I wouldn’t bother if it is your first character and you are levelling and need money for gear. At 80 I would salvage, the higher level greens can give ori and other mats which will typically sell for more than the green, and you get the essences of luck.
I think zerg-ball is now mostly PTV. Starter gear is Invader’s/Soldier’s from tokens and Soldier’s accessories from an open Grenth temple.
Zerg-ball is all PVT/PTV yeah, so unless someone has more info I will probably go with the balanced Knight armor Valk trinks, old school balance. I don’t like to zerg much, do various things in small snippets.
What is currently the prevailing choice for armor/trinkets for a WvW hammer warrior? Have not used my warrior in WvW since the old wisdom (back in the early days) was Knights/Valk for balanced approach.
I won’t buy it, period. I won’t purchase another game by this company after the bait and switch that GW2 was.
Keeping in line with the seriousness of this topic, I want a dragon pet.
T3 coat, Nika’s Leggings (Duelist), Kodan Gloves, Magitech Boots.
Sadly no access to the HoM coat. Even though T3 is overpopular I use it, it’s at least half a step away from yet another overcoat.
T3 coat, Magitech Shoulders & Gloves, Karma leggings & boots.
That’s my condi thief. My zerker thief uses Vigil leggings and boots with Svanir gloves.
(edited by GOSU.9574)
Seriously….the most obvious things are still not in the game.
You should post this in the guilds forums. Get more flies there.
Engi takes a lot of skill to be good with it in WvW/PvP. You will not be ground target spamming grenades unless you want to do that defending a tower or something. Most engi’s I encounter or watch on twitch have amazing player skills. I avoid them in wvw if I encounter them roaming, even though not all have that level of skill, the bunker ones are just annoyingly long fights unless I am on a zerker thief or something.
In wvw you need to play a class you like to play. For me I have settled on a bunkery ranger, it is more forgiving for my low play-skills. It isn’t great, isn’t a killing machine, but it works for me. Find something that works for you.
Your performance suffers because the linux video card drivers suck. It’s just that simple. It’s always been the case, no matter the game.
After returning to the game in July, I have stopped going to LA unless I need to use a dungeon vendor or something. I pay and go to Hoelbrak instead.
I do this for the very reasons mentioned. The load time for LA has become ridiculous due to it’s overuse as the hub of the game for glittery content and everyone dancing and costume brawling, flashing their 100g Blue Icon of Awesomeness while wearing town clothes with no shoes and holding a pineapple, every hour, of every day, unless the server goes down. Then they just patch and log back in and stand there.
I don’t know how they get around the idle timer but that should be bannable. If I did that in a borderland I am sure I would get warnings. Idle timer in LA should be 5 mins tops, and enforced.
(edited by GOSU.9574)
I think warrior is solid and everything else needs to scale to it. I have at least 1 of every class at 80 so this isn’t favoritism. And even though I have 2 warriors, I play them further down on the “Fun” list.
I have no clue how anyone can call a Ranger a Monster in the Lagwars wvwvw zones. Good luck getting anything with a cool down to take, much less control a pet or get a pet ability to go off in a big battle or defense of a keep or when one starts up and it lags the entire zone.
If this round of optimization that they’re beginning doesn’t fix the lag issues that plague wvwvw, then I think Anet should do away with the pet, at least make it optional in wvwvw with a corresponding dps increase.
I think it is fair to assume classes aren’t balanced around zerg v zerg.
Posted this a few months ago. Players responded, but Anet unleashed the crickets.
One of the projects we’re working on in preparing the game to release in new regions is trying to make the game easier to learn. While a lot of that work is in the area of better tutorials, better level up messaging guides, and unique tutorials for specific mechanics we’re also evaluating UI complexity (and system complexity) to try and make information easier to see/consume.
Cleaning up the existing UI systems to make them less cluttered, more-stream lined, and better unified is part of this project and absolutely something you’ll see in the west as well, likely around or possibly even before we release the game in our next major world region.
