It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
It’s the same point as when it was only going to be Exotic. The point is that it is BiS. That’s it. If they started making content that required Ascended gear to complete then we’d be playing WoW…
The whole point of GW2 is that nothing is required. I can complete FoTM, every dungeon, every path, every world boss with Exotic gear. Heck I’ve done it with Rare gear.
The fact you are looking for a point means you don’t quite get GW2.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Where can I find the Kingpin in W2 Z1?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Draknar.5748
Yea follow the raccoon thieves, they will lead you there.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Here is where you’re wrong OP. He reached his target audiance. SAB is a game with in a game. Anet obviously gave him artistic licence to develop content geared toward players with a higher skill level.
Higher skilled players? LOL. After they added infinite continue coins, all “skill” requirements went out the window. Now it’s just a matter of patience and time.
If the Infinite Coin rezzed you where you died or something then I’d be inclined to agree with you, but it kicks you back to the checkpoint like anything else. You need skill to get through the levels. If you suck you will be running from checkpoint to death forever. Infinite coin is basically Freeplay mode at an arcade. You can spend as much time as you want, but either you have the skills to beat it or you don’t.
Have you ever played a hard game that has infinte lives? Having those infinite lives really means nothing if you can’t beat the content.
The ones who say it is P2W clearly don’t want/can’t afford to shell out $6-$7 for the Freeplay option (think of it like 28 quarters, I know I spent at least that to get 4 levels into the old Simpson’s arcade game before running out of coins).
Arcades were meant to bring in money. The content was designed for you to die and put more quarters in. Giving people the ability to Freeplay does not make the content any easier, it just saves you money…
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I actually understand where you’re coming from OP.
All I can say is to think of it this way: The normal mode in SAB is meant to be as hard as every JP that exists currently. That content is meant for normal players too, and I know plenty of people that can’t finish the Aetherblade JP. Those same people will have trouble with SAB. They are the normal ones and are supposed to have trouble with it, in the same way a hard JP would give them trouble. Think of each checkpoint as a hard JP. I can’t think of any part of W2 that I died more than I had died on some of the tough JPs in the past (Mad King especially).
If you think of it that way then you will understand why Normal has some of those tough features in them. It’s supposed to be frustrating.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Amen brother.
I play GW2 because there’s nothing else. I’m going to jump on the next triple A MMO that comes out; even if it has a subscription fee. Anything other than a boring grind fest for casual noobs would suffice.
Have a feeling you will be having this same discussion in whatever future MMO forums you choose to play. Grind will always happen. It’s the only way to keep people occupied who want to play 5+hrs/day, I mean, think about it. Every MMO has grind. EVERY MMO. All future ones will too. You can’t make a game that can be played for 3000+hrs without there being repetitive content. It is literally impossible. You have to cater to too wide a range of players. I play 1-2hrs a day and I feel like there’s little grind, some people play significantly more and feel there is a major grind.
Can’t please everyone.
For the hardcore (which I used to be and have evolved passed it): think of the game you epitomize as the ultimate perfect game back in the day. Explain how there was no grinding. Hell even UO was a grind fest, I remember rigging my keyboard so that my character would auto-attack a freaking dummy for hours every day to max my skills.
It’s all grind. You just have to choose which grind you prefer to play. It seems many are deciding GW2 grind isn’t for them. They have no other games to fall back on so they continue playing. They say when the next MMO comes out they are going to play that. $1000 says one year after that game’s release there will be grind complaints.
Embrace grind. It isn’t going anywhere.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Yea lol 2-4 hours for dailies, good one. If it takes me more than 20min I feel as though I’ve wasted time somewhere lol.
If you are trying to finish EVERY daily category, well that’s on you. That’s like getting upset it takes too long to do 1000 push-ups when you’re only required to do 200…
No one is forcing you or your friends to do them all. Do your 5 and move on.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Krait. That’s it. Underwater starting zone and Anet has a winner on its hands.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Having read everything so far, gotta say OP, I disagree with your whole premise as do most people here.
You lost 8% MF from ascended rings (which is your whole laurel complaint) but got 20% MF in exchange. Who cares if everyone got it. Mind your own business and stop looking at what everyone else did or didn’t get. Everyone is in the same boat at this point. You did not get shafted as badly as you want everyone to believe, you’re just upset that you don’t have 100% MF. Nobody does anymore, get over it… those that do earned it through salvage just like you can now.
