to join, just create your own.

c) Fractals under 50 were basically made easier. If you did fractals regularly you should have certainly been at 50 already and if you are looking for actual challenge, spend your time doing the 50+ fractals. Unless you want me to believe you have 150AR, have cleared through 100, and still believe spamming 1 gets you through it. I would never believe this, btw.

d) Fractals have improved across the board with HoT. They take less time commitment, give better rewards, and now there is a nice legendary backpiece to work towards over the long term.

Sorry for wall, I just love doing fractals haha. I think it’s one area they got right with HoT.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


And round and round it goes, they promised at pax south that our best in slot now would stay best in slot.Now when legendary armor is added to the game that will replace ascended as best in slot.and ascended becomes second rate gear.

It’s not but keep believing that bs. You won’t become stronger just because you’re in Legendary. I’d say other thing about you, but you’re not worth the ban I’d get.
Keep whining while I kill Gorseval again.

Edit.: Befor you start bringing up your nonsense
" Legendary equipment will always have the same relative stats as the highest quality available for the item type. Currently, the only legendary items available are weapons and backpacks and the highest available quality of weapons/backpacks is ascended, so legendary items have 175% relative stats.1" copy pasted from the wiki from

Haven’t you heard? Being extra shiny adds like 10% perceived DPS from the sparkles alone! Don’t even get me started on the +crit chance from colorful footfalls!

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


While you’re at it. Bring back the bunny ears, our guild would like them to be official head-wear.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Gold Seller whisper Spam.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I haven’t seen one whisper of gold spam since HoT launched. Maybe they all hang out in HoTM?

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Unable to join a party? Seriously?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I’m not necessarily against there being a lock out for joining too many parties. But the threshold is way too low. I’ve been in the same boat. Try to join a group, was apparently a smidge too late so got the party full message. Try another, same thing. Try a 3rd time and I’m locked out from partying.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

My current pet hate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Trouble is, there aren’t that many other ones I fancy doing either. Fractals? No thanks. armor collections- could do, if only it would show me which cultural armor I have already collected so I don’t waste karma on another medium human set when I have that one..

I believe cultural armor has its own collection where you can view what you’ve unlocked. If I recall correctly.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Am I To Mediocre For This Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


So what about PvE then? Well I just cant get good at Fractals and dungeons, so im not even gonna try Raids.


Why can’t you get good at fractals or dungeons? Specifically fractals, because they scale from stupid easy in the beginning, to pretty frustrating. But that’s over the course of 100 levels!

Most people that do fractals level 1-10 already know new people will join, so they are typically pretty easy going. I know I am.

I say give it a shot.

If FoTM1-10 is outside of your skill level, then I would answer yes to your original question. You are too mediocre for this game. Mediocre wouldn’t even be the term, because even mediocre players can get through fotm1-10, so I don’t know what we would call it.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Trading post question..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I haven’t seen a auction house trading post like this before. I’m not complaining or anything like that, just doing good on selling my stuff what i don’t need.

My question is this.. Why is it on buying the item cost more to get than selling it? I’m always seeing it different on current buyers and sellers. I am very curious that’s all. :-)

If you are looking for say, globs of ectoplasm and pull up the page, you will see two columns:

One is for people who have their items up for sale. You can buy these immediately. But, let’s say you aren’t interested in purchasing immediately. At this point you can put in a buy order for less than what it is currently listed for. This number shows up for people that are trying to sell the item.

So let’s say you now have some globs of ectoplasm for sale. You’ve got one column where people have listed buy orders, meaning, if you want to sell immediately, you can sell it to those people who have requested a specific price. If you aren’t in a hurry, you can list the item on the trading post for more (most people will match the current lowest seller, or go just a hair under).

It’s really just the difference of people wanting to buy or sell instantly, versus people who want to fix their prices and hope they sell later on for more.

Does that make sense?

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Verdant Brink is...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


-A pain in the kitten to navigate.
-Full of powerful and bothersome yet irrelevant mobs
-Required for hero points that are necessary yet a pain in the kitten to get.