And to get ahead of the next question: No, we have no solid dates! We’re still in beta in China and are testing and developing all of these new systems to make the game is easier to learn. We haven’t announced timelines for development any other major regions other than being in Beta in China at this time.
A few things you can do that would greatly increase visibility in game for me:
Allow me to close/open all that junk on the right of the screen. The daily info, the story quest I never do, it builds with every new content release and takes up at least 10-15% of my screen-estate.
Allow UI elements to be moved and anchored. Target bar is in the WORST location for any class that is ranged. If you accidently click it when trying to ground target a ranged skill at the top of your screen, you instead target yourself and your AoE falls on YOU.
Not only would I like some scalability with the UI elements, apart from the overall ENTIRE UI scaling and no other option, would be to scale, move and reanchore Boons/Conditions.
GW1 had the BEST UI as far of customizability, of any MMO I have played to date, including this one and any new comers.
If you attack something while being stealthed, u get revealed. Simple thief mechanics. Thats how it allways worked. You never played a thief before, or you just trolling.
You are the one trolling. Out of range with melee weapons. I asked a legit question and you come here trolling.
I have 2 80 thieves, want to get online and see? Seriously. 1 was created and played since pre. Sick of trolls.
I just started playing my thief today after shelving her for months. While using her in WvW I began to notice if I had stealthed and used a stealth skill she was revealed. Is this an old, intentional change? Or is this a bug?
Twice in the last week I have been spectating in spvp while queued for wvw and the client crashed with the crash report popup. In both cases, when I restart the game it says I can not access the login server. I have to exit and restart yet again to get in to the game.
In the mean time I have NO time granted for losing my place in the queue. Now for some, not a big deal. But when you play on a high tier server with wait times that are HOURS long, this is a MAJOR deal.
My suggestion is an account’s time in queue should persist for a short time, like 10-15 mins. Also when a crash like this occurs and the users gets back in the game, they should be auto-queued in the border land they were previous queued for and their time in that queue reinstated.
I know this can be done, I recommend it get done soon.
I am not experienced enough on overall Zerg recommendations, but I will say in response to the posts with the loot/rewards issues needing addressed: seriously.
The rewards in WvW are horrible. In no way do they even compare to PvE event rewards and the like, and they should at least be on par. Camps and escorts need help with better rewards as well. Have rewards scale down based on the amount of players taking the objective. This would help keep zergs taking camps for good rewards down, while rewarding smaller squads better for the same objective.
I am gonna jump on the WvW rewards train here, and though it isn’t on topic with the OP, I got to say the WvW rewards are horrible. I got rank 10 on a toon and got a green and a yellow……that is just sad, it took longer to get from 9-10 than doing a few PvE events where I typically make a few gold, or more, for less time. It isn’t like this is offset by badges, cause 3 badges isn’t jack.
While PvE rewards are still lackluster, they are much better than they were a year ago. WvW though…meh.
I can’t play the game the way I want when rewards are so imbalanced.
Supporty hammers with thieves and other dps builds in a roaming squad are devastating to run in to.
Also, dual thieves are a nice roaming combo.
I find zergs incredibly boring. They are just masses of PVT that require no less than 5 to kill 1 of anything.
DB is a terrible skill and thief condi is weak as all hell.
Here’s ANet logic: hay gaiz let’s put a condi attack on a raw damage set trololo
Have to agree here, while I like DB in PvE for it’s “evasion” attack, having a condi skill on a burst weapon set is rather meh.
Also, to the op, I rarely see any experienced thief using d/d in a competitive environment. The other options are just better.
Uh I already pointed out I found it. It’s called Healing Seed….
Wiki link with table:
Funny thing is that if you need so many heals to survive who’s the baddie? In wvw the crit dmg can be 100%+ which is great because you can stomp them baddies no matter what crap they use. But the dmg in pvp is capped and holding a point with a burst build nearly impossible.