Ascended rings/amulets are so easy to come by in this game it’s really not worth taking the time to complain about it. I have 3 characters with full ascended rings/acc. Most were from FoTM drops. A few I purchased. My ele had BOTH of the rings you are whining about and I now have more MF than I did before….
Your MF drop is because of your exotic gear losing MF, not your ascended stuff. Your combat stats have not changed, you gained what you lost from the ascended pieces changing and then some, so really, stop complaining. You’re just wrong.
EDIT: Look at it this way, everyone just got a hidden +10% MF on each ring. EVERYONE. And everyone also lost all MF on their exotic gear which is EASILY replaced. Case closed.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
(edited by Draknar.5748)
and when ascended armor comes out, ascended WILL be the gear check in the future. (the total difference is huge)
Uhm, what gear check are you talking about? I’ve run PUGs in almost every dungeon, and almost every path with full greens/yellows (on alts) and had no issues. Not once has anyone ever asked me to ping my gear running dungeons and I’ve yet to have our group fail on anything because of it. If I was looking to do FoTM 30+, sure I could see the gear check requirement, but the people that do FoTM 30+ are a very small minority of the playerbase.
Perhaps ascended gear will affect your elite speed dungeon run/high level FoTM groups, but I can tell you that 95% of the players will have no issue running every bit of content with the armor they can get now.
This isn’t WoW, there are no gear checks…only kittens gearcheck people in GW2 for anything that isn’t high level FoTM or dungeon speed runs, and if you’re the kind of person that farms dungeons and runs high level FoTM then odds are you are the same person that wants a gear treadmill anyway and are looking forward to the ascended tier. It will affect no one else.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Completed Glutton for punishment, no achiev
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Draknar.5748
You have to wait by the chest until the timer runs out to get the achievements to track.
^^ He’s right. Hope you have a pillow to punch.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
It was too easy! Tribulation Mode complete!
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Draknar.5748
You P2W claimers are idiots. I don’t care how many continues you have, if you aren’t good enough to get through to the next checkpoint then you’re SOL anyway. How does having infinite continues make it P2W. If you are bad at it you will just be doing the same 100m death run over and over until you quit.
It’s like you guys honestly think the continue coin makes it so you don’t trigger traps or it creates Infantile Mode rainbows everywhere.
That’s like saying someone that can shred like a pro on the guitar is only good because they had free guitar lessons from someone, versus someone who had to pay for lessons.
“You’re really not that good, the free lessons magically made you a better player! P2W!! LOLnoob!!!”
Idiot logic.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Draknar.5748
Finished all zones and holy god zone 3 was a pain. I actually feel like zone 2 is a cake walk compared to zone 3.
Whoever’s idea it was to put a second boss form is purely evil because once you get the first form down to 25% he pretty much instant kills you because he is too fast to dodge AND attack. So you get a hit, die, respawn, get a hit, die, respawn. Luckily his HP didn’t reset. I was so happy when I beat him and then NOPE jk now its even harder lol.
To be completely honest: difficulty of the worlds I have no problem with. My only problem is that this is WORLD 2!!! WTF! I’ve never seen a game that had that much of an increase on difficulty from World 1 to World 2. I could see this being a World 4 type difficulty, but World 2??? Seriously, it’s like you wanted to give it the difficulty of a final world so you can show us how hard you can really make it compared to the ease of World 1.
I’m honestly scared how difficult Worlds 3 and 4 will be.
Great levels, adequate difficulty, I just feel it is misplaced in World 2. That’s TWO! The SECOND WORLD!! Difficulty ramped up far too quickly IMO, but whatever, I got it done.
I understand why everyone feels it is too difficult, because let’s face it, no one expects the second world to be that hard.
If I were designing it I would have made World 2 half as hard (less insta-kills would do it), made World 3 as hard as World 2 is now, and make World 4 (final level) WTF hard.
My 2cents.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
With the announcement of ascended weapons Anet has fallen to new lows in their attempted destruction of alts. With a 2 week minimum for each weapon we are talking a minimum of 40 weeks just to get weapons in every slot for your alts.
If you are an actual good player and keep every weapon for your class it will take you multiple YEARS just to get back to the same place you are right now.