Irrelevant mobs, you say? One could argue that most MMO enemies are irrelevant. I mean, how relevant are the packs of moa that you run through in every other map. Or the Oakhearts, or heck, any mob that isn’t part of an event…

Sounds like TCGs are more your speed. I’d say your investment was sound.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

[Suggestion] Normal version of raid

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


1) That’s like people saying. What legalizing gay marriage, this will lead to legalizing marriage between family members or between a human and animals. Are you pro bestiality? Then don’t legalize gay marriage. Same kitten here. Don’t make an easy mode, because then people will ask for something else, and then ask for another thing and if anet do all those things, then TERRIBLE CONSEQUENCE.

2) IF an easy mode is created. And tbh I would only remove the timer and add maybe 2 updaft at Gorseval and that’s it. So the mechanics are as hard, just more flexible on the dps composition. And IF they allow legendary armor to be feasible in easy mode, just longer. Why people would stop doing the hard mode? That make no sense. I know I won’t be. Raid are once a week so I want the best reward. I’ll enjoy more the hard mode that’s for sure and I’m not alone in that situation.

Look at it this way. PvP league are on now. There is 6 divisions and the higher you climb the harder the matches get. Still, as far as I know anybody can complete the legendary. It will be longer, but that’s all. OH kitten . Nobody want to play in higher league anymore. Everybody want to stay in emerald and sapphire and not try to get higher at all. Right? That’s the situation we are in at the moment right?

As long as the reward is nerf at a good rate from normal raid, easy mode is a good thing imo.

1) Not even close. This is a video game, with a very specific, highly-sensitive, entitled, casual player base. People literally threatened to quit because the legendary backpiece was going to be locked behind fractals, and they don’t like fractals, so it wasn’t fair. This has nothing to do with a real life social topic, let alone one that is so politically and emotionally charged…

2) Why would people stop doing hard-mode? Because in this game, and in ALL games, the vast majority of people will take the path of least resistance. I mean, why wouldn’t people simply farm Arah (back before dungeon nerfs)? It gave the best rewards (monetarily), but it was longer and harder than all others. So what happened? People ran only the shortest, easiest possible dungeons over and over. The same would happen with raids.

Sure it is all hypothetical right now, but even if easy mode gave less progress towards legendary, the fact it is easier already means it will be completed faster and more consistently. Why spend weeks trying to pass one boss with your static team (getting no rewards on failures mind you), when you can PUG easy mode multiple times a week, clearing the bosses. Even 1/5 of the reward progress is still better than NO progress from all of the hard-mode failing.

3) PvP and PvE are too different beasts. People that play PvP league are typically not your casual players. Far from it. They are people that understand time and effort need to be put in to get somewhere. That’s simply not the case for 90% of GW2 players, who would never step foot in PvP leagues, raids, or heck even fractals over level 20. This is not a fair comparison as it deals with two very different types of players.

I’m all for ez mode raids, so long as the ez mode raids do not let you get any exclusive items, legendary items, ascended items, or any progress towards those items. They should be for people who simply want to see the dungeon, maybe get some gold or exotics/rares, and that’s it. If rewards are the same for ez and hard, then I assure you, very few people will do hard.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Mastery Farming?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Where are people doing it now for HoT masteries since Anet (pointlessly) nerfed the spiders?

What’s the rush? There a big deadline to have your masteries done of which I’m unaware?

Use Celebration Booster + XP Booster (the one with built in Killstreak XP booster) + banner buff + food buff. Then go to a zone and start doing events, killing things you come across, etc.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

My current pet hate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I’m trying to collect Tyrian mastery points (mainly wvw player here, but have to grind them out in pve land). This is proving somewhat frustrating, as many are gated (seems to be a common theme in this release).

I’m currently looking at ‘Ruler of Shinies’…minimum level 4 map in Dry Top, so that’s gated behind long multiple events and either searching for the elusive lfg that is doing Dry Top, or just getting lucky that someone is doing DT this week. Not great for my limited unscheduled play time.

