Northern Shiverpeaks
Northern Shiverpeaks
It wouldn’t eliminate coverage issues, just segregate them.
Northern Shiverpeaks
No, you talk down to us like we are sub-par because the amount of people we enjoy running with increased, even though you were on equal footing with us back in T6.
Yup, their whole push to create a “small man tier” is going to flop magnificently as they progressively alienate 90% of the groups that would be interested in it. they’re always ready with their laundry list of reasons why everyone is inferior to them, and they need to continuously point it out to all of us.
Case in point: T7 is finally rid of them and he’s still coming to troll our match-up thread.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Out of curiosity, how long do you think a well balanced 1on1 pvp encounter should last, on average?
Northern Shiverpeaks
To me…your situation felt like it was simply bad management.
Sure, this is like when everyone and their uncle can watch a football/hockey/basketball/etc game and point out all the flaws and pontificate about how it’s all so obvious and easy.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Well I know you can counter treb from Durios, not sure about other towers never tried.
If a SM treb can hit a tower’s walls, that tower’s treb can hit SM walls.
Northern Shiverpeaks
information sharing mostly.
which is how it should be.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Played two hours with my ele this morning.. roaming and taking camps seemed about the same, then defended a tower and keep: attacking zerg still shrugged off AC with little impact.
in other words, all claims of AC buffs being the end of the world are devoid of truth.
Northern Shiverpeaks
they would in the case of a keep with a waypoint upgrade built, for everything else tho..
Northern Shiverpeaks
I still think you are more likely to draw in griefers than players looking to actually help, even if the temp transfer is free.
Northern Shiverpeaks
“toon” is like nails on a chalk board for me, but I can live with players using the wrong profession names
Northern Shiverpeaks
To add to what’s been said: another benefit of multiple alts is you gain a much better understanding of many systems when you play different classes.
Players with only one characters are way more likely to complain about this or that being OP, because they haven’t seen the interactions at play from the other side.
Having alts makes you a better player.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Give the losing server ability to hire certian number of people from winning server.
Ya, let’s PAY to make it easier for players from other servers to grief us.
you might need to put more thought in your proposal.
Northern Shiverpeaks
current theory: denotes the player is guesting on that server and/or in a dungeon hosted by a player from that server.
Northern Shiverpeaks
-ac fixes: goodbye pvdoor. Rams now are ninja weapons. Big question is can you get the door down before it contests in 30s and gets defenders. Expect to see more catapults and larger forces to take keeps
Good, this is how it should be.
- contested: delay seems ok. Do not like waypoint working though- makes it super easy to rez on site, to get to site to defend, and eliminates tactics aimed at thwarting reinforcements by contesting waypoint keeps
You have inverted the meaning of this change: the waypoint will function as it has before, meaning it will be contested immediately, not after a 30 second delay.
-deploy siege sites: does this mean you can use enemy siege? Or does it mean you can build on the walls? unclear
This lets you build siege on outer walls while assaulting inner walls.
-lotus poison, frost resistance, boon resistance: ok if we are not applying player buffs to siege, should not leg specialist be in here too?
Leg Specialist was also included, I believe the note was in the Warrior section instead of the WvW specific one.
Northern Shiverpeaks
GoM is on a rampage this morning!
also had lots of great fights with DR in the south of NSP BL
Northern Shiverpeaks
perhaps to distinguish guesting players from ones based on another server?
Northern Shiverpeaks
Are you saying you’ll let camps flip, lightening destroy a treb, ninja groups take towers, etc., so you can complete an arrow cart in your keep?
I dunno, are you saying that you are personally stopping all those things from happening on your own within a span of 5 minutes?
if so, running siege to blueprints is a huge waste of your immense talents, leave that task to less talented players.
If you want to build an arrow cart, you focus on that.
if you feel something else should take priority at the moment, you focus on that instead.
I’m sorry that you can no longer have your cake and eat it. adapt.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I don’t care for the badges at all, remove them for chest as far as I am concerned its organising your server to do a siege gathering run to fund WvW for the coming week that is being hit here, WvW got even more expensive.
uhh… you can use those badges to buy the extra siege, therefor offsetting this tremendous cost you suddenly feel crumbling beneath.
Northern Shiverpeaks
First of all i would make capes disapear underwater,
stats would stay but just like the helmet, it would disapear, this is a quick fix for it being difficult to code long big cloth pshysics underwater, and it still is possible to do but would also slow down perofrmance a lot, specially in wvw.then i would…
Make an option to have capes not have high end pshsycis in wvw game mode, to reduce zerg with cape – inducing performance loss, perhaps just make them almost straighht with a tiny bit of pshycis for the bottem, which is a feature that is in unreal engine and a lot of other engines, u basicly limit how crazy the cape can become with pssshics.
You managed to spell “physics” 4 different ways, all of them wrong. That’s impressive.
Northern Shiverpeaks
maybe you don’t drop 5 BPs at once and instead you wait till the first one is actually built before dropping the next one?
Northern Shiverpeaks
hum i wonder if replacement models like this are affected by the lower quality settings for WvW models.
If not, this could indeed create some even bigger performance issues if used by an entire zerg
Northern Shiverpeaks
Well Id say you’ll just have to re-prioritize, stopping mid supply run to go fight NPCs underwater seems completely ridiculous to me.
5 minutes is enough time to accomplish the task if you focus on it.