I suspect the armor grind will be the final nail in the coffin for even the most hardcore alt lovers. I know I am reducing down from 2 characters to 1 after this update since it just isn’t feasible to get both characters to a point where I can use them at full power.
Isn’t…isn’t that the whole idea? Keep people playing? If it takes you years to gear all of your alts, isn’t that working as intended from a business standpoint? I know every MMO I’ve ever played ever, from the UO days, has worked like this. Each character has to gear up separately. I still don’t see the problem here.
I have 4 80s all with full exotic and 3 with full ascended accessories and laurels/ guild commendations left over.
My only problem is I can’t play them all simultaneously!!! WTF ANET!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
If you left before seeing the end of the dungeon then you don’t get credit. Scarlet needs to be beaten 3 times. Look at the map and you will see a star where you need to go next. Essentially you keep going in a counter clockwise circle.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I don’t know about you guys, but this doesn’t feel like an RPG when other people can become just as powerful as you within a few minutes of creating a character when you’ve put in hours upon hours of intense work to get the rewards you desire.
I think that’s your problem right there. You are too concerned about being powerful and having something to show for all of your time in the game. Also, you sure do like exaggerating things to make a point (very unappealing trait here and in the real world, you should work on that). Finding a precursor at level 11 does not make someone more powerful than you. More wealthy yes, but you don’t need to be wealthy in this game to be powerful. Stats are capped and are easy to obtain. Everyone can be at the same power level within 30 days. That’s the idea here. If you thought this game was going to make you more powerful the longer you play (i.e. gear treadmill) then you really didn’t know what you were signing up for.
You bring up WoW, but honestly, do you think you have something to show for the time you spent there? Because I can tell you that you don’t, and no one cares about your WoW character any more than your GW2 character. Play the game because you enjoy playing it, or quit. It’s so terribly simple. Don’t force yourself to play it, complain about it, keep playing it, complain about it, threaten to play a different game, complain some more, play the game still, keep complaining, play some more. I mean seriously!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Yeah, congratulations. 3 out of, (how many servers?), are full like that. The rest have maybe 4 people on non-patch days, 10 on patch days. Again, you guys continue to show “proof” that guild wars 2 is not dead. It’s not dead on patch days for sure, but every other day besides patch days are dead. Completely and utterly dead. It’s alright if you don’t believe me, because I couldn’t care less. You can watch the playerbase slowly decline into oblivion when these continuous living story patches continue to be repetitive. Don’t get me wrong I like GW2, but the playerbase on my server and many other’s is nearly non-existent.
I believe your numbers are 100% accurate. 3 servers are full and all the rest of them have 4 people on them…and 10 on patch days.
Or you have an agenda and you’re exaagerating to try to make a point, which not only doesn’t make the point, but makes it seem like you’ll say anything to prove your point.
I’ve been on more than 3 servers guesting and I’ve never seen a server that has 4 people on it…even if I’ve been to some dead zones before.
I think Galtrix is counting the number of people in his immediate vicinity. In Southsun. On a Tuesday. Early morning. Near the champion Karka. I find that area to be lacking people as well. What’s up with that!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Everything in this game can be bought with money, why you want the last thing that involves some ppl work instead, to be the same?
Actually its one of my few little hopes that this game can become something ‘fun’ instead ‘pay and get anything u want’Because i have 16 fractal skins that have no use. I’d prefer giving them away for free than let them rot on my storage character
I gotta say, for someone who hates the game as much as your posts generally suggest, you sure do play it a lot. What’s that about? Love/hate thing?
OP is mad because he is getting rare items that he can’t make a profit on. That’s it. It is greed nothing more. You might as well make the dungeon token items trade-able too then. If someone wants to have the Arah look, they shouldn’t be forced to actually DO Arah, right?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The Flame Legion and the Dredge were promised power if they joined forces and attacked Tyria. They attacked both Norn and Charr lands orginally. The victims from these attacks sought refuge in Southsun until crazy Canach made the wildlife go crazy and we had to stop him.
Seems as though Scarlet was behind it all along and also has the Aetherblade at her disposal (which she formed I think?) and took control of these new Watchwork creatures.
That’s the gist of it from doing the LS events since release.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I love the Dynamic Events and seek them out to complete them. I almost borderline RP while doing them.