Other one I was looking at is ‘going for Gold’ or something in SW, which is basically 30 or something jump puzzle type things to grab some badges. After falling off the rope 4 times, finally got to the platform (yes, it’s SM8- well it could be), then need to jump on to a log in mid air..10 tries later I’ve had enough of Jump Puzzle SM8.2 and just log off in frustration.

Going for Gold is legitimately difficult. Some of those locations are harder than every JP currently in the game. My suggestion is to pull up dulfy, start doing them one by one. Do a couple a day, or maybe 30min on an attempt at one before stopping and doing something else. All I can say, is that some of them took days of rage quitting before I finally got them.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Legendary Crafting, don't do it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


ITT: People that honestly thought that legendary crafting “journey” meant they would simply get a list of items, go to TP to buy them, and it would be cheaper than buying a precursor off the bat.

The legendary crafting gives you a long term goal to work towards. You can make all of those deldrimor ingots on your own, for FAR less than 9-10g if you farm the materials yourself. That’s the point.

If you were planning to shortcut by using the TP, then take the ultimate shortcut of buying the precursor from the get-go. If you aren’t interested in speed and want to do it over time slowly for far less than buying on TP, then do legendary crafting and gather the mats yourself.

It’s really that simple. Don’t listen to OP, he doesn’t understand what the point of the crafting is.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

[Suggestion] Normal version of raid

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


This is what would happen:

Make easy mode raids. Everyone does easy mode except a small % who are actually good and going after legendary armor. The small % get legendary armor. The casuals who frequent easy mode see said legendary armor. We now have 100 posts on forums about how legendary armor should be available from the easy raids, just maybe it takes longer. More and more people complain saying it isn’t fair to lock items behind something that is too hard for the majority of players, they want to play their way, they also keep chanting “man-i-fest-ooooooo”.

Anet makes legendary armor available from easy mode. No one ever does hard mode again. 100s of posts show up on the forum saying GW2 is too easy, that there’s no challenging group content. Then they add a new wing of raid that’s actually difficult. We repeat this whole thing over again.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

That guy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Dying in GW2 is not the end of the world…


I don’t believe the OP stated or even implied that he thought it was the end of the world.

Just making a fairly light-hearted statement expressing his frustration at people who go out of their way to try and get AFK people killed.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

A Typical Evening in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I’ve played Guild Wars since Factions was released and like I said, I really do like parts of this game and don’t want to leave. I have a legendary weapon, Nightfury, a halo, full light ascended armour, 20-odd ascended weapons, synergetic blade shard back item, Mawdrey, etc, etc. I’ve Been There and Done That several times. I’ve also never played any other MMORPG for more than a few days trial because they just didn’t ‘feel’ right to me.

I’m also the leader of our guild and couldn’t possibly abandon our members after we’ve been through so many good times together. Some of our members have stood beside me through thick and thin and I owe them the same consideration.

I don’t like HoT as it feels claustrophobic to me when I’m in the maps, amongst other annoyances. I don’t like PvP or WvW so am limited to non-HoT PvE maps, dungeons and Fractals all of which seem to have been abandoned by ANet.

If I do leave GW it won’t be a snap or angry rage-quit decision as once I leave I’ll not return. I’ll be wiping away ten years history so will just log off one night and quietly vanish from the game and these forums. I will also take as many guildies with me as I can so we can reform elsewhere, these are good friends. Right now that route isn’t even being considered as I want to stay but, and this was the point of my original post, I’m becoming increasingly bored. It’s my hope that ANet will pull a rabbit from the hat as the phrase goes, but I’m becoming increasingly sceptical of that.

Oh well, Windersday is here soon so hopefully that’ll provide some entertainment.

You have to separate GW1 and GW2 when you think of the history. Leaving GW2 won’t throw away the times you spent and enjoyed in GW1.

I definitely agree that leaving your guild, as a leader, is not an easy decision. From your original post it sounded as though the rest of your guild is on the same page as you? Have you guys all considered moving to a different game together?

I’m a pretty big GW2 fan, and I’m not suggesting to leave the game because I find the game poor. Quite the contrary. But I firmly believe that playing an MMO, in addition to the social aspect, should at the very least be fun. If you aren’t having fun, then you will only grow more frustrated with the game.

