And just as I bought exotic armor for my ele and transmutated everything to look like I wanted it they make it kitten useless.
I was already losing interest, that new armor tier kitten make my interest drop even lower. I hope they are at least not more of those kitten ugly copypasta named armor.
notice “expand the dungeon”. it looks to me like an optional gear grind that just revolves around the dungeon. im not sure why you guys are so intense about it tbh, personally it makes me really happy and i hope some of my friends come back now
Whether something like armor is optional or not is decided by the players, not the developers. If people ask that you have ascended infused armor for anything, you’ll have to have it or be left out. It wont be an option when everyone ask that you have it.
(edited by Haishao.6851)
I think there should be Quaggan plush. But not the limited kitten Anet love to do so much that makes us unable to get them other than from ebay.
They should even make plush that talks when you press on their belly. 1 male and 1 female. each with original voices.
I really wish we could select a secondary language for the right ctrl.
It would be so useful when playing with people who have their game in a different language.
They expected people to play in group.
I did try going there by myself, but decided it wouldn’t be a good idea. Instead I waited that my friend reach this map with his character and we went to get it together. Someone else was trying to get to the poi already when we got there so it made thing even easier.
You can ask in map chat if people want to cap Blighted arch skill and poi. You will most likely find people who are in the same situation as you and need more people to get to it.
and that is what is wrong with this game and the way human females are designed.
Ugh, ok, but what does this kaw…whatever means?
Kawaii means cute
Which is the opposite of this squeaking sound.
What need to be lowered is inventory and bank slot price.
(edited by Haishao.6851)
Are there proof of these thousand of people wrongly banned for botting?
Because if you just invent numbers then it’s hard to take everything else you say seriously.
When I deleted a character I spent all karma on food in bulk.
1 word: cantrip
they should also make upper/mid/lower head gear slots.
I find stupid that putting on glasses remove your hat.
everything except for kill variety is done very quickly in orr.
Gathering is done with ori only. Events are always happening everywhere and there’s million of monsters every inches of land.
but there’s only about 5 type in place like malchor’s leap. So I usually go to a low level area and 1 hit a few things for kill variety.
I use keypass to keep my passwords.
This way I only need to remember 1 password, the one to open keypass.
It can also generate passwords and tell you their strength. It also has something to remind you of changing them. this is also fun to see if your password is secure enough.
If Arenanet were to say something like
“we would love to have X for GW2 in the future”
People would read it as
“We promise you that you will have X in a few days”
So they just keep it for themselves.
Also company are usually secretive to avoid other companies of doing the same, faster than they can do it.
There’s only 2 good looking weapon stances in game. Female Greatsword and Staff.
Dual dagger is not so bad either, but it could probably be better. At least they don’t run like hunchback like in Skyrim.
I find that all other weapon stance look stupid. Dual sword and bow probably being the worst.
You can actually find items for you level. But they happen rarely.
I think everything higher than blue will be for your level, but don’t take my word for it.
People are always looking for group events and or announcing it in map chat- really you have no reason to do a group event solo. Just link the nearest waypoint, problem solved.
This is true.
Also no reply in chat doesn’t mean people aren’t already on their way to get there.
So wait at least 1 minute after you’ve asked and You’ll most likely see people come to help.
It’s inside the orphanage in Salma’s district of Divinity’s Reach
As long as they are not kitten quests like “kill as many drake as you can: 0/5” they would be welcome to me. I also think they should be made for specific item only instead of exp.
Like say a coward necromancer who need 1000 porous bones for reason he refuses to tell and will trade you a unique necromancer staff for them.
There’s actually at least one traditional quest in GW2. In Iron Marches there’s a charr that gives you a town cloth headgear if you fix his vehicle.
There should be a lot more quests like that all over the world. Some could be simple like the charr vehicle, other could be fetch quests, other could be proving your worth by slaying things or finding old relic deep in a ruin.
All orders should have quests. Right now they are very useless. Joining the Kurzick or Luxon had a lot more meaning than joining any of these order.
Actually, the order of whisper in GW1 had more meaning than they do now. You could get a title and skills that became more powerful the higher in rank you were. Now all we get is the ability to buy an armor of their style.
(edited by Haishao.6851)
They are not the right color, but if you know how to use image editing programs, it shouldn’t be a problem
It is not trolling to say Group event are made for Group. It is only saying what it is.
It is content made for people who play in group. No friends? don’t want to party up with people? Do content that is soloable, which is everything that doesn’t specifically say [Group Event]
(edited by Haishao.6851)
Also for weapons, if you look in pvp locker there’s a set of weapon named forest.
They look very much in style like the sword you posted in OP
Not sure where to get them in PvE though. Probably from karma vendor.
I wanted the shield for my warrior
They should put whatever monster anywhere.
This way we’ll have wild Dolyak in the jungle and Devourer in the snow
If you’re tired of the monster in Shiverpeak, why not go in a different area?
Hylek and asura
I cannot tell if OP is serious or not.
Calling the game casual and simplified, but ask to make it even more so by adding macro.