I find them fantastic and many others in my guild do as well. I think it is the greatest innovation in MMOs since “!” or “?” over quest givers.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Yea, I’ve already resigned to the fact that some of this content is too difficult, even for me (I would say I’m a solidly good gamer) to complete in any reasonable time frame. If I can’t beat it in 5 tries then it requires too much effort (unless you can retry the content really quick, but having to wait for others to fight before I can go again? Meh, my ADD is kicks in).
I know I could face Liadra dozens of times, learn every aspect of the fight, etc., etc. I’ve done that in other games, that’s not what I’m looking for in this game. So I don’t get the mini or the achieves, who cares? Those that get the achievements deserve them. They put the time and effort to defeat hard content and should be rewarded. They shouldn’t be outright jerks about it, but they certainly have the right to say that content may be too hard, or L2P, for those that complaining about it being too hard.
I couldn’t finish the Trials either. That Tier4 was just too much for me to handle and everytime I had to retry it I died a little inside because I would rather be doing literally anything else in GW2 – so I missed out on those achievements.
Do I cry about it? Nah. Who really cares? So I don’t have the cool shadow Liadra minipet (and boy do I want it because it is awesome), but I didn’t earn it so I shouldn’t get it. It makes me respect those that do have it.
Sometimes content is too hard for the average player, and that’s OK. You shouldn’t be able to complete 100% of the content being an average gamer, there has to be challenging content for those that want to set themselves apart and there should be unique rewards tied to it.
You aren’t missing out on any content by not being able to beat her. Heck even if you don’t make it to Tier3, you technically have experienced the Gauntlet content. Confined arena fighting a boss with a time limit. That’s the content. What boss you fight is irrelevant. You beat the first boss? Sweet, you’ve basically experienced the Gauntlet in its entirety.
I just can’t stand the people who whine constantly that content is too hard for them so it needs to be changed.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
No joke during SAB time period (April?) I purchased the 10 unidentified dyes with laurels. From that ONE packet I got both Celestial Dye, Abyss Dye, Midnight Fire Dye, and Midnight Blue dyes. No one in my guild believed me when I linked them….
But I swear it happened! It’s the single best RNG experience I’ve ever had. Every other attempt at RNG has yielded doodoo.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
A PvP server would be nice, it would be like bastion of light in a world filled with dark by casuals are terribads.
I think the issue was with the lore. Why would everyone be killing each other?
In the “Mists” it all goes out the window. I think a large scale open PvP map in the Mists somewhere would be pretty awesome, where you only fight others from your server. You could arrange fight clubs and have duels and everything.
In GW2 you have to give the option to everyone when, where, and if they PvP. Believe it or not, not everyone likes being killed while they are gathering, or while they went AFK at a POI to go bio or getting swarmed by a zerg-guild (which is EXACTLY what would happen in a PvP server). All the griefers would form a super zerg guild that would go around wiping everyone out and lulz about it. No thanks.
In the Mists though, psshhh bring it on that would be awesome. Actual Guild VS Guild stuff! (largest zerg would likely win, but if somehow numbers were regulated you could have 25v25 or 50v50 guild battles in an open map!) That would be great.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Good lord. People whine about RNG and refer to the game as RNGwars or the company as CasinoNet, and then when they give us a non-RNG way of getting skins, people whine.
What the hell is wrong with people in this game? I got five jade tickets (used 3, banked 2) and I don’t give a kitten if other people can get the skins I got. Oh boohoo it’s “not as exclusive” anymore, cry me a river.
There it is…no, over there, argh…turn around, there…..there…..nope…..the point, you missed it.
+1 LOL
Well played.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Keep in mind that Anet never said the skins would never come back. They never said that there wouldn’t be other ways to get them.
All they said, was (at that time) that they were ‘limited time’ skins. Which they were, after given period of time, they were no longer available.
As a consumer you made some assumptions which turned out to be inaccurate.
Anet has a love of reusing content, something I have said repeatedly since the beginning of the game. Having these things come back again, as a limited time purchase, supports that statement. However, at the same time they are simply doing what every successful_ business does, and that’s to try to give their customer’s what they want, since that means more income for them.
Misleading advertising can get them in some trouble. That’s why most companies have the “fine print” in their advertising explaining the specifics. What Anet needs to look at is how it is perceived by the consumer. If 95% of people took it to mean one thing, but really it meant something very different, that’s a problem from a legal standpoint. There’s no “well technically it could also mean this, so technically we weren’t lying” loophole. This likely won’t cause an issue for them since it is such small potato stuff, but they should really be clear as to exactly what they are offering.