MMOs come and go. I’ve made great friends in many of them and have lost communication with most of them after I left whatever game it was. It’s the nature of MMOs and something I think people understand and accept as inevitable.

You almost sound like a parent that is staying in a loveless marriage, simply for the kids. While a nice thought, it’s not always the best choice.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Bandit Sniper's Outfit: STILL BROKE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


You have never been able to turn off shoulders and gloves on outfits. Where have you been!

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

If you're looking for an honest Dev answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


So why the silence about taking away human female animations, Super Adventure Box, Etc

The silence is defining,

I’m guessing you didn’t spend much time reading the items in the link so I’ll go ahead and answer it for you so you don’t have to put in the effort of reading and inferring.

They seemingly have a high turn-over rate due to poor company management. I’m sure the team that worked on the original SAB doesn’t work there anymore. As for human female animations, that could seemingly have been a mistake or they were planning on changing something, got halfway, then a director changed their mind, told them to stop the project, and then never undid the change they made. Or the specific person working on it no longer works there, and their organization is so chaotic that they don’t know where he left off or who was working on what, and it just gets forgotten.

They also seem to be plagued with frequent equipment failures and their IT staff is too small and slammed to get anything done in a timely manner, causing projects to take exceptionally long and scrapped all together.

Bringing in new programmers also seems to be a slow-down as their current system is apparently not standard and/or so convoluted that make even minor tweaks is a large undertaking.

All in all, they seem to be able to start a lot of projects, but due to high turn-over and frequent decision changes by upper management, never finish them. This would explain pretty much every single complaint we see on the forums.

2 of the 3 original founders have left the game already, and the 1 remaining (O’Brien) apparently hired outside executives to try and fill those roles. People who had no idea what the core concept of GW2 is or was and are all supposedly yes-men. This may also explain the strong push for eSports. I’m sure one of these “experts” pulled in said it would be a great idea, and the upper management ran with it.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

If you're looking for an honest Dev answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


You don’t have to look far

Now you know why they aren’t doing so good and are so reluctant to give answers.

This is the most useful and interesting thing I’ve read on these forums. It really gives insight into why the heck everything seems to be going awry. It’s a shame it seems that the CEO is completely disconnected from his customer base and does not seem to care enough to change, plus it seems to be unanimously agreed that he has his hands in too many departments and is apparently the be-all-end-all of all decisions, often causing projects to be scrapped completely, even when they are close to completion, simply because he changed his mind.

Underpaid and understaffed is what I suspected for the snail’s pace of bug fixes and meaningful content (I didn’t suspect underpaying, just understaffing).

I do like to see that there still are passionate and creative people that work there, but if management doesn’t get their kitten together, those people will leave and we really will be looking at a serious problem.

Very useful post and very eye-opening: 10/10 would read again.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Letter to AN

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


This is an example of a poor post. Just over-the-top ranting, with sweeping statements that don’t offer any specifics and absolutely no solutions. Simply “the game is trash fix it”.

Competent people communicating with community would be a very good start. As OP mentioned "Fix the game and stop ignoring your players. ".

Ah yes, “fix the game.” Why didn’t THEY think of that! ………………………….


I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Letter to AN

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


This is an example of a poor post. Just over-the-top ranting, with sweeping statements that don’t offer any specifics and absolutely no solutions. Simply “the game is trash fix it”.

Elite specs broken? Only in PvP? How so? Because you don’t know how to avoid DH traps or something?

WvW broken? How do you figure? Because no one plays it? That’s not broken, that’s simply unpopular. What is broken about it?

Leagues broken? Didn’t they just come out? How can you possibly claim they are broken? Because you lost some matches? What is broken about it?

Worst letter to ANet I’ve read all year. 0/10 would not read again.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

A Typical Evening in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Well, you’ve listed a lot of different things and clearly dislike them all. Have you, I dunno, considered playing anything else?

Like why are you even playing this game?