Northern Shiverpeaks
you can get guild back banners now, it’s probably as close to capes as we’re gonna get.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Stop making stuff up, there’s probably barely a handful of players that have bought them at this point.
Northern Shiverpeaks
So, any confirmation on whether this has any impact on mistform+stomp?
that’s the one mistform interaction that actually needed to be nerfed, imho
Northern Shiverpeaks
also, you backpedal slower than you run, so even if you switch your movement along with your facing you’ll lose a bit of momentum.
Northern Shiverpeaks
At first glance I thought this change was a bit silly but after thinking about it, the 2/5/30 steps do make sense to me.. 5 minutes is long enough to make it to a camp and back, even with some detours.
and the good thing about this timer: NO MORE BLUEPRINT GRIEFING (or at least very short lived BP griefing)
Thanks Devon! =)
Northern Shiverpeaks
There is a lot of great testing technology available and im just curious why more companies like Anet do not adopt more advanced testing procedures.
As a dev myself, I’m curious as to how one would go about automating tests on systems like MMO combat… seems like there would be millions if not billions of possible test cases.
Most of the true bugs we see in the combat system are unintended interactions, how do you test for those?
Northern Shiverpeaks
… Or under walls…
“The item does not change obstacles”
it doesn’t affect how you move, it just changes your model and run animation.
the only impact it would have in WvW is a lower visual profile, making it harder to spot you from very far away.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Does this ‘per account, per day’ limit to JP chests apply to the PvE ones as well or just the WvW ones?
Northern Shiverpeaks
You picked whatever was the best at that time. Now, new things are added and maybe there is a new ‘best thing’.
you can live with the “second best thing” till you earn another few ability points.
Northern Shiverpeaks
seems like everyone’s found a better quality match-up then, win-win.
Northern Shiverpeaks
If it was good enough to put your points in the first time, it’s certainly not bad enough that a point reset is something super critical to your build, no?
I assume they designed the system with no active resets to prevent ppl from just dumping all their points into the line that matches their current activity, then resetting to the next tasks, effectively giving them ALL the traits for the point value of one.
Northern Shiverpeaks
it’s pay to host, not pay to play.
Northern Shiverpeaks
When ppl are asking for duels they usually mean they want open world duels.
arena duels will be possible starting today once they roll out the custom arenas(sadly, only in limited beta form for now)
Northern Shiverpeaks
Just because they split the skills 3 ways doesn’t mean they’re going to change every skill right away..
What they’re doing is splitting them so that when they DO want to modify only one of them, they can.
Northern Shiverpeaks
basically his complaint is that it’s not a seller’s market.
it’s a buyer’s market AND buyers also have several other paths(and currencies) to attain what they want.
so, the economy is “broken” from the perspective of “how would this work as a real world economy” when that’s clearly not at all what the system is designed for.
Northern Shiverpeaks
right, which is what they’re implementing with today’s patch… making the OP nonsensical.
Northern Shiverpeaks
fighting hydra, obviously
Northern Shiverpeaks
A “Commander” strategist will have followers until he fails for the first time.
A “Commander” leader will have followers through the hell and back.The requeriments to be a Commander is before anything else be a leader, strategist is a trait you can include in your council.
The more I read your posts, the more I think you have very little WvW experience.
Commanders don’t have councils and advisers, they have to be able to function solo: you get on a map, assess the situation and if a commander is needed, you toggle your tag, pull ppl to you and start getting stuff done.
The dynamic you describe is certainly possible in WvW… but it’s something you won’t encounter during the majority of a match.
Northern Shiverpeaks
a commander needs to be both a leader and a strategist.
the greatest leader in the world won’t be much help if he keeps leading his troops over cliffs(both real and metaphorical). He also won’t be very good at convincing others to follow him when his commands run counter to good strategy.
Northern Shiverpeaks
yes, but those players were ready and willing to invest a bunch of time into not only completing the dungeon run, but also experimenting on various encounters.
Not everyone has the time and/or patience for that. I know I don’t, and it certainly looks like the OP doesn’t either.
Northern Shiverpeaks
6. Realize there are 22-44 noobing morons following a blue Dorito
“They don’t play like we want them to play, therefor we must insult and berate them at every opportunity.”
I’m sure this “small man tier” initiative will go quite smoothly driven by your charm and warm personality. After all, surely everyone will commit to sticking to your exceedingly narrow view of “acceptable game play”.
Northern Shiverpeaks
- all jumping puzzles
- all diving goggles
Also, all the mini-dungeons! (not sure if these are still grouped with the puzzles in the achievement tabs)
Northern Shiverpeaks
How is a person who’s never done this b4 supposed to actually do it?
I’d probably start by reading the wiki entry and then maybe some other walkthroughs.
Then I’d organize a party and make sure everyone understands the key mechanics to each encounter, and plan the party build around that.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Because in-game betting on pvp matches would certainly not devolve into match-fixing and exploits within the first 5 minutes.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Well if you are filling up the local, map or team chat channels in a language that’s not widely spoken on that server, that’s impolite.
Filling up a chat channel is impolite regardless of the language used.
Northern Shiverpeaks
There’s no in-game option that allows it but you can probably set-up your mouse or keyboard to do with it some remapping and a macro, depending how fancy your input hardware is
Northern Shiverpeaks
I like guild wars 2. Think the game is great except there isn’t much incentive to log in.
If a game being great isn’t enough incentive to actually play said game, I think you have personal motivation issues that you need to deal with.
Northern Shiverpeaks