So you are saying regen/bunker has all the buffs and stat caps they would have in wvw, but crit doesn’t? I don’t see this, since both suffer the unavailability of food buffs, etc. Correct me if I am reading your statements wrong.
Yep I just found it via a lucky google. It’s a bundle for stealing you can only get from spvp/wvw.
I have seen it maybe 3-4 times in all the time I have played this game, but until I started doing wvw I didn’t really pay attention to it being used.
Twice now I have fought a thief, 2 different thieves, that used a skill that put a blue tree up and they stealthed. I can not find this skill in the thief’s skills. Is this some sort of trait effect?
This thread reads to much like “I played scissors and my enemy didn’t play paper, he played rock!!!” to me.
Some pretty interesting ideas here. I was actually spit-balling some ideas on how to address this today. This has always been something that has bothered me, too.
For example:
- Have kits respect the existing back item flag. If you have a back item and you want to show it, hide the kit. If you don’t have a back item or choose to hide it, always show the kit. Obviously this makes it a little harder than usual to tell what kit you are using, so:
- A nameplate icon similar to Elemental Attunements would be a good addition (I may add this regardless if we can get the art
- Move the kit somewhere else on your body. I know, crazy right? For example, who doesn’t like a sweet fanny-pack?
Hopefully this finally gets resolved soon, and I’ll do what I can to see that happen. Keep in mind, as Colin mentioned before, that there are some pretty beefy projects going on that are consuming our engineering time. But that doesn’t exactly mean we can’t sneak stuff in here and there
I realize I am late to the party but since this has always bugged me too I want to chime in.
I like the Utility Belt idea, ala Batman, whatever. Somewhat large canisters on the sides when using Flamethrower, grenades when using grenades, etc. Also, perhaps get rid of the hunch over stance/run.
That is a lot of work for art/animation, I don’t expect to see it happen, just wishful thinking.
Roaming and small team fights we excel, that is if you’re running a Tanky/Regen/Condi build.
In zergs, which is relatively boring, we’re alright. We don’t give lots of CC and stuff, except for our elite skill Entangle, but we can last a while and pick people off.
I run a tanky regen condi build and I can beat most classes 1v1. Thieves are fun to fight as they just stealth with 10% HP then come back full health. Rinse and repeat until you either get ganked or the thief runs away for good. The only class I have trouble 1v1’ing is a tanky warrior.Unfortunately, that build is the only good build we have. Running anything that’s not tank/regen/condi build will get you KO’d almost instantly. I see some videos of people running LB/GS but honestly, the people they’re fighting are pretty bad.
Have to agree on the tanky/regen/condi and points about small group/solo vs zerg. Still effective in a zerg, but more as collateral damage and support.
The bunkery, Troll – apothecary support engineer is well know, but seldom seen since engi isn’t on par with mass numbers like Guardians and Warriors.
As others have stated the Healing Turret is the superior wvw heal skill.
I totally prefer the roman numerals over icons. Just consider them Icons and move on. As others have said I don’t want to give my build out saying:
“Oh, it’s cat, dog, rhino and croc, moa, squirrel”
No thanks.
Just gonna tell you now from someone who has been there and done that:
Tanky necro is boring.
Bearbow is boring.
Doesn’t matter how much bad rep they get, and you swearing you still want to play them, by the time you get to 30 (40 if using lvl 20 scroll) you will shelve them or be thinking about deleting. Do NOT put your self in this position.
I don’t have recommendations for the Necro, I found them so boring after have a level 80 over a year I deleted her. I personally find them THAT boring. On the ranger however, the trick is not to do bow all the time. Originally I got 1 to 30 (even using GS), deleted, repeat, shelved. Weeks later I gave her a sword and warhorn. Winner. Sword/Wh+Cat.
I now have 2 rangers, bow/axe+cats in pve and axe/wh+cats (bunker) in WvW.