HoT- I enjoy thoroughly
Raids – I, and my guild, enjoy thoroughly
Fractals – my favorite activity in game
Dungeons – this part I’m with you on, but I was never really a big fan in the first place.

The game’s not for you, anymore, and that’s fine. But there’s certainly no sense in continuing to log on if you aren’t having fun. There are lots of other games out there that might be more suited to you.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Anet you need to/can be better with us

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


OP, that was actually well said. It wasn’t an uninformed, regurgitated anti-GW2 rant like pretty much every “Manifesto!! GW2 is dying!!” thread that has popped up recently.

I agree on many of your points, and this is coming from a pretty big GW2 fan.

HoT lackluster: I’ve not really spent enough time in HoT zones to have experienced any of these major bugs. But I understand they exist and, honestly, Anet has been pretty notorious for taking excessive amounts of time to fix bugs, if they even ever get fixed. Some say that they won’t do patches for one thing here and there, but rather wait for a large number of items to be fixed and then release a patch. If that’s the case it needs to stop. That method has built a terrible reputation. I don’t think any player would care having a tiny update every day if it meant some bug was addressed. If that isn’t the reason then I dunno what to say. Pick a team of people, give them a list, and give them a deadline.

Obsolescence: Disagree fractals should be listed in obsolescence category. It’s like the most popular thing right now haha. But I agree it was a really odd decision to nerf dungeon rewards. I get you want to shift focus, but why reduce the rewards for a game type that still had fans? Like why ? Finding a dungeon group takes forever now, if you find one at all.

eSports: I agree MMOs have never really been in the eSports scene, but I believe they wanted to give it a shot. Someone has to be an innovator. It’s still early on, but in general it’s an uphill battle. Accessing PvP in an MMO for eSports is too much of a commitment. Even if the game is F2P. Most other eSports have a very low barrier to entry. Want to play some LoL and never played before? Go download it and you can jump in instantly, each hero has very few abilities, you can get good quickly, but takes time to master.

Want to play GW2 PvP and never played before? Download it and make 9 different characters and then learn the far more complex combat system and 40 or however many skills per class this game has. Plus their player and audience pool is already very niche compared to every other major eSport.

Note: It’s surprisingly close to Smash Bros. on that Twitch list, which, I think we can all agree, is the greatest fighting game in existence. So that’s something.

Lack of Communication: Yea, I agree. They are pretty low on the transparency/communication front. I mean, whatever your people tell Dulfy is what you should be telling us on your own official forums. You obviously have the information!

Focus on Monetary: Here I disagree a bit. I don’t believe making monetary items and fixing bugs are mutually exclusive. I’m personally fine with the level of cosmetic crap they keep making. I feel that even if they stopped making cosmetic stuff, that bugs wouldn’t be fixed any faster. I think they are simply poor at implementing bug fixes in a timely manner (perhaps a separate team?), which is something they should work on. Keep that sparkly crap coming, though!

Too many directions: I feel they have a relatively small development team, which makes trying to focus on each area simultaneously harder and slower. I do think, however, that they can focus on one for a while, then move on to the next. The problem is they seem to release things when they’re mostly done, but not totally done. Which is fine, I suppose, but they either never finish them or take inordinate amounts of time to finish them.

Still love the game though haha.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Why GW1 > GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Because “hard-core” isn’t good for business. Just look at what catering to “hard-core” did to WildStar. You sell a lot more copies to players who aren’t looking for “hard-core” but something fun to do.

Welcome to the age of the “filthy casual” gaming. It’s not just for elitists anymore.

I agree and disagree here. Not sure where you land on the fence, but I agree hardcore is not good for business. Not anymore. But on the other side we now have people that believe they should be able to do anything they want and get whatever items they want because that’s what being casual is about and they need to cater to the casuals. Anything with even slight difficulty now is considered “hardcore” by these people and strongly opposed.

So no, hardcore content isn’t good for business, but neither is making everything stupid easy. You need to have difficulty progression and HoT is a perfect example of it being done correctly. HoT is not too hard. It’s the right amount of difficulty for level 80 maps that are designed to be harder than the current level 80 maps. People have just become too complacent and lazy. If they can’t complete it on their 1st attempt, then its too hard and not worth trying.