It would be along the lines of selling something at a premium saying it is limited edition and then turning around and selling the exact same thing at reduced pricing to everyone a couple of months later. The exclusivity is implied by the price and the fact you are claiming limited edition. Those that paid more for the item under the assumption of it being limited would have legal grounds to demand the additional premium back (unless the fine print stated otherwise) because it is a logical assumption based on the information given. That “technical” loophole nonsense only works in the movies and TV. Advertising law is very clear.
Don’t confuse this with things costing more when they first come out and then the price goes down the longer they are available. That is very different from claiming something is limited or exclusive. No normal person would have jumped to the conclusion that when they say it is only available from X event during X period of time, that it really meant you are really only getting the option to purchase it ahead of everyone (like a pre-order type deal), and then later on it could possibly be available again. It’s questionable business practices.
I don’t believe ANet did it intentionally. Not in the slightest, and that is in their favor as well. I honestly believe they wanted it to be exclusive but there were so many people whining about not having access that they decided to make the available once again to appease them, which inadvertently will upset those that already have them. In my opinion the complainers outnumbered those that are upset now by quite a big margin.
I’ll get over it and so will everyone else. It will likely affect their gem store purchases, but probably not a whole lot.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I’m with OP here. It does suck quite a bit to think you had something exclusive only to find out that ~60 days later it will be available to everyone for a lower price anyway.
Just poor execution. I honestly feel if Anet would have told us not to worry, if you don’t get a ticket for a weapon during the event that there will be a chance to get it later then people wouldn’t have stressed over it and certainly wouldn’t have dished out money for the items. That may have been the intent all along, but seriously, that’s some questionable business practices. I realize you can’t please everyone, but really, it seems they went out of their way to tick off another sub-set of players. This time the ones that possibly spent real money to get something.
All this means is that under no circumstances will I ever purchase things on the store designed to give a better chance at “tickets” (Rich Coffers for example). That can’t be what their intentions were with this new set-up. Which I probably wasn’t going to anyway. But still.
If they are going to leave it at “maybe we will make them available in the future again, maybe we won’t, we won’t tell” then wtf Anet, that’s a messed up way of dealing with your player base, and doesn’t really motivate me to put any effort into “exclusive” skins.
They need to be clear in the future about what skins are exclusive, ie you get them during this event or you never get another chance, and which skins will be available later on in the year requiring significantly less effort. It’s the right thing to do. It really is.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
As far as I’m aware there is no such thing as GW2 financials. That’s like saying you want to see the WoW financials instead of the Activision/Blizzard financials. The game is not an entity, the developer is and the publisher is, and I believe NCSoft is the one whose financials you will want to see. Download the pdf.
As of May NCSoft revenue is up, both from L1 and GW2 which they describe as “stable”.
This is the latest financial release available from NCSoft which is from May.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
People are doing a bunch of hearts, leveling up and getting dungeon notifications, getting the LS mails, etc.
I don’t understand how they can’t delete them either. I would go crazy if I had old mail sitting in my box.
There’s no excuse for laziness.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I dunno. The limited time makes it a bit more interesting. For once I actually respect people who have gotten all of the LS/Gauntlet achievements, which I have seen a few so far. Clearly it is doable by some % of the population.
The fact OP may have trouble completing it in the time period is proof that it is difficult enough to make it a legitimate achievement when you see someone with the pet. Separates the men from the boys as they say. I am but a mere boy compared to those who have finished the Gauntlet. Let alone those that completed the Gauntlet on day one with all gambit achieves too. They deserve to stand out.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I don’t think mesmers have it any worse than guardians. Unless you are specced for boon duration, the staff speed buff is sub 10secs, plus you have to have staff equipped…not too many run staff unless they are specced for it.
GS doesn’t have a speed increase. The #3 skill is not a speed buff and can be considered the equivalent of a short kinda uncoordinated blink.
Retreat! is really the only real speed buff worth talking about for Guardians. Save Yourselves! is short and waste a stun break that you could possibly need in WvW.
So to Mesmers who think Guardian has so many advantages. The only way a Guardian can even come close to perma speed buff is to have TWO shouts as utility skills (Retreat and Save Yourselves! both of which have limited application in WvW) and have a staff equipped and rotate those skills constantly. Even then you won’t have perma-speed buff. You ever try to 1v1 someone in WvW with a staff equipped?