Dual Thief roamers is one of the strongest combinations in the game.
^ 15 times
Don’t fight zergs with condi? Signed.
For those that want this for armor, it’s not gonna happen, with reason. The game devs want classes to have distinct appearances for armor weight. Having a light armor toon wearing heavy armor looking town clothes in PvP/WvW is not gonna happen.
I bet the skill lies in a bundle item and not in the skill list of your character. Leave the instance, toodles skill.
The next content update seems to address that with the addition of a new healing skill for everyone:
Interesting, not asymmetric, but more healing options is good all around, and looks like it gives another cleanse option for people.
I don’t see the leap to this conclusion. This new “skill” that all players can have is most likely an equipped bundle skill specific to the content only.
The simple fix is to normalize stats in WvW. However Anet has to date refused to even remark on this, allowing speculation they simply have no intent to do so.
Can we get something official on if this is even credited? I mean I know you would rather spend time buffing other fluff, but when players are unable to play…that seems noteworthy of a bug to me.
I also wouldn’t mind seeing the styles À la carte. 200 gems per piece.
after the new hairstyles i fell in love with my elementalist even more
Anyone able to tell me what boots these are? Due to pic angles can’t really tell.
Have this on my ele a lot (obviously, since it happens when picking up conjures). I’ve been able to fix it by putting my weapon in my bag so the 1-5 buttons were empty. Worked again after re-equipping the weapon.
Have tried this, with both weapon sets on Ranger. Did not fix. Have to log out to clear.
This has happened twice since the last patch, and both times only on my ranger (I have 10 level 80 toons and it has only happened to one of my 2 rangers).
While doing world events, specifically dragons and I think (if I recall correctly) specifically the Shatterer, my ranger’s skills suddenly stop working. This isn’t like wvw skill lag, I press and nothing. Press and nothing. Bow, Axe/WH, Utilities, Elite, nothing works. This last time I tried weapon swap, pet swap, unequipped, requipped, nothing. They flash briefly and do not work. Also she keeps her weapon in unsheated mode, she will not sheath weapons once this bug is going on (stuck in combat stance).
To add further detail, if I happened to have Frost Spirit up I can use Cold Snap, but that’s it.
Or log out and back in. I am having a skill bug issue as well, but it doesn’t involve the skill you mention. I will post a seperate bug just in case it is a seperate issue.
With a non-speed run party, it could take a while. Champ farming is stress free and your gold income is more consistent. There are some benchmarks that I usually like to pass to know I’m being efficient. Like, CoE all paths for 1hr, etc…
Not to mention you can afk, log out, whatever. It’s a more leisurely than being stuck in a group for dungeons.
To the OP I am not sure why you are nailing down your content to one or the other. For instance you could be running a champ farm while waiting to get a dungeon group. Some days you may not have the time for a dungeon group but can hop in for a quick round of champs.
The best “nerf” is a simple one. This particular consumable’s Ember summon does not attack static bosses like Dragons. Much like ranger melee pets, summon Elementals that enter water, etc.
Such a change allows the item to remain useful for regular content without being OP, but it is a very good consumable.
I recently soloed this with a new Guardian, within the level range. It is a bit difficult, but unless you are using a squishy toon in the appropriate level range, it is quite doable.
I have also levelled 13 80s and this was the first time I did this vista solo. I had to watch videos to even figure out how to go about completing it and spent about an hour trying to figure it out overall.
Always 1 oyster in the bay.
Let’s not go down this road, again.
1) World Event/World Boss Loot: A token system with purchasable rewards like dungeons. I will leave the details of the rewards up in the air.
2) Player Instance/Guild Hall: A place I can get to that doesn’t cost money, is safe, doesn’t take 45 seconds to load, and has bank access. Leaving it can cost money.
3) GvG.
Other: PvP modes other than conquer. Would love to see old Random Arena style return, last team standing.
(edited by GOSU.9574)