You used to have to get better at games to get further. First you need to jump on this mushroom, then maybe a gap. Then you have to jump over mushrooms while projectiles are being shot at you, then jump over a bigger gap that requires a run jump, then there’s mushrooms that have spikes you can’t jump on, and way more projectiles and jumps you can only make by jumping on a flying enemy.

If some of these “it’s too hard” complainers played a game like that they’d say, “whoa, a projectile? Like you expect me to have to look at it and then avoid it? WTF this isn’t Dark Souls!”

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

(edited by Draknar.5748)

wings wings and more wings?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Yes there are wings, and yes people use them more than other skins, but let’s be real, a big powerful warrior, in full plate, wouldn’t wear some lame leather backpack like they were going to summer camp.

Scabbards, quivers, and capes. Those are your true back items. All of this other stuff is frilly non-sense, and if we’re gonna have frilly non-sense items, then sign me up for some sparkle wings.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Why GW1 > GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


In GW1 you had prestigious armor sets.
When you looked at someone in GW1 wearing FoW armor, you knew that was a hardcore player that had been places, accomplished many tasks and was a warrior.
Someone you wanted in your party.
There is nothing epic about buying outfits and playing GW2 barbie.
And that is why GW1 was more epic than GW2.

Contrasted with GW2’s community where the phrase hard-core is offensive and there can never be prestige items because it will make those without it feel inadequate and resentful of those that put time into content that they “don’t want to play” but still feel they deserve the rewards.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Kitten

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


What I dislike about the new fractals? Letting the poor rewards aside (yeah, they said to fix them, but I won’t believe it til I see it), no more randomness, everyone just picks out the fastest/easiest ones to get things done asap. People play each level once for the achievement or to get to lvl 100 and then it’s the same boring routine. Do swamp, do molten duo, do one of the two again, repeat on the next difficulty. Yay.

I’m really not sure how people started believing that somehow fractal rewards are worse since HoT. I consider myself a fractal-er. It’s my preferred game mode in GW2, I do at least 4 each weekday (that typically takes 45-60min depending on group), weekends I do many more.

So I don’t sound like a complete BSer, last night I did the 2 daily fractals for the pages and the 21-50 daily (do 3 in that range). It took me 47min to do all 4 fractals (believe it was a 4, 21, 25, and 40 we did).

I emptied my inventory before we started and made sure not to deposit collectibles at any time (I do it without thinking out of habit so it took a lot of willpower not to press it haha)

I salvaged all of my rares (6 of them—9 ectos from them 32s/ea or a little under 3g), with exception of one staff worth 50s which I put on TP (and sold within 2min), I salvaged 2 exotics I had gotten (got 1 soldier inscription worth ~2g, the other I got dark matter and an ecto), I salvaged the ascended ring I got (was a duplicate—I spent 1g on the salvage kit here, ended up with 10 stabilizing matrices worth ~43s/ea, so net profit of 3g just on that ring—you can get anywhere from 2-20 matrices from a ring, 20 was the highest I’ve gotten, not sure if others have gotten more), I had gotten 3 matrices from the various achievement chests, sold for 1.2g.

From all of the blues and greens salvaged I had ended up with ~2g worth of materials I listed on TP, that all sold before I had logged out last night.

That’s already over 10g, in 45min, and I didn’t even open my encryptions. I ended up with 14 of them or so.

I also haven’t sold the 65 +1 infusions as I’m saving them up to craft into +8s. But if I were to sell the 65 infusions, it would be worth around 90s.

That’s 47min of playing, and over 11g+ in loot. Obviously your mileage may vary, but my typical average over an hour in fractals is around 10g. Sometimes a bit less, sometimes a bit more, but 10g seems to be a fair average for me. I’m at 150% base MF by the way.

I certainly wasn’t making this money doing just fractals pre-HoT.

