It baffles me as to how SOME get flooded with this crap and people like me MIGHT get 3 or 4 in 6 months.
It is a matter of “luck.” I have found myself on a gold seller’s friends list. They whisper, I report and block, then they whisper again from a different account. Rinse and repeat. I’ve blocked at least 9 accounts for this in the past hour. Almost every night I do the same thing over and over again. It is rather ridiculous really.
I feel your pain. I have the exact same problem as the OP here. Extremely annoying and no matter how many times I block them, they always come back and find me.
Also, there are some people who I know (friends of friends) who play and I don’t want to come right out and tell them i don’t want to play with them (feelings and all), but have no way to keep them from seeing when I’m online that doesn’t also block my real friends.
Fully 100% agree. I’ve had numerous cases where I’ve tried to blink out of a bad situation, only to die when I tried casting just out of range.
This has been asked, no answer from a dev (and don’t expect one) and all others are just guesses. My suggestion, open it now just to be sure as any replacement will not likely be “better” and may not even come. Playing the odds says you should open now.
So ask yourself, do you prefer to play the odds, or do you prefer to gamble. The answer you come up with should dictate what you do.
Another one of these…ugh. There are probably a half dozen of these threads out there. They’ve already answered this question too, you won’t get back items you have destroyed. If you destroyed it, you did so knowing you’d never have a chance to get it back. If you transmuted it once, you get the both skins, if you transmuted multiple times, you get two of the skins. End of story.
The stats are still useful for both legendaries (only the skin transmutes). So in the end, you still have two legendaries there were others only have one legendary and one replica. Still worth it.
If I thought about it rationally and decided compensation was necessary, then I’d suggest taking the legendary away and replacing it with all the materials (including precurser) that went into making it in the first place. Then you can do what you will with said materials. The other solution would be what others have mentioned by unbinding all legendaries and only granting the wardrobe skin when they are equipped (and thus rebound).
(edited by Invictus.1503)
The schedule makes me sad. I play every night for about 2-3 hours at the same time all the time. Right now I can face most of the world events, and if I don’t get a chance one night, I almost always the next. Multiple bosses running at the same time helps me choose where I want to go. With this system I will only ever see the same old boss events and will rarely get to see any other.
Population has never been an issue for me as I’m on TC and there are always people around. Granted this is not the case for everybody, but the way I see it, for servers like mine we are actually lowering the quality of life
The schedule makes me sad. I play every night for about 2-3 hours at the same time all the time. Right now I can face most of the world events, and if I don’t get a chance one night, I almost always the next. Multiple ones running at the same time helps me choose where I want to go. Wit this system I will only ever see the same old boss events and will rarely get to see any other.
Population has never been an issue for me as I’m on TC and there are always people around. Granted this is not the case for everybody, but the way I see it, for servers like mine we are actually lowering the quality of life
Hopefully it will never be craftable. I hate crafting and know many agree. They also never said anything about it being craftable, they instead said it could be “made.”
I do want to get away from only RNG, and would love a scavenger hunt type quest (like GW1 Moa Chick) to obtain one. Make me work for it, but don’t make me just grind or buy from TP materials to craft.
Condition damage design in PvE has always been an issue for me. I really WANT to play a condition spec, but I feel totally useless in any large group scenario and am always conscious of small group play because of the possibility of two condition players in the same team.
Playing a power based damage toon is MUCH easier because they don’t overlap. Anet wants to coax people away from beserker gear in PvE…fix the condition issue and you’ll see more spread on builds and gear.
Are you saying no Level 1-15 maps are low-population? I must say, I am a bit confused about where this will initially be rolled out. Are you saying PvP lobby and cities are definitely part of the roll-out, as well as ….some other maps? Or that cities are not ever low population?
Truly, totally confused now.
Reading above it looks like cities have been taken out of the initial rollout plan. The only map specifically mentioned was the PvP Loby. Low population maps will be too, but they do not mention which maps are considered “low population.” I’d love to see a list.
Most of this looks great, and I especially love the guild world event option. That said, I am very unhappy with one aspect.
[i]Waypoints—All contestable waypoints on any map you’re not currently playing in will always appear contested. When you arrive in the map, you will be able to travel to these waypoints pending their local status.
Dungeons—You will no longer be able to tell if a dungeon entrance is open until you’re on the same map.[/i]
More of a gold sink in that I have to now use 2 waypoints in order to get where I want to go in many cases rather than simply 1 WP. Additionally, some maps (such as Orr) will have even less WPs to use to enter the map. So, now I have to waste gold and time (loading). Not a happy camper.