You sacrifice too much DPS just to be able to travel around with an additional 9secs of speed every 20secs.
I’d take invis plus clone speed increase plus portal any day of the week.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Yea one-hit death = harder and requires more skill.
If you don’t have the skills to see when you are about to be hit with a perma death skill, then you are by definition not skilled enough to complete the content.
There is a chance to win every single fight. Some require avoiding those major attacks.
Very simple yet so terribly difficult at the same time. I like the extra skill and I actually respect people with the Liadra pet now because even I am having trouble taking her down. Shows that those people really know whats up with managing evades, avoiding AoE, and all the while doing enough DPS to down the boss in the time limit. If that isn’t skilled base then I don’t know what is.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Really disappointed in ANET they let this drag on for too long without penalizing the exploiters and no compensation for people who didn’t attempt to exploit this.
What exploiters? There was no coding bug, no oversight in Deadeye’s mechanics, no taking advantage of bugged skills, environment or whatever. Everything was done as intended.
I think everyone automatically know what exploit means. Farming the gauntlet isn’t one.
If you’re getting gold a LOT faster with 1 particular method, it’s pretty obvious it was not intended. If you keep taking advantage of it then yea that makes you an exploiter. What you’re supposed to do is to report it to the devs and stop taking advantage of said exploit.
The oversight is how easy it is to farm gold at crown pavillion as a whole. All the bosses except for liadri is…a joke. Only liadri farming should be able to generate this amount of gold.
Is the Pavilion permanent?
I think Anet knew what they were doing, at least with the downstairs, when the perma-buff you get from the emissaries is +150%MF….
I mean….really. People complain constantly that gold is too hard to get. Anet releases temporary content that allows for faster gold and people claim it is an exploit and if you farm it you are an exploiter. So dumb….so very very dumb. Next people will be saying it’s an exploit to buy low and sell high.
Perhaps the extra gold opportunities are part of the whole Jubilee. I know I want to celebrate daily when I see my gold quantity rise.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Google “Seattle garbage man salary”. Then go look for what Anet pays it’s average joe programmer.
I’d say Firebaall has been called out and owned. We all knew he was pulling nonsense out of his kitten, this proves it. I also performed a cursory search that yielded the same info. I was able to find this information likely faster than it took him to type his response about Googling the info. Methinks someone feels his time is more valuable than it is.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
You know, I actually like OPs idea about speed buff in WvW only. Let’s implement this!
And whats up with like half the classes having a passive speed buff and the other half not. Makes for extreme jealousy when I’m trying to run next to someone haha. Sure I can keep popping speed buff skills, but a passive is so much easier!
IMO passive speed buffs should be in one of the trait lines. Like the 50% falling reduction trait.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
What I’m about to tell you is a supersecret, infact it is so secret that not even NSA knows about it.
If you leave the race and rejoin it, you’ll end up in a new instance, this will effectively get you out of the situation you described, and expecting to have first handed to you, now theres a tool for you.
I see what you did there. I like. Fell a little flat with me personally since I have no problem winning Sanctum Sprint lol, but that’s besides the point. My perspective is I’m one of the ones that let’s others wins simply for the joy of making others happy. You know that feeling right? Joy and happiness? It’s probably the feeling you get each and every time you win. The same feeling you deprive others of when you’ve won the 10th time in a row (at no fault of your own, it’s a competitive game, why let others win if they don’t earn it <— very valid argument, I agree, I swear).
We’re just talking about being a nice person or not. I don’t think anyone can argue it isn’t nice to let someone win after you’ve won a few times already.
I do strongly urge people to leave and rejoin an instance rather than subject themselves to that frustration, much like you have.
I would find it interesting to see a matchmaking system based on achievement points. I find it fair to assume that people with more achievement points tend to be better players. Won’t be true 100% but I bet more often than not it is.
Those with 1000 or less points are matched together. 1001-3000 matched together. 3001-5000 matched together, and 5000+ matched together. That would make it a real competition. Because right now it’s like a juiced up Lance Armstrong being put up against a 3rd grader in a bike race and saying “Too bad 3rd grader, you suck and didn’t earn this win! Muahahahahaaha! This is competition!” /bike slides mud in face before taking off for another win
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I love the arguments that go; don’t like that game, don’t play it. Don’t like the weapon, don’t get it. Don’t like the president, move to another country.