The only problem with fractals, IMO, is the stupid low XP you get. I can do 30 fractals and maybe I’ll get a half a bar of XP. It’s stupid. And that’s with celebration booster AND an XP booster. Supposedly they increased the XP you get, but it must have been so marginal that it’s unnoticeable.

Sorry for the long post. As a fractal fan, it pains me to constantly read people talking about how poor fractal rewards are. I think the only people that say that are the ones that don’t actually spend time in fractals. That or people don’t actually think about all of the materials they get from doing it and simply deposit collectibles and then complain they aren’t making money.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Warrior or ranger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Despite QQ’s about Warrior’s pvp performance its still a top tier PVE class.

Ranger has higher pvp potential but Anet loves to slap it with unwarranted nerfs that can affect its PVE performance (which isn’t that great unless you fill a niche like healer Druid, especially compared to Warrior).

Unless you love Ranger for its flavor as a beastmaster/bowman and some of its unique aspects I would steer clear.

I believe condi ranger is 2nd highest condi DPS option in the game. They’ve become quite useful.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


So I took a long break from GW2, and have no idea what Super Adventure Box is. :/
Is it worth getting my hopes up for it?

Then your break must have been for 2+ years haha. SAB is GW2’s take on an old school 8bit platformer. It’s awesome. If you like Jumping Puzzles and platformers, that is.

Think it first came out in 2013 around April fool’s, then again a year later, and then nothing for 1.5years or so.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Since when did GW2 become a Hardcore MMO?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


TD meta is a pushover compared to raids. and when did the people that played this game since launch ask for this crap? Anet decided to screw over there own player base to draw in a few raiders from wow.

Since when? People have been asking for raids or any other kind of small group / non-world encounter challenging group content since year 1. Where the heck have you been?

Next you’ll be saying no one ever asked for mounts or capes.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Astralaria III

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Everything on your list is easily gathered luckily. Sure it’s time consuming, but that is 100% the point.

If you want the item fast, you will pay 100s of gold. If you are OK getting the item over a long period of time while you do other things in game, then you will get it for very little out of pocket.

It’s up to you. Anet has given you options.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

GW2 is No Longer a Refuge :(

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


So if they scale the materials requirements based on membership…

What’s to stop a big guild from starting a 2nd guild, moving all members to said second guild, thus reducing their main membership down to 5 members, and then having all members from the 2nd guild supply the now lower-tier requirements until everything is maxed out, and then move everyone back to the 1st guild?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And it would be abused by every large guild in the game. Why kill yourself trying to acquire 10x the amount of materials when you can simply reduce your membership to the lowest tier, fill those reqs, and then invite everyone back in?

That suggestion was not thought through properly, methinks.

Actually, people in this thread suggested quite a few ways to solve this. Might want to, you know, read the whole thread.

Actually they didn’t solve all the problems of the scaling suggestion, because it has many and has been addressed already.

You might want to, you know, read the whole thread.

Read all 10 pages of posts? Yea right…. lol

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

ANET can you make some mini-game easier????

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Here’s a tip: some of the mini-games require certain masteries to get gold rating.

Like that one where you turn into a mushroom. I don’t think you can even get Silver without having the speedshroom mastery. I did a flawless run, no masteries, and was still 15secs from even getting bronze. Maybe there’s a shortcut somewhere I missed. But just normal speed, not getting hit by anything, not missing any jumps (I’m a SAB trib mode veteran, so I’m no jumpin’ fool), constant forward momentum, and I couldn’t get bronze.

I figured bronze would be what you would get by doing bare minimum, not full effort, but not getting lost or falling somewhere, no masteries required. Silver is the same, maybe with masteries enabled. And Gold is very difficult, where you might have to skip areas with clever jumping and masteries are a must.

Someone did without speed mushrooms. Even caught the attention of the Dev that designed that adventure.

Holy crap! So many shortcuts! That one at the end is nuts! That shaved off like 20secs!