Appearance/name/sex change will probably be available through the store eventually.
Although I think barber shop should be ingame feature. Every MMO should have one.
Would be awesome if deep sea dragon was indeed named bubble and looked very cute with big black eyes and wasn’t dangerous at all.
Monsters are already very boring and you’re all asking to make them every more stupidly boring by removing everything else than their kitten 1 attack every 2 seconds.
If you’re just running around trying to get orichalcum, then too bad.
Maybe it’s time you start to use your dodge button for actually dodging attack instead of just trying to run faster. You can also look around and avoid running directly into monsters.
Or just kill them.
I’m sorry, I figured the part where I mentioned I’ve been doing this for almost 10 years would have given the impression that I knew what I was doing and am still doing it successfully up to this point.
It’s an issue, regardless of current success or lack-there-of. I don’t zerg invite, none of my officers do either. We have conversations with members WHO WHISPER US about getting invites to our guild. Only to find that days later they just stop representing.
Please if you’re going to comment, read the posts people make before hand.
Maybe they thought your guild would be great but it turned out to be a typical few friend circlejerking while everyone else is only there for the look.
How can we know? So many guilds are like that, and especially the small one trying to be big. Big guild are full of circlejerking too but there’s so many people that you always find someone else to play with you anyway.
It’s easy to blame the system but If we were limited to 1 guild per character these people would simply have left. Maybe you wouldn’t even realize they left. They would join and leave guilds until they find something suitable for themselves.
It’s your job as a leader to make them want to stay.
(edited by Haishao.6851)
People are not forced to care about you or your guild. They probably got in because you either invited them right away without even asking or advertised and they were curious. They checked yours then tried other guilds to find a suiting one for themselves.
Chance are that if they don’t represent your guild, it’s because they are in a better one already.
But I’m not sure I should have needed to research this before transferring.
No of course we shouldn’t have to research before doing something. Who are they to pretend we have judgement and intelligence?
(edited by Haishao.6851)
maybe the bandit cave in Queensdale, Beggar’s burrow
Best would be to look maps on wiki and compare them to yours
We’ve done as much as we can in the report department… but they cluster so close together it’s hard to say if we’re missing ones or if we’re reporting the same ones more than once.
I have multiple screenshots and recordings; this is the biggest group I’ve seen yet. :s
I block them before reporting, so if I right click and it say unblock, I know I reported him
You know, the very reason they’ve added diminishing returns is because people can buy gems with in game gold.
Do you know how much money they’d lose if people could farm endlessly?
Buying gem with gold don’t give them money if no one bought gems to change into gold first.
The more people farm, the less gold is worth and the less you get out of your gems.
So basically they would do more since people would need to buy more gems to make enough gold to afford anything.
What does DR mean?
diminishing returns.
It happens when you over farm the same thing over and over.
why would people want to play on a test server?
If there’s risen, I only hope it’s not farmer/fisher and thrall.
I never hated the other that much.. except maybe abomination.
It would be great as human cultural shield.
I think it’s not in GW2 because it was a winner of design a weapon contest for GW1.
Usually bots use Monster ID to find what to attack.
I’m pretty sure they would just put this ID on their “avoid” list.
People tried something similar in RO with invisible monsters that only bots would see. Didn’t take too long for them to just block this ID.
2 back to back is the typical thing that happen that you call luck.
I had 2 celestial in the same day, This is what luck is.
17 bottle in 4 hours when only casually doing heart and event in gendarran and lornar’s pass isn’t what I call luck.
If there’s anything, downscaling need to be increased. I hate killing everything in 1 or 2 hit. It makes going in lower area super boring.
WoW have this.
By default your side(horde/alliance) understand, but if you play an elf for example, you can set language so that only other elves see what you write in English, everyone else see it in the Warcraft Elven language.
I never had this problem.
If only one of your item has a rune/sigil though, you’re forced to chose it to transmute. So if it has a rune/sigil you don’t want, you should put the one you want on the other item before transmutating, so you can select it in the process.
I got tons of dye while playing yesterday. I even mentioned it to my guild but they said it was just me.
I would sometime even get 2 unidentified bottle from the same monster.
“Hopefully it’ll do something about the stupid prices for some dyes.”
All it will do is make them even more stupidly cheap than they already are.
God, just how bad are arenanet developers. It’s unbelievable. Guys (@anet), get a frigging grip. How do you think this looks like, aren’t you emberassed? I don’t want my favourite mmo being coded by a bunch of trainees.
Weapon change too!
In case you hadn’t figured out yet.
would be great to have npc actually work on building something there.
They could even make it “advance” every update until it’s finished.
it’s a vanity cost.
deal with it, that’s how gw has always been.
Read patch notes people. You cannot transmute race armor with anything other than race armor. You go right ahead and try.
Deal with it, I know what I am talking about
I’d like to see this particular patch note.
Also, I did try. I transmutated my Cultural glove with Cabalist gloves.
I did it just before replying to GabrielD, which was 4 hours ago.
From Jelako Cliffrise in Bloodtide coast.
On the bottom left of the map.