With the exception of the president one (moving to another country because of a temporary person in office is very different than simply not purchasing something), I’d say that those arguments are completely valid.
If you don’t like the game, don’t play it.
If you don’t like the weapon, don’t get it.
How are those bad arguments?
Even your 300,000USD car example: If it’s obviously overpriced, don’t buy it. <— that’s a completely logical argument.
I see overpriced stuff online all the time. I don’t buy it…
I laugh and say “pffft, what idiot is dumb enough to pay that! Good luck selling it!”
It’s the same here. If the price is so outrageous no one buys it, then the price will go down for similar items in the future. If the price stays the same then unfortunately it sounds like people are dumb enough to pay that price and thus it is a smart business decision to continue doing it.
I’m curious what the demographic of GW2 item purchasers is. We can assume off the bat that the majority of players don’t spend any money at all. Many people just can’t justify spending real money on a video game after already paying box price.
That leaves us with just the ones that spend real money. There are those that spend lots of money ($50+/mo),those that spend medium ($20-50/mo) and those that spend very little ($10-20/mo or less).
Decreasing the price may allow for 20% additional purchases, but overall it might mean less money. Remember these purchases are what fund the company completely. They have no other revenue stream outside of box sales AFAIK.
Without knowing these numbers all we can do is speculate.
But I’d like to think that Anet is putting enough research into these comparisons to justify the high price.
I mean if 1000 people will pay $50 for an item: $50,000 you would need 5000 people to pay the $10 price to just even out. I have a feeling that dropping the price won’t drive as many people to the store as we think it would.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Elementalist can have extremely high DPS using Lightning Hammer. I belive the focused Lightning Hammer build is like 25/20/0/25/0. I’ve read people getting 8K crits with the auto-attack in a maximized damage group. And if something is against the wall, Fiery Greatsword pwns by using skill 4 with no target and 3 is as strong as Whirlwind Attack. The only difference is Ele’s are alot squishier than Warrior’s when using these weapons, but if you kill fast enough in a speed run, it shouldn’t matter too much I don’t think
Exactly. But boy do you go down fast if you aren’t paying attention. Those summoned weapons can be straight up nasty if you play it right.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Excluding WvW where Zerker is just as effective as a Bunker.
I believe he was asking if other builds are viable. The answer would be yes. Every build is viable in GW2 to complete content. If I can finish FoTM 10 on my level 25 toon that has no zerker gear, then I’d say that any build is viable.
Zerker is just the fastest at killing things. All other builds are still viable.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The only ones asking for zerker builds are trying to do speed runs. If you want to do speed runs then by all means zerker is the way to go (assuming you are a decent player, otherwise you are a liability for when the content starts to become difficult).
If you want to do dungeons for the fun of it, then it makes absolutely no difference what your build is and any intelligent player knows that.
It’s hard to argue with the efficiency of a zerker build when doing speed runs.
I just hate playing games like work so I just ignore those groups. Consequently the zerker build people tend to want to stick together. I would just steer clear of them since they don’t want to play with anyone that doesn’t have a cookie cutter build like them anyway.
Honestly, just join an active guild and do guild runs or just make sure you aren’t joining a group that is looking for speed running. Leave the speed runs for speedrunners. That way everyone wins.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Look GW does have an amazing combat system, but coming from competitive pvp in wow, i really do feel like there are still things missing and room for improvement.
I guess the big question would be: why aren’t you still playing competitive PvP in WoW? Sounds like that’s what you like and that’s where you should be.
If every new MMO was critiqued on what it does or doesn’t have compared to WoW, I think the genre in general needs to just roll over and die.
If you like WoW PvE/PvP and all the sweet bars of skillz at your disposal, there’s a game out there called WoW.
If you don’t like that GW2 only has 10 skills to use at any given time, there’s a game out there called Anything Else Besides GW2.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Under New Management in Southsun. One of the easiest in game imho. Plus, I get the occasional rare. Even got an exotic the other day.
Totally. I think my fastest time on that puzzle was 16secs or something it’s so easy lol
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
If the ledge was designed to be an optional route to the same place, instead of facing a lot of mobs, that’s smart play. If the ledge was not designed to be an optional route, that’s an exploit…
How it was designed is irrelevant.
Is walking allowed? Yes.