How come when I use my #2 skill it doesn’t jump me nearly that far. Is there a timing on it? I hit 2, wait til I see ground target circle then click where I want to go and nothing happens.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Mastery points & annoying jumping puzzles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I can only assume you mean the Aetherblade Not So Secret JP for those diving goggles. It’s the only goggles I don’t have. Whoever decided blind jumping with high % of death and complete restart if you do die should be fired…

And those SW Gold badges, haha, some of those make every other JP in the game look like walking straight through a field of daisies.

I don’t care that a mastery point is behind that content, however. I just agree they are difficult.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

GW2 to WOW but gw2 for every!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Everyone I know that still plays WoW literally logs on, stands around chatting, then logs off.

The grass is always greener, as they say.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

ANET can you make some mini-game easier????

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Here’s a tip: some of the mini-games require certain masteries to get gold rating.

Like that one where you turn into a mushroom. I don’t think you can even get Silver without having the speedshroom mastery. I did a flawless run, no masteries, and was still 15secs from even getting bronze. Maybe there’s a shortcut somewhere I missed. But just normal speed, not getting hit by anything, not missing any jumps (I’m a SAB trib mode veteran, so I’m no jumpin’ fool), constant forward momentum, and I couldn’t get bronze.

I figured bronze would be what you would get by doing bare minimum, not full effort, but not getting lost or falling somewhere, no masteries required. Silver is the same, maybe with masteries enabled. And Gold is very difficult, where you might have to skip areas with clever jumping and masteries are a must.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

What has happened to your manifesto!?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I wonder if in 5 years we will still see these manifesto posts. My money is on yes.

All I know is I didn’t have to get new gear to jump into the new content. My armor still is, and always will be, top tier. That’s the no grind they were talking about.

Otherwise what isn’t a grind? Oh man, 60 silver to buy this salvage kit from a vendor? So I have to grind money to buy this item?! I need 3 silk to make this bolt? So I have to grind silk to make this bolt of silk?! I have to earn XP to level up? So I have to grind monsters, events, crafting, gathering, story, PvP, or WvW to level up?!?!?!?!?!!

For realsies.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Why can't I level my masteries anywhere?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


meta grinds and gutted wvw are leading to the early death of this game

You can’t possibly believe “gutted” WvW is a leading factor of anything in GW2. WvW was already a small subset of the GW2 population. Yes, it is dead for the most part (compared to years 1-2 when it was still sorta fresh), but it’s hardly dead from being gutted. I’m not even sure what you mean by that. They’ve only added content to WvW, not taken anything away. WvW died because it sat stagnant for too long and the serious WvWers got bored and moved on.

Either way, they could eliminate WvW entirely and it would likely do very little to the overall GW2 population.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

GW2 is No Longer a Refuge :(

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


So if they scale the materials requirements based on membership…

What’s to stop a big guild from starting a 2nd guild, moving all members to said second guild, thus reducing their main membership down to 5 members, and then having all members from the 2nd guild supply the now lower-tier requirements until everything is maxed out, and then move everyone back to the 1st guild?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And it would be abused by every large guild in the game. Why kill yourself trying to acquire 10x the amount of materials when you can simply reduce your membership to the lowest tier, fill those reqs, and then invite everyone back in?

That suggestion was not thought through properly, methinks.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Economy Fail: price to high, gold too rare

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


And here I am making more money post-HoT than I was pre-HoT and have changed nothing…

Sounds like the dungeon farmers are the ones that can’t figure out what the heck to do.

My typical day is log in, do 3 dailies for the AP, do fractal dailies, log out. Weekends I’ll do some HoT mastery farming (events), but only weekends. I typically make 100g/week. That’s just with dailies and fractal dailies. Sell all stabilizing matrices (45s/ea), sell all ectos (~31s/ea), sell all mats and T5/T6, open all encryptions (for the chance at the 1g+junk items which I’ve been pretty lucky with—or sell them for 11s/ea), craft up Agony Infusions to +8’s (~4.5g/ea).

People are under this misconception that there are no ways to make good money in this game, versus the reality which is there are simply less ways to make good money now. You can either seek out the ways to make good money, even if its outside your wheelhouse, or you can pout about it and then quit for another MMO that you will quit for another MMO that you will quit.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….