No, there is no known cap. I have nearly 300 myself and know of people around 500. Since it is part of the wallet, and other items in the wallet have no limit, it stands to reason that laurel’s also have no limit.
if we have guild hall there might be a lot of people being afk in there and will result in less population in general maps
Not sure how you meant this, but that would be a good thing for the general maps. AFK in the guild hall doesn’t hurt anything, AFK in general maps (the logical alternative if this statement is true) hurts others by taking up a slot if that map goes to overflow. Granted, overflow will be a thing of the past soon, but the AFKer still takes up a potentially needed slot in heavily populated servers.
I expect to see SAB in the 4/15 patch along with the features. Time will tell.
So has there been any information on whether charges will be obtainable by any other means than gem store?
Repair NPCs will still be around, just providing their service for free to the player. Lore wise they have been employed by Gnash on salary rather than paid per service.
As for Profession trainers, they will have a change in business model. They will sell books, and from a lore perspective, I suspect they will make more money selling the individual trait books than they ever did with trait changing
When i saw the hype about this blog posts, i was hyped because “finally, maybe it’s this time PvE will get changes to help fix the many issues we face right now”.
Oh lord, we were wrong.
When i saw the “No More Repair Costs” i did not understood, i mean:
- They remove the punishment to players when they die.
- Yet they still punish their players with Mad Waypoint costs when we try to help our friends/guildies with their new chars/stories/quests/events….One minor but major change they could make is a 50% discount waypoint cost to areas we already 100%, so we do not need to think twice when a friend is asking for help in a area where it’s costing up to 4 silver to travel to.
Maybe, on the last posts of friendly play we can see some light at the end of the tunnel.
You were the type of kid who got a sucker and instead of saying thank you said, “I’d rather have a candy bar,” weren’t you :P
In all seriousness though, removing the repair cost does not hurt exploration. Not removing a cost that has always been there does not hurt exploration. The WP cost is designed to make you think twice before simply Waypointing and make you think “maybe I can just run there instead” which encourages people to play the game more rather than skip through it.
Not what I was thinking or hoping for, but here it is…
Last minute edits? Perhaps a sadistic sense of humor making people wait? Maybe an attempt to create suspense? An honest mistake?
I’m on pins and needles here Anet
And the natural progression…does that include ascended weapons (I’m assuming yes)
Not much to discuss -
1. Seeing last log in. Yay. That will help me as a guild leader alot, but most people wont care.
2. New dropdowns for LFG for wvw. Not sure this will have any impact on current gameplay. Biggest issues with LFG right now arent related to WvW. They are related to griefing and unfriendly players.
3. Multi language search capability in LFG. A positive, but not something that impacts me as a NA player.
4. “Finally, we’ve improved the support for guild members in the system and made some improvements on the back end to reduce opportunities for griefing.” – not enough detail to know what this even is. Its poorly worded, and they really should go into more detail.
Honestly, I think they could have wrapped this entire blog up into one of the others (Friendly play, probably). As it stands, it just feels like filler – taking up space while they get the next blog post ready.
There is just no meat here. Maybe its more than it seems, but if that is the case, then we need more details before getting excited.
I’m hoping that the unidentified dyes that are being refunded will be account bound until opened at least. Still a lot of profit there, but doubt it will be as much.
I’m willing to bet those unidentified dyes will be account bound like the pvp ones… and a lot of people were expecting them not to be and to resell as unidentified dyes.. once the patch comes and all of those unidentified dyes they receive are account bound, they’ll just open them.. to receive a bunch of common dyes they already have and so in jumping on this “opportunity” they actually just threw away a lot of gold. If I were an investing man.. I’d resell now while other people are unaware of this possibility.. too late!
Yes, please let this be the case.
I was thinking the same. The skins that are either heritage or from achievement panel are great for leveling a toon so they don’t look ugly up to 80. I also use them randomly just to change the look. Would hate for something that is free now to suddenly cost me.
I’ve not read the entire section here, but just have one simple question. How is it that something “failed” (past tense) before it even takes place (the change is still in the future). Seems somebody doesn’t want to give the solution a chance and the title frankly comes off as premature qqing.
Give it a chance, see what happens. May not be the end of the world scenario you are making it out to be. I’m curious as to the effects, and a bit wary myself, but reserve judgement.
When implemented, yes, I’m sure people will start using the 6/6/2/0/0 format. It may take a short while to catch on, but it will catch on.
Calm down with the caps. Recommend you visit the necro forums.
Some good changes there, no question.
No way to save our builds?
I thought the same thing. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if soon after they introduce a build saving mechanic in the gem store.
So how do we all rate the end of LS season 1
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Invictus.1503
From the Nightmare Within patch and on I thought it was pretty interesting and fun. The taking LA back had its issues, but was good enough. Loved the Marionette and the attack on LA.