Can you walk on the ledges? Yes.
Are the mobs mandatory? No.
Can they be bypassed? Yes.
Is anyone using third party programs or applications for it? No.= Not an exploit. Smart play.
It’s an exploit…
I’m shocked you are actually trying to defend this. No one cares that you want to use that exploit, but it’s an exploit. It’s like standing in a spot to glitch something.
Is walking allowed? Yes
Is standing allowed? Yes
= Not an exploit. Smart Play <— terrible logic
It’s an area that they clearly missed and the playerbase discovered it is accessible and can be used to their advantage.
That is called exploiting their careless mistake. It’s not smart play, it’s lazy play.
Defending it just makes you seem kinda ….you know…
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
My ele hits for 2k aoe with staff. That’s a nice 8-10k dps if hitting 5 mobs. Full zerker though, so I run with cantrips to save my kitten. Scepter/dag hits pretty hard in a burst. My mesmer hits like a truck with zerk shatter build. I’ve heard warriors can deal some sick damage with rifle, and rangers just got a sweet buff to their longbow by getting a guaranteed crit every 9 seconds with a ranged stealth and constant 15 stacks of vuln.
Just load up on full zerkers, equip a 1200 range weapon, and go to town. Many classes can do it.
And thus another cookie-cutter zerker is born. Just don’t roll a warrior, for the love of christ.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I don’t think that getting to the top can be even considered as jumping puzzle. You have only 3 jumps (which are painfuly easy) to do, the rest is just automatic transporation with lightning element.
I do not jump. I have hands that are deformed and crippled, and have yet to find a way to make my hands work with any jumps even with assists with any predictablity. I have not managed to even make the first jump in the Zephyr Sanctum, despite trying and dying and losing lots and lots of cash waypointing to get up.
I was kind of hoping there was something for open world people this time around.
So the short answer is yes, you must be able to jump.
How are you not able to use your number one skill?
If you have even one finger availble, which you clearly have at least one then: Hit R for autorun, press 1 (jump skill), press R for autorun (to deactivate). Repeat 2 more times. You don’t even need to be that quick at it.
If you are able to kill things in PvE, then you can accomplish this.
A large part (pretty much all) of me believes you making stuff up to make a point that OMG you have to jump at least 3 times so that means jumping is a requirement and that is bad because that excludes people who don’t like to jump out of principle so anet sucks etc etc etc.
Since I have no proof I will unfortunately have to assume you are telling the truth so as not to seem insensitive. But think we all know what’s going on here…
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
but it’s required for zephyrum sanctum kite achivement, which is a mainly PvE/living story achievement, not PVP
It’s “mainly” PvE/Living Story Achievement. I don’t recall Anet ever saying that Living Story Achievements would exclusively be PvE. Judging by the fact this isn’t the first time they’ve required doing this JP (which is one my favorite BTW), I’d say that LS achievements will continue to remain “mainly” PvE, with some PvP peppered in here and there.
Seems fair since it isn’t required to get meta.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I’d only want a rapier if my character animations were fencing-like. Otherwise it would be weird.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
It was 1hr in-game time, duh.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I genuinely cant recall the last piece of content that added combat-themed stuff. Like, Fractals was pretty much the last thing, since then its been running round, talking to NPCs, and doing their jumping puzzles. If I purely focused on new content, I wouldn’t have any need for my exotic weapons, or any weapon for that matter.
Aetherblade Retreat?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
If it were me, after the first wipe I probably would have said “hey guys I’m not familiar with this particular strategy, what’s the plan?” Then just play along.
What you probably don’t want to do is say nothing continue wiping and clearly be the one guy not on the same page.
Most groups are willing to explain it, especially if its something as simple as stand here or jump from here to here.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The issue is more with the player playing the thief and other people in the team not understanding what a thief can do than the class itself in PvE.
Yes! Thank you! The problem is not with the thief but with other players thinking warriors are the be all end all of dungeons these days. I lost count of how many zerker warriors have screwed my team in FoTM. It seems like zerker warriors have been established as what you have to play in order to be useful. The issue arises when bad players are zerker warriors. Don’t get me wrong, a skilled zerker warrior will straight up dominate some PvE content. But an unskilled zerker warrior blows. Hard. Constantly downed/dead.
I’m close to exclusively running all dungeons without zerker warriors (ones that aren’t on my friends list— because they are legit).
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….