The epilogue however, was extremely disappointing. It answered very little and much of it was inappropriate I think. I have more to say, but had a post deleted for “infraction” already about it because apparently I was too mean (sorry, didn’t intend it quite that way). So I’ll leave it at that.
Maybe after she “died” she WayPointed elsewhere to revive. My own Sylvari does it all the time
Never do anything like 6 Minutes again
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Invictus.1503
I think they had it right with the Marionette, but this one was just not fun at all!
You hit DR. See the wiki link above. Seems like you need to take a break from the Queensdale train
I could have sworn seeing an interview or some other information from Anet on this. They took on the form of the human Ronan and the other human graves that were surrounding the area in which the Pale Tree was planted.
Tarnished Coast is excellent. There are usually a number of people running around on any given map.
The city was founded in GW1 and was rumored to be founded over Mursaat ruines which is likely where the name came from in my opinion. It also works on another level with the latin translation. I’d love to see some living story return of the Mursaat, they are by far my favorite race. Hopefully in due time.
I think it comes down to the end cinematic’s result. There was a huge explosion after the ley line was breached. Now was this simply an explosion of light and relatively harmless, or was this an explosion with true force? It didn’t show the city at all (just the horizon) so which was it. If it had force then most of the city should be in complete ruin (much more than it is now) and thus it may become less hospitable.
Plus, even though it was Mordromoth that awoke, with a big hole in the ground it is very possible they could make this city become overrun by a constant barrage of destroyers from underground. Personally this is what I’m hoping for.
The fights are easy, just the knights have extreme health and it needs lots of DPS per knight. That and some people have trouble with dodging.
Quick and easy suggestions. Why should Commander tags be soulbound? I run 8 toons and am a leading member in a large guild (where I use the Commander tag to organize events mostly). Why must I be forced to always play on toon on these events just because I don’t feel like shelling out 800g for tags on everybody. Just not sure of the logic and would greatly appreciate the tag to be adjusted.
Still happening even after latest patch. I got no loot even after participating and doing much damage. Makes this event very disappointing.
People found this…Hard?
It is IMPOSSIBLE to complete the achievement for killing her before she uses her bubble.
Stability – DOES NOT WORK
Dodging – DOES NOT WORK (Yes, tried to the side)Nothing works that anyone has suggested. The achievement needs to be removed or nerfed/fixed.
Emphasis mine…I don’t think that word means what you think it means. It took me 3 tries, but I also tried on my own less than an hour after the patch so I like to think that is pretty good. It is easy for some, difficult for others, but then not every achievement should be just “kill XYZ boss in a zerg fight.” The achievement in no way impedes progress or even stops you from completing the meta. I like it!
Killing Scarlet was absolutely wrong. She should have stood trial for her crimes and so much more could of been explained. Suppose she was too dangerous to be kept alive by ArenaNet’s standards.
Agreed, but even more practically you would want her testimony as to her main goal. I mean from the NPC perspective, there is no reason for her actions. We know roughly what she was doing, but not why. Killing her when she could have almost as easily been subdued is stupidity.
Knowing the full threat could mean the difference between thousands of future deaths due to unknown threats or those lives being saved because we can be preemptive. Not to mention more insight in the alliances could help us deal with them and/or disband them better. Overall, just not a smart move to kill when subdual is a practical option (which is was).
I got it a few hours after the patch. Seemed to me one of the easier achievements. Now finding Peter, there and annoying challenge.
There is a physical difference in the two as some others have pointed out and makes sense. Also, there is always that randomness in things like this. Take the many real life examples of car accidents where two people are in the backseat and one person dies from the accident while the other suffers only minor injuries. Although most things may be equal, minor random pieces can have major impacts.
Why the hell would Braham tell Scarlet “it doesn’t matter now” when she was about to tell us why she did what she did?! I really wanted to know. I want questions answered! I mean come on, who interrupts the classic villain when they are about to tell us all about their plot? This makes me want to run my sword through Braham where he stands!
With mesmer I did the following:
1) focus 4
2) blink
3) dodge big red AoE
4) timewarp
5) finisher
This got me the win and achievement quick.
You also don’t need it for alts, or equipped after the first time. I equipped one, went in, then unequipped it and was still able to get in. I also went to an alt who never had one equipped and it let her in too.
Yes, use focus 4, blink, dodge big red AOE, Timewarp, finisher. This is exactly how I got it.
Does the portal work if you had an exotic backpiece that you transmuted? I got one for the easy exotic stats, but hated the look so transmuted it. Will I still be able to get